NACS Users Guide Module 4 Nutrition Support Mar2018 0
NACS Users Guide Module 4 Nutrition Support Mar2018 0
NACS Users Guide Module 4 Nutrition Support Mar2018 0
A User’s Guide
In this module
MODULE 4. What is nutrition support?
What nutrition conditions are covered in this
Nutrition Support module?
What are nutrition-specific interventions under
MARCH 2018
Management of moderate acute malnutrition
Management of severe acute malnutrition
Prevention and treatment of micronutrient
What are nutrition-sensitive interventions under
Water, sanitation, and hygiene support
Economic strengthening, livelihood, and food
security (ES/L/FS) support
Send a 3 Black, RE et al. 2013. “Maternal and Child Undernutrition and Overweight in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries.” The Lancet. 382 (9890): 427–451; Grantham-
comment or McGregor, S et al. 2007. “Developmental Potential in the First 5 Years for Children in Developing Countries.” The Lancet. 369 (9555): 60–70; Hoddinott, J et al. 2008.
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“Effect of a Nutrition Intervention During Early Childhood on Economic Productivity in Guatemalan Adults.” The Lancet. 371 (9610): 411–416.
4 Black, RE et al. 2008. “Maternal and Child Undernutrition: Global and Regional Exposures and Health Consequences.” The Lancet. 371 (9608): 243–260.
5 Black, RE et al. 2008. “Maternal and Child Undernutrition: Global and Regional Exposures and Health Consequences.” The Lancet. 371 (9608): 243–260; WHO and
UNICEF. 2009. The WHO Child Growth Standards and the Identification of Severe Acute Malnutrition in Infants and Children. Geneva: WHO.
Nutrition Support Nutrition Conditions: Adults
Underweight/thinness occurs when an adult’s weight is too A NOTE ON MALNUTRITION
low for his/her height. It can be caused by rapid weight loss over TERMINOLOGY
a short period, or it can reflect chronic (long-term) malnutrition.
In children under 5 years of age,
Underweight/thinness may result from inadequate dietary intake
differentiating between chronic and acute
(quantity or quality); severe, repeated, or chronic infections/
malnutrition is reasonably straightforward
illness (e.g., tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, cancer); or a combination
of inadequate diet and disease. In addition to increased risk of because there are distinct anthropometric
infection, slower recovery from illness, and increased risk of indicators and manifestations (i.e., chronic
death,6 underweight adults also have reduced work capacity and malnutrition refers to stunting; acute
productivity.7 In adults, underweight is categorized by degree of malnutrition refers to wasting or bilateral
thinness, often referred to as degree of malnutrition (see below). pitting edema).
• Moderate malnutrition (MAM in this module) refers For adults, who have stopped gaining
to moderate thinness, as identified by low BMI and/or low height, it can be difficult to determine
MUAC (under a certain cutoff). For more information on whether the nutrition condition is acute
cutoffs see the MAM management section below. MAM or chronic based on anthropometric
results from inadequate intake (quantity or quality) and/or indicators. Therefore, the nutrition
utilization of food; severe, repeated, or chronic infections/
condition is often simply referred to
illness (e.g., tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, cancer); or a combination
as moderate malnutrition or severe
of these.
malnutrition. However, programs around
• Severe malnutrition (SAM in this module) refers to the globe often use the terms MAM
severe thinness, as identified by low BMI, low MUAC (under and SAM to describe adult malnutrition.
a certain cutoff), and/or the presence of bilateral pitting
Therefore, this module has continued to
edema of nutritional origin. For more information on cutoffs
use those terms for both children and
see the SAM treatment section below. Adults suffering from
SAM are at increased risk of death. Individuals with SAM need
medical treatment and require specialized therapeutic foods
to recover.8
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comment or 6 Navarro-Colorado, C. 2006. Adult Malnutrition in Emergencies: An Overview of Diagnosis and Treatment—Field Guidelines. France: Action Contre la Faim (ACF);
check for new Flegal, KM, Graubard, BI, Williamson, DF, and Gail, MH. 2005. “Excess Deaths Associated with Underweight, Overweight, and Obesity.” JAMA. 293 (15): 1861–1867.
7 WHO. 1995. Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry—A Report of WHO Expert Committee. Geneva: WHO.
8 WHO. 2011. Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI) District Clinician Manual: Hospital Care for Adolescents and Adults—Guidelines for the
Management of Illnesses with Limited Resources. Volume 2. Geneva: WHO.
Nutrition Support Micronutrient Deficiencies
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9 Black, RE et al. 2008. “Maternal and Child Undernutrition: Global and Regional Exposures and Health Outcomes.” The Lancet. 371 (9608): 243–260. Black, RE et al.
2013. “Maternal and Child Undernutrition and Overweight in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries.” The Lancet. 382 (9890): 427–451.
Nutrition Support Interventions
Under NACS, programs that aim to prevent chronic Provision of FBF such as CSB and wheat-soy
undernutrition include nutrition counseling (see Module blends. FBF is partially precooked, milled, and blended
3) to promote optimal nutrition practices (including cereals, soya, beans, and pulses that have been fortified
counseling on optimal IYCF), monthly growth monitoring with micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). A study
for the first 2 years of life, and nutrition support such as in Haiti examined the ability of two program models
provision of fortified food rations and/or micronutrient (preventative versus recuperative interventions) to reduce
supplementation. Because the linear growth deficits that childhood stunting, wasting, and underweight. The
contribute to stunting in children under 5 typically begin results demonstrated that the provision of FBF, as part
during the first 1,000 days of life and accumulate over of an intervention package, was effective in preventing
time, program efforts focus on prevention interventions undernutrition.10 See Box 1, on the next page, for an
during pregnancy and the first 2 years of life. example of a preventative approach to reduce malnutrition
among children under 2 years of age.
Interventions that aim to prevent acute undernutrition
focus on preventing non-malnourished individuals from Provision of lipid-based nutrient supplements.
becoming malnourished and preventing the conditions LNS refers to a range of lipid-based products that
of individuals classified with MAM from worsening to contain a blend of macronutrients and micronutrients.
SAM. Nutrition support programs that prevent acute Several studies assessing the effect of LNS provision on
malnutrition usually involve large-scale distribution of malnutrition prevention have shown positive results in
supplementary food products, including fortified-blended children at high risk of undernutrition.11 In addition, a 2013
food (FBF) such as corn soya blend (CSB), Super Cereal, WHO review of current evidence found that macronutrient
lipid-based nutrient supplements (LNS), and vitamin and supplementation had positive effects on adult weight gain
mineral supplements.
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comment or 10 Ruel, MT et al. 2008. “Age-Based Preventive Targeting of Food Assistance and Behavior Change and Communication for Reduction of Childhood Undernutrition in Haiti:
check for new A Cluster Randomized Trial.” The Lancet. 371 (9608): 588–595.
versions 11 Defourny, I et al. 2009. “A Large-Scale Distribution of Milk-Based Fortified Spreads: Evidence for a New Approach in Regions with High Burden of Acute Malnutrition.”
PLoS ONE. 4: e5455; Isanaka, S et al. 2010. “Reducing Wasting in Young Children with Preventive Supplementation: A Cohort Study in Niger.” Pediatrics. 126: e442-50;
Isanaka, S et al. 2009. “Effect of Preventive Supplementation with Ready-To-Use Therapeutic Food on the Nutritional Status, Mortality, and Morbidity of Children
Aged 6 to 60 Months in Niger: A Cluster Randomized Trial.” JAMA. 301: 277–285; Dewey, KG et al. 2017. “Lipid-based Nutrient Supplementation in the First 1000 Days
6 Improves Child Growth in Bangladesh: A Cluster-Randomized Effectiveness Trial.” Am J Clin Nutr. 105: 944–957.
Management of Moderate
Nutrition Support Acute Malnutrition
Management of Moderate
Nutrition Support Acute Malnutrition
Like other commodities for nutrition support
In 2006, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan
(e.g., micronutrients and point-of-use water
for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) issued guidance on
purification products), specialized food products
food and nutrition support for people with HIV
have to be procured from international or local
and orphans and vulnerable children (OVC).
(in-country) suppliers. They need to be stored
Interventions addressing nutrition outcomes
safely, under appropriate conditions, and then be
of adults with HIV included the provision of
transported to distribution sites, distributed to
therapeutic food to treat acute malnutrition as
patients, and monitored.
well as nutritional assessment and counseling.
These interventions, commonly referred to as In 2013, the World Food Programme published
‘Food by Prescription’ programs, were initially guidance on nutrition commodity planning,
implemented in five African countries with procurement, quality management, and logistics,
PEPFAR support. The provision of specialized titled Managing the Supply Chain of Specialized
food products became the main focus of Food by Nutritious Foods.
Prescription programming, with limited attention
Various tools have been developed to forecast
to counseling patients on how to prevent
quantities of specialized food products needed
malnutrition or maintain improved nutritional
for NACS.
status after treatment. Recognizing the need to
highlight the range of interventions to prevent FAQs from SCMS about specialized food
malnutrition and treat it successfully, in 2009, products
PEPFAR began promoting the term “Nutrition
Assessment, Counseling, and Support (NACS).” UNICEF forecasting tool
(read more)
NACS product cost calculator tool
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Treatment of Severe Acute
Nutrition Support Malnutrition
Treatment of Severe Acute
Nutrition Support Malnutrition
WHO Guidelines for ACF Guidelines for Entry and exit criteria
the management of the management for the prescription
SAM in children of SAM in children of specialized food
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18 Navarro-Colorado, C. 2006. Adult Malnutrition in Emergencies: An Overview of
Diagnosis and Treatment—Field Guidelines. France: Action Contre la Faim (ACF).
Nutrition Support Therapeutic Food
Therapeutic food is a type of energy-dense, micronutrient-fortified, specialized food that has been manufactured specifically
to treat SAM.
Therapeutic milk must be used under medical supervision and is not distributed directly to patients.
F-75 was developed for phase 1 (stabilization) treatment of SAM. Low in protein, fat, and sodium and rich in carbohydrates, it
contains milk powder, vegetable fat, sugar, and a mineral and vitamin complex. Manufacturer’s specifications for F-75
F-100 was developed for phase 2 (transition and rehabilitation) treatment of SAM. F-100 contains milk powder, vegetable
fat, sugar, and a vitamin and mineral complex. Its low-osmolarity formula improves nutrient absorption. Manufacturer’s
specifications for F-100
Reconstituted F-75 and F-100 can be kept for 3 hours at room temperature and up to 16 hours in a refrigerator. The
packets can be used up to 24 months after the date of manufacture.
Ready-to-use therapeutic food products are energy-dense, micronutrient-fortified, and designed to accelerate weight gain.
They are usually lipid based, meaning that most of the energy they provide comes from lipids. RUTF products are also called
large-quantity, lipid-based nutrient supplements (LQ-LNS) because they are provided in large amounts.
Some RUTF products such as Plumpy’Nut consist of a highly fortified groundnut-based paste containing sugar, vegetable
fat, skimmed milk powder, and vitamins and minerals. Each 92-g packet provides 500 Kcal. Depending on the manufacturer,
RUTF can be used up to 12–24 months after the date of manufacture. RUTF is not water based, so it resists bacterial growth.
It does not require refrigeration or dilution with water and can be eaten directly from the packet.
Unlike F-75 and F-100, RUTF can be provided directly to patients and used on an outpatient basis without medical
Note: For infants under 6 months, therapeutic foods are not appropriate (except under very specific circumstances). Careful
management by health professionals is needed when therapeutic milks may be indicated for SAM, as described in the WHO
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comment or guidelines on the management of SAM in infants and children. Therapeutic foods to treat or prevent moderate acute
check for new malnutrition are not appropriate for infants under 6 months.
Micronutrient Deficiencies:
Nutrition Support Prevention & Treatment
19 Horton, S, Begin, F, Grieg, A, and Lakshman, A. 2009. Best Practice Paper: Micronutrients for Child Survival (Vitamin A and Zinc). Copenhagen: Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Send a 20 WHO. 2016. Intermittent Iron Supplementation in Preschool and School-Age Children in Malaria-Endemic Areas. Geneva: WHO.
comment or
check for new 21 Kawai, K et al. 2011. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 89: 402–411B; Haider, BH and Bhutta, ZH. 2015. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 11.
versions 22 WHO. 2016. WHO Recommendations on Antenatal Care for a Positive Pregnancy Experience. Geneva: WHO.
23 De-Regil, LM, Suchdev, PS, Vist, GE, Walleser, S, and Peña-Rosas, JP. 2013. “Home Fortification of Foods with Multiple Micronutrient Powders for Health and Nutrition in Children
under Two Years of Age.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 9:CD008959.
24 WHO. 2011. Multiple Micronutrient Powders for Home (Point of Use) Fortification of Foods in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review. Geneva: WHO.
Water, Sanitation, and
Nutrition Support Hygiene Support
This section describes interventions to address especially in children.26 Diarrheal illness can interfere with
underlying factors that contribute to malnutrition, the absorption of antiretroviral drugs.
including economic and food insecurity and poor hygiene
The following water, sanitation, and hygiene improvements
and sanitation. NACS includes referral of clients from
(see Module 3. Nutrition Counseling) can reduce the
health facilities to services that can help improve health,
incidence of diarrheal disease:
economic and food security, and nutritional status. Such
services can be provided by the health, agriculture, social ●● Distributing point-of-use (POU) water treatment
protection, or rural development sectors. products or vouchers for POU water treatment and
counseling on water treatment options (boiling, adding
WATER, SANITATION, AND HYGIENE chlorine, solar disinfection, and filtering).
SUPPORT ●● Counseling on safe water storage, including keeping
Diarrheal disease is the second leading cause of mortality water in clean containers with tight-fitting lids or narrow
and morbidity in children under 5. WHO estimates necks and makeshift lids, storing water containers off the
that 85–90 percent of diarrheal illnesses in developing floor, and pouring water into cups rather than dipping
countries can be attributed to unsafe water and cups and hands into containers.
inadequate sanitation and hygiene practices, including ●● Providing safe water kits (a water treatment product,
poor food hygiene.25 There is a vicious cycle between a water storage container, and soap) as an incentive to
diarrhea and undernutrition: people with diarrhea increase the use of health services and sustain health
eat less and are less able to absorb the nutrients from facility attendance.27
food, and malnourished people are more susceptible
to diarrhea when exposed to fecal material from the ●● Distributing a basic care package including a water
environment. Diarrhea affects most people living with container, hypochlorite solution, information on
HIV and results in significant morbidity and mortality, handwashing, a treated bed net for malaria prevention,
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25 Prüss-Üstün A, Kay D, Fewtrell L, and Bartram J. 2004. “Chapter 16: Unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.” Comparative Quantification of Health Risks. Volume 2. Geneva: WHO.
26 C-Change and WASHplus Projects. 2012. Integrating Sanitation into the Basic Care Package. Washington, DC: FHI 360.
27 Hygiene Improvement Project. 2013. Integrating Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Promotion into Nutrition Programming. Washington, DC: FHI 360/The WASHplus Project.
Nutrition Support ES/L/FS Support
and a bar of soap. This package could also include prevent relapse into malnutrition. Economic resilience can
materials on how and when to wash hands, how to help sustain health outcomes by helping clients meet their
build a water-saving handwashing device called a tippy food and nutrition needs without ongoing food support.
tap, and how to manage feces safely in the home. Economically stable households can better afford health-
Resources on related costs such as medications or transport to health
community-led ●● Mobilizing communities to improve sanitation and
hygiene by eliminating open defecation. Community- facilities, thereby increasing health-seeking behaviors.
total sanitation
led total sanitation is an approach that helps
communities analyze open defecation issues and take Referral linkages between NACS and ES/L/FS
action to become open defecation-free. services
Strong linkages between health care facilities and
ECONOMIC STRENGTHENING, community-based services give clients access to support
LIVELIHOOD, AND FOOD SECURITY to address economic barriers to adequate food access and
Water and
Sanitation Program (ES/L/FS) SUPPORT health care. Referrals to community ES/L/FS services can
(WSP) Tanzania’s help improve nutritional status and retention in clinical
The relationship between disease, economic and food
Training of Trainers care. These linkages require knowledge of available
insecurity, and malnutrition is well known. Illness and
Manual on Hygiene support and effective referrals to and from health
and Sanitation malnutrition reduce labor productivity and disrupt
facilities. The following steps support the establishment
household livelihood patterns, which can reduce food
of effective referral systems to link NACS clients with
access and income flow just as added health care costs
available ES/L/FS opportunities:
simultaneously strain the household budget. In turn, food
insecurity and poverty may contribute to health challenges ●● Conduct a situation analysis of the community
by necessitating coping strategies such as migration for context, including health services and distances
work or high-risk sexual behaviors, thereby increasing between catchment communities and health
vulnerability to HIV infection and other diseases. Families facilities.
and communities are the main safety nets for people with ●● Map community services and develop a service
chronic illness. However, without efforts to slow down directory of ES/L/FS service providers in each
or halt their downward economic slide, the number of catchment area.
extremely vulnerable households can overwhelm the
●● Hold a stakeholders meeting for service providers and
capacity of community safety nets.
government representatives in each catchment area
Economic factors affect a household’s ability to access to share and validate the mapping results, develop
Send a sufficient quantities of food as well as the nutritional priorities for improving linkages between NACS and
comment or quality of the diet. As NACS clients achieve improved ES/L/FS services, and decide on an action plan to
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versions health as a result of clinical services, they and their develop the referral network.
households may need access to ES/L/FS support to
Nutrition Support ES/L/FS Support
For more information on referral system models, elements of referral networks, and an overview of the challenges in
Send a making clinic-community referrals see: LIFT II’s Designing Effective Clinic-to-Community Referral Systems: Analysis
comment or of Best Practices to Inform LIFT Technical Assistance. For practitioner guidance (e.g. for project staff, implementing
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versions partners, and stakeholders) around organizational analysis mapping, situational analysis, and quality improvement,
see the series of guides available on the LIFT project’s field guidance webpage.
Nutrition Support ES/L/FS Support
and matched with strategies to move households upward Protection activities help vulnerable households that
on the pathway to more sustainable and productive types are struggling to make ends meet strengthen their money
of ES/L/FS support and to reduce dependence on external management skills and/or generate additional income.
support. Provisioning activities include small basic income Examples are financial literacy training, employment
grants, food or cash transfers, labor schemes (food- programs, and improved access to legal services. Basic WHO’s Essential
for-work or cash-for-work), and other social protection income-generating activities can help households Nutrition Actions:
mechanisms. Two examples of provisioning activities are supplement incomes, increase their purchasing power, Improving Maternal,
LIFT II’s Technical described below. and improve dietary intake and diversity. Household Newborn, Infant and
Intervention Notes: Young Child Health and
●● Cash transfers aim to support basic needs. Conditional gardening, which is intended to improve access to Nutrition (pp. 82−85)
Cash Transfer and
Voucher Programs cash transfers require recipients to comply with nutritious food and offset its high cost, may also provide
certain conditions, such as regular school attendance an additional source of income for households that
or immunizing their children, while unconditional sell their surplus.29 Another protection activity involves
cash transfers have no such requirements. Both have community savings and lending. Community-led savings
resulted in positive outcomes related to poverty, and lending approaches include the well-known CARE
health, nutrition, and education.28 Some effective cash village savings and loan associations (VSLA) and Catholic
transfer programs have included nutrition counseling. Relief Services (CRS) savings and internal lending Information
communities. These methods, which sometimes include about the VSLA
WFP’s Building
●● Labor schemes offer cash or food as payment for work, business training and linkages to value chain opportunities, approach
Resilience Through
Asset Creation often as part of large infrastructure projects. Examples can support households that have no access to formal
are the WFP’s food assistance for assets (FFA) program microfinance support.
(FFA has replaced earlier food for work, cash for work,
and food for recovery programs) and the National Promotion activities are best suited for households
Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) in India, that are ready to grow economically and can assume
which provides a minimum wage to unskilled laborers greater risk, such as investing capital and other resources
who work for up to 100 days a year on public works for future gains. Interventions in this category promote CRS savings and
projects. diversifying into alternative income-generating activities internal lending
National Rural that require little investment. While such activities offer communities
Employee Guarantee relatively low return on investment, they do not cause
28 Bhutta ZA et al. 2008. “What Works? Interventions for Maternal and Child Undernutrition and Survival.” The Lancet. DOI:10.1016/s0140-6736(07)61693–6.
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comment or 29 A 2011 review of the impact of agricultural interventions to improve child nutritional status (Masset E, Haddad L, Cornelius A, and Isaza-Castro J. 2011. A Systematic Review
check for new of Agricultural Interventions That Aim to Improve Nutritional Status of Children. London: EPPI-Centre, Social Science Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of
versions London.) found that home gardens, biofortification, aquaculture, small fisheries, dairy development, and animal-source food production interventions appeared to have a
positive impact on the production of promoted food items, but their impact on total household income was less clear. Food consumption, particularly calorie consumption,
generally did not respond significantly to income changes. Consumers may use increased income to buy and eat more of one food item while reducing consumption of other
Nutrition Support ES/L/FS Support
households to take on undue risk. Instead, they aim
to move households beyond risk-reduction strategies
IN KENYA AND UGANDA by linking them to opportunities for growth and
AIDS support organizations in Kenya and Uganda helping them generate sustainable income. The most
provided social and health services to people common interventions in this category promote self-
living with HIV, AIDS widows, and caregivers of employment through microenterprise development;
AIDS orphans. Initially, they provided free goods improve employability through workforce
and services, including grants, but the support development or vocational training; or address Integrating Very
evolved toward credit for people living with HIV and structural impediments to economic growth by Poor Producers into
caregivers. improving market linkages, developing value chains, Value Chains Field
These initiatives had a common pattern, with or enabling environmental reform. Guide
loan repayment rates ranging between 65 and 86
Value chain development methodologies focus
percent. When there were no consequences for late
on improving production, processing, logistics,
repayment, people who had begun by paying on
distribution, marketing, sales, and service. When
time began falling behind in their payments. Most
targeted appropriately, they provide very poor
program staff considered their loan capital to be
a revolving fund, but in every case, the loan fund
households with opportunities for greater market
decreased by as much as 50 percent in 2 years, engagement. The Integrating Very Poor Producers into
mainly because of repayment problems. Because Value Chains Field Guide provides tools for reaching LIFT II’s Livelihood
staff had to divide their time among different people below nationally defined poverty lines. and Food Security
services, they were only able to reach a small Households often do not move upward linearly Framework
number of patients. through the successive provisioning, protection, categorizes
Building economic strengthening support into and promotion categories. Periodic shocks may set household services
NACS services is challenging, but organizations them back in some cases, while in others, positive and inteventions
often feel compelled to do so because of the strong experiences may propel them forward on the
demand. Over time, most organizations decide livelihood pathway, Therefore, service providers
that they need a separate mechanism to offer such in a NACS referral network should be trained to
services to target patients. They also learn that understand specific client needs and provide referrals
such a mechanism has to adhere to sound practices. for clients across the categories. Government, the
In the end, some social development organizations private sector, and nongovernmental, community-
Send a look for specialized institutions to serve patients based, and faith-based organizations are involved
comment or more effectively.
check for new in ES/L/FS activities. Referring NACS clients to
versions Source: Donahue (Thompson) J, Kabuccho K, and Osinde S. 2001. HIV/ appropriate activities that can improve their
AIDS—Responding to a Silent Economic Crisis among Microfinance
Clients. Nairobi: Micro-Save-Africa.
livelihoods and food security is part of the complete
NACS package.
Nutrition Support ES/L/FS Support
A review of the evidence on how to address the food security and nutrition dimensions of HIV found that nutrition
supplementation, food assistance, and livelihood interventions can improve food security and nutrition outcomes for people
living with HIV.a HIV precipitates and exacerbates food insecurity and undernutrition, and wasting and underweight are strong
risk factors for mortality, even among people on ART. Coping behaviors to mitigate food insecurity can increase the risk of HIV
transmission. Research in 2010 by the AIDS Service Organization in Uganda and the Regional Network on AIDS, Livelihoods,
and Food Security, coordinated by the International Food Policy Research Institute, found that household food security and
individual dietary quality—a proxy for nutritional adequacy—independently predicted underweight, wasting, and quality of
life among people with HIV. The researchers also found that poor dietary quality was associated with disease severity, as
measured by CD4 count, moderate anemia, and mortality.b Preliminary evidence suggested a positive association between food
assistance and weight gain, but further research is needed to determine whether improved nutritional status can influence
disease progression.
List of
resources for a Aberman NL et al. 2014. “Food Security and Nutrition Interventions in Response to the AIDS Epidemic: Assessing Global Action and Evidence.” AIDS and Behavior. 18 (Suppl 5):
this module S554–65.
b Rawat R et al. 2010. “The Impact of Food Assistance on Weight Gain and Disease Progression among HIV-Infected Individuals Accessing AIDS Care and Treatment Services in
Uganda.” BMC Public Health. 10: 316.