Personal Letter

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Question Number 1-2 refers to the following text!

Kuala Lumpur, 22 August 2020

Dear Marilia,.

Hi Marilia, I’m sorry because this is the first letter for you since I promised you to send you letter as soon as
possible when I have arrived in Kuala Lumpur. In fact, I did so much preparation before started studying in
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(UKM). I found some difficulties to speak in Malay language. Therefore, I
should take private course to know Malay language as well as possible. I also need some translator to help me
in understanding some articles.

Even though, I found some difficulties here. But day by day, I could be comfort here because many people here
are very friendly for all foreigners including me. Now, I am very happy to study English Literature here because
many classmates also supported me very well.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is the best university in Malaysia. It’s a very deep for education. History,
English, Science, Gigs, Art, Physical, Math, and so on. I hope you will come here as soon as possible to study
here and become my classmates.

Now, this is the end of the letter. I hope the letter will arrive early there!

Sincerely yours,

1. Why does Carolina send the letter to Marilia?

A. Inform her experience in Kuala Lumpur
B. Asking apologizes to Marilia.
C. Asking Marilia to visit her in Kuala Lumpur
D. Give option to Marilia to continue her study in UKM
E. Telling the experience and asking Marilia to continue her study in UKM

2. What was Carolina experience in Kuala Lumpur?

A. It was very hard and made her under pressured
B. It was hard but he could enjoyed the condition
C. It is comfortable
D. It is not interesting since the beginning
E. There is no something special

Questions 3-5 refer to the following text!

Manila, 24 August 2020

Dear Carolina,

Thank you so much for your first letter. Even though it’s rather late but it’s really appreciated. Thank for
information about your experience in Kuala Lumpur, especially your experience to be the new students in
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. It’s really fantastic, and I hope that you will be enjoy studying there. And I
Always pray for your success there.

On this moment, I also want to give you news that I have been accepted as one the students in Universitas
Indonesia, Jakarta. And my major is International Law. I have thought and considered many times to decide
going to Jakarta. And I finally I decided studying international law in Indonesia.

It was hard for me to decide because we also have promised studying in the same University. But, unfortunately
I couldn’t study in Malaysia because my grand mother was living in Jakarta. I know it’s not good news for you
but I have to decide my future. I hope you will understand about this condition. Trust me, we will support each
other even though we live in different city and different country.

Hopefully, that you will be success in Kuala Lumpur. Thank you!

Your best friend,


3. Why does Marilia Choose international law in Universitas Indonesia.

A. Because she refused the Carolina’s request.
B. Because she wanted to support Marilia from far.
C. Because there is no other option
D. Because Jakarta is more friendly than Kuala Lumpur.
E. Because her grand mother lived in Jakarta

4. What is Marilia’s impression about Carolina’s story in her letter?

A. She was very impressed.
B. She was disappointed.
C. She was upset
D. She was hopeless
E. She was giving bad responses

5. What is Marilia’s final decision for her future?

A. Choose International Law Major and going to UKM Malaysia
B. Choose International Law Major and going to UI Jakarta
C. Following Carolina’s step in catching her future.
D. Supporting Carolina to face her future
E. Deciding future by her self.
Questions 6-9 refer to the following text!

Surabaya, 1st February 2017

Dear Nathan

How are you? Hope everything is okay with you. I’m all right here.

We are going to have the national examination, aren’t we? Are you well prepared for it? Well, to be honest, I
just have some difficulties in preparing for it, especially in Science. There are extra lessons in my school and I
take them all. But, I feel that they don’t help. I’m still confused in solving Mathematic problems. I’m just
worried that I fail the national examination. Do you have any suggestion for me? I really appreciate your help.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Your buddy


6. What does the letter tell us about?

A. Asking for a friend to teach Mathematic
B. Preparing for the national examination
C. Asking for a friend’s suggestion to solve a problem
D. Giving a solution to a friend
E. Having extra lesson at school

7. Why is Rendy worried that he may fail the national examination?

A. There are extra lessons at Rendy’s school
B. He will have the national examination soon
C. He is confused in solving Mathematic problem
D. He appreciated Igon’s help
E. His friends are all well prepared

8. “I’m still confused in solving Mathematic problems.” The word “confused” means …
A. Unable to think clearly
B. Unable to speak fluently
C. Unable to perform well
D. Unable to read quickly
E. Unable to behave politely

9. “I’m just worried that I fail the national examination.” The antonym of the word “fail” is ….
A. Escape
B. Reach
C. Predict
D. Underestimate
E. Success

Questions 10-12 refer to the following text!

24th Clinton St. Iowa City. IA. 58076

January 15th, 2016

To all Colleagues and Friends,

As those close to me know, I am not good with goodbyes so I do apologize to those who feel offended that I
have left having written only this farewell letter, without personally shaking their hand and exchanging best

I have so many people to thank for their support and dedication that it is impossible to personally get to see you
all with the short time that was available.

I truly am humbled to have worked with such a group of “get in and get it happening people” and I am so proud
of the achievements that you have accomplished both in the operation and (for quite a lot of you) for your own
personal accomplishments.

To those of you that I had the opportunity to coach and or set goals for, I commend each of you for your
achievements and hope that you continue to succeed through life journeys.

I can be contacted if required on 08159030832. I wish you all a Healthy, Safe and Prosperous Year.

Thanks, regards and best wishes,

Bill Jones

10. Why does Bill Jones write the letter?

A. To wish good things to his colleagues
B. To inform his leaving of the office
C. To apologize his mistakes
D. To admire his colleagues
E. To tell his new office

11. What has the writer done in the office?

A. Having trained the employees
B. Having collaborated intensively
C. Having conducted a farewell party
D. Having supported innovative efforts
E. Having shaken hands to all his colleagues

12. “I commend each of you for your achievements” The synonym of the word “commend” is ….
A. Improve
B. Increase
C. Enjoy
D. Effort
E. Praise

Questions 13-17 refer to the following text!

Kupang, April 2, 2018

Dear Paula,

Hello Paula, how are you? It’s been a month since l last heard from you. Well l just wanted to tell you that I was
in a hospital last week. According to the doctor l was infected by dengue fever.

At first, I felt my body became weak then fainted when was studying in the classroom. Then, I was taken to the
hospital because of the high fever.

At the hospital, I was brought into the emergency unit. The doctor immediately gave some treatments. Finally, l
had to stay there for one week. Everyday the doctor kept me on a drip. At the seventh day, my condition was
getting better. After the final check, the doctor gave me permission to go home. Now, I’m okay and because of
my illness, I am now more careful about keeping in my house clean especially my room, I don’t want to get the
same illness again.

OK, think that’s all from me, write to me soon ok?



13. What is the topic of the letter above?

A. Getting Fever (Jawaban Benar)
B. Went to hospital
C. The doctor recipe
D. In hospital
E. Sickness

14. What did the writer do when she felt her body became weak?
A. She bought medicine
B. She consumed the medicine
C. She took a rest all day
D. She went to hospital (Jawaban Benar)
E. She does nothing

15. What was the disease that she got?

A. Stomach
B. Toothache
C. Dengue Fever (Jawaban Benar)
D. Sorethroat
E. Influenza

16. Why the writer was taken to the hospital?

A. She got high fever (Jawaban Benar)
B. She got diarrhea
C. She got headache
D. She got broken bones
E. She got toothache

17. How long she was taken care in the hospital?

A. Four days
B. Five days
C. Six days
D. Eight days
E. Seven days (Jawaban Benar)
Questions 18-20 refer to the following text!

Dear Aunt Nia

Aunty, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week ago I succeeded to
join in a senior high school English competition. Last night my parents promised to send me to a famous
English course in my town. They also promised me if my scores in English are good, they’ll send me to a
foreign university. Great, isn’t it? I’ll work hard. I want to be a great pediatrician like you, Aunty.

Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to having your news.

18. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform some good news (Jawaban Benar)
B. To describe the writer’s school
C. To retell the writer’s experience
D. To entertain the reader with a joke
E. To pursuade her aunt

19. What did ‘s parents promise her?

A. To make her a pediatrician
B. To send her to an English course (Jawaban Benar)
C. To send her to a senior high school
D. To make her pass the final examination
E. To meer her to her aunt

20. How does Debby feel?

A. Glad (Jawaban Benar)
B. Scared
C. Anxious
D. Worried
E. Bored

Questions 21-22 refer to the following text

Apt BLK 30, Eunos St. #05 – 116

Singapore 1441
2nd April 2009

Dear Liza,

I have received you letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss the urgent matter you
have. I regret however to say that it will not be possible for me to see you on Sunday as I already have a
previous appointment . I shall see you on Monday next week at 5 p.m . Hoping the change of date will be
convenient to you .

Your sincerely


21. What does the letter tell about ….

A. Liza’s problem
B. Liza’s appointment
C. Daisy’s previous letter to Liza
D. Daisy’s regret for not being able to come (Jawaban Benar)
E. A meeting held at Liza’s house

22. Why did Liza ask Daisy to come to her house….

A. Liza wanted Daisy to solve her problem (Jawaban Benar)
B. Daisy would discuss her problem with Liza
C. Liza persuaded Daisy to go somewhere
D. Daisy wanted to meet Liza’s family
E. Liza wanted to chat with Daisy
Questions 23- 25 refer to the following text!

Jl. Jambu 129 Bima

30th January 2017

Dear Frodi,

It was a real sorrow that I heard this morning of your great loss. I knew your mother was ill, for your brother
told me several weeks ago. However, as he at that time did not seem to think the illness was very serious, the
news of your mother’s death came to me as a shock. You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear
fellow, in your sorrow. I know you will feel it deeply, for you always thought so much of your mother and
loved her so truly. I feel it also as a personal loss to myself, for your mother was always very kind to me. Her
death must be a terrible grief to your father, too. Please assure him of my sincere sympathy.

Words, I know, are poor comforters. “The heart knows its own sorrow”, and in such sorrows we are always
alone. However, it is not mere words when I say that I feel with you in your sorrow.

Your sincere friend,


23. What is the possible relation between the sender and the recipient?
A. relatives
B. employers
C. friends (Jawaban Benar)
D. siblings
E. employees

24. From the letter we know that ….

A. Frodi’s mother was not ill before her death (Jawaban Benar)
B. Jean sent letter to Frodi several weeks ago
C. Jean was very sorrowful to send the letter to his mother
D. Jean had known Frodi’s mother before (Jawaban Benar)
E. Frodi is the only child in his family

25. “You have my sincere and heartfelt sympathy, my dear fellow, in your sorrow.” What is the closest meaning
of word “sincere”?
A. real
B. caring
C. generous
D. honest (Jawaban Benar)
E. curious

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