Bangarang in The Gutterlands

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Front Cover

Bangarang In the Gutterlands

1st edition (V1.3-Dec-2023)
© 2023 Bill Making Stuff & Apocrypha_Now
All rights reserved
Reproduction or redistribution of this
document in any part is prohibited.
Not for resale.
Intro - 2
About this book - 6
Conventions - 6
What you will need - 7
Setting up the game - 8
How to Play - 9
Your Bots - 10
Actions - 11
Moving - 12
Shooting - 14
Bashing - 16
Climbing & Falling - 18
The “Something Exciting Happens” Table - 20
BUILDING YOUR BOT: Factions - 23
Beadbots - 24
The Junkers - 25
The Uppers - 26
The Meaty Ones - 27
Building your Bot: Weapons & Combos- 29
Ranged Weapons - 30
Melee Weapons - 30
A HAND - 30
Weapon Combos - 31
ZERO HP - 32
What Next? - 34
Bot Sheet- 35
How to beadbot - 36
JUNK BOT Generator - 42
g i n n ing!
a t t he be
The town of Respite is the ONLY real human Long ago the spot where Respite stands was a
leme nt on TAPU (The GUTT ERLA NDS) . It is the sacr ed RUST ER settlement, the RUSTER king was
exact spot where the town
FIrst point of call for adventurers arriving to killed in the
the planet and the only relatively safe place watering hole now sits, THE KINGS END INN.
to inhabit... sort of.

The town has a few well known buildings such

POSTIE OFFICE amongst others. It has a communal
WELL in the center of town, right next to the
towns famous BOUNTY BOARD.

Building supplies are limited in Respite. Many of

the buildings are ram shackled structures built
scra p, anci ent mach iner y foun d at the Many RUST ERS wou ld like to reclaim the land.
out of
RUSTY PEAKS and salvaged space craft of previ-
visit ors, who are no long er with us. The inse lber g Respite is built upon is riddled
with secret tunnels and mysterious
structures (yet to be explored). A
The town rests on an inselberg, a raised area underground
of desert with shear drops on all sides. It’s few of the Respite citizens would
one of the reasons why it is a safe place to suggest that instead of adventuring out into
should explore
live (relatively). The other reason is the towns the wastes, they
militia lead by MR MAYOR, the town mayor. downwards... Strange noises can be heard by
the town’s WELL.

Life in the Gutterlands can be hard
, with very few leisure activities fe
in the town of Respite.However, th asible
e Mayor allows (nay, enourages) regu
Bangarangs. These destructive and lar
spectacular bot v bot death matche
great way to entertain the family, s are a
settle old grudges, and raise a bit
of cash!
th e p a s t fe w years I have b
Over d full of
g a w o rld. It’s a worl
b u il d in g rogue
ro u s c h a ra c ters, terrifyin
dange tard.
c h n o lo g y a n d lots of crus rd the
tt e rl a n d s (T a pu) is a junkya
The Gu r all the
o f a p la n e t, a graveyard fo g war.
size g alaxy spannin
h u g e
remnants o f a
iverse is now
peaceful. I can
u n se
my ho e
s t o f th e tier
The re
n d s a re th e last wild fron
The Gutterl a nny and
from se
yo u c a n m a ke a pretty pe d
where rs are attracte
life is cheap . T h ri ll s e e ke
r fun, wherea
s the here
to this de s e rt p la n e t fo
ttlers are look
- !
o f th e fi rs t s e
descendants n d don’t forget th
a y o u t. A
ing for a w who were jus
t there in
o m e b e in g s n
were s
e . T h e e c o s y stem has bee
the first plac d by the junk, a
nd most
n tl y a lt e re
an kill you...
things there c
Especially the

r g a m e , a l s u c cessor
a u
m i n i ature w . I t i s a spirit s everal
o u r d s ” o n
et o
Welcom ng In the Gut
ter la n
h a s f e ature d
K S w as any
ll N
ra hich Bi from TO ep the game
“Banga e TON K S , w
o us om i s s i o n
t l y to ke
g a m i c u p a r o
to m y
. O n e cons p
. T h i s wa s
i b l e , but als f
o s
his vide ilding” or set agnostic as p
tin g os s
a n i c a l core o
“wor ld
bu e and the me e
n , a c c e s s i b l
y e m b e d d i n g
u l w o r ld of Th gy,
as ope m y par t.
aracter n the technol
s o n
l ’s r i ch a n d c
a w u p o t h e w or ld of
e in Bil g can d
the gam ds, Bangaran n derfu l c h a r
c tions a
r l a n w o e fa f
Gutt e
s e t t i n gs an d
r y e a rs. T h
r s a m yriad o u
b u i l t up ov
o f f e r playe i t y ! I h ope yo
at ha s should bil
Tapu th in par ticular a n d r eplaya
g o p p or tunit
enjoy i Ben



About this Book
• This book will teach you how to play games of “Bangarang in the Gutterlands”, it will ex-
plain what you need to play the game, and it will also tell you about the strange world,
technology and people who live in the Gutterlands.
• The first section will tell you specifically what physical stuff you need for the game. You’ll
also learn about your Bot, and the things it can do as you play the game.
• Later on you’ll read about some of the strange occurrences that can happen as you play the
game - they’re all pretty random. And cool.
• You’ll also learn about the 4 factions that regularly attend Bangarangs, and their different
strengths and weaknesses.
• The last section contains details on the different weapons your Bot can use to inflict damage
on other Bots, and also what happens at the demise of a Bot.

that ,
Conventions ESS!

• All measurements are taken from the Bot’s base

• You may not pre-measure any distances in the game
• In this set of rules, some words are shown in bold typeface. This is because they reference other
rules in the game and will help you with where to look to find out more.
• Should you ever be required to roll a result higher than 6 (i.e. 7,8,9 etc) when you are
rolling D6s (six-sided dice), you must roll 2D6 and get the required score EXACTLY, higher or
lower misses. Scores of 13 or more are impossible. When rolling 2 dice like this, ones do not
count as a miss.

you w
ill ne
A SpaCe to play
• 1.5’x1.5’ - 2’x2’ flat area
Terrain -
• Your Bangarang Arena will need terrain for your Bots to manoeuvre around, hide behind and
even climb up. Terrain is anything that’s not the flat surface you’re playing on. Everyone has
slightly different terrain, but a selection loosely conforming to the following proportions
& quantities will be a good start -
• 2” Stacks - a set of 8 for your Bots to hide behind and climb up on for advantage. Around 4
that are 2” cubes, and about 4 that are 2” x 4” x 2” cuboids will be a good start.
• These 2” layers of stuff could be anything - shanty town huts, piles of junk metal, heaps of
rocks, shipping containers - anything about 2” tall. They can be put next to each other or
stacked on top of each other. They need to have flat tops for your Bots to stand on
• (MAX 2 STACKS high).
• 8” Bridges - a set of 2. Bridges are platforms that connect the elevated areas of the other
Stacks that are at the same height. Your bot cannot climb up onto a Bridge, they must climb
onto a Stack first, and then move across it.
• Being under a Bridge affords Bots protection in some circumstances.
• Stacks can be stacked on top of each other to create overhangs and archways, and these are
treated as Bridges in the game
• Stacks of the same height placed in contact with each other count as 1 Stack
• Bots - One per player, mounted on a round 40mm base
Dice -
• 6 sided dice (referred to as D6s)
• 12 sided dice (referred to as D12s)
• 4 sided dice (referred to as D4s)
• 10 sided dice (referred to as D10s)
• 20 sided dice (referred to as D20s)
• Tape Measure in inches (“)
• Blast Tokens (Plumes of cotton wool or similar tokens) - these represent the blast
generated by firing your Bots’ weapons, and also some effects that may happen during the
game - such as mechanical malfunctions, system stress, or being on fire!
• Other Tokens some extra dice, coins, counters or tokens (bits of scrap) might be useful for

u p t h e g a m e
at 45
sit e co rn er s of th e board facing inwards
ttle, place Bots in op touching both board
• To get ready for a ba ur Bo t’ s ba se is d
degrees so that the ci
rcumference of yo
n pl ac in g th em in th e middle of each boar
yo u ha ve m or e th an 4 Bots playing at once

ci ng in w ar ds . es e ob st ru ct io ns ca nnot be shot through
edge fa each. Th
pl acing 1 Stack/Bridge
• Player s ta ke it in tu rn s
li ne of sig ht ), bu t th ey can be climbed up.
hey block
nor moved through (t
oking battlefield.
• Aim to make a cool lo

O U L D B E :

a Scrapheap A TOXIC SWAMP
AL h i d e an
l ac
e s t try t o
b- see
Crea s t o clim cann ot
plac sure yo oss the
AN e
mak nally ac
diag efield
HoW to Play
Games of “Bot Bangarang” ar
e split into Rounds, and in ea
player has a Turn with their ch Round each
At the beginning of the Roun
d you must determine which or
in. Each player rolls a six-s der Bots will act
ided dice and adds their rema
points to the result. ining number of hit

The Player with the lowest

score goes first, and play pr
the table in the direction of oceeds around
player with the second low
est score. On your Turn, you
actions with your bot in any may perform any 3
combination or in any permiss
ible order.
You may repeat actions durin
g your turn.You have to
declare aloud the three ac
tions you are taking and then
do them.
You’re trying to des
troy the other Bot
continues until the s! The game
re is only one Bot l


rolled by a team of human competitors.
Your Bot is remotely cont
te r th e ar en a ph ys ic al ly piloting their bot
eccentric Upper might en ts to semi-autonomously
Sometimes the occasional ei r ow n co gn it io n ci rc ui
t will insist on using th
(to show off), or a Beadbo
More on those guys later.

A Bot should be the height of about 2 humans

Basing - mounted on an
approximately 40mm round base
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

(i.e. a poker chip)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The base should have quarters marked on the
circumference of its base.

The front one is the “Front arc” for

ATTACKING 90 degrees, and this is the
direction the bot is facing. This Quarter
should also have a centre point for the
direction the bot is travelling in.
The 2 adjacent quarters are sides, and the one
opposite the front is the rear.
The front face of your bot is hardest to
damage, but the sides and rear are easier to

Your Bot starts with 12 hit points. As battle

rages you will likely suffer damage and your
Bot will lose hit points. You can track this
by placing two small D6s next to your Bot or a

Hit points are sometimes referred to as HP.

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Of co
you c
stuff n do

These are the actions you can take with your bot when it’s your Turn in a Round.

Move -Move up to 4” in the direction your Bot is facing & turn up to 90 degrees, OR turn on the spot up to 90

Strafe - Move sideways up to 3” without changing orientation (tactical, good for poking round corners)

Backwards- Bot moves up to 2” backwards and then turns up to 45 degrees.

Shoot - shoot in the direction of your Bot’s front arc. Shooting generates a blast token (see “Shooting”)

Reload/Reboot - Remove one blast token from your Bot

Bash - make a melee attack against another Bot. Bashing does not generate blast tokens (see “Bashing”).
Must be in base to base contact with another Bot.

Climb - Go up any Stack your bot is in base contact with (see “climbing and falling”). Must be in base to base
contact with a Stack in order to Climb.

Drop - deliberately jump down any vertical distance from a Stack to avoid taking damage

(see “climbing and falling”). Must be in base to base contact with the edge of a Stack to Drop.
and rotat
90 deg
upt ward

M O rotate
90 deg on
the spot

o 3”
u pt ging
A YS han
EW c
SID hout ion
wit entat

p t
ds u eg
o 2”

w a D
BACK otate 45

12 and
1. Bots may not move through other Bots or Stacks.

2. If a bot is moved into a Stack by another

playerS Bot or AN effect in the game, you lose a
hit point.

3. Turning on the spot or moving / straFFIng /

reversing away when in contact with a STACK
incurs no further loss of hitpoints.

4. If a Bot’s movement takes it into base to base

contact with another bot, it stops.

5.The edge of the board counts as Stack you

cannot climb.

6. You may move your bot less than the full

distance in inches stated in the action you’re
taking (ie you could move 2” FORWARD then turn as
a complete move action)
t a t a n o p p o n e n t’s Bot, you
When you shoo f a c ing you are
r m in e w h ic h
must dete t . W e u s e b oth Bots’
heir B o
shooting at on t . Draw an
w o r k t h is o u t
bases to h e c e n t r e of your Bot
f r o m t
“imaginary line”
their Bot.
to the centre of

l in e m u s t p a s s through your
Firstly the h e e n e m y m o d e l is out
wise t
front arc, other e s h o o t in g action
a n d t h
of line of sight im a g in a r y l in e meets
et h e
is wasted. Wher in g yo u a r e t a r g eting.
ir fac
their base is the
b a s e is e n t ir ely behind an
If their Bot’s n o t s h o o t a t them when
ck you ma y
intervening Sta h t . If y o u r b o t is one
t is a t t he same heig
y o u r b o
h e r t h a n t h e target Bot,
Stack or more h n o t p r e v e n t s hooting as
rain does
intervening ter e t h e t a r g e t B ot from
n g a s y o u c a n partially se , s t o o p down to
lo c k t h is
B o t ’s p e r s p e c tive. To che it sees.
your t o s e e w h a t
h your Bot
be eye level wit
is r e p r e s e n t s it has
B last token t h
u r B o t h a s a e r ed system
If yo h o w e n c o u n t
e c e n t l y F Ir e d or has some e one or more
r o o t if y o u h a v
not Sh ays you
stress. You may a c t io n r u l e s s
t o k e n s a l r e a d y unless a f
14 may.
If you can fire at an opponent’s Bot and have a Ranged Weapon then follow these Steps

Roll a D6 & place a blast marker next to your Bot.

If SHOOTING at the target’s front facing,

score a 6 to hit.

If SHOOTING at the target’s side facing,

score a 5 or 6 to hit. e
e c k th age
, ch dam
Bot what
If SHOOTING at the target’s rear facing, h i
e i r
t th to se
score a 4 or 5 or 6 to hit. lly ile
e s sfu ’s prof r.
cc n cu
y o u su weapo ces oc
If ting uen
o q
A roll of 1 always misses ! sho conse
If within 4” of th
e target Bot (and
base to base cont not in
act with any Bot)
any shooting atta , reroll
ck that misses.
If in base to base -HOOM
contact with an
must reroll an y Bot, you
y shooting attack


l on
+ 1 t o t h e r e sult you rol
get Bot ,
h e r than the tar as a 4)
If at 1 St a c k h ig
( i.e . r o l l in g a 3 counts
n firing
your dice whe B o t , +2 to the r
t a r g e t
han the 5)
o r m o r e St acks higher t . r o l l in g a 3 counts as a
If at 2 firing (i.e
o n y our dice when ou
yo u r o l l
l l a n a d d it ional D6. If y
must ro Bot
c c e ss f u l l y hit a Bot you h e P l a y e r w ho owns the
When you su ppens! T
- 6 , so m e t h in g exciting ha
roll a 5 on -
o t a t must roll ble
ens” Ta
that g o t sh
itin g Happ
ng ExC

DOWN A E ‘EM AND SH o m e t h i
T ‘‘EM ! OOT the “S

O F T H E G O O D S T U F F !
If in base to base contact with an opponent’s bot you may make a
Bash action. This represents physically attacking the Bot with your Bot.

We use the Bot’s base as the basis for determining facing.

Draw an imaginary line from the centre of your Bot to the centre of their
Bot. Firstly the line must pass through your front arc, otherwise the
enemy model is out of line of sight and the Bashing action is wasted.

Where the imaginary line meets their base is their facing you are targeting.

If you are facing the right way as described above, and have a Melee
weapon or hand that can Bash an opponent’s Bot, then follow
these steps -

Roll a D6.

If Bashing at the target’s front facing, score a

6 to hit.

If Bashing at the target’s side facing, score a

5 or 6 to hit.

If Bashing at the target’s rear facing, score a

4 or 5 or 6 to hit.

A roll of 1 always misses !

If you successfully hit their Bot, check the Bashing weapon’s profile to see
what damage and consequences occur. When you successfully hit a Bot
you must roll an additional D6. If you roll a 5-6, something exciting
happens (just like when you’re shooting at a Bot) The Player who owns the
Bot that got bashed must roll on the
Something Exciting Happens Table . . .
CLIMBING Also known a
s 2019 - 2022

If a Bot loses any hitpoint

s (for any reason) whilst
Fall down it. The Player wh within 1” of the edge of a St
o owns that Bot Removes ack they
them at the bottom of th the Bot from the ledge an
e Stack directly undernea d places
they are touching the stac th where they previously
k at the point vertically stood, so that
close as possible) below where they once we
re (or as

Bots falling off Bridges

just go straight down from
their location (vertically
The Bot suffers additional
hit points lost equal to 2
also occurs if they move HP per level of Stack it Fe
off an edge without makin ll. This
g a Drop action.
To climb up to a Stack, a
Bot must perform a Clim
to base contact with a St b action. To Climb a bot mu
ack. You do not need to be st be in base
moves it to the top of the facing the Stack. The actio
Stack, and you place your n then
Bot facing any direction at
the top in

th eir fa ce s ar e al lig ned and it creates a doub
a way so th at
If 2 Stacks are placed in ke successive climb ac
le . Th e Bo t mu st ma
height obstac th e Bot must climb and clim
4” ve rt ica l sp ac e,
(i.e. to scale a
er e is no t en ou gh ro om to place it where
le height Stack, but th l again (be it a Stack or
If a Bot falls off a doub fa ll to th e ne xt le ve
k, it must
it fell on the lower Stac
fe ly . A Bo t mu st be in base to base contact
tion to get down sa ed facing any direc-
A Bot May make a Drop ac s do wn an d ca n be pl ac
or a bridge. It then drop
with an edge of a Stack co nt ac t with the point where it dr
ba se to ba se
tion at the bottom in
dr op a bo t an y nu mb er of Stacks (if the edges of
ping action can e intermediary levels)
Unlike climbing, the drop t co ul d no t st op at th
together that a Bo
Stacks are close enough

“Climbing looks dange

rous” Said the wimpy B
18 ot
A bot may F
all or Drop
usually Fal onto anothe
l or Drop it r bot! If a b
in base to ba may choose ot is within
se contact to land on 2” of the po
direction yo with the opp the opponen int where a
t bot. If you bot
u wish. onent’s bot
anywhere yo do this, plac would
u like. Your e yo
Fall -If you bot may be f ur bot
Fall onto a acing any
lost if fall n o pponent’s bo
ing usually. t, calculat
lose that n H a lf that num e the numbe
umber of hit ber and roun r of
points. d up. Your bo hit points you would ha
t and the op ve
Drop - If yo ponents bot
u deliberate
points you w ly Drop ont
ould have s o an oppone
must take a uffered had nt’s bot the
Drop Test you fallen. opponent bo
In order to s t suffers al
uccessfully l the hit
drop like th
is you

DROP ent
a n d is p l aced adjac
o l l a d 6 . n t s a s h a ving Falle usual.
R Co u as
m is s e s c o mpletely. u f f e r s f a ll damage
and ts
A I L Y o u r Bot Falls o n t a ct. Your Bo a n d is placed
1F to b a s e c a l l e n
a r g e t B ot in base t . C o u n t s as having F would for Falling
to t Bo ou
l l s o n t o the target lculate damage as y
Fa . Ca
R T I A L F A IL Your Bot se to base contact
2 PA a
rget Bot in ots suffer damage)
e n t t o t B damage)
adjac o v e , b o t h Bo t s u f f e r s
(see ab y opponent
onto a Bot a b o v e , o n l
e s s f u l l y Drop (see
SS you su c c

P ! 19
“Something Exciting Happens

1. Weapon Offline - You must choose a weapon system -contact with your Bot. Roll a D6. After that many actions (by
or hand to be unusable for the rest of the game. If you already any player), starting after the action that caused this damage,
have no weapon systems or hands, lose D4 Hit Points. the canister explodes, Automatically hitting any Bots within 5”
and causing 2HP damage.
2. Unfriendly Nanites - one of the many unseen
roaming clouds of nanites happened to be passing by as your Bot 8. Ablative Plating Loss - The popping of rivets,
suffered damage. Sensing you Bot was in danger and weakened, tearing of sinew and clatter of falling plates is loud enough
the opportunistic swarm descends upon your bot and begins to be heard over the raging battle. The armour on your bot has
stripping it’s systems. Insulating cables dissolve away, been permanently damaged by the attack. The face of your Bot
lubricants are drained and bolts spin themselves loose. You that was attacked has its “To Hit” number decreased by 1 for
lose an additional D4 Hitpoints. the rest of the game as the vulnerable systems underneath are
3. Off BalancCe - The attack disrupts your Bots
gyros and it loses balance, stumbling about. The player that 9. Dead Leg - Despite automatically rerouting power to
inflicted the damage causing this result may immediately make the locomotive systems, one of your Bots legs is now heavily
your Bot take a Move, Strafe or Backwards action. Any damaged. You may no longer Strafe for the remainder of the
obstructions walked into cause damage, and falling may game. If this result happens again the distance you may move is
occur. halved when you Move or go Backwards.

4.Venting PowWer Core - with a fading whir the 10. HydraulicC Line Fire - a high pressure hose
power core for your Bot is temporarily knocked offline. ruptures and a plume of pale liquid enshrouds the bot
Noxious hot vapours emanate from every aperture. At the momentarily before it ignites in a rising fireball. Your bot is
beginning of your next Turn, you must undertake a special ablaze! Add two blast tokens to your bot. Lose an additional
PURGE action you want to start to Move/Strafe/Go Back- D4 Hitpoints.
wards/Climb or Drop again. The APUs automatically kick in so
there is just enough juice to keep the weapon systems active. 11. Friendly Nanites - One of the many unseen
You may make roaming clouds of nanites happened to be passing by as your
Shooting/Bashing actions. Bot suffered damage. Sensing you Bot was in distress, the benign
swarm flows through the pistons, circuitry and gubbins of your
5. AWAKENED TecChnology Module - Deep Bot patching up what it can. You regain D6 Hitpoints.
within the circuitry and actuators of the Bot is an antique
technology module of unknown purpose and origin. The 12. Trigger Control - An electrical short caused by
incoming damage has knocked something, and after a brief the damage causes a cluster of servos to misfire and trigger
power surge this module activates! You now have an one of your Bots weapon systems. Even though it is not
additional weapon system for the remainder of this game. necessarily your turn, you may make a shooting or melee
You may choose either Ranged or Melee and then roll on the attack against any valid target in your front arc. This
relevant weapons table. This does not change the Combo of attack generates blast tokens as usual. If there is no target
your bot. the weapons activate anyway. If you already have Blast
Tokens on your bot preventing you from undertaking any
6. Phoenix Protocol - A command line override stirs attack, or have no weapons, instead lose an additional D3
your bot into defiant action, its data cores recalling a Hitpoints.
similar situation it faced previously in an ancient offworld
battle. Knowing what to do to get out of dodge, you may 13. Anti Ruster Protesters - Anti-Ruster
make a single action of your choosing, and regain 2 Hit Protesters run onto the field, smashing any bots within 4”
points. from the edge of the board, trying to spread their hateful
message (before the guards remove them). Lose 1 HP if within 4”
7. Canister Drop - A volatile subsystem is damaged, of the edge of the board. JUNKERS are treated particularly
and a pressurised container is dislodged by the attack, and worse due to their ongoing business relations with The Rusters.
falls to the feet of your bot. It begins to hiss violently. Protesters run directly for the Junkers as far 8” from the

Place a small 25mm marker anywhere in base to base edge who then suffer 2 HP.
a r a n g h a s be e n c ompletely
No recorded Bot Ba
d a r d a n d u n e ve n t ful. ROLL A D2
stan 0 AND
are left quite bruised by the crowd’s jeering.
. . .
14. Called to the Plant - People call it different
things. Some call it “The Signal’’, others “The Hum” or
“The Frequency”. Nearly all of the technology in The For the remainder of this Round, and the next Round until the
Gutterlands resonates with this one unifying signal. Its source? player who rolled on this table goes again, the riotous crowd
The Plant - the mysterious AI singularity somewhere in the distracts all Bots. Whenever a player declares their 3 actions
endless junkheaps of the decommissioning deserts. Occasionally - the player immediately to their left overrides one of their
this frequency surges in power and intensity, magnetically actions with a different one. The player then has to undertake
drawing all intelligent systems towards it. The player who the new sequence of actions. If the player whose Turn it is is one
rolled on this table selects a board edge of their choosing. This of THE UPPERS, the person to their left may override 2 of their
is the direction of The Plant. All Bots must immediately make actions. The Uppers are not used to the coarse language and
a move action to turn on the spot to face this board edge. All rude gestures of normal people in The Gutterlands, and it causes
BEADBOTS are particularly susceptible to the call of The Plant them much vexation.
and once they have turned to face it, they must make an
additional move to go toward that board edge (falling and 18. MarroWw SuCKcker OutbreakK - Screams are
hitting things as they do). heard around the audience and members of the crowd are seen
to be convulsing in agony. With a creeping horror the Bangarang
15. Rust Bugs - The metal oxidising bacteria that scours organisers realise there has been a Marrow Sucker Outbreak.
The Gutterlands infects the arena. Actuators seize up and Bullet-like invertebrates fly at the speed of sound from person
armour degrades. Each Player must choose and simultaneously to person, piercing straight through to the nutritious interiors of
verbally declare “HP” or “Actions”. Each player then rolls a their skeletons. Red clouds obscure the falling bodies. Quickly
D3. You either instantly lose that many HP, or only have that the rampaging swarm finds its way down to the pits and control
many actions the next time it is your Turn. decks of the auditorium, causing absolute chaos. But the show
must go on! At the end of this Round (once all players have had
16. Moler Trap - with a sudden crack and a cloud of a Turn), each player rolls a D4. That is how many actions they
dust, a Bot disappears down a hole! The Molers have long may take on their next Turn.
objected to the Bot Blitz (as it’s far too noisy for them) and
occasionally undermine the stadium to set pit traps. You must 19. AcCid Rain - The ecosphere of The Gutterlands is highly
select a Bot not on terrain. If there are none on the ground you unstable after centuries of dumping the galaxy’s most terrifying
must select the bot nearest the ground (If in either case that’s weapons-grade waste on its surface. As a result, occasional
your Bot you must select your Bot). Place a 40mm token Acid Rain downpours are common. Until the end of this Round no
representing a hole on the ground as close to the targeted Bots may make any climbing actions as all terrain is coated in
bot as you can. Place a second token 8” away from it on the a mildly corrosive slurry. This sort of environmental hazard is
ground in a location of your choosing. This represents where particularly painful for the exposed flesh and organic
the Bot managed to break out of the Moler tunnel back into components of THE MEATY ONES. This Round and the next, any
the stadium. For the remainder of the game any Bot can use this Meaty Ones playing may not attempt to regain HP at the end of
tunnel as a shortcut by moving/strafing/going backwards into it. their go. This is unless they are underneath a Bridge at the end of
Then move the bot into base to base contact with the other hole the Round.
(selecting any orientation you wish).
20. Geo Tremor - the ground begins to shake and split,
For the Bot first affected by the trap, and any Bot choosing clouds of dust are shaken of all nearby structures, and the
to use the tunnel after its discovery, the crawl through the vibrations intensify. It’s a Geo-Tremor! All Bots scatter d8”
tunnel causes 1HP of damage to the Bot. Any Bot voluntarily without changing orientation. Any bots that would move off
using the tunnel to move around the battlefield also loses an of elevated areas, or move into obstructions, fall or suffer
action that turn. damage as usual.

17. The cCroWwd goes wWild - The ongoing carnage of


the battle sets off a huge Mexican wave that runs round the T H AR
audience. Bots are cheered, and Bots are booed. The cacophony is
BA Y !
briefly enough to overcome the sounds of battle, and the Bots
struggle to concentrate as some soak up the glory and some


Before competing in the arena you will need to build your Bot. When you build your
bot you will need to choose which Faction of The Gutterlands you represent.

Each faction has unique themes and abilities, with advantages and disadvantages
detailed on the following pages.

When you play your first game you might want to skip this bit, go ahead to the
“weapons & combos” section.

me given
is the na
Beadbot nt bot,
g e n e r ic assista o be

to a ar t
lly appe
they usua h long arms
rounded, hread on wire...
a d st
lik e b e hey come
h e n c e
in all sh
t h e name. T es but
apes and ified by
l l y b
can usua head with two
e id ent face
a spheric yes.
p a r te
far a


roll a D20 & ro

ll a
D20 & give it a na
For example:


Beadbots have been embedded in the human workforce for as long as anyone can remember, and
are a core feature of day to day life in The Gutterlands. They almost have rights of their own
(almost) and Beadbots can enter Bot Blitz Brawls as competitors. Their AI unit can be transferred
easily between units and their experience accumulates. They can also work with teams of human
Engineers as remote pilots. They are hardy & adaptive but sometimes glitchy. This can
unfortunately happen at any time, including in the middle of a battle. Sometimes the mysterious
'Plant' calls out to them, stirring ancient machine memories…

In the Game - Beadbots in all their forms are naturally resilient to damage (they’re built that
way) and start the game with 14 HP. They are also susceptible to glitching. Once per game after
you have declared your actions, one of your opponents (the first to do it) may call out
“Glitching” and they can change the order in which you must do your stated actions.

Usually 1

RUSTY and D*8 sPI


“Junkers” is
an umbrella
term for the
citizens of
Respite who
are of
limited mean
s, often
having grow
n up in the
harshest cir
with the wor
JU st luck. The
see competin y
ANTS g in the Bot
AH Bangarang a
s a way to
make their f
ortune and
Dozens make the secure a bet
dangerous pilgrim ter life.
to make their ow age out to The Ru
n ramshackle bo sty Peaks every ye
are characterist ts. Sometimes they ar and salvage w
ically rusty, asy even trade directl hat they can
prolonged exposu mmetric and unfini y with the Ruster
re they have sta shed. After s. Their bots
have hard won su rt ed to praise the all
rvival skills and consuming Rust, ju
Bots. k il ler instincts, but st as The Rusters
these are stymied do. They
by their necessari
In the Ga
ly austere
me - Imbuin
g a Bot with the
preternatural se all consuming Ru
nse of “knowing” st of the desert
connects the neur a nd connection to endows it with a
al network of th th e terrain of The Gu
any roll this pla e bot to the wider tterlands. The ba
yer would be e ecology of Tapu. cteria
They’ve got street xpected to roll A Junker’s RustBo
smarts! - on two separa t can reroll
This overrules oth te occasions -
er faction abilitie in a game.
engineering perspe s. However, the ru
ctive. The first ti st is a less predic
see if something in me they lose a hi table material fr
om an
teresting happens, t point, and after
If the first hit wo they HAVE to ro the attacker has
uld have made th ll on the “somet checked to
is happen anyway, hing interesting ha

they must roll a ppens” table.
second time as th
eir bot suffers
3 Eyes
(because they can
afford them)



Well C
Went on (D4) WIN
gap years
The Uppers are the more affluent citizens of Respite. Only they can
afford to use the rarest alien tech that can be attained on Gutterworld.
Their alien-like bots have the most powerful tech and even have
advanced active protection systems. Their relatively comfy lifestyles,
endless soirees, and pathological obsession with status means they
are the only faction mad enough to compete in person and actually
enter the arena, piloting their own Bots. They’re terrible show offs.
Malicious gossip amongst the Junkers suggests they might not even be
entirely human.

In the Game - Twice a game these Bots can do 4 actions a Turn, because of the
pilot’s physical human intuition and awareness, twinned with advanced sensory
modules on board. Alas, the human at the centre of the mechanical killing machine
is weak. Any time you have to roll on the “Something Interesting Happens” table, the
player that caused you to roll on the table may make you re-roll the result if they
wish. Each enemy player may make you do this once. The new result must be adhered
to. Oftentimes during a particularly heated Bangarang, pilots hailing from The Up-

pers can be heard sobbing & asking to go home…
It. . . (D4)

2. Tastes
3. Smells
4. Feels

. . . like .
. . (D10)
1. Boiled
2. sushi Weird Ey
3. Tendon
4. A Blist
5. a pust
6. Raw m
7. Fungi
9. Burnt
meat Puls ating
10.Bad ca
crust y
protein Based

e once
cit iz en s of Re sp ite , “The Meaty Ones” ar ch
e en good taste in sear
er ve d su sp ici on an d disdain amongst th al we ap on s, an d ev
es logy, norm
Treated with well-d fo re go ne traditional techno ve re d Bio-drone fragments
found in
rs wh o ha ve ey us e re co
sane Bot enginee new flesh. Th chnology of grown
& co mb at su pr em acy through twisted or ed th e an cie nt te
of longevity
cl os e to Me at Mo untain. They have ex
ma dn es s. Bio -r em nants dumped on The
the wastelands or very heart of ein,
d in do ing so th ey have stared into the ps yc he s as mu ch as it can warp any prot
bio-weapons, an n warp their l the
nd s ar e un st ab le and mutating. This ca ne s ca n fo rm we ap ons analogous to al
Gutterla . The bio-dro ne and pus.
ium or fa t it co me s into contact with ey wi ll be he wn fr om muscle, blood, bo aty Ones...
calc y seen on a bot, but th er s are common on Me
we ap on s us ua ll bo ne da rt la un ch
traditional claws and
ht s lik e ph le gm cannons, tendon
Grotes qu e sig nsumable
e ab le to se ar ch the landscape for co and
e on es of the Meaty Ones ar hi t s as th ey weave scar tissue
In the Gam
Bio Dr o int
ey regain tw
- Th e po er of
d of ev er y Ro un d roll a d6, 5 or 6 th r ta ke th em ab ov e their starting numb
biomass. At the en d. This can ne ve seek shade,
le ov er an y da ma ge they have sustaine wn on th eir ex po se d flesh makes them act
fresh grist
UV ra ys of Th e Gutterlands beating
en d th ei r Tu rn in base to base cont
hit points. The ha rd . MeatyBots mu st or scour
ns ta nt gr ow th re quires more nutrients d se ek sh el te r fr om solar radiation,
and their co g the walls an
r on ) a te rr ai n pi ece. They try to hu find.
with (o
to ab so rb an y mu sh rooms or algae they hin g) terrain it automatic
su rf ac es tr yin g (a nd no t to uc

Turn exposed away
If a MeatBot ends its
loses 2 hit points.

Before competing in the arena you will need to equip your bot with weapons.

Each Bot has 2 arms and each arm can be a Melee weapon, a Ranged weapon,
or a Hand.

Certain pairings of weapons and equipment unlock Combos that change what your
bot can do.

Weaponry in the Gutterlands comes from a broad rangeof sources and can be made
from all sorts of weird salvaged tech. It’s best to explain to other players what
your Bot isarmed with beforeyou start playing.

A P causes 2
t enemi H
damage P
y t a r g e
can onl mage. Gives
BU 6” & c a u
ses 1HP hooting with
within blast marker. s shooting at
a a
target always counts
c i n g o f a Bot
side fa

ta rg et en em ie s ou t of line of sight,
but ZAPPER - causes 1 HP & ta
BOOMER - can ont arc (i.e. Bots behind something). loses an action rget
still in your Bots id ges. Causes 1 HP da
mage. next turn if yo
un de rn ea th Br rolled an unmod u
Cannot target Bots g fr on t- fa ci ng of enemy Bot if ifIed 6 to hit
rg et in
Always counts as ta t.
ti ng at a ta rg et out of line of sigh
sh oo

causes 2 HP damage

WHACKER- Enemy los es 1 HP & Enemy is moved

Bot if Bashed. This can SHIELD - makes your bo
2” directly away from t harder to
and to fall. hit when being
cause an enemy to hit obstructions bashed (+1 to “t
o hit”
oses which value when bein
The player doing the bashing cho g bashed but no
t shot
at, regardless
direction the Bot is moved. of facing)

Melee only & causes 1HP
HP & gai ns damage
CRUSHER - Enemy loses 1

30 a blast token if
Weapon Combos
1 Melee Weapon AND 1 Ranged Weapon
- Bot can do all the things a normal bot can do.

1 Melee Weapon and a Hand

- Bot suffers HALF damage falling (rounded up) and no damage from being pushed into
Stacks, using its spare hand to grab stuff whilst falling

1 Ranged Weapon and a Hand

- Can aim much better, reroll misses that target the side or rear of an enemy Bot.
This can be used in conjunction with the reroll afforded by being at close range
(i.e. can reroll twice)

2 Melee Weapons
- Bot is 2” faster when making any move action. Cannot perform Bash actions with 1
or more Blast Tokens

2 Ranged Weapons
- The FIrst time you Shoot in a Turn does not generate a blast token for your Bot.
Cannot Bash!

2 Hands
- Bot suffers HALF damage falling (rounded up) and no damage from being pushed into
Stacks, using its hands to grab stuff whilst falling. When making a Bash
action, you may opt to make a special Grapple action. If you choose to Grapple, make
a Bash attack as normal and once you have applied damage - but before the effects
of “Something interesting happens” happen (if they do) - you may rotate the target
bot on the spot to any orientation you wish. This rotation can occur even if the
bash action misses.

in desperater circumstance Bots can make a bash action if they have no melee

weapons or hands - they can make a bash action that causes 0HP damage, but pushes
the enemy bot 1” directly away from the attacking Bot.
h 0 h it p o in t s your Bot
When you reac ia t e ly roll a D6
I m m e d
is destroyed. t o y o u r Bot.
a p p e n s
to see what h
s p a r k s fl y , li g hts dim
1-3 - Wreck - t h e p o or Bot
k e n a s
and limbs slac b e c o m es an
h e B o t
shuts down. T e maining
t io n f o r t h e r
obstruc t w it h some
t h e B o
players. Mark k e r s t o h ig h li ght
t ma r
additional blas
its demise.
io n - I n a c o lo ssal
4-6 - Detonat p lo d e s ! This
B o t e x
explosion the n t ir e ly and
h e B o t e
obliterates t w r e c k a ge flying
n t s o f
sends fragme e a s h o o t in g at-
s. M a k
in all direction in 1 2 ” a n d li ne of
wit h
tack at all Bots P d a m age,
u s e s 2 H
sight that ca o y e d B ot first.
e d e s t r
nearest to th t h e board.
B o t f r o m
Remove the

In some de sp erate sit uatio ns

a Bo t may fin d it ne ar ly
im po ss ible to inflict damage on
its oppo ne nt s, such as af te r
su ff er ing mu lti ple we ap on fa
ilu re s. In sit ut ion s such as th
wh ere vic to ry is im po ss ible, a is
Bo t may ele ct to au to -des tr uc
Proc ee d as if de to nating, as ab

32 ove.

f o r B a n g a r a ng i n the
ju s t t h e c o r e r u le b o o k in t h e n e a r f u t u re
Th is is
, a n d it w il l b e e x p a n de d
G u tte r la n ds
t o c o n t a in-

le s f o r T e a m Bo ts
-R u e s o f Te r ra in
M O R E t y p
- R u le s f o r o n s p rofile s
M O R E w e a p
- Eve n
a r io s
- Sp e c ia l S c e n
a n d k it b a s h ing , m a k e
o w , g e t s c r a tchb u ilding o f Re s p ite .
So f or n t h e t o w n
e b o t s , a n d du k e it o u t in
s om
e w g a m e s , y o u sh o u ld
B o t s h a v e b e e n in a f e s e a re t h e
On c e yo u r e r G ly p h s . T h
t h e m w it h s ome G u t t t s , a n d a c o o l way t o
ado r n n g c o n te s t a n
f B a n g a r a
c o de d s ig il s o
la y g lo r io u s t r ium ph s .
dis p
r w h a t y o u r Ju n k b o t
k e s o m e in s p irat io n f o o t g e ne rat o r o n
y o u ’d li n d o m B
k li k e , t h e r e is a ls o a ra
sh o u ld lo o e t y o u s t a r te d !
e r t o g
t h e b ac k c o v

Va n d a li s e t h
is p age w h il s t
yo u p lay

You have permission to reproduce this

page for personal use!


daubing your bot
with the gutter

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