Qualitative Researchers Use:: The Characteristics of Research

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Research is a process of executing problems inquiring into the

various mental acts for discovering meaning individuals or groups

and examining facts and information ascribe to a social or human
to prove the accuracy or truthfulness problem.
of your claims or conclusions about
the topic of your research (Baraceros, Qualitative researchers use:
 The collection of data in a
The Characteristics of Research natural setting sensitive to
people and places under
 ACCURACY study
 OBJECTIVENESS  Data analysis that is inductive
 TIMELINESS and establishes patterns or
 RELEVANCE themes.
The Characteristics of
Qualitative Research
Purposes of Research:
1. Natural setting – data is
 To learn how to work collected in the field at the
independently site where participants’
 To learn how to work experience the issue or
scientifically or problem under study.
systematically 2. Researcher as key
 To have an in-depth instrument – researchers
knowledge of something collect data themselves.
 To elevate your mental They do not rely on
abilities by letting you think questionnaires or instruments
in higher order thinking developed by other
strategies (HOTS) researchers.
 To improve your reading and 3. Multiple sources of data –
writing skills interviews, observations,
documents, etc. are gathered.
 To be familiar with the basic
4. Inductive data analysis –
tools of research and the
patterns, categories, and
various techniques of
themes are built from the
gathering data and of
presenting research findings
5. Participants’ meanings –
Qualitative research begins with the researchers keep a focus
assumptions, a worldview, the on learning the meaning that
possible use of a theoretical lens, the participants hold about
and the study of research the problem or issue.
6. Emergent design – the initial  To understand contexts or
plan for research cannot be settings of participants
tightly prescribed and all  To follow up quantitative
phases of the process may research
change or shift after research  Quantitative measures do not
begins. fit the problem
7. Theoretical lens – a lens is
used to view studies, such as Qualitative inquiry is for the
concepts of culture, social, researcher that is willing to:
political, or historical
 Commit extensive time
in the field.
8. Interpretive inquiry –
 Engage in the complex,
researchers make an
time-consuming process
interpretation of what they
of data analysis.
see, hear, and understand.
9. Holistic account –  Write long passages.
researchers try to develop an  Participate in a form of
understandable picture of the social and human science
problem or issue under study. research that does not
Researchers try to identify have firm guidelines or
the complex interactions of procedures and is
factors in any situation. constantly changing.

When to Use Qualitative Research The Process of Designing a

Qualitative Study
We conduct qualitative research
because: All researchers typically:

 A problem or issue needs to  Start with an issue or

be explored problem
 Need a complex, detailed  Examine the literature
understanding of the issue  Pose questions
 Want to empower individuals  Gather data
to share their stories without  Analyze data
the power relationship  Write up reports
between researcher and
 To write in a literary, flexible
style without formal
academic structures of
collection by including only
single or multiple interviews
with participants.
Procedures for Conducting The Process of Designing a
Phenomenological Research Qualitative Study
 The researcher determines if  Four basic types of
the research problem is best information:
examined using a
phenomenological approach. 1. Interviews
 A phenomenon of interest to
2. Observations
study is identified.
 The researcher recognizes 3. Documents
and specifies the broad
philosophical assumptions of 4. Audiovisual
phenomenology. materials
 Data are collected from the
 The backbone of qualitative
individuals who have
research is extensive
experienced the phenomenon.
collection of data from
 The participants are asked multiple sources.
two broad general questions: 1. After organizing,
1. What have you experienced analyze and try to
in terms of the phenomenon? make sense of the
2. What contexts or situations data.
have typically influenced or
 As data is collected, shape
affected your experiences of
the narrative.
the phenomenon?
1. Talk about our
Challenges experiences in
conducting the study
 Phenomenology provides a and how they shape
deep understanding of a our interpretations
phenomenon as experienced of the results.
by several individuals.  Be sensitive to ethical
 Knowing some common
1. Personal
experiences can be valuable
for groups such as therapists,
2. Slow withdrawal
health personnel, and
3. Power imbalances
4. Consent
 Phenomenology can involve 5. Confidentiality/
a streamlined form of data Anonymity
possible a
theoretical lens

 the study of research

 Characteristics of a good problems exploring
qualitative study: the meaning
 Researcher employs rigorous individuals or
data collection procedures. groups ascribe to a
1. collects multiple forms social or human
of data problem
2. adequately summarizes
data  Researchers collect
3. spends adequate time in data in natural
the field settings with a
 Researcher frames the study sensitivity to the
within the assumptions and people under study.
characteristics of the
qualitative approach to  Data is analyzed inductively
research. Includes: to establish patterns or
1. evolving design themes.
2. presentation of multiple  The final report provides for:
3. researcher as instrument of  The voices of the
data collection participants
4. focus on participants views
 Researcher writes  A reflexivity of the
persuasively so that the researchers
reader experiences “being  A complex
description and
 Writing is clear, engaging, interpretation of the
and full of unexpected ideas. problem
 Study reflects the history,
culture, and personal  A study that adds to
experiences of the researcher. literature or provides
 Research is ethical. a call for action
Summary  The structure of a
plan or proposal for
 Qualitative research is: a qualitative study
 an approach to will vary.
inquiry that begins
with assumptions,

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