Governor General of Bengal

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Governor General of Bengal (1773-1833)

1. Warren Hastings (1773-1785)

Regulating Act of 1773
Supreme Court of Bengal
Asiatic Society of Bengal
Stopped Mughal pension to Shah Alam-II
Stopped Diarchy in Bengal
New Sanskrit school by Jonathan Deccan
Moved treasury from Murshidabad to Calcutta
Bengal Gazette First newspaper published
First Anglo-Maratha war (1775 82)
Second Anglo-Mysore war (1780-1784)
English Translation of Bhagwat Gita by Charles Wilkins
Pitts India Act 1784
Came up with Ring Fence Policy

2. Lord Cornwallis (1786-1793)

Established lower courts and appellate courts
Permanent Settlement in Bihar and Bengal in 1793
Introduction of Cornwallis Code
o Separation of revenue and Justice Administration
o European subject also brought under jurisdiction
Introduction of Civil Services in India
First Governor General who established a regular force on the British
pattern in India
District Fauzdari courts which was established under Warren Hasting
was abolished and Circuit courts were established at Calcutta, Dacca,
Murshidabad and Patna.
Abolition of Court Fee by Cornwallis led to increases litigation

3. Sir John Shore (1793-1798)

Policy of Non-intervention
Charter Act of 1793
4. Richard Wellesley (1798-1805)
Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance
Fourth Anglo Mysore War 1799
Fort William College at Calcutta
Formation of Madras Presidency in 1801

5. The Lord Minoli[to (1807-1813)

Charter Act of 1813
6. Lord Hastings (1813-1823)
Ended the policy of Non-intervention
Third Anglo-Maratha War (1816-1818)
Creation of Bombay Presidency in 1818
Establishment of Ryotwari System in Madras
Anglo-Nepalese War (1814-1816) , Suppression of Pindaris and end of
Maratha Confederacy. Empires in Europe were crumbling before the
might of Napoleon. He Kept the British Flag flying in India.
7. The Lord Amherst (1823-1828)
First Anglo Burmese wars (1824-1826)
Treaty of Yandabo, 1826

Governor General of India ( 1833-1858 )

7. Lord William Bentinck (1828-1835)
First Governor General of India after charter act of 1833
Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829 & Charter Act 1833
Made English the language of Higher Education (Macaulays commission
Suppressed the thugs
Law Commission under Macaulay for Codification of Indian Laws
o It was result of this that CPC(1859), IPC(1860), CrPC(1861) came

8. Sir Charles Metcalfe (1835-1836)

Passed the famous Press Law, which liberated the press in
India (called Liberator the Press) in 1835.
o Educated Indian used this for educating public opinion and
influencing Govt. policies through criticism and censure.

9. Lord Dalhousie (1848-1856)

Doctrine of Lapse, Satara (1848), Jaipur and Sambhalpur (1849), Jhansi
(1853), Nagpur (1854)
Abolished Titles and Pensions,
Charles Wood Dispatch
Charles Wood Dispatch Suggested that Primary Schools Must Adopt
vernacular languages, High school must adopt Anglo Vernacular
Language and on College Level English medium for education.
However technical and women's education were neglected
1st Railway line connecting Bombay and Thane 1853
Post Office Act, 1854
Telegram line 1853 from Calcutta to Agra
Established Public Works Department
Engineering College was established at Roorkee
Also called Makers of Modern India
Hindu Widows' Remarriage Act, 1856 Ishwar Chandra Vidya sagars

Viceroy of India (1858-1947)

10. Lord Canning (1856-1862) First Viceroy of India
University of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras were set up in 1857
The revolt of 1857
The Government of India Act, 1858
Doctrine of lapse withdrawn

11. Lord Elgin (1862-64)

12. John Lawrence (1864-1868)
High Court were established at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1865
Indian Forest Department was created and Telegraph communication
opened to Europe

13. Earl of Mayo (1869-1872)

Only Viceroy to be murdered in office by Pathan convicts in Andaman in
For the first time in Indian history a census was held in 1871
Organized statistical survey of India
Resolution of 1870 for financial decentralization
14. Lord Northbrook (1872-1876)
15. Lytton (1876-1880)
Known as the Viceroy to reverse characters.
Organized the Grand Delhi Durbar in 1877 to decorate Queen Victoria
with the title of Kaiser I Hind or Empress of India. Administrative
changes with respect to princely states.
Arms act (1878) made it mandatory for Indians to acquire license for
Passed the infamous Vernacular Press act (1878).
o Link this with the restriction of press imposed after revolt of

16. Rippon (1880-1884)

Liberal person, who sympathized with Indians.
Repealed the Vernacular Press act (in 1881)
Passed the local self government act (1882)
Took steps to improve primary & secondary education (on William Hunter
Commissions recommendations).
The I Factory act, 1881, aimed at dealing with problem child labor
o 7-12 year child should not work more than 9 hours + 4
holidays/month +proper fencing of dangerous machinery
Passed the Ilbert Bill (1883), which enabled Indian district magistrates to try
European criminals. But this was withdrawn later.
Age Limit for Civil Services Increased to 21years
Also knows as Father of Local Self Government in India

17. Dufferin (1884-1888)

Indian National Congress 1885
18. Lansdowne (1888-1894)
II Factory act (1891) granted a weekly holiday for all and stipulated
working hours for women (11 hours ) and children (7 hours), although it
failed to address concerns such as work hours for men.
o Note: Factories act (I and II) didnt applied to British owned tea
and coffee plantation.
Indian Council act of 1892 was passed.
Appointment of Durand Commission to define the line between British India and
Categorization of Civil Services into Imperial, Provincial and Subordinate.

19. Elgin-II (1894-1899)

Great famine of (1896 1897)
20. Lord Curzon (1899-1905)
Passed the Indian Universities act (1904) in which official control over the
Universities was increased.
Partitioned Bengal (October 16, 1905) into two provinces Bengal (proper) &
East Bengal & Assam
Appointed a Police Commission under Sir Andrew Frazer to enquire into the
police administration of every province.
The Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, 1904

21. Earl of Minto (1905-1911)

Various acts were passed to curb the revolutionary activities. Extremists
like Lala Laipat Rai and Ajit Singh (in May, 1907) and Bal Gangadhar
Tilak (in July, 1908) were sent to Mandalay jail in Burma.
Swadeshi Movement (1905-08)
Foundation of the Muslim League, 1906;
Indian Council act of 1909 or the Morley Minto Reforms was passed
Surat Split Of Congress 1907
Repressive press laws in Newspaper (Incitement to Offences) Act,
1908 and Indian Press Act, 1910 due to Swadeshi and Boycott

22. Lord Hardinge (1911-1916)

Held a durbar in December 1911 to celebrate the coronation of King
George V.
Capital shifted to Delhi in 1912
Partition of Bengal was cancelled (1911), capital shifted from Calcutta to
Delhi (1911).
Rash Behari Bose threw a bomb at him; but he escaped unhurt
(December 23, 1912).
Gandhi came back to India from South Africa (1915).
Establishment of Hindu Mahasabha by Madan Mohan Malviya (1915)
Annie Besant announced the Home Rule Movement.
Tilak released form the Mandalay Jail in 1914
Lucknow pact 1916 AC Mazumdar INC president

23. Lord Chelmsford (1916-1921)

Rowlatt act of 1919; Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (April 13, 1919)
Non-Cooperation Movement.
MontaguAugust Declaration of 1917, whereby control over the Indian
government would be gradually transferred to the Indian people.
The government of India act in 1919 (Montague Chelmsford reforms)
was passed.

24. Reading (1921-1926)

Kakory Train Robbery on August 9, 1925.
Formation of Swaraj Party.
Chauri Chaura Incident
Rowlatt act was repeated along with the Press act of 1910
Prince of Wales visited India in November, 1921.
Swami Shraddhanand, a great nationalist and a leader of the Arya Samajists,
was murdered in communal orgy.

25. Lord Irwin (1926-1931)

Simon Commission visited India in 1928.
Lahore session of Congress and Poorna Swaraj declaration
Dandi March (March 12, 1930).
Civil Disobedience Movement (1930)
First Round Table Conference held in England in 1930.
Gandhi Irwin Pact (March 5, 1931) was signed and Civil Disobediance
Movement was withdrawn.
Martydorm of Jatin Das after 64 days hunger strike (1929).
Nehru Report (1928)
Butler commission (1927)

26. Earl of Wellingdon (1931-1936)

Second Round Table conference in London in 1931.
On his return Gandhiji was again arrested and Civil Disobedience
Movement was resumed in January, 1932.
MacDonalds Communal Awards (August 16, 1932) assigned seats to
different religious communities. Gandhiji went on a epic fast in protest
against this division.
Third Round Table conference in 1932.
Poona Pact was signed.
Government of India act (1935) was passed
All India Kisan Sabha (1936)

27. Linlithgow (1936-1943)

Cripps Mission in 1942.
Quit India Movement (August 8, 1942).
Outbreak of World War II in 1939.
Foundation of Forward Block by S.C. Bose (1939)
Government of India act enforced in the provinces. Congress ministries
formed in 8 out of 11 provinces. They remained in power for about 2
years till October 1939, when they gave up offices on the issue of India
having been dragged into the II World War. The Muslim League observed
the days as Deliverance Day (22 December)
Churchill became the British PM in May, 1940. He declared that the
Atlantic Charter (issued jointly by the UK and US, stating to give
sovereign rights to those who have been forcibly deprived of them) does
not apply to India.

28. Wavell (1943-1947)

Arranged the Shimla Conference on June 25, 1945 with Indian National
Congress and Muslim League; failed.
Cabinet Mission Plan (May 16, 1946).
Elections to the constituent assembly were held and Interim Government
was appointed under Nehru.
First meeting of the constituent assembly was held on December 9, 1946

29. Mountbatten (1947-1948)

Last Viceroy of British India and the first Governor General of free India.
Partition of India decided by the June 3 Plan.
Indian Independence Act passed by the British parliament on July 4, 1947,
by which India became independent on August 15, 1947
Retried in June 1948 and was succeeded by C. Rajagopalachari (the first
and the last Indian Governor General of free India).

Some Books:
Gora RN Tagore
Nil Darpan Deen Bandhu Mitra
Indian War of Independence 1857 VD savarkar
Carnatic wars chanda sahib read personality associated with this
Battle of chausa
Battle of khanwa
2nd battle of tarrain
Bhil revolt

Press acts in India

Cabinet mission
Abolition of Child marriage Child Marriage Restraint Act, also called the Sarda

passed on 28 September 1929 in the British India Legislature of India,

fixed the age of marriage for girls at 14 years and boys at 18 years which
was later amended to 18 for girls and 21 for boys. It is popularly known
as the Sharda Act, after its sponsor Harbilas Sarda.

The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act 2006 came into force on 1 November
2007 in India.

Read about all conspiracy cases

Kakori Conspiracy
Meerut Conspiracy Case
New Delhi Conspiracy Case
Chittagonog Armoury Raid
Allipore Conspiracy case

Nehru Report
BUttler Report
14 point of Jinnah
Gandhi Irvin Pact

Govt in Britain and Britain PM + Monarch during important incidents

First labour govt in 1924 Ramsay Macdonald
Hunter committee for jallinawala bagh tragedy

Different Political parties establishment in India + Different association prior to INC

Muslim league
Justice Party
Swaraj Party
Unionist party
Hindu Mahasabha
Communist Party
Congress Socialist party

Congress Socialist Party, or (CSP), was a left-wing group within the Congress. It was formed with
Acharya Narendra Deva as President and Jay Prakash Narayan as General Secretary in 1934.

The Indian Reform Association was formed on 29 October 1870

with Keshub Chunder Sen as president. It represented the secular side of
the Brahmo Samaj and included many who did not belong to the Brahmo

Bal Gangadhar Tilak joined congress in 1890. Valentine Chirol called him Father of Indian Unrest,
who first of all demanded complete Swarajya.
scourge of God

Parrot of India

The Indian Slavery Act, 1843, also Act V of 1843, was an act passed
in British India under East India Company rule, which outlawed many
economic transactions associated with slavery.
Governor-General of India, Lord Ellenborough ( 1842-44) --- Followed Forward Policy
Toward AfghanistanEven Lytton Did the same. English Forces were defeated in 1839-

Religious Reforms :
Calcultta Unitarian committee by RR Roy

Narayan Malhar Joshi, a leading member of the Servants of India Society, founded the Social
Service League in 1911. The objective of the movement was to collect and study social facts and
discuss social problems with a view to forming public opinion on questions of social service

Deccan Education Society was established in 1884 and registered on 13th August 1885 by four patriotic
visionaries - Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Gopal Ganesh Agarkar and Mahadeo Ballal

Lala Lajpat Rai used the safety valve theory in Young India in 1916 and said that it was a product of
brain of Lord Dufferin. - Who Founded this.

Read from Wikipedia:

Gandhi and Gandhis Philosophy
Gandhi Vs. Ambedkar
Gandhi Vs. Subash Chandra Bose
Satyagraha Different forms, how is it different from Passive resistance
Civil Disobedience Vs. Non Cooperation differences
What is Swaraj? How is it different from Dominion status if any?

Muzzafarpur Conspiracy Attempt on Kingsford,

Judge of Muzaffarpur by Prafful Chaki & Khudi Ram
Bose in 1908 Prafulla Chaki shot himself dead while
Khudiram bose was tried and hanged.
2-Alipore Conspiracy Case Aurobindo Ghosh

3-Delhi Conspiracy Case (1911) Sanchin Sanyal and

Rash Behari Bose were accused of attempting to
Lord Hardinge

4-Kanpur Conspiracy Case (1924) British

government started the case against four communists-
Muzaffar Ahmed, S.A.Dange, Shaukat Usmani and
Nalni Gupta. The government alleged that the
Communists wanted to deprive the British King of the
sovereignty of British India.

5-Kakori Conspiracy Case On August 9, 1925, ten

revolutionaries held up the 8-Down train from
Saharanpur to Lucknow ai Kakori and looted its official
railway cash. Asfaqullah Khan. Ram Prasad Bismil and
Roshan Lehri were hanged.
This Incident was associated with HRA found in
October 1924 to organize armed revolution
6-Lahore Conspiracy Case
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Raj Guru assassinated
Saunders, a police official, al Lahore to avenge Lala
Lajpat Rais death. (December 1928)
Singh & Batukeswar Dutt were asked to throw a bomb
in the Central Legislative Assembly on April 8th 1929
against the passage of Public Safety Bill & Trade
Disputes Bill.

7-Meerut Conspiracy Case (1929) 31 prominent

trade union and communist leaders ( including 3 english
me ) were arrested and after a trial lasting for four year
sentenced to long period of imprisonment

Chittagong Armory Raid 1930 surya sen

Kuka Rebellious Movement Punjab Ram singh

Royal Indian Naval Rating and Naval mutiny

Revolt Of Indian Naval Rating 1946
Naval Mutiny

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