AIBT - SITHCCC031 Learner Workbook Assessment 2 (Practical Observation Sheet) - V1.0

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Prepare vegetarian and

vegan dishes

Learner Workbook 2
Table of Contents
Assessment Tasks and Instructions.......................................................................................................3
Assessment Guidelines..........................................................................................................................4
Statement of Authenticity.....................................................................................................................6
Observation checklist..........................................................................................................................11
Activity 1..........................................................................................................................................11
Activity 2..........................................................................................................................................14
Activity 3..........................................................................................................................................17
Activity 4..........................................................................................................................................20
Activity 5..........................................................................................................................................24
Activity 6..........................................................................................................................................27
Activity 7..........................................................................................................................................29
Activity 8..........................................................................................................................................32

SITHCCC031 Page |2 Observation check list

Assessment Tasks and Instructions
Student Name Yuk Hei Cyrus Chan
Student Number 16956
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHCCC031 – Prepare vegetarian and vegan
Trainer/Assessor Ron Ma

Assessment for this Unit of Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Provision made for students with English as a second language(ESL) issues, repeating
instructions, modulating speech, using pictures for training.

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date

SITHCCC031 Page |3 Observation check list

Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed–Performance Evidence
The purpose of this assessment is to check your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements
and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

 prepare the required dishes using each of the following cookery methods at least once:
o Braising, boiling and blanching.
o deep frying
o grilling
o poaching and steaming
o roasting
o sautéing
o stewing

use each of the following types of products at least once when preparing four of the above dishes
for vegetarian consumption (at least once across preparation of the four dishes):
vegetables and fruit:
o dried
o fresh
o frozen
o fermented
o dairy products
o nuts and seeds
o arborio rice
o eggs
o grains and pulses
o legumes
use each of the following types of products at least once when preparing four of the above dishes
for vegan consumption (at least once across preparation of the four dishes):
vegetables and fruit:
o dried
o fresh
o frozen
o fermented
dairy substitutes:
o coconut products
o plant-based milks
o cashew cheese
o butter alternatives
o soy-based cheese
meat substitutes:
o portion control cuts
o mince

SITHCCC031 Page |4 Observation check list

o firm
o silken
o emulsion
egg substitutes:
o flax eggs
o chia

prepare, plate and present two portions each of the four vegetarian and four vegan finished
dishes above:
o within commercial time constraints and deadlines
o following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and
storing different food types.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete

Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Mapping Document located in the teacher
support tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.


Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below, following the
relevant recipes, Workplace Health and Safety practices and Hygiene procedures as instructed
during the training sessions you have participated for this unit of competency.

SITHCCC031 Page |5 Observation check list

Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were
explained to me, and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this
Student Signature: Date: / /201

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

/ /
Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date:

/ /
Student Signature Date:

SITHCCC031 Page |6 Observation check list

Your Tasks

Prepare the following dishes to the criteria set out below:

Dish to be prepared Method(s) of cookery Preparation Specific items used

applied techniques
braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit
Dish 1: deep-frying Peeling dried
Vegetarian Burrito grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen
Recipe roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Blanching Binding coconut products
stewing Plant based milks
Recipe Source: Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
recipe book, e-coach recipes trimming Soy based cheese
dairy products
No. of serves:
nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:
flax eggs

braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit

Dish 2: deep-frying Peeling dried
Quinoa Stuffed grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen
Aubergine (Vegan) roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Blanching Binding coconut products
stewing Plant based milks
Recipe Source: Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
recipe book, e-coach recipes trimming Soy based cheese
dairy products
No. of serves:
nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:

SITHCCC031 Page |7 Observation check list

flax eggs

braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit

Dish 3: deep-frying Peeling dried
Vegan Chickpea grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen
Meatloaf roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Blanching Binding coconut products
stewing Plant based milks
Recipe Source: Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
recipe book, e-coach recipes trimming Soy based cheese
SITHCCC031 pulses

No. of serves: dairy products

nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:
flax eggs

braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit

Dish 4: deep-frying Peeling dried
Beet Kidney Bean grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen
Burger roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Blanching Binding coconut products
stewing Plant based milks
Recipe Source: Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
recipe book, e-coach recipes trimming Soy based cheese
dairy products
No. of serves:
nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:
flax eggs

SITHCCC031 Page |8 Observation check list

braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit
Dish 5: deep-frying Peeling dried
Rice Paper Rolls grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen
roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Recipe Source: Blanching Binding coconut products
stewing Plant based milks
recipe book, e-coach recipes Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
SITHCCC031 trimming Soy based cheese
No. of serves: pulses
dairy products
nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:
flax eggs

braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit

Dish 6: deep-frying Peeling dried
Bircher Muesli with grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen
Soy Milk roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Blanching Binding coconut products
stewing Plant based milks
Recipe Source: Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
recipe book, e-coach recipes trimming Soy based cheese
SITHCCC031 pulses

No. of serves: dairy products

nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:
flax eggs

braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit

Dish 7: deep-frying Peeling dried
Sticky miso peppers grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen

SITHCCC031 Page |9 Observation check list

roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Blanching Binding coconut products
Recipe Source: stewing Plant based milks
recipe book, e-coach recipes Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
trimming Soy based cheese
No. of serves: dairy products
nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:
flax eggs

braising Cutting to specification Vegetables, fruit

Dish 8: deep-frying Peeling dried
Vegan Mushroom grilling fresh
poaching marinating frozen
Risotto roasting Rolling Dairy Substitutes
Blanching Binding coconut products
stewing Plant based milks
Recipe Source: Boiling stuffing Cashew cheese
recipe book, e-coach recipes trimming Soy based cheese
SITHCCC031 pulses

No. of serves: dairy products

nuts and seeds
Arborio rice
eggs, grains
Pulses, Legumes
Meat Substitutes
portion control cuts
egg substitutes:
flax eggs

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 10 Observation check list

Observation checklist
Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
Activity 1 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the recipes
given and steps followed met the organisational
The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Sour cream, vinegar as available, tortillas, cashew
nuts pieces (for making cashew cream) canned
refried beans.
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:
Pieces of equipment selected: saucepan, chef’s knife,
skillet, bowl, tsp, tbsp, chopping board, spoons, spatula,
blender, cleaning cloth, dustpan, garbage bin, hand
towel. (Detailed equipment list is provided with the
recipes for the reference).

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are
secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 11 Observation check list

 Ergonomics
 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant

preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the

Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

Name of the dish: Vegetarian Burrito Recipe
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are unwrapped (tortilla, sour cream) and
vegetables properly washed and prepared for the
preparation to start and assured they are not in contact
with animal products.
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed and wiped with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of
the dish(es) here:
Sauté onion, garlic and other vegetables as per sequence
Proper mixing of vegetable
Way of adding herbs and spices
Deglaze of red wine vinegar
Proper roasting of tortilla (softness)
Stuffing sequence
Folding method
Slicing tortilla giving an eye appeal

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 12 Observation check list

Consistency of vegan sour cream
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are
followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required
for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Suitable stuffing is done
Adjustments if any (gluten intolerance, nut allergy, dairy
free etc.)
Special customer requests are provided for where
applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct
temperature (hot/cold)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: chopped
parsley/coriander fresh
Accompaniments. specify: sour cream
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a
mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned and dried properly
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals are
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant (leaking tap,
damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 13 Observation check list

Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
Activity 2 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the
recipes given and steps followed met the organisational
The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Vegetables, herbs, vegetable broth, dry quinoa,
chickpeas, raisins, soy yogurt, sesame seeds,
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:
Pieces of equipment selected: saucepan, chef’s knife,
skillet, bowl, tsp, tbsp, chopping board, spoons, spatula,
blender, Oven, baking sheet with parchment paper,
scoop, cleaning cloth, dustpan, garbage bin, hand
towel, gloves for handling oven. (Detailed equipment
list is provided with the recipes for the reference).

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are
secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling
 Ergonomics

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 14 Observation check list

 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant

preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the
standards laid.
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Name of the dish: Quinoa Stuffed Aubergine (Vegan)
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Soya yogurt, tahini sauce is kept open with lid kept
aside away from Ingredients and vegetables properly
washed and prepared for the preparation to start and
assured they are not in contact with animal products.
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed and wiped with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation
of the dish(es) here:
Preheating of oven
Proper scooping of aubergine with sufficient thickness
of skin
Usage of flesh/proper storage
Even baking of scooped aubergine
Consistency of liquid in cooked vegetables
Even baking of final dish
Consistency of lemon yogurt sauce
Way of adding herbs and spices
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 15 Observation check list

followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required
for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Adjustments suggestions: (any adjustment as given
below if done, mark in the box)
 Aubergine flesh can even be added to the filling
to use it up but need to reduce another
component like the chickpeas or carrot to not
end up with too much filling.
 To make the yogurt sauce creamier and more
flavourful, add around 15 g of tahini!
 Raisins can be replaced with chopped dates in
the filling.
 Chickpeas: replace with lentils, black beans,
white beans, or textured soy protein
 Spices: oregano, basil, coriander, turmeric,
garlic powder, mint or any spice mixes may
even be used.
 Toppings: Vegan cheese sauce may be replaced
with lemon yogurt sauce.

Special customer requests are provided for where

applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at
correct temperature (hot/cold)
Garnish with lemon yogurt sauce/sesame
seeds/chopped parsley
Accompaniments: Rice/cauliflower rice/bed of green
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly.
Suggested use of leftover: - cooked grains can even be
used for the filling, add it along with the chickpeas to
sautéed veggies and crushed tomatoes — skip the
vegetable broth.

Waste and perishables are discarded

Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 16 Observation check list

The workplace is cleaned
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals
are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. (Leaking
tap, damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

Activity 3 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the
recipes given and steps followed met the organisational
The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Vegetables, button mushrooms, chickpeas,
breadcrumbs, flax seeds, soy sauce, BBQ sauce,
maple syrup, herbs.
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:
Pieces of equipment selected: saucepan, chef’s knife,
skillet, bowl, tsp, tbsp, chopping board, spoons, spatula,
blender, Oven, baking sheet with parchment paper,
food processor cleaning cloth, dustpan, garbage bin,
hand towel, gloves for handling oven. (Detailed
equipment list is provided with the recipes for the

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 17 Observation check list

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are
secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling
 Ergonomics
 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant

preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the
standards laid.
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Name of the dish: Vegan Chickpea Meatloaf
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Mixture must be homogenous in texture.
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed and wiped with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation
of the dish(es) here:

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 18 Observation check list

Preheating of oven
Onions translucent
Once garlic and mushrooms are added check golden
Check for tenderness of cooked ingredients as per the
recipe requirements
Homogenous mixture
Accurate Consistency of glaze
Final appearance of chickpea loaf after removing from
an oven
Way of adding herbs and spices
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are
followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required
for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Adjustments suggestions: (any adjustment as given
below if done, mark in the box)
 Homemade chickpea loaf glaze can even be
replaced with Ketchup.
 Breadcrumbs can be replaced with oats and

Special customer requests are provided for where

applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at
correct temperature (hot/cold)
Garnish with chopped parsley
Accompaniments: check any of the following: -
 Mashed potatoes
 Vegan gravy
 Brussels sprouts
 Roasted vegetables
 Scalloped potatoes
 Green beans
 Cranberry sauce

The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served

Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly.

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 19 Observation check list

Suggest use of leftover: -
 Simply store it in a lidded container in the fridge
for up to 5-6 days once the loaf has completely
cooled and reheat before serving.
 Can be done in the oven at 350° F for about 5-8
minutes or in the microwave.
 Can be frozen, with date tag, it’s best to cut it
into individual slices and put parchment paper
between them — this allows to just take as
many slices as from the freezer when required.
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals
are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. (Leaking
tap, damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

Activity 4 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the
recipes given and steps followed met the organisational
The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Vegetables, button mushrooms, beet, flax
seeds, walnuts, avocado, herbs, wheat burger
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 20 Observation check list

Pieces of equipment selected: saucepan, chef’s knife,
skillet, bowl, tsp, tbsp, chopping board, spoons, spatula,
blender, Oven, baking sheet with parchment paper,
food processor cleaning cloth, dustpan, garbage bin,
hand towel, gloves for handling oven. (Detailed
equipment list is provided with the recipes for the

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are
secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling
 Ergonomics
 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases
The correct type of knife is used for the relevant
preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the
standards laid.
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Name of the dish: Beet Kidney Bean Burger
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Mixture must be sticky and crumbly in texture; shape of
patties must be smooth.
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 21 Observation check list

Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed and wiped with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation
of the dish(es) here:
Preheating of oven
Accuracy in cooking of onion with other vegetables
Preparation of mixture, suitable for making patties
Accurate texture of cooked patties
Cutting and assembling of burger up to the standards
Any requirements were there of additional binding
Shape of patties to fit into burger
Way of adding herbs and spices
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are
followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required
for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Adjustments suggestions: (any adjustment as given
below if done, mark in the box)
o Food processor, if not available then
chop all ingredients finely and mash
the kidney beans with a fork.
Combine in a large bowl until
homogenous, then shape the patties
as desired.
o Other substitute for the ingredients
as mentioned in the above recipe: -
o Kidney Beans — use black beans or
white beans
o Walnuts — pecans, pumpkin seeds, or
sunflower seeds
o Beets — carrots, quinoa, rice,
cauliflower, and sweet potato can
 Flaxseeds — chia seeds, aquafaba or a store-
bought egg replacer
 Soy Sauce — our gluten-free friends can use
 Cumin & Parsley — any replacement with other

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 22 Observation check list

Special customer requests are provided for where
applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at
correct temperature (hot/cold)
Garnish with chopped micro greens
Accompaniments: check any of the following: -

 Carrots, cut into ribbons

 Avocado, smashed
 Mustard
 BBQ sauce
 Salad greens
 Micro greens
 sweet potato fries
 potato salad, or chips.

The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served

Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly.
Suggest use of leftover: -
 Any leftover patties can be added
to colourful, sandwiches, or wraps
 Any leftover cooked patties can be reheated
in the oven or a skillet — they will become a
bit drier, adding extra sauce to the bun will
balance this out.
 Place the patties in a freezer-friendly
container for longer storage and freeze for 2-
3 months. Put a piece of parchment paper
between the patties, so they don’t stick
together when frozen! Let them thaw before

Waste and perishables are discarded

Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals
are used

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 23 Observation check list

Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. (Leaking
tap, damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

Activity 5 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the
recipes given and steps followed met the organisational
The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Vegetables, herbs, sweet chilli sauce, rice
noodles, sprout beans, rice paper rounds, hoisin
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:
Pieces of equipment selected: saucepan, chef’s knife,
skillet, bowl, tsp, tbsp, chopping board, spoons, spatula,
cleaning cloth, dustpan, garbage bin, hand towel. -
(Detailed equipment list is provided with the recipes for
the reference).

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 24 Observation check list

secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling
 Ergonomics
 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases
The correct type of knife is used for the relevant
preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the
standards laid.
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Name of the dish :Rice Paper Rolls
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Rice paper rolls properly moistened/not dry/folded
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed and wiped with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation
of the dish(es) here:
Accurate softness of noodles
Cleaning and cutting of vegetables as per recipe norms
Proper moistness of rice paper roll
Adequate assembling of ingredients
Way of adding herbs and spices
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are
followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 25 Observation check list

for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Adjustments if any (gluten intolerance, nut allergy,
dairy free etc.)
Special customer requests are provided for where
applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at
correct temperature (hot/cold)
Garnish with chopped coriander leaves
Accompaniments: - hoisin sauce and remaining sweet
chili sauce.

The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served

Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly.
Suggest use of leftover: -

Best eaten fresh, but if stored then must be wrapped

individually in cling film and can be kept for 6-8 hours.
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals
are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. (Leaking
tap, damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

Activity 6 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the
recipes given and steps followed met the organisational

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 26 Observation check list

The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Rolled oats, apple, soy yoghurt, soy milk, hazel
nuts, honey
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:
Pieces of equipment selected: fry pan for roasting,
lemon squeezer, grater, chef’s knife, bowl, tsp, tbsp,
chopping board, spoons, spatula, cleaning cloth,
dustpan, garbage bin, hand towel. (Detailed equipment
list is provided with the recipes for the reference).

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are
secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling
 Ergonomics
 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases
The correct type of knife is used for the relevant
preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the
standards laid.
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 27 Observation check list

Name of the dish :Bircher Muesli with Soy Milk
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Soya milk added to obtain the dropping Consistency
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed and wiped with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation
of the dish(es) here:
Oats reasonable tender as per the recipe standards
Consistency of mixture as desired
Accurate colour of roasted hazel nuts
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are
followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required
for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Adjustments if any (gluten intolerance, nut allergy,
dairy free etc.)
Special customer requests are provided for where
applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at
correct temperature (hot/cold)
Garnish with cuts of fresh or poached fruits
Accompaniments – apple sauce
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 28 Observation check list

Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly.
Suggest use of leftover/storage conditions: -

Best eaten fresh, but if stored then must be stored in a

clean vessel wrapped with cling film and stored away
from non-vegetarian products under refrigeration.
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals
are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. (Leaking
tap, damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

Activity 7 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the
recipes given and steps followed met the organisational
The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Pineapple rings, extra firm tofu, vermicelli
noodles, wasabi peas, red miso paste,
vegetables, herbs
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 29 Observation check list

Pieces of equipment selected: nonstick fry pan, pestle
and mortar, chef’s knife, conical strainer, bowl, tsp,
tbsp, chopping board, spoons, spatula, cleaning cloth,
dustpan, garbage bin, hand towel. (Detailed equipment
list is provided with the recipes for the reference).

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are
secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling
 Ergonomics
 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases
The correct type of knife is used for the relevant
preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the
standards laid.
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Name of the dish :Sticky miso peppers
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Extra firm tofu
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 30 Observation check list

different tasks
Hands are washed and wiped with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation
of the dish(es) here:
Ensure proper colouring of pineapple
Charing of tofu is as per recipe norms
Ensure standards cutting of vegetables
Doneness of noodles
Way of adding herbs and spices
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are
followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required
for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Adjustments if any
alternatively crunchy nut such as cashew or
pistachio can be used

Special customer requests are provided for where

applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at
correct temperature (hot/cold)
Sprinkle with the sliced green spring onion and
crushed wasabi peas.

Adequate Accompaniments used-with rice /noodles

The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly.
Suggest use of leftover/storage conditions: -

Best eaten fresh, but if stored then must be stored in a

clean vessel wrapped with cling film and stored away
from non-vegetarian products under refrigeration.
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 31 Observation check list

The workplace is cleaned
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals
are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. (Leaking
tap, damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

Activity Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

Activity 8 Element 1: Select Ingredients for vegetarian and vegan
The food production requirements are as per the
recipes given and steps followed met the organisational
The ingredient amounts are calculated, referring the
recipe as given
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Vegetables, button mushrooms, Arborio rice,
vegetable stock, white wine, nutritional yeast,
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked
and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the
dish is/are identified:
Pieces of equipment selected: large pot with lid, bowl,
tsp, tbsp, chopping board, spoons, spatula, cleaning
cloth, dustpan, garbage bin, hand towel. (Detailed
equipment list is provided with the recipes for the

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions
Workplace health and safety are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 32 Observation check list

 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform (chef cap/apron) and loose parts are
secured from being caught
 Slips trips and falls
 Knife safety
 Manual handling
 Ergonomics
 Contact with steam, hot surfaces / ingredient
 Contact with chemicals / cleaning substances
 Machinery
 Fire
 Gas appliances
 Infectious diseases
The correct type of knife is used for the relevant
preparation method
The equipment is used safely and hygienically as per the
standards laid.
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Name of the dish :Vegan Mushroom Risotto
Enter the observation criteria relevant for the dish here and/or add
multiple criteria for multiple dishes
Ingredients are sorted and assembled as per food
production sequencing
Ingredients are weighed and measured according to
recipe portion requirements
Consistent vegetable stock, flavourful Arborio rice
Clean ingredients, cut in uniform size as per recipe
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish,
with minimal wastage to get adequate yield
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste
and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for
different tasks
Hands are washed and washed with hand towel in
between different tasks
Element 4: Cook vegetarian and vegan dishes
Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation
of the dish(es) here:
Colour of sautéed onion
Doneness of Arborio rice
Proper absorption of vegetable stock
Suitable aroma before service as per need of recipe
Way of adding herbs and spices
The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 33 Observation check list

followed correctly
The cookery method(s)sauté’, frying, roasting required
for the dish are applied correctly
The correct accompaniment and garnishes are selected
for the dish
Adjustments if any (gluten intolerance, nut allergy,
dairy free etc.)
Special customer requests are provided for where
applicable using correct products and cookery methods
Element 5: Present and store vegetarian and vegan
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at
correct temperature (hot/cold)
Sprinkle with some chopped herbs.

Adequate Accompaniments Used-Parmesan cheese,

grated truffles
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed
and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled
and stored correctly.
Suggest use of leftover/storage conditions: -

Best eaten fresh, but if stored then must be stored in a

clean vessel wrapped with cling film and stored away
from non-vegetarian products under refrigeration.
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned
Suitable cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals
are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly
maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant. (Leaking
tap, damaged gas pilot, wobbly tables, etc.)

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 34 Observation check list

SITHCCC031 P a g e | 35 Observation check list

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