Question Bank H 1

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Engineering Thermodynamics

Question Bank (H.E./H.P./R)

Class : S.E. B/C
Course Teacher : Mr. Ummid Sahikh
1. A heat engine of 30 % thermal efficiency is used to drive a refrigerator having COP of 5. If
this refrigerator is used as a heat pump, how many MJ of heat will be available for heating the house
for each MJ input to the heat engine?
2. A heat engine operates between a source of 800​0​C and a sink of 30​0​C. What could be the least
rate of heat rejection per kW output of the engine?
3. A domestic refrigerator has to maintain a temperature of -15​0​C in the freezer when 1.75 kJ/s
of heat leaks into it steadily. What is the minimum power required when the ambient temperature is
4. A heat engine receives heat from a source at 1000°C and rejects the waste heat to a sink at
50°C. If heat is supplied to this engine at a rate of 100 kJ/s, the maximum power this heat engine can
produce is ...
5. An inventor claims to have developed a refrigeration system that removes heat from the
closed region at 12°C and transfers it to the surrounding air at 25°C while maintaining a COP of 6.5.
The inventor's claim is
6. During an experiment conducted in a room at 30°C, a laboratory assistant measures
that a refrigerator that draws 2 kW of power has removed 30,000 kJ of heat from the refrigerated
space, which is maintained at 25°C. The running time of the refrigerator during the the
experiment was 20 min. Determine whether these measurements are
7. An inventor claims to have developed an engine that takes in 105 MJ at a temperature of 400
K, rejects 42 M) at a temperature of 200 K, and delivers 15 kWh of mechanical work. Would you
advise investing money to put this engine in the market? Ans. No
8. If a refrigerator is used for heating purposes in winter so that the atmosphere becomes the cold
body and the room to be heated becomes the hot body, how much heat would be available for heating
for cach kW input to the driving motor? The COP of the refrigerator is 5, and the electromechanical
efficiency of the motor is 90%. How does this compare with resistance heating? Ans. 5.4 kW
9. Using an engine of 30% thermal efficiency to drive a refrigerator having a COP of 5, what is
the heat input into the engine for each MJ removed from the cold body by the refrigerator ? Ans.
666.67 kJ
10. If this system is used as a heat pump, how many MJ of heat would be available for heating for
cach MJ of heat input to the engine? Ans. 1.8 MJ
11. Two reversible heat engines A and B arc arranged in series, A rejecting heal directly to B.
Engine A receives 200 kJ at a temperature of 421°C from a hot source, while engine B is in
communication with a cold sink at a temperature of 4.4°C. If the work output of A is twice that of B.
find (a) the intermediate temperature between A and B. (b) the efficiency of each engine, and (c) the
heat rejected to the cold sink. Ans. 143.4°C, 40% and 33.5%. 80 kJ
12. A household refrigerator is maintained at a temperature of 2°C. Every time the door is opened,
warm material is placed inside, introducing an average of 420 kJ, but making only a small change in
the temperature of the refrigerator. The door is opened 20 times a day, and the refrigerator operates at
15% of the ideal COP. The cost of work is Rs. 2.50 per kWh. What is the monthly bill for this
refrigerator? The atmosphere is at 30°C. Ans Rs. 118.80
13. A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle takes in heat from a reservoir at 5°C and delivers
heat to a reservoir at 60°C. The heat pump is driven by a reversible heat engine which takes in heat
from a reservoir at 840°C and rejects heat to a reservoir at 60°C. The reversible heat engine also
drives a machine that absorbs 30 kW. If the heat pump extracts 17 KJ/s from the 5°C reservoir,
determine (a) the rate of heat supply from the 840°C source, and (b) the rate of heat rejection to the
60°C sink. Ans. (a) 47.61 kW; (b) 34.61 kW
14. A heat pump is used to maintain a house at a constant temperature of 23°C. The house is
losing heat to the outside air through the walls and the windows at a rate of 60,000 kJ/h while the
energy generated within the house from people, lights, and appliances amounts to 4000 kJ/h. For a
COP of 2.5, determine the required power input to the heat pump. Answer: 6.22 kW

15. An inventor claims to have developed a heat engine that receives 700 kJ of heat from a source
at 500 K and produces 300 kJ of net work while rejecting the waste heat to a sink at 290 K. Is this a
reasonable claim? Why?
16. In an effort to conserve energy in a heat-engine cycle, somebody suggests incorporating a
refrigerator that will absorb some of the waste energy QL and transfer it to the energy source of the
heat engine. Is this a smart idea? Explain.
17. Consider a building whose annual air-conditioning load is estimated to be 120,000 kWh in an
area where the unit cost of electricity is $0.10/kWh. Two air conditioners are considered for the
building. Air conditioner A has a seasonal average COP of 3.2 and costs $5500 to purchase and
install. Air conditioner B has a seasonal average COP of 5.0 and costs $7000 to purchase and install.
All else being equal, determine which air conditioner is a better buy.
18. An experimentalist claims that, based on his measurements, a heat engine receives 300 kJ of
heat from a source of 500 K, converts 160 kJ of it to work, and rejects the rest as waste heat to a sink
at 300 K. Are these measurements reasonable? Why?
19. A house that was heated by electric resistance heaters consumed 1200 kWh of electric energy
in a winter month. If this house were heated instead by a heat pump that has an average COP of 2.4,
determine how much money the home owner would have saved that month. Assume a price of 8.5
Rs/kWh for electricity.
20. Y​o​u are an engineer in an electric-generation station. You know that the flames in the boiler
reach a temperature of 1200 K and that cooling water at 300 K is available from
a nearby river. What is the maximum efficiency your plant will ever achieve?

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