(Review) Effect of Physical Exercise On Cognitive Performance in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia

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Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

DOI: 10.1159/000365388 © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

Accepted: June 20, 2014 1420–8008/14/0386–0347$39.50/0
Published online: August 21, 2014 www.karger.com/dem

Review Article

Effect of Physical Exercise on Cognitive

Performance in Older Adults with Mild
Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A
Systematic Review
Hanna Öhman a, b, d Niina Savikko b, d, e Timo E. Strandberg c, f, g
Kaisu H. Pitkälä b, e
Rehabilitation and Care Services, City of Helsinki Hospital, b Department of General
Practice, University of Helsinki, c Department of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics,
and d Unit of Primary Health Care, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, e Espoo City
Home Care, Espoo, f Institute of Health Sciences/Geriatrics, University of Oulu, and g Unit of
General Practice, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland

Key Words
Cognition · Dementia · Exercise · Mild cognitive impairment · Systematic review

Numerous studies have shown that physical exercise has positive effects on cognition in
healthy adults. Less is known about the effectiveness of exercise interventions in older indi-
viduals already suffering from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. The aim of this
study was to systematically review the evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of
the effects of physical exercise on cognition in older subjects with MCI or dementia. PubMed,
Cochrane and DARE databases were systematically searched for RCTs using terms related to
cognition and physical exercise. Altogether, 22 trials were found. The studies on older subjects
with MCI reported some positive effects of physical exercise on cognition, mainly on global
cognition, executive function, attention and delayed recall. However, most studies performed
on older subjects with dementia showed no effect of exercise on cognition. The studies had
methodological problems in defining dementia/MCI diagnosis, blinding, inadequate sample
sizes and not reporting dropouts, compliance or complications. More studies of good quality
on older adults with dementia are needed. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

Hanna Öhman
Rehabilitation and Care Services, City of Helsinki Hospital
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PO Box 0660
FI–00099 Helsinki (Finland)
E-Mail hanna.ohman @ hel.fi
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Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365 348
DOI: 10.1159/000365388 © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
Öhman et al.: Effect of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review


A number of longitudinal cohort studies have suggested that physical activity in middle
age protects against cognitive decline and dementia in old age [1, 2]. A recent systematic
review of 15 cohort studies (n = 33,816) showed that physical activity may protect against
cognitive impairment in initially cognitively healthy individuals [2]. Another systematic
review (16 studies with 163,797 cognitively healthy participants) of prospective epidemio-
logical studies yielded similar findings with respect to dementia [1].
The first intervention study to examine the effect of physical exercise on cognition was
performed in 1990 [3]. It suggested that aerobic walking has a positive effect on executive
function in cognitively healthy older individuals. Reviews including randomized controlled
trials (RCTs) examining the effect of physical exercise on healthy older subject’s cognition
support this proposition [4–6]. According to the Cochrane review with 11 RCTs of cognitively
healthy individuals, aerobic exercise improves cognitive performance in tests measuring
attention, delayed recall and reaction time [6]. Two other reviews have indicated that the
most pronounced effect of exercise is on executive function [4, 5].
Although evidence of the effect of exercise on cognition of cognitively healthy older indi-
viduals is fairly consistent, less is known about the effectiveness of exercise interventions in
subjects who suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia. The need for inter-
ventions to preserve cognitive function in subjects with dementia is great since the current
possibilities of prevention or pharmacological treatment of dementia are inadequate [7]. The
aim of this study was to systematically review the evidence from RCTs of the effects of physical
exercise on cognition in individuals with MCI or dementia.


Search Strategy
PubMed, Cochrane, DARE and Ovid Nursing databases were systematically searched for RCTs using
terms related to cognition and physical exercise (cogniti* OR demen* OR Alzheimer* OR memory decline OR
memory disorder OR mild cognitive impairment) AND (physical activity OR physical exercise OR exercise OR
fitness OR training OR aerobic OR strength OR functional training OR walk*). The search was performed in
January 2013 and repeated in May 2014. Additional trials were found from the reference lists of articles and
the authors’ own literature databases. Previous systematic reviews on this topic and references from the
review papers were also examined [1, 2, 4–6, 8–13].

Inclusion Criteria
The trials selected in this review had to meet the following inclusion criteria: RCTs, participants were
subjects with MCI or dementia, physical exercise was the main intervention and cognitive function, assessed
using neuropsychological or cognitive tests, was the outcome measure. Articles not written in English were

Methodological Quality
Three reviewers (K.H.P., N.S. and H.Ö.) independently evaluated the included studies according to 13
criteria of methodological quality, and disagreements were discussed between the reviewers until a
consensus was reached. We used a modified rating system for evaluation. In this rating system, we applied
the criteria for randomized intervention trials used by Cochrane and collaborators [14, 15] as well as the
PEDro scale, which is a tool for measuring the methodological quality of clinical trials related to physio-
therapy interventions [16]. In addition, we included the criteria developed by the Evidence-Based Medicine
Working Group [17, 18]. We added one more criterion to these because compliance is often low in exercise - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

studies, and this may dilute the effects of intervention. The criteria are described in table 1. Each criterion
was considered to be worth 1 point. The quality of the research was considered high when a study scored
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11–13 points. Scores of 7–10 indicated moderate quality and <7 poor quality.
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Table 1. Evaluation of the quality criteria fulfillment in RCTs examining the effects of exercise interventions on cognition
Study (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Study population with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

Suzuki et al., 2013 [41] + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Nagamatsu et al., 2012, 2013 [42, 43] +/– + + + + + + + + + + +/– +
Varela et al., 2012 [35] – + + – + + + + – + – + +
Lam et al., 2011 [32] + + + + - + – – – + + + +
Baker et al., 2010 [30] + + + – – + + + – ? – + +
van Uffelen et al., 2008, 2009 [26, 27] + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Lautenschlager et al., 2008 [25] + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Scherder et al., 2005 [22] + + + – – + + – – – – + +
Study population with dementia
Vreugdenhil et al., 2012 [36] + + + – – + + – – – – + +
Venturelli et al., 2011 [33] + + +/– – – + +/– + – +/– + + +
Yágüez et al., 2011 [34] + + + – – + + + – – – + –
Kemoun et al., 2010 [31] + + – – – + + + – – – + –
Eggermont et al., 2009 [29] – + + + +/– + + – – +/– + + +
Steinberg et al., 2009 [28] + + + – – + + + + – + + +
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

Burgener et al., 2008 [37] +/– – + – – + + +/– – – – + –

Christofoletti et al., 2008 [38] +/– + – – + + + – – – – + –
Kwak et al., 2008 [24] +/– + – – – – + ? – ? ? – –
Miu et al., 2008 [39] + + +/– + – + + – – +/– – + +
Stevens and Killeen, 2006 [23] ? ? – + – + + – – – – – ?
van de Winckel et al., 2004 [21] + + +/– – – + + – – +/– – + –
Cott et al., 2002 [20] – + + – + + + – – +/– – – +
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

Friedman and Tappen, 1991 [19] + + + – +/– + + – – ? – + –

(1) The diagnosis of dementia is based on the DSM-IV or NINCDS-ADRDA criteria or is made by a geriatrician or a neurologist. (2) Inclusion and exclusion criteria are satisfac-
torily described. (3) Groups are comparable at baseline. (4) The study has sufficient statistical power to detect an effect (n ≥ 25/group). (5) The randomization method is adequately
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

described and the method is valid (a computerized randomization program or a separate randomization center). (6) The measurements and outcome measures are valid and well
defined. (7) The intervention is adequately described. (8) The compliance of participants is described. (9) Complications are reported. (10) The dropouts are described and the
analyses take them into account. (11) Intention-to-treat analysis is applied. (12) A comparison is made in relation to outcome variables between the groups. (13) The group
assignment is blinded when assessing the outcomes.

+ = Criterion fulfilled; – = criterion not fulfilled; +/– = criterion partly fulfilled; ? = unclear.
© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

Öhman et al.: Effect of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with

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Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365 350
DOI: 10.1159/000365388 © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
Öhman et al.: Effect of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

Electronic literature search January 2013

Databases: Medline, Ovid Nursing database, Cochrane, DARE
Citations from database search limited to title/abstract

Randomized controlled trials Systematic reviews/Meta-analyses

(n = 1,293) (n = 306)

Full texts accessed after removing duplicates and scanning abstracts

(n = 103) (n = 15)

Papers excluded after evaluation of full text (n = 88)

Reasons for exclusion: reviews, study protocols, not
RCTs, participants were not older individuals or did Reviews and
not have dementia or MCI, effects of physical meta-analyses not
exercise on cognition were not evaluated relevant
(n = 7)

Articles included from database searches

on MCI patients (n = 7*)
on patients with dementia (n = 11)
Articles included from systematic reviews
on MCI patients (n = 0)
on patients with dementia (n = 2)

Articles included from authors’

knowledge of area (n = 1)

New electronic literature search May 2014

(Jan 2013 to May 2014; n = 548 scanned)
Articles included on MCI patients (n = 3*)
Articles included on patients with dementia (n = 0)

Studies on MCI patients (n = 8)

Studies on patients with dementia (n = 14)

Fig. 1. Results of the research strategy using the terms cogniti* or demen* or Alzheimer* or mild cognitive
impairment and physical activity or physical exercise or exercise or aerobic or strength or walk*. *One study
was reported in two publications.


Identification and Selection of Studies

Altogether, we found 22 RCTs that examined the effects of physical exercise on cognition
in subjects with MCI or dementia. Of these, 17 [19–36] were found directly from database
searches and 2 additional articles [37, 38] were mentioned in a systematic review [11]. One - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

study [39] was known to the authors from a previous review [40]. The original database
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search was repeated in May 2014, and 2 more studies were found [41–43] (fig. 1).
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Table 2. Summary of the data of included studies
a Participants with MCI

Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Methodological quality

Suzuki et al., 2013 women 45%, mean age 75.4 years, exercise group, n = 50 (25 amnestic MMSE improved in the good 13/13
[41] (n = 100) mean MMSE 27 MCI, 25 other MCI): aerobic exercise, exercise group in participants
inclusion criteria: community dwelling, strength training, balance, dual tasking with amnestic MCI; WMS-LM I
age >65 years 2 × 90 min/week, 24 weeks improved in the exercise
exclusion criteria: other psychiatric, Control group, n = 50 (25 amnestic MCI, group in both types of MCI
neurological disease, severe cardiac 25 other MCI): education about health
disease, impairment in ADL, use of promotion
donepezil group intervention
Nagamatsu et al., women 100%, mean age 75 years, mean RT, n = 28 RT improved in the Stroop good 11/13
2012/2013 [42, 43] MMSE 27 2 × 60 min/week, 26 weeks Test and test for associative
(n = 86) inclusion criteria: community dwelling AT (walking), n = 30 memory compared to BT
women with MMSE >23, MoCA <26/30, 2 × 60 min/week, 26 weeks AT improved verbal memory
subjective memory problems BT, n = 28 compared to BT
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

IADL Lawton >5/8 2 × 60 min/week, 26 weeks AT and RT improved reaction

exclusion criteria: psychiatric or group training times in spatial memory tasks
neurodegenerative disease, estrogen compared to BT
replacement therapy, medical condition
contraindicated participation in
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

Varela et al., 2012 women 56%, mean age 78.3 years, group A, n = 17: aerobic exercise changes between groups A, B moderate 9/13
[35] (n = 48) mean MMSE 20 (cycling) 40% of the heart rate reserve, and C in MMSE were not
inclusion criteria: confirmed dg of MCI, 3 × 30 min/week, 12 weeks statistically significant
age >65 years, able to walk for 30 m group B, n = 16: aerobic exercise
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

without shortness of breath, (cycling) 60% of the heart rate reserve,

independent of the assistance of 3 × 30 min/week, 12 weeks

another person for walking, residing in group C, n = 15: recreational activity,

a care home 3 × 30 min/week, 12 weeks
© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

group intervention
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Table 2 (continued)

Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Methodological quality

Lam et al., 2011 [32] women 54%, mean age 72 years, mean Tai Chi group, n = 171: Tai Chi exercise, MMSE, ADAS-Cog, delayed moderate 10/13
(n = 389) MMSE 24 ≥3 × 30 min/week, 12 weeks recall, trial A, verbal fluency,
inclusion criteria: age >65 years, CDR control group, n = 218: stretching subjective cognitive
0.5 or dg of amnestic MCI, CDR <1, ≥3 × 30 min/week, 12 weeks complaints were improved in
physically fit group intervention both groups
exclusion criteria: dg of dementia, improvements in attention
dementia medication, impaired and the CDR-SOB scores in
communication, regular Tai Chi practice the exercise group
Baker et al., 2010 women 52%, mean age 70 years, mean exercise group, n = 23: high-intensity Symbol digit, verbal fluency, moderate 8/13
[30] (n = 33) MMSE 28 (women), 25 (men) exercise (treadmill, stationary bicycle, Stroop and task switching
inclusion criteria: MCI, sedentary elliptical trainer), 4 × 45 – 60 min/week, improved for women in the
exclusion criteria: musculoskeletal 24 weeks exercise group
impairment, unstable cardiac disease, control, n = 10: stretching trails B improved in men and
significant cerebrovascular disease 4 × 45 – 60 min/week, 24 weeks women in the exercise group
group intervention delayed recall: no difference
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

van Uffelen et al., women 44%, mean age 75 years, mean group 1, n = 71: aerobic walking, 2 × 60 no improvement in MMSE or good 13/13
2008, 2009 [26, 27] MMSE 29 min/week and vitamin B verbal fluency
(n = 152) inclusion criteria: community dwelling, supplementation, 52 weeks Women with good attendance
age 70 – 80 years, MMSE ≥24, able to group 2, n = 75: placebo activity, 2 × 60 in aerobic walking improved
perform moderate physical activity, no min/week and vitamin B in attention
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

other psychiatric or neurologic supplementation, 52 weeks men with good attendance in

condition, no alcohol abuse, not using group 3, n = 78: walking 2 × 60 aerobic walking improved in
vitamin B supplements min/week and placebo delayed recall
supplementation, 52 weeks
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

group 4, n = 74: placebo activity,

2 × 60 min/week and placebo
supplementation, 52 weeks

group intervention
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Table 2 (continued)

Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Methodological quality

Lautenschlager women 43%, mean age 68 years physical activity program, n = 85 intervention group improved good 13/13
et al., 2008 [25] inclusion criteria: age >50 years, walking, strength training 3 × 50 min/ in ADAS-Cog scores,
(n = 170) subjective cognitive complaints week, 24 weeks improvement in delayed
exclusion criteria: e.g. MMSE <24, GDS usual care control, n = 85: participants recall and CDR-SUB scores
≥6, alcohol >4 units/day, chronic mental received educational material was lower
illness, unstable general health individual intervention no improvement in verbal
Scherder et al., women 88%, mean age 86 years, mean walking group, n = 15: walking 3 × 30 category naming, trails A and moderate 7/13
2005 [22] MMSE 9/12 min/week, 6 weeks B were better in the walking
(n = 43) inclusion criteria: resident in a home for hand and face exercises, n = 13: group and the hand/face
the elderly, MMSE >7/12 bending and stretching the fingers, group
exclusion criteria: dementia, history of producing different facial expressions
alcoholism, cerebral trauma, 3 × 30 min/week, 6 weeks
hydrocephalus, neoplasm or epilepsy control group, n = 15, social visits or
normal social activities
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

individual intervention

b Participants with dementia

Vreugdenhil et al., women 60%, mean age 74.1 years, exercise group, n = 20: daily MMSE: exercise group moderate 7/13
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

2012 [36] MMSE 10–28 (mean 22) home-based exercises and walking increased by 2.6 points
(n = 40) inclusion criteria: dementia, community under the supervision of their carer, 16 ADAS-Cog: exercise group
dwelling, living with a carer weeks decreased by 7.1 points
exclusion criteria: e.g., physical control group, n = 20: usual
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

disability, already exercising ≥1 ×/week treatment individual intervention

© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

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Table 2 (continued)

Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Methodological quality

Venturelli et al., mean age 84 years, mean MMSE 15 walking group, n = 12: walking group: no difference moderate 7/13
2011 [33] (walking group) and 12 (control group) 4 × 30 min/week, 24 weeks in MMSE
(n = 21) inclusion criteria: age >65 years, control group, n = 12: usual treatment control group: slight decrease
dependent of assistance in ADL, MMSE individual intervention in the MMSE scores
5 – 15, ambulatory SpO2 >85% during
walking, nursing home resident
Yágüez et al., women 59%, mean age 73.1 years, exercise group, n = 15: brain gym® exercise group improved in moderate 7/13
2011 [34] mean MMSE 22.1 – 26.3 training 1 × 2 h/week, 6 weeks visual memory, sustained
(n = 27) inclusion criteria: AD dg, MMSE control group, n = 12: psychological attention and working
between 12–29 support memory measured with
exclusion criteria: FTD, LBD CANTAB
Kemoun et al., women 74%, mean age 81.8 years, intervention group, n = 20: walking, ERFT score increased in the poor 6/13
2010 [31] mean MMSE 12 ergocycling, dancing intervention group
(n = 38) inclusion criteria: MMSE <23, ability to 3 × 60/week, 15 weeks
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

walk 10 m, nursing home resident control group, n = 18: no physical

group intervention
Steinberg et al., women 70%, mean age 75 years intervention group, n = 14: daily MMSE, BNT, HVLT no moderate 10/13
2009 [28] exercise group: mean MMSE 20, control exercise program (aerobic fitness, differences between groups
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

(n = 27) group: mean MMSE 15 strength training, balance and

inclusion criteria: probable AD, MMSE flexibility training), 12 weeks
≥10, community residing, stable general control group, n = 13: home safety
health, ambulatory, caregiver assessments
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

individual intervention
© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

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Table 2 (continued)

Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Methodological quality

Eggermont et al., women 81%, mean age 85.4 years, exercise group, n = 51: walking 5 × 30 memory domain (face moderate 8/13
2009 [29] mean MMSE 17.7 min/week, 6 weeks recognition, picture
(n = 97) nursing home residents control group, n = 46: social visits in recognition, eight words test):
inclusion criteria: age >70 years, dg of the same frequency and during the no difference
dementia, ambulatory same period executive functions domain
exclusion criteria: e.g., MMSE <10 or individual intervention (digit span, category and
>24, personality disturbances, various letter fluency): no difference
Burgener et al., women 47%, mean age 77 years treatment group, n = 24: Tai Chi intervention group: MMSE poor 4/13
2008 [37] CDR mean 1.15/1.22 exercises 3 × 60 min/week + CBT 90 score increased by 0.4 points
(n = 43) inclusion criteria: confirmed dg of min bi-weekly + support group 90 min at 20 weeks, at 40 weeks
dementia (AD, LBD, VD, FTD, mixed), bi-weekly, 40 weeks scores remained stable
CDR <2 control group, n = 19: usual treatment control group: MMSE
group intervention decreased by 0.5 points at 20
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

Christofoletti et al., women 69%, mean age 74.3 years, group 1, n = 17: physiotherapy, group 1 improved in verbal poor 5/13
2008 [38] mean MMSE 13 – 19 occupational therapy and physical fluency and Clock Drawing
(n = 54) inclusion criteria: primary dg of education 5 × 2 h/week, 24 weeks Test compared to group 3
dementia, no other neurological or group 2, n = 17: physiotherapy 3 × 60 group 2 did not show changes
neuropsychiatric dg, medically fit to min/week, 24 weeks compared to control group
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

participate, no antidepressant with group 3, n = 20: no motor intervention

anticholinergic or sedative actions, individual intervention
nursing home resident
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

Kwak et al., women 100%, mean age 80 years, exercise group, n = 15: restorator, exercise group: MMSE score poor 2/13
2008 [24] mean MMSE 14 strength training 2 or 3 × 30 – 60 increased 20 and 30% at 24
(n = 30) inclusion criteria: ≥60 years, caregiver min/week, 52 weeks and 52 weeks, respectively

for relative with dementia, stable control group, n = 15 control group: no change
general health, stable medication, no individual intervention
© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

regular physical activity in the previous

6 months
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Table 2 (continued)

Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Methodological quality

Miu et al., women 54%, mean age 76 years, mean exercise group, n = 36: treadmill, MMSE: no differences between moderate 9/13
2008 [39] MMSE 20 bicycle, arm ergometry, flexibility groups
(n = 85) mean ADAS-Cog 24 training 2 × 60 min/week, 12 weeks ADAD-Cog: no differences
AD 61%, VaD 20%, mixed dementia control group, n = 49: conventional between groups
17%, PD 2% medical treatment group intervention
inclusion criteria: mild-to-moderate follow-up: 52 weeks
dementia, age >60 years, community
dwelling, ambulatory, caregiver
exclusion criteria: MMSE <10
Stevens and Killeen, women 75%, mean age 80.5 years, group 1, n = 24: strength-training 3 × average score in Clock Drawing poor 3/13
2006 [23] MMSE 10 – 22 30 min/week, 12 weeks Test increased in the exercise
(n = 120) inclusion criteria: mild-to-moderate group 2, n = 21: social visits/interactive group
dementia, able to respond to verbal group discussion 3 × 30 min/week, 12
requests, physically capable of regular weeks
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

exercise, nursing home resident group 3, n = 30: control, no intervention

group intervention, follow-up: 12 weeks
van de Winckel women 100%, mean age 81 years, mean exercise group, n = 15: music-based mean MMSE scores and the poor 5/13
et al., 2004 [21] MMSE 11 dance therapy 30 min daily, 12 weeks subset ‘fluency’ (ADS6)
(n = 25) inclusion criteria: AD or multiple infarct control group, n = 10: daily one-to-one improved in the exercise group
dementia, MMSE <24, able to hear conversations, 3 months picture recognition, orientation,
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

music, able to respond to commands, to group intervention draw alternating sequences,

mimic movements follow-up: 12 weeks copying figures, free recall: no
exclusion criteria: apathy, unable to sit differences
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review
© 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel

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Table 2 (continued)

Study Participants Interventions Outcomes Methodological quality

Cott et al., women 53%, mean age 82 years, mean walk and talk group, n = 30: walk and no effect on communication poor 6/13
2002 [20] MMSE 6 (0 – 21) talk sessions 5 × 30 min/week, 16 skills
(n = 86) inclusion criteria: MMSE <20, stable weeks
health, ability to walk 5 m or more talk only group, n = 30: conversation
with the research assistant 5 × 30 min/
week, 16 weeks
control group, n = 26: no intervention
individual intervention
follow-up: 16 weeks
Friedman and women 43%, mean age 72.8 years, walking group, n = 15: walking and communication performance poor 6/13
Tappen, 1991 [19] mean MMSE 7 conversation with the investigator improved in the planned
(n = 30) inclusion criteria: AD, MMSE <19, stable 3 × 30 min/week, 40 weeks walking group
health, nursing home resident conversation group, n = 15:
exclusion criteria: history of mental conversation only 3 × 30 min/week, 10
illness, mental retardation, stroke or weeks
DOI: 10.1159/000365388

head injury individual intervention

follow-up: 40 weeks

ADL = Activities of daily living; WMS-LM I = Wechsler Memory Scale-Logical Memory I; MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment; IADL = instrumental activities of life;
RT = resistance training; AT = aerobic training; BT = balance and tone training; dg = diagnosis; SpO2 = oxygen saturation; FTD = frontotemporal dementia; AD = Alzheimer’s
disease; CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; BNT = Boston Naming Test; HVLT = Hopkins Verbal Learning Test; ERFT = Rapid Evaluation of Cognitive Function Test (French
Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord 2014;38:347–365

version); CANTAB = Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery; VaD = vascular dementia; PD = Parkinson’s disease.
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review
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DOI: 10.1159/000365388 © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
Öhman et al.: Effect of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

The 22 studies incorporated into this systematic review included 1,699 participants. The
number of participants in the trials varied from 21 [33] to 389 [32]. Of these studies, 8 were
performed in subjects with MCI (n = 1,021) [22, 25–27, 30, 32, 35, 41–43] and 14 in patients
with dementia (n = 678) [19–21, 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 36–39]. The duration of the physical
intervention varied from 6 weeks [22, 29] to 12 months [24, 26, 27]. The most frequently used
exercise in the interventions was walking, but Tai Chi, ergocycling and strength training were
also practiced. There was a wide range of cognitive measurement tools used in the studies,
and the interventions were heterogeneous (table 2a, b).
All studies on MCI turned out to be of at least moderate quality. Most studies on dementia
were found to be of poor quality, 6 were of moderate quality and none was rated as good
quality. The most common methodological problems were poor definition of the diagnosis of
dementia or MCI, inadequate blinding and low statistical power. The dropouts were rarely
included in the analyses, the compliance and complications were often not described and the
intention-to-treat analysis was infrequently used.

Effects of Exercise
Global Cognition
In total, 13 studies examined the effect of physical exercise on global cognition using the
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) [21, 24, 26–28, 33, 35, 37, 41], ADAS-Cog (Alzheimer’s
Disease Assessment Scale cognitive subscale) [10, 32, 36, 39, 41] and CDR-SOB (Clinical
Dementia Rating Sum of Boxes) [25, 32] as the most common outcome measures (table 3).
Of the trials examining the effect of exercise on global cognition, 5 were performed on
subjects with MCI. A positive effect was observed in 3 of these studies [25, 32, 41]. The pooled
effect size for ADAS-Cog improvement in 2 of these studies [25, 32] was small [0.29 (95% CI
0.09–0.48)]. An Australian study of good methodological quality [25] randomized 170 partic-
ipants with MCI for either a 24-week home-based physical activity program or an education
group. The intervention group exercised with moderate intensity for 50 min three times a
week. At the end of the intervention, the physical activity group showed an improvement of
0.26 points (95% CI 0.32–1.82) on ADAS-Cog, whereas the control group showed a deterio-
ration of 1.04 points (95% CI –2.38 to –0.22). Suzuki et al. [41] studied the effects of a multi-
component exercise program on cognition in patients with MCI. The program consisted of
90-min training sessions (aerobic exercise, strength training, balance and dual tasking) twice
weekly and the intervention lasted for 12 months. After the intervention, the participants with
amnestic MCI showed an improvement on MMSE but not on ADAS-Cog, which is slightly
surprising since the ADAS-Cog test is considered more sensitive to change than the MMSE.
However, a Dutch intervention study of good methodological quality [26, 27] found no positive
effect on global cognition in subjects with MCI (n = 152) after a 12-month walking intervention.
The intervention was group-based, and the participants exercised twice weekly for 1 h.
All these studies were of good quality with sufficient statistical power, but there were
small differences that may explain the results [25–27, 41]. The positive outcome in the
Australian study may be explained by the better compliance with the exercise program and
the higher intensity of the exercise [25]. Japanese researchers suggest that the use of a multi-
component exercise program including dual tasking could be the explanation for the positive
outcomes in their study [41].
One study yielded positive effects with the CDR-SOB, but not with ADAS-Cog or MMSE
[32]. This is somewhat surprising since CDR-SOB might have a ceiling effect in this patient
group, whereas ADAS-Cog should be sensitive to change. This study used Tai Chi in groups as
exercise intervention, which is not aerobic but may have socializing effects, thus having an - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

impact on daily functioning in CDR.

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Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

Table 3. Effects of physical exercise on different domains of cognition

Study Global Executive Attention Working Delayed Declarative Communi-

cognition function memory recall memory cation

Study population with MCI

Suzuki et al., 2013 [41] +a +a +a
Nagamatsu et al., 2012, 2013
[42, 43] +b + +
Varela et al., 2012 [35] 0
Lam et al., 2011 [32] + 0 + 0
Baker et al., 2010 [30] + + 0 0
van Uffelen et al., 2008, 2009
[26, 27] 0 0 +c +d
Lautenschlager et al., 2008 [25] + 0 0 0
Scherder et al., 2005 [22] + 0 0
Study population with dementia
Vreugdenhil et al., 2012 [36] +
Venturelli et al., 2011 [33] 0
Yágüez et al., 2011 [34] + 0
Kemoun et al., 2010 [31] +
Steinberg et al., 2009 [28] 0
Eggermont et al., 2009 [29] 0 0 0 0
Burgener et al., 2008 [37] +
Christofoletti et al., 2008 [38] 0 +e 0 0 0
Kwak et al., 2008 [24] +
Miu et al., 2008 [39] 0
Stevens and Killeen, 2006 [23] +
van de Winckel et al., 2004 [21] + + 0 +
Cott et al., 2002 [20] 0
Friedman and Tappen, 1991 [19] +

+ = Improvement; 0 = no difference between intervention and control groups.

a Amnestic MCI; b reaction time improved in Spatial Memory Test; c female; d male; e group 1.

Two studies of moderate quality [33, 39] performed on participants with dementia did
not find a positive association between exercise and global cognition. Venturelli et al. [33]
studied nursing home patients with moderate dementia with very low statistical power and
using insensitive MMSE as an outcome measure. Similarly, Miu et al. [39] used MMSE as an
outcome measure but could not show any effect on the more sensitive ADAS-Cog. The inter-
vention lasted for 12 weeks, and the participants adhered well to aerobic training. However,
1 study of moderate quality on 40 Alzheimer patients showed positive effects on global
cognition [36]. In the present study, the participants in the intervention group performed
daily home-based exercises and walking under the supervision of their carer for 4 months.
The intervention group showed improvements both in MMSE and ADAS-Cog scores. The
effect size for ADAS-Cog improvement in this study was medium (EF 0.59). The recommended
intensity of exercise was lower in the two negative studies [33, 39] than in the Vreugdenhill
study [36], but the latter did not report the true compliance of the participants. Several studies - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

evaluated as being of poor quality suggested positive effects of exercise on global cognition
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despite having a low statistical power [21, 24, 31, 37]. None of these studies described their
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Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

randomization method nor did they use blinded outcome assessors or intention-to-treat
analyses, thus exposing them to a high risk of bias.

Executive Function
The effect of exercise on executive functioning was evaluated in 10 studies, and 6 of them
found modest positive effects. Most intervention studies used the verbal fluency test (also
referred to as category fluency test) [21, 22, 25–27, 29, 30, 32, 38] as an outcome measure to
assess the effect of physical exercise on executive function. Additionally, the Clock Drawing
Test [23, 38], Trail Making Tests A and/or B [22, 30, 32], Symbol-Digit Substitution test [30]
and Task Switching [30] were used, often together with the verbal fluency test.
Two studies on participants with MCI with a moderate quality found a positive effect of
exercise on executive functioning [22, 30]. Baker et al. [30] examined the effects of high-
intensity aerobic exercise (treadmill, elliptical trainer) on executive function. The inter-
vention lasted for 6 months, and the exercises were carried out four times a week for 45–60
min. Favorable effects of physical exercise were found in all outcome measures (verbal
fluency, Trail Making Test B and Task Switching). However, there were sex differences in
cognitive response as females tended to benefit more. Scherder et al. [22] measured executive
functioning with the verbal fluency and Trail Making Tests A and B, and all showed positive
outcomes. The intervention of this study was 6 weeks of slow walking three times a week for
30 min. Three other studies of good or moderate quality measuring effects of exercise on
executive functioning in participants with MCI [25–27, 32] with the verbal fluency test found
no effect. In one of these studies, the authors discussed that including noncompliant partici-
pants in the intention-to-treat analysis may have diluted the effects [26, 27].
Only poor-quality studies of participants with dementia showed some improvements in
executive function after exercise intervention [21, 23, 38]. Stevens and Killeen [23] evaluated
nursing home residents (n = 120) with moderate stage dementia and found some improve-
ment in the Clock Drawing Test after a 12-week intervention (30 min of group exercise three
times a week) compared with controls. In a Brazilian study [38], participants (n = 54) with
mixed dementia were randomized into three groups receiving a 6-month intervention: group
1 received a multidimensional intervention (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, physical
education), group 2 only physiotherapy and group 3 was the control group. The first group
trained for 2 h five times a week and the physiotherapy group three times a week for 60 min.
Group 1 improved in both the verbal fluency test and the Clock Drawing Test relative to the
control group. There was, however, no statistical differ-ence between group 2 (physiotherapy
only) and the control group. Thus, it is difficult to determine whether the improvement
detected in the multidimensional intervention was due to the high intensity of exercise or its
multidimensionality. A study of moderate methodological quality [29] reported no changes
in executive function measured by verbal fluency after a 6-week walking intervention in
participants with dementia (n = 97). The authors speculated that the duration of the exercise
program might have been too short to improve cognition.

Some researchers consider attention to be a dimension of executive function, while
others treat it as a separate concept. Attention was measured as a specific cognitive domain
in 4 studies [26, 27, 30, 34, 42] in which Stroop colour and word test was most commonly
used to assess attention [26, 27, 30, 42]. The Digit Span Test is generally also used as a test
for attention [45]. However, some studies using the Digit Span Test defined it as a test for
working memory [22, 29]. - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

In participants with MCI, 3 studies showed positive findings [26, 27, 30, 42]. High-
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intensity exercise intervention was associated with improvements in the Stroop Effect Test
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Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

in females but not in males according to the study by Baker et al. [30], in which 37 patients
with MCI were randomized to a high-intensity exercise group for 6 months or to a stretching
control group. Similar sex-specific findings of the effect of aerobic exercise on attention were
reported by van Uffelen et al. [26, 27]. In a Canadian study, 86 participants with probable MCI
were randomized into resistance, aerobic or balance exercise interventions. After 26 weeks
of intervention, the participants in the resistance training group improved their performance
in the Stroop Effect Test [42]. In addition, this study also suggests that the reaction time in
spatial memory tasks improved in the aerobic training and resistance training groups [43]. A
small study with 27 dementia patients found no effect of a Brain Gym® exercise intervention
on attention [34].

Nine studies evaluated the effects of physical exercise on delayed recall; 5 of them were
performed in subjects with MCI. Delayed recall was most commonly examined with an
auditory verbal learning test [22, 25–27, 29, 30].
One large study of good methodological quality [26, 27] found a positive association
between physical exercise intervention and delayed recall in participants with MCI. van
Uffelen et al. [26, 27] tested the efficacy of a walking program and vitamin B supplementation
in patients with MCI (n = 152). Participants with good adherence to the walking program
improved their performance on the auditory verbal learning test. However, Lautenschlager
et al. [25] did not show improvement in delayed recall measured with a word list in the
CERAD (Cognitive Battery of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer Disease).
In a Japanese study, the multicomponent exercise intervention was associated with improved
results on the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) Logical Memory II [44] measuring
delayed recall [41]. Another good quality study suggested improved delayed recall in the
aerobic training group compared with the balance training group [43].
The effect of exercise on delayed recall in demented subjects was examined in 3 studies
[28, 29, 38], and no significant effect was observed. Working memory was studied in 6 trials
and measured most often with the Digit Span Test. None of the studies [21, 22, 28, 29, 34, 38]
showed any positive effects of exercise on working memory. Declarative memory was
examined with the Story Recall Test [30], Boston Naming Test [28] and Rivermead Behav-
ioural Memory Test [29]; no significant improvements with exercise were seen.

Effects of physical activity on communication skills have been examined only in 2 studies
on patients with dementia. A small study with 30 participants compared the effects of walk-
ing and conversation with conversation-only on communication skills in demented subjects
[19]. The results revealed improvement in communication performance in the walking and
conversation group compared to the conversation-only group. However, a larger Canadian
study with 86 participants with Alzheimer’s disease did not find a positive association
between a walk-and-talk intervention and communication skills [20]. The participants in
these 2 studies were in the advanced stage of Alzheimer’s disease in long-term care facilities
with a mean MMSE score of 6.5 [19] and 6 [20].


We found 22 RCTs examining the efficacy of physical exercise on cognition in individuals - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

with MCI or dementia. The studies performed on participants with MCI were generally of
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better quality than those performed on patients with dementia. All except one of the studies
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Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

on participants with MCI demonstrated some positive effects on one or several domains of
cognition, global cognition, executive function or attention. However, the effect of exercise on
cognition was not as clear in subjects with dementia. Four of 6 studies of moderate method-
ological quality showed no improvements in any domain of cognition. Studies of poorer
quality found some efficacy on global cognition or executive function.
Only 5 [25–27, 41–43] of the 22 studies included in this review met most of the quality
criteria presented in table 1 and were rated as being of good methodological quality. Ten
studies were rated as moderate quality and 8 as poor quality. The methodological problems
were generally related to defining the diagnoses of dementia and MCI, blinding and inade-
quate statistical power. Dropouts were rarely included in the analyses, compliance and
possible side-effects of the interventions were inadequately described and intention-to-treat
analysis was infrequently used.
In many studies, the duration of the exercise intervention was relatively short, from 6
weeks to 3 months. The exercise intensity was quite high in several studies, but the atten-
dance to the training sessions was rarely described. Compliance was reported in only 6 of the
studies on MCI subjects [25–27, 30, 41–43] and in 4 of those with dementia [28, 31, 33, 34].
In these papers, the reported compliance was generally fairly good, varying between 71%
[26, 27] and 94% [30].
All MCI studies of good quality showed some positive effects of aerobic exercise on
cognition [25–27, 41–43]. They all used a long-term and intense exercise. However, the effect
sizes of exercise that we were able to calculate on cognitive measures appeared to be only
mild. A large study among community-dwelling subjects with MCI [26, 27] suggested a
stepwise effect of exercise on cognitive performance. An increase in attendance to the exercise
sessions led to a better performance in the attention test among females and in delayed recall
among males. In a large Australian study of good quality, participants were followed for 12
months after a 24-week exercise intervention. The benefits of the intervention were observed
at the end of the intervention and they persisted for at least 12 months [25].
A high degree of heterogeneity existed between different types of physical exercises in
the studies. The most commonly used exercise types were walking, Tai Chi, dancing and
strength training combined with aerobic training. Multicomponent and dual tasking inter-
ventions were also used. A long duration of the intervention, a high intensity and a good
adherence to the program seemed to be essential for positive outcome [19, 21, 25–27, 30, 38,
41–43]. In some of the trials, the control group was offered conversation, social visits [19–22,
29] or low-intensity activity such as stretching [30, 32] or balance training [42, 43] at the
same frequency as the intervention group participated in the physical exercise, but most
often the control group continued with normal care.
The neurocognitive tests used to measure the effect of exercise on cognition were
numerous and heterogeneous. This finding is consistent with the results of a recent review
article on neuropsychological tests used in studies investigating treatment effects on cogni-
tion in older patients with dementia [45].
Tests measuring global cognition were more frequently used than tests covering a specific
cognitive domain. Global cognition was generally measured with MMSE, which has a good
reliability but is insensitive to change [46, 47]. The verbal fluency test was most commonly
chosen to assess the effect of exercise on executive function. However, results on the verbal
fluency test depend not only on executive function but also on semantic memory [48]. This
can dilute the impact of exercise since the effectiveness on executive function has been found
to be stronger than that on memory in previous studies [4].
The changes in neuropsychological tests were generally small and the clinical signifi- - 3/24/2016 4:23:24 AM

cance can be questioned. The studies performed on subjects with MCI usually had more
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participants and the exercise interventions were more intensive and longer lasting than
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Öhman et al.: Effect of Physical Exercise on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults with
Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia: A Systematic Review

studies on patients with dementia. Measuring the effectiveness of exercise on cognition is

often challenging in patients with an advanced stage of dementia. Furthermore, comorbidity
and disability might diminish the efficacy of the intervention.
The mechanisms by which physical exercise can affect the aging brain are numerous.
Physical exercise improves cerebral circulation by increasing the blood flow and oxygen
supply to the brain [49]. Regular exercise lowers the blood pressure and lipids, prevents
metabolic syndrome, has a positive effect on inflammatory markers and improves endothelial
function, all of which are risk factors for vascular diseases and Alzheimer’s disease [49]. These
mechanisms may explain why exercise might not have as many marked effects in cognitively
impaired subjects as in their cognitively healthy peers. Animal studies have revealed that
exercise stimulates neuron proliferation in hippocampal areas [50], and exercise may even
increase the volume of the hippocampus in humans [51].


The effect of physical exercise has been studied in 22 RCTs, but especially the studies on
patients with dementia were mainly underpowered and of poor quality. Seven RCTs of good
or moderate quality examining the efficacy of exercise in subjects with MCI showed some
positive cognitive outcomes, mainly on global cognition, executive function or attention. The
results of exercise intervention studies among participants with dementia are, however,
inconsistent, and there is a need for more studies of good quality on subjects with dementia
to determine the effect of physical exercise on cognition. These studies should have larger
sample sizes, random allocation should be sound and assessments blinded. Preferably, they
should focus separately on patients with mild, moderate and severe dementia to evaluate
whether all stages benefit of exercise. Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia should be
examined separately since they probably respond differently to intervention. Furthermore,
the training should be aerobic, sufficiently intense and long-term.


This study was supported by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland and the Sohlberg Foundation.
We thank biostatistician Hannu Kautiainen for his kind help.

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