TFMT Glossary of Terms

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Most Relevant Stage Term Shorthand Definition

A weekly check-in with co-members which has been proven to help enforce consistent action and improve success rate
Admin Accountability Call AC for those who consistently attend.
A quick (1-2 weeks) trial project which is given for free or at huge discounts to leads, where the end goal is to get
Stage 2 Learning by Doing Breakthrough Case Study BCS documented results and/or a testimonial to use as leverage for premium prospecting.
The "spout", in a sales sequence, this is the part that deals with Conversion. The strategies in the BoFu are about
Stage 3 Growing with Intent Bottom of the Funnel BoFu showing the win-win situation and making a lead willing to pay for the service or product on offer.
Stage 1 Planting a Seed Connect - Call - Proposal - Paid CCPP Process The process of finding freelancing clients taught in Tribe.
A monthly activity pitting the subtribes against each other in a competition to win prizes (usually additional training
Admin Monthly Tribe Challenge Challenge and/or in-person meetup sessions). Challenge activities are designed to implement the lessons in the program.
A marketing term that refers to the action that the marketer wants the customer to take. To be effective, usually each
Stage 3 Growing with Intent Call to Action CTA marketing output contains one main CTA and all efforts go towards making the prospect do that.
A process of discussing a lead's problems, goals, and how the freelancer can take them from problem to goal. This
Stage 2 Learning by Doing Discovery Call DC consists of asking the right questions
A market research method consisting of questions designed to get to the root cause of a symptom or problem the
Stage 3 Growing with Intent Deep Dive Survey DDS market is experiencing
Chatrooms in messaging apps with multiple participants. In the Tribe, each person will generally be a member of several
Admin Group Chat GC different GCs.
Moniker for John Pagulayan, founder of The Freelance Movement. Mistakenly thought to refer to his income ability, but
was actually coined because of his generous heart in sharing his methods and knowledge to Filipino Freelancers.
Admin John "The Legend" Pagulayan JTL Coindentally, pauso ni Shoden
The process of turning strangers into interested parties. While some freelancers offer this to clients as their service, all
Stage 2 Learning by Doing Lead Generation LeadGen freelancers will need to do some form of this process in order to create a thriving freelance business.
The "body", in a sales sequence, this is about warming up a prospect and turn them into an audience ready to be
Stage 3 Growing with Intent Middle of the Funnel MoFu offered to. The strategies in the MoFu are about building a relationship by providing value and establishing expertise.
A document sent to the lead after the DC. It summarizes the discussion and findings, then presents the solution focus,
Stage 2 Learning by Doing Strategy Document Proposal strategy, timeline and required investment.
A question asked to prospects, in the form: "When it comes to [result the prospect wants], what's your single biggest
Stage 2 Learning by Doing Single Most Important Question SMIQ challenge?"
Admin Script, Proposal and Accountability Group SPAG A Facebook Group started in 2017, which served as the very first incarnation of Tribe.
The brand name of the philosophy behind SPAG, TFMM30 and Tribe, which encapsulates the qualities and values of a
Admin The Freelance Movement TFM premium, high-impact freelancer.
A 30-day challenge group that started after SPAG, which allowed the development of even more lessons and methods
Admin The Freelance Movement Masterclass TFMM30 taught in Tribe.
The "mouth", in a sales sequence, this is the part that deals with Lead Generation. Most of the strategies in ToFu are
more heavily geared towards attracting attention. Traditionally it was about casting a wide net, but nowadays it's more
Stage 3 Growing with Intent Top of the Funnel ToFu about getting leads pre-qualified even before they enter the funnel.
What makes a product or service different from other products and services which have the same core offer. This is
usually a quality that a certain type of market favors or values highly enough for them to instantly choose who is offering
Stage 1 Planting a Seed Unique Selling Proposition USP it. For example, 24/7 access to a dedicated relationship manager. Or unlimited copy revisions until launch time.
An online repository of samples showing actual implementations of concepts taught in Tribe, including outreach
Admin THE VAULT VAULT conversations, DC recordings, Proposals that Got Approved, and many more.
A technique taught in The Secret Files to determine the ideal project price. This increases the chances of the proposal
Stage 2 Learning by Doing Pricing Voodoo Script Voodoo being accepted.
During a monthly Tribe Challenge, these are other activities that participants can do which are slightly different from the
Admin Side Quest main challenge objective. Usually, these are done so members of all stages can still participate.
The basic components of how ANY business creates revenue, consisting of: (1) leads, (2) conversions, (3)
Stage 1 Planting a Seed Revenue Line product/service delivery, and (4) retention. Understanding the revenue line is critical to positioning one's offer.

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