352v12 FAQs
352v12 FAQs
352v12 FAQs
16. How can I ensure I'm able to finish my examination within the time allowed?
You will have 3 hours for the Midterm and 3 hours for the Final Exam. As with any exam
in most accounting courses, you will need good time management skills in order to
complete these exams within the time allowed. You can improve your time management
skills as you study by setting a timer and completing the practice exams within a limited
time, without looking at the solutions or any notes.
17. How do I budget my time in an exam?
You should make sure to leave about 30 minutes to complete the short answer
questions, which leaves 2.5 hours for the quantitative problem-solving questions.
Use the number of marks allocated for each question to determine how much time to
spend on each. Here’s an example for how to budget your time for 3 hours (180 minutes)
given the following question breakdown.
Question 1: 15 marks
Question 2: 25 marks
Question 3: 5 marks
Question 4: 10 marks
Question 5: 20 marks
Total: 75 marks
LYRYX Questions
31. Are there any special features available in the LYRYX questions?
The drag-and-drop feature is very useful and a big time saver. You can drag information
such as account names and account totals from T-accounts and drop them into
documents such as the trial balance. Point to the item you want to move, hold down the
left-click on your mouse, and drag the item to where you want to drop it. You may find
the drag-and-drop tutorial useful.
32. Can I run more than one LYRYX question at the same time?
LYRYX supports only one active question at a time. If you have more than one question
open, you will not be able to submit. If you run one question at a time, you should not
experience problems submitting.
LYRYX Support
44. If I have re-registered in ACCT 352, can LYRYX grades from my original
registration be forwarded to my re-registration?
Course Information
47. I would like to be part of a study group. How do I make that happen?
Athabasca University Students’ Union maintains a database of students who wish to be
Study Buddies. If you would like to connect with another student for discussion
purposes, contact the Students’ Union at 1-800-788-9041 ext. 3413 or [email protected].
You can also check the link to the Study Buddy Board at
http://www.ausu.org/services/studybuddy.php. Alternatively, you can use the chat
function in LYRYX to find a fellow student interested in a study group.
48. I have re-registered in the course. Has anything changed?
We are always striving to improve the course and so changes are made (some small and
some more substantial) even if you have re-registered in the same version of the
course. If you require additional information about changes to the course since you last
registered, please contact the Student Support Centre at 1-800-468-6531 or complete
the online request form on the course site.
49. Does ACCT 352 reflect recent changes in accounting standards?
Yes. ACCT 352 reflects the current accounting requirements, based on IFRS
(International Financial Reporting Standards). AU’s accounting courses are IFRS
50. If I plan to pursue an accounting designation, do I need to achieve a certain
grade point average (GPA)?
Requirements vary. Consult with a Senior Program Advisor at business-
[email protected] or 1-800-468-6531. For more information on the accounting
designations consult the Professional Accounting Designations information on AU’s
Faculty of Business site.
51. Can I challenge this course?
No. This course is not challengeable.
52. What grades do I need to pass the course?
To receive credit for ACCT 352, you must achieve: a) a mark of at least “D” (50%) on
Enhanced Features
Chapter Questions