Agribusiness Edited

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Republic of the Philippines


Puerto Princesa City


Approval Sheet

Course Title: Agribusiness (Introduction to Agribusiness Entrepreneurial and Management)

Course Code/ Number: ELECTIVE 1
Semester and School Year: 1st Semester, 2023-2024
Program and Year Level: BSE 2

Revision Level Effective Date Details of Origination/ Revision Author/ Subject Matter Expert
001 August 30, 2022 Course outcome (application), concise topics, learning activities, Melojane Barcelona
and self-assessment
002 August 2023 Revision of Topics, Learning Activities and Materials, Course Melojane Barcelona
Format, Course Policy, Course Requirements, Time Frame, and

Prepared by Recommending Approval Approved


Name and Signature of Faculty Member Name and Signature of Chairman on Instruction Name and Signature of Campus Director
Date: Date: Date:

An internationally recognized university that provides relevant and innovative education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable
PSU Vision
Palawan State University is committed to upgrade people’s quality of life by providing education opportunities through excellent instruction,
PSU Mission
research and innovation, extension, production services, and transnational collaborations.

E – Excellence in service; Q – Quality assurance; U- Unity in diversity; A- Advocacy for sustainable development; L – Leadership by
PSU Shared Values
example; I – Innovation; T – Transparency; Y – Youth empowerment

The Palawan State University graduates are expected to be agents of change, creative and critical thinkers, effective communicators,
Institutional Outcomes
research-oriented learners, and value laden individuals.
The goal of PSU Araceli Campus is to be the leading center in business education by producing dynamic, empowered and competent
leaders and entrepreneurs for lifelong learning and sustainable development

At the end of the program, graduates of BS Entrepreneurship should be able to:

A. Set up a business
College Goals and
Program Objectives B. Manage and operate a business

C. Assume Managerial position in the field of Business Development,

Corporate Planning and other positions in the corporate or Public
organization or Non-Government organization.

Course Title Agribusiness (Introduction to Agribusiness Entrepreneurial and Management

Course Code/ Number ELECTIVE 1
This course designed to provide the students the introductory information about agribusiness issues, practices, and sample agribusiness
enterprises to give them the foundation to be successful in agribusiness courses. This also provides the basics to meet the students’
Course Description
expectation for basic knowledge in relations to agribusiness.

Credit Units 3 units

Course Prerequisites None

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Course Outcomes Program Outcomes

a B C d e F
1. To develop a basic understanding of P D D
agribusiness concepts, nature and importance
2. Differentiate agribusiness and agriculture in P P P
terms of process, marketing, and profit
3. Able to determine agribusiness opportunities D D D
Link to Program within the locality
Outcomes Legend ( for program outcomes):
I- Introduced concepts/ principle P- Practiced with supervision D- Demonstrated across different settings with minimal supervision
a. Conduct a self-assessment to determine level of entrepreneurial competencies
b. Analyze/scan environment to determine business opportunities and develop their profitability profiles from which
entrepreneurial ventures can be selected from.
c. Prepare a business plan
d. Mobilize the necessary human, financial, logistical, and technical resources to implement the business plan
e. Prepare and comply with requirements for business operation
f. Operate and manage the enterprise observing good governance and social responsibility
At the end of the course the students should be able to:
1. Able to analyze how marketing relates to Agribusiness.
Course Outcomes
2. Analyze the trends that have occurred in Philippine farming and agribusiness.
3. Define and understand the importance of Agribusiness in improving individual’s quality of life and Philippine Economy.

This course shall use lectures, peer discussions with active participation, reporting, interviews, quizzes and assignments
Course Format


Intended Teaching and

Course Learning Course Content/ Subject Resource Textbooks/
Time Frame Learning Assessment Tasks
Outcomes Outcomes Matter/ Topic Materials References
Week 1 Expound the PSU PSU Mission and Vision Presentation of Oral Presentation Copy of PSU PSU Mission and
Doc Ref. No.: Revision Level: Effective Date: Page Number: 5 of 11

Mission and PSU Mission and Vision of PSU Mission and Mission and Vision
Vision Vision Vision
Able to define Student will have a
Week 2-4 Agribusiness Module 1. Introduction Modules will be given volunteer to recite
Describe to Agribusiness to the Students. the refine definition
Agribusiness - Definition Student will be of agribusiness.
concepts and - Nature required to read the Student will be
dimension. - Importance modules given. required to submit a
Point out the Student will be reaction paper
importance of required to come up regarding the
agribusiness to with definition of pictured presented
economy and Agribusiness. in the class with
society. nature and
importance of

Module 2. Difference
Week 5-7 between Agribusiness
and Agriculture
- Process and
Marketing of
- Process and
Marketing of

Interview of the local farmers in Araceli, Palawan

Week 8 (Experience and Stories)

Week 9 MIDTERM Examination

Week 10-11 Module 3. Agricultural

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- Scope
- International
Marketing of

Week 12-14 Module 4.

Opportunity in the
- Career and
- Successful Stories

Week 15-16 Module 5. Role of

Agribusiness in the
Philippine Economy
Week 17 Interview of the local Agribusiness Owners in Araceli, Palawan
(Experience and Stories)
Laptop and Projector
Course Requirements Midterm/finals
Requirements Examination 25%
Seat work 20%
Long Quiz 20%
Participation 15%
Assignment/ Short Quizzes 10%
Major Requirements 10%
Total 100%
Course 1. English is the medium of instruction. Students are encouraged to use English both in-class activities and course requirements.
Policies 2. Integrity in all academic works is expected from the students. Plagiarism and other forms of dishonesty is strictly prohibited. Violation of
such will mean failure in the particular course requirements where dishonesty was committed.
3. Students are required to submit all requirements on time. Late requirements will not be accepted unless for valid reasons.
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4. Offensive and unpleasant words included in the video clips, flex, and other social media works will not be graded and accepted.
5. Students should follow the University policy by using a corporate email for Google classroom learning and other inquiries.
6. Students should inform the instructor using any social media flat form on any problems/ issues encounter during the Covid 19
pandemic period for some adjustment and convenience.
Supplementar E-books and videos
y Material/s
Consultation Wednesday (1:00-4:15 pm)

Document Setup/ Format:

1. Font: Arial
2. Font size: 11 pts
3. Document size: legal (8.5 x 13 inches)
4. Margins: 1’’ top, 1” bottom, 1” right, and1” left
5. Orientation: landscape

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