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Journal of Oral Science, Vol. 58, No. 2, 157-161, 2016


The effect of amine-free initiator system and

the polymerization type on color stability of resin cements
Çağrı Ural1), İbrahim Duran1), Numan Tatar2),
Özgür Öztürk1), İsmail Kaya1), and İdris Kavut1)
1)Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey
2)Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey
(Received November 10, 2015; Accepted January 14, 2016)

Abstract: We investigated the short-term (4 weeks)

color stability of light-cure and dual-cure resin
cements. Sixty disk-shaped test specimens of adhesive Introduction
resin cement (10 × 1 mm) were prepared. One feld- Tooth-colored restorative materials have been widely
spathic porcelain test specimen (12 × 14 × 0.8 mm) used in dental practice to meet esthetic demands of
was prepared from a prefabricated ceramic block. patients (1-3). Ceramic restorations, including laminate
The feldspathic sample was placed on the resin cement veneers, inlays, onlays, and crowns are among the most
disk and all the measurements were performed popular choices; however, these restorations must be
without cementation. Specific color coordinate differ- bound to the natural tooth surface using adhesive cement.
ences (ΔL, Δa, and Δb), and the total color differences Cements are categorized according to their polymeriza-
(ΔE) were calculated after immersion in distilled tion type or bonding procedure, and include total etch,
water for different periods. Data were compared one-step etch bond, self-adhesive resins, chemically
using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (α = cured resins, dual-cure resins, and light-cured resins
0.05). The test results revealed that different chemical (3-5). Different cements and cementing processes are
structures and curing modes affected the ΔE values necessary for different types of restorations.
(P < 0.05). The highest ΔE values were obtained for Laminate veneer is a unique case of dental restoration
RelyX Unicem dual-cure cement (2.14 ± 0.40), and the method. In general, the laminate veneer restorations are
lowest for NX3 light-cure cement (0.78 ± 0.34). Third relatively thin and reflect the color of cement, which is
generation adhesive resin cement free of tertiary often a light-cured resin. Dual-cure resin cements are
amines and benzoyl peroxide showed relatively slight also used for restorations in places of difficult access;
color change in both test groups (light-cure and dual- they can be polymerized in areas where the curing light
cure resin cement). (J Oral Sci 58, 157-161, 2016) cannot penetrate (5).
Discoloration of resin cements is a common problem,
Keywords: color stability; polymerization; resin cement. particularly in translucent restorations. In fact, color
changes in the restorations and the surrounding tissue
are the primary reasons for the replacement of esthetic
restorations (3).
Discoloration can be due to either extrinsic or intrinsic
factors. The extrinsic factors include stains caused by
Correspondence to Dr. Çağrı Ural, Department of Prosthodontics, food, smoking, and beverages (6). The intrinsic factors
Faculty of Dentistry, Ondokuz Mayıs University, 55139,
Kurupelit, Samsun, Turkey are directly related to the restorative material, such as
Fax: +90-362-457-60-32 E-mail: [email protected] the chemical composition of the material, filler type, composition of the resin matrix, photoinitiator type,
DN/JST.JSTAGE/josnusd/15-0619 polymerization type, and the ratio of the carbon-carbon

Table 1 Tested adhesive resin materials

Product Group Shade Initiator system Content Manufacturer
NX3 NXLC Clear Light cure Free tertiary amines and Uncured methacrylate ester monomers, inert Kerr, Canada
benzoyl peroxide mineral fillers, activators and stabilizers, and
radiopaque agent glycerine, water, fumed
silica and inert glass powder, gelatin
Rely X RXV Translucent Light cure Distinct amines react with BISGMA and TEGDMA polymer 3M Espe, USA
Veneer camphoroquinone
Variolink VRV Value 0 Light cure Distinct amines react with Dimethacrylates, inorganic fillers, ytterbium Ivoclar-Vivadent,
Veneer camphoroquinone trifluoride, catalysts and stabilizers, pigments Liechstein
NX3 Dual NXDC Clear Dual cure Free tertiary amines and HEMA, PTU, CHPO, uncured methacrylate Kerr, Canada
Cure benzoyl peroxide ester monomers, titanium dioxide, and pigments
Variolink VRDC Transparent Dual cure Distinct amines react with Barium glass, ytterbium trifluoride, Ba-Al-F Ivoclar-Vivadent,
II benzoyl peroxide (redox silicate glass, spheroid mixed oxide (%46 v, Liechstein
polymerization system) %70 w) BISGMA, UDMA, TEGDMA
Rely X RXU Translucent Dual cure Distinct amines react with Methacrylate monomers, radiopaque silanated 3M Espe, USA
Ultimate benzoyl peroxide (redox fillers, initiator, stabilizer, rheological addi-
polymerization system) tives. Catalyst paste: methacrylate monomers,
radiopaque alkaline (basic) fillers, initiator,
stabilizer, pigments, rheological additives
BISGMA: Bisphenol-A-diglycidyl ether dimethacrylate; TEGDMA: triethylene glycol dimethacrylate; HEMA: hydroxyethyl methacrylate; PTU: pyridyl
thiourea; CHPO: cumene hydroperoxide.

double bonds (7-10). The discoloration caused by Materials and Methods

intrinsic factors is accelerated by UV irradiation and The composition and the polymerization type (given
temperature changes (11). Dual-cure resins contain by the manufacturers) of the test specimens used in this
tertiary amines and benzoyl peroxide and tend to darken study are listed in Table 1. The table also contains the
over time. In contrast, the color of the photo-initiator names and definitions of the experimental groups. The
camphoroquinone, commonly used in light-cured specimens were of 10 mm diameter, corresponding to the
cements, is more stable. Insufficiently polymerized spectrophotometer sample compartment size, and of 1
camphoroquinone however, gradually yellows (3,8,12). mm in thickness as required by ISO 7491:2000 (21) (n
To prevent discoloration, some resin cements have been = 10). An acrylic mold was used. The specimens were
made without a tertiary amine photoinitiator. Recently, light-cured directly using an LED curing unit (Elipar
new resin cements without a benzoyl peroxide/amine S10; 3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany) for 40 s, at four
redox initiator system have been shown to be more color- equidistant points on the disk. The light irradiance was
stable (13). In clinical practice, a discoloration of fully measured with a radiometer (LED Demetron, Demetron
polymerized resin cements has also been observed, even Research Corp., Danbury, CT, USA), and confirmed
after a short time. However, most of the discolorations for all groups as 850 mW/cm2. The specimens were
depend on the intrinsic factors and the chemical structure ground using a series of silicon carbide papers (#200,
of the cement. Many studies have examined the color 400, and 600). The grinding and polishing procedures
stability of resin cements (14-16). However, most of were performed on one side of the specimens to obtain
them have investigated just the extrinsic factors. Only a 1.0 mm thickness. The thickness was checked using
few studies have focused on the resin cement material a digital micrometer (MDC-25 M, Mitsutoyo, Tokyo,
itself (17-19), despite the known effect of the resin color Japan). One feldspathic porcelain test specimen (12 × 14
on the final restoration (20). × 0.8 mm) was prepared from a prefabricated ceramic
The objective of this study was to compare the short- block (CEREC Blocks, Sirona Dental Systems GmbH,
term color stability of light-cured and dual-cured resin Bensheim, Germany). Each specimen was immersed in
cements, using an amine-free initiator system. The null 100 mL of distilled water at 37 ± 2°C for 24 h and 4
hypothesis for this research was that the chemical struc- weeks. Before the colorimetric measurements, the resin
ture and polymerization type of the resin cements would specimens were cleaned using an ultrasonic cleaner
not affect color stability. in distilled water for 10 min and dried with oil-free

Table 2 Mean and standard deviation of the color difference (ΔE) values after
immersion in distilled water for 4 weeks
Distilled water immersion
Polymerization type Test groups ΔE values*
Start (1 day) 4 weeks
Light cure NXLC L 84.64 84.27 0.78 ± 0.34a
a −0.27 −0.09
b 6.76 6.62
Light cure VRV L 83.87 83.02 0.97 ± 0.24a
a 2.19 2.17
b 7.97 8.29
Light cure RXV L 86.7 85.95 1.01 ± 0.33a
a −0.6 −0.65
b 4.72 5.24
Dual cure NXDC L 85.9 85.15 1.08 ± 0.34a
a −1.06 −1.04
b 6.84 7.17
Dual cure VRDC L 85.57 83.18 1.21 ± 0.53a
a -0.16 −0.01
b 5.77 5.57
Dual cure RXU L 84.71 82.29 2.14 ± 0.40 b
a −0.33 −0.37
b 7.47 7.36
*In “ΔE values” column, different letters indicate a significant difference.

Table 3 One-way ANOVA test results

Sum of squares df Mean square F Sig.
Between groups 7,016 5 1,403 9,911 0.000
Within groups 4,248 30 142
Total 11,264 35

compressed air for 30 s. The CIE L*a*b* values of the 0.05). The data were statistically analyzed using one-way
polished surfaces of each specimen were measured on ANOVA. Homogeneity of variance was examined using
a white surface. To simulate the clinical conditions, the Levene’s test (P > 0.05). For multiple comparison of
feldspathic porcelain specimen was placed on the resin mean values, the Tukey’s honestly significant difference
cement disc and all the measurements were performed on test was used (α = 0.05).
the specimen without cementation. Before each measure-
ment, the spectrophotometer (Vita Easyshade, Vident, Results
Brea, CA, USA) was calibrated according to the manu- All the mean L*a*b* values and ΔE values are listed in
facturer’s recommendations. Specific color coordinate Table 2. One-way ANOVA test results (Table 3) revealed
differences (ΔL, Δa, and Δb) were calculated on the first that different resin cements with different chemical struc-
day and after 4 weeks of immersion in distilled water. tures and curing modes affected the ΔE values (P < 0.05).
The total color differences (ΔE) were calculated using The highest ΔE values (total color difference) were
the following formula; ΔE = ((ΔL)2 + (Δa)2 + (Δb)2)1/2, obtained in the Rely X Ultimate RXU (2.14 ± 0.40) group
where L refers to the brightness, a stands for the redness (see Table 1 for group characteristics), and the lowest in
to greenness, and b for yellowness to blueness. High ΔE the NX3 NXLC (0.78 ± 0.34) group. All the light-cure
value indicates a large color difference. Three measure- resin cements showed lower ΔE values than the dual-cure
ments were taken for each specimen, and the average resin cements. The resin cements with the amine-free
values were calculated. initiator system (NXLC and NXDC) had relatively low
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS ΔE values in both light-cure and dual-cure resin cement
software program (SPSS 21.0, IBM SPSS Statistics, groups. However, only the RXU group showed a signifi-
Armonk, NY, USA). According to Kolmogorov-Smirnov cant difference in comparison with other test groups (P <
test results, all the data showed a normal distribution (P > 0.05). Although there was no significant difference (P >

0.05), most of the dual-cure resin cements showed higher or Δb of the resin cement (27). The color changes in
ΔE values when compared with light-cure resin cements. the present study ranged from 0.78 to 2.14; the values
were below the clinically acceptable limit of 2.7 for the
Discussion composite disks. These findings are consistent with the
The findings of this in vitro study demonstrated that our study of Shiozawa et al. (3), where ΔE values are in the
null hypothesis (the chemical structure and polymeriza- range of 0.5 to 1.3 for dual-cure resin cements.
tion type of the adhesive-resin cements do not affect color As expected, the light-cured resin cements had lower
stability) should be rejected. In practice, the short-term ΔE values in comparison with the dual-cure resin
color stability of the resin cement is important because cements. The higher values for the latter can be attrib-
the discoloration of restorations, after cementation, is uted to their chemical composition; the degradation of
esthetically unappealing. This study evaluated the effect residual amines or oxidation of unreacted carbon-carbon
of different light- and dual-cure resin cements on the double bonds might have caused some discoloration
internal color stability. (27). We expected that the dualcure resin cements would
Color changes are generally determined using a be less color stable than the light-polymerized materials;
spectrophotometer. The CIE L*a*b* system, one of the however, our data revealed no statistically significant
most common color measurement systems in use, was differences between color changes in these two types.
employed in this study to evaluate three different color Most self-cure or dual-cure resin cements use benzoyl
parameters (10): the changes in shade ΔL, the changes peroxide and tertiary amines to initiate the polymeriza-
in hue on the red/green scale Δa, and the changes in hue tion and curing, and this chemical combination tends
on the yellow/blue scale, Δb (22). The spectrophotometry to discolor with time (3,8,28). Among the dual-cure
data were translated into quantitative values (23). There cements, the NXDC group had lower ΔE values than the
are different opinions on what constitutes a noticeable others. This third-generation adhesive resin cement uses
color change (24). an amine-free redox initiator system and optimized resin
In recent years, the ΔE values of 1.028 and 2.629 matrix, lower ΔE values may attributed to this point. In
were used for the interpretation of visual thresholds (24) the light-cured resin cement group, the NXLC group had
for the direct restorative dental materials and dentures, the lowest ΔE test values. Our findings are in accordance
respectively (25), because these values reflect a 50% drop with the results of Smith et al. (13), who have shown that
in perceptibility. For other materials, the reported 50% resin cements lacking benzoyl peroxide and an amine
acceptability thresholds were set at the ΔE value of 2.7 redox initiator system are more color stable.
for resin disks, 3.3 for direct restorative dental materials, Clinicians should feel confident using the dual-cure
and 5.5 for dentures (25,26). adhesive resin cements for the laminate veneers. Previous
The resin cement thickness used in this study (1 mm) reports have shown that the difference between the color
was larger than the thickness used in clinical settings. stability of light- and dual-cure resin cements is not
However, it was chosen according to the ISO standards acceptable. (22,27). This might be related to the oxygen-
(21) and spectrophotometry requirements. Our aim was inhibited layer that forms on the surface of the tooth.
to measure the color changes of light- and dual-cure resin The color changewould increase in the presence of the
cements, simulating the clinical conditions for the feld- oxygen-inhibited layer. However, in our study, the tooth
spathic porcelain, which has a thickness of 0.8 mm. Only surfaces were polished and there was no oxygen-inhib-
one ceramic material, color, and thickness were selected ited layer (3). In a clinical setting, the oxygen-inhibited
for standardization; however, the porcelain test samples layer may be present and cause some discoloration of the
were not cemented because the surface treatments can restorations.
alter the light transmission and color stability. Here, we evaluated the color stability of light- and
Previous reports have suggested that the resin cement dual-cure adhesive resin cements after 4 weeks of water
is the primary cause of color changes in veneers, while immersion. The effect of long-term water immersion or
the ceramics cause only minimal discoloration (27). The thermal cycling was not assessed. Therefore, additional
incubation time in this study was 4 weeks, consistent studies are required to evaluate the effect of such treat-
with the periods used in previous colorimetric studies ment on the color stability of resin cements.
(10). Some investigations have shown that the resin Considering the limitations of this study, the following
cements produce color changes in specific combinations conclusions were drawn: 1) the color changes of both
with ceramic restorations. Moreover, the final color of light- and dual-cure resin cements were within clini-
the restoration may be altered depending on the ΔL, Δa, cally acceptable limits; 2) although the light-cured resin

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