Or Worksheet Operational Research (Or) Individual Assignment For Ba Candidates I. General Direction

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I. General Direction
 Don’t be a surface reader. Critically read each question and try to grasp what is being
addressed in it.
 The writing format & Style: 12 font size, font style: Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing
 The assignment questions are extracted from the reference book / handouts given to you
and other related materials.
 Attempt all questions
 Solve the given problem through considering the right steps and to the point manner.
 The Assignment must be submitted in hard copy by your own handwriting with a due at
the final exam date.
 There will be no excuse after the due date of submission. Late comers will bear all the
responsibilities for no to keep the deadline.
II. Workout questions:
1. 1It is only in some cases that the maximization problems consist of constraints connected to
the RHS value with only <. By the same token, constraints of minimization problems are not
always connected to their RHS with>. This is to mean that both maximization and
minimization problems may consist of constraints connected to RHS with a mix of algebraic
signs (<, >, =).
Hint: Solve the below formulated LPM using Graphics method.
Z-Min = 1500x+2400y
Subjected to:
4x+Y >24
2x+3y >42
X+4y >36
X <14
Y <14
X, y >0
Required: Perform the below requirements by Using the Graphics method through considering
appropriate steps and procedures.
i. Solve using Graphics method?
2. A company produces two types of products say type A and type B. Product A is of superior
quality and product B is of a lower quality. Respective profits for the two types of products
are BIRR 40 and BIRR 30.
The data on the resource required, availability of resources are given below:
Constraints Requirement Capacity available
Product A Product B per month
Raw materials (kg) 120 60 12000
Machining time 5 8 600
Assembly (man-hour) 4 3 500

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i. Formulate the problem as LPP?
ii. Solve using Simplex method.
3. A transportation problem involves the following costs, supply, and demand.
From 1 2 3 4 Supply
1 $500 750 300 450 12
2 650 800 400 600 17
3 400 700 500 550 11
Demand 10 10 10 10
i. Find the initial solution using the northwest corner method, the minimum cell cost
method, and Vogel's Approximation Method. Compute total cost for each.
ii. Using the VAM initial solution, find the optimal solution using the modified distribution
method (MODI).
4. Consider the following transportation problem:
To Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 4

Plant 1 19 30 50 10 7

Plant 2 70 30 40 60 9
Plant 3 40 8 70 20 18
Demand 5 8 7 14 34

i. Set Up The Transportation Tableau For This Problem And Determine The Initial Solution
Using The Minimum Cell Cost Method.
ii. Solve Using MODI
iii. Formulate This Problem As A Linear Programming Model.
5. Using the below given cost matrix of Royal College Center of Distance Education modules
production five Machinist (workers) and Machine (Rios) by using Hungarian Assignment
Method (Ham).

Machinist Job/Machine (Rios)

(workers) 1 2 3 4 5
A 10 3 3 2 8
B 9 7 8 2 7
C 7 5 6 2 4
D 3 5 8 2 4
E 9 10 9 6 10

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Required: Compute the below requirements by considering appropriate procedure to the point
i. Determine the optimal assignment.
ii. Determine the total minimum cost of assignments.
6. Assume that, the Owner and Chief-executive officer of College business group desire to join
and investing a new business by considering three decision criteria’s: stock, real estate, or
bonds under uncertain economic conditions. Hence, as potential future manager the owner
assigned you to decide the best business alterative by using your decision analysis insight.
The payoff table of returns for the investor’s decision situation is shown below:
Economic Conditions
Good Stable Poor
Stocks $ 5,000 $ 7,000 $ 3,000
Real estate -2,000 10,000 -6,000
Bonds 4,000 4,000 4,000
Required: Perform the below requirements by considering appropriate procedure to the point
i. Develop the payoff table device and organize information relevant to a particular
ii. Determine the best investment using the following decision criteria:
a. Maximax Criteria
b. Maximin Criteria and
c. Minimax regret Criteria
Advisor: Fitsum B
E-mail: [email protected]

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