Religious Education: Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Teaching Syllabus

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Republic of Botswana

Botswana General Certificate of

Secondary Education Teaching

Religious Education

Curriculum Development Division

Curriculum Development and Evaluation Department
Ministry of Education

January 2006

The Ministry of Education is pleased to

authorise the publication of this senior Critical to the success of our secondary
secondary syllabus which marks a watershed education programme is the recognition of
in the development of the public education individual talents, needs and learning styles.
system in Botswana and signals another Hence, the role of the teacher in the
milestone of progress in fulfilment of the classroom has changed. S/he must be a
goals set by the Revised National Policy on proficient manager and facilitator; a director
Education, Government Paper No. 2 of 1994. of learning activities. S/he should be
conscious of students’ needs to take on board
In this era of widespread and rapid a measure of accountability and responsibility
technological change and an increasingly for their own learning. S/he must also take
inter-dependent global economy, it is into account the widening range of ability of
essential that all countries foster human the student body and the different levels of
resources by preparing children adequately achievement which they aspire to. This means
for their future. Survival in the coming active participation for all and the creation of
millennium will depend on the ability to rich and diverse learning environments.
accommodate change and to adapt to
environmental needs and emerging socio- It is important then that we value the
economic trends. It is the wish of government students’ own experiences, build upon what
to prepare Batswana for future growth and they know and reward them for positive
adaptation to ongoing change in the socio- achievement. At the same time, we must be
economic context; specifically the transition prepared to offer them guidance and
from an agro-based economy to the more counselling at all levels; assisting them to
broadly based industrial economy which we make the best decisions in keeping with their
are aiming at. own interests, career prospects and
preferences. In that way we shall prevail in
The senior secondary programme builds on nurturing at the roots of our system, the
the Ten Year Basic Education programme and national ideals of democracy, development,
seeks to provide quality learning experiences. self-reliance, unity and social harmony.
It aims to prepare our students for the world
of work, further education and lifelong This syllabus document is the outcome of a
learning. However, secondary education must great deal of professional consultation and
also pay attention to the all round collaboration. On behalf of the Ministry, I
development of the individual. It should wish to record my appreciation and thank
provide not only for the acquisition of those sincerely those who contributed to and were
skills needed for economic, scientific and involved in the production of this syllabus.
technological advancement. It should also
provide for the development of cultural and
national identity and the inculcation of
attitudes and values which nurture respect for
one’s self and for others.
F. S. Bakwena
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education

The Curriculum Development Division would like to express its gratitude to the Religious
Task Force members for the contribution they made towards the design and development of
this syllabus. The division is particularly grateful to the following:

Dr San Mmolai Department of Languages and Social Sciences, University of

Mr Billy Kgosikwena Botswana Christian Council
Professor Dube Botswana Christian Council
Buki Sekgwake Ledumang Senior Secondary School
Daisy Daman Francistown Senior Secondary
Sekete Ngope Maun Senior Secondary School
Alice Moutswi St Joseph’s College
G. Judge Swaneng Hill School
Annah Mooketsi Baitirile Community Junior Senior Secondary School
William Eyman Itekeng Community Junior Senior Secondary School
S. Mmopi Department of Non Formal Education
P Mathabathi Department of Secondary Education
Mercy Rakhudu Serowe College of Education
Bakobi Jacob Examinations Research and Testing Division
Boitumelo Gaseitsiwe Department of Curriculum Development and Evaluation
Dumi Mmualefe Mission School Representative

Special thanks are extended to Dr. Kealotswe, Dr Gaiye, Dr. Nkomazane from the
Department of Theology and Religious studies and Mr Awino from the Department of
Languages and Social Sciences of University of Botswana who supported the development of
this syllabus.

Introduction ……………………………………………………..……………… 1
Rationale ……………………………………………………..………………… 1
Aims of Senior Secondary Programme ………………………………………… 2
Aims of Senior Secondary Religious Education ……………………………….. 2
Assessment Objectives ……………………………………………………..…... 3
Recommended Teaching Methods ……………………………………………... 3
Assessment Procedures ………………………………………………………… 3
Module One: Introduction to Religion …………………………………………. 4
Module Two: Religion in Botswana …………………………………………… 5
Module Three: Challenges of Religion in modern world ……………………... 7
Module Four: Religion and Human Relationships ……………………………. 9
Module Five: Religions, Ethics and Global Issues ……………………………. 11

A. Introduction

The Religious Education Syllabus at Senior Secondary builds upon the Ten-Year
Basic Education Programme. The syllabus has been developed to cater for learners
from different religious background; hence it adopts a multi faith approach. The
content will be drawn from the following religions; Christianity, Islam, African
Traditional Religion, Bahai, Sikhism, Buddhism and Hinduism. The syllabus takes
cognisance of the religious pluralism of the society of Botswana. All learners are
expected to do Christianity and then they can choose any other two religion.

The Religious Education syllabus recognises that we live in a changing society, by

incorporating emerging issues such as HIV/AIDS and environmental education. The
syllabus helps learners realise the role of religion on emerging issues. This approach
implements the National Philosophy of Kagisano as well as Vision 2016 ideals which
includes harmonious coexistence, tolerance and educated and informed nation.

Religious Education is offered within the Optional area of the framework of the
Senior Secondary programme as an Enrichment subject.

Learners selecting Religious Education and have exceeded the minimum requirement
of subjects, will not be compelled to sit for an examination unless they choose to do
so. However, if learners select Religious Education to meet the minimum requirement
for the number of subjects, they will be required to sit for the examination.

The estimated time allocated for Religious Education at Senior Secondary School
level is five (5) periods of 40 minutes per week.

B. Rationale

Religion is an integral part of the holistic development of an individual, community

and the nation. It permeates every aspect of life. It contributes in making education
holistic in terms of tolerance and appreciation of values and ideas within various

Religious Education develops learners’ knowledge and understanding of African

Traditional Religion, Christianity and other religions represented in Botswana.
Religious traditions and experiences are explored in order to help learners to
understand and respect different religious beliefs, values and their influence on
Botswana society and culture. Human experiences are explored within and across
faiths, so that learners can learn about religious ethical teachings which will enable
them to make reasoned and informed judgements on religious, moral and social

Emphasis will be on development of skills, such as: - enquiry, evaluation, critical

analysis, problem solving, synthesis, and the ability to assess right or wrong as well as
interpersonal relations. Values such as self-respect, tolerance and empathy will help
learners deal with different life situations.

C. Aims of Senior Secondary Programme

On completion of the two-year secondary programme learners should have:

1. Acquired knowledge, developed confidence and ability to assess their personal

strengths and weaknesses and be realistic in choosing appropriate
career/employment opportunities and/or further education and training.
2. Developed skills to assist them in solving technical and technological problems as
they relate to day-to-day life situations.
3. Developed desirable attitudes and behavioural patterns in interacting with the
environment in a manner that is protective, preserving and nurturing.
4. Acquired attitudes and values, developed basic skills and understanding to allow
for execution of rights and responsibilities as good citizens of Botswana and the
5. Developed information technology skills as well as an understanding and
appreciation of their influence in day-today activities.
6. Acquired knowledge, attitudes and practices that will ensure good family and
health practices, including awareness and management of epidemics (such as
HIV/AIDS), that prepare them for productive life.
7. Developed pre-vocational knowledge and manipulative skills that will enable
them to apply content learnt and attitudes and values developed to practical life
situations in the world of work.
8. Developed basic skills in business, everyday commercial transactions and
9. Developed foundation skills such as problem solving, critical thinking,
communication, inquiry, and team work/interpersonal skills to help them to be
productive and adaptive to survive in a changing environment.
10. Developed study skills acquired for further study and training.

D. Aims of Senior Secondary Religious Education Programme

On completion of the two-year programme learners should have:

1. Examined religion from different perspectives

2. Acquired knowledge and developed understanding of the characteristics and
values of religions.
3. Developed basic knowledge of other faiths so that different religious experiences,
beliefs and practices may be understood and appreciated.
4. Acquired knowledge and understanding of the origins of different religions and
how they relate to one another.
5. Developed skills and attitudes that will enable them to make sound and moral
choices in life.
6. Appreciated the contributions made by different religions.
7. Examined religious responses to ethical and contemporary issues.
8. Investigated and analysed global issues from a religious perspective.
9. Developed skills relevant to the study of religion.

E. Assessment Objectives

Learners should demonstrate the ability to:

1. Select and present relevant factual information in an organised manner.

2. Comprehend religious terms and concepts.
3. Describe, analyse and explain the relevance and application of religious values to
human experiences.
4. Evaluate and show understanding of religious responses to ethical and global and
emerging issues.
5. Investigate and present findings on selected topics

F. Recommended Teaching Methods

The syllabus encourages a learner centred approach as emphasised in the Revised

National Policy on Education. This involves inquiry skills, which increase learner
participation. The approach also caters for a wide range of abilities through various
teaching activities in order to develop the learner’s full potential. The program has a
practical orientation, which allows students an opportunity to apply knowledge,
attitudes, skills and values they have acquired to real life situations.

G. Assessment Procedures

The Religious Education Syllabus will be assessed through continuous assessment

such as assignments, tests, and presentations to ensure that the set aims and objectives
are attained. A terminal examination will be administered at the end of the two years
comprising two papers (i) Paper I structured and (ii) Paper II – Essays/Questions. The
assessment procedures will be developed to guide teachers on the domains and papers
on the examination.

Topics General Objectives Specific Objectives
Students should: Students should be able to:
The nature of Religion Acquire knowledge about the origin - Investigate the ideas people have
and nature of religion in society about religion.

- Discuss the moral, theological, and

sociological definitions of religion.

- Explain the differences raised by

the definitions of religion.

- Investigate the factors that

contributed to the origin of religion.

Characteristics of Understand different characteristics of - Identify different characteristics of

Religion Religion religion.

- Discuss the significance of the

different characteristics of religion.

- Explain the importance of religion

Role of Religion in Explore the role played by religion in in society.
Society society
- Discuss the contributions of
religion in the society.

- Explain factors that led to the

Origin of Different Investigate the factors that led to the founding of the different religions.
Religions origin and the spread of different
world religions studied - Discuss reasons for the spread of
different religions.

Topics General Objectives Specific Objectives
Students should: Students should be able to:
The Nature of African Understand the main beliefs in - Discuss different ways of
Traditional Religion African Traditional Religion identifying African Traditional

- Account for the unity and diversity

of African Traditional Religion
(ATR) in Botswana.

- Explain Batswana beliefs and

practices about divinity and

- Describe the role of ancestors in

African Traditional Religion (ATR)
in Botswana.

- Analyse beliefs and practices of

African Traditional Religion (ATR)
in contemporary Botswana

Understand the concept of Botho - Discuss the Botswana National

within the context of African principle of BOTHO.
Traditional Religion

- Discuss the effects of lack of

BOTHO in Botswana
- Discuss the different ways in which
BOTHO can be put into practice
when dealing with issues such as
HIV and AIDS and human

Appreciate the significance of sacred - identify sacred objects, plants and

places in African Traditional Religion animals in African Traditional

- Describe types of sacred places in

African Traditional Religion (ATR)
in Botswana.

- Explain the significance of the

sacred places in African Traditional
Religion (ATR) in Botswana
- Explain the significance of the
sacred objects used in African
Traditional Religion (ATR) in

The Coming of - Discuss taboos associated with
Christianity sacred places, objects and plants.
and other religions in Understand the establishment of
Botswana Christianity and other religions in - discuss how totemism helps in the
Botswana protection of animals

- Discuss factors which influenced

the establishment of Christianity
and other religions in Botswana.

- Describe how these religions were

established in Botswana.

- Explore the challenges the different

religions faced in their
establishment in Botswana.

- Describe the contributions of

Christianity and other religions in
Know how indigenous beliefs and the development of Botswana.
The Impact of practices were affected by new
Christianity and other religions. - Investigate the effects of religious
religions on the lifestyles pluralism.
of Batswana
- Describe beliefs and practices of
Christianity and other religions
which are different from those of
indigenous people of Botswana.
Examine the results of the interaction
between African Traditional Religion - Analyse the effects of world
and Christianity religions’ beliefs and practices on
the lives of Batswana.

- Describe the features of African

Independent Churches.

- Discuss factors that led to the rise

of the African Independent

- Analyse the influence of African

traditional beliefs on African
Independent Churches.

Topics General Objectives Specific Objective in Africa
Students should: Students should be able to:
Adaptation of new Examine the adaptation of new - Discuss how Africans adapted to
religions in Africa religions in Africa the new religions.

- Describe how the new religions

adapted to African cultures.

- Discuss the challenges faced by the

new religions in Africa.

- Explore challenges faced by

Africans due to the coming of new
Religious Dialogue and Appreciate the importance of unity - Explain the concept of religious
ecumenism. among religions dialogue and ecumenism.

- Identify the ecumenical movements

in Botswana and the role they play

- Describe the advantages of religious


- Discuss the importance of

ecumenical movements in
promoting peace and dialogue in
the society.

- Discuss the problems that hinder

religious dialogue.

Religious Examine religious fundamentalism. - Define religious fundamentalism.

- Identify cases of religious

- Discuss the causes of religious


- Analyse the effects of religious


- Suggest ways of resolving religious


Religious tolerance Appreciate the importance of - Define the concept of religious

tolerance among religions tolerance.
- Discuss the contributions of world
religions towards religious

- Describe the advantages of
interactions between people of
different religions.

Topics General Objectives Specific Objectives
Students should: Students should be able to:

Religion and Marriage Know the significance of marriage as - Explain the significance of
a religious institution marriage in different religions.

- Outline values emphasised by

different religions in marriage.

- Evaluate the concepts of celibacy

and chastity as practiced in
religions studied

- Discuss the importance of courtship

and bogadi ‘bride wealth.’

- Discuss the views of different

religions on the following issues
(sex outside marriage,
contraception, inter religious
marriages and divorce).

- Discuss the rights of a married man

and woman from different religious
view points.
Religion and Sexuality Acquire knowledge on how different - Discuss how different religions
religions perceive sexuality view the roles of men and women.

- State the importance of equality

between man and woman in
modern society

- Discuss how puberty rituals

prepare young people for marriage
in different religions.

- Explain how religions view

different sexual orientations.

- Evaluate views of different

religions on sex education and
teenage pregnancy.

- Investigate how different religions

deal with the problem of teenage

Religion and HIV and Explore the views of different - State views of different religions
AIDS religions on HIV and AIDS regarding HIV and AIDS.

- Investigate the views of various

religions regarding condom use.

- State religious practices which can
facilitate the spread of HIV and

- Discuss different religious values

that can be applied when dealing
with people living with HIV and

- Identify areas where religions and

public health can work together to
help people living with HIV and

- Investigate the views of different

religions with regard to the use of
ARV (Antiretroviral drugs).

- Define service as a value

- Explain the importance of service

Understand the importance of
Religion and Service service in the society - Discuss how the value of service is
put in to practice by the different
religions studied.

- Evaluate services provided by

religions in societies.

- Identify a need in your community.

Appreciate service as a vital religious - Outline the strategies to use in

value addressing the need.

- Carry out a hands-on-project to

address the identified need.

- Write a report on the project

reflecting its religious value.

Topics General Objectives Specific Objectives
Students should: Students should be able to:
Religion and Prejudice Explore the dangers that are - Explain the term prejudice.
associated with prejudice.
- Discuss situations where prejudice
is practiced by different religions.

- Describe the causes of religious


- Analyse the effects of prejudice on

religious communities.

- Discuss the attitude of different

religious towards the status of

- Describe the contributions made by

some individuals and religious
organisations against prejudice.
Religion and justice Examine the religious response to - Explain the meaning of justice.
issues concerning Justice
- Discuss the different ways in which
justice is expressed in different

- Evaluate how different religions

promote justice in society.

- Discuss how some prominent

people belonging to different
religions contributed towards
justice in society.

Religions and Evaluate the religious views about - Discuss teachings and beliefs of
environment the environment different religious about the

- Explain how religious practices and

beliefs can affect the environment.

- Suggest ways in which religious

communities can be involved in the
protection of the environment.


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