Climate (W)

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1. What type of climate do India have? Mention any two factors responsible for it?
Ans. India has a tropical monsoon type of climate two factors responsible for it are:-
(i)India lies in Tropical belt
(ii)It climate is influenced by the monsoon winds which are largely confined to the
Tropic between 20’N and 20’S.
2. What are main characteristic of Tropical monsoon type of climate?
Ans. Relatively high temperature and Dry winters.
3. Why there is variations in climate occur in different regions of country?
Ans. There is variations in climate occur in different regions of country because:
(i) Pattern of winds (ii) temperature (iii) Rainfall (iv) Rhythm of seasons (v) Degree of
wetness or dryness
4. Name the main factors affecting the climate of India?
Ans. (i) The Himalayas (ii) The Monsoon Winds
(iii) Latitude (iv) Varied Relief
(v) Altitude (vi) Western Disturbance
(vii) Jet stream (viii) Distance from the sea
(ix) El-Nino effect
5. What is meant by the word “Monsoon”?
Ans. The word is derived from the Arabic word “Mausam” meaning season. These are
seasonal winds so they are called monsoons.
6. What are important features of monsoon in India?
Ans. The main features of Indian monsoon are:-
(i)Monsoon rainfall is seasonal rainfall and is mainly received during three months of the
(ii) Monsoons rainfall is orographic type of rainfall/relief type
(iii) Monsoon are erratic, untimely and unevenly distributed
(iv) India has an agrarian economy dependent on rainfall.
7. What are summer monsoons?
Ans. Summer monsoons:- Due to low pressure in Northwest plains and high pressure over
the Indian Ocean, monsoons originate from Indian Ocean and blow towards India from
Southwest called Southwest Summer monsoons. Due to Peninsular shape of India, they
divided into two branches- Arabian Sea Branch and Bay of Bengal Branch.
8. What is Retreating Monsoons?
Ans. Retreating Monsoons:- This South-West Monsoon starts retreating from Northern
India in early October. The retreat of the monsoon is marked by clear skies and drop in

night temperature. The land remains moist. It is the period of transition between the hot
rainy season and the cold dry season. It causes high oppressive heat and high humidity.
which give rise to an oppressive weather known as 'October Heat
9. What are winter monsoons?
Ans. In Winters, high pressure develops in N.W. India and low pressure in Indian Ocean.
As the winds blow from land to the sea they bring cold dry weather. They are incapable
of producing rains. The winter monsoon winds blow north-east so the monsoon is known
as the North-East Winter Monsoon.
10. Name the three sources of rainfall?
Ans. The three sources of rainfall:-
(i) Arabian sea branch of South-west Monsoon
(ii) Bay of Bengal of South-west monsoons.
(iii) Westerly Depression.
11. Why is the Arabian sea branch considered more important than the Bay of
Bengal branch of S. W Monsoons?
Ans. The Arabian sea branch is considered more important than the Bay of Bengal branch
(i)The Arabian sea is 3 times larger than the Bay of Bengal and due to this, the force and
volume of S. W Monsoon is much more than the Bay of Bengal branch.
(ii) The entire Arabian sea branch passed over to India whereas only a part of Bay of
Bengal enters in India.
12. What are the four seasons of the Indian Subcontinent?
Ans. (i) Hot and Dry summer season (March, April, May)
(ii) The Rainy season (June to September)
(iii) The Retreating Monsoons (October, November)
(iv) The Cold and Dry winter season (December, January, February)
13. State the climatic significance of the Himalayas?
Ans. (i) They prevent cold Siberian winds from entering Indian region and from becoming
a cold dessert.
(ii) They force the moisture laden south-west monsoon winds to shed rainfall in India.
14. Which type of climate is experienced in the Northern India? State it's characteristic.
Ans. Northern India experiences continental types of climate. It's characteristics are:-
(i)High range of temperature i.e., hot in summer and cold in winters.
15. What is meant by a "Rain Shadow" area? Give two examples of it.
Ans. The other side of the mountain which get little as no rainfall is called the rain shadow
area or leeward side. It is opposite to the windward side. The two examples are:-
(i)The Eastern side of Eastern Ghats during the South West Monsoon.

(ii) Western side of Eastern Ghats and western side of western Ghats during North East
16. What causes winter showers in the plains of Punjab and western U.P?
Ans. The cause of winter showers in the plains of Punjab and western UP is the western
Disturbances / Westerly Depression (originating from Mediterranean Sea causing
cyclonic rainfall). It helps Rabi crops e.g., wheat, gram, mustard. It is in the form of
snowfall in South Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
17. Where do the convectional rainfall occurs in India?
Ans. Convectional Rainfall occurs is the Southernmost part of India. Area south of 10'N
Equatorial Region i.e., Southern Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Nicobar Islands.
18. How the Monsoon winds of Arabian sea is split into three branches?
Ans. (i) It's one branch is obstructed by the Western Ghats.
(ii) The second branch of the Arabian sea Monsoon winds strikes the coast of North
of Mumbai and cause fair amount of rainfall in Central India.
(iii) The third branch strikes the Saurashtra Peninsula and the Kutch causing scanty
19. The Northern plains of India have a continental type of climate.
Ans. The Northern plains of India have a continental type of climate because it is far away
from the moderating influence of the Sea.
20. The mango showers are beneficial local winds.
Ans. Thunderstorms which cause rainfall in Kerala and Karnataka coasts in India during
summer in the month of May are beneficial for the early ripening of mangoes.
21. At a place like Bhopal and Mumbai one can see the midday sun exactly overhead
twice a year. While at Vidisha only a few kilometer North of it one is not able to do so
even once.
Ans. Bhopal lies within the Tropic of cancer so the mid-day Sun passes overhead twice a
year while Vidisha lies beyond Tropic of cancer. The mid-day sun does not move beyond
Tropic of cancer i.e., 23½’N.
22. The coastal area of Tamil Nadu, Odisha and parts of Karnataka experience torrential
rainfall in October and November
Ans. The coastal area of Tamil Nadu, Odisha and parts of Karnataka experience torrential
rainfall in October and November because tropical cyclones develop occur the Bay of
Bengal due to local variation of heat and moisture. These cyclone travel towards the South
Eastern Coast bring heavy rainfall and cause great loss of life and property.
23. The South West Monsoon does not give much rainfall to Chennai / Coromandel
Ans. The South West Monsoon does not give much rainfall to Chennai / Coromandel Coast

because it receives rainfall from North East Monsoon which strike Chennai in winters. S.W
Monsoon (Bay of Bengal Branch) goes parallel to Coromandel Coast.
24. "India is known as the land of the endless growing seasons."
Ans. (i) India has subtropical climate which is required by most of the crops.
(ii) The secret of endless growing season also lies in the country's varied relief range of
daily and arrival temperature and varying amount of rainfall and duration of Its regime.
25. Local Winds
(i) Mango showers - Light rainfall caused by winds from Arabian sea, In Karnataka and
Kerala, in April and May. It is good for Tea, Coffee and early ripening of Mangoes. It is
called cherry Blossom in Karnataka.
(ii) Loo - Hot dry local winds blowing from Rajasthan towards Punjab, Haryana, Delhi,
Western UP in May-June causing extreme heat, dust storms, sun strokes.
(iii) Kalbaisakhi or Nor-westers (called Bardoli chherha in Assam) - Torrential, heavy,
cyclonic rainfall with thunder and lightning in April and May which is good for rice, jute &
Tea in West Bengal and Assam. Sometimes it is so stormy that it destroys paddy crop that
is why called Kalbaisakhi means calamity of Baisakhi.
26. October heat - In the month of October, Southern India has oppressive conditions and
high humidity, high temperature, clear cloudless sky due to shifting of low pressure
towards South, called October Heat.
27. Burst of Monsoon - The sudden violent onset of rainfall in the first week of June is
called Burst of Monsoon.
28. Break of Monsoon - When South-West Monsoon fails to bring rainfall for two or more
weeks and this is dry period is the rainy season it is called Break of Monsoon.
29. Three sources of rainfall in the North West India or Punjab or Haryana.
Ans. (i) South West Summer monsoons Arabian Sea Branch.
(ii) South West Summer monsoons Bay of Bengal Branch.
(iii) Temperate Cyclones from Mediterranean sea in winters.
30. Sources of rainfall in Tamil Nadu or Andhra Pradesh.
Ans. (i) North East winter monsoons.
(ii) Retreating Monsoon.
(iii) Cyclonic rainfall from Bay of Bengal
(iv) S. W. monsoon Arabian Sea Branch gives rainfall to interior of these states.
31. Give reasons why the Malabar Coast has less rainy months but more rainfall than
the Coromandel Coast.
Ans. The Malabar Coast is on the windward side of the western Ghats while Coromandel
Coast is on the leeward side of the Eastern Ghats during summer monsoons. The Malabar
Coast is first to get rainfall from South West Winds while the Coromandel Coast gets
rainfall from North East winds in winter season.

32. State the economic importance of Kalbaisakhi.
Ans. Kalbaisakhi is quite beneficial for growing jute and rice in West Bengal and tea in
33. Name the source of winter rain in Tamil Nadu. How does Tamil Nadu benefit from
Ans. The source of winter rain in Tamil Nadu are the retreating Monsoon winds which
gather moisture as they blow over the Bay of Bengal. This winter rain is highly beneficial
for Tea, Rice, Sugarcane and Cotton crops growing in Tamil Nadu.
34. What are cherry blossoms?
Ans. Thunder storms developed in hot weather season cause some rainfall in Karnataka.
These rains are known as cherry blossoms. These are quite useful for Coffee plantation.
35. Give Geographical reasons:
(a) Mangalore or Malabar Coast in West gets more rainfall than Chennai / Coromandel
Coast in east.
Ans. Mangalore or Malabar Coast in West gets more rainfall than Chennai / Coromandel
Coast in east because South West Summer Monsoon have more moisture as they pick up
moisture from India Ocean and Arabian Sea as compared to North East winter Monsoon
picking moisture from Bay of Bengal. Arabian sea is three (3) times larger the Bay of
(b) No place in South India gets snow fall even when ground temperature is 0’c.
Ans. No place in South India gets snow fall even when ground temperature is 0’c because
being near to the equator the snow line is very high. At these latitudes it snow's at the
height above 5000 mtrs but the highest peak in South, Anaimudi is just 2595 mtrs.
(c) Kanyakumari is the first to receive and last to see Monsoon.
Ans. (i) This place is on the Southernmost tip of India.
(ii) Summer monsoons from South West arrive here first and Retreating Monsoons from
North East reach here last.
(d) As we move up the Ganga Valley rainfall keeps decreasing? Or Amount of rainfall
decreases as we go Westward from West Bengal to Punjab.
Ans. Bay of Bengal branch of South-west Summer Monsoons move east to west. It keeps
shedding moisture going westwards, so rainfall keeps decreasing westwards. Important
places from east to west are Kolkata, Patna, Varanasi, Allahabad, Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra,
Delhi and Amritsar (Any two can be compared)
(e) Mumbai is warmer than Kanpur in December?
Ans. Mumbai is warmer than Kanpur in December because it is influenced by moderating
influence of the sea and had maritime of climate. Whereas Kanpur lies in the interior has
continental climate with serve cold.

(f) Cherrapunji or Mawsynram receives maximum rainfall in the world.
Ans. (i) Garo, Khasi, Jaintia Hills make funnel shape North of this place trapping most of
the rain bearing winds. These places are on the windward side of Khasi Hills.
(ii) Rain bearing winds do not shed moisture on the way as they hit these hills first.
(iii) Area is not far from Bay of Bengal so no moisture is lost on the way.
(g) It is cooler on the mountain slopes than in the plains during summer.
Ans. It is cooler on the mountain slopes than in the plains during summer because of
normal lapse rate of temperature i.e., temperature decrease with increase height at the
rate of 1°c for every 166m of ascend.
(h) India has varied climatic conditions.
Ans. India has varied climatic conditions because of large latitudinal and longitudinal
extent distance from the Sea and Altitude.
(i)The Arabian sea branch of the South West Monsoon does not shed any moisture in
western Rajasthan? Or Why thar is called Thirsty Desert? Or Rajasthan receives less or
scanty rainfall.
Ans. Reasons for thar or W. Rajasthan being desert:
- Aravalli Hills are parallel to the south west summer monsoons Arabian Sea Branch.
- Bay of Bengal Branch od south west summer monsoons which blows from east to west
give rainfall to windward side of Aravalli hills but leeward side is the Thar Desert.
- Aravalli are lower in height.
(j) Ladakh is a Desert.
Ans. (i)It is on the leeward side of Himalayas so no rainfall.
(ii) It is affected by cold dry winds of Central Asia.
(k) Windward side receives more rainfall than Leeward side or Rain shadow area.
Windward Side Leeward Side
Mumbai Pune
Western Ghats Mahabaleshwar Wai
Kozikode (Calicut) Coimbatore
Mangalore Bangalore
Eastern Ghats Chennai Bangalore
Visakhapatnam Hyderabad
Khasi Hills Cherrapunji Shillong
(L) The latitudinal extent of India is responsible for the variation in the climatic
conditions which prevails in the country.
Ans. (i) The Tropic of cancer 23° 30N passes through the country and divide it into two

(ii) Places to the south of the Tropic of cancer has hot, wet Tropical climate with higher
temperatures at the lower latitudes near equator.
(iii) Places to the north of Tropic of cancer has temperate climate with extreme
temperature due to continental location.
(m) Central Deccan or Central Maharashtra in dry or receives little rainfall.
Ans. Central Deccan or Central Maharashtra in dry or receives little rainfall because it is
on the leeward side of western ghats.
(n) Eastern Coast of India does not get Monsoon rainfall in Summer.
Ans. Eastern Coast of India does not get Monsoon rainfall in Summer because of S.W.
Summer monsoons (Bay of Bengal) blows parallel to Eastern Ghats.
(o) South West Summer monsoon is divided into two branches.
Ans. South West Summer monsoon is divided into two branches because of tapering
shape of the Indian Subcontinent the winds split into the Bay of Bengal branch and
Arabian sea branch.
(p) Chennai has lower range of temperature then Agra.
Ans. Chennai is situated on the sea coast and is influenced by sea. While Agra is situated
in the interior, away from moderating influence of sea. Thus, have continental type of
(q) Kanyakumari experience an equable climate.
Ans. Kanyakumari is situated on the tip of India. Kanyakumari is situated along the coast
so it experiences moderating influence of the Sea.
36. Difference between:-
Difference Land Breeze & Sea Breeze Monsoons
1. Daily phenomenon Seasonal winds
2. Cover only Coastal area cover large area
3. Do not cause rainfall cause heavy rain
Similarity:- (i) Both are caused due to pressure difference over land to sea
(ii) Both move from High pressure to low pressure
37. Difference between:-
Tropical Cyclones Temperate Cyclones
1.They originate from Bay of Bengal and 1. They originate from the Mediterranean
Andaman sea. sea.
2.These Cyclones cause destructive stormy 2. They cause fight rainfall.
heavy rainfall.
3. Blow from East to West 3. Blow from West to East
4. Affect the coastal areas of West Bengal, 4. Affect N.W. India i.e.; Punjab, Haryana,
Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Western U.P. hilly areas get snowfall.
5. These occur in Oct - Nov. 5. These occur in Dec - Feb.

38. Difference Between:-
(A) Retreating Monsoon and North East Monsoon:
Retreating Monsoon North East Monsoon
1.Withdrawal of S. W Summer Monsoon 1. Due to development of high pressure in
from North to South due to shifting of low North India Monsoons originating from
pressure towards South is called N.E. and blow from Land to sea are called
Retreating Monsoon. North East Monsoon. These are dry winds
(off shore).
2. Blow during Oct and Nov. 2. Blow during Dec, Jan and Feb.
3. This is the season of transition between 3. This is the cold and dry season in most
the hot rainy season and cold dry season. of India because winds are off shore.
4. They cause oppressive heat and high 4. This is the cold and dry season in most
humidity. of India because winds are off shore.
5. They cause very little rainfall in Tamil 5. They cause heavy rainfall on
Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Coromandel Coast in Tamil Nadu and
Andhra Pradesh.
(B) Tropical Cyclone and Temperate Cyclones:
Tropical Cyclone Temperate Cyclones
1. Tropical Cyclones are largely a Summer 1. Temperate Cyclones are most intense in
Phenomenon. The Winter season.
2. They are generally smaller in size and 2. They are bigger in size than the Tropical
Their shape is more or less circular. Cyclones and are oval in shape.
3. Tropical Cyclones develop over the Seas. 3. Temperate Cyclones develop over
4. They develop in the tropical region of 4. They develop in the temperate region of
Bay of Bengal and influence Indian coastal Mediterranean sea.
5. They bring heavy rainfall with strong 5. They bring fight to moderate rainfall in
Winds over the Coromandel Coast of India. the North Western part of India under the
influence of Westerly jet streams.
(C) South West Monsoon, Retreating Monsoon, North East Monsoon.
South-West Monsoon Retreating Monsoon North East Monsoon
1. These winds blow from These winds blow during These winds blow from
June to September. October and November. December to February.
2. The direction of these The direction of these The direction of these
winds is from South West. winds is from North East. winds is from North East.
3. They blow from sea to These winds blow from These winds blow from
land and are Moisture land to sea. land to sea.
laden winds.

4. They bring heavy rainfall. The temperature changes Clear skies, pleasant
This is a high temperature and the humidity remains weather with low
and high humidity season. high but rainfall decreases. temperature and low
The pressure is low on the It is a transition from rainy humidity prevails over the
land area and High over season to cold dry winter Indian region.
surrounding water bodies. season.
5. During these months The coastal areas of Tamil When they move over the
there is rainfall in the whole Nadu receive maximum Bay of Bengal they pick up
subcontinent. rainfall from these moisture to bring rainfall
retreating winds. only to the Coromandel
[1] Study the table below and answer the questions:
TEMP 20.5 22.7 25.2 27.1 26.7 24.2 23 23 23.1 22.9 18.9 20.2

( C)
RAINFALL 7 9 11 45 107 71 111 137 164 153 61 13
1. What is the annual range of temperature of the given station?
2. Calculate the annual rainfall.
3. Name the rainiest month.
[2] Study the table below and answer the questions.
A TEMP 14.4 16.7 23.3 30 33.3 33.3 30 29.4 28.9 25.6 19.4 15.4
RAINFALL 2.5 1.5 1.3 1 1.8 7.4 19.3 17.8 11.9 1.3 0.2 1
B TEMP 24.4 24.4 26.7 28.3 30 38.9 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.8 27.2 25
RAINFALL 0.2 0.2 - - 1.8 50.6 61 24.8 24.8 24.8 1 -
1. Calculate the mean annual temperature of station A.
2. Name the hottest month of station B.
3. Name the winds which give maximum rainfall to station B. Why?
[3] Study the table below and answer the questions.
A TEMP 16.8 19.2 26.6 29.8 33.3 33.9 31.9 29 20.1 27 20.1 14.9
RAINFALL 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.3 1 3.1 10.8 13.1 5.7 0.3 0.3 0.2
B TEMP 24.5 25.7 27.7 30.4 33 32.5 31 30.2 29.8 25.9 25.9 24.7
RAINFALL 4.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.7 11.3 11.9 30.6 35 13.9

1. Name the station which is situated near the coast.
2. Calculate the annual rainfall in station A and B and compare.
3. Name the winds which give rainfall to station B. Why?
[4] Study the table below and answer the questions.
TEMP 12 25.5 26.3 27.1 30 36.2 36 35.9 30.3 28.4 21 16.6
( C)

RAINFALL 1.5 1 - 1.4 1.1 21 25.3 27.2 24 9.4 1.5 0.4

1. Why would it be correct to presume that the station lies in the interior and not on the
2. Calculate the annual rainfall experienced by the station.
3. What is the annual range of temperature?
[5] Study the table below and answer the questions.
TEMP 21 21.9 24.3 27.2 28 26.4 26.1 25.4 25 26 23.8 21.2
( C)

RAINFALL 5.1 2.8 1.2 1.7 3.9 4.6 8.4 11.4 11.9 31.6 34.5 14.8
1. Identify the hottest month.
2. Calculate the annual rainfall.
3. Name the winds that bring the maximum rainfall to this city.

Important Points:-
 Monsoon season is June to September.
 Annual Range of temperature:- Difference of Maximum & Minimum monthly
 Annual Mean Temperature:- Add monthly temperature of all 12 months, then
divide by 12.(same way avg. or mean rainfall)
 Annual rainfall:- Add rainfall of all 12 months.
 If rainfall is more in summer:- June to September. The place is on the W. Coast &
source is S. W. Summer Monsoons. Eg. Mumbai.
 If rainfall is more in winters:- The place is on the E. Coast & the source is N. E.
winter monsoons. Eg. Chennai. After comparing the range of temperature of both
the station, the station which has lower.


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