Types and Classifications of Industrial Boilers
Types and Classifications of Industrial Boilers
Types and Classifications of Industrial Boilers
Boiler articles, Fire Tube Boilers, Power plant Articles, Water tube Boilers 34,817 Views
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What is a Boiler?
The boiler is an important piece of equipment for most industrial facilities and power plants. The boiler is a closed
pressure vessel in which water is converted into steam by the application of heat and used to produce high
pressure or low-pressure steam or to produce hot water for industrial or domestic use. Usually, boilers are coal or
Accessibility: The various parts of the boiler should be accessible for repair and maintenance.
Capacity: The boiler should be capable of supplying steam according to the requirements.
Boiler Efficiency: To permit efficient operation, the boiler should be able to absorb a maximum amount of heat
The boilers can be classified according to the flow of water and hot gases, There are two major types of boilers Fire
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Fire tube boilers are those boilers in which fire or flue gases are inside of the tubes and water is on the shell side.
Fire Tube Boilers are low capacity low-pressure boilers usually used for heating, and processors to produce hot
The arrangement in the Water tube boiler water is that the water is contained inside the tubes while the hot
combustion gas flows on the other side of the tubes. water tube boilers produce high-pressure steam which is used
for power generation purposes. water tube boilers are more efficient and less dangerous than fire tube boilers.
Mostly Fire tube boilers are Package type boilers that produce less amount and less pressure of steam than water
tube boilers.
According to ASME there every boiler have a pressure above 15 PSI is called a high-pressure boiler. but generally,
Low-pressure boilers have pressure below 300 psi (Bulk Boiling). Medium pressure Boilers have a pressure range
between 300 psi to 800 psi (mixed Nucleate or bulk Boiling). Boilers having Pressure above 800 psi (film Boiling) are
Process boilers, Utility boilers, and Marine boilers are examples of these types of boilers.
If the steam is used for process the is called a process boiler. Utility boilers are used to generate electricity in power
Induction Heating
(a) Stationary
Stationary and portable boilers, there are some boilers that are not stationary like Locomotive Boilers and Marine
According to the furnace position
Externally fired boilers and internally fired boilers. Some boilers have their furnace outside the boiler are called
externally fired boilers. In internally fired boilers the grate combustion chamber is enclosed within the boiler shell
whereas in the case of extremely fired boilers and furnace and grate are separated from the boiler shell.
External Furnace
(c) Compact.
Internal Furnace
Horizontal Tubular
(b) Locomotive
(c) Compact
(d) Scotch.
Vertical Tubular
(a) Vertical
(b) Horizontal
(c) Inclined.
Vertical and horizontal boilers. An example of a vertical boiler is the simple vertical boiler, Cochran boiler.
Horizontal boilers are Cornish boiler, Lancashire boiler, and Locomotive Boiler
Single tube and multi-tube boilers. Single tube boilers like Cornish boiler and simple vertical boiler. These boilers
Boilers are also classified as Natural circulation boilers and forced circulation boilers. The natural circulation limit is
Some companies make boilers like Babcock and Wilcox boilers and Cochran boilers. These boilers are famous for
(b) Cross-drum.
Cyclone furnace technology to burn coal grades that are not well-suited for pulverized coal combustion. The ash
from these coals has a very low melting temperature. This molten ash would normally be deposited on all
downstream heat transfer surfaces, causing severe slagging and fouling. Cyclone-fired boilers are known for their
high efficiency and ability to burn a wide range of fuels, including coal, biomass, and waste materials. They are
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