8 Improving Habitability of LPS Dwellings
8 Improving Habitability of LPS Dwellings
8 Improving Habitability of LPS Dwellings
This publication is one of a series being prepared as part of the Building Research
Establishment's programme of investigation to assist local authorities and their consultants in
appraisal, maintenance and repair of large panel system dwellings.
Building Research Establishment. The structure of Ronan Point and other Taylor Woodrow-
Anglian buildings. BRE Report. Garston, BRE, 1985.
Building Research Establishment. The structural adequacy and durability of large panel system
dwellings. BRE Report. Garston, BRE, 1987. (Includes BRE Information Paper IP8/87.)
Building Research Establishment. The structural adequacy and durability of large panel system
dwellings: summary of the report. BRE Information Paper IP8/87. Garston, BRE, 1987.
Edwards M J. Weatherproof joints in large panel systems: 1 Identification and typical defects.
BRE Information Paper 1P8/86. Garston, BRE, 1986.
Edwards M J. Weatherproof joints in large panel systems: 4 Flat roofs, balconies and deck
accessways. BRE Information Paper IP15/86. Garston, BRE, 1986.
Harrison H W, Hunt J H and Thomson J. Overcladding external walls of large panel system
dwellings. BRE Report. Garston, BRE, 1986.
Hotchkiss A R and Edwards M J. Bison large panel system dwellings: constructional details. BRE
Report. Garston, BRE, 1988.
Hotchkiss A R and Edwards M J. Reema large panel system dwellings: constructional details.
BRE Report. Garston, BRE, 1987.
Morris W A and Read R E H. Appraisal of passive fire precautions in large panel system blocks
of flats and maisonettes. BRE Information Paper IP18/86. Garston, BRE, 1986.
Reeves B R. Large panel system dwellings: preliminary information on ownership and condition.
BRE Report. Garston, BRE, 1986.
BR 154
ISBN 0 85125 404 7
Introduction 1
Conclusions 50
References 51
Complaints to local authorities about habitability The SDD asked local authorities to classify the
or internal living conditions in large panel system severity of condensation problems into the following
(LPS) dwellings are typically concerned with three categories:
dampness, mould growth and inadequate heating.
This report is concerned with providing an Grade I (Least severe of the three grades)
understanding of these problems, and thus defining Minimal mould growth on ceilings, and on walls
a framework within which investigations of specific behind stationary items such as beds and furniture
problems can be carried out. It provides a rational
basis for making decisions about effective and Low or zero moisture meter readings on wall
economic remedial measures, and ones which are surfaces and at ceiling angles
likely to be acceptable to the occupants. Conditions are inconvenient but tolerable
This chapter provides a background to the report.
Grade 2
It identifies the causes of these problems and
outlines the factors which have to be taken into Persistent patches of mould growth on walls and
account when searching for cost-effective solutions. ceilings
The rest of the report gives a detailed description
Traces of mildew on soft furnishings and clothing
of these factors, the present condition of LPS
buildings; and what remedial measures are Medium moisture meter readings on wall surfaces
available. It is assumed that building owners, when and at ceiling angles
considering remedial measures for problems of
Redecoration is necessary at the end of each
habitability, will at the same time be reviewing
heating season
other aspects of performance, such as structural
stability and weathertightness. Remedial measures Prevailing conditions are causing discomfort
here will often lead to opportunities to improve
habitability: eg if overcladding has to be Grade 3 (Most severe of the three grades)
undertaken to overcome rain penetration problems, Extensive mould growth on walls and ceilings,
it is cost-effective to undertake external insulation
wallpaper falling off and paintwork peeling
at the same time, thus making the dwellings easier
to heat. Soft furnishings and clothing damp and coated
with mildew
High moisture meter readings within plaster/
Dampness and mould growth plasterboard on walls and at ceiling angles
The scale of the problem
Most surveys of dampness complaints which have Redecoration is necessary both during and at the
been undertaken do not identify LPS dwellings as a end of each heating season
particular group. However the Scottish Prevailing conditions constitute a health hazard
Development Department's (SDD) Housing Plan and are causing distress
Returns do identify LPS dwellings, and
information on condensation in these dwellings can The data indicate that the assessment of the severity
be obtained. These Returns from the Scottish local of the problems in affected LPS dwellings is very
authorities provide a guide of the proportion of a similar to that found in the total stock of housing
local authority's stock that is suffering from affected by condensation. Of all affected LPS
condensation: they also identify the severity of properties 55% are classified as being of grade 1, 37%
dampness or mould growth. as grade 2, and 7% as grade 3 - this compares with
54%, 36% and 10%. respectively, for all affected
The data returned to the SDD, based on dwellings.
inspections by 12 local authorities and an analysis
of tenants' complaints from a further 21, indicate There is evidence to indicate that the condensation
that on average an LPS dwelling is nearly 40% problem throughout the rest of the United Kingdom is
more likely to suffer from condensation than is any as severe as that in Scotland. On this assumption it is
other type of local authority dwelling. Whereas it is therefore likely that some 39 000 LPS dwellings are
estimated that 27% of the local authority housing suffering from condensation and that of these nearly
stock in Scotland suffers to various extents from 2750 are in such a condition that they may constitute
condensation, the figure is 37% for dwellings of a health hazard and are causing distress to the
LPS construction. occupants.
Investigating dampness water. Temperatures within dwellings are suitable for
Complaints which are made to local authorities about mould growth and in addition there will be adequate
the habitability of LPS dwellings are likely to be nutrition and oxygen: the principal factor controlling
concerned with dampness and mould growth or with mould growth in dwellings is therefore moisture. It is
the expense of beating. If the complaint is one of possible that mould fungi can obtain sufficient
dampness, then the local authority needs to identify moisture without liquid water being present. Studies
whether the cause is rain penetration or condensation. have indicated that moulds may develop on surfaces
If the problem is one of rain penetration, then the when relative humidities at the surface are about
solutions may involve replacing windows, 85%. As a general rule of thumb, if the ambient
overcladding walls or over-roofing. In these cases, as relative humidity within an LPS dwelling remains
in most remedial work, it is likely to be cost-effective above 70% for a reasonable period, conditions are
to improve the insulation standard of the building conducive for mould development.
fabric at the same time. This will reduce the heat
losses from the dwelling, improve the internal One of the criteria adopted for ensuring that LPS
environment and reduce the risk of surface dwellings are habitable is that mould growth will not
condensation and mould growth. develop on internal surfaces. Whereas many occupiers
will tolerate quite high levels of dampness, especially
If the complaint to the local authority is primarily if intermittent, fewer will tolerate mould growths on
concerned with mould growth, the basic cause for the walls, furnishings or clothing. Mould growth presents
development of mould needs to be determined and problems because of its appearance, the associated
corrected. In any event the local authority needs to musty smell, and fears for an adverse effect on
ensure the safe removal of mould growths. BRE has health, particularly that of children. Thus there are
undertaken tests to assess the likely performance of strong incentives for at least adopting a cosmetic
anti-fungal paints and anti-condensation paints which approach or removing or masking the mould growth
include a fungicide. A list of products which have itself even if the primary cause of the condensation
been tested in BRE's 'high condensation' facility and cannot be resolved.
have remained free of mould for a long period is
given in Table 1.
Factors affecting condensation
Table 1 Effective fungicidal paints
In order to determine what remedial measures might
Trade name Manufacturer
be most cost-effective it is useful to understand how
condensation occurs. Condensation is a physical
Emulsion paints phenomenon which occurs whenever the temperature
Biocheck Mould Growth Consultants Ltd of air is reduced to a critical temperature (the
Clear Mould The Paint Factory Ltd dewpoint) or the moisture content of the air is
Fungi-Chek Bio-Kil Chemicals Ltd
Fungi-Shield Glixstone Ltd
increased until saturation actually occurs. The
Mandaval Mandoval Coatings Ltd relationship between moisture content in the air, air
Masotex/Aquagloss/Aquasheen Joseph Mason plc temperature and relative humidity is illustrated in
Steracoat Signpost Paints Figure 1. In order to reduce the risk of surface
Sleracryl Donald Macpherson & Co Ltd condensation and mould growth, temperatures within.
Steridex Liquid Plastics Ltd
an LPS dwelling should be increased (horizontal
Antisondensstion paints arrow) or the moisture content of the internal air
Aquarid Anglia Ins & Roofing Supplies reduced (vertical arrow). In practical terms the
Ltd occurrence of condensation is therefore dependent
Steracote AntiLCondensation upon four factors, namely:
Compound Signpost Paints
Therma-Shield Glixtone Ltd heating,
thermal insulation,
ventilation, and
If the mould has developed as a result of persistent moisture generation.
condensation or high relative humidities, the local
authority needs to determine the most cost-effective Heating
remedy. In the past there has been some reluctance to Surveys of fuel consumption in local authority
spend large amounts of money on remedies which dwellings have indicated a very large spread in the
may not be totally successful, and the BRE studies energy usage in dwellings which have nominally the
concerning the habitability of LPS dwellings have same heat loss. Figure 2 shows the distribution of
been endeavouring to assess the most effective way electricity usage in a scheme of Scottish local
forward. authority housing. Even allowing for the extremes of
the distribution there is a spread of 4:l between low
and high fuel users. In order to be successful,
Factors affecting mould growth remedial measures need to be successful for most of
The basic requirements for the development of mould the fuel usage and in particular for fuel users at the
growths are a suitable temperature, food, oxygen and lower end of the spectrum. The problem is
Graphs of relative humldlty
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50%
1 5 10 15 20
Air temperature j°C/
x lo3 k w h
Figure 2 Distribution of fuel usage in scheme of electric warm air houses
compounded in LPS dwellings since, for structural circumstances background heating under landlord
safety reasons, gas may not be used. control might prove useful, but any such proposal
would require discussions between occupant and
As indicated previously, the aim of remedial measures landlord.
should be to provide internal temperatures that avoid
mould growth at an energy cost which is affordable Thermal insulation
by the occupant. Once the amount of heating that is A number of LPS dwellings are insulated to a
required to avoid mould growth is determined, an reasonable standard compared with the building
assessment needs to be made of the fuel cost and of regulations in force at the time they were built. The
its affordability to the occupant. The Building U-value for walls for some LPS dwellings is about I .O
Research Establishment Domestic Energy Model W/m2K (this compares with a requirement of 1.7
(BREDEM)' provides such a means of assessment. W/m2K in the building regulations enforced at the
time). However, from complaints received by local
As well as the cost for fuel, consideration should also authorities it appears that, because of the type of
be given to the methods of payment. In certain heating used, a number of LPS dwellings are not
Heat input 4 kW
Oufslde ,empersture O°C
Outside RH 9 0 %
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Ventilaf8on rate lair changes per hour]
heated to a standard which will avoid condensation In general, improving thermal insulation will not only
and mould growth. Consideration should therefore be reduce the relative humidity within a dwelling, there
given to improving the insulation standards of the may also be some fuel saving. Figure 4 plots the
walls. This is particularly true if other remedial works annual fuel consumption against the fabric
are being done, such as weather-screening which transmittance for about 1500 local authority
makes the installation of insulation very cost-effective. dwellings. For the 25% of users using the lowest
amount of fuel Oowest 25%), improving the
Figure 3 indicates the effect of insulation on the insulation of the dwellings is unlikely to result in a
relative humidity within dwellings for different fuel saving but will improve internal conditions. For
ventilation rates. Improving insulation implies that the users using more fuel than that used by the lowest
dwelling will be warmer and consequently the relative 25070, there is also likely to be a saving in fuel.
humidity will be reduced. The figure indicates that
with a ventilation rate of about 1 air change per hour Methods of insulating LPS dwellings are by either
(ach), a flat built to the regulatory requirements at the internal or external insulation and a decision has to be
time most LPS dwellings were built would have a made on the effectiveness and cost of different
relative humidity of about 70% - the value at which systems. It must be borne in mind that, in general,
mould growth is likely to develop on internal surfaces. external insulation is up to five times more expensive
Insulating the flat to a standard required by present than internal insulation. However, if other works are
building regulations would reduce the relative undertaken at the same time, external insulation may
humidity to about 40% - well clear of the risk of be cost-effective since the additional cost may be only
mould growth. the cost of the insulating material.
25 -
z- 2 0 -
1 10
0 n 0
Lowest 25%
z 5 -
0 Lower, 10%
0 10 I
200 300
Fabric rransmlrrancs IZAU W/K/
10 - Gar
0.8 -
2 - Ele~fll~lt"
0.6 -
= H e a l lnpuf 1 kW
Graphs of
5 - Outhtde tempersture = 3OC
Outride vapour pressure = 7 m b
Moisture generation = 7 litreslday
Venttiatton rate = 1 air change per hour
4 -
z:3 -
2 -
E 3000-E 4000
Figure 6 The cost of remedial measures needed to reduce relative humidity, eithe. by insulation
or by heating, in a typical LPS flat
Chapter 2
Heating systems for LPS dwellings
It has long been recognised that a heating system must expenditure is not an overriding constraint, ie typical
be adequately sized, ie it must be capable of achieving conditions in UK housing. This would suggest living-
design temperatures indoors when the outdoor room temperatures of 2 l 0 C during heated periods,
temperature drops to an appropriate design figure for allowing temperatures to drift downwards overnight
the location. This does not, however, by itself as is customary for the great majority of UK
guarantee that the system will be considered adequate dwellings. The rest of the dwelling might be assumed
by the occupants of the dwelling. It must also be to be about 2-3°C cooler than the living-room.
capable of providing heating at a cost which they Higher standards might be appropriate in special
consider reasonable. If it cannot, it is likely to be circumstances, such as housing for the elderly or
under used or simply ignored and some other means infirm.
of heating used in its place. Many local authorities
have properties which are otherwise sound but are There is then the question of how to calculate annual
unpopular because they are hard to heat, and the heating costs. The Building Research Establishment
problem is at least partly due to inadequate heating Domestic Energy Model (BREDEM)' has been
systems. extensively tested against results obtained from
monitoring occupied buildings. It is the technical basis
Large panel system (LPS) dwellings are, in this for a number of commercially available computer
respect, no different from many other types of programs and for the British Standards Institution's
dwelling, often being better insulated than some older code of practice on energy efficiency in housing3 and
properties. That is not to underestimate the its accompanying designer's manual' which sets out a
significance of problems with heating systems, step-by-step procedure for its use. Whilst the results
however, since many of the LPS blocks were built at obtained from a BREDEM calculation are unlikely to
a time when it was assumed that electricity prices match actual consumptions in individual cases very
would not prove to be too high to be afforded for precisely, they are considered to be a reliable
space heating, even at on-peak rates. In many cases, indication of relative heating costs of dwellings. Local
structural safety considerations rule out individual gas experience may be useful in indicating how to
supplies in multi-storey blocks, so the range of interpret results in terms of what tenants perceive and,
possibilities for replacement of systems is restricted. at worst, such calculations should be capable of
This chapter considers how the adequacy of heating examining design options by comparison with other
systems might be assessed more realistically than by similar cases in the locality.
simple sizing considerations, and discusses the
practical options for improving heating systems. The steps to be followed in order to assess a heating
system are:
1 Calculate heat loss and check sizing
Assessing adequacy 2 Calculate annual energy requirements, using
A proper assessment of a heating system must take BREDEM
into account how much it costs to run. This obviously 3 Determine a 'reasonable' level of fuel expenditure
requires assumptions to be made about indoor for the likely tenant group and compare with the
temperatures and occupancy levels and it may rightly calculated energy cost
be noted that these are notoriously variable, as
demonstrated by field trial results. This variability If a favourable comparison is not obtained,
should not be allowed to obscure the overall improvements will have to be sought in either the
objective. What is needed is an assessment of how heating system or the level of thermal insulation of
much it costs to heat a dwelling to a reasonable the dwelling. In cases where both aspects have been
standard for a full occupancy schedule, since it is for improved to their economic limit, the only option may
those who want to heat to such a standard that the be to manage the estate in a way that minimises the
problem is of greatest relevance. effects of the problem.
The example below is a two-bedroomed flat with 25 m 2 of external wall and a total floor area of 61 ma. Total energy costs
are calculated assuming that exprndilurr on starldir~gcharges and non-space-heating uses ir £17O/year.
U-value of
r o d and As Icfl, but As left, but also
walls = 1. with roof double glared and
single glazed U-value = 0.35 walls insulsted
~ ~-
I f the fiat is on the lop flour, hrat l u ~ a e sthrrlugh the roof may bc very important. The following values are for whole-tlat
heating as above but for a flat on the top floor.
~ -
U-value of
rouf and As lufl, but As lefl, but also
walls = 1, with roof double glared and
single glazed (1-value = 0.35 walls insulated
* Zone 2 is the remainder of the dwelling when the living-room (Zone I) is excluded.
energy consumption can be considerably reduced by value for money obtained from an inadequate heating
insulating external walls and by installing double system.
glazing. For a top-floor flat, roof insulation is also
very important in this respect and is normally able to A further comparison with gas heating (not shown in
be installed at low cost. Other geometric effects, such Table 3) showed that for all the levels of insulation
as a design with two or three outside walls, may also considered, gas heating produced lower fuel running
contribute to higher heat losses. costs. However, any such savings were more than
offset by the extra standing charges and the cost of
The costs are calculated for modern electric storage maintaining gas heating equipment. This is generally
heating and are shown to be reasonable whilst true for a dwelling with a total specific heat loss of
maintaining a good standard of heating, especially in less than 200 W/K, which includes a large proportion
the better-insulated cases. In calculating total energy of purpose-built flats.
costs, fl70/year has been allowed for water heating,
lighting, appliances, cooking and standing charges. In considering heat loss, it has been assumed that
This figure exceeds space heating costs substantially adjacent flats have been heated to a similar standard.
for the better-insulated cases with electric storage If a tenant is unfortunate enough to be surrounded by
heating. unheated flats, his own heat losses may be increased
substantially, perhaps doubling in extreme cases, and
For comparison, a second case is calculated in which fuel costs increased accordingly.
only the living-room is heated using on-peak
electricity, a situation which is encountered all too
frequently in practice. This shows both higher energy Landlord control of heating systems
costs and much lower standards of beating (as In blocks of flats, there is an inherent dilemma for
indicated by the average temperature in Zone 2) than the landlord regarding the control of heating. A good
for the case with storage heating. Such low standard of heating which is good for the property
temperatures are likely to lead to problems with and, arguably, good for the tenant may only result if
condensation and mould growth and indicate the poor the landlord exercises a degree of control over the
heat supplied to the dwelling. This also ensures that fabric of the dwelling in relation to its floor area. A
'heat robbing' from adjacent flats does not take value of 1.5 W/K per square metre of floor area can
place. On the other hand, many tenants prefer be considered to be well insulated and suitable for this
individual control of heat output and, with it, form of heating, whilst figures in excess of 2.5
individual control of costs. The local authority policy indicate that careful consideration should be given to
on this issue will determine whether 'heat with rent' further insulation.
or individual metering is favoured. In either case,
running costs are important to the success of the In 1978 the Joint Working Party on Heating and
solution adopted. Heat with rent breaks the link Energy Conservation in Public Sector Housing
between individual consumption and payment and so produced a note (DEN 3)5 on remedial work for
leads to high usage, and hence high rent charges if the existing electrically heated dwellings which contains
system is expensive to run. Equally, with individual much useful material. A later publication by the
metering, high running costs lead to problems since Electricity Council, The DEN 3 book6, interprets the
widespread underheating is likely to occur if the original publication in terms of currently available
tenants see the heating system as giving bad value for products. Overall, the DEN 3 approach continues to
money. be a sound basis for improving electric heating
Some authorities have experimented with a system in
which only background heating is supplied with rent
and the control of comfort is left to the tenant. This Some examples of heating system
system has attractions since it prevents gross
underheating but still leaves an important element of
control with the tenant. The problem is that such a Individually metered electric storage systems
system can add considerably to technical complexity The city of Newcastle upon Tyne has taken a very
and hence to capital costs, particularly if it is based active role in improving the energy efficiency of its
on a communal heat supply, and if it requires heat housing stock. The Westgate Hill flats are a well
metering. publicised example of such improvements. External
walls were insulated with dry lining, secondary double
glazing fitted in the living-rooms and electric storage
Practical considerations radiators fitted in every room. Water heating circuits
were fitted with Economy 7 controllers and each flat
Natural-gas supply to individual flats is ruled out in was changed to Economy 7 tariff.
many blocks of flats for structural safety reasons. The
choice of heating system is therefore constrained in The level of fabric insulation achieved was equivalent
practice to either a communal heat supply or a system to the 1.5 W/mZK standard referred to above for the
using off-peak electricity. Communal supply may well two-bedroomed flats and rather better for the one-
provide the lowest cost per unit of heat delivered but bedroomed flats. After the improvements, electricity
is likely to involve a very high capital cost, especially consumption rose by about 6% while expenditure fell
when retrofitting an existing block. Therefore its use by an average of £83/year. A smaller group of flats
is likely to be restricted to special circumstances such which had the heating system improved but no
as the proximity of an existing heat supply with spare additional insulation, showed an increase in
capacity. consumption of 18% and a reduction in expenditure
In many cases, electric heating will be the only viable of £55/year. Overall, there was a clear benefit to the
tenants in reduced fuel expenditure but only a modest
option. The public perception of electric heating as
increase in energy used and, by implication, the
expensive to run is largely based on obsolete systems
standard of heating. Individual results showed a
installed in badly insulated dwellings. Modern storage
significant minority of tenants using very little off-
radiators, correctly sized and operating on current
peak electricity so it was clear that underheating was
off-peak tariffs, offer a much lower running cost than
not eliminated.
their older counterparts and are incomparably better
than systems which rely entirely on on-peak
electricity. It is important, however, that they are Heat with rent
Glasgow District Council has undertaken
installed in dwellings that are well insulated since the
improvements to a number of blocks of flats by
rapid cooling down of a badly insulated dwelling will
put high demands on the storage capacity of the units installing modern storage radiators and upgrading
and lead to excessive needs for additional on-peak thermal insulation. Data were obtained on two Reema
blocks, one of which was modified and operated on a
heating during the evening period.
heat-with-rent basis and one which was not. The
The best basis for deciding how well insulated a U-value of the walls even before improvement was
dwelling should be to make it suitable for electric relatively good and in the modified block was about
1.1 W/mZK. Direct comparisons between the blocks
storage heating is to calculate the running costs, as
described above. As a first indicator, however, it may could be misleading since the insulation levels differed
as well as the method of payment. It was clear,
be instructive to look at the specific heat loss of the
however, that temperatures were markedly higher (2 Cyclo control
o r 3°C) in the heat-with-rent group and underheating Cyclo control is the name given to a system that uses
was eliminated in that block, except for two flats the mains wiring to send signals for controlling
where the tenants were allowed to opt out of the heating equipment from a single control point located
scheme. This was achieved at a cost that most tenants nearby. Typically it is used to control the charging of
could afford so the scheme must be judged to be very storage radiators in groups of 100 or more flats. Each
successful. The only difficulty is that such high levels flat may be allocated its own control code and receive
of insulation will not be easy to achieve in all other a signal to match output to its heat loss as well as
cases: if all flats were so well insulated, heating taking into account the prevailing outdoor
problems would not he a big issue. In many cases, the temperature. This system has been installed in about
cost of achieving such a high standard of insulation 20 000 dwellings over the past 10 years, mostly in the
would he excessive and the resulting compromise London area. In all cases the system has been
would push up running costs and hence rent charges. operated on a heat-with-rent basis, and tenant control
Experience from older district heating schemes shows limited to the dampers on storage radiators. Cyclo
that high charges for heat with rent are very control is a well proven technology that enables good
unpopular with tenants. Overall, the conclusion must control of storage radiator systems and deserves wider
be that heat with rent is successful in eliminating application than at present.
underheating and can be popular with tenants if the
running costs are low.
Partial heat with rent
The Central Technical Unit of the GLC developed a 1 The running cost of a heating system is a key
system called 'Owner Based Resident Adjustable factor in determining whether it will be considered
Control' (OBRAC) which allows control over satisfactory by tenants and whether it will be fully
background heating by the authority but control of utilised. Good thermal insulation and a system
comfort level by the resident. A standing charge, paid which can produce useful heat at low unit cost are
with rent, covers the cost of the background heating both needed t o achieve that purpose.
while the remainder of the heat is charged directly to
the tenant based on readings from a heat meter 2 Running costs for typical occupancy patterns may
installed in each flat. Several such systems were be calculated using BREDEM'. Such calculations
installed, in each case operating from a gas-fired should be undertaken when heating systems are
communal boiler room. designed or renovated.
An adequate supply of fresh air in dwellings is changes per hour, and either one, two (adjacent or
essential for breathing, for controlling indoor parallel) or three exposed walls.
pollutants to acceptable levels and for ensuring the
safe and efficient operation of combustion appliances. In addition t o the analytic studies, some field
Good ventilation is also a key factor in preventing measurements of air infiltration rates were made in a
condensation and mould, a significant problem in flat of Reema construction (Chapter 6), using the
many dwellings in the UK, including those of large technique of tracer gas decay. These measurements
panel system (LPS) construction. However, if provided useful confirmation of the trends identified
ventilation rates are too high, excessive fuel bills and in the theoretical studies.
occupant discomfort can result. In the provision of
ventilation, the aim is to strike a balance between the
need for fuel economy and the need to maintain the Natural ventilation
health and well being of the dwelling's occupants. Natural ventilation is driven by two mechanisms: the
wind effect, resulting from air moving around and
BRE's programme of research into ways of improving over the structure, and the stack effect, resulting from
the habitability of LPS dwellings has included studies, a difference in temperature, and hence density,
both in the field and using theoretical models, between the indoor and outdoor air. These two
designed to identify the nature of the ventilation mechanisms create pressure differences across
problem and to develop appropriate practical openings in the dwelling fabric, leading t o the
iolutions. The first stage of the ventilation exchange of fresh outdoor air with stale indoor air.
programme was a survey of air leakage rates under These openings are of two distinct types: firstly, those
artificially induced pressure differences, in a sample which are provided specifically for the purpose of
of 87 LPS flats of different types of construction. ventilation, such as openable windows, airbricks and
This work is described in detail in Chapter 4. One of window-head ventilators, and secondly, adventitious
the important findings to emerge was that the flats gaps in the building fabric, such as gaps around
tested were relatively airtight compared with low-rise service outlets and around the openable and fixed
dwellings of traditional construction. However, it does parts of windows and doors.
not follow automatically that the ventilation rates
found in these flats under normal weather conditions The movement of air through the adventitious gaps is
will necessarily be low, because high-rise flats generally referred to as infiltration; it ensures a
experience considerably more severe exposure to the background level of fresh air entry, even when all
wind than low-rise dwellings in typical suburban purpose-provided openings are closed. The rate of air
environments. The significance of the air leakage infiltration is governed by the size, nature and
measurements can only be determined by a systematic position of the gaps and the pressures acting on them.
evaluation of all the additional factors which The purpose of carrying out the air leakage tests
influence ventilation, including exposure, weather and reported in Chapter 4 was to gather information on
occupants' behaviour. the effective area and position of adventitious
openings. This information is one of the key inputs to
The purpose of the second stage of the ventilation the mathematical model used to predict natural
studies was to determine likely natural ventilation ventilation rates.
rates in high-rise LPS flats, during the heating season,
taking all of the above factors into account.
Ventilation rates were studied as a function of wind Variations in ventilation rates
speed, wind direction and internal-external
temperature difference, using a mathematical model Most high-rise LPS blocks are at least 10 storeys high
of ventilation developed at BRE7. Assessments were and some are as high as 30 storeys, which means that
also made of the effects on ventilation rates of: the flats on the top floor can be well over 100 metres
height of the flat above ground level, the number of from the ground. Wind speed increases with
exposed walls, and various measures to improve increasing height from the ground, and for flats more
ventilation, including airbricks and extract fans. These than 50 m from the ground, wind speeds can be more
studies were based on typical LPS flats which had than double those experienced by low-rise dwellings
ventilation characteristics corresponding to the under the same weather conditions. This means that
average of the flats tested in the field studies. They the pressures exerted by the wind on flats at these
were assumed to have a volume of 150 m3, an air heights are at least four times greater than those on
leakage rate at 50 P a pressure difference of 8 air low-rise dwellings. Even on the lower levels of a high-
Figure 7 Air flow patterns around a tall building (A and B denole areas of high wind speed)
rise block, the wind environment can be hostile, as ventilation rate with changing weather conditions and
shown in Figure 7O. For these reasons, ventilation with changes in the built form, position and
rates in high-rise flats tend to be dominated by the orientation of the flat. Under given weather
effects of wind alone, rather than the combined conditions, there is likely to be considerable variation
effects of stack and wind which dominate in low-rise between ventilation rates in flats in the same block.
housing. However it is not practical to design ventilation for
individual flats, and the approach recommended to
Examination of the effects of wind speed on likely owners of high-rise LPS flats must be a compromise.
ventilation rate showed that even with a comparatively The underlying requirement is that the ventilation
high degree of airtightness, the ventilation rate in a provision should enable an adequate minimum level
flat on the top floor of a 14-storey block could of ventilation to be maintained at all times.
increase by a factor of 10. As the wind speed
increased from 'calm' (Beaufort Scale 0) to a 'fresh In many UK dwellings, air infiltration alone is relied
breeze' (Beaufort Scale S), the ventilation rate varied upon to provide ventilation for the major part of the
from less than 0.5 air changes per hour to over 4 air heating season, despite the lack of control by
changes per hour. occupants. For high-rise flats this is impracticable,
because of the sensiiivity to weather conditions and,
The effects of wind direction were also found to be in the case of LPS flats, the relative airtightness. A
significant, particularly for flats with only one or two high degree of airtightness is in fact almost essential
exposed walls. In a flat with only one exposed wall, for high-rise flats, since it helps to lessen the effects
the ventilation rate fell to very low levels when the of extremes of high winds and cold weather.
exposed wall was in the lee of the wind. For a flat
with two adjacent exposed walls and conditions of a The best way of providing ventilation during the
'fresh breeze', it was found that the ventilation rate heating season, especially in high-rise flats, is to
could vary by a factor of more than 4, depending on complement background air infiltration with finely
the direction of the wind in relation to the exposed controllable, purpose-provided ventilation, designed
walls. For the flat with two parallel exposed walls, the so that openings do not pose a security threat and do
variation was even larger. not cause draughts. Fine control is essential if
occupants are to use the ventilators to meet their
Variations in temperature difference between inside varying ventilation requirements, especially during
and outside were also investigated, to establish at windy weather. Unless ventilators are designed to
what point the stack effect becomes as important as avoid uncomfortable draughts, occupants will
wind effects. Even though temperature difference was probably close or even block the ventilators
varied between 3°C and 16°C. it was found that in all permanently. The role of the occupant is crucial in
flats but those on the first few storeys, this large ensuring the effectiveness of controllable ventilation.
variation in temperature difference had a relatively
small effect on ventilation rates. This confirmed the However, in the majority of LPS flats, openable
earlier indications that wind is the dominant influence windows and fixed ventilators are the only means of
in determining ventilation rates in most flats in high- providing additional ventilation. Windows are usually
rise blocks. very large and have poorly designed hardware,
resulting in high ventilation rates even when the
window is open to only the first stop. Whilst this is
Approach to ventilation essential for summertime cooling, it means that
The most important factor to emerge from the openable windows are not an appropriate means of
ventilation studies was the wide variation in providing ventilation during the heating season. Fixed
airbricks are frequently blocked by occupants, in an The types of ventilator available include:
attempt to prevent draughts and reduce heat losses. a Adjustable 'wind-driven' fans, set into walls or
Clearly there is room for improvement in the glazing
specification of purpose-provided ventilation.
Adjustable window-head ventilators
a Adjustable 'through-the-wall' ventilators
Practical solutions
It has already been stated that a high degree of For kitchens and bathrooms, further ventilation
airtightness is to be advised in high-rise flats, so that provision should be made to ensure the removal of
the effects of severe weather are lessened. This is of moisture at source. This can most effectively be
course subject to the proviso that additional provision achieved by the use of mechanical extract fans, sized
for ventilation is made, otherwise there will be many to provide an air flow rate equivalent to at least 3 air
days during the heating season when ventilation rates changes per hour when running. The fan can be
are inadequate. As a general rule for high-rise flats, controlled manually, by time switch or by humidistat
an air leakage rate, at 50 Pa pressure difference, of control. The latter is the preferred option, although it
more than about 10 air changes per hour may be can result in fans running unnecessarily during warm,
considered to be excessive, and consideration should humid summertime conditions. For the other two
then be given to the installation of routine modes of control, the fans should run during periods
draughtproofing measures. of moisture generation and for a short period
afterwards. The fan should not he positioned too
The difficulty for the building owner is in knowing closely to the other ventilation openings, otherwise
whether or not particular LPS flats are airtight. An 'short circuiting' can easily occur.
inspection of the major leakage paths, in particular
windows, will give an indication of the likely scope Some degree of education of the occupants will
for reducing leakage - if good-quality windows are usually he required to emphasise the importance of
in place and there are no obvious cracks or openings occupant control over ventilation, and to advise on
in the fabric, the BRE experience of LPS flats how ventilators should be used to meet varying
suggests that the flat is likely to he reasonably requirements. Evidence from a number of field
airtight. Where there are obvious cracks, or windows studies, including DOE'S Better Insulated Homes site
are poorly fitting, measures should be taken to at AbertridwrlU,shows that occupants WIN make good
improve airtightness. In cases where it is difficult to use of controllable ventilation, provided that it meets
assess likely airtightness, or where some confirmation the requirements set out above. Where appropriate,
of the visual assessment is needed, the ideal solution is particularly when new heating systems have been
to conduct an air leakage test, as described in installed, user education should be set in the context
reference 9, on a sample of dwellings. of the whole package of refurbishment measures.
On the basis of BRE's research to date in LPS flats, it BRE's recommendations on ventilation provision in
is recommended that additional ventilation provision high-rise LPS flats, based on experience to date, are
with the following characteristics should be installed as follows.
in all rooms of LPS flats:
a Ventilators should provide a minimum of 400 mmz 1 Owners of high-rise LPS flats should assess the
free opening area (eg 20 mm by 20 mm) per m 2of degree of airtightness of a sample of flats,
room floor area preferably by means of a fan-pressurisation test as
described in Chapter 4, or by visual inspection of
Ventilators should permit fine control by occupants the more significant air leakage paths (windows,
The controls should be easily accessible doors, major gaps in the fabric).
a Ventilators should be positioned to avoid draughts 2 If the fan-pressurisation test shows an air leakage
Ventilators should provide a fine 'trickle' of air, rate at 50 Pa pressure difference in excess of 10 air
when in the nominally closed position changes per hour, or the visual inspection identifies
large gaps around windows or doors or in the
Ventilators must not jeopardise security
fabric, install routine draughtproofing measures to
improve airtightness.
Ventilation by natural infiltration, ie the entry and the ventilation of the dwelling, greatly. For example,
exit of air through a myriad of small adventitious LPS construction uses only concrete floors/ceilings.
openings in the structure, is an important factor in Concrete is, for our purposes, impermeable to air so
controlling the indoor environment in all dwellings. It there is not the scope for air leakage which a
takes place in addition to natural ventilation through suspended timber floor/ceiling would provide.
intentional openings, such as airbricks, trickle vents, Furthermore, a junction between an LPS floor/ceiling
etc. and a wall panel is likely t o be very different from the
equivalent junction in a conventional house.
Total natural ventilation rates can be assessed in two
ways: directly, by tracer gas techniques, or indirectly,
by measuring air leakage rates under artificially Fan-pressurisation technique
induced pressure differences using the fan- A full description of the fan-pressurisation technique
pressurisation technique. Natural ventilation rates, used t o determine the air leakage characteristics of
measured directly by tracer gas methods, are dwellings is given in reference 9. The equipment used
profoundly affected by prevailing weather conditions. for the measurements was developed at BRE and
Such measurements must therefore be made over a comprises two principal components: a fan to blow
period of 2 weeks or more in order to cover a air into (pressurisation or positive pressure) or suck
representative range of weather conditions. The air out of (depressurisation or negative pressure) the
pressurisation method measures not ventilation rate dwelling, and an air-flow measuring device (Figure
but the air leakage characteristics of a building 8(a)). The complete unit has been calibrated for air
envelope. The measurements are not greatly affected flow rate in the BRE pressurisation calibration
by weather conditions and are quick and easy to carry chamber. When in use, the unit is connected by means
out, and it is possible to identify and quantify specific of a short flexible duct t o an expanding door panel
air leakage paths (through which air infiltration and which is sealed into a doorway in the envelope to be
ventilation take place). Air leakage data are useful in tested. A micromanometer measures the pressure
their own right, and they can also be used as one of difference which the fan generates across the envelope
several inputs to a mathematical model t o predict (Figure 8(b)). All windows and external doors are kept
likely ventilation rates under natural weather closed, and internal doors held open, when
conditions7. measurements are being made.
As part of the BRE's programme of research into the The air leakage characteristics of the dwelling are
habitability of large panel system (LPS) dwellings, a measured by noting the air flow rate and envelope
large number of pressurisation tests in LPS flats have pressure difference at each of a range of fan speeds.
been carried out. This chapter aims to present and Results are obtained for both positive and negative
interpret the air leakage data obtained from tests in 87 pressure by turning the pressurisation unit round.
flats in Glasgow and London, covering the following These two sets of results are corrected for
six common LPS systems: Taylor Woodrow-Anglian, indoor/outdoor temperature difference and then
Harley Haddow, Bison, Skarne, Reema and Tracoba. plotted graphically t o ensure that there are no
The implications of these data and estimates of likely irregularities and that the relationships between air
ventilation rates obtained from a mathematical model flow rate and pressure difference follow smooth
are reported in Chapter 3, which includes a discussion curves. Each curve may be fitted to a simple power-
on how to achieve an adequate level of ventilation in law function of the form:
LPS flats.
Ib Schematic general arrangement of pressurisation unit installed in a building and shown depressurising
1 Fan
2 Air-flow-measuring anemometer head
3 Honeycomb flow straightener
4 Mounting board
5 Building envelope
6 Pressure difference micromanometer
7 Pressure difference tube
4 8 Flexible duct
not represent any simple physical characteristics of the The contribution made by specific air leakage paths to
air leakage paths. Normally, the value of the exponent the total leakage can be assessed by using the
n is found to lie between 0.5 and 0.7. pressurisation technique with reductive sealing. The
envelope is first tested as found. Leakage paths of a
In the presentation of the results it is usual to specific type (eg gaps around opening window frames,
conform with Swedish practicell and t o quote the airbricks, cracks at wall/ceiling joints, or holes where
mean air leakage rate taken from the air leakage pipes or cables pass through the envelope) are then
curves at + 50 P a and - 50 P a pressure difference. sealed (with masking tape, modelling clay and
Division of this figure by the volume of the envelope Polythene) and the envelope tested again. The
tested gives a figure in units of air changes per hour reduction in air leakage due to the sealing is then
which can be used to compare the air leakage determined by difference. This process can be
performance of different dwellings. Note that this is repeated until all the principal air leakage paths have
not a ventilation air change rate - the pressure been sealed, the remaining air leakage being termed
differences which drive natural ventilation are much 'background'. In this way the relative importance of
less than 50 P a and they act both positively and different air leakage paths is measured.
negatively on different parts of the building at the
same time. In semi-detached, terraced and flat-type dwellings,
some of the measured leakage may not be to or from Results
outside but to or from adjoining dwellings. This can The results of the air leakage measurements made in
be overcome by carrying out additional tests in which all 87 flats are presented in the form of a stacked bar
each adjoining dwelling in turn is pressurised (or chart in Figure 9. The overall mean air leakage rate at
depressurised, as appropriate) to the same level as that 50 Pa pressure difference is 7.3 air changes per hour
being tested such that there is no pressure difference (ach), but there are differences in mean air leakage
across the party wall or floor (or compartment wall or rates between system types. The mean air leakage
floor). The cross-leakage rates to the adjacent rates at 50 Pa applied pressure difference by system
dwellings may then be established by subtraction of type are: Taylor Woodrow-Anglian (TWA), 6.1 ach;
the retest results from the original simple test results. Harley Haddow, 8.9 ach (excluding the flat with
In practice this is not easy. poorly fitting windows); Bison, 7.5 ach; Skarne, 9.4
ach; Reema, 6.3 ach; Tracoba, 3.8 ach.
Air leakage rates in LPS flats These results may be compared with a sample of 284
Flats tested low-rise houses of traditional construction - mostly
Air leakage measurements were carried out in 87 LPS semi-detached and terraced houses. The distribution
flats of six different systems. The breakdown of the of air leakage rates for the sample of low-rise housing
sample is: Taylor Woodrow-Anglian, 12 flats; Harley is given in Figure 10(a) and that for the LPS flats in
Haddow, 6; Bison, 20; Skarne, 21; Reema, 18; Figure 10(b). The horizontal axes of both bar charts
Tracoba, 10. The sample included 30 one-bedroomed are to the same scale to illustrate the relative
flats, 50 two-bedroomed flats and 7 three-bedroomed airtightness of the LPS flats.
flats. Most of these were true flats occupying only one
floor, but in nine flats the front door was on the floor The mean air leakage rate for the low-rise dwellings
below the flat itself. Another nine dwellings were split was 14.7 ach, ie about twice the corresponding figure
between two floors and are thus more correctly called for the LPS flats. Furthermore, the mean air leakage
maisonettes, but for convenience are referred to here rates for each individual system were all below that
-- I l d l S .
"-2- - - esuecially the Tracoba,
for the low-rise dwellings
Reema.. Tavlor
. Woodrow-Analian - and Bison svstems.
Many of the flats tested had had some modification, This suggests that low air leakage rates are a feature
such as replacement windows or the fitting of extract of LPS systems generally, and are not peculiar to
fans in kitchens and bathrooms. Only four had been particular system types.
totallv refurbished. these being- Tavlor
. Woodrow-
Anglian flats in London. One flat which was
narticularlv leakv was a Harlev Haddow two-
Reductive sealing measurements
bedroomed flat in which the windows were very Tests in a Harley Haddow flat
poorly fitting. Measurements, discussed later, showed Description of the flat tested
that the flat would have been much more airtight if The first air leakage measurements made by BRE in
the windows had been well fitting. an LPS flat were in a Harley Haddow block in
la1 Traditional low-rise dwellings
40, 7
Glasgow. This two-bedroomed flat was somewhat 5 Large holes in plasterboard, service duct boxing
unusual in that it was on two floor levels, but other and meter box sealed
features were typical of LPS flats generally, including 6 Principal cracks sealed
corridor access to the front door, a small private
balcony and deck access to a bedroom on the upper Note: (a) The holes in the plasterboard lining, on the
floor. external wall of the main bedroom, were
the result of an earlier structural
The windows were wood-framed with very poorly examination of the block.
fitting centre-pivot-type opening lights, daylight being
visible round many of them. Two windows had direct (b) Principal cracks were those at window
passages to the outside as much as 10 mm wide. No frame/wall joints, external wall/ceiliug
attempt had been made to draughtproof any of the joints, and poor wood joints on the bend
windows. of the stairs over the enclosed corridor. In
all cases there were visible gaps, not just
Test method hair-line cracks.
The pressurisation fan was set up in the front
doorway and a series of measurements were made Test results
with reductive sealing as follows: The results are presented in the form of a bar chart in
1 Flat as found Figure 11. This shows that the results for the negative
and positive pressure tests are similar, though not
2 All openable window frames sealed
identical. This is quite normal and is thought to occur
3 Two ventilation grilles sealed for two reasons: firstly, the physical size of some air
4 External doors sealed (not front door - occupied leakage paths may vary due to small movements of
by equipment) some building components (eg openable windows)
F] Venfilaflon
External doors
Exlernsl doors
Large holes 2.8%
- cracks
0 Negaflve Dre6SU.e
under different pressure conditions; secondly, the Pa pressure difference. This would bring the flat well
aerodynamic characteristics of a complex flow path inside the range of air leakage rates measured in other
depend on which way the air is flowing through it. In Harley Iiaddow flats.
view of this, and the accuracy of the technique, there
is good agreement between the two sets of results. Other reductive sealing fesfs
The badly fitting windows accounted for some 30% Reductive sealing of the openable windows was
of the total air leakage of the flat, the ventilation carried out in another nine flats of four system types.
grilles for a further 10% and the two external doors The mean reduction in air leakage was 19%, with a
accounted for about 8%. Surprisingly, the large holes maximum of 45% and minimum of 6%. The mean air
in the plasterboard, service duct boxing and meter box leakage rate for these nine flats was reduced from 8.0
did not contribute significantly to the air leakage. The ach to 6.48 ach.
principal cracks accounted for 17% of the overall
leakage leaving the background leakage at about 30%. In practice, the fitting of good-quality replacement
windows with integral draughtproofing would not
Discussion necessarily achieve similar reductions in air leakage to
With the exception of the gaps in the woodwork on those given above for two reasons. Firstly,
the stairs and the large holes, as previously defined, draughtproofing does not usually make a perfect seal
all of the leakage paths sealed were on, or connected between fixed and moving frames. Secondly, the seal
with, the external walls of the flat. The results show between the new window frame and the opening in
that these leakage paths accounted for about 70% of the wall may be less airtight than what was achieved
the total air leakage. The importance of this is with the original window. Air leakage from both of
emphasised by the fact that only 28% of the surface these sources has been observed, with the aid of
area of the envelope was external, the remaining 72% smoke tubes, in refurbished flats.
being party or compartment walls, floors and ceilings.
The leakage paths connected with the external Trickle ventilators
surfaces of the envelope were clearly much more In three flats, measurements were made of the
significant than the paths between the flat and the rest contribution made by trickle ventilators to the overall
of the block. air leakage. In all three flats there was one trickle vent
per room, except for the living-room which had two.
It is interesting to note that all the air leakage paths The vents were built into the frames of replacement
sealed for these measurements could easily be sealed windows.
using readily available DIY materials. If this were
done the air leakage could, in principle, be reduced to In a refurbished flat the eight trickle vents provided
the background level, ie 6.3 air changes per hour at 50 21% of the overall leakage. In the other two flats the
,- ,-
Flat No 39 Flu No 40
Whole flat
Flat No 31
- ;T
Whole flat
Flat No 32
Flat No 27 Flat No 28
six vents provided 31 % and 34% of the overall air measurements was carried out in eight adjacent flats
leakage. Clearly, trickle ventilators can be very using the method of balanced pressures across
important in the provision of permeable area for compartment walls and floors, as described
natural ventilation in these flats, but they do not previously. The block effectively consisted of three
necessarily provide a proportionate increase in natural columns. A central column contained the lifts, stairs
ventilation rate (see Chapter 3). and some services, whilst the outer two columns, one
each side of the central column, contained the flats,
two flats per column per floor. The columns were
Cross-leakage between LPS dwellings linked by enclosed hallways on every floor, and each
Measurements in a Taylor Woodrow-Anglian block flat (except those on the top floor) had adjacent flats
When a pressurisation test is carried out in a flat, above, below and to one side.
some of the measured air leakage is not to the outside
but to the adjacent flats above, below and to the side. More than 40 pressurisation tests were carried out,
Under natural conditions there is usually very little air including some repeat measurements, and the results
movement between flats, and that air which is were analysed to give a complete picture of air
exchanged is not fresh outside air. Therefore, if leakage in the top half of one column (Figure 12). NO
allowance is not made for the magnitude of cross- significant cross-leakage was found between adjacent
leakage, the natural (fresh air) ventilation rate flats on the same floor, ie across compartment walls,
predicted using the results from the pressurisation test but significant leakage was found to flats above and
may be overestimated. below, ie across compartment floors. The latter
amounted to about 10% of the 'whole flat' air
An unoccupied Taylor Woodrow-Anglian block in leakage rate for each floor, except between flat
east London provided a unique opportunity to numbers 24 and 28 where a hole was found in the
investigate cross-leakage between LPS flats. A floor around service pipe penetrations.
comprehensive programme of air leakage
If the pressurisation results are to be used to predict
natural ventilation rates, the cross-leakage should be
subtracted from the 'whole flat' air leakage to give an
'effective' air leakage rate (ie to the outside). The
effective air leakage rates illustrated in Figure 12 are
about 20% less than those for the whole flat.
1 The air leakage measurements reported here show
that LPS flats are generally much more airtight
than typical low-rise dwellings, the average air
leakage rate for the LPS flats being about half that
for typical low-rise dwellings. However this does
not necessarily imply that the flats are
Increased thermal insulation can provide benefits insulation needed to achieve U-values of 0.6 or 0.45
nationally, locally and individually. The main national (starting from 1.0 and 2.0) and 1.2 (starting from
benefits are saved energy and extended life of the 2.0).
stock of houses. Potential local benefits include
improved local environment, lower long-term The options for thermally upgrading the walls of LPS
maintenance and factoring costs, reduced complaints buildings are to fix insulation materials to the inside
from tenants, and extended life of the housing stock. or outside surfaces. The insulants themselves are
The individual tenants may have benefits of improved generally low in cost, but fixing and protecting the
internal and external environment, reduced health insulants makes the whole process relatively expensive.
problems and reduced fuel costs. The owner of large Internal and external systems are therefore rarely
panel system (LPS) dwellings should aim to choose applied for their insulating value alone. The reasons
the most advantageous option at the best time. for insulating internally or externally are usudly
Options relating to the need to improve insulation are complex and likely to include reducing problems such
no action, increase the heating input, partially as condensation, rain penetration and cold bridging,
insulate, fully insulate, transfer ownership or or improving shabby appearance as well as saving
demolish. The correct time to insulate may be dictated energy.
by such factors on the positive side as grants, a cash
vote, work which can be allied to thermal insulation, The thermal insulation of walls, particularly on the
the weight of complaints, high number of empty outside surface, is a relatively new technique although
dwellings, and high maintenance load. On the other the constituent materials have been used in buildings
side of the equation are capital cost, effort spent in for many years. There have been the inevitable
design supervision and disputes with contractors, and technical problems that arise from the introduction of
the possibility of increased maintenance because of these new methods and, in the case of external
the insulation option. Note that maintenance may be insulation, the development of a whole new industry.
increased or decreased by insulation measures. In general, however, the problems have been no
greater than those experienced with traditional walls
If the decision is taken to insulate there is no and in only a very few instances could the problems
regulatory requirement to achieve a particular level of be classed as failures. There is still a great deal of
insulation when renovating LPS buildings, except change in both internal and external insulation, with
when change of use is involved, but it is preferable to new materials and methods being developed, new
aim for at least the minimum standard. Most LPS systems being introduced and systems being
panels have a U-value of around 1.0 W/m2K. The withdrawn.
walls adjacent to common accessways may be as low
as 2.0. Suggested target U-values for upgading are
0.6 W/mZK for compliance with the current standard, External insulation systems
0.45 W/m2K for the next likely standard and There are five principal function's which external
additionally 1.2 W/m2K for small localised cold insulation may be required to perform either singly or
bridges as outlined in The Building Standards in combination:
(Scotland) regulation^'^. Table 4 illustrates the
1 To upgrade the thermal performance of external
approximate thickness of either internal or external
Table 4 Approximate thickness of insulation needed to upgrade walls
Expanded polystyrene
or fibre batt 24 43 41 M) 12
or polyurethane 17 30 29 43 8
Fibre mat or
cellular glass 28 51 49 72 14
2 To prevent water penetration into the building equivalents of methods used successfully for over 60
3 To prevent pedestrian injury from falling aggregate years.
or spalled concrete
Example 2
4 To improve visual appearance
Aluminium or steel rail sections are fixed to the
5 To retard deterioration of the existing surface existing wall by screws or bolts and support cladding
sheets of colour-coated steel or aluminium or
There are three basic components in an external alternatively external-grade non-metal boards. Of
insulation system: the insulant, the cladding and the these the metal cladding systems are the most
fixing. The following sections describe some different important. A large number of companies manufacture
systems classified by the method of fixing. and market proprietary systems of both steel and
aluminium. The properties of the coated materials are
Indirect mechanically fixed well documented at the time of manufacture, usually
Vertical and/or horizontal battens or rails are fixed to in accordance with British Standard BS 5427 'Code of
the wall. Insulation can be placed between them and practice for performance and loading criteria for
they support various claddings. Alternatively, profiled sheeting in building'I3. It is necessary in
insulated sandwiched panels can be fixed to rails. specifying the material itself only to describe it and to
make reference to the standard and to the selected
Advantages thickness of material. Metal claddings have now been
The methods are variations of traditional used on LPS dwellings for several years and there is
techniques. wide experience of their use on commercial and
industrial buildings. Performance has varied from
A wide range of claddings can be used, such as
excellent to very poor, with the main problems being
metal or other sheet materials, tiles, rendered metal
poor sealing against rain penetration, corrosion,
lathing or timber siding.
especially at edges, and early deterioration of the
Battens or rails can span from one sound fixing to protective coating.
another with only stabilising supports between
them. A wide range of non-metallic sheets and boards exists
and many of these are capable of forming the basis
Cavities can be formed behind the cladding for
for suitable exteinal cladding systems. Most of these
ventilation or drainage.
boards are similar to colour-coated asbestos cement
The application of most of the systems is not boards. Experience with asbestos cement has been
restricted by weather conditions. mixed, with found problems similar to those with
metal sheeting. One group of multi-storey buildings
Replacement of damaged sheet or tile claddings is
was successfully overclad with an insulated asbestos
possible without removing the whole system.
cement panel system in 1976. Some of the non-
High thermal insulation value can be achieved. asbestos boards developed in the past few years have
cracked in use and modified fixing methods are now
It is not necessary to provide movement joints to
coincide with joints in the original wall.
Advantages Example
Composite boards of insulation material bonded to a
Very little load is added to the building, breather membrane and metal lathing are held against
approximately 12 kg/mz. the wall while holes are drilled through to the
A high insulation value is easily obtained. substrate to take fixing pins which are hammered in.
The insulation can be expanded plastics, semi-rigid
No movement joints are needed with some systems. mineral fibre slabs or cellular glass. Finishing is with a
traditional sand:cement rendering. This has been the
Disadvantages most widely used external insulation type in the
Very restricted range of finishes. United Kingdom and experience dates back to 1976
mainly on low-rise dwellings with examples on LPS
Not suitable for application during poor weather. dwellings dating from 1979. There has been long
High level of skill needed for satisfactory experience of rendered metal lathing in this country
application. and there is some confidence in the fact that it has
lasted for over 60 years on timber-framed dwellings.
Surface finish will need renewing several times The traditional rendered finishes can last for 30 years
during the lifetime of a dwelling. or more without deteriorating in any performance
The original wall surface must be firm and fairly respect except dirtying and staining. Problems with
even. the system have mainly resulted from poor
workmanship such as inadequate fixing or bad
Example rendering practices which have resulted in cracking.
Adhesives based on sand:cement mixes modified by
the addition of polymer emulsions are used as strips
or dabs to fix insulation boards to the wall. The Internal insulation systems
boards are covered with a thin layer of cementsand A great deal of information on plasterboarding and
modified by polymer emulsion and reinforced with also some information on insulated dry-linings is
included glass fibre or layers of woven glass fabric. contained in trade literature. This section utilises some
The final decorative coating is usually a trowel- or standard information but also incorporates data from
roller-applied filled co-polymer. These systems have site experience and user surveys.
been used on the Continent since the mid-1960s and
include examples on multi-storey buildings. In the In upgrading work the internal insulation may be used
United Kingdom use has mainly been on low-rise for improving the thermal properties of the wall or as
buildings since the late 1970s. part of a package of repair-and-renewal or, as was
found in a local authority survey, mainly to reduce Adhesive fixed
condensation problems. Boards of insulation bonded to plasterboard are
adhered to the wall. Adhesive is either a thin layer
The components of an internal insulation system are over all the surface or dabs or strips of thicker
some or all of the following: adhesive. The plasterboard is then finished by
Fixing traditional plasterboarding techniques. Mechanical
Water barrier fixings may be used to give supplementary support.
Cavity This is a quick and low-cost method and the adhesive
Vapour control layer adds little to the thickness. Therefore the intrusion
Lining into the room is less than with other methods. Where
there is cold bridging along ceilings and intersecting
Three main methods of supporting the insulation are walls, the insulation can easily be extended onto their
used. The insulation can be adhered to the face of the surfaces.
wall, or loosely supported between battens fixed to
the wall, or supported away from the face of the wall The main disadvantages are that services can only be
in a similar manner to an internal partition. The main accommodated on the surface of the lining or in
categories therefore are as follows: grooves in the insulant or walling behind the system.
The method is unsuitable for use on damp walls.
Adhesive fixed
Supplementary fixings are usually needed to prevent
Mechanically fixed
the boards from bowing or to support those with
Separated lining
thermoplastic insulants during fire. It is not easy to
support medium- to heavy-weight fittings on the
The above classifications are used in the following
text to cut down the amount of repetition in
describing the systems and their properties but, as
Mechanically fixed
with external insulation, there are inevitable overlaps
Three basic methods are described below, all of which
of methods with some systems using partially adhesive
use the background as the basic support.
and partially mechanical fixing support and with
plasterboard/insulation laminate being used for both
I Plasterboard/insulation laminates: direct fixed
adhesive and mechanically fixed systems.
Plasterboardiinsulation laminates are held against the
background and fixed with self-drillingiself-tapping
The type of system chosen is mainly dependent on the
screws or metal pins in predrilled holes into the
condition and materials of the background. Factors
which influence this choice are whether the concrete.
background is weak or strong, rough or smooth, wet
With skill a finish suitable for plasterboard jointing
or dry. Another factor which may influence choice is
techniques can be produced. Otherwise the
the skill available and whereas some methods are
plasterboard is best finished with a skim coat of
suitable for use by joiners, others require a plasterer.
LPS walls are smooth and strong but may be dry or plaster.
The method is simple, quick and uses the minimum of
different techniques. Any of the plasterboard/
The reason for any damp-staining must be established
insulation laminates can be used although those with
and steps taken to remove the source of damp. This
some resilience are preferred because a slight amount
may include repairing plumbing work, repairing
of alignment can be achieved by adjusting the
joints1', flashings, etc, or taking measures to reduce
pressure on the fixing. Metal fixings may act as local
condensation problems.
cold bridges when fixed directly into concrete. This
The walls should also be inspected for evidence of method is not suitable for damp walls.
cold bridging, particularly at the intersection with
flanking walls and intermediate floors. These 2 Plasterboard/insulation laminates on metal firring
problems may be increased after a wall has been Special channel-shaped strips of thin zinc-coated steel
internally insulated. are stuck to the wall with a plasterlike material, then
a plasterboard insulation laminate is screwed to the
channels with self-drilling/self-tapping screws.
Where it is decided to remove an existing inner lining
before internal insulation, a special check should be
made to ensurc that sound transmission and fire The method is suitable for any background which can
stopping between different rooms and dwellings are be plastered. A slight amount of initial dampness can
not adversely affected. be tolerated but it is unsuitable for permanently damp
The requirements for wiring, electrical outlets,
Care has to be taken not to overtighten the screws
plumbing and fitments must be determined and
with compressible insulants as the area of contact
related to the type of insulation method planned.
between firring and insulant is relatively small and the internal insulation. An approximate order of cost
plasterboard can be distorted. would be that external insulation is two to five times
the cost of internal insulation.
3 Plasterboard or laminates on battens
Battens are fixed to the wall and either insulation is 2 Wall construction
placed between the battens then covered with a No insurmountable problems have been found which
vapour control layer and plasterboard, or a preclude the choice of either internal or external
plasterboard insulation laminate is fixed to the systems for LPS walling.
battens. The battens may be separated from direct
contact with the wall, and a cavity ventilated to the 3 Repair and upgrading
outside may-be provided between the insulation and The ideal time for specifying internal or external
the walling. insulation is alongside repair or rehabilitation work.
The nature of the work will often dictate the most
This method is suitable for walls which are dry or advantageous method.
intermittently damp. Permanently wet backgrounds
should not, however, be covered. On damp walls it is Where internal wall surfaces have to be disrupted by
advisable to provide an isolating layer of building electrical and plumbing work, the extra cost of
paper together with spacers to hold the main areas of providing insulation becomes small. Similarly when
the battens away from the wall. In these conditions replacing kitchen fitments, repairing damaged plaster
corrosion-resistant fixings are essential. The use of a surfaces or even redecorating walls, internal insulation
plasterboard/insulation laminate even when additional may be profitably included in the work.
to insulation between the battens has the advantages
that a sandwich vapour control layer within the External insulation can be combined with the repair
laminate is protected and the effect of cold bridging or redecoration of surfaces that have deteriorated or
by the battens is considerably reduced. Electrical and be applied as a cure for rain penetration.
other services can easily be fitted behind the battens.
The battens provide a firm anchorage for fixings and Window replacement may cause damage to both the
fitments. Disadvantages with this and the firring internal and the external wall surfaces. This provides
supported method (number 2 above) are that they are an ideal opportunity to modify the window
relatively expensive, disruptive and reduce the floor construction or location so that it can be linked to
area considerably. either internal or external insulation systems.
The added insulation will cover only between one- 14 Appearance change
third and one-sixth of the surface area of a room and There will be little or no change in appearance after
so may not significantly change the thermal response internal insulation.
of the room.
External walls of shabby or dingy appearance can he
8 Thermal insulation markedly improved by external insulation, but stains
The improvement in the level of insulation mainly and organic growths similar to those present on the
depends on the thickness of insulation material. In existing wall are likely to be deposited eventually on
general, greater thicknesses of insulation can be used the new surface. Attractive wall surfaces may he
with external insulation than with internal insulation, rendered bland by external insulation, and planning
although there can be features of the wall which permission will be required in some instances where
restrict the insulation thickness with either type of the appearance will he changed.
15 Maintenance
9 Cold bridging Internal maintenance may be considerably reduced
Externally applied insulation is usually more effective where the insulation reduces problems of
in overcoming the effects of cold hridges than is condensation, although differential staining may
internally applied insulation. It should not be increase if the system contains thermal bridges.
assumed, however, that all cold bridges are eliminated
because external insulation is specified. A special External insulation systems finished with polymeric
section on cold bridges is included later in this materials are likely to need more frequent
chapter. maintenance than concrete in good condition.
Insulation at back
of parapet linked
in certain flats or in specific locations in flats. This Where the walkway of a balcony forms the roof of a
knowledge will help in determining whether selective habitable room, or where the ceiling over a balcony
or comprehensive or no special treatment will be forms the floor of a habitable room, these areas
needed to deal with cold bridging. The locations dealt should always be insulated where practicable and
with below are where typical cold bridges may be linked as far as possible to the wall insulation (Figure
found. 16). Balconies and accessways which do not enclose
habitable rooms but are connected to floor slabs
Solid ground floors are sometimes continued through provide a thermal bridge to the inside. The decision of
to the outside and this can lead to condensation both whether or not to insulate these areas can be a
on the floor and on wall elements in contact with the difficult one as the cost of providing insulation to
floor. Possible remedies are overfloor insulation both the top and bottom surfaces of a balcony is very
protected with chipboard, perimeter insulation below high, whereas the benefits may not be very great.
floor level or external insulation from damp-proof
course level to below ground level (Figure 14).
insulation L)Q
10.3O :\,ti
~ a n y
' , , , I \
Figure 17 Comparison of internal and external wall insulation. Effect of insulation on surface temperatures where
floor slab forms cold bridge and is extended as a balcony
The likely effects of external and internal insulation priority. Where there is rain penetration or
and the internal surface temperature at a typical deteriorating external surfaces, recladding may be
balcony are shown in Figure 17. In this instance the required and estimates can be obtained for this which
internal insulation would not be effective in reducing can then be subtracted from the cost of external
the incidence of condensation on the floor or ceiling insulation. In one large contract the estimated cost of
near to the outside wall, but external insulation would sealing joints and redecorating the external surface
reduce the risk considerably. was greater than the estimate for an insulated
overcladding. Similarly the cost of repairs to plaster
and redecoration may be offset against internal
Cost considerations insulation.
Cost-effectiveness calculations for insulation take
Another method of quantifying benefits is to use a
account of only the cash benefits for reduced fuel
composite method of analysis. A simple assessment
usage. In reality the situation is much more complex
can be made for rented property where tenant
and other benefits may arise after insulation. Factors
dissatisfaction results in a larger than normal turnover
vary considerably from example to example and
in occupants. Each re-let costs a considerable amount
depend on assumptions that are relevant only to the
in lost revenue, increased repair costs and
time when the analysis is undertaken.
administrative time during the period the property is
empty. Vandalism is often increased or security costs
The following notes give some indication of other
have to be increased to keep out vandals. Each
factors which may be more significant than energy
landlord will have different cost items and values but
saving on its own.
the simple example below illustrates the principle:
The total capital cost of a measure is easy to Empty dwellings on
determine from estimates. The insulation part of a substandard estate 12%
system typically accounts for less than 10% of the
Empty dwellings on
total, and in a realistic assessment a decision has to be
average estate 3%
taken on what proportion of the overall cost should
be used in calculations. Average period dwelling
empty 6 weeks per dwelling
Most insulation activities are associated with repairs
Cost of closing, repairing,
and cures for problems such as rain penetration, £210 per dwelling
redecoration and re-letting
condensation., Door wall surfaces and shabbv
appearance, with energy saving possibly being a lower Weekly revenue f 30 per dwelling
Extra lost revenue improvement in the worst areas of cold bridging.
for substandard (12-3) x 52 x £30 Typical results are illustrated in Figure 17.
houses on 100-house estate = £14 040 per year
The following insulation studies were made:
Extra cost of repairs
and re-letting for Calculations of expected energy usage at theoretical
substandard houses (12-3) x 52 ? 6 x £210 design temperatures
on 100-house estate = £16 380 per year
Thickness of insulation required to give target
U-values with typical wall/roof and floor
Therefore the extra cost on the difficult-to-let estate constructions
compared with an average estate is £14 040 +
£16 380, or £304.2 per house per year. This benefit Change in calculated energy loss with different
which may be gained from upgrading including insulation strategies
insulation is likely to be greater than the value of the Effect of room positions on flat-to-flat heat
energy saving and can be a direct gain to the landlord,
whereas energy savings would be a gain to the tenant.
Nevertheless, in a realistic cost-benefit analysis these Assessment of the options for surface-applied
could be added together. insulation to the whole or parts of the structure,
and practical considerations including comparisons
of preferred methods of fixing and protecting
A study of 1950s 11-storey deck-access against impact, fire and weathering where
flats appropriate
This section gives a summary of an insulation Comparison of internal and external insulation,
assessment which was part of a study undertaken by a especially of walls fronting onto balconies
multi-disciplinary team drawn from the Building Methods of improving roof insulation
Research Advisory Service assisted by specialists in
condensation, thermal insulation, material science, The main findings of the investigation into the
microbiology and infra-red thermography. insulation part of the study were that selective
external insulation of the gable walls and the walls
An inspection of unoccupied dwellings showed little adjacent to the stair wells would be the most
evidence of severe condensation problems and no profitable, together with the replacement of some
widespread mould growth. The external walls glazing with insulated opaque panelling, the insulation
contained large areas of glazing which would result in of the underside of the floors of some rooms, and
a considerable heat loss. The Tenants' Association improved roof insulation. Other insulation measures
was contacted and from discussions with them the would be complex and expensive without reducing
main cause for complaint appeared to be excessive heat loss by a significant amount. However, these
heating bills rather than condensation problems. latter measures could be considered as part of a
Occupied flats chosen from a list provided by the staged package if a demonstration of the simpler
Tenants' Association were inspected. It was found insulation measures together with suggested heating,
that condensation and mould growth were more ventilation and maintenance improvements showed
prominent in rooms where the floor or ceiling slab that the complete insulation package was necessary.
was exposed on the outside because of balconies, etc.
The Building Research Establishment's Scottish Many of the tenants had lived in the flats since they
Laboratory at East Kilbride has been investigating the were built; most were families with children. Few
risk of condensation and mould growth in dwellings complained of condensation problems; there were
built with the various large panel systems (LPS). This however cases of rain penetration.
chapter describes two monitoring exercises carried out
in Reema flats in Glasgow and in Bison Wall Frame Modified flats
houses at RAF Machrihanish over the winter of This was a 20-storey Reema block built along with
1985 -86. two others in the late 1960s on the north edge of
Glasgow. There were four two-bedroomed and two
Previous studies of non-LPS flats at Stirling and one-bedroomed flats on each floor. The three blocks
Inverclyde and houses at Harrow over four winters on the site formed a heat-with-rent scheme. Electric
produced a reasonably complete picture of the storage heaters running on the White Meter tariff
conditions that occur in traditional local authority (similar to Economy 7) installed in every room were
housing. The main objective of the present work was metered independently and Glasgow District Council
to determine whether remedies identified as successful were charged by the SSEB. The tenants paid a
in traditional housing would be as effective in LPS standard charge for heating (£16 or £20 per month for
dwellings. Throughout the analysis of the results, a one-bedroomed or two-bedroomed flat respectively)
comparisons were made between conditions in the along with their rent and were charged as usual by the
LPS blocks and conditions in the insulated flats at SSEB for the remaining electricity for lighting,
Stirling, where the U-values of the walls were very cooking, etc. It was possible for tenants to opt out of
similar to those of the LPS flats. It was expected that the scheme, but most chose to participate.
differences in conditions found would relate to other
features peculiar to LPS dwellings. To combat problems of rain penetration and upgrade
the insulation standard of the walls, all three blocks
were covered with profiled metal cladding
Reema flats, Glasgow incorporating 25 mm of insulation; this reduced the
The buildings studied U-value from 1.1 to 0.6 W/mZK. The resulting fabric
It was originally hoped to study two large panel transmittance was 46 W/K for the one-bedroomed
blocks with and without severe condensation flats and 57 W/K for the two-bedroomed flats: both
problems. However, discussions with Glasgow District unusually low values. The existing single glazing was
Council Department officials suggested that they have retained.
few major condensation problems in these structures.
It was, therefore, decided to compare conditions in As in the other block, most of the tenants were
two Reema blocks, one unmodified and one which resident for many years. The population structure was
had been externally insulated and was part of a 'heat rather different, however, with many older single
with rent' scheme. people, especially in the one-bedroomed flats.
Natural ventilation measurements The data collected from the three blocks are
A series of measurements of ventilation rates was summarised in Table 5.
made in an empty flat in the unmodified block, using
an infra-red gas analyser to monitor the concentration Energy use
of nitrous oxide. After release and uniform mixing To put the flats in this study into the context of
throughout the flat, the concentration of tracer gzs Scottish local authority housing as a whole, annual
decays exponentially; the gradient from a plot of the energy consumptions were estimated from the 3
logarithm of concentration against time gives the months of meter readings using published degree-day
ventilation rate. Wind speed data were obtained from values for the period, as shown in Table 6.
Table 5 Summary of data from monitored flats
20 -
;; 1
(a) Modlfisd LPSflatr
0; + 0.008E
Table 6 Estimation of annual energy consumption
1 February
0 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540 600
Weekly energy con.umpt<on ( E : k w h )
" July
t (b) Unmadnfned LPSflats
0 20, - September 107 112
October 178 182
November 307 386
December 359 320
Total 2615 2918
Histograms of the estimated values are shown in glazing; double glazing would reduce this to about
Figure 19. The mean annual consumption for each 30%.
block is plotted against fabric transmittance in Figure
20 together with the corresponding value from the Energy use in the unmodified block was very similar
insulated Stirling flats. The lines are derived from a to that in the Stirling flats where mould growth was
survey of 1500 local authority houses in central widespread; however, the low fabric transmittance
Scotland. The small external wall areas implied very would lead us to expect better conditions. In
low fabric transmittances in the Reema blocks, comparison, energy use in the modified block with the
especially the modified block, compared with the heat-with-rent scheme was significantly higher, near
Stirling flats, which had similar U-values. Between 40 the top 10% of users in the larger survey. This,
and 50% of the heat loss was through the single together with the very high standard of insulation,
~ o d i f i e dLPS flats temperatures in the two modified flats where there
was little energy use show that the external insulation
was keeping the whole block warm.
Internal conditions
The average temperatures and vapour pressures from
each room in both blocks and in the flats at Stirliug
are plotted in Figure 21 together with the outside
conditions. The curved lines of relative humidity
indicate the risk of mould growth; values over 70%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
are critical.
Estimated annual energy cansumpt#on (MWh)
It can be seen from the data in Figure 21 that the
weather was unusually cold and dry during the
monitoring period, significantly different from the
unmodified LPS flate
5 Stirling experiment when milder, humid conditions
4 C M e a n = 8.0 i 3 . 1
1 (more typical of the winter conditions) prevailed. To
make the data collected in Glasgow more readily
comparable with the Stirling data and more generally
applicable, they have been standardised on the outside
condition at Stirling, as follows.
upper 10%
25 - A Modlfled LPS
O Unrnodifled LPS
0 Sf,rl,ng. ,nsuls,ed
20 -
Ez 15-
: 10- Lower258
Figure 20 Energy consumption in the three groups of flats compared with large-scale survey
of Scottish local authority houses
Temperature (OC)
Figure 21 Average temperatures and vapour pressures from each group of flats, with graphs
of relative humidity (70)
Bedroom T = 17.4 + 0.02 x OUT R = 0.02 Bedroom T = 14.8 - 0.02 x OUT R = 0.02
P = 5.5 + 0.36 x OUP R = 0.32 P = 5.9 + 0.46 x OUP R = 0.41
Kitchen T = 18.2 - 0.02 x OUT R = 0.02 Kitchen T = 18.7 - 0.06 x OUT R = 0.05
P = 7.0 + 0.22 x OUP R = 0.14 P = 6.9 + 0.41 x OUP R = 0.24
Abbreviorions: T, inside air temperature ("C); P, inside vapour pressure (mb); OUT, outside air temperature ("C); OUP, outside vapour
pressure (mb); R, correlation coefficient.
Bedroom B
Kgtchen @ @ K
Oufslde 0 0 0
100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50%
-E 9-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Temperature /OCI
Figure 22 Average temperatures and vapour pressures from each group of flats, standardised
on Stirling, with graphs of relative humidity (%)
(a) Modified LPS flat
It can be seen that temperatures in the modified block In comparison temperatures were er in the
were so high that there was little danger of mould unmodif~edblock than in the mol 'd block,
growth; the bedrooms in particular were little colder especially in the bedrooms, which re not in general
than the other rooms, showing the benefit of heated; however the temperatures .e higher than
insulation and full central heating in keeping the those observed at Stirling. Vapou essures were high
whole dwelling warmer. Vapour pressures were in the kitchens; this was probably :to the larger
unusually high in the living-rooms, perhaps reflecting family sizes in this block.
low ventilation rates,
Surface conditions Modified LPS flats
Except for air leakage through joints (see below), the
thermovision survey did not indicate any serious
80 r
problem areas. Examples of cold areas at wall/floor 0 A#r RH over 70%
0 Surlace RH over 80%
junctions from each block are shown in Figure 23.
The temperature in the bedroom of the particular flat
in the modified block was lower than that in the flat
in the unmodified block, leading to lower surface
temperatures overall. However, Figure 23 shows that
the coldest point in the corner was 1 to 1 . 5 degrees
colder than the overall wall temperature in the
modified flat, whereas in the unmodified flat the
difference was 3 degrees. The external insulation had 0
Flat 1 Far 2 Flat 3 Flat 4 Fiat 5
therefore smoothed out the temperature variations
over the wall, reducing the intensity of the potential
thermal bridge at this point. Unmodified LPS flats
The risk of mould growth on surfaces can be 0 A#, RH over 70%
estimated from the proportion of time that the 0 Surface RH over 80%
relative humidity was over 7 0 % in the room
(equivalent to 8 5 % at the wall surface). The surface
temperatures and humidities, measured with the
portable data loggers, at various high-risk locations
were averaged over each flat and the risk of mould
growth calculated as shown in Figure 24. It can be
- -
seen that, while there was little or no danger in the
modified block, at some locations in the unmodified
block readings would suggest that mould growth was
possible. It should be emphasised, however, that the
areas chosen were the worst possible cases and that
Flat 2 Flat 3
Flat 4
there was negligible risk of widespread problems in Figure 24 Times of mould growth risk based on relative humidity
any of these flats. (RH)
Ventilation and air leakage ventilation rate and wind speed. At wind speeds
The ventilation rates measured with nitrous oxide in a typical of urban conditions, ventilation rates were
sixth-floor empty flat in the unmodified block are near or below 0.5 air changes per hour (ach).
plotted against wind speed in Figure 25 with an
indication of wind direction. It can be seen that, An internal thermovision survey of the east-facing
except for those occasions when the wind was from wall during an easterly wind showed that there was
the east, there was a good correlation between considerable air leakage through the joint at floor
1.4 -
Unmodified LPS flat
2 1.2-
% 1.0-
G 0.8 -
0.6 -
;0.4 - N
02 -
Figure 25 Ventilation rates measured by tracer gas (the arrows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
indicate wind direction) w , " d speed ( E ~ ~s i ~~ b n d(v;
e ) m/s)
(a) Floor chilled by ax leakwe at joint
level: this cooled the floor boards next to the wall building, which is generally sheltered from driving
(Figure 26(a)). This phenomenon was investigated rain, it should not be a major route for water
further by depressurising the flat with the air-leakage penetration; a similar gap in a flat on the other side
test rig while the thermovision camera was of the block wuld be more serious. No other major
continuously recording. By subtracting the image leakage paths through the panel joints were observed
recorded after depressurisation from that recorded in this flat.
before, the temperature differences caused by the air
leakage can be clearly seen (Figure 26@)). As this gap The leakage rates at a pressure difference of 50 Pa
between the panels was on the eastern side of the measured with the pressurisation rig in three flats
Figure 27
the indication from the tracer gas tests that these flats
Leakage rate sf 50 Pa apDlhed pressure difference (air changer per boor)
(=I ~ ~ c i f LPS
0.6 1.2
i ~ flats
D P = 1.26
R = 0.709
1.8 2.4
+ 0.515~
3.0 3.6 4.2
Number of occupants IN1
4.8 5.4 6.0
Discussion 2 2
stable populations, predominantly families in the
unmodified block, more single people in the modified
ern -1
5 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.0
one. These may be typical of occupancies in this type
a Number of occupants (Nl
of housing, and the data on occupancy and
environmental conditions can therefore be usefully c
(EJ Stirling, insulated flats
generalised. 61
important factor was the high temperatures, especially Figure 28 Difference between internal and external vapour
in the modified block (Figure 22). pressure plotted against number of occupants in the
three groups of flats
0 1 100
Fabric transmittance (WIK)
Figure 29 Fabric transmittance and heat input for the three groups of flats,with graphs of relative humidity (%)
AS can be seen in Figure 20, the Reema blocks were 14 kg/day for a large family drying washing indoors,
unusually well insulated in comparison both with the etc. Ventilation rates will normally lie between 0.5 and
national stock and with the Stirling flats. Energy 1.5 ach.
consumption in the unmodified block was similar to
that in Stirling, leading to a similar temperature In Figure 30(a) the hatched area is well below any
distribution, with warm conditions in the heated danger of mould growth (ie 70% relative humidity);
kitchens and living-rooms and significantly lower Figure 30(b) shows that conditions become marginal
temperatures in the unheated bedrooms. for high moisture productions; Figure 30(c) shows
that there is a risk of mould for a wide range of
The better insulation standards and higher energy use occupancies in the traditional flats at Stirling. The
(near the top 10% of users (Figure 20)), in the good standards of heating and insulation in the LPS
modified block led to warm conditions in all rooms, flats in Glasgow therefore permit a much wider range
especially the bedrooms. of moisture production than the flats at Stirling where
the risk of mould growth could impose constraints on
A calculation procedure has been developed as a the occupants.
prediction technique. Given the moisture production
and ventilation rate in the dwelling and the external
conditions, the relative humidity may be calculated as Bison Wall Frame houses,
a function of fabric transmittance and heat input, as Machrihanish
shown in Figure 29. Also plotted are the mean heat
During the autumn of 1985 BRE Scottish Laboratory
input derived from the 3-monthly means in Table 5
was approached by the Property Services Agency
and the fabric transmittances for the Glasgow and
(PSA) about problems of rain penetration,
Stirling flats also in Table 5. The benefit of the high
condensation and low temperatures in the married
energy consumption in the modified flats with the
quarters at RAE Machrihanish, near Cambeltown. As
heat-with-rent scheme is evident, as the predicted
these were of Bison Wall Frame construction and
relative humidity is as low as 30%.
PSA were keen to carry out a range of modifications,
they were included in the monitoring programme.
The benefits of good heating and insulation can be
seen if the calculation procedure is inverted and the
The estate of 109 two-, three- and four-bedroomed
relative humidity is calculated as a function of
semi-detached and terraced houses was built in 1964
ventilation and moisture generation for fixed heat
in a very exposed position in the south-westernmost
input and fabric transmittance. Figure 30 shows the
tip of Scotland, less than a mile from the Atlantic.
calculated values for the three groups of flats in
The wall slabs contained 25 mm of insulation giving a
Glasgow and Stirling. The hatched boxes shown in the
U-value of 1.1 W/mZK. All the roofs contained
figure indicate the normal range of occupancy in
75 mm of insulation. Windows were single glazed
housing. Moisture production may vary from
giving an overall fabric transmittance of 140 W/K for
5 kg/day for a single person living alone, up to
(a) ~ o d i f i s dLPS f l a b
To reduce these problems the PSA embarked on a
programme of refurbishment of the whole estate. The
5. 20
external walls were to be insulated with 50 mm of
r expanded polystyrene covered with a two-coat render
r 15
P with dry dash on a stainless steel lath fixed through
n the insulation with polypropylene pins. This would
la bring the U-value down to 0.4 W/m2K. The exisiting
2 windows were to be replaced by double-glazed units.
P 5 New porches were to be constructed to give some
protection to front and rear doors.
"" - "
Ventllatlon rate (air changes per hour)
- Despite the exposed position, it was felt that
(b) Unmodified LPS flats ventilation rates were low in these houses. Passive
stack ventilators were therefore to be installed leading
-i: 20
from each bathroom to the ridge of the roof. It had
m been hoped to install these in the kitchen also, but
i 15 this proved impracticable. The double-glazed units
" were to include trickle ventilators.
g 10
A pilot scheme of 11 houses was completed, except
for the double glazing, in February 1986. Work was
g 5
to follow on the remainder of the estate.
n . d Monitoring
Ventilation rate (air changer per hour) Monitoring at Machrihanish fell into two phases:
before occupation and afer occupation.
Before occupation
During December 1985 thermovision surveys and
tracer gas measurements were carried out in four
unoccupied houses, two modified and two
surfaces. However, two problem areas were not lead to major condensation problems if they were
resolved. Firstly, the external cladding stopped at not rectified.
the same level as the preexisting insulation,
exacerbating the thermal bridge at this point Ventilation measurements
(Figure 33(a)). Secondly, the detail'ig of the barge The whole-house ventilation rates measured in the two
board on the gable end of one of the houses led to unm&~ed houses are plotted against the wind speed
a gap in the insulation in the top corners of both from the adjacent RAF base in F i e 34. It can be
bedrooms (Figure 33@)). Both these areas could seen that rates were very low, especially in house 2
base of external insulation
which was relatively sheltered in the centre of the open stack caused unusual air flows around the
estate. house, inhibiting proper mixing of the tracer; further
analysis is needed to establish the situation. At any
The measurements taken in the modified house, with rate the ventilation rates measured were still low.
and without the bathroom passive stack open, are
shown in Figure 35. It can be seen that, while the After occupation
results with the stack open are reasonable, those with Energy use
it shut are confusing, showing an apparent decrease of To put the houses in this study into the context of
ventilation rate with wind speed. It is possible that the Scottish local authority housing as a whole, annual
0 House 1 . edge of estate
A Hause 2 , centre o i estate
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
W8"d speed (rn13,
Figure 34 Whole-house ventilation rate plotted against wind speed 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
for unmodified LPS houses at Machrihanish W8"d speed ( Y ; m1.1
energy consumptions were estimated from the 3 weeks houses, which have larger external wall areas, in the
of meter readings and plotted against fabric modified group. Fabric transmittances will be further
transmittance (Figure 36). The lines in this figure are reduced by the double-glazed units when they are
derived from a large-scale survey of 1500 local installed. It must be remembered that the main reason
authority houses in central Scotland. As can be seen for the external cladding was to reduce the incidence
the houses in both groups were well insulated (the of rain penetration; improved insulation was
fabric transmittances were low) and were well above secondary.
the average energy users.
There was no apparent reduction in fuel usage in the
The disappointingly small reduction in fabric insulated houses. As many of them had been occupied
transmittance due to the external insulation is partially for only short periods this may not reflect longer-term
explained by the greater number of end terraced energy use patterns.
10 Lower 25%
Figure 36 Energy consumption in LPS houses and traditional flats compared with large-scale
survey of Scottish local authority houses
Table 8 Summary of data from monitoring at Machrihanish
~ ~
Figure 37 Average temperatures and vapour pressures from each group o f houses at
Machrihanish compared with Stirling, with graphs of relative humidity (%)
The following conclusions drawn from the two case
studies can be applied to the behaviour of LPS flats
in general.
The Reema flats in Glasgow were well insulated and,
especially in the modified block, well heated. There
was therefore little risk of condensation and mould
Thermal performance
There were few thermal bridges in the Glasgow flats;
the external cladding on the modified block had
reduced the severity of those that existed. The external
insulation on the Bison Wall Frame houses at
Machrihanish had successfully upgraded the insulation
of the walls and eliminated the severe rain penetration
problems. The thermal bridging problems that
resulted can be overcome by improved detailing.
Both the houses and the flats were poorly ventilated.
This could lead to problems in properties with a high
moisture load and substandard heating.
This report provides a framework for decisions on Remedial measures for ventilation should include
remedial work in large panel system (LPS) dwellings means of providing background ventilation in living
concerned with improving habitability and, areas and the provision of means of achieving large
particularly, the avoidance of condensation and rates of extraction in moisture-producing areas such
mould growth. It has identified heating, thermal as kitchens and bathrooms. When determining
insulation and ventilation as the principal factors remedial measures, surveys should be undertaken of
concerned and has shown the importance of providing the condition of windows and doors since these will
affordable heat. greatly affect ventilation rates. If windows are ill-
fitting it is highly likely that ventilation rates will be
Heating systems, whether existing or replacement, high and this has a cost implication for the occupant.
must he able to provide temperatures sufficient for Conversely, if windows are tightly sealed and no
both the comfort of the occupants and the avoidance background ventilation is provided, relative humidities
of mould growth at a cost which is affordable by the can he high and may result in mould growth. Whilst
occupants. In LPS flats, as in most high-rise in a lot of cases visual inspection will indicate whether
dwellings, bedrooms are likely to be located or not reasonable ventilation rates are being achieved
immediately above other bedrooms and therefore need (say 0.5 to 1.5 air changes per hour) a more accurate
to be heated, since fortuitous heat gains from other check can be made by pressurisation testing. Whilst
parts of the dwelling are likely to be small. This is this is not a direct method of measuring ventilation it
totally different from the conditions in two-storey nevertheless will give a good indication of likely
dwellings where upstairs bedrooms have gains from performance.
heated living-rooms below. The report indicates how
the BRE Domestic Energy Model (BREDEM) can be A large number of LPS dwellings are of high-rise
used to assess heating costs for different target construction. This can lead to problems of ensuring
temperatures and discusses the practical options for adequate ventilation in all dwellings in a particular
improving heating systems. block, eg ventilation provision which may be effective
in top-floor flats may not be effective in ground-floor
Thermal insulation can reduce energy requirements in flats because of prevailing wind conditions. Hence the
LPS dwellings, assist in improving internal conditions location of background ventilators may be dependent
which affect habitability and increase the likelihood on the design of the block of flats. Background
that occupants can afford to heat the dwellings ventilators may need to be sheltered from prevailing
adequately. The likely effect on heating costs can be wind conditions; extract fans should be of adequate
assessed from BREDEM. Heating costs are payable size so that they can, when required, work against
by the occupants. However, capital costs are usually external pressures.
met by the building owner who in most circumstances
will not be the occupant. Only external or internal
insulation is usually feasible in LPS dwellings. The
capital cost of external insulation is usually three to
four times higher than that of internal insulation.
However, it may be economically more attractive if
undertaken at the same time as overcladding which
may be introduced to overcome such problems as rain
penetration or deterioration of the facade.