Ge 2 Speaking Test Topics FSS

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1. A book you have read

o what kind of book it is
o who wrote the book
o what the story of the book is
o Who are the main characters
o What do you like about that book
o and explain if it is a good book or not.
I am going to talk about a book that l’ve read recently. It is a Vietnamese coming-of-age novel
called “Mắt Biếc”, which can be literally translated into Vietnamese as “Blue Eyes”. The
novel revolves around an unrequited love story between Ngạn, a country boy, and Hà Lan, his
neighbor, childhood friend and lifelong crush.
Ngạn and Hà Lan grow up together in a remote village in the Central region of Vietnam. Ngạn
develops a strong love, which later becomes obsession, towards Hà Lan, the girl whose eyes
he adores since the very first time they meet. Although they spend their childhood and
adolescence together, they later lead a very different life during their adulthood. While Ngạn
still cherishes the slow-paced life of his village, Hà Lan fails to resist the allure and glamour of
the city life. She ends up falling in love with a playboy named Dũng, has a baby with him and
leaves the child under the protection of her grandmom and, guess what, his lifelong crush Ngạn.
Ngạn raises her daughter like his own child just to realise at the end of the story that he is just
trying to create another version of his beloved Hà Lan.
I really love this novel since I can see parts of younger self in it The author’s depiction of the
1990’s Vietnamese life is just brilliant. The movie adapted from the book is going to be
released this December.
2. A common means of transport in your city/ hometown (Phương tiện giao
thông phổ biến ở thành phố hoặc quê của bạn)
o What it is
o What types of people use it often
o How far it is convenient
o And explain why it is so popular
I’m from ......... and motorcycle is a common mean of transportation in my hometown /
area / city. I myself also have a motorbike and I call it as an iron horse. Nowadays, traffic in
Vietnam is very disorderly. The roads are narrow and have many potholes. So I think that
motorcycle is a good choice in the current situation. This kind of vehicle is more flexible than
cars. In addition, the price of a motorbike is suitable to most of people’s salary in Vietnam.

The motorcycle is very useful for majority not only it helps them to commute to work but
also save a lot of time. For example, I can control the time easily when riding a motorbike to
my student’s houses for tutoring. In the past, I used to ride my motorbike from Hanoi to my
hometown in Bac Ninh / Hai Duong ....... province and return. Now, it is still necessary to me.
I have been driving it for more than 10 years. Although there is dangerous when I attend in
traffic, I still love riding a motorcycle.

In my point of view, the infrastructure in our country is not really good, traffic jams or
accidents often happen when many kinds of transportation means attend on narrow streets at
the same time. However, I think that not only me but also a lot of people like to ride
motorbikes like me. In short, motorcycle is the most popular transportation means vehicle in
our country.
3. A famous brand in Vietnam or the world (Thương hiệu nổi tiếng ở Việt Nam
hoặc trên thế giới) ( Có thể chọn thương hiệu Việt hoặc nước ngoài)
o What brand is it?
o When the brand began?
o How long have the company / brand operated?
o What does it sell / what are the company’s products?
o What products are popular in your country?
o And explain why it is so popular

4. A new skill that you would like to learn (Kỹ năng mới mà bạn muốn học)
o What skill is it? (foreign language / material arts / cooking / writing /
practicing to be an MC, etc....)
o Why do you want to learn this skill?
o How do you achieve this skill? (attend an extra course / take part in school
clubs, etc / learn from professionals ...)

5. A pet that you have/ would like to have

o What kind of pet he or she is?
o Dose he/ she have name?
o How do you adopt him/ her? ( someone gave him/her to you, etc...)
o How do you take care of him or her? (food for him / hair care / bathing, etc..)
o Your feeling towards him / her?
6. A popular sport in Vietnam
o what is it
o who play this sport
o how many people play this sport
o Explain why this is the most popular sport in your country.
I guess among many sports, football is the most popular sport in my country. It is widely
played around the year and young people mostly like to play this game. Nowadays women
also play this sport and in terms of popularity, we love football. Our national team play in
the World Cup and that has made us possible to be known as one of the best Football playing
counties in the world.
There are many reasons for the popularity of this game. In the first place, in football, size is
not as important as in basketball, wrestling or rugby, so anyone with skill can play it. It
needs a vast array of techniques because it is a fast-paced game. In the second place, rich
and poor can enjoy playing football for it needs little equipment. That is why many people
choose to play football as their favorite pass time. Particularly, in the past 10 years, with
privatization of football clubs, considerable growth has been visible in its popularity among
different age groups.
We have won many award in some football events like .......... and that is why people pay
more attention to this game than many other games once played in our country. A standard
football match has two teams and each team has 11 players on their side. However, in our
country children play even streets and they do not strictly maintain the number of players
in each team.
7. A tourist attraction you would most like to visit in the future
o Where is it?
o How do you know about it?
o What is it famous for?
o If you visit this place in the future, what will you do?
One of the most interesting places I would like to visit is Hoi An ancient town. It is located in
Quang Nam, a central region of Vietnam. This place attracts many tourists every year to come
and enjoy the wonderful time in Hoi An.
Talking about the time when I’ll go to Hoi An, I haven’t yet decided, maybe in summer this
year. I don’t know who I’d take with me but it would probably be some people that are close
to me, I feel that visiting a new place is more fun if you’re with your family or friends. I’ll have
a word with my parents and friends, whoever wants to come with me is welcome.
It might be one of the most wonderful experience for me because I’ve dreamt about this journey
for a long time. I guess the main reason I choose to visit here would be my fascination with
history and art. You see, Hoi An is one of the oldest cultural cities in Vietnam. People often
said that Hoi An is really a holiday destination for everyone who love the breathtaking view
and the atmosphere. I would love to visit some ancient artistic houses in Hoi An which left me
with good impression when I first saw their pictures on the Internet.
Hoi An is also famous for wide range of delicious local food therefore I am craving for
sampling the specialty here. The cuisine of central region is so different from other regions.
The weather is also a factor which makes me love this place much. I believe the cool weather
of Hoi An would dispel the heat of summer in southern area.
I’m really looking for my time in Hoi An ancient town. It will be a one-of-a-kind experience,
and if I have enough money, I will gladly have another trip back to this town.
8. A website you often access to
o What is website’s name?
o How often do you visit it?
o What can you learn / watch / see / listen to / read on this website?
o Why do you often visit it?
o What do you like about this website?
o Is it useful to you? (for your studying for example)
A website I love to visit is YouTube. Well, most people know about this one since it's one of
the most visited sites in the world. I visit it every day and it's so addictive that I can spend hours
on it.
YouTube is basically designed for video sharing and it makes viewing and uploading videos
quite easy. What I like about YouTube is that I can find and play different types of video content
- anything from TV series, DYI (Do it yourself videos), vlogs, and so on. A vlog is basically a
video blog.
Personally, I cannot afford to go on holiday or travel abroad, so for me travel vlogs are a good
way to find out about places around the world and what life there is like. Every time I watch
this type of video, it feels like I'm visiting the place with the vlogger because they share their
experience with their audience.

I can subscribe to channels I'm interested in and be notified whenever there is a new video.
Also, I can show my appreciation for the content by clicking the 'like' button below the video.
I think that's a great way to show that you fully appreciate someone's efforts to record and share
videos on a platform like YouTube.
As for why I like it, I think it's an amazing way to explore the world through videos as well as
keep myself up to date with anything educational and interesting.
9. One thing that you consider the most important in your life
o What is it?
o Who gave it to you or did you buy it?
o Why is it important to you? (valuable thing?)

10. Reasons why people now live longer than people in the past
 We have better medicine today
Consider that over the past few decades, plenty of medicines have made their way into our
medicine cabinets, and many of these have been life-extending drugs, like ones that lower
people’s cholesterol, beta blockers and ones that help prevent cardiovascular diseases.
 There are better medical practices
Doctors are treating patients with more success than 50 years ago. Add that to the fact
surgeons are also seeing better success, and it stands to reason people are living longer.
 The many advances in technology
From better computers to better telecommunications and a faster ability to analyze data,
the medical community is learning more from genetic sequencing, clinical trial data,
patient record, and clinical trial data – and at a faster rate. This data will help the medical
community find new disease markers, personalize treatment and help doctors make better
 People are making smarter health choices
From exercise to other habits, people are making much smarter choices about our health
these days. In the past 49 years, smoking by high-school students and adults has dropped
from 45% in 1965 to 16.7% in 2014, and that number is expected to reach 12% by 2020.
11. The advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad
 Advantages
o Quality education.
Studying abroad can give you better learning opportunities, where you can receive the best
quality education, by broadening your mind, learning new skills and expanding your
o Learn a new Language.
This is an excellent opportunity to study in a country where they don’t speak your native
language. By immersing yourself in your new study destination, you will find yourself picking
up new phrases and sayings and before you know it you will be well on your way to becoming
fluent, which will be hugely advantageous later when seeking employment.
o Independent lifestyle.
Studying abroad will help you become more independent as it takes you out of your comfort
zone as you become more self-efficient. This also allows you to develop personally and become
a more confident individual.
o Experience of a lifetime.
Living and studying abroad can broaden your perspective on life. You will make lots of new
friends and have loads of great stories for all your friends at home.
 Disadvantages
o Homesickness
Being away from your family and friends can be a lonely experience initially as you try to
navigate a foreign destination on your own. This can result in sadness and anxiety. A good
way to get over the homesickness is to mix with your classmates and make friends quickly.
o Cost.
The cost of studying abroad can be expensive, from the course itself to everyday living. You
will find yourself on a budget which could affect your lifestyle. The best thing to do is to
research the costs of living and course fee.
o Culture shock.
Anytime you visit or stay in a new country it can be challenging, even if you think you have
it fully researched. You will be faced with a new language, customs, food, dress style etc this
can be frustrating.
12. The benefits and the drawbacks of shopping online
 Advantages
o Time Convenience
In comparison to a brick-and-mortar store with fixed hours, online shopping venues are
available any time, day or night. This is especially useful for parents with small children,
anyone who works throughout the day, and during times of inclement weather.
o Price Comparisons
When you visit a store, you most likely settle for whatever price the vendor has placed on a
particular item. With online shopping, you can compare prices from hundreds of different
o Discounts and Notifications
Online stores want to keep you as a customer, so they may offer deep discounts, rewards, and
cash back if you sign up for their newsletters. This can keep you updated on all the best
upcoming sales. Coupon codes—like the ones you can get from coupon code sites—are also
extremely popular when shopping online.
o Easy Access to Consumer Reviews
It's easy to access consumer reviews for pretty much any product you can think of online, which
makes for informed purchases. If you're not sure you're up to buying something, conduct a little
research by checking out customer reviews.
o More Payment Methods
Another benefit of online shopping is that you can pay for things differently than you can at a
physical store. Some retailers support PayPal or bitcoin, for example.

 Disadvantages
o You Can't Try Things On
In comparison to a brick-and-mortar store with fixed hours, online shopping venues are
available any time, day or night. This is especially useful for parents with small children,
anyone who works throughout the day, and during times of inclement weather.
o Must Wait for Delivery
Not many online shopping sites have same-day delivery, and none of them offer the on-the-
spot, take-home advantage that a physical store does. Some online shopping sites take weeks
to deliver your order (though, they're in the minority).
o Shipping Costs
Depending on what you buy, you could spend the same amount on just shipping costs, or
sometimes even more. In-store shopping has no need to charge extra for shipping.
13. The job you would like to do most - qualities/ characteristics needed for the
o What job would you like to do? Name of the job
o Where would you like to work for?
o Qualities:
o Certificate / Qualification: bằng cấp
o Skills: writing / communication / foreign language ....
o Characteristics: phẩm chất: Courage / Patient / Hard-working / Ambitious
o What do you do to get those qualities (làm gì để có được những bằng cấp, kỹ
năng, phẩm chất đã nêu trên)
A job I would like to have in the future is a travel writer! Travel writers are often self-
employed. They travel the world to interesting places and then write magazine, newspaper
and internet articles about their experiences. To do this job I have to be willing to go to lots
of new places. I also need to be able to write fluently and in different styles for different
publications. Travel writers must be very flexible, as you might need to go to difficult or
uncomfortable places and to travel at short notice. The reason I would like to do this job so
much, is that I love going to new places. Travelling around the world will be a new and
wonderful experience for me. I would enjoy telling other people what it was like and
encouraging them to go on an adventure of their own. I also like communicating ideas in
writing, it would be wonderful to make a living out of the two things I enjoy most – travel
and writing! It’s also the opportunities to make a living as a travel writer therefore I’ve been
practicing writing skills and exploring diversity of different culture to prepare for my future
14. The necessary qualities of being a good student
o Discipline
The first quality of a good student is discipline. This means a student who aspires to be
excellent must adhere to his/her study timetable strictly and obey the instructions of coaches,
teachers, and parents every day.
o Sense of Respect
A good students have in general great respect for their teachers and fellow students which
allows them to put their full focus on their education and have a good relationship with
o Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities
Students should be engaged in participating in an extracurricular activity, whether it’s sports,
arts or any other kind, as these are targeted at building the overall capacity of a student.
Hence, a good student is actively involved in extra-curricular in order to obtain development
on all sides of his/her personality.
o Working Hard
o A Good Listener

The most important qualities of a good student are that he should be a good listener. He will
be an attentive listener in the classroom. He should listen to what his parents and teachers say
and do accordingly. This quality is also essential for a student to be a good listener so that he
can understand what he is learning in the class.
15. Your most memorable holiday
o Where did you go? When did you go?
o How did you get your destination? Who did you go with?
o Where did you stay during your holiday?
o What did you do there? (visited / ate .... / took pictures / did some activities:
climbing, water sports, etc...)
o What did you remember the most?
o Your feeling about the holiday

16. Your preparation for a jungle trip (10 things you decide to take with you on a
jungle trip)
o What things would you bring with you (clothes, food, shelter, etc...)
o Why would you bring them? (How is it useful to you?)
17. Your ways to keep fit and stay healthy
o What you do?
o When you started doing this?
o How much time you spend doing this (or, how often you do this)?
o Explain what benefits you get from this activity
o Explain how this activity helps you stay healthy.
Staying in good shape is everyone’s concern and I am no exception. To be honest, I have been
so caught up in my work since I have a problem in organizing my daily routine. I have to stay
up late to finish all my work and then, watch some movies while eating midnight snack to be
relaxed, which is my leisure habits. Gradually, my health has been degraded because of sleep
deprivation and my eating habits. Therefore, I decided to take up swimming as my new hobby
in order to get healthier.
Besides, I also spend time going to gym or running twice, which benefit both physical and
mental health. Doing sports allows me to work on all the parts of my body. It can burn a lot of
calories in just one hour of training. Also, it provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of
your muscles are used during practicing time.
By maintaining a schedule of taking part in swimming, running, going to the gym associated
with a balanced diet, not only do I feel extremely relaxed and full of energy after hectic working
hours but I also lose some weight and get more in shape.
18. A story related to money that you know
o When did it happen?
o What happened to you?
o How did you deal with the money problem at that time?
o What could you learn from that story?

19. Compare the situation of learning English in Vietnam now and ten years ago
20. Your saving and spending money

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