Math 7 - Quarter 3 - Module 6

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Third Quarter
Module 6: Geometric
Constructions Involving Lines,
Segments and Angles

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Third Quarter
Module 6: Geometric
Constructions Involving Lines,
Segments and Angles


This module is written in support of the K to 12 Basic Education Program to ensure

attainment of standards expected of you as a learner.
This aims to equip you with essential knowledge on the Geometric Constructions
involving lines, segments and angles.
This includes the following activities/tasks:
 Expected Learning Outcome – This lays out the learning outcome that you are
expected to have accomplished at the end of the module.
 Pre-test – This determines your prior learning on the particular lesson you are about to
 Discussion of the Lesson – This provides you with the application of the knowledge,
principles and attitude that will help you meet the expected learning outcome.
 Learning Activities – These provide you with the application of the knowledge and
principles you have gained from the lesson and enable you to further enhance your
skills as you carry out prescribed tasks.
 Post-test – This evaluates your overall understanding about the module.
With the different activities provided in this module, may you find this material engaging
and challenging as it develops your critical thinking skills.

What I Need to Know

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

 use a compass and straightedge to bisect line segments and angles and construct
perpendiculars and parallels.

What I Know
Directions: Construct the following, your points will be based on the scoring guide. Write
your answer on your notebook.

1. Construct a line segment whose measure

is the sum of the measures of these two lines

2. Construct a line segment whose measure is

the difference of the measures of these two lines

3. Construct a copy of this triangle.

4. Construct an angle congruent to

this one.


12 Points – Congratulations, all items are constructed!

9 Points – Great, three items are constructed!
6 Points – Wow, two items are constructed!
3 Points – Good, one item is constructed!

What`s In

Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters in every item to form the correct word being
described by the group of words at the right. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. L E U S P P T A R M Y E N – the sum of two given angles whose sum is 180

2. C P E L M O T A R M Y E N I - the sum of two given angles whose sum 90°
3. C A L I T V R E – opposite angles formed when two lines intersect
4. R N V R A L S E S A T- a line that intersects two or more lines
What`s New
Looking at the given figure, what have you observed?
What is the usage of it?
How helpful it is in geometry?

What Is It

Using only the compass and straightedge, we can perform the basic constructions in
geometry. We use a straightedge to construct a line, ray, or segment when two points are
given. The marks indicated in the ruler may not be used for measurement. We use a compass
to construct an arc (part of a circle) or a circle, given a center point and a radius length.

Construction 1. To construct a segment congruent to a given segment.

Given: Line segment AB:

Construct: Line segment XY congruent to AB.
Step 1. Use the Step 2. Fix compass Step 3. Mark on the
straight edge to draw opening to match the line the point Y with
a line and indicate a length of AB. distance AB from X.
point X on the line.

Construction 2. To construct an angle congruent to a given angle.

Given: ∠ A

Construct: ∠ W congruent to ∠ A

Step 1. Draw a ray with endpoint W.

Step 2. Draw a circular arc (part of a circle)

with center at A and cutting the sides of ∠ A at
points B and C, respectively.

Step 3. Draw a similar arc using center W and radius

AB, intersecting the ray at X.

Step 4. Set the compass opening to length BC.

Step 5. Using X as center and BC as radius, draw

an arc intersecting the first arc at point Y.
Step 6. Draw ray WY to complete ∠ W
congruent to∠ A .

Construction 3. To construct the bisector of a given angle.

The bisector of an angle is the ray through the vertex and interior of the angle which
divides the angle into two angles of equal measures.
Given: ∠ A
Locate points B and C one on each side of ∠ A so that AB = AC. This can be
done by drawing an arc of a circle with center at A.

Construct: Ray AX such that X is in the interior of ∠ BAC and ∠ BAX =


Step 1. Using C as Step 2. Then using B as Step 3. Ray AX is the

center and any radius center, construct an arc bisector of ∠ BAC .
r which is more than of the circle with the
half of BC, draw an same radius r and
arc of a circle in the intersecting the arc in
interior of ∠ A . the preceding step at
point X.
The midpoint of a line segment is the point on the line
segment that divides it into two equal parts.
Based on the figure, the midpoint of segment AB
is point C on AB such that AC = CB.
The perpendicular bisector of a line segment is the line
perpendicular to the line segment at its midpoint.
In the figure, line l is the perpendicular bisector of
segment AB.
The perpendicular bisector of a segment is exactly the set of all points equidistant
(with the same distance) from the two endpoints of the segment.
Construction 4. To construct the midpoint and perpendicular bisector of a segment.
Given: Segment AB

Construct: The midpoint C of AB and

the perpendicular bisector of AB.

Step 1. Using center A Step 2. Using center B Step 3. Line PQ is the

and radius r which is and radius r, draw arcs perpendicular bisector of
more than half of AB, crossing the two AB and the intersection of
draw two arcs on both previously drawn arcs PQ with AB is the
sides of AB. at points P and Q. midpoint of AB.

Construction 5. To construct a line that is perpendicular to a given line through a given point
on the line.

Given: Line l and point P on ℓ

Construct: Line through P perpendicular to ℓ

Step 1. Using center P and The perpendicular bisector of XY
any radius, locate two is the perpendicular to ℓ that
points, X and Y, on the passes through P.
circle which are on ℓ.

Construction 6. To construct a line that is perpendicular to a given line through a given point
not on the line.

Given: Line ℓ and point P which is not on ℓ.

Construct: Line through P perpendicular to ℓ.

Step 1. Using P as center draw The perpendicular bisector of XY

arcs of circle with big enough passes through P and is the line
radius to cross the line ℓ. Mark we want.
ℓ on the two points (X and Y)
crossed by the circle.

What’s More

Directions: In your notebook, draw ΔABC such that AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and AC = 7 cm

long. Use a ruler for this.

Do the following constructions using ΔABC.

1. Bisect the side BC.
2. Bisect the interior ∠B.

4 Points – Congratulations, all items are constructed!
2 Points – Good, one item is constructed!

What I Have Learned

I learned that:
 Using only the compass and straightedge, we can perform the basic constructions
in geometry. We use a straightedge to construct the following:
- segment congruent to a given segment use a straight edge and fix a compass
that match to the given segment.
- angle congruent to a given angle.
- the bisector of a given angle.
- the midpoint and perpendicular bisector of a segment.
- line that is perpendicular to a given line through a given point on the line.
- line that is perpendicular to a given line through a given point not on the line.
- line parallel to a given line and through a point not on the given line.

What I Can Do

Directions: Construct the following. Write your answer on your notebook.

1. Construct line p that is perpendicular bisector to AE.
2. Construct line l that bisects ∠AOE.

4 Points – Congratulations, all items are constructed!
2 Points – Good, one item is constructed!


A. Directions: For items 1- 4, choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your
1. What is the line perpendicular to the line segment at its midpoint?
a. compass c. perpendicular bisector
b. midpoint d. straightedge
2. Given a center point and a radius length, what are we going to use to
construct an arc (part of a circle) or a circle?
a. compass c. perpendicular bisector
b. midpoint d. straightedge
3. What do you call the point on the line segment that divides into two
equal parts?
a. compass c. perpendicular bisector
b. midpoint d. straightedge
4. Which of the following is an angle?
a. c.

b. d.

B. Directions: Using a compass and straightedge, construct the following on your

notebook. Your score will be based on the scoring guide.
1. Line segment AD.
2. Line BD that is perpendicular bisector of line AC.
3. An angle that measures 45° .
4. A triangle congruent to this figure

8 Points – Congratulations, all items are constructed!

6 Points – Great, three items are constructed!
4 Points – Wow, two items are constructed!
2 Points – Good, one item is constructed!

Answer Key

What I Know
(Possible Answer)



What’s In
1. Supplementary
2. Complementary
3. Vertical
4. Transversal
What’s More



What I Can Do
1. E

2. l


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D





Elizabeth R. Areson et al.Learner’s Material Mathematics 7.Pasig City: First Edition 2013.
Catalina B. Manalo et al.Next Century Mathematics 7.927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon
City.Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2012.

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