2 Nutritionalstatuselderly
2 Nutritionalstatuselderly
2 Nutritionalstatuselderly
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4 authors, including:
Sutanuka Santra
ICARE Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
All content following this page was uploaded by Atanu Biswas on 10 August 2021.
Background: Geriatric population is a potentially vulnerable group for malnutrition as per 2002 census of the World
Health Organization.
Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition among elderly population in Arkhali village,
North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India.
Materials and Methods: This community-based cross-sectional study was carried out in Arkhali village, Amdanga Block,
rural field practice area of Department of Community Medicine, R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, West
Bengal, India, among 235 elderly individuals aged ≥ 60 years during February to March 2014 by applying Mini Nutritional
Assessment (MNA) questionnaire. Elderly individuals were interviewed after obtaining informed verbal consent.
Results: MNA showed 29.4% elderly had malnutrition and 60.4% were at risk of malnutrition. Females (59.4%) were
significantly more malnourished than males (40.6%). Older age (p < 0.001), lower income of family (p < 0.001), low literacy
level (p < 0.001), decreased food intake (p < 0.001), and fewer consumption of meals (p < 0.001) were independently
associated with lower MNA scores.
Conclusion: Nutritional status of elderly subjects is very poor as detected in this study. There is need and scope for
geriatric nutritional interventions in rural population.
KEY WORDS: Mini Nutritional Assessment, geriatrics, malnutrition, West Bengal
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 (Online First) 1
Lahiri et al.: Nutritional status among elderly population
Background Information
Demographic, socioeconomic information, and data on
self-reported morbidity were collected during the interview.
The demographic indicators used here included age and sex
of the respondent. Education was noted up to the completed
class and was later classified into illiterate, primary (I–IV),
middle school (V–VIII), and high school and above. Socio-
economic status (SES) of the respondents was assessed by
modified BG Prasad Scale.
Statistical Analysis
Analysis was done using the SPSS software (version 20).
To identify possible risk factors associated with poor nutritional
status, univariate linear regression analysis was performed
with each factor and the total MNA score. Those factors that Figure 1: Pie diagram showing distribution of the study population
were found to be associated with the MNA score (p < 0.15) according to nutritional status.
were included in the multivariate regression model to identify
their independent effect. Age and sex were included in the
final model. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05 in the
final analysis.
2 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 (Online First)
Lahiri et al.: Nutritional status among elderly population
Table 1: Factors associated with MNA scores in univariate and multivariate linear regression
number of meals per day, and decline in food intake Our results showed more elderly to be at risk of malnutri-
(see Table 1). Multivariate regression analysis, adjusted for age tion than actually malnourished. This finding has been seen
and sex, was performed with these factors using a stepwise among community-dwelling elderly from India and other
approach. This showed that the independent factors associ- parts of the world.[11,13–15] This is primarily because the MNA is
ated with the lower MNA scores were increasing age, monthly better at identifying those at risk of malnutrition among healthy
family income, literacy, decline in food intake, and fewer meals. elderly in the community. More importantly, this e mphasizes
Factors such as sex and financial dependence were not found the fact that high prevalence of deficient protein–energy
to be significantly associated with the lower MNA scores. intake exists among the elderly without obvious malnutrition.
Older age was associated with the lower MNA scores in
our population. This finding has been shown in some previ-
Discussion ous studies,[12,13] whereas others have shown that age has no
effect on the nutritional status.[16,17] We observed that the older
Previous study conducted using the MNA questionnaire subjects were less active and often reported reduced appe-
in western Rajasthan showed a high prevalence of malnutri- tite and decreased food intake. It is apparent that increased
tion and risk of malnutrition among the rural elderly compared focus on nutritional status is required as the age of the elderly
with the urban elderly (11% and 62% vs. 2% and 36%, increases. Elderly woman were found more malnourished in
respectively).[11] Compared with the results from a large study this study. Our analysis showed that the lower MNA scores
among rural elderly of Bangladesh,[12] we found a similar high were associated with those subjects who had fewer than three
prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition among our meals per day. A similar finding was reported in Bangladesh,
population (29.4% and 60.4%, respectively). A large study where most of the elderly who were malnourished or at risk
conducted in Spain showed much lower rates of malnutrition of malnourishment consumed only two meals daily.[12] Other
and risk of malnutrition (4.3% and 25.4%, respectively) than studies involving community-dwelling elderly have shown that
our study.[13] chewing problems and difficulty preparing or eating full meals
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 (Online First) 3
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4 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 4 (Online First)