Antenna Fundamentals

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16.1 Antennas for VHF-UHF FM

16.2 Mounts for Whip Antennas

16.3 Project: Mobile Whips for VHF and UHF

16.3.1 1⁄4-Wavelength Whips for VHF and UHF
16.3.2 5⁄8-Wavelength Whip for 2 Meters
16.3.3 5⁄8-Wavelength Whip for 222 MHz

16.4 Project: Big Wheel for Two Meters

16.5 Project: Halo for Six Meters

Antenna Fundamentals   1-1

Chapter 16
Mobile Antennas

VHF/UHF mobile antennas can be very efficient, if regarding mounting style and installation technique. The
installed properly. This section presents the popular types material was revised and updated from previous editions by
of mobile antennas for VHF and UHF and discusses issues Alan Applegate, KØBG.

16.1 Antennas for VHF-UHF FM

Antennas for Hand-held Transceivers operation. For example, a mag mount antenna on top of a
For frequencies above 30 MHz, most mobile installa- refrigerator or file cabinet is a popular way of improving local
tions permit the use of a full-size antenna but for hand-held coverage of a hand-held radio.
radios smaller, loaded antennas are used. Antennas designed
for use with VHF/UHF handheld FM transceivers can also be Mobile Antennas
considered mobile antennas, even “rubber ducky” antennas At VHF and UHF, mobile antennas are often full-size
consisting of a spiral winding of flexible wire in a flexible whips (meaning 1⁄4- to 1⁄2-wavelength long) and simple col-
enclosure. linear arrays that provide extra gain on the higher frequency
Pictured in Figure 16.1 is a telescoping full-size quarter-
wave antenna for 2 meters and beside it a flexible “rubber
ducky” antenna for the same band. The rubber ducky antenna
is a helically wound radiator made of stiff copper wire en-
closed in a protective covering. The inductance of the helical
windings provides electrical loading for the antenna. This
avoids the problems of a lengthier, cumbersome antenna at-
tached to a handheld radio while sacrificing some efficiency
and bandwidth compared to the full-size antenna. The rubber
ducky, being compact and flexible, withstands the normal
rigors of portable use much better than would a full-size
antenna. For these antennas, survivability over long use out-
weighs electrical efficiency.
The use of a full-size antenna will greatly improve the
performance of hand-held transceivers. By using a coax
adapter, the transceiver can be connected directly to the feed Figure 16.1 — A telescoping 1⁄4-wavelength antenna and a
“rubber ducky” antenna, both designed for use on 2 meters.
line of mobile antennas such as those described in the fol- The telescoping antenna is approximately 19 inches long
lowing sections. This allows much more effective use of a when extended, while the rubber ducky antenna is only 31⁄2
hand-held transceiver in a vehicle. A mobile antenna can also inches long. The rubber ducky is a helically wound radiator
be installed on top of a metal appliance at home for improved used because of its mechanical strength.

VHF and UHF Mobile Antennas   16-1

16-2   Chapter 16
Figure 16.2 — Elevation and azimuth patterns showing the comparison for full and mid-sized cars for the three most popular VHF mobile antennas. (From “VHF Mobile
Antenna Performance — The Other Half of the Story” by Dan Richardson, K6MHE.)
bands. There is always great debate about the best antenna
for urban and/or suburban FM use. Which antenna to select Antenna Types for SSB
depends on many factors — mounting style, mechanical and CW on VHF/UHF
characteristics, local terrain — and can’t be based solely on
Operating SSB and CW on 6 and 2 meters and
advertised gain. Mobile antennas come in 1⁄4-, 1⁄2-, 5⁄8-l, and 70 cm offers some exciting prospects for all license
even in collinear styles where several elements are classes. While communications on the VHF bands are
stacked atop one another. often considered line-of-site, propagation beyond line-
It has been established that in general, 1⁄4-l of-site is common as discussed in the Propagation of
vertical antennas for mobile repeater work are not Radio Waves chapter. This is especially true when using
as effective as 5⁄8-l verticals. With a 5⁄8-l antenna, a “weak signal” mode such as SSB or CW, but there’s a
more of the transmitted signal is directed at a low
FM communications utilize vertically polarized anten-
vertical angle, toward the horizon, offering a gain of nas. Vertical polarization can be used for SSB but de-
about 1 dB over the 1⁄4-l vertical. However, in areas pending on the propagation path, signal strength via a
where the repeater is located nearby on a very high vertically-polarized mobile antenna can have a 20+ dB
hill or a mountain top, the 1⁄4-l antenna will usually disadvantage compared to a horizontally-polarized
offer more reliable performance because it radiates antenna.
more power at higher vertical angles. Fortunately, horizontally-polarized antennas are of
manageable size on the VHF bands, although they are
Dan Richardson, K6MHE, has done extensive
not as simple to construct as vertically polarized whips.
work on mobile VHF antennas, including model- Dipoles and small beams present too much wind resis-
ing the various types, and how mounting location tance to withstand the normal mobile environment. The
affects their radiation patterns. Figure 16.2 shows usual solution is a loop antenna.
representative azimuth patterns for roof mounted Figure 16.A shows an M2 Antenna Systems
antennas. (The complete article is posted on his web- ( horizontally polarized 6 meter loop
site The called a halo (for circular versions) or squalo (if square
as shown). Equivalent antennas for 2 meters and 70 cm
radiation patterns of antennas mounted on a trunk
are common. Although this particular design is square,
lid would be different from those depicted in the they’re still called loops and have a roughly omnidirec-
chart. Where — and how — the antenna is mounted tional pattern. The “Big Wheel” design is another option.
would determine the actual pattern. Radiation pat- Projects for both types of antennas are provided in the
tern distortion aside, proper trunk lid mounting is a projects section.
good alternative to roof mounting, especially when Modern mobile SSB/CW transceivers usually output
garage door clearance is an issue. 100 W PEP on 6 meters and at least 50 W PEP on
2 meters and 70 cm. Under good band conditions, using
As can be seen from the patterns, there really
horizontally-polarized antennas, beyond line-of-sight
isn’t much difference between the radiation patterns distances can exceed 200 miles even without any sky-
of a 1⁄4-, 1⁄2-, or 5⁄8-l antenna. In fact, the vehicle in wave or tropospheric scatter present!
question and the antenna’s mounting location affect
the pattern more than the style! Since most mobile
VHF and UHF operation is via FM repeaters, where
the difference in height between the mobile and the
repeater can be a major consideration, a 1⁄4-l antenna
with more radiation at higher vertical angles can be
a better choice.
Single-band whips are inexpensive and give
­excellent performance with proper mounting. If
more gain and multiband use is required, the dual-
band collinear that operates on both 2 meters and
70 cm is very popular. The Larsen NMO2/70BK
shown in Figure 16.3 is a typical example.
Electrically it is a center-loaded 1⁄2-l on 2 meters
with gain identi-cal to a 1⁄4-l ground-plane. On
70 cm it is a 2-element collinear with a few dB

Figure 16.A — A squalo (square halo) is a

popular horizontally polarized VHF/UHF
Figure 16.3 — A common style of dual-band
mobile antenna.
VHF/UHF mobile whip antenna. (Larsen model

VHF and UHF Mobile Antennas   16-3

gain over a 1⁄4-l ground-plane. Other models are available often exhibits HF band properties while it also has an FM
which operate on three and even four bands. Antennas cov- repeater sub band. Antennas for 6 meter FM operation look
ering three or four bands are heavier and require sturdier just like larger versions of those for 2 meters and they often
mounting. use the same mounts. However, their ground plane require-
ments are more significant, similar to their HF cousins
Six Meter FM Antennas as discussed in the Mobile and Maritime HF Antennas
Technically, the 6 meter band is considered VHF but it chapter.

16.2 Mounts for Whip Antennas

VHF and UHF antennas are much smaller and lighter place the antenna at the desired mounting location to check
than HF antennas, making mounting quite a bit easier. Some clearance. Don’t forget to include the height of the mount
permanent mounts require drilling holes in the vehicle, while itself and account for vibration of the antenna and trunk lid.
others use a hood or trunk lid seam so screw holes don’t show. Whatever mount is used, care must be taken to assure clear-
Still others clamp around the outside of a trunk or door edge. ance of the coax cable and control leads if present.
For temporary installations, magnetic base mounts are avail- If the antenna’s overall length is too great, overhead
able. For best performance, VHF and UHF antennas should clearance becomes a problem. While lightly touching the
be permanently affixed to the vehicle. garage door or carport top may be acceptable, if the antenna
The roof of a vehicle is an inviting place to mount a VHF is long enough to drag the inner surface of the door or roof,
or UHF antenna as this maximizes performance, but a few you run the chance of catching the antenna between garage
precautions need to be followed. First, it is not uncommon for door panels or getting it stuck in a rafter. This will damage
side air bags to be mounted within the headliner area with con- the antenna and often the vehicle. In these cases, you’re much
trol wiring running through the roof support pillars. Further, better off with a shorter 1⁄4-l antenna.
the roof is supported by cross bracing to meet rollover stan-
dards. These braces must be avoided. A repair manual for the NMO — New Motorola Mount
vehicle in question is a good resource in avoiding installation The recommended antenna mount for VHF and UHF
problems and finding the manufacturer’s preferred routes for antennas is the NMO (from “New Motorola”)
coaxial and control cables. as it is waterproof even when the antenna
The type of mount is also a concern when roof mounting, is removed. A permanent NMO mount
as the mount must be securely waterproof. If you’re unsure (see Figure 16.4) usually requires a
about drilling holes in your vehicle (see the sidebar “To Drill 3
⁄4-inch hole. Antennas with an
Or Not to Drill?”), use the services of a local two-way radio NMO base have an integral
service or vehicle entertainment system installation company. O-ring or washer to
The center of the trunk lid is a second-best location but seal the internal
Figure 16.4 — The NMO
care must be taken to assure the antenna doesn’t interfere surfaces against mount is popular and water-
with the opening of the trunk. With the trunk fully open, water. proof, such as this MB8 from
Antenex that comes with 17
feet of RG-58A coaxial cable.
SO-239 Mount
Some VHF antennas mounts have a modified SO-239
To Drill Or Not To Drill? chassis coax connector with the mating PL-259 forming the
The decision to drill holes in sheet metal to mount base of the antenna. The standard connector type allows you
antennas can be hotly debated. While no-hole mounts to connect a coaxial cable to the antenna mount, if desired.
can be used satisfactorily, it is best to look at both sides Most SO-239 mounts are not waterproof, especially when
of the issue. the antenna is removed, and shouldn’t be used for through-
One common reason given not to drill is if the vehicle
hole body mounting and should be capped when not in use.
in question is leased, but that doesn’t preclude a drilled
hole. If it did, there wouldn’t be any leased commercial
vehicles. What lease agreements specify is body dam- Stud Mount
age such as from an accident or mistreatment. Properly While popular at HF, the stud mount is less common at
installed NMO mounts, for example, are often VHF and UHF. Larsen and other manufacturers offer mounts
acceptable. with a male 5⁄16-24 stud. Detachable whips are then available
Drilled holes and waterproof mounts also minimize for all VHF and UHF bands.
common-mode current on the coaxial feed line that could
interfere with or receive RFI from on-board computers Angle Brackets
and electrical devices. Aside from the hole itself, a per-
manent mount also minimizes damage to the finish. Angle brackets are generally attached by three or more
sheet metal screws. Properly secured, they work well for
16-4   Chapter 16
body structure and the various doors and hatches. Be sure to
check clearance before you actually attach the bracket. Some
vehicles may require specially bent or extended brackets as

Clip or Lip Mounts

There are a variety of mounts designed to clamp on the
edge or “lip” of a trunk, hood, or hatch. Set screws are used to
secure the mount to the lip and provide the requisite ground-
ing of the mount. The set screws both secure the mount and
make a connection to the sheet metal through the body paint.
Figure 16.6A shows a typical “hatchback” style adjustable
mount with an NMO base and Figure 16.6B is a close-up
Figure 16.5 — This angle bracket mounts to the vehicle
body with three sheet metal screws and is drilled to accept showing the set screws holding the mount to the vehicle body.
a standard NMO mount. All modern vehicles are dipped in a zinc compound be-
fore final assembly and painting. When exposed to air, zinc
rapidly oxidizes but in this case the oxidation is a good thing!
lightweight antennas but routing coax through weather seals When a piece of road debris nicks the paint down to the zinc
can be troublesome. layer, it quickly oxidizes, and protects the base metal under-
Angle brackets come in about a dozen different styles. neath. Do not remove this zinc coating to bare metal! This
The one shown in Figure 16.5 is pre-drilled for an NMO removes the protective coating, allowing the underlying steel
mount. The brackets are often well-suited for installation to rust and creates an intermittent connection.
along the hood and trunk seams. Be aware that the coax must often be bent sharply around
Modern vehicles have very little clearance between the the lip of the trunk. Because clearance is minimal many lip
mounts come preassembled with about 10 feet of RG-174
sized coax (0.110 inch OD). While the loss per foot isn’t
much of a concern at HF, it becomes critical at UHF where
the feed line loss is just over 4 dB! If coax loss is important in
your installation, use a mount with RG-58 cable.
All lip mounts bring the coax cable into the trunk or
passenger cabin through the weather seal, potentially allow-
ing water to enter. Running the cable under the seal as in
Figure 16.6 is often an option. Take care to dress the cables
and seals to direct water toward a drain hole or other exit.

Glass Mounts
“Through-glass” or “on-glass” mounts such as the Larsen
KG2/70CXPL use adhesive to hold the base of the antenna
and cable fitting to opposite sides of a window, relying on
metal foil surfaces to create a capacitor and pass VHF/UHF
signals. The mount
must be clear of win-
dow heating strips and
cannot be used on tint-
ed (passivated) glass
that contains colloidal-
sized metallic particles
to provide protec-
tion from harmful
UVA and UVB rays.
Antenna performance
is somewhat of a com-
Figure 16.6 — (A) shows an adjust- promise because of the
able lip mount made by Diamond. lack of a ground-plane
(B) is a close-up of the mount show-
ing the set screws that hold the (B) but allows a permanent
mount to the vehicle and make an mount without holes,
electrical connection to the vehicle. clamps, or magnets.

VHF and UHF Mobile Antennas   16-5

The outside surface of the coaxial feed line also becomes
part of an on-glass antenna because there is no ground-plane,
creating a path for common mode current. This allows the
coax to both radiate and pick up noise in the vehicle interior.

Luggage Rack Mounts

The biggest issue with using luggage racks as an an-
tenna mount is excessive ground loss. Most luggage racks
consist of plastics, composites, and insulated metal beams
electrically isolated from the vehicle’s metal body. As such,
they rarely provide a good ground-plane for the antenna and
routing the feed line through door or window weather seals
can create leaks. Like on-glass antenna mounts, luggage rack
mounting is a compromise for
when a permanent mount is not

Magnet Mounts
Mag (magnet) mounts Figure 16.8 — The mirror-mount style of clamp-on
­bracket. This particular bracket is drilled for an SO-239 to
are very popular for VHF 3
⁄8-24 stud mount. The bracket can be mounted on
and UHF operation. They vertical or horizontal struts.
rely on capacitance to make
their electrical connection to
the vehicle ground plane, so bag around the magnet protects the finish against grit while
common-mode current on the still maintaining a solid attachment.
feed line shield can become a
problem. Nevertheless, mag Specialty Brackets and Adapters
mounts do deliver acceptable Because there are so many variations in vehicles there are
performance at VHF and UHF. many different types of brackets for mounting antennas. One
Mag mounts are avail- of the most common is the three-way mirror mount in Fig-
able with the antenna and ure 16.8 that is sold by many companies. This particular ver-
feed line attached as in Fig- sion is drilled to pass the shoulder insulator of the SO-239 to
ure 16.7 or as the mount by 3
⁄8-24 threaded stud-mount adapter shown in the foreground.
itself. There are mag mounts You can find a wide variety of brackets at hamfest flea mar-
for any of the popular antenna kets, from vendors of antenna accessories, online from manu-
bases — NMO, stud mount, and facturers and distributors, and at truck stops and CB shops.
SO-239. A spare dual-band mag The performance of the antenna depends on the size of
mount, a set of VHF and UHF what the bracket is attached to. Most mirrors mounts are just
whips, and several coax con- barely big enough to act as a counterpoise at UHF but if they
nector adapters are a valuable are securely mounted to a metal vehicle body, performance
addition to your emergency will be acceptable. The radiation pattern of the antenna
response capabilities. will rarely be omnidirectional due to the off-center antenna
Be wary of the fine grit placement.
that can work its way under the Adapters are also available that convert mounts such as
magnet and scratch the paint. the NMO to other types of bases and connectors, such as the
If you do use a mag mount for various stud mounts and SO-239 connector. This allows your
long periods of time, remove it antenna mount to accommodate other types of antennas but
Figure 16.7 — A typical ­and clean the magnet surface generally increases the length of the antenna by an inch or
­dual-band VHF/UHF mag
mount with an integral occasionally. For temporary so, lowering the antenna’s resonant frequency. A few mount
­antenna and feed line. installations, a plastic sandwich adapters should be included in your mobile equipment kit.

16-6   Chapter 16
16.3 Project: Mobile Whips for VHF and UHF
The ⁄4-wavelength vertical whip is simple to make and can

be made for nearly any type of mount. The preferred stainless

steel wire or rod is available from two-way radio shops and
CB antenna dealers. Cut the whip to length using a grinding
wheel or score it with a file and break it — use eye protection!
Any type of wire can be used in a pinch. Coat hangers, copper
wire from home wir-
ing cable, galvanized
Table 16-1
⁄4-Wavelength Whip Lengths fence wire — all
have been success-
Frequency Length
(MHz) (inches) fully used to replace
53 53 broken or missing
146 193⁄16 whips. Being able to
222 125⁄8 repair or substitute
440 6 for a broken antenna
902 27⁄16 is a skill any amateur
can learn for flexibil-
ity and resiliency during emergency situations.
Table 16-1 shows the approximate lengths for 1⁄4-l whips
in the VHF and UHF amateur bands based on a 3⁄32-inch dia­
meter whip. Thinner whips will be slightly longer and thicker
whips slightly shorter. Be sure to include the antenna base in
the total length of the antenna. If the base holds the whip with
a set screw, cut the whip approximately 5% long and adjust
for best SWR before making a final trim to length.


As compared to a 1⁄4-l whip, the 5⁄8-l whip has 1 dB of
gain. This antenna is suitable for mobile or fixed-station use
because it is small, omnidirectional, and can be used with
radials or a solid-plane ground (such as a car body). If radials
are used, they need be only 1⁄4-l long. The whip can be any
tempered rod or wire that will spring easily.

The antenna shown here is made from low-cost materi-
als. Figure 16.9 shows the base coil and aluminum mounting
plate. The coil form is a piece of low-loss solid rod, such
as plexiglass or phenolic. The dimensions for this and other
parts of the antenna are given in Figure 16.10. A length of
brazing rod is used as the whip section.
The whip should be 47 inches long. However, brazing
rod comes in standard 36-inch lengths, so if used, it is neces-
sary to solder an 11-inch extension to the top of the whip. A
piece of #10 AWG copper wire will suffice. Alternatively, a
stainless-steel rod can be purchased to make a 47-inch whip.
Shops that sell CB antennas should have such rods for re- Figure 16.9 — At top, a photograph of the 5⁄8-l
placement purposes on base-loaded antennas. The limitation vertical base section. The matching coil is af-
one can expect with brazing rod is the relative fragility of the fixed to an aluminum bracket that screws onto
the inner lip of the car trunk. Below is the com-
material, especially when the threads are cut for screwing the pleted assembly. The coil has been wrapped
rod into the base coil form. Excessive stress can cause the rod with electrical tape to keep out dirt and
to break where it enters the form. The problem is complicated moisture.

VHF and UHF Mobile Antennas   16-7

Figure 16.10 — Structural details for the 2 meter 5⁄8-l
­antenna are provided at A. The mounting bracket is shown
at B and the equivalent circuit is given at C.

somewhat in this design because a spring is not used at the

antenna mounting point. Builders of this antenna can find all
kinds of solutions to the problems just outlined by changing
the physical design and using different materials when con-
structing the antenna. The main purpose of this description is
to provide dimensions and tune-up information.
The aluminum mounting bracket must be shaped to fit
the car with which it will be used. The bracket can be used to
create a no-holes mount with respect to the exterior portion of
the car body. The inner lip of the vehicle trunk (or hood) can
be the point where the bracket is attached by means of #6 or
#8 sheet-metal screws. The remainder of the bracket is bent
so that when the trunk lid or car hood is raised and lowered,
there is no contact between the bracket and the moving part.
Details of the mounting unit are given in Fig 16.10B. For
rigidity, 14-gauge metal (or thicker) is recommended.
Wind 101⁄2 turns of #10 or #12 AWG copper wire on the
⁄4-inch diameter coil form. The tap on L1 is placed approxi-
mately four turns below the whip end. A secure solder joint
is imperative.

After the antenna has been mounted on the vehicle,
connect an SWR bridge in the 50-W feed line. (An antenna
analyzer could also be used without the requirement of
transmitting a signal during antenna adjustment.) Key the
144-MHz transmitter and experiment with the coil tap
placement. If the whip section is 47 inches long, an SWR
of 1:1 can be obtained when the tap is at the right location.
As an alternative method of adjustment, place the tap at four
turns from the top of L1, make the whip 50 inches long,
and trim the whip length until an SWR of 1:1 occurs. Keep
the antenna well away from other objects during tune-up,
as they may detune the antenna and yield false adjustments
for a match.


The antenna shown in Figures 16.11 and 16.12 is similar
to the 2 meter version discussed in the previous section. The
base insulator portion is made of 1⁄2-inch plexiglass rod. A few
minutes’ work on a lathe is sufficient to shape and drill the
rod. (The innovative builder can use an electric drill and a file
for the lathe work.) The bottom 1⁄2-inch of the rod is turned
down to a diameter of 3⁄8-inch. This portion will now fit into
a PL-259 UHF connector. A 1⁄8-inch diameter hole is drilled
through the center of the rod. This hole will hold the wires
that make the connections between the center conductor of
the connector and the coil tap. The connection between the
whip and the top of the coil is also run through this opening.
A stud is force-fitted into the top of the plexiglass rod. This
16-8   Chapter 16
Figure 16.11 — The 222-MHz 3⁄8-l mobile antenna. The coil
turns are spaced over a distance of 1 inch and the bottom
end of the coil is soldered to the coax connector.

allows for removal of the whip from the insulator.

The coil should be initially wound on a form slightly Figure 16.12 — Diagram of the 222-MHz mobile antenna.
smaller than the base insulator. When the coil is transferred
to the plexiglass rod, it will keep its shape and will not readily
move. After the tap point has been determined, a longitudinal a coating of epoxy cement is applied. This seals the entire as-
hole is drilled into the center of the rod. A #22 AWG wire sembly and provides some additional strength. During a full
can then be inserted through the center of the insulator into winter’s use there was no sign of cracking or other mechani-
the connector. This method is also used to attach the whip to cal failure. The adjustment procedure is the same as for the
the top of the coil. After the whip has been fully assembled, 144-MHz version described above.

16.4 Project: Big Wheel for Two Meters

The following section is an overview of the construction rectangles usually result in the need for either hypercritical
project, “A New Spin on the Big Wheel” by L. B. Cebik, dimensions or difficult matching conditions — or both. By
W4RNL (SK), and Bob Cerreto, WA1FXT, in the March turning to more conventional full size structures using three
2008 issue of QST. The complete article detailing the design’s dipoles, we can reduce the number of critical parameters and
history, evolution, and critical elements is available on this ease the process of replicating the antennas in a home work-
book’s CD-ROM with all construction details and drawings. shop. In fact, we shall describe two versions of the same basic
Most attempts to develop a horizontally polarized omni- antenna. One is a triangle of three dipoles that folds into a flat
directional (HPOD) 2 meter antenna have sought to minimize package, suitable for easy transport to a hilltop. The other is
the antenna’s size. Shapes such as circles (halos), squares and a circle of three dipoles suitable for mobile operation that

Figure 16.13 — Relative current magnitudes on three different three element HPOD antennas.

VHF and UHF Mobile Antennas   16-9

requires somewhat less space but needs greater precision in arrays use a somewhat nonstandard arrangement at the hub.
construction. Both antennas share a common feed system and Both of our three-dipole designs use a series connection of the
display broadband characteristics that ease the builder’s task. lines with the source. The resulting hub impedance is close to
150 W, and any stray reactances become very small portions
The Three Dipole Design of the impedance magnitude. Therefore, a simple λ/4 match-
The center and right outlines in Figure 16.13 show the ing section can handle the impedance transformation to the
basic triangular and circular forms that emerged from the 50-W region.
original design at left. Note that the current magnitude curves
place the feed points of the dipoles at high current, relatively The Three-Dipole Triangle
low impedance positions. Each dipole is broadside to a direction 120° from the ad-
Both forms are very broadband in virtually every operat- jacent dipoles. The goal is to find dimensions that will achieve
ing parameter once the builder gets the dimensions correct. this goal plus provide a workable feed point impedance at each
The triangle, with a wider separation between the dipole end dipole. The prototype constructed to test the basic model of
tips, is less critical with respect to dimensions, but requires this arrangement used 1⁄2-inch diameter aluminum tubing as a
more space. The circular version, with tighter coupling be- light but sturdy material. Each dipole used a 2-inch length of
tween dipole tips, requires more careful construction, but 0.375-inch diameter fiberglass rod as a center insulator. The
results in a more compact structure. In fact, for the same per- dipole halves are held in place with #6 stainless steel sheet
formance, the circular three-dipole antenna is smaller than metal screws. The gap should be as small as is feasible, 1⁄8 to 1⁄4
the original big wheel. inch. These same screws fasten the ends of the coax cable to
The far-field performance of the three-dipole HPODs the element with a stainless steel washer to prevent electrolysis
and the big wheel are virtually identical. Therefore, the data between the aluminum element and the copper wires. For ease
in Figure 16.14 applies equally to
all three designs. At a height of
20 feet above average ground, the
three elements in all of the designs
provide an average gain in the
lowest lobe of about 7.2 dBi. The
azimuth pattern is as close to cir-
cular as is possible with fewer than
four elements. The gain variation
for the worst case was less than
0.3 dB.
The modeled SWR curve ap-
plies to both of the three-dipole
models. Because the dipoles of
the final designs present feed
point impedance close to 50 W, we
may use standard coaxial cable of
virtually any length to reach the
hub without changing the imped-
ance significantly. Matched to a
50-W main feed point at the hub
junction, the SWR curve is very
Figure 16.14 — Representative elevation and azimuth patterns and 50-W SWR curve
flat and in the model shown in the for a three-dipole HPOD antenna using either a triangular or a circular shape at
graph, the SWR is acceptable (well 20 feet above average ground. The patterns of the original big wheel are virtually
under 2:1) for at least 8 MHz in the identical in shape and strength.
2 meter range. Moreover, the cir-
cularity of the pattern and the gain
are virtually constant across the Table 16-2
entire 2 meter band. Even though Dimensions for a Three-Dipole 2 Meter Triangle
the antenna is likely to see service Design Element Radius to Dipole Tip-to-tip
only in the first MHz of the band, Frequency Diameter Feed Point Length Spacing
the broadband characteristics ease (MHz) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches)
the difficulty of successfully build- 146 0.5 15.4 34.3 9.5
146 0.375 15.3 34.7 9.15
ing a version at home. 144.5 0.5 15.6 34.7 9.6
To obtain a 50-W main feed 144.5 0.375 15.5 35.1 9.25
point impedance, the three-dipole

16-10   Chapter 16
than an independent dipole composed
of the same material. The resonant im-
pedance (50 W) is lower than the usual
value for a standard dipole of about
70 W. The three dipoles in the triangle
do interact by virtue of both the prox-
imity of their feed points and the close-
ness of their tips. The dimensions of
the triangle are therefore quite critical
to successful operation of the array as
designed. However, in the triangular
form, they are not finicky, and cutting
errors of 1⁄8 to 1⁄4 inch will not materially
affect performance.
In fact, the relatively relaxed con-
ditions for the triangle prompted the
particular design that emerged. The
Figure 16.15 — Some details of the support structure used for the three-dipole prototype may be useful for field or
2 meter triangle. hilltop service, since the support struc-
ture and the elements and their cable
of disassembly in portable operation, the prototype used lugs come apart and store in a flat package for transport. Figure
under the screws. 16.15 provides a few of the support structure details and
Table 16-2 lists some dimensions for both 0.5- and Figure 16.16 shows the antenna disassembled for transport.
0.375-inch aluminum tubing, perhaps the two most likely For a permanent installation or for mobile use, you may
materials for this project. For the triangle, 146 MHz was prefer a circle of three dipoles as shown in Figure 16.17. The
used as the design frequency because the performance and circle has no loose dipole ends and is more compact than the
the SWR do not significantly change across the band. This triangle. Indeed, it is aesthetically more pleasing. However,
center-design frequency also provided a good view of the such pleasure comes at a cost. The construction and adjust-
antenna’s broadband properties. However, the table also lists ment of the elements are somewhat more critical, although
dimensions that are usable if the builder wishes to place the completely manageable.
performance center of the antenna at 144.5 MHz. The proto-
type used the half-inch-diameter material and the 146 MHz
dimensions for that material.
Note the length of the dipole. It is about 3.3 inches shorter

Figure 16.16 — The triangle HPOD disassembled for

transport. Figure 16.17 — The circular HPOD suitable for mobile use.

VHF and UHF Mobile Antennas   16-11

16.5 Project: Halo for Six Meters
The following section is based on the construction proj-
ect, “A 6 Meter Halo” by Paul Danzer, N1II, in the September
2004 issue of QST. The complete article is available on this
book’s CD-ROM with all construction details and drawings.
This inexpensive halo — the basic design was originally
published in the 1975 ARRL Handbook — satisfies several
key elements for an inexpensive 6 meter antenna: omnidi-
rectional, horizontal polarization, no exotic components or
materials, easy to adjust. With care, the construction should
be robust enough for mobile use.
The halo is basically a half-wave dipole bent into a circle
and fed with a gamma match. Figure 16.18 shows the basic
design and list of typical dimensions. The resonant frequency Figure 16.19 — The halo from the rear. A copper strap con-
nects the matching section to the halo on the left.
is quite sensitive to tip-to-tip spacing at the ends of the dipole
but should initially be in the range of 50 to 52 MHz without
requiring critical measurements or assembly.
Figure 16.19 is a photograph of the finished antenna,
built from 20 feet of copper tubing and 3⁄4-inch schedule
40 PVC pipe and fittings. The vertical support mast and
horizontal supports are also PVC pipe. As the author notes,
make sure the PVC fittings are aligned properly after the
cement is applied as bonding takes place almost instantly
and they can’t be realigned.
Copper tubing can be formed into a circle by hand. The
open ends of the halo and the gamma match are attached
Figure 16.20 — The ends of the tubing are flattened and
with 3⁄8-inch #8 or #10 sheet metal screws to PVC pipe stubs attached to the PVC pipe stubs with sheet metal screws.
mounted in a PVC T fitting on the horizontal support. (See
Figure 16.20.) The ends of the tubing are flattened with a
vise or hammer and drilled for the screws. Tune the antenna
first before permanently attaching the tubing ends to the sup- attached with a sheet metal screw. (The latter technique may
port. Use short screws to avoid adding significant surface not be strong enough to withstand highway speed mobile
area after tuning is completed. use.)
At the mounting point on the vertical mast, the center of The gamma shorting bar is made from a short piece of
the halo can be attached with a pair of copper tubing clamps strap, braid, or heavy wire attached to a pair of copper tub-
as shown in Figure 16.21 or the tubing simply flattened and ing clamps at each end. The gamma capacitor is a fixed-value

Figure 16.18 — The 6 meter halo design as originally published in the 1975 ARRL Handbook. The author substituted
copper tubing in his version.

16-12   Chapter 16
between the SO-239 and the main element of the antenna.
Use an anti-oxidation compound such as Noalox or
Penetrox for all unsoldered metal-to-metal connections to
avoid corrosion.

Tuning the Halo

Tuning of the halo’s resonant frequency can be done by
changing the size of the gap between the dipole ends. Use
electrical tape to temporarily attach the tubing ends to the
PVC pipe stubs. Once you are satisfied with results, mark
and drill the PVC fitting, then attach the tubing with the sheet
metal screws.
To adjust the gamma match for lowest SWR at the reso-
nant frequency, a 50-100 pF variable capacitor can be used.
Once the proper setting has been obtained, measure the vari-
able capacitor’s value and replace it permanently with a fixed
value capacitor. The author used two capacitors in series for
the final value of less than 20 pF. The antenna then presented
an SWR of less than 2:1 over the range of 50.0 to 50.4 MHz.
Be sure to use capacitors rated for at least 100 V for use at
100 W and higher voltages if higher power is used.
Waterproof the electrical connections at the SO-239 and
gamma capacitor connections with silicone sealant.
Figure 16.21 — Details of the feed connection. The main ele- Other Halo Designs
ment could be mounted using the flattened tube approach
instead of with clamps as shown. Construction of halos and squalos is a popular antenna-
building activity. You may also enjoy reading two additional
construction articles included on this book’s CD-ROM; “Six
capacitor as shown in the photograph. To connect the feed line, Meters from your Easy Chair,” by Dick Stroud, W9SR in
the author used an SO-239 connector mounted on a bracket at- the January 2002 issue of QST and one of the original halo
tached to the vertical support mast. (See Figure 16.21.) Solid articles, “A Two-Band Halo for V.H.F. Mobile,” by Ed Tilton,
wire, strap, or tinned braid may be used for the connection W1HDQ, in the September 1958 issue of QST.

VHF and UHF Mobile Antennas   16-13

Antenna Fundamentals   1-1

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