Class 6 Maths Chapter 14 Revision Notes

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Revision Notes

Class 6 - Maths
Chapter 14 - Practical Geometry

The methods for sketching geometrical forms are covered in this chapter.
● To create shapes, we employ the following mathematical instruments:
1. A graduated ruler –
o Along one edge, a ruler graduated in centimetres (and sometimes
into inches along the other edge).
o It is used to draw and measure the line segments.
2. The compass –
o It is a pair of a pencil on one end and a pointer on the other.
o It is used not to measure the equal lengths, but to mark them off.
o Also, it is used to make circles and arcs.
3. The divider –
o It is a pair of pointers.
o It is used to compare the lengths.
4. Set-squares –
o Set squares are the two triangular pieces, one with 450 , 450 and 900
angles at the vertices and the other with 300 ,600 and 900 angles.
o It is used to draw the parallel and perpendicular lines.
5. The protractor –
o It is used to measure the angles.
o It is like a semi-circular scale with markings as angles.

● The following constructions can be created with the ruler and compass:
1. A circle can be drawn only when the length of its radius is known.
2. A line segment can be drawn when its length is given.
3. Same procedure follow for the line segment.
4. A perpendicular to a line can be drawn through a point
a. On the line
b. Not on the line.
5. The perpendicular bisector of a line segment of given length can be
6. An angle can be drawn for a given measure.
7. A copy of an angle.
8. The bisector of a given angle.

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9. Some angles of special measures such as
a. 900
b. 450
c. 600
d. 300
e. 1200
f. 1350

Construction of a circle when its radius is known:

Step 1 : Open the compass for the required given radius.

Step 2 : Mark a point with a sharp pencil to denote where the centre of the circle
has to be. Name it as O .

Step 3 : Place the pointer of the compass on O .

Step 4 : Now, turn the compass slowly either in clockwise or anticlockwise
direction such that the pencil traces the circle of required radius. Care must be
taken to complete the movement at one go.

Construction of a line segment of a given length:

A better method would be to construct a line segment of a given length with
Draw a line for 3 cm by using following steps.

Step 1 : Draw a line l and make a point A on line l .

Step 2 : Place the pointer of the compass at the zero mark of the ruler. Extend the
other leg of the compass upto the 3 cm mark on the ruler.

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Step 3 : Taking caution that the opening of the compass has not changed, place
the pointer on A and swing an arc to cut l at B .

Step 4 : AB is a line segment of required length.

Constructing a copy of a given line segment:

A better technique would be to construct line segment with a ruler and compass.
Following steps shows how to draw AB .

Step 1 : Given AB whose length is not known.

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Step 2 : Fix the compass pointer on A and the pencil end on B .
The distance between the two open legs of the instrument now gives the length
of AB .

Step 3 : Draw any line l .

Choose a point C on l .
Without changing the compass setting, place the pointer on C .

Step 4 : Swing an arc that cuts l at a point, say, D .

Now CD is a copy of AB .

Method of ruler and compass:

Step 1 : Given a point P on a line l .

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Step 2 : With P as centre and a convenient radius, construct an arc intersecting
the line l at two points A and B .

Step 3 : With A and B as centres and a radius greater than AP construct two
arcs, which cut each other at Q .

Step 4 : Join PQ .
Then PQ is perpendicular to l .
We write PQ ⊥ l

Constructing a copy of an angle of unknown measure:

We have to use only a straight edge and the compass for constructing an angle
whose measure is unknown.
With the help of following steps, we can draw an unknown angle A

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Step 1 : Draw a line l and choose a point P on it.

Step 2 : Place the compass at A and draw an arc to cut the rays of A at B and

Step 3 : Maintaining the same settings on the compass, draw an arc with P as
centre, cutting l in Q .

Step 4 : Set compass to the length BC with the same radius.

Class VI Maths 6

Step 5 : Place the compass pointer at Q and draw the arc to cut the arc drawn
earlier in R .

Step 6 : Join PR . This gives us P . It has the same measure as A .

This means QPR has same measure as BAC .

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