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MEng6302 Lecture 3 Fundamental Concepts ASM 2022

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Fundamental Concepts in


Lecture 3

Dereje Engida Woldemichael (PhD, CEng MIMechE)

Lesson Outcomes

n At the end of this lesson you should be able to:

q Formulate stress-strain, strain-displacement relations

q Determine the constitutive and compatibility equations

Components of Strain
n Stresses produce deformations because real materials are
not infinitely rigid.

n The relation between stresses and strains, which is given by

material properties is known as constitutive equations.

n Integration of strains through space gives displacements,

which measure motions of the particles of the body
(structure). As a result, the body changes size and shape.
n Point strain 1D

Normal strain in a prismatic bar

(a) undeformed state; (b) deformed state

(u  u )  u u du
 x  lim x0  lim x0 
x x dx
Strain components x, x, and gxy in x-y plane
n Point strain 2D

Deformation of an element; (a) normal strain; (b) shear strain

u v
 x  y 
x y
𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑣
ⅆ𝑦 ⅆ𝑥 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑣
𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦
ⅆ𝑦 ⅆ𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕x
n Point strain 3D
u v w
x  y  z 
x y z
u v u w v w
g xy   g xz   g yz  
y x z x z y

n These six quantities are known as the strain

displacement relations of continuum mechanics.
n A concise representation of the above relation by tensor
notation is given by:
1  ui u j 

 ij   

i , j  x, y , z
2  x j xi 
n The 3D strain tensor is given by:
 1 1 
 x 2
g xy g xz
2 
1 1 
 ij   g xy y g yz 
2 2 
1 g 1
g yz z 
 2 xz 2 

n The three unit elongations (εx, εy, and εz) and three unit
s h ea r st r a in s ( γ x y , γ x z , a n d γ y z ) r e l at e d t o t h r e e
perpendicular directions, can be used to determine the
elongation in any direction and distortion angle between
any two directions.
Hooke’s Law

n For an isotropic material in the linearly elastic region of its

response, three numerical properties are used to
establish constitutive equations. These are:
q elastic modulus (E),

q Poisson’s ratio (ν), and

q shear modulus or modulus of rigidity (G)

n These properties are determined from experimental

Hooke’s Law

n Hooke’s Law 1D
n unit elongation x
x 

n The extension of the e lement in the x direction is

accompanied by lateral strain component given by
x x
 y   ,  z  
Hooke’s Law
n Hooke’s Law in 3D
n In computing the total deformations and stresses produced
by several forces, we may use the method of superposition
as long as the deformations are small and the
co rr e s po n d i ng s m a l l d i s p l a c e me n t s d o n o t a f f e c t
substantially the action of the external forces.
Hooke’s Law
n Hooke’s Law in 3D

3D Hooke’s Law derivation for normal stresses and

Consider a cube of material aligned with the axes (x , y, z), as shown in the
Fig. Imagine that three “tension tests”, labeled (1), (2) and (3) respectively,
are conducted along x , y, and z, respectively. Pulling the material by
applying σx along x will produce normal strains
x x x
 x (1)  ,  y (1)   ,  z (1)  
Hooke’s Law
n Hooke’s Law in 3D
n Similarly, pulling the material by σ y along y and σ z
along z , produce respective strain components
given by
y y y
y ( 2)
 , x ( 2)
  , z ( 2)
 
z z z
 z ( 3)  ,  x (3)   ,  y ( 3)  
Hooke’s Law
n Hooke’s Law in 3D
n Using superposition,  i   i (1)   i ( 2)   i (3) , i  x, y, z , we get

x 
 
 x   y   z 

 y   y   x   z 

 z   z   y   x 

n The combination εv = εx + ε y + εz is called the volumetric

strain, or dilatation.
n The shear modulus G relates a shear strain γ i j to the
 ij
corresponding shear stress τij as g ij 
Hooke’s Law
n Hooke’s Law in 3D
n The three material properties E , ν and G for an elastic
isotropic material are not independent, but are associated
by the following relation:
2(1  )
n Write the 3D strain-stress relations in matrix form.
Equations of Compatibility
n Mathematically, compatibility equations asserts that
q the displacements, u, v, and w match the geometrical

boundary conditions and

q Single-valued and continuous functions of position with
which the strain components are associated.
n Physically, the body must be pieced together; with no
voids or cracks in the material and the material does not
overlap itself when deformed.
n The equations of compatibility establish the geometrically
possible form of variation of strains from point to point
within a body.
Equations of Compatibility

n Recall strain – displacement relations which relates six

components of strain to only three components of
u v w
x  y  z 
x y z
u v u w v w
g xy   g xz   g yz  
y x z x z y

n The strains are not independent of one another.

Equations of Compatibility

n In two dimensional strain, the compatibility equation is

given by:

Equations of Compatibility

n 3 dimensional compatibility equations are given by:

In general Elasticity problems can be solved




n Boresi, A. P., & Schmidt, R. J. (2002). Advanced

Mechanics of Materials (6th ed.): John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
n Ugural, A. C., & Fenster, S. K. Advanced Strength
and Applied Elasticity (6th ed): Pearson (2019).

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