Urban Geography
Urban Geography
Urban Geography
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1 URBAN GEOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1 URBAN GEOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1. Which of the following is not an example 4. Edge cities are suburban areas around a
of a site factor? city.
A. Latitude A. true
B. Fresh Water B. false
C. Roads 5. Centrality relates to all of the following
D. Climate except
E. Elevation A. Christaller
B. economic reach
2. Which of the following is the MAIN CAUSE
C. range of a good
of the Central Place Theory not forming
perfect shapes across the landscape? D. suburbanization
A. Population Distribution 6. What are the centers of business and cul-
B. Flat terrain ture in a society?
A. Farms
C. Uniform Transportation
B. Coasts
D. Even purchasing power
C. Cities
3. The number of houses per unit of land di- D. Recreational areas
minishes as distance from central city in-
creases is 7. Central place theory describes the
A. rank size A. spatial patterns of urban and outlying
areas based on the flow of goods and ser-
B. central place theory
C. density gradient
B. tendency of different ethnic groups to
D. sector model congregate in a single location
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. A
C. tendency of civilizations to form 13. Which urban model includes nodes such as
around certain natural features a port, a university, an airport and a park?
the intersection of major interstate high- C. monarchy
ways is called D. democracy
A. Suburban sprawl
22. A state whose most populated city has
B. Urban sprawl 12 million in it would have approximately
C. Suburban densification how many people living in the 3rd largest
city if the state follows rank-size rule?
D. Edge cities
A. 3 million
18. Which of the following is a DISADVAN-
TAGE of primate cities? B. 1 million
25. is an economic system in which gov- 31. the minimum number of people needed to
ernment allows private business owners support a service is the
to produce and make a profit from selling
29. Refers to the start or cradle of modern po- D. less developed country
litical liberty from the medieval people. 34. A port is likely to attract nearby , ac-
A. chivalry cording to the multiple nuclei model
B. charter city A. schools
C. homage B. homes
D. growth of towns C. industries
30. something that contributes to a result D. malls
A. connectivity 35. Rome, Athens, and Jerusalem are all ex-
B. function amples of what kind of site?
C. proportion A. Hilltop
D. factor B. Oasis
26. B 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. A
37. What are the key elements of successful
urban regeneration projects? C. GIS
A. High crime rates and lack of safety D. GPS
B. Exclusive focus on commercial devel- 42. Which would be a good picture of the Cen-
opment without considering community tral Business District of San Antonio?
C. The key elements of successful urban
regeneration projects include community
engagement, sustainable design, mixed-
use development, public spaces, and eco-
nomic viability.
D. Excessive use of natural resources
and environmental degradation
B. Formal Regions Disfunctional Region 47. What does the word proportion mean?
Perceptual Region
A. refers to the proper age of fossils
C. Formal Regions Functional Region Per- B. refers to the amount of many things
ceptual Region
C. refers to the number of one thing com-
D. Formal Regions Functional Region Pre- pared with the number of another thing
occupied Region D. refers to the properties of chemicals
found in the environment
44. Which of the following is not likely to be
in CBD 48. Increasing public transit is one way to get
people in a metropolitan area to drive less.
A. Office What is public transit?
B. Hospital A. A network of buses, trains, and other
vehicles used for moving passengers.
C. High buildings
B. not allowing people to build develop-
D. Supermarket ments on farmland
C. replacing an abandoned factory with a
45. overlapping urban areas are called: new apartment building
A. hamlet D. when all the 7th graders get in Ms.
Dodor’s beetle and go to Taco Bell
B. town
49. When the models of urban structure de-
C. city veloped in Chicago are applied to Rio de
Janeiro, one conclusion is that
D. megalopolis
A. both cities are located near large
46. Look carefully at the map. The housing lakes.
around Shakestones to the West (left) of B. Rio de Janeiro doesn’t have high in-
the map is in the? come neighborhoods.
50. A system of government in which one per- C. Urban sprawl
son rules with unlimited power and author- D. Urban infill
54. What is urban renewal
A. autocracy
A. the redevelopment of the whole city to
B. theocracy make it more modern
C. monarchy B. the redevelopment of part of a city for
D. democracy new landuses
C. the improvement of part of a city by of-
51. Victory Square ten middle class residents, changing the
character of an area
D. repainting, repaving roads and improv-
B. the ing the infrastructure of a city
B. Movie Theater 72. What do you call it when you refer to the
C. Professional Sports team arrangement of public and private space in
D. Grocery Store
A. Urban strategies
68. Older city models have defined CBDs at the B. Urban Outfitters
heart of their growth; newer models like
C. Urban structures
can have multiple centers of business
activity D. Urban Outlooks
A. Concentric Zone Model 73. Smaller cities tend to have more special-
B. Sector Model ized functions, such as specialized teaching
hospitals, than do larger cities.
C. SE Asian City Model
A. true
D. Multiple Nuclei Model
B. false
69. Which of the following was NOT a rea- 74. Kennedy Airport
son for rapid suburbanization in the United
States after the Second World War? A.
B. the
A. Mass production of the automobile
B. Expansion of home construction 75. What is a metropolitan area?
C. Expansion of the interstate highway A. spreading of urban developments on a
system city
D. Availability of low down payment terms B. A region that includes a central city
and long-term mortgages and its surrounding suburbs
78. What is the best title for the chart in this B. threshold
image? C. range
C. gentrification
87. MKAD D. eminent domain
92. Which is NOT an essential service?
B. the A. Clean water
88. The location of a place relative to other B. Sewage
places “connections” C. Electricity
A. Site D. Entertainment
B. Situation 93. more than 20 million people
90. What are the three pre-conditions need to 95. What is the term for the operation of
be in place in order for cities to form? specialized commercial farms for efficiency
and profits?
A. Ecology, Technology, and Power
A. Agribusiness
B. Trading, Religion, and Ecology
B. Urbanization
C. Technology, Religion, and Trading
C. Domestication
D. Religion, Ecology, and Power
D. Pastoralism
91. Banks might consider giving loans to those 96. Compared to the United Kingdom, the
who want to purchase and improve homes amount of sprawl in the United States is
in a certain urban area too risky so they
may refuse loans in certain districts. This A. greater.
practice is known as B. less
108. What % of people in India and China live 113. Climate, Fresh water, Latitude, Soil qual-
in cities? ity are examples of
A. 20% A. Site
B. 30% B. Situation
C. 40% 114. The rank size rule applies in a country. Its
D. 50% largest city is 8 million. What is its 4th
largest city?
109. How much of the world’s population live
A. 7 million
in cities?
A. More than 50% B. 6 million
B. 50% C. 4 million
D. none of above 115. Zoning laws can help organize a city into
different districts.
110. In U.S. cities, the underclass is
A. True
A. clustered in inner city neighborhoods
B. False
B. distributed uniformly through the city
C. disperse throughout the city 116. What part of the metropolitan area is a
suburb most likely to be located in?
D. clustered in suburbs
118. Which of the following is NOT a situation 122. It is known as the longest continuous civ-
characteristic? ilization.
119. In a economy, habit and custom de- 123. A group of cities that have grown into a
termine the rules for all economic activity, large, built up area
and behavior is defined by the customs of
their elders and ancestors. A. Are known as world cities.
120. What part of the metropolitan area is A 124. A process of converting a neighborhood
pointing to? from low-income to middle-class is
A. blockbusting.
B. filtering
C. gentrification
D. redlining
E. zoning
127. All of the following are true regarding 130. Legally adding land area to a city in the
Central Place Theory EXCEPT United States.
A. a central place is a market center for A. Annexation
the exchange of goods and services by B. Invation
the people attracted from the surrounding
C. Finders keepers
D. No takeies backsies
B. businesses in central places compete
with each other, which creates an irregu- 131. Sixth Avenue
lar pattern of settlements
C. because most people prefer to get
B. the
services from the nearest location, con-
sumers near the center of the circle ob- 132. Which type of agriculture involves herd-
tain services from local establishments ing animals and using them for milk, meat,
D. the closer to the periphery of the circle, and other products?
the greater the percentage of consumers A. Pastoralism
who will choose to obtain services from B. Shifting Cultivation
other nodes
C. Market-Oriented Agriculture
E. a market area (or hinterland) is a good
D. Agribusiness
example of a nodal region
133. Highway 65
128. Which among the following is NOT a gift
of the Nile River? A.
A. Served as a vital transportation route B. the
B. Flooded around the same time each 134. What is the core of an urban area? What
year surrounds it?
C. Occasional drought A. downtown; farms
D. None of the options B. central exurbs; central city
129. What does urbanization (n) mean? C. central city; suburbs
D. suburbs; CBD
135. Which of the following scenarios is best
explained by the concept of range in
Christaller’s central place theory?
A. A major department store opens in a
small town because the town does not
A. the movement of people from the coun- have any major retailers competing for
tryside to towns and cities business.
B. the movement of people out of cities to B. A consumer purchases gasoline at the
the countryside nearest town but travels to the nearest
C. an increase in the number of people liv- city to purchase a new car.
ing in towns and cities C. A high rate of rural-to-urban migration
D. an increase in the number of people occurs in a developing country as people
moving to the countryside seek jobs in cities.
A. Liberia
B. Somalia
A. urban core C. Ethiopia
B. rural fringe D. Nigeria
C. urban fringe E. Rwanda
D. mitochondria 142. Human geographers use as a more
precise term for “downtown.”
139. What do countries like Western Europe
that are democratic socialist offer their
A. Basic human rights
B. collective land ownership
A. uptown edge city B. Floods
B. greenfield edge city C. Invasion
C. boomer edge city
D. Disintegrated governance
D. entrance edge city
149. which urban model is pictured here?
144. What problems can result from the lack
of fresh food?
A. People end up spending more money
and gaining weight from fast food.
B. Convenience stores can go out of busi-
ness because they are not selling fresh
foods. A. multiple nuclei model
C. Communities argue and fail to work to- B. concentric zone model
gether to solve common problems.
C. sector model
D. Larger grocery stores go out of busi-
ness because people choose to shop at D. none of above
convenience stores.
150. Gentrification helps low income earners
145. Windsor Castle but hurts high income earners.
A. A. True
B. the B. False
146. The attractions of shopping malls include
151. The following are the institutions that
all but which of the following?
lead to the birth of a more complex soci-
A. frequent concerts and exhibitions ety known as civilization, EXCEPT one:
B. generous parking lots A. Agricultural development
C. place to meet friends B. Permanent mud-brick dwellings
D. sheltered environments
C. City wall development
E. walking distance from homes
D. Specialized workers
147. Which of the following is not the charac-
teristic of CBD? 152. MacDonald’s
A. Tall building A.
B. High population density B. the
153. “White Flight” in the 1950S is most as- 158. The area of London shown on the West
sociated with what? (left) of the map is the?
C. Basic-nonbasic ratio
D. regional government federation
D. Threshold ratio
168. A economy is one in which businesses
E. The Sector model
are privately owned and production and
164. High rents and land shortage discourage prices are determined by supply and de-
2 main activities in the CBD-industrial and mand.
A. traditional
A. Restaurants B. market
B. Hotels C. command
C. Law Firms D. mixed
D. Residential
169. Who created the concentric zone model?
165. In core area cities the practice of buying A. Thomas Jefferson
up and rehabilitating deteriorating housing
which resulted in the raising of housing val- B. Carl Marx
ues and a social change in neighborhoods C. Albert Einstein
is called
D. Ernest Burgess
A. Overcrowding, crime, poverty, social B. secondary
conflict, and pollution
C. tertiary
B. very few challeges occur.
D. quaternary
C. social services are very slow to adapt
D. people are isolated from each other 187. The movement of people from cities to
and grouped by social classes the suburbs is best known as
182. What is the purpose of urban models? A. Ruralism
A. Explains where different types of peo- B. Suburbism
ple live
C. Urbanization
B. Explains why people live where they
live D. Sector Model
C. Depends on the use of Census Data
188. Areas of open land with few people,
D. All of the above homes, and businesses
183. To deal with the financial problems in A. Urban
some areas of the cities, American city
governments B. Suburbs
A. reduce taxes. C. City
B. reduce services. D. Rural
C. receive more grants from the federal
government. 189. What is west of the ice cream stand?
D. establish semi-independent boroughs.
E. all of these
194. All of the following are true regarding B. It has high density housing
food deserts EXCEPT C. It is a mixture of old and new industry
A. they are found in areas with a substan- D. It has lots of woodland and lochs
tial amount of low-income residents
199. How can the CBD be identified on a map?
B. they are created when supermarkets
A. Many churches
avoid locating in low-income neighbor-
hoods B. Grid-iron street pattern
C. they create hardships for low-income C. Densely packed buildings
residents who do not own cars D. All of the above
C. newly industrialized country
201. New Urbanism D. less developed country
A. encourages spraw
208. A is a political unit touching the bor-
B. discourages spraw ders of the central city
C. only happens in big cities A. Metropolitan Area
D. none of above B. Suburb
202. The physical qualities of the original loca- C. CBD
tion for a city D. none of above
A. Situational characteristics 209. Which of the following is a correct state-
B. Absolute location ment about the major cities of the world?
C. Relative location A. Most are found in areas that are not
very suitable for agriculture.
D. Site characteristics
B. Most primate cities are located in the
203. What type of land use dominates on the United States and western Europe.
periphery of the Latin American Model? C. They are concentrated between the
A. squatter settlements tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capri-
B. industrial activity corn.
D. Most are located on rivers or sea-
C. commercial
D. middle class residential
E. The world’s fastest-growing cities are
204. What was the name of Greece’s largest found in areas with the highest standards
city? of living.
A. Rome 210. The following are advantages of having
B. Cicily a diverse city EXCEPT?
220. Outlying area or community around a city 225. refers to the location of a place relative
to other structures
A. Urban
A. Site
B. Suburb
B. Situation
C. Rural
C. City-state
D. City
D. Metropolitan Area
221. Central Place Theory is associated with:
E. Nodal region
A. Threshold and filtering
226. When suburbs and exurbs grow around a
B. Range and filtering central city what is created?
C. Threshold and range A. Megalopolis
D. Range and zoning ordinances B. Metropolitan Area
C. Megacity
222. Which of the following best describes an
urban area with more than 50, 000 resi- D. State
227. A system of government in which a hered-
A. Urban cluster itary king or queen holds supreme power.
B. Urbanized area A. autocracy
242. The study of how people use space in 247. Which of these is NOT a function of
cities is called what? cities/towns?
A. Geography A. Security/Defense
B. Economic Geography B. Trade Centers
C. Urban Geography C. Government Administration
D. Rural Geography D. Culture Management
243. How did the construction of I-94 affect 248. The following is a picture of which urban
the Rondo neighborhood of St. Paul? land use model?
A. it brought it closer together
B. it destroyed the neighborhood
C. it moved it to the East Side of St. Paul
D. it made it bigger
245. Region with the fastest growing Megaci- 250. A primate city such as Mexico City is
ties A. always located in the center of its
A. Europe country for maximum accessibility
B. U.S.A B. more than twice the size of any other
city in its country and dominant economi-
C. South and East Asia cally and culturally
D. Africa C. most likely to share its rank size with
246. Which of these is a major effect of rural at least one other city in the country
decline in Mexico? D. always a national capital serving as
A. falling crime the seat of government and industrial cen-
ter of the country
B. rising living standards
E. much larger than the cities in any
C. increased urbanization neighboring country and serves as the re-
D. decreased spatial inequality gion’s financial capital
251. What type of site is found where two Explanation:Post-industrial cities often
rivers flow into one? make use of former industrial buildings
and structures (High Line, NY; brownfield
265. Which 2 of these are much more likely to
B. the
happen in an urban area compared to a ru-
260. Mixed use development, front porches, ral area?
accessible green spaces, and walkability A. Lack of access to clean water
are all features of which sustainable de-
B. Traffic jams
sign initiative?
C. Environmental degradation
A. Zero growth
D. Noise pollution
B. Leapfrog development
C. New Urbanism 266. Retailing, Wholesaling, Education, Enter-
tainment, Recreation, Residential, com-
D. Transit-oriented development
mercial, industrial, Religious, Government,
261. A settlement is usually found along Social services are fuctions found in a
the length of a resource, such as a river.
A. Linear
B. Cluster
C. Grid
D. none of above
268. Counterurbanization happens when peo- 273. Which of the following services likely has
ple move away from settlements due to a longest range?
B. a wealthy couple looking to move into 277. Which of the following is paired INCOR-
the city RECTLY?
C. employees of a small business located A. Gas station = low threshold
in the city B. High-end department store = low
D. residents of a part of the city that is threshold
steeped in culture C. Hospital = high threshold
B. industrial centers B. megalopolis
C. transportation hubs C. commerce
D. providers of goods and services D. none of above
279. A process by which banks designate an 284. What is the term for the land closest to
area within which they refuse to lend urban areas that has the highest value?
money for improvements is
A. Central Business District (CBD)
A. blockbusting.
B. Edge City
B. filtering
C. Subsistence Agriculture
C. gentrification
D. Intensive Farming
D. redlining
285. Walter Christaller developed the
E. zoning
A. central place theory
280. The maximum distance people will travel
B. industrial revolution
to a central place to buy a service or good
is called: C. rank-size rule
A. centrality D. gravity model
B. threshold 286. Why is urban sprawl considered to be a
C. range problem?
D. megalopolis A. it preserves green space
B. it increases traffic
281. The following are reasons that encour-
aged the second urban revolution, EXCEPT: C. it preserves the character of the com-
A. Second agricultural revolution that im-
proved food production and created a D. it causes urban crime rates to rise
larger surplus
287. This type of service provides security and
B. Industrialization, which encouraged protection for all services and businesses.
growth of cities near industrial resources
A. Public & Semi-Public Services
C. The use of the assembly line among
factories B. Business Services
C. Consumer Services
D. Development of computing softwares
and mainframes D. none of above
288. cities generally considered to play an im- 293. a system of government in which those
portant role in the global economic system who rule are regarded as divinely inspired
289. States who have an urban settlement 294. The number of customers necessary for a
that dominates politically, economically, business to succeed is the
socially, and that hosts at least 2x as A. range
many people as the next largest urban
settlement follow which “rule” for urban B. threshold
ranking? C. carrying capacity
A. Conurbation rule D. vernacular region
B. Primate city rule 295. What do you call the fortresses that
C. Rank size rule housed assembly halls, granaries and pub-
lic baths?
D. Edge city rule
A. Citadel-walled Fortress
290. What is the term for the process of hu-
B. Pyramid
mans learning how to grow plants and
tame animals for their own use? C. Ziggurat
A. Domestication D. None of the options
B. Urbanization 296. What is the unrestricted growth of hous-
C. Agribusiness ing, commercial developments and roads
over large expenses of land, with little
D. Pastoralism
concern for urban planning?
291. What does the multiple nuclei model ex- A. Rural Sprawl
plain? B. Urban Sprawl
A. that a city has more than one center C. Community Planning
B. that the city has more than one center D. None of the above
but its center can be easily found
C. that a city has only one center 297. Richmond, VA is an example of what kind
of site?
D. that a city has no center at all
A. Confluence
292. In general, higher status famlies in the B. Harbor
U.S. are more likely to live farther away
from a city center while lower status peo- C. Peninsula
ple tend to live closer to the city center. D. Fall Line
A. true 298. Yuppies or young urban professionals are
B. false moving into walkable neighborhoods that
A. development of countryside A. Socialism
B. unplanned, unorganized spreading of B. Anarchism
C. Syndicalism
C. organized, planned spreading of sub-
urbs D. Terrorism
D. when countryside stretches into the 305. It is made up of different cities with cer-
cities tain characteristics of cultural and techno-
logical developments.
300. A primate city is when the largest city in
a country is the size of the next largest A. City
B. Civilization
A. Twice
C. Dynasty
B. Triple
D. Urban
C. Half
D. Quadruple 306. The greatest distance a customer will
travel to purchase a good or service is the
301. Megacities have a population of ?
A. range
A. Over 9, 000
B. threshold
B. Over 10 million
C. Over 50 million C. carrying capacity
302. Identify which statement is false. 307. Which of the following is the LOWEST or-
A. In a developed country more than 75% der good?
of people live in a rural area. A. Chili’s restaurant
B. Urbanization is rapid in a developing B. Movie theater
C. Grocery store
C. Urban growth is slow in a developed
country. D. Gas station
D. Many of the world’s largest cities are
308. Bolshoi Theatre
found in developing countries.
E. In a developing country, less than half
of people live in cities. B. the
309. What has made Istanbul vulnerable? 314. Urban areas in the USA are divided into
that each contain about 5000 people,
A. its low crime rate
and often correspond to existing neighbor-
315. Coliseum
311. Based on a person’s free will and initia-
tive, which could involve weighing options A.
and choices. B. the
A. Voluntary migration
316. Walter Christaller’s Central Place Theory
B. Involuntary migration explains how a provides services and
C. Pull factors functions to its .
319. Identify the statement that is FALSE. 323. Racial Segregation was increased due to
A. A metropolitan area includes a city and A. white linings
its surrounding built-up areas. B. red lining
B. Cities around the world function in very C. integration
different ways.
D. all of the above
C. Central business districts tend to be lo-
cated in suburbs. 324. Cities zone for a variety of reasons such
D. Rural areas tend to be further away as to regulate the use and location of build-
from the city center than the suburbs. ings
A. True
320. Which of the following defines CBD?
B. False
A. Part of the city which does not contains
the principal commercial streets but con- 325. The rapid growth in the size and number
tains the main public buildings of large cities is called
B. Part of the city which contains some of A. Metropolitan Growth
the principal commercial streets and main
B. urbanization
public buildings
C. Gentrification
C. Part of the city which contains the mi-
nor commercial streets and minor public D. none of above
326. In the U.S., these areas have at least
D. Area within a city with the highest ac- 50, 000 people in a county and must be
cessibility plus having a greater variety adjacent to other counties with high pop-
and concentration of specialized goods ulations and a large number of residents
and services than any other area. working in the central city’s county.
321. What is the name given to the idea that A. Metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
private individuals or groups have the B. Metropolitan statistical arena (MSA)
right to own property or businesses.
C. Neopolitan statistical area (MSA)
A. socialism
B. communism
C. free enterprise 327. The largest cities in the world are in de-
veloped countries.
D. democratic socialism
A. True
322. What do you call the system of gov- B. False
ernance in the many isolated cities of
Greece? 328. Megacities contain
A. City-states A. 5 million people
B. Decentralized Governance B. 10 million people
C. Unitary Governance C. 15 million people
D. None of the above D. 20 million people
329. Which of the following are PUSH fac- 334. Where are specialized schools, like nurs-
tors that encouraged some people to move ing school, located?
away from the CBD?
B. the C. Greenfield, WI
D. Nagano, Japan
332. Overlapping Metropolitan Statistical Ar-
eas eventually lead to megalopolis or: 337. This image best illustrates the con-
A. Primate city
B. Micropolitan Statistical Area
C. Conurbanization
D. Suburbs
338. The forces underlying the pattern, pro- 344. What information is this map showing
cess and accessibility of urban growth. us?
A. urbanization
B. morphological pattern of a city
C. development of polis
D. morphogenesis
339. What do countries like China and Vietnam
hope to gain from allowing some free en-
A. population growth A. Monthly rainfall (precipitation)
B. economic growth B. Yearly rainfall (precipitation)
C. cultural diversity C. Elevation of the U.S. landscape
D. political growth D. Population patterns in the U.S.
340. What shape does the Central Place The-
ory suggest urban areas will pattern them- 345. Which statement does not describe mod-
selves in? ern industrial estates?
A. Rings
B. Squares
C. Pentagon
D. Hexagons
341. Pushkin Museum
B. the A. Landscaped with trees, shrubs and
342. A community’s collection of basic indus- lochs
tries B. Factories are grouped together in in-
A. Basic industry dustrial estates.
B. Non basic industry C. The streets have a crescent or cul de
C. Economic foundation sac pattern.
D. Economic base D. Room for Large car parks for workers
and delivery lorries.
343. These suburban downtowns are located
near key freeway intersections and pro- 346. What led to mining towns turning into
vide citizens numerous forms of entertain- ghost towns?
A. People got tires of mining
A. Edge City
B. City B. Resources ran out
C. City-State C. More people moved to larger cities
D. Megacity D. The climate was harsh
347. Unrestricted low-density development of 352. A decline in shops and service, closure of
residential and commercial activities over factories and old housing replaced by high-
a large expanse of land is rise flats occurred in which area?
348. In what continent are most of the world’s 353. In Hoyt’s Sector Model lower income
megacities? neighborhoods are usually located
349. Land is more intensively used in the cen- 354. This type of settlement would have the
ter of the city than elsewhere. largest population
A. true A. city
B. false B. small town
C. large town
350. What is a green belt?
D. village
A. an area close to the city used to build
new developments 355. What basic land use pattern includes sin-
gle family housing and apartment build-
B. the area of countryside around the
edge of a city with strict planning controls
to stop houses being built A. Industrial
B. Residential
351. According to this model, a city grows in
rings around the Central Business District. C. Commercial
D. Suburban
356. Aeroflot
B. the
B. Town, Village, City, Metropolitan area, C. They offer total choice in what their so-
Megalopolis cieties need
C. Village, Town, City, Megalopolis, D. There are no disadvantages
Metropolitan Area
D. Village, Town, City, Metropolitan Area, 363. Comparing the patterns of commercial
Megalopolis space and residential space, which of the
following examples is the weakest fit for
E. Town, City, Village, Metropolitan area, the Burgess concentric zone model?
365. Unrestricted low-density development of 370. As Mexico City has grown, it has seen
residential and commercial activities over increases in all of the following except
a large expanse of land
382. The following chart is an example of
377. What are taxes used for in a command
A. make it available to oligarchs for their
budgetary discretetion
B. to lend out to entrepreneurs
C. support social services, such as hous-
ing and healthcare
D. to make life easier for the job creators A. Central Place Theory
378. nodes of economic activity that have de- B. Von Thunen model
veloped in the periphery of large cities C. Concentric Zone
A. Leap-frog development D. Latin American Urban Model
B. Boomburbs E. Multiple Nuclei Model
C. Edge City
383. What is the process of settlement forma-
D. Deurbanization tion, expansion and change called?
E. Exurbs
A. Urbanization
379. This economic system, which granted eco- B. City growth
nomic power to the lords that increase
C. Urban decay
profits of the crops and taking advantage
of a peasant workforce. D. Suburbanization
A. feudalism 384. A social problem that cities face is
B. manorialism A. noise and air pollution
C. mercantilism B. crime
D. imperialism C. traffic jams
380. What is the role of city planning and zon- D. subsidies
ing in shaping a functional city?
385. Throughout the world, more people are
A. Organizing urban space now living in urban areas than are living
B. Ensuring efficient land use in rural areas.
C. Promoting infrastructure development A. True
D. All of the above B. False
386. What are the implications of lack of af- C. segregation of land uses
fordable services in slum housing areas? D. all of these are results of suburbaniza-
387. Larger settlements are fewer and further 392. a city with more than 10 million people
apart & provide services that people are A. Megacity
willing to travel further for is
B. Metacity
A. central place theory
393. The terms “village” and “town” mean
B. sector model
the same thing because a village and town
C. density gradient are similar in size and function.
D. multiple nuclei model A. True
388. Libraries are an example of what type of B. False
394. An accountant is an example of which ser-
A. Public & Semi-Public Services
vice sector?
B. Business Services
A. Consumer
C. Consumer Services
B. Business
D. none of above
C. Public
389. The following are the cities that devel- D. none of above
oped in Mesopotamia, EXCEPT one:
A. Ur 395. If a country’s largest city has 1, 000,
000 inhabitants and the second largest
B. Uruk city has 200, 000 inhabitants, the country
C. Mridu follows what type of distribution?
D. Thebes A. central place
390. Consequences of suburbanization include B. rank size
C. equidistant
D. primate city
396. Pyramids
A. the
398. The construction industry and bicycle in- share power with citizen bodies. Monar-
dustry BOTH grew as a result of the mak- chies can be separated into Constitutional
ing of the interstate highway system (Shared Power) and Absolute Monarchies
A. True (Unlimited Power).
B. False D. An individual holds complete political
power. Citizens have no individual rights
399. Which of the following is not the charac- and only participate in support of govern-
teristic of high income residential? ment.
A. House far from CBD
402. The rank size rule states that the popula-
B. House that has double garages tion of a city or town will be:
C. House that has pools A. directly proportional to its rank
D. House near to CBD B. inversely proportional to its rank
400. A model of the internal structure of cities C. not related to its rank
in which social groups are spatially ar- D. over 2 times as large as the next
ranged in a series of rings. largest city
A. Concentric Zone Model
403. The increase in cities and people moving
B. Griffen-Ford Latin American City to cities is called what?
A. Ruralization
C. Peripheral Model
B. Industrialzation
D. Sector Model
C. Personification
401. Monarchy is a
D. Urbanization
407. True or false:Urbanization is a factor that 412. Which of the following was known as the
is contributing to the loss of agricultural “Rome of East Asia?”
D. globalization
D. Peripheral
423. Which one is an economic system
418. Which of the following is best described
A. traditional
as cities existing before 1500 and explo-
ration? B. market
A. seaports C. command
B. mercantile cities D. all of the above
A. B. The
B. the 444. Which fact is NOT true about the city cen-
439. An area of human settlement with a low
population density, cultural similarity, and
fewer services
A. Urban
B. Suburban
C. Rural
D. Wilderness A. It has excellent accessibility
B. It has high land prices
440. Central cities, suburbs and exurbs from
together to create an economic zone called C. Shops and offices locate here
a what? D. It is where old factories and old hous-
A. City-State ing are found
B. Nation-State 445. During the industrial revolution, people
C. Megalopolis were motivated to move to urban areas
primarily by
D. Metropolitan Area
A. the depletion of soils in agricultural ar-
441. a special purpose eas
A. function B. artistic and cultural opportunities
B. structure C. poor housing and pollution
C. connectivity D. economic opportunities
D. central place
446. What part of the metropolitan area is B
442. The following is a picture of which urban pointing to?
land use model?
A. urban core
458. What is the term for the most important 463. How would you describe this place?
centers of economic power and wealth in
the world?
A. World Cities
B. Central Business Districts (CBD)
C. Edge Cities
D. Subsistence Agriculture A. Urban
459. A police officer is an example of which B. Rural
service sector? C. Suburban
A. Consumer D. none of above
B. Business 464. Political boundaries, typically referred to
C. Public as , can change due to wars or treaties.
D. none of above A. margins
B. borders
460. Coffee is one of Guatemala’s key ,
which it sells to other countries all over C. frames
the globe. D. frontiers
A. imports 465. Why is understanding urban geography
B. exports important?
C. tariffs A. To promote sustainable development
A. Farm A. the
B. Village B.
B. the
488. Which of the following words mean “re- 491. What are food deserts?
lating to city life”? A. Areas with little rainfall throughout the
D. none of above
A. urban core
B. urban fringe
C. rural fringe
D. metropolitan area
A. Accessibility
B. Range
C. Threshold
D. Hinterland A. 1.Residential2.Industrial3.Non-
497. The following are reasons of the collapse B. 1.Residential2. Non-Industrial3. Com-
of many ancient civilizations, EXCEPT one: mercial
A. uncontrollable population movements C. 1.Residential2.Industrial3.Livestock
B. uncontrollable population movements D. 1.Residential2.Industrial3.Commercial
C. failing states leading to increased war- 501. What is the government’s main economic
fare task in a free market?
D. Lack of city planning A. To preserve the comman economy
B. To look out for poor and weak
498. Gentrification is
C. to decide what the people need
A. the movement of wealthy people out D. To preserve the free market.
of suburbs and rural areas into the city,
changing the nature of the neighborhood 502. New York City; Alexandria, Egypt; Istan-
bul, Turkey. These are all examples of
B. the movement of wealthy people into
the suburbs, changing the nature of the
neighborhood. A. Island Sites
C. the movement of middle class people B. Harbor Sites
into the suburbs keeping the neighbor- C. Oasis Sites
hoods the same D. Confluence Sites
D. the movement of people from urban to
503. Urban sprawl is the
rural areas so that they have more space
A. land maintained as open space sur-
499. Which of the following has the HIGHEST rounding a suburban area
order goods? B. development of new homes outside of
A. city the existing built up area
504. What is the population of the third 509. Toronto’s Official Plan encourages infill
largest city in a country where the rank- instead of urban sprawl. Which of these
size rule applies if the largest city is 100, is the best example of infill?
A. True A. sector
B. False B. concentric zone
C. Curitiba, Brazil A.
D. None of the above B. The
513. Humans first domesticated plants and an- 519. Which of the following city in Kerala is
imals. Which of the following is being de- part of Smart City Mission
A. Kochi
A. First Agricultural Revolution
B. Kozhikode
B. Second Agricultural Revolution
C. Third Agricultural Revolution C. Kannur
514. What are the benefits of understanding 520. Why are centers of culture changing?
urban geography?
A. because people are becoming more in-
A. Sustainable city planning terconnected
B. Efficient resource allocation
B. because the change was innevitable
C. Informed decision-making
C. beccenter of culture are not changing
D. All of the above
D. because of their economic and cultural
515. Cities attempt to promote sustainability strength with outside world.
through changes to architecture, water
use, and transportation.
521. The relationship of one thing to another
A. True in size, amount, ect
B. False A. connectivity
516. What does urbanisation mean? B. proportion
A. the movement of people from the coun- C. factor
tryside to towns and cities
D. patron
B. the movement of people out of cities to
the countryside
522. What factor changed and DEFINES the
C. an increase in the percentage of peo- modern city?
ple living in towns and cities
A. Downtown
D. an increase in the percentage of peo-
ple moving to the countryside B. Suburbs
517. Democratic Party C. Factories
A. D. Now
B. the
523. What is a key part of urban regeneration
518. According to , the two largest cities schemes?
in a country will have the most interaction
between them A. Increasing resource consumption
A. Gravity Model B. Neglecting community identity
B. Sector Model C. Ignoring social equality
C. Central Place Theory D. Focusing on pollution and flood reduc-
D. Multiple Nuclei Model tion
534. Belarus Today B. Rural Planning
A. C. Urban Planning
B. The D. National Governance
535. Who owns property under communism? 540. What is a brownfield site?
A. It is owned by foreign corporations A. a site that has never been developed
B. It is collectively owned. before
C. it is owned by private corporations B. a site that is derelict from previous de-
D. its is owned by private individuals velopment
C. a site in an area of greenbelt
536. The development of new housing sites in
less dense area not connected to the ex- D. a site that no building can take place
isting built-up area. The spreading of an
urban area. 541. Which type of cities emerged during the
Industrial Revolution, also called the 2nd
A. Urbanization Urban Revolution?
B. Greenbelt
A. Urban banana
C. Smart growth
B. Mercantile cities
D. Urban Sprawl
C. Modern Cities
E. Gentrification
D. Manufacturing Cities
537. The Greek polis emerged during the Dark
ages on and built around 542. Most cities are found in places that allow
A. Acred Hills
A. Good Transportation
B. Steep Hills
B. More Recreational Activities
C. Mountain Ranges
D. Shorelines C. Consumer Shopping Districts
D. Governmental Access
538. A is a huge center of finance, busi-
ness and government that is important to 543. What is deurbanization?
the global economy.
A. Where all people to other empire came
A. Metropolitan area to another one empire.
B. Village B. Where people form rural areas move
C. Megalopolis from urban area.
C. A demographic and social process 549. What is a ruler that measures distance?
whereby people move from urban areas A. compass rose
to rural areas.
554. An area of human settlement that has 557. Which of the following is NOT an assump-
high population density, cultural diversity, tion of Central Place Theory?
and a large number of services offered. A. flat area
A. Urban B. population not distributed evenly
B. Suburban C. no barriers
C. Rural D. uniform transportation
D. Wilderness 558. The following are great cities in America,
555. Rural fringe includes EXCEPT one:
A. Chicago
B. Miami
C. Saxony
D. San Francisco
559. Land values are high in the CBD primarily
because of
A. construction of skyscrapers
B. less intensive land use
A. The farms and open spaces after the
suburbs C. high threshold and range
D. competition for limited space
B. Big building in downtown
C. Houses in the suburbs 560. Which of the following terms means:less
than what is needed
D. none of above
A. pedestrian
556. Which of the following is an example of B. confer
a smart growth policy for urban develop-
C. significant
D. anemia
E. subsidies
561. What is the term for the type of agricul-
ture that focuses on growing crops for sale
to consumers?
A. Market-Oriented Agriculture
B. Subsistence Agriculture
A. Increasing the capacity of roads/highways C. Shifting Cultivation
D. Pastoralism
B. Decreasing the number or size of
562. the CBD is also known as
A. suburb
C. Increasing mixed-use land policies to
combat sprawl B. rural area
D. No longer permitting industrial zoning C. central business district
within city limits D. none of above
563. A large urban area is called a area. 568. Walter Christaller’s Central Place Theory
A. metropolitan helps explain why which activity is located
in the most accessible sites?
B. Decline in old industry
C. increase in job opportunities
D. none of above
A. woods
B. swimming pool
C. playground
A. urban sprawl D. ice cream stand
B. metropolitan area
579. A country has 83% of the population that
C. rural fringe are farmers and there are.5 tractors for
D. whooping cough every 40 square miles of land. Which type
of farming is mainly taking place in this
575. A law that limits the uses of land and country?
maximum density of development in a
country. A. Commercial farming
A. Zoning B. Subsistence farming
585. Disneyland
B. the
591. Another word for ANNUAL: 596. a large population concentration made up
A. Monthly of several large and many smaller cities,
such as the area between Boston and
B. Daily Washington, D.C.
C. Yearly
A. manufacturing belt
D. Weekly
B. megalopolis
592. Mixed-use development, pedestrian-
C. postindustrial
friendly design, and the incorporation of
front porches and alleys are design ele- D. manufacturing belt
ments of which of the following?
A. Zero growth 597. which urban model is pictured here?
B. Transit-oriented development
C. Urbanization
D. New Urbanism
B. Sector Model
C. Burgess Model
D. Hoyt Model
622. What trend can you see by studying the C. They are located in the interiors of
following map of the Mississippi River? their respective countries and require so-
phisticated transportation networks.
A. Cities have developed along the Rocky B. CBD, mixed-use, new development, a
Mountain Range suburban CBD
A. Pollution B. Sea
B. Congestion
C. Siberian
C. Social inequality
D. Silk Roads
D. All of the above
634. What promoted urbanization more than
631. Which of the following is NOT a true any other event?
statement concerning automobiles in the
USA? A. highways
B. industrial revolution
C. commercialization
D. minimum wage
A. Chicago
B. Detroit A. Central business district
B. Commuter’s zone
C. Baltimore
C. Zone of transition
D. Rio de Janeiro
D. Zone of better residences
649. Which statement does NOT describe the
652. What continent is Capetown at the south-
ernmost tip of?
A. Europe
B. Asia
C. South America
D. Africa
655. Clusters of large buildings and shopping B. Some factors that attract people to ur-
centers away from the central business ban areas in the UK include job opportu-
district. Residents of suburbs are increas- nities, cultural diversity, access to ameni-
663. What are the social implications of traf- 669. What are the key stakeholders in urban
fic congestion on urban economic develop- regeneration?
ment and human wellbeing? A. Planners and local government have
A. Reduced pollution exposure the same roles
B. Improved economic development B. Residents have no role in regeneration
C. Increased length of the working day C. Businesses have no role in regenera-
D. Reduced stress and pollution exposure tion
D. Planners, local government, busi-
664. The physical character of a place “Condi-
nesses, and residents have contrasting
tions” that are right there at the location
A. Site
670. The size of a country’s largest city is
B. Situation
more than double the size of the second
665. 3 Models of Urban development, Con- largest city is
centric Zone, Sector, and Multiple Nuclei, A. rank size
were all created in what U.S. city?
B. primate city
A. New York City
C. central place theory
B. Houston
D. density gradient
C. The Angels
D. Chicago 671. What is another name for a city area?
A. Suburb
666. Zoning laws can sometimes promote seg-
regation by income B. CBD
A. True C. Urban
B. False D. none of above
667. True or False:New technology has hin- 672. Why are many cities located near bodies
dered the interaction of regions with of water?
nearby and distant places. A. for protection from known enemies
A. True B. it allows for good transportation
B. False C. to keep people from wanting to travel
668. The is an international organization there
dedicated to fostering cooperation in inter- D. none of above
national law, international security, eco-
nomic development, social progress, hu- 673. What is the term for the arrangement of
man rights, and aspirations to achieve different-sized urban places based on their
world peace. size and function?
A. North Atlantic Treaty Organization A. Central Place Theory
B. World Trade Organization B. Urbanization
C. United Nations C. Domestication
D. International Federation of Nations D. Agribusiness
674. Prior to 1850, the location of all major 679. High Street
North American cities was largely deter-
mined by
676. involves the process of people moving to 681. Which of the following businesses is an
residential areas outside of cities indicator of gentrification?
A. Social heterogeneity A. A family owned business
B. Pedestrian Cities B. Starbucks
C. Streetcar suburbs C. a local antique shop
D. Suburbanization
D. a 100-year running bakery
E. Sprawl
682. Rapid change in the racial composition
677. What type of map is this? of residential American cities that occurs
when real estate agents stir up fears of
neighborhood decline is known as
A. White flight
B. Blockbusting
C. redlining
A. Political
D. Filtering
B. Climate
C. Physical Features 683. Titanic
D. Economic Resources A.
685. What was the marketplace that was the B. Strong enough to last
center of activity in Greek cities called? C. Increase national pride
A. Forum D. They’re all free to visit
B. Now
690. What is the area in a city center domi-
C. Acropolis nated by large stores, offices, and build-
D. Aqueduct ings called?
A. Central Business District (CBD)
686. Look carefully, which map symbol is miss-
ing? B. Edge City
C. Subsistence Agriculture
D. Market-Oriented Agriculture
691. When a low-income neighborhood be-
comes more expensive to live in and forces
the current residents out, this is known as
A. Redlining
A. Museum
B. Blockbusting
B. Train Station C. Gentrification
C. Bus Station D. Smart growth
D. Airport
692. Urbanization?
687. This is used to secure the network of
trade in Mesopotamia from evil practices,
black marketing and hoarding among oth-
A. Barter
B. Coins
C. Seals A. is the rise in the number of cities and
changes in lifestyle.
D. Stamps
B. is the rise in the number of farms and
688. What is a consequence of air pollution lev- changes in lifestyle.
els considered unsafe in some cities? C. is the rise in the number of towns and
A. No implications for human health changes in lifestyle.
B. Implications for human health, espe- D. is the rise in the number of villages and
cially for old and young people changes in lifestyle.
C. No implications for human health 693. Which of the following is the 1st Urban
D. Implications for human health, espe- Hearth?
cially for working adults A. Mesopotamia
689. How do monuments/states/famous B. Nile Valley
buildings help with “nation-building”? C. Indus Valley
A. Good photo ops D. MesoAmerica
694. Individuals who are unable to return 699. Most of the expanded territory of the
home. powerful state like England, France, and
Germany became part of certain kingdoms
704. Large cities are economic hubs with radi- 710. What basic land use pattern has areas re-
ating connections for commerce according served for the manufacturing of goods?
to A. Industrial
A. From Thunen
B. Residential
B. Concentric Ring
C. Commercial
C. Central Place Theory
D. Suburban
D. none of these
711. Characteristics of world cities include
705. Where are new migrants most likely to which of the following?
settle according to newer models of set-
tlement in more developed countries? A. International company headquarters
A. Suburban areas B. Significant global financial functions
(stock exchange, banking institutions,
B. Central cities
C. Brownfields
C. Polarized social structures (inequity)
D. Squatter settlements
D. All of the above
706. The dramatic rise of cities and changes in
lifestyles is called what? 712. International company headquarters, sig-
nificant global financial functions, and a po-
A. Gentrification
larized social structure are defining charac-
B. Urbanization teristics of
C. Ruralization A. primate cities
D. Sub urbanization B. warehouses
707. Eiffel Tower C. forward capitals
A. D. world cities
B. the E. edge cities
708. Which of these is the most important 713. Which of these images show a metropoli-
“pull factor” that draws farm families to tan area?
Mexico City?
A. apartment living A.
B. communal land
C. economic opportunity
D. spatial inequality B.
709. Why has development been encouraged
in derelict sites in the inner city?
714. Which of the following statements re-
A. they are cheap to develop on
lated to primate cities and the rank-size
B. they encourage development on green- rule is INCORRECT?
A. Mexico City is a good example of a pri-
C. derelict sites are unsightly mate city because it is five times larger
D. none of above than its second-largest settlement
B. The existence of rank-size distribution 719. What is the difference between a city and
of settlements can impact the quality of a metropolitan area?
life within a country
724. The development of new housing sites in 730. How do economies grow under a commu-
less dense areas not connected to the ex- nist economy?
isting built-up areas is known as A. very fast
A. Urban sprawl B. there is absolutely no growth
B. Urbanization C. the growth is not measureable
C. Gentrification D. Slow or not at all
D. Public housing 731. What is Ghetto?
725. Worldwide, settlement patterns are be- A. Poor neighborhood
coming more B. Country
A. urban C. Death camps
B. rural D. City
726. New York, Tokyo, and London are exam- 732. A city and its surrounding built-up areas
ples of World Cities. is called a
A. True A. Village
B. False B. Megalopolis
C. World City
727. Romans were able to increase communi-
cation thorough their empire by creating D. Metropolitan area
this feature very efficiently. E. Suburban area
A. Transportation network 733. What is the geometric shape of hinter-
B. City walls lands in Central Place Theory?
C. Now A. circle
D. Acropolis B. square
C. hexagon
728. The process of converting a neighborhood
from a predominantly low-renter renter- D. pentagon
occupied area to a predominantly middle- 734. The largest circles on the map represent
class owner-owned area
A. Renewal
B. Gentrification
C. Conversion of Area
D. Urban Renewal
735. Where is the best housing located accord- 740. How would you best define decentralisa-
ing to the sector model? tion?
D. the first ring outside the market C. The deterioration of the built environ-
736. Standard of living refers to: D. The renovation and enhancement of
the built environment
741. Ron Finley (AKA the guerrilla gardener)
is fighting food deserts in Los Angeles by
A. Helping the homeless plant fruits and
B. Planting a garden on the strip of grass
A. Shelter (houses, apartments, condos) near the street
B. the way in which something is divided C. Planting gardens in vacant lots
among a group or spread over an area.
D. All of the above
C. Life quality for people (access
to:education, health, sanitation, technol- 742. What is the term for the growth in the
ogy, jobs, etc.) proportion of people living in towns and
D. none of above cities?
A. Urbanization
737. Which of the following is NOT a zoning
category for cities? B. Domestication
ther and further out from the city. A. Liberia
B. Somalia
745. How can you tell this area is part of Glas- C. Ethiopia
gow’s inner city? D. Nigeria
E. Rwanda