Gaslands House Rule: Pedestrians

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Gaslands House Rule: Pedestrians

Gaslands is about high-speed driving and high-speed collisions. We left out pedestrians for a reason.
However, a lot of players have asked for them. They aren’t really what the game is about, but here
they are. Just don’t expect pedestrians to win you games… These will never be published as part of an
official Gaslands thing.

Hull Max Build Special Rules
Vehicle Type Weight
Gear Slots
Crew Cost
Machine Gun Dude Lightweight 1 - 2 1 1 Pivot. On Foot. Red Stain. Road Kill. 3

Bazooka Dude* Lightweight 1 - 1 2 1 Pivot. On Foot. Red Stain. Road Kill. 3

* Note: “Bazooka Dude” doesn’t actually come with a bazooka. You have to buy him a weapon if you want
that. He just has enough build slots to equip some rockets, hence the name.

On Foot: Pedestrians may only select the short straight maneuver template. Pedestrians ignore
hazard tokens. If they would receive a hazard token, discard it instead. Pedestrians cannot take perks
or upgrades. Pedestrians may only choose evade during collisions.
Red Stain: If a pedestrian loses its last hull point, remove it immediately without wrecking it.
Road Kill: If a pedestrian loses its last hull point due to a smash attack by an enemy, non-pedestrian
vehicle, the enemy vehicle gains +1 Audience Vote.
Scenario: Refinery Raid
Gasoline is important. People will pay a good price for it. Oil Refineries tend to be run by a local warlord or mafia boss.
Aggressive and extortionate behaviour are to be expected. If you want gas, you have to pay, and if you look like you might be
rich enough, you have to pay more. Oil Refineries tend to be military fortresses, but the rewards of capturing one can be
José “The Bull” Sagitario is getting old, fat and sloppy. It’s time someone took his castle and put it to better use.

Lay out some terrain to represent a wasteland Oil Refinery, no larger than 18” by 18” square, in the centre of the play area.
Deploy three buildings (or shacks or wrecks) per player anywhere inside the Oil Refinery, e.g. six or more. Set aside a small
figure to represent José.
Choose one player at random to be the Defender. The other players become the Attackers.
The Defender then deploys six gun turrets (see the Arena Of Death scenario) anywhere inside the Oil Refinery

Optional Rules
This scenario is a good opportunity to use the optional pedestrian rules. Instead of vehicles, the defender may only hire
pedestrians, to represent the Oil Refinery guards.

Pole Position
The Attackers roll-off for pole position. At the end of each gear phase, pass the pole position marker clockwise.

The Defender deploys first. They may place their vehicles anywhere that is wholly within the Oil Refinery. After they have
deployed, they must secretly note down a single building within the Oil Refinary as José’s hiding place.
The Attackers deploy second. Starting with the Attacker with pole position, players take it in turns to place a counter, such
as a penny, on the table within medium range of any table edge. This is their spawn point. When using audience votes to
respawn, the vehicle must respawn within short range of that player’s spawn point.
Starting with the player with pole position, players take it in turns to deploy all of their vehicles within short range of their
spawn point.

Special Rules
Flush Him Out: During an Attacker’s vehicle’s activation, if that vehicle comes within short range of a building, they may
count as Distracted for their Attack Step in order to search the building. If the searched building is José’s hiding spot, the
Defender must immediately deploy José within short range of the building, and not touching any obstruction.
The Bull on Foot: José is a pedestrian, see the rules above.
Wasteland Skirmish: This scenario is a wasteland skirmish. Audience Votes cannot be gained or spent during this game.
Back in the Saddle: A player that starts a turn with no vehicles in play may re-spawn a single vehicle.

Game End
The game ends after three turns on when José is killed.

Victory Conditions
If José is killed, player that killed him wins the game. If José survives the game, the Defender wins.

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