Badin 2011

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Unity Power Factor Isolated Three-Phase Rectifier

With Two Single-Phase Buck Rectifiers Based
on the Scott Transformer
Alceu André Badin, Member, IEEE, and Ivo Barbi, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper proposes an isolated three-phase rectifier medium- and high-power applications; therefore, low-frequency
power-factor correction using two single-phase buckpreregulators isolation is used. Moreover, isolated rectifiers have been widely
in continuous conduction mode. The use of the Scott transformer empolyed in the electrochemical and petrochemical industries,
renders a simple and robust rectifier to operate with unity power
factor. With only two active switches, the rectifier is able to gener- and subway applications [5]–[7].
ate symmetrical currents in the line and a regulated voltage out- Many studies employ a three-phase rectifier with single-phase
put without any necessary synchronous switches. The proposed PFC modules [8], [9]. In [8], a three-phase switch-mode recti-
control technique with sinusoidal pulse width modulation uses a fier employing three single-phase boost PFC circuits with direct
feedforward of the output inductor current and only one voltage output coupling is presented. Basically, this topology uses three
control regulates the output. Complete simulation results under
closed-loop operation are given and a 12-kW prototype has been power switches although it has a high component count and
implemented in the laboratory, which demonstrated to operate is not isolated. In [9], a three-phase PFC scheme is proposed
successfully with excellent performance, and thus can feasibly be using two single-phase PFC modules. The two-phase system
implemented in higher power applications. is produced by means of a 0.14-pu-rated autotransformer con-
Index Terms—AC–DC converters, buck rectifier, power supplies, nected to the three-phase input. However, this topology is also
power-factor correction (PFC) converters, sinusoidal pulse width not isolated. When a regulated output voltage is not required, a
modulated (SPWM), three-phase rectifier. number of methods have been proposed to lower the harmon-
ics generated by diode rectifier-type utility interfaces [10]–[16].
I. INTRODUCTION One approach is to use a conventional 12-pulse converter that
requires two six-pulse converters connected through isolation
HREE-PHASE switch-mode power supplies employing
T a diode-rectifier-type utility interface are widely used in
telecommunications, data processing, and other industrial sys-
The first three-phase boost rectifier based on the Scott trans-
former was proposed in [17] and its practical aspects were ana-
tems. Those converters connected to the mains have the potential lyzed in [18]. Another boost rectifier with different output con-
of injecting current harmonics that may cause voltage distortion. nections is proposed and studied in [5], [19]–[21]. In principle,
These harmonics can be significantly reduced if the input power the Scott transformer provides galvanic isolation and sine and
factor is corrected by shaping the input current in each of the cosine secondary voltage waveforms for the high-power factor
three phases so that it is sinusoidal and in phase with the phase rectifiers, resulting in a perfectly regulated dc output voltage.
voltage. Due to this fact, switch-mode rectifiers for power-factor In [5], a unity power factor three-phase boost rectifier with a
correction (PFC) have gained considerable attention. Further ad- split dc bus based on the Scott transformer was proposed (see
vantages for the use of PFC rectifiers are their adaptability to Fig. 1). This rectifier has a split dc bus and the voltages across
different line voltages and the fact that they preregulate the dc the switches are Vo /2. The control method employed to manage
output voltage, which may be supplying a dc–dc converter. the currents of the two boost inductors, LT and LM , is an in-
In many cases, bidirectional rectifier topologies are not nec- stantaneous average current control. Each rectifier presents an
essary and unidirectional topologies offer some advantages, in- independent current loop with an individual reference current,
cluding a decrease in the number of power switches, natural generating sinusoidal secondary currents in phase with their
protection for dc bus short circuit, and less processing of en- respective secondary voltages.
ergy for active switches [1]–[4]. Furthermore, in addition to In this paper, an isolated three-phase buck rectifier based on
unity power factor, safety and robustness are also important for the Scott transformer is presented, substantiated by a detailed
discussion involving theoretical considerations, and finally a
Manuscript received October 7, 2010; revised January 7, 2011 and Febru-
prototype is designed to prove the proposed performance. The
ary 23, 2011; accepted March 1, 2011. Date of current version September 16, proposed topology is depicted in Fig. 2. This application uses
2011.Recommended for publication by Associate Editor J. Liu. two single-phase buck rectifiers in continuous conduction mode
A. A. Badin is with the Technologic Federal University of Paraná, Florianop-
olis, SC 88040-970, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]).
with output connected in parallel. Furthermore, this topology
I. Barbi is with the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Power Electronics offers some advantages over previous studies involving buck
Institute, Florianopolis, SC 88070-400, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]). rectifier, such as a regulated output voltage and only one LC
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
output filter, absence of inrush current, and protection against
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2011.2125801 short circuit.

0885-8993/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


Fig. 3. Single-phase buck rectifier with feedfoward of the output inductor


Fig. 1. Unity power factor isolated three-phase boost rectifier series


Fig. 4. Scott connection of the single-phase transformers.

filters. In the discontinuous conduction mode, the input current

harmonic distortion depends on the ratio between the output
voltage average value and the input voltage peak value, which
is a downside. Another disadvantage of the discontinuous con-
duction mode is that the peak and rms currents are very high,
leading to high conduction losses in the switches [24]–[27].
Alternatively, in a continuous conduction mode, with a low-
frequency output inductor designed in such a way that it be-
Fig. 2. Unity power factor isolated three-phase buck rectifier with a new
series-connection technique. haves as a constant current source, the problem stated earlier
no longer exists [24]. Albeit, as a drawback, this case requires
much larger inductance than that of discontinuous conduction
When a low-frequency isolation is required, traditional three- mode, and larger inductance increases physical size and weight
phase rectifiers can be used by placing in the input, a three-phase of the inductor.
transformer. However, this option does not benefit from the un- The single-phase buck preregulator with feedforward of the
coupling of the secondary phases, requiring complex control output inductor current [24] is shown in Fig 3. This technique
algorithms and mathematical models [1], [22], [23]. Moreover, proposes to eliminate the distortion of the input current even
to obtain sinusoidal input currents in continuous conduction when the output inductor current presents a large ripple. In this
mode usually requires using three or more active switches. The control strategy, the output voltage sample is compared to a
proposed rectifier takes advantage of the uncoupling of the sec- reference voltage and the resulting error is injected in an appro-
ondary phases and uses a simple control with only a single priate voltage controller. The output of the controlled voltage is
current sensor combined with well-known techniques, which multiplied by a sample of rectified input voltage and divided by
are applied in single-phase rectifiers. It also uses the reduction a sample of the current in the output inductor. Finally, this result-
phase provided by Scott connection and obtains sinusoidal in- ing signal is compared with the saw-tooth signal thus generating
put currents with only two switches. Thus, the proposed scheme the drive signal to the switch.
offers a simple control strategy, flexibility using single-phase
modules, simpler design, competitive efficiency, and only one III. SCOTT CONNECTION TRANSFORMERS
inductor and two active devices.
The Scott connection is one alternative to convert the three-
phase to two-phase transformation that uses two single-phase
transformers. The connection is represented in Fig. 4, with two
The basic circuit of a single-phase buck rectifier combines a single-phase transformers, TM and TT . The primary windings
diode rectifier with a step-down chopper with input and output are fed by two different voltages, vAO (t) and vCB (t), that are

Fig. 5. Phasor diagram of the transformer using the Scott connection.

generated from a symmetrical three-phase system vA (t), vB (t),

and vC (t). The voltages vα (t) and vβ (t) represent a two-phase
voltage system on the secondary winding, with a phase angle of
90◦ between them. The phasor diagram is represented in Fig. 5,
where A, B, and C correspond to the three terminals of a three-
phase system; N represents the neutral point; and vα (t) and vβ (t)
Fig. 6. Three-phase rectifier equivalent circuit.
represent the secondary voltages.
Each secondary winding is simply a single-phase winding,
and the voltage across it and the current in it do not differ from
what would be expected in an ordinary single-phase transformer.
On the other hand, in the case of the three-phase side, it is
interesting to consider the actual voltages and currents, which
are as follows:

|VAO | = × |VCB | (1)
|IAO | = |ICB |. (2) Fig. 7. Equivalent circuit of the output filter.

By multiplying the voltage across each transformer by its cur-

rent, the equivalent size of each transformer is obtained. The The purpose of using a buck PFC is to correct the power factor of
group output should be multiplied by 0.577 in the case of the the structure by forcing the input current to follow the shape of
main transformer and 0.5 for the teaser transformer. Therefore, the rectified secondary voltage. For that, instantaneous average
in a Scott-connected group, the two-phase windings are equiv- duty cycles of the switches are
alent to the windings of two ordinary single phase of the same dα (t) = Kv · | sin(ω · t)| (5)
output, although on the three-phase side, the winding of the
main transformer is increased by 15.5% above what would be dβ (t) = Kv · | cos(ω · t)| (6)
required in a single-phase transformer of the same output. As- where Kv is the modulation index.
suming that the primary and secondary windings of an ordinary The buck diode voltages are, therefore, given by multiplying
single-phase transformer each occupy the same space, then, in input voltages rectifiers by average duty cycles of the switches
a Scott-connected group, a transformer is necessary with 7.75%
greater capacity in the main transformer than a single-phase vD α (t) = Vp · Kv sin(ω · t)2 (7)
transformer. vD β (t) = Vp · Kv cos(ω · t)2 . (8)

IV. STEADY-STATE ANALYSIS The equivalent circuit in Fig. 6 can be reduced to the circuit in
Fig. 7, whereas the inductor voltage is shown in
In the theoretical study involving the unity power factor iso-
lated three-phase rectifier, only the secondary circuitry was con- vL o (t) = vD α (t) + vD β (t) − vo (t). (9)
sidered. Hence, the secondary windings of the Scott transformer
are considered to be ideal ac power sources. Moreover, the full- Substituting (7) and (8) into (9), we obtain
bridge diode rectifiers were substituted by power sources that VL o (t) = Vp · Kv − vo (t). (10)
represent the rectified secondary voltages vα (t) and vβ (t). The
topology in Fig. 2 can be reduced to the circuit given in Fig. 6. The inductor voltage has no dc component and considering
The secondary voltages of the Scott transformer are sine and average voltage yields
cosine waveforms [5]. Therefore, the rectified voltages at the
vo (t) = Vo = Vp · Ki . (11)
inputs of the buck converters are
The high-frequency components of voltage were neglected by
vα (t) = Vp · | sin(ω · t)| (3)
considering only the instantaneous average values of the buck
vβ (t) = Vp · | cos(ω · t)|. (4) diode voltages. Even so, ideally, the high-frequency components

Fig. 8. Mains waveforms of three-phase buck rectifier.

of the voltage would stay on the output filter, leaving the dc com-
ponent free to stay on the load, resulting in a constant voltage
output. This indicates that the inductor current feedfoward is not
necessary to obtain a unity power factor, considering a resistive
load and symmetrical network.
The complete schematic diagram with respective waveforms
is depicted in Fig 8. In this representation, the carriers are 180◦
phase shifted from each other.

A. Input LC Filter
The natural leakage inductance of the low-frequency trans-
former usually is very low, but this inductance is significant
at high-frequency filters. Taking advantage of that, the high-
frequency input filter uses the leakage inductance of the sec-
ondary winding. Insofar, the input filter is accomplished by
adding the capacitor Cf .

B. Output Inductor Current Ripple

The rectifier’s operation is possible with the same carriers or
individual carriers with phase shifted from each other. However,
the synchronism of the carriers affects the design of the output
filter. A difference phase in 180◦ offers better results for the
output inductor current ripple.
For comparison, in Fig. 9, the voltage inductor with 180o Fig. 9. Inductor voltage. (a) 180◦ shift-phase carrier. (b) Same phase carrier.
phase shifted apart (a) and same phase carriers (b) is presented
with respective inductor current ripple shown in Fig. 10(a)
and (b). Note that the maximum current ripple occurs with voltage is obtained in the second case due to the additive input
the same carrier in the rectifiers modules. In addition, the voltages.
switch frequency ω s is 20 times larger than the network In the presented rectifier, with phase-shifted carrier, the in-
frequency ω. ductor current ripple will be maximum in 0.5 ratio cycle and
Clearly, in the first case (a), the voltage frequency is higher on peak network waveform, as in dc buck converters. In this
than that in the second case (b), which, naturally, allows a lower case, the modulation index is 0.5. Applying (12), results evi-
inductor current ripple. Furthermore, the maximum inductor dence maximum ripple inductor current with carriers that are

Fig. 11. Complete block diagram of the control loops.


Fig. 10. Normalized inductor current ripple with Kv = 0.5. (a) 180◦ phase
shifted. (b) Same phase carriers.

180◦ phase shifted from each other

ΔIm ax = . (12)
4 · Lo · fs can carry the same amount of power simply by sharing the same
On the other hand, with the same phase carriers, the maximum voltage error amplifier output.
inductor current ripple occurred on a different network sine
waveform point, when modulation index is about 0.7. In this
case, the maximum inductor current ripple is determined by
√ Simulation results prove the effectiveness of the proposed
2 · Vp three-phase rectifier. In order to analyze the operation of the
ΔIm ax = . (13)
4 · Lo · fs proposed rectifier, a digital simulation was performed and then
compared with experimental results. The proposed control strat-
egy shown in Fig. 11 was implemented, and used for simulation
Fig. 11 shows the control block for the complete system, analysis. Table I shows the system specifications.
where Kv is the waveform input gain, A is a voltage error output, The simulation study seeks to verify the inductor current rip-
B is a shape waveform to current reference, C is a sample of ple first with 180◦ phase shifted between both carriers and later
average input voltage, and D is a shape of inductor current with same phase carriers. The waveforms inductor currents are
ripple. This technique is similar to that in a single-phase buck shown in Fig. 12, for phase-shifted carriers, and Fig. 13, for the
preregulator with feedforward of the output inductor current same carriers. The maximum ripple current is about 2-A peak-
[24]. a-peak in the first case, and 3-A peak-a-peak in the second case.
The output voltage is measured and compared to reference These results are different when compared to Fig. 10, because
voltage in an appropriate voltage controller. In each buck mod- the modulation indexes and switch frequencies are different. In
ule, the output of the voltage controlled A is multiplied by a this case, the modulation index is about 0.75 and is 0.5 in the
shape waveform reference B and divided by both the shape in- previous case (see Fig. 10).
ductor current ripple D and the rms value of the input voltage Figs. 14 and 15 show the simulation of secondary volt-
squared C2 . The resulting signal is compared with the saw- ages and current waveforms where low-distortion current wave-
tooth signal or triangle signal, generating the drive signal for forms can be observed, resulting in a total harmonic distortion
the switches Sα and Sβ . Finally, each buck preregulator module (THD) near to 2%, for nominal output power. There is a phase

Fig. 12. Inductor current iL (t) with 180◦ shift phase between both carriers.
Fig. 15. Secondary voltage vβ (t) and current iβ (t).

Fig. 13. Inductor current iL (t) with same carriers.

Fig. 16. Secondary currents iα (t), iβ (t), and inductor current iL (t).

Fig. 14. Secondary voltage vα (t) and current iα (t).

Fig. 17. Line currents iA (t), iB (t), and iC (t).

shift between voltage and current waveforms due to the input
filter. TABLE II
In Fig. 16, the output inductor current and the input currents COMPONENT VALUES OF THE RECTIFIER
in the secondary winging are shown. Note that the secondary
currents iα (t) and iβ (t) of the buck modules which are 90◦
phase shifted from each other have equal amplitudes. Further,
both currents do not present distortion at zero crossing, which
is a characteristic of single-phase boost PFC converters. The
results for the line currents can be seen in Fig. 17, where the
THD of line currents was about 2%.


After ameticulous simulation study and analysis, a 12-kW
three-phase buck isolated rectifier prototype was implemented

Fig. 18. Implemented prototype: power circuit.

Fig. 19. Photograph of the Scott transformer. Fig. 20. Photograph of the laboratory prototype (dimensions are 300 mm ×
250 mm × 120 mm).

and evaluated in laboratory, in order to validate the proposed

structure. The experimental setup was built using analog cir-
cuitry with an integrate circuit UC3854B (Unitrode) [28] and
4-QuadrantMultiplier/Divider AD734 A (analog devices) [29].
The design specifications of the prototype are presented in
Table I, and Table II shows the dc mains component value.
Fig. 18 shows the power circuit implemented. Fig. 19 presents a
photograph of the Scott transformer and in Fig. 20 the rectifier
prototype is shown.
Figs. 21 and 22 show the experimental results of the
12-kW prototype. The THDs of the secondary voltages were
2.2% and 2.3%. The THDs of the secondary currents were 3.8%
and 4.5%. The currents are nearly sinusoidal in shape, thus pro- Fig. 21. Current iα (t) and voltage vα (t) (10 A/division, 200 V/division, and
viding conditions to obtain a low THD value as expected. The 5 ms/division).
power factors were 0.996 and 0.992.
Fig. 23 shows input the currents iα (t) and iβ (t) of the buck
PFCs and output inductor current iL (t), where iα (t) and iβ (t) are full load operation are THDiA = 3.8%, THDiB = 4.1%, and
90◦ phase shifted from each other and with equal amplitudes. THDiC = 3.7%. The magnitude and shape waveforms are quite
This result confirms that the output powers of the two buck different from each other because the input voltages are not
modules are equal. symmetrical and have harmonics distortions. Each buck module
The experimental lines’ input currents are shown in Fig. 24, can carry the same amount of power; therefore, if there are
whereas the total harmonic distortions of the line currents for different input voltages there will be different input currents.

Fig. 25. Converter efficiency.

Fig. 22. Current iβ (t) and voltage vβ (t) (10 A/division, 200 V/division, and VIII. CONCLUSION
5 ms/division).
This paper introduces a novel unity power factor isolated
three-phase rectifier based on the Scott transformer and single-
phase buck rectifier in continuous conduction mode. A thorough
analysis is presented, corroborated by simulation studies and
the successful design of a system composed of two single-phase
buck rectifiers connected to a Scott transformer. This topology
has only two switches where each buck module is rated for
half of the output power. The resulting input line currents are
nearly sinusoidal in shape with low harmonic distortion and
unity power factor.
The proposed control strategy, which employs a feedfoward
of the output inductor current, allows using high inductor current
ripple without distortion input current. Moreover, a small induc-
tor can also be used, which reduces significantly size, weight,
and cost of the buck rectifier. A second feedfoward input volt-
age is proposed to distribute the total power between them when
the input voltage is unbalanced. And finally, a common voltage
Fig. 23. Secondary currents iα (t), iβ (t), and inductor current iL (t) control loop for both buck PFCs is employed to regulate the
(10 A/division and 4 ms/division).
output voltage.
A 12-kW laboratory prototype was successfully imple-
mented. The experimental results demonstrate the efficient per-
formance of the proposed system, where the power factor de-
pends on the relation between the output voltage average value
and the input voltage peak value. The low-pass LC input filters
were obtained with leakage inductances from the Scott trans-
former and it is not necessary to add inductors, only capacitors.
Moreover, the output filters are a simple LC filter for high-
frequency components.
The use of the Scott transformer provided low-frequency iso-
lation, which is desirable in some applications due to the ro-
bustness and safety it provides. In these cases, this rectifier is
certainly a promising option since it presents unity power factor
by using only two active switches and it uses a simple well-
known control strategy. Therefore, this proposed structure is
recommended for high-power installations.
Fig. 24. Line currents iA (t), iB (t), and iC (t) (20 A/division and 5 ms/division).

Fig. 25 shows the tested efficiency of the three-phase rectifier
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Ind. Electron., Jul. 9–13,, 2006, vol. 2, pp. 931–936. He created the Brazilian Power Electronics Conference.

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