Ridl Reviewer
Ridl Reviewer
Ridl Reviewer
ETHICS IN RESEARCH research queries?
SYSTEMATIC- follows orderly and sequential According to Resnik, 2007, ethical norms are
procedures, based on valid procedures and significant in conducting research studies as
principles. explained in the following:
CONTROLLED- all variables are kept constant
(except those that are tested/ experimented on) First, ethics promotes the pursuit of
EMPLOYS HYPOTHESIS- a search for facts, knowledge, truth, and credibility. It also
fosters values that are essential
answers to questions and solutions to problems.
collaborative work.
ANALYTICAL- shows analytical procedures in Second, ethical norms help individuals to
gathering the data, whether historical, descriptive, be accountable in every act that the
and or case study. researcher/s undertake.
OBJECTIVE- unbiased and logical. All findings are Third, ensure that researchers are held
logically based on real-life situations. accountable to the public. o Lastly, an
ethical norm in research also needs
ORIGINAL WORK- requires its own examination public awareness. This can be evaluated
and produces the data needed to complete the by the researcher before conducting the
study. study because this may help a certain
population in an area once the study is
Ethical Codes and Policies for Research, is concerned with the experiences, understanding
Resnik, 2007 and words of the individual. (maximum of 20
respondents) (open -ended question)
Given the importance of ethics in the conduct QUALITATIVE RESEARCH AND ITS
of a research, you will follow codes and policies IMPORTANCE IN DAILY LIFE
for research:
Qualitative Research- concerned with the
Honesty- Maintain all communication. Data experiences, understanding and words of the
should not be . individual. Aims to develop deep and holistic
understanding of phenomenon.
Objectivity- Avoid biases in experimental
designs, data analysis, interpretation, Phenomenon- fact or situation that is observed to
expert testimony, and other aspects of exist or happen, especially one whose cause or
research. explanation is in question.
Integrity- Keep your promises and
Carefulness- Avoid careless errors and Characteristics and Uses of Qualitative
negligence. Research
Openness- Share data, results, ideas and
tools. Be open to criticism and new ideas. 1. Qualitative research takes place in a natural
setting like home, school, institution, or
Confidentiality- Protect confidential
2. Researchers gain actual experiences of the
Responsible Publication- Avoid
research participants.
duplicating publications.
3. It focuses on participants’ perceptions and
Responsible Mentoring- Help to educate,
experiences (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1988 in
mentor, and advise others.
Creswell, 2013)
Respect Colleagues- Treat all peers fairly.
4. It is a process of describing a situation,
Social Responsibility- Strive to promote analyzing data for themes or categories,
social good. Avoid social harm. and interpretations making or drawing
Non- Discrimination- avoid discrimination conclusions.
against colleagues or students on the basis 5. Data are collected through observation,
of sex, races, ethnicity, and others. interviews, documents, e-mails, blogs,
Legality- Be informed and obey relevant videos, etc.
laws and institutional governmental 6. It may result in changes in research
policies. questions after discoveries occur. It
Respect of Intellectual Property- Give develops from a specific to a general
proper acknowledgment or credits to all understanding of concepts.
researchers. 7. It is a process of describing a situation,
Human Subject- Minimize risks that analyzing data for themes or categories,
involve human lives, dignity, and privacy. and interpretations making or drawing
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH- a positivist scientific 8. It may be subjected to the researcher’s
method which refers to a general set of orderly personal interpretation.
discipline procedures to acquire information (Beck, 9. The researchers, as a primary instrument in
2004). Mostly, it is concerned with numbers and data collection, view social phenomena and
measurement. (minimum of 50 respondents) situations holistically.
(closed -ended question)
Strengths of Qualitative Research
1. Choose a topic. Your literature review BALLENGER IN 2012 ALSO ADDED MORE
should be guided by a central research IMPORTANT REASONS WHY CITATION IS
2. Decide on the scope of review. How many
studies do you need to look at? How 1. Citing other people's words and ideas
comprehensive should it be? How many 2. Other researcher's ideas can be used to
years should it cover? reinforce your arguments.
3. Select the databases you will use to conduct 3. The ideas of other researchers can be used
your searches. Make a list of the databases to explain reasons for alternative
you will search. approaches.
4. Conduct your search and find the literature. 4. Just as the ideas of other researchers can
Review the abstracts of research studies bolster your arguments, they can also
carefully. This will save you time. detract from your credibility if their research
5. Review the literature. What was the is challenged.
research question of the study you are 5. Ideas are considered intellectual property
reviewing? What were the authors trying to and there can be serious repercussions if
discover? Was the research funded by a you fail to cite where you got an idea from.
source that could influence the findings?
What were the research methodologies? NOTE: In any academic writing, you are
Analyze its literature review, the samples required to identify for your reader which ideas,
and variables used, the results, and the facts, theories, concepts, etc., are yours and
conclusions. which are derived from the research and
CITING RELATED LITERATURE USING thoughts of others. Whether you summarize,
STANDARD STYLES paraphrase, or use direct quotes, if it's not your
original idea, the source must be
CITATION- a formal reference to a published or
unpublished source that you consulted and
obtained information from while writing your
research paper. The way in which you document
STYLES IN RELATED LITERATURE CITATIONS is what you can quote or repeat in writing
OR REFERENCES through this citation pattern.
The following are the three terms used to 4. Long Direct Quotation or Block
express your appreciation for recognition of Quotation or Extract- this citation pattern
people’s ownership of borrowed ideas (Sharp mane you copy the author’s exact words
2012) as cited by Baraceros (2016). numbering from 40 to 100 words. Under
APAA, the limit is eight lines. Placed at the
center of the page with no indentation, the
1. Acknowledgment – the beginning portion copied lines look like they compose a
of the work that identifies individuals who stanza of a poem.
have contributed something to produce the
paper. APA STYLE- (Walag, Canencia, & Fiedler,
2. References or Bibliography – a complete 2018)
list of all reading materials including books,
journals, periodical, etc. from where the
MLA STYLE- (Walag, Canencia, and
borrowed ideas came from.
Fiedler, 2018)
3. Citation or In-Text- Citation- references
within the main body of the text, especially
in Review of Related Literature CHICAGO STYLE- (Walag, Canencia, and
Fiedler 2018)