28 February 2024 Current Affairs English

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28 Feb.


1. First US-India cyber security create jobs and develop cutting-

initiative launched in Pune, India edge solutions.
 The initiative aims to tackle scams
related to identity theft,
infringement of intellectual
property rights, cyber crime and
other cyber challenges. During this,
the US Consulate launched the
Center of Excellence for Cyber
Security in Pune.
 The Center will act as a platform for
joint strategic initiatives with like-
minded partners such as the United
 The US Consulate in Pune, Nations. Israel and India will
Maharashtra in collaboration with counter cyber security threats
the Maratha Chamber of through research and
Commerce, Industries and development-based cyber security
Agriculture (MCCIA) launched the solutions.
first US-India Cyber Security  The MCCIA Pune Cyber Initiative
Initiative to strengthen IT will bring together the best cyber
connections between the two security companies from the US
countries. and India to jointly develop cyber
 US Consul General Mike Hankey, security solutions.
who was at the MCCIA Pune  This initiative will lead to a
Business International Business mentorship model in cyberspace
Summit on February 26, 2024, said and will also promote people-to-
the initiative aims to unite top people ties in cyberspace. The work
cyber security experts globally to of this center will include
collaborating with research

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28 Feb.
institutions, industry and civil  Among the astronauts, Group
society to enhance cyber security Captain Prashant Balakrishnan
and infrastructure and protect Nair, Group Captain Ajit Krishnan,
sensitive information. Group Captain Angad Pratap and
 In May 2022, USA President Joe Wing Commander Shubhanshu
Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Shukla were also awarded
Modi signed the US-India Initiative 'Astronaut Wings' by the Prime
on Critical and Emerging Minister.
Technology (ICET), an agreement  Except Shukla, all the pilots are
for the United States and India to group captains. Shukla is a wing
work together in the field of commander. Of these, two to three
cybersecurity cooperation. pilots will be shortlisted for the
Gaganyaan mission.
 The astronauts have undergone a
2. PM Modi inaugurates four
one-year training course in Russia's
pilots of Gaganyaan mission
Zvozdny Gorodok city during the
and ISRO projects
pandemic and are now getting
acquainted with the intricacies of
the Gaganyaan mission at an ISRO
 PM Modi was in Kerala to
inaugurate three important space
infrastructure projects estimated
to cost around Rs 1,800 crore.
 These include the PSLV Integration
Facility (PIF) at the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre, which will
significantly boost the launch
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi
frequency, and the new Semi-
revealed the identities of four
Cryogenics Integrated Engine and
pilots training for India's first
Stage Test Facility at IPRC
human spaceflight mission,
Mahendragiri in Tamil Nadu, which
Gaganyaan, during his visit to the
aims to increase payload capacity.
Vikram Sarabhai Space Center
 He also inaugurated the Trisonic
(VSSC) in Thiruvananthapuram,
Wind Tunnel at VSSC to support
aerodynamic testing for rockets

28 Feb.

and aircraft during atmospheric

3. India's 'IFFCO' got first place
among the top 300 cooperative
 Gaganyaan Mission
societies globally.
 Symbolic of India's pioneering
venture into manned space
exploration, it is scheduled to be
launched between 2024-2025. It
aims to deploy a three-person crew
into a 400 km orbit for a three-day
mission, culminating in a safe
return to Earth via landing in
Indian waters.
 ISRO has achieved a major
milestone in human rating of its
CE20 cryogenic engine that powers
the cryogenic stage of the human-  Indian Farmers Fertilizer
rated LVM3 launch vehicle for the Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) has
Gaganyaan mission. India's again been ranked as the No. 1
national space agency, the Indian cooperative in the world's top 300
Space Research Organisation cooperatives for the year 2021. This
(ISRO) completed the final round of ranking is based on per capita
ground qualification tests on turnover/GDP.
February 13, 2024.  Apart from this, the overall
turnover ranking in IFFCO has
increased from 97th position to
72nd position. IFFCO with its 35,500
member cooperative societies,
25,000 PACS and 52,400 PMKSK
centers is moving towards
'Atmanirbhar Bharat' and
'Atmanirbhar Krishi'.
 Apart from this, Gujarat
Cooperative Milk Marketing
Federation Limited (AMUL) and

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28 Feb.
Sistema Unimed, France have got rural entrepreneurs and distribute
second and third position 2500 agri-drones. IFFCO will train
respectively. suitable village level entrepreneurs
 The first and second companies in to operate as “Certified Pilots”.
the world on the basis of overall  Working on the vision of
turnover are Agricole, France and Agriculture 2.0, IFFCO has invested
REWE Group, Germany. in cutting edge agriculture
 It relates the turnover of technology including
enterprises to country's wealth nanotechnology-based fertilizers,
according to the 2023 edition of the promotion of agri-drones, rural e-
12th annual World Cooperative commerce, digital enablement of
Monitor (WCM) report published by farmers and farms, Internet of
the International Cooperative Things (IoT) etc. And presented.
Alliance (ICA). This ranking was
released for the year 2021.
4. The world's first Vedic clock
 The International Co-operative
will be inaugurated in Ujjain,
Alliance was formed on 19 August
Madhya Pradesh.
1895 during the First Co-operative
Congress in London, England. It is
one of the oldest non-
governmental organizations. More
than 305 organizations from 103
countries are members of the
International Co-operative Alliance.
Its headquarters is in Brussels,
 IFFCO developed world's first
 The world's first Vedic clock,
Nanourea and NanoDAP for
designed to display time according
to the ancient Indian traditional
 Along with this, it is purchasing
almanac, has been erected on an
2,500 agro-drones along with
85-foot tower within Jantar Mantar
accessories and spares for spraying
near the government Jiwaji
bio-fertilizers, bio-stimulants like
observatory in Madhya Pradesh's
Sagarika and Argi-chemicals etc.
IFFCO will train more than 5000

28 Feb.

Ujjain district and will be unveiled Jaipur, Delhi, Mathura and

by PM Modi on 1 March 2024. Varanasi.
 This unique watch will display
information related to Vedic Hindu 5. Mexico declared the new
calendar, planetary positions, President of FATF
muhurat, astrological calculations,
predictions and will also tell Indian
Standard Time (IST) and Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT).
 This clock will calculate the time
from one sunrise to the next. The
two sunrises will be divided into 30
parts, each hour consisting of 48
minutes. Readings will start at 0:00
and sunrise works for 30 hours (one
hour of 48 minutes).
 The Tropic of Cancer passes
through Ujjain. Ujjain is considered
 Mexico's Elisa de Anda Madrazo has
the center of time calculation,
been named the new chair of the
hence the Vedic clock is installed
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) –
here. Historically, Ujjain played an
only the second woman to hold the
important role in determining the
hugely influential role. Mexico will
world standard time 300 years ago.
preside for 2 years.
 The foundation stone of the Vedic
 De Anda served as Vice-President to
clock was laid on November 6, 2022
Dr. Markus Pleyer of Germany
by the then Higher Education
(2020–2022) and was reappointed
Minister and current Chief Minister
for a second term from July 2021 to
of the state, Mohan Yadav.
June 2023.
 Ujjain has attained a place of great
 De Anda currently serves as
importance in the field of
Director General in Mexico's
astronomy. Maharaja Sawai Raja Jai
Ministry of Finance and Public
Singh of Jaipur built this
Credit. Previously, he served as
observatory in 1719. Apart from
attaché at the Mexican Embassy in
this, observatories were built in
Washington DC (2015–2019).

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28 Feb.
 Recently, UAE, Uganda, Barbados
and Gibraltar have been removed 6. Ministry of Women and Child
Development and Ministry of
from the 'grey list' by the leading
AYUSH launch 'Mission Utkarsh'
global watchdog Financial Action
initiative to control anemia
Task Force (FATF) in the 5th
among adolescent girls
conference in Paris chaired by
Singapore's T Raja Kumar.
 Financial Action Task Force:
 FATF is the global money
laundering and terrorist financing
watchdog which was established in
1989 at the meeting of G-7
countries held in Paris. Its purpose
was to investigate and develop
measures to combat money
 In 2001, the FATF expanded its
mandate to include efforts to
combat terrorist financing
following the 9/11 attacks on the
United States. In April 2012 it added  An MoU was signed between the
efforts to counter the financing of Ministry of Women and Child
the proliferation of weapons of Development and the Ministry of
mass destruction (WMD). AYUSH on February 26, 2024 at
 India joined the list of 'observer' Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi under
countries in 2006 and became a full 'Mission Utkarsh' for
member of FATF in 2010. Its implementation of a project to
secretariat is based at the control anaemia in adolescent girls
Organization for Economic Co- through Ayurvedic interventions in
operation and Development (OECD) five districts.
headquarters in Paris. Iran, North  Both the Ministries have jointly
Korea and Myanmar are three decided that in the first phase,
countries blacklisted. focus may be on improving
anaemia status of adolescent girls
(14-18 years) in five Aspirational
Districts of Assam-Dhubri;

28 Feb.

Chhattisgarh-Bastar; Jharkhand - (CCRAS). Classical Ayurveda

West Singhbhum; Maharashtra - medicines (Drakshavaleh and
Gadchiroli; Rajasthan - Dholpur. Punarnavadi Mandur) will be
 The Union Minister of Women and provided for a period of 3 months
Child Development announced that for better nutrition to improve the
the Ministry will also launch a joint health of adolescent girls suffering
venture with the Ministry of AYUSH from anemia.
and ICMR for effective
interventions like Yoga in
7. Famous ghazal singer Pankaj
Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)
Udhas, known for tunes like
among adolescent girls.
Chithi Aayi Hai, passed away.
 The Union Minister expressed hope
that India can lead in the
prevention of anemia by providing
cost-effective and palatable AYUSH
medicines for better compliance
with minimal adverse effects.
 He highlighted the coming
together of 18 ministries to address
the issue of Poshan (Nutrition
Campaign). The minister also
mentioned that, for the first time,
AYUSH interventions are being
evaluated by ICMR.
 Under this Mission Utkarsh
 Famous ghazal singer Pankaj
programme, more than 94,000
Udhas, known for songs like
adolescent girls in the age group of
"Chitthi Aayi Hai", Aahisa Hai
14-18 years, registered under
Baatein, Chaandi Jaisa Rung and
nutrition tracker at approximately
other tunes, passed away in
10,000 Anganwadi centers, will be
Mumbai, Maharashtra at the age of
benefited over the 12 month period
73 due to prolonged illness.
of the programme.
 Pankaj Udhas has ruled the world
 The coordinating agency for the
of Ghazal for many years. Born in
project will be the Central Council
Gujarat, trained in tabla from
for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences

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28 Feb.
Sangeet Natak Academy in Rajkot.
8. Adani Group unveils South
He rose to fame in 1980 with his
Asia's largest ammunition and
ghazal album "Aahat" and gave
missile complex in UP
hits like "Mukraar," "Tarannum,"
and "Mehfil."
 His song 'Chithi Aayi Hai' from the
film 'Naam' became very popular.
Was a Padma Shri awardee in the
year 2006 and made significant
contribution to Indian pop music in
Hindi cinema.
 In 1990, Pankaj Udhas worked with
Lata Mangeshkar for the duet
"Mahiya Teri Kasam" in the film
Ghayal, which became a huge hit.
In 1994, he sang another popular
song "Na Kajre Ki Dhar" with
Sadhna Sargam for the film Mohra.
 A notable anecdote related to  In a significant development for
Pankaj Udhas is that the King of India's defense sector, Adani
Bollywood Shahrukh Khan earned Defense and Aerospace has
his first salary at one of the unveiled an ammunition and
singer's concerts. Shahrukh missile complex in Kanpur, Uttar
worked as an usher and was paid Pradesh. Spread over 500 acres, the
Rs 50. complex is one of the largest
integrated ammunition
manufacturing facilities in South
 Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi
Adityanath inaugurated the
complex along with Army Chief
General Manoj Pandey. Which is the
first phase of the state's defense
corridor. CM also virtually launched
Adani Missile Complex in

28 Feb.

 The complex is expected to

9. PM Narendra Modi laid the
generate approximately 4,000 jobs,
foundation stone of Sikkim's
with a significant multiplier effect
first railway station in Rangpo.
benefiting MSMEs and the local
ecosystem. Adani Defense plans to
invest over Rs 3000 crore in the
 It will manufacture small, medium
and large caliber ammunition
catering to the needs of the Indian
Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces
and Police.
 The facility has already started
production of small caliber
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid
ammunition with an initial
the foundation stone of Sikkim's
production of 150 million rounds,
first railway station at Rangpo on
meeting 25% of India's annual
26 February 2024. Historically,
Sikkim has lacked the Indian
 In 2022, Uttar Pradesh Industrial
Railways network.
Development Authority (UPIDA)
 The design of the station reflects
signed MoU with Adani Aerospace
the rich traditions of Sikkim and
and Defence, among other
the majestic Himalayan landscape.
companies, to establish Kanpur as
The measurement of this platform
South Asia's leading manufacturing
is 620 meters.
hub for arms and ammunition.
 The project, which was approved in
2008 at an estimated cost of around
Rs 4,085.58 crore, now has a revised
estimate of around Rs 12,000 crore.
It was started by the Northeast
Frontier Railway (NFR) department.
 Under this, the Sevoke-Rangpo
railway line project has been built
which has been started in three
phases: in the first phase from

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28 Feb.
Sevoke to Rangpo, then in the foundation stone of 554 Amrit
second phase from Rangpo to Bharat stations, a government
Gangtok and finally in the third initiative to revive major railway
phase from Gangtok to Nathula stations across the country, and
and the project is expected to be inaugurated rail overbridges and
completed by 2029. underbridges. Under this, 2,000 rail
 The upcoming station will be infrastructure projects worth
integrated into the 45-km railway approximately ₹41,000 crore will be
line running from Sevoke near started.
Siliguri in West Bengal to Rangpo in
Sikkim. The line will include 14
10. India won a total of 18 medals
tunnels and 22 bridges, of which 3.5 in Thailand's BWF Para Badminton
km falls under the territory of World Championship 2024.
Sikkim and 41.5 km under West
 The track on the Sevoke-Rangpo
section of the Northeast Frontier
Railway will be able to bear a load
of 25 tonnes, with trains able to run
at a maximum speed of 110 kmph.
Between Sevoke and Rangpo, West
Bengal will have three stations:
Reang, Teesta and Melli.
 The project leads to a rail map to
enhance India's defense  Indian shuttlers won 18 medals
preparedness along the Sikkim- including three gold, four silver and
China border, especially in the 11 bronze at the BWF Para
backdrop of border tensions with Badminton World Championships
China. 2024 in Pattaya, Thailand.
 It is one of the ambitious projects  Tokyo 2020 Paralympics silver
of the Railways after the 200 km medalist Suhas Yathiraj defeated
long Bhalukpong-Tenga-Tawang Freddy Setiawan of Indonesia 21-18,
railway line in Arunachal Pradesh. 21-8 to win the gold medal in the
 Amrit Bharat Station Scheme men's singles SL4 category.
 Prime Minister Narendra Modi on  Meanwhile, Krishna Nagar
26 February 2024 laid the defeated Nelly Lin of People's

28 Feb.

Republic of China 22-20, 22-20 for

the men's singles title in SH6
 In the men's singles SL3 event,
Pramod Bhagat defeated world No.
1 Daniel Bethell of England 14-21,
21-15, 21-14 to win the gold medal.
 Indian medal winner
 Suhas Yathiraj - Gold Medal (Men's
Singles SL4)
 Krishna Nagar - Gold Medal (Men's
Singles SH6)
 Pramod Bhagat – Gold Medal
(Men's Singles SL3)
 Manisha Ramdas – Silver Medal
(Women's Singles SU5)
 Chirag Baretha/Rajkumar - Silver
Medal (Men's Doubles SU5)
 Manasi Joshi/Thulasimathi
Murugesan - Silver Medal
(Women's Doubles SL3 - SU5)
 Rachna Patel/Nithya Sri Sumati
Sivan Silver Medal (Women's
Doubles SH6)

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28 Feb.
[1] Where has the first US-India cyber control anemia among adolescent
security initiative been launched girls?
recently? (a) Ministry of Women and Child
(a) New Delhi Development
(b) New York (b) Ministry of AYUSH
(c) Washington DC (c) Ministry of Health
(d) Pune (d) both a and b
[2] Where has PM Modi recently [7] Where was the recently deceased
revealed the names of four pilots famous ghazal-singer Pankaj
of the first manned mission Udhas born?
'Gaganyaan'? (a) Maharashtra
(a) Kerala (b) Rajasthan
(b) Karnataka (c) Gujarat
(c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Goa
(d) Tamil Nadu [8] Where has Adani Group recently
[3] Who has recently been ranked first launched South Asia's largest
among the top 300 cooperative ammunition and missile complex?
societies globally on the basis of (a) Uttar Pradesh
per capita turnover/GDP? (b) Madhya Pradesh
(a) Sistema Unimed (c) Maharashtra
(b) Amul (d) Telangana
(c) IFFCO [9] Recently, in which state has PM
(d) Agricole Narendra Modi laid the foundation
[4] Where will the world's first Vedic stone of the first railway station?
clock be inaugurated? (a) Manipur
(a) Jaipur (b) Nagaland
(b) Ujjain (c) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Varanasi (d) Sikkim
(d) Mathura [10] Where was the BWF Para
[5] Who has been recently announced Badminton World Championship
as the new Chairman of FATF? 2024 held recently?
(a) Mexico (b) Singapore (a) Thailand
(c) Italy (d) Malaysia (b) Vietnam
[6] Who has recently launched (c) Japan
'Mission Utkarsh' initiative to (d) Nepal


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