Bgse Maths Pp3 2005

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, BOTSWANA in collaboration with UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education MATHEMATICS 0563/03 Paper 3 October/November 2005 2 hours 30 minutes Additional Materials: Answer paper Graph paper (2 sheets) Electronic calculator Mathematica Tables (optional) Geometrical instruments Read the following carefully before you start. Write your answers on the separate answer paper provided. Start each question on a fresh side of the page. Write your centre number, candidate number and name on each sheet of answer paper you use. ‘Answer all questions. All working must be clearly shown. The working should be done on the same sheet as the rest of the answer. Marks will be given for working which shows that you know how to solve the problem even if you get the answer wrong, At the end of the examination, fasten all of your work securely together using the string provided. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid, The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The total of the marks for this paper is 125. Electronic calculators may be used. If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question and if the answer is not exact, the answer should be given to three significant figures. Answers in degrees should be given to one decimal place. In where the value of zis required, use the value from your calculator or take x as This document consists of 14 printed pages and 2 blank pages. SSP (CWISLM) $85851/5 © BEC 2005, [Turn over 2 Mathematical formulae for paper 3 Surface area and volume of solids Name of solid Total surface area | Volume cone mrt + rl ; farh | pyramid 4 base area x height sphere aan? | # ‘Trigonometry Sine Rule Area of a triangle Cosine Rule Stati 2-5) Variance = Standard deviation (SD) = ¥ Variance o Fe-. E-@* © BEC 2008 saexonvns : 3 1 A shop supplies maize meal, cooking oil and sugar to a school district every month, (a) ‘The shop supplies (i) How many bags are supplied? pI (ii) In the following month, the quantity of maize meal supplied is increased by 5% How many bags of maize meal will now be supplied? el (b) Cooking oil is supplied in 20 litre containers, The shop delivers 300 containers to the district in Apri (i Calculate the amount of cooking oil, in litres, delivered. PI (ii) To keep up with the demand for cooking oil, the shop increased its supply for May by 10%. How many containers of cooking oil were delivered in May? PI For June, the May supply was increased by 10%. How many containers were delivered in June? el (6) In July, the shop supplied 340 bags of sugar, which was 15% short of the required amount. How many more bags should have been supplied? BI 2 Given the sequence 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ..., find (a) an expression for the nth term, Pl (b)_ the value of m for which the nth term is 9410. Rl © nC 2008, oscv0I0INIOS [Turn over 4 3. Thediagram below shows a circle, centre O, with the points A, B, C, D and £ on its circumference. AOB = 61° and ACD = 43°. Giving a reason for your answer, calculate (a) Ace, RI (b) DEA, Pl © Abo. Ql © BEC 2005 esevononvos 5 4A gardener has two adjacent triangular plots ABC and ACD, as shown in the diagram. AB= 324m, AC= 38.1, AD = 50.1 m. AC = 51.6° and ABC = 43,2" (a) Calculate (the acute angle ACD, BI 24 Gil) the length of BC. (4) (b) The gardener positions a tap along AC such that itis closest to B. How far is the tap from B? Rl (a) Acylindrical can has a diameter of 6.7 cm and height 18cm, Both measurements are correct 0 2 significant figures. (Write down the upper bound for the diameter of the can. ul Gi) Calculate the upper bound for the volume of the can, BI (b)_ The table shows the diameters, d em, of 21 cans. Diameter (dem) Number of cans 6

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