MODUL AJAR Observasi Bu Aan
MODUL AJAR Observasi Bu Aan
MODUL AJAR Observasi Bu Aan
Nama Penyusun : Sumiati, S.Pd. Alokasi Waktu : 2 JP (1 x Pertemuan)
Satuan : SMPN 1 Dayeuhkolot Tahun Penyusunan : 2024
Kelas / Semester : VIII/Genap Fase : D
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Elemen Mapel : Menyimak–Berbicara
• Talk about past incidents or events;
• Make questions for a short interview about past incidents or events;
• Identify the main idea and detailed information on a series of past incidents or
• Write a series of past events.
Project Based Learning (PBL) terintegrasi pembelajaran berdiferensiasi
• Talk about past incidents or events;
• Make questions for a short interview about past incidents or events;
• Identify the main idea and detailed information on a series of past incidents or
• Write a series of past events.
B. Pertemuan Ke-2
• Look at Picture 4.7. What happened to the sea animals in the pictures?
• How do you think it happened?
• Why did both turtles look sad?
• Why did one turtle bring a sign ‘No More Plastic’?
• Look at Picture 4.12 and answer the questions. Why did the swimmer in the irst
picture look angry?
• What do you think is on the man’s head in the second picture? Why is it on his
C. Pertemuan Ke-3
• What is the poem about?
• Can you help with the problem of plastic pollution? How?
• Look at Picture 4.14 and discuss the following questions with a friend. What did
the people in the pictures decide to do? Who mainly showed up to help collect
the trash in the pictures? What kind of trash did they mostly pick up? Do you
think many people realize the dangers of plastic to the environment?
• The following table shows you how the irst two stories end. Can you tell how the
last story ends? Tick the best column indicating how the last story ends.
Section 7 − Enrichment
• Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan pengayaan bagi peserta didik yang sudah mahir.
• Peserta didik dapat menggunakan teknologi search engine pada telepon pintar bila
memungkinkan untuk mencari gambar-gambar berita mati listrik atau mati air, sebagai
• Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menggunakan gambar yang mereka dapat dan pilih
serta melaporkannya di depan kelas.
Penutup (10 Menit)
1. Siswa dan guru menyimpulkan pembelajaran hari ini.
2. Refleksi pencapaian siswa/formatif asesmen, dan refleksi guru untuk mengetahui ketercapaian
proses pembelajaran dan perbaikan.
3. Menginformasikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan pada pertemuan berikutnya.
4. Guru mengakhiri kegiatan belajar dengan memberikan pesan dan motivasi tetap semangat belajar
dan diakhiri dengan berdoa.
1. Diagnostic Assessment Rubric
Date : ………………………………………….
Class : ………………………………………….
Chapter/Unit : ………………………………………….
Students S/he can answer S/he can answer S/he can answer S/he cannot
simple questions simple questions simple questions provide any
independently with the help of with the help of answer
the peers to the teacher’s
teacher questions
2. Remedial
• Gru melakukan analisa dari hasil pembahasan releksi peserta didik dan dari hasil
penilaian untuk menentukan remedial teaching.
• Guru dapat meminta dan menunjukkan peserta didik untuk melakukan
independent remedial learning.
A. Refleksi Guru:
1. Apakah kegiatan pembelajaran berlangsung dengan baik?
2. Apa momen paling berkesan saat proses kegiatan pembelajaran?
3. Apa tantangan yang dihadapi saat proses kegiatan pembelajaran?
4. Bagaimana cara mengatasi tantangan tersebut?
A. Penilaian Pembelajaran 1
One way to ask the ‘Yes/No’ questions is to use the auxiliary verb ‘Did’. The auxiliary is followed
by a subject and the base form of the main verb. The other way to ask the ‘Yes/No’ questions is
by using past tense to be: ‘was’ and ‘were’, when there is no main verb in the questions. We use
‘was’ for ‘He, She, It and I’, while ‘were’ for ‘They, We and You’.
Look at the examples in the following table. They are taken from the dialogue in Audio 4.1.
A team of scientists from Texas University helped an injured sea turtle when they sailed in the
ocean near Costa Rica.
The scientists were collecting data on sea turtles when they saw the injured turtle. They noticed
something in the nose of the turtle when it was swimming near their boat. But, they initially
thought it was only a worm.
The scientists were curious. They caught the turtle to examine the object in the turtle’s nose. They
wanted to make sure it was not a dangerous parasite. They extracted a couple of centimeters of
the object with pliers. The object came out. It was wrinkled and brownish.
The scientists removed the object immediately because they were far away in the ocean. They
spent almost ten minutes pulling it from the nostril of a sea turtle. With great diiculty, they
succeeded in pulling the straw out of the turtle’s nostril. The nostril was bleeding, but the turtle
was safe.
The straw incident proved how dangerous plastic was to animals in the oceans.
Lampiran 3 : Glosarium
decay, throw into, litter, lood, problem, river, trash, nearby town, one of the causes, back then.
Lampiran 4 : Daftar Pustaka
• Buku paket Bahasa Inggris kelas VIII
• Internet (Google Cendekia, Youtube dan Situs