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2010 9th IEEE/IAS International Conference on Industry Applications

- INDUSCON 2010 -

A Review of Single-Phase PFC Topologies Based

on The Boost Converter
João Paulo M. Figueiredo and Fernando L. Tofoli Bruno Leonardo A. Silva
Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa
Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica (DEPEL) Catarina
Campus Santo Antônio – Praça Frei Orlando, 170 – Centro Av. Nereu Ramos, 3450-D – Bairro Seminário
São João del-Rei-MG – Brasil Chapecó-SC – Brasil
CEP 36307-352 CEP 89813-000
Fone: 55 32 33792394 Fone/Fax: 55 49 33314651
E-mail: joaopaulomfig@ E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— The need for solid-state ac-dc converters to other hand, active methods come as a more efficient solution
improve power quality in terms of power-factor correction by using controlled solid-state switches in association with
(PFC), reduced total harmonic distortion at input ac mains, and
precisely regulated dc output have motivated the proposal of passive elements such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors.
several topologies based on classical converters such as buck, In fact, the closed-loop operation of the static power
boost, and buck-boost. Additionally, novel control techniques converter dedicated to PFC assures satisfactory performance
dedicated to PFC have also been introduced, motivating the with high input PF and regulated dc output voltage over a
manufacturing of commercial integrated circuits to impose wide operating range. Increased complexity and reduced
sinusoidal currents in the front-end stage of switch-mode
converters. Boost converters operating in continuous current robustness are distinct characteristics of this practice though.
mode (CCM) have become particularly popular because reduced In order to meet the requirements in the proposed standards
electromagnetic interference (EMI) levels result from its such as IEC 61000-3-2 and IEEE Std 519 on the quality of
utilization. Within this context, this work deals with a the input current that can be drawn by low-power equipment,
comprehensive review of some of the most relevant ac-dc single- a PFC circuit is typically added as a front end stage. The
phase boost converters for PFC applications. The evolution of
the conventional boost converter is demonstrated in terms of boost PFC circuit operating in continuous conduction mode
improved characteristics achieved by other boost-based (CCM) is by far the popular choice for medium and high
topologies. Besides, it seeks to establish a fast and concise guide power (400 W to a few kilowatts) application. This is because
on ac-dc boost converters to researchers and experts in power the continuous nature of the boost converter’s input current
electronics by comparing the topologies. results in low conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Index Terms— ac-dc converters, boost converter, harmonics, compared to other active PFC topologies such as buck–boost
power factor correction. and buck converters.
Several issues must be taken into account to determine
I. INTRODUCTION which type of static power converter is the most
Ac–dc conversion of electric power is widely used in recommended for a given application, such as robustness,
several applications such as adjustable-speed drives (ASDs), power density, efficiency, cost, and complexity. Within this
switch-mode power supplies (SMPSs), uninterrupted power context, numerous boost-type topologies have been proposed
supplies (UPSs), and battery energy storage. Conventionally, in the last few years with the aim of improving the
ac–dc converters, also known as rectifiers, are developed characteristics of the traditional converter used for PFC
using diodes and thyristors to provide uncontrolled and purposes, such as the reverse recovery problem of the boost
controlled dc power with unidirectional and bidirectional diode [1] [2] and increase of the output voltage [3].
power flow. Major drawbacks include poor power quality in The search for novel topologies comes as an imminent
terms of injected current harmonics; resulting voltage effort to introduce high PF rectifiers with reduced harmonic
distortion, poor power factor at input ac mains, and slow content of the input current, minimized EMI levels, high
varying rippled dc output at load end; low efficiency and efficiency, reduced size of magnetics, and increased
large size of ac and dc filters. robustness. Considering this motivation, this paper aims to
Reduction of harmonic content with the consequent present and summarize the characteristics of several single-
increase of power factor (PF) can be obtained by using either phase boost-based topologies dedicated to PFC. Key aspects
passive or active power factor correction (PFC) techniques. regarding each structure are investigated such as complexity,
Passive methods include the use of tuned LC filters, what conduction losses, inductor size, and output voltage gain. The
represents a robust solution. However, increased size, weight, study is based on the careful analysis of several works
and volume result. Besides, the passive filter may not respond available in the literature and intends to be consolidated as a
adequately if the load power factor comes to vary. On the fast and concise guide for researchers that are eventually
interested in using boost topologies for PFC applications.

978-1-4244-8010-4/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE

II. EVOLUTION OF TOPOLOGIES BASED ON THE AC-DC On the other hand, the conduction loss issue has also led
BOOST CONVERTER DEDICATED TO PFC researchers to propose additional boost-based rectifier
topologies, which will be discussed as follows.
A. Conventional AC-DC Boost Converter
The single-phase diode rectifier associated with the boost B. AC-DC Bridgeless Boost Converter
converter, as shown in Fig. 1, is widely employed in active To increase the efficiency of the converter presented in Fig.
PFC. In principle, the combination of the diode bridge 1, the bridgeless boost rectifiers (also referred to as dual boost
rectifier and a dc-dc converter with filtering and energy converters) shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 were introduced in [7]
storage elements can be extended to other topologies, such as and [8], respectively. The conduction losses are minimized by
buck, buck-boost, and Cúk. reducing the number of semiconductor devices that conduct
The boost topology is very simple and allows low-distorted current from the source to the load. However, the output
input currents, with almost unity power factor using different diodes operated in high voltage have severe reverse-recovery
dedicated control techniques. Typical strategies are hysteresis problems due to high diode forward current and high output
control, average current mode control and peak current voltage. As the switching frequency increases, the large
control [4]. More recently, on-cycle control [5] and self reverse-recovery currents of the output diodes affect the
control [6] have also been employed. switches in the form of additional turn-on losses and also
produce electromagnetic interference (EMI) noises.
At a first glance, one can say that both converters shown in
Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 may lead to a solution with increased cost
and complexity, since two active switches are now employed.
However, the drive circuit of the main switches in Fig. 2 is
less complex than that in Fig. 3 because both switches are
connected to the same reference node. However, it must be
mentioned that this feature also eliminates the possibility of
Fig. 1. Ac-dc conventional boost converter. short-circuit through one leg due to eventual malfunctioning
of the main switches. Trade-offs have also to be made
The converter in Fig. 1 presents appreciable conduction between complexity and reduced conduction losses when
losses because the current always flows through three considering the conventional boost converter or the
semiconductor elements, which are two diodes in series with aforementioned bridgeless topologies.
diode Db or switch S, depending on the state of S. Therefore,
the converter efficiency is compromised, especially at low
input voltage.
Besides, to achieve high power density and faster transient
response, the converter is supposed to operate at high
switching frequencies. However, as the switching frequency
increases, the output diode operated in high voltage provides
significant reverse-recovery loss in a hard-switching boost
converter. The reverse-recovery problem of the output diode
affects the switching devices in the form of additional turn-on Fig. 2. Symmetrical bridgeless boost rectifier.
loss. The reverse-recovery loss of the diode is the most
significant due to its large current at the minimum input
voltage. Other adverse effects of the reverse-recovery
problem include electromagnetic interference and additional
thermal management.
To overcome the reverse recovery problems, various
passive snubber circuits have been proposed [3] and silicon
carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes were also developed. SiC
Schottky diodes present zero-recovery current and negligible
switching losses, and have become a benchmark for virtually Fig. 3. Asymmetrical bridgeless boost rectifier.
lossless operation. They can deliver highly efficient switching An improvement of the topology in Fig. 2 is proposed in
at frequencies up to several hundred kilohertz, and have been [9], where the diode reverse recovery problems are alleviated
deployed as the boost diodes in power factor correction units by using only a coupled inductor and two additional diodes.
of switched-mode power supplies operating in continuous- Zero-current turnoff of the output diodes is achieved, and the
current mode. However, SiC diodes remain more expensive reverse-recovery currents of the additional diodes are slowed
than their silicon counterparts due to higher material costs. down by the leakage inductance of the coupled inductor. The
diode reverse recovery losses are reduced, and the switching
transients of the switching devices are improved.
The topology in Fig. 3, also called totem-pole boost
bridgeless PFC rectifier in [10], suffered some modification
as well. An interleaved totem-pole boost bridgeless PFC
rectifier with reduced reverse-recovery problems using
coupled inductor is proposed in [10], at the cost of two
additional main switches.
C. AC-DC Interleaved Boost Converter
As the power rating increases, it is often required to
associate converters in series or in parallel. In high-power
applications, interleaving of two boost converters is very Fig. 4. Interleaved boost rectifier.
often employed to improve performance and reduce size of The introduction of the passive snubber described in [15]
the PFC front end. Besides, for high current applications and minimizes the reverse recovery phenomenon in the
voltage step-up, the currents through the switches become interleaved boost converter. While soft switching is also
just fractions of the input current [11]. Interleaving achieved for the main switches, significant complexity results
effectively doubles the switching frequency and also partially by the increased number of components and the need to
cancels the input and output ripples, as the size of the energy properly design the resonant tank elements.
storage inductors and differential-mode electromagnetic
interference (EMI) filter in interleaved implementations can D. AC-DC Half-Bridge Boost Converter
be reduced [11]. The half-bridge boost converter has been introduced in
An interleaved boost converter, firstly proposed in [13], [16], as shown in Fig. 5. In the half-bridge circuit, the current
can be seen in Fig. 4. Interleaved power conversion consists flows through only one switch during each operating stage,
of adequately interconnecting multiple switching cells for while conduction losses are drastically reduced.
which the conversion frequency is identical, although the The use of a capacitor divider provides a split dc link, as
internal switching instants are sequentially phased over equal the voltage at the center point is half of the output voltage.
fractions of a switching period. This arrangement lowers the Higher output voltage gain can be then achieved if compared
net ripple amplitude and raises the effective ripple frequency with that of the conventional boost converter. However, if
of the overall converter without increasing switching losses or two loads are supplied by the split dc link, a specific control
device stresses. An interleaved system can therefore realize a loop must be implemented to keep voltage balance in case of
savings in filtration and energy storage requirements, asymmetrical loads.
resulting in greatly improved power conversion densities Although the voltage doubler characteristic is achieved, the
without sacrificing efficiency. output voltage will be at least twice the value of the peak of
While the concept of interleaving can be extended to a the input voltage for proper boost operation, similarly to the
generic number of cells, increased design flexibility results. topologies shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8. For instance, if the
For instance, in cases where the ripple may already be small, rated rms input voltage is 220 V, the output voltage is
further reductions may be of limited benefit. In such cases, a supposed to be higher than 620 V. Such high output voltage
different set of tradeoffs can be made. It becomes possible to demands the use high-voltage-rated semiconductor
reduce the switching frequency by a factor of N (to increase components and passive elements and also cause severely
conversion efficiency) and to reduce the inductance per cell stress in the devices of any downstream converter. However,
by a factor of N (to reduce converter size). The resulting for a rated voltage of 127 V, the output voltage will have to
system will have a per-cell ripple N2 times larger than a be higher than 360 V only. This voltage level is well
single-cell converter, but the net interleaved ripple will acceptable and is also adopted currently in many commercial
remain unchanged. Thus, interleaving can be used to increase boost PFC circuits [16]. Although this circuit is less attractive
conversion efficiency and power conversion density as well for the universal input voltage range (85–270 V), a
as to reduce ripple amplitude [13]. modification using two additional diodes and a single-pole
However, some drawbacks also exist. Since the current is double-throw switch enables the circuit operate from a 220-V
supposed to be adjusted to avoid overload, the drive and system, as shown in [16].
control circuits become more complex. Besides, the reverse Another disadvantage of voltage doubler boost converters
recovery problem of the boost diodes Db1 and Db2 still exist. is the existence of imbalance in the capacitor voltages, which
Some efforts to mitigate this problem have been made in [14], may be caused due to some dc offsets in the controller’s
although the operation in discontinuous current mode (DCM) components or even two imbalanced loads connected in
causes appreciable EMI levels. parallel with the capacitors. The closed-loop control system
with the imbalance control is also studied in [16], where the
difference between the voltages across the capacitors is
calculated and the resulting dc signal is then added to the It must be also mentioned that the current ripple
reference current. frequencies of the three-level boost converter and the
interleaved boost converter are twice as high as that of the
conventional boost converter. The ripple current frequency
has a significant impact on the input filter size [18].
From the above comparison, it can be concluded that the
three-level boost converter is much better than the
conventional boost converter with regard to the converter
efficiency (for high output voltages) and the inductor size.
Fig. 5. Half-bridge boost rectifier. The two-cell interleaved boost converter has better
The need for a specific loop to mitigate voltage imbalance performance than the conventional boost converter, but still
in the converter shown in Fig. 5 is eliminated in the converter not as good as the three-level boost converter [18].
represented in Fig. 6 [17]. Even though the structure is Another topology of single-phase three-level boost rectifier
capable of processing higher power levels with bidirectional was introduced in [19] and [20], as shown in Fig. 8. This
power flow, increased cost and complexity are distinct converter can be understood as the association of two boost
disadvantages due to the use of higher number of converters, where one of them operates during the positive
semiconductor elements. half cycle of the input voltage and the remaining one operates
during the negative half cycle of the input voltage.
If compared with the aforementioned topology, the
following advantages can be addressed to the converter:
reduced number of semiconductor devices due to the
integration of the diode rectifier and the boost converter;
conduction losses become significantly lower because the
diode bridge is eliminated and the current flows through at
most two semiconductor elements during any of the operating
Fig. 6. Full-bridge boost rectifier. stages; the drive circuit of the main switches is simplified
because they are connected in such a way that a switch with
E. AC-DC Three-Level Boost Converter bidirectional current and voltage characteristics result.
The three-level boost converter is shown in Fig. 7. Since Besides, the remaining advantages of the converter shown in
two active switches are used, which must be designed for half Fig. 7 are maintained, such as the high voltage gain and the
of the total output voltage, this three-level boost converter reduced voltage across the main switches, which are designed
becomes more adequate for high power applications. The low for half of the total output voltage.
device voltage rating benefit is especially important in high
voltage applications. From a practical point of view, it is
recommended for applications where the output voltage is
around 400 V or higher, and the power level reaches some

Fig. 8. Bridgeless single-phase three-level boost rectifier.

F. AC-DC Boost Converter Using the Three-State Switching Cell

The three-state switching cell can be obtained by the
association of two two-state PWM cells interconnected to a
center tap transformer, from which a family of dc-dc
converters can be derived [21]. This concept is similar to the
Fig. 7. Three-level boost rectifier. interleaving of multiple cells, but in this case an
Other important aspect to be investigated is the inductor autotransformer is used instead of one inductor per
size. For the same voltage and power ratings, and interleaved cell.
consequently for the same ripple current, the required The use of the boost converter associated with the three-
inductance is L for the three-level boost converter, 2×2L for state switching cell results in the topology shown in Fig. 9
the interleaved boost converter shown in Fig. 4, and 4L for [22]. One must notice that this arrangement is different from
the conventional boost converter shown in Fig. 1 [18]. that shown in Fig. 2 because of the presence of the diode
bridge and also the autotransformer. Appreciable conduction
losses are also expected in this case.
A three-level boost rectifier associated with the three-state
cell is also presented in [24], as shown in Fig. 11, where
voltage doubler characteristic is achieved. Reduced current
stress through the semiconductor elements, reduced volume
and weight of the magnetic components, and simple control
strategy are distinct advantages of this proposal [24].

Fig. 9. Boost rectifier employing the three-state switching

Another variation of the aforementioned topology suitable
to high power levels is represented in Fig. 10 [23]. Although
four switches and two three-state cells are used, the presence
of the diode bridge is eliminated. Besides, the following Fig. 11. Voltage doubler boost rectifier employing the three-
advantages can be addressed to the use of the three-state cell: state switching cell.
inductors are designed for twice the switching frequency,
with consequent reduction of size and weight; the current III. COMPARISON OF SOME BOOST TOPOLOGIES
through the switches is half of the input current; part of the
input power is delivered to the load by the transformer instead In Section II, the paper presented some boost topologies
of the main switches, therefore reducing conduction and dedicated to PFC applications. It is worth to mention that it
commutation losses; lower cost switches can be used due to has not been dedicated to the detailed analysis of the
the possibility of parallelism of any number of cells. converters, including operating principle, design procedure or
implementation of experimental prototypes to eventually
compare them and determine which structure has the best
performance. Some important qualitative characteristics
regarding each one of the converters have been highlighted
instead, demonstrating the evolution of research works related
to ac-dc boost converters.
At this point, it is important to emphasize the major
concern of this work by presenting a table that summarizes
Fig. 10. Modified boost rectifier employing the three-state some important characteristics of boost-based topologies, as
switching cell. effectively shown in Table I. Considering that six categories
have been previously presented in Section II.A to II.F, let us
establish a fair comparison among them considering the same
current, voltage, power and switching frequency ratings.

Table I
Comparison of some PFC boost-type converters
Parameter Ac-Dc Boost Topologies
Number of boost inductors 1 1 2 1 1 1
Size of each boost inductor L L L/2 L L/16
Total output voltage Vo Vo Vo 2⋅Vo Vo 2⋅Vo
Maximum number of semiconductor elements in
3 2 3 2 1 2
the current path
Existence of diode bridge Yes No Yes No No No
Number of active switches 1 2 2 2 2 4
Number of boost diodes 1 2 2 2 0 4
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Besides, the literature review has been developed to explore a end,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 1394–1401, July
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researchers, designers, application engineers, and end users of [12] D. J. Perreault and J. G. Kassakian, “Distributed interleaving of
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motivate the reader to analyze some of the most important [15] C. A. Gallo, F. L. Tofoli, and J. A. C. Pinto, “A passive lossless snubber
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