7 Overroofing LPS Buildings
7 Overroofing LPS Buildings
7 Overroofing LPS Buildings
especially for large panel system dwellings
This publication is one of a series being prepared as part of the Building Research Establishment's
programme of investigation to assist local authorities and their consultants in appraisal,
maintenance and repair of large panel systcm dwellings.
BR 185
ISBN 0 85125 460 8
Local authorities and other owners are faced with conti~iu~ng defects to
flat roofs and adopt a variety of solutions to deal with them; overroofing
is one of the remedies. This report is based on information from system
suppliers and the experiences of local authorities who have carried out
overroofing. The intention is to share that knowledge with other owners,
and their advisers, who are considering options for their own dcfcctive
flat-roofed housing, so as to reduce the amount of repetitivc studies and
to achieve cost-effective and technically sound remedies. It is not a
design guide, but provides background information on the factors that
ought to be taken into account when considering remedial work for flat
The report was edited by John Hunt from papers produced originally by
Marilyn Edwards. The case studies were researched and written by
Marilyn Edwards and Jim Thomson.
Definitions used in this report
Roofing materials the original flat roofing materials covcring the deck.
This report discusses briefly the factors to he overroofing and the options available, and describes
examined by owners when considering remedial work the more widely available systems, such as increasing
for defective flat roofs on their housing stock. It is the slope of continuously supported 'flat' roofs, tiled
concerned with overroofing, and provides a technical timber roofs, metal sheeted roofs, and canopics, all of
framework for discussions between decision makers, which may or may not incorporate thermal insulation.
consultants and component suppliers to help them to
achieve an appropriate cost-effective solution. The main performance requirements for overroofing
- strength and stability, weathertightuess, thermal
Overroofing is one of several options for remedying insulation, sound insulation, fire resistance and
faults in flat roofs; it can range from simply improving durability - are discussed, and the major component
the falls on an existing flat roof to crccting a new parts of overroofing - thermal insulation, supporting
pitched structure and covering. structure, outer wcathcrproof laycr, and the fixings -
are described.
The report sets out the options for repairs and
overroofing; it describes how owners and their The report gives guidance on choosing and assessing a
advisers might proceed whcn deciding whether to suitable overroofing scheme, and considers the
repair a flat roof or to convert it into a pitched roof by requirements for future maintcnancc, thc buildability
ovcrroofing, and gives guidance on preparing a design of the chosen scheme and the benefits of liaison with
brief. It does not address the economic details of occupants during the remedial work. It uses case
whether to overroof or not, since each decision will studies to describc ovcrroofing schemes and the
need to be based on the owner's policy, resources and experiences of local authorities in England and
housing needs. Scotland (see Appendix). The report is confined to the
treatment of roofs. A separate report from the
It discusses the importance of inspecting and assessing Building Research Establishment (BRE) deals with
the condition of a flat roof and examines the different overcladding of thc vertical facadel.
mcthods of repair. It reviews the reasons for choosing
Flat roofs have long been used for housing, especially The remedy has to be tailor-made to suit each
when low first-cost was a primary consideration. situation, and no two buildings arc cvcr thc samc.
However, unless designed and installed tn very high Owners also have their own policies and resources
standards, they have generally required major which often dictate the choice of repair. Establishing
maintcnancc or replacement several times during the what that policy is and what the owner intends to d o
lifetime of the building. with the building in the future ought to be one of the
first steps in preparing a remedial scheme.
Owners of flat-rooled housing have adopted different
policies for dealing with the continuing problem of Overroofing is not a panacea for all the ills of flat
defective roofs. Thme is no universal solution. Some roofs. Reinforced concrete of the quality found in
carry out overroofing as a standard policy on all their many non-traditional housing systcms such as large
flat-roofed buildings when they next require panel system (LPS) buildings, must be recoguised as a
maintenance, if the building has a rcasonablc lifc matcrial with a finite life. Overroofing is probably not
expectancy. Other owners reject overroofing, because an economic option if the supporting structure has a
of cost or for technical reasons. Some leave a decision short life expectancy or if the building is to be taken
until maintenance is required, whilst others undertake out of use within 20 years. Instead, one or two roofing
some form of trials before deciding. repair contracts would probably be more cost-
effective. However, in selected circumstances,
It is worth noting that unsuccessful attempts at repair overroofing may be the most cost-effective way of
are common, usually because the n~echanisn~s of improving the internal environment and reducing
failure were not recognised and inappropriate maintenance costs for the whole building over an
remedies were used. The experience of such extended life. Overroofing can be used to change
unsuccessful attempts may bias judgement against dramatically the appearance of a refurbished building.
possible repairs and in favour of overroofing.
Establishing the condition of the roof More information on assessing the condition of LPS
buildings is avdable in other BRE publicationsa'.
Probably one of the first essential things to do 1s to
establish the condition of the flat roof and to identify
It is rarely possible to carry out a full structural survey
the exact causes of any defects. The survey should be
carried out by a competent surveyor experienced in of an occupied building. It may be possible to gain
access to unoccupied dwellings, but the opportunity to
such work; should an incorrect diagnosis be made at
this stage, the final scheme is unlikely to be 'open-up' the structure will be very limited.
satisfactory. Guidance on investigating defects in flat
roofs is given in BRE's report on the weathertightness
of LPS buildings? Necessary repairs prior to overroofing
In LPS buildings, defects do not appear to be system-
Structural survey of the building dependent; that is to say, a wide range of defects can
The appropriate remedy or action on a defective roof and do occur on all kinds of large panel systems3.4J.
will depend not only on the roof itself, but also on the Before any owrroofing is begun, local repairs to the
condition of the building and the owner's concrete of the roof should be carried out. BRE
requirements for its future use. The condition of the D~gests263,264 and 2656 deal with the mechanisms of
building should be established by structural survey. corrosion, diagnosis and assessment, and repair of
reinforced concrete.
Reeves3 found that rain penetration was common at
discontinuities in the roofs, such as parapets (Figure
I), edges, pipes and flues, around plant rooms, and at
movement joints.
Wi Watemroof membranes can solit when subiect to
(h) The actual condition of the roof and the cost of Life-expectancy considerations
structural repair to achieve the remaining design There are two other important considerations:
life when overroofed, ie whcthcr the proposed
mcasures will achieve the intended life expectancy. (a) What is the expected life of the structure if
nothing is donc?
(c) Whether the total discounted cost of overroofing
and maintenance over the intended remaining life (b) What is the expected life of the structure if ad-hoc
is lcss than the total discounted cost of repeated repairs only are done as and when needed?
Adjoining properties under different Questions to be considered are:
(a) Will the private owner (part owner of the total
ownership roof) join in with the overroofing scheme, perhaps
This is not usually a problcm with high-rise housing. at a subsidised or cost price?
Individual dwellings are normally sold only on
leasehold, the building remaining in the ownership of (b) If not, can the overroofing be terminated
the local authority, a housing association or a tenants' successfully at its junction with non-participating
management trust. The problem is more likely to properties, especially with respect to drainage and
occur in low-rise terraced housing where the property weathertightness?
can be bought freehold and the purchaser is under no
obligation to join (or permit) any repair scheme. (c) Will this be aesthetically acceptable?
(h) Does the proposed scheme answer the needs of Organisations other than housing authorities have
the building owner? considered, or have used, overroofing. Developers
have also become involved in the housing renovation
(i) Is there any experience of the preferred system? market, and their experiences may be relevant. The
potential suppliers should be asked to provide
(j) Who can assess the proposed scheme and information of such schemes in which they were
manufacturers' claims? Is there in-house expertise involved, so that a visit to see the buildings can be
or are specialist consultants needed? made and further information sought from the owners
and their advisers before any decisions are made.
Costs in use
As well as the capital cost of the overroofing scheme, Performance specifications
the client should consider its likely costs in use, ie Since it is very difficult to test overroofing systems
realistically, any performance specification stands in There are a few materials used in overroofing that are
danger of becoming a theoretical standard. The already subject to QA. They include coated metals,
performance specification therefore should not various kinds of insulation, concrete repair materials,
become part of the contract documentation; in the and anchors for fixing roofing to structures.
event of disputes arising, they will be almost
impossible to resolve. Contract documentation should Aspects of overroofing which are not yet covered by
be based on an explicit offer by a manufacturer and Q A include the crucial ones of design, execution, and
his designer for a specific design. This design, or a the performance of the system as a whole rather than
prototype, should be tested to as realistic a standard as the durability of the isolated components. However,
possible in advance if there is any doubt on any aspect certification to BS 5750 can be applied to any firm and
of its performance. could thus, in principle, be extended to include design,
execution and the performance of a roofing system as
Quality assurance a whole. This has, as yet, only occurred in a very
limited way, in that some firms of roofing contractors
Quality assurance (QA) has in the past been
have been certificated to BS 5750.
concerned mainly with the manufacturing process for
~ n d ~ s l d ucomponent\.
;~l I'herc ;rrc now .;cvcr;rl
ccrlification bodics who \sill cuarnine firms invulvr~Iin Feedback
component manufacture. The British Standards To assist in future decision making, it is advisable to
Institution, for example, operates the Kitemark collect data on the costs-in-use of the rehabilitated
scheme, where the component is checked for building. BRE recommends that a technical log be
conformance with an established British Standard, and established and maintained for all LPS buildings
the management of the manufacturing firm checked required to exceed 25 years of service life from the
for conformance with the Q A standard, BS 575011. date of construction. The log should contain detailed
Yarsley, Lloyds and other certification bodies will also records of the design, the actual construction,
certificate firms for conformance to the Q A standard inspection and maintenance history, use, performance
BS 5750, and, in a general way, for their ability to assessments and modifications4. The records should be
manufacture to any required specification. organised in a way which can be related to
procurement decisions on future schemes, and should
British Board of Agrement certificates are issued for preferably be available for use by colleagues in other
products where there is no existing British Standard authorities.
and where export approval is required for the product.
method of use. and its method of manufacture.
If the new roof lies generally below the exirtng parapet level. 11
will 001 significantly alter the wind loading on fne building Weathertightness is arguably the most important
performance requirement of a roof; it is certainly the
one from which most complaints stem. The roof must
be capable of preventing wind, rain and snow from
entering the building. The air penetration of
overroofing is perhaps not so important; the original
roofing will probably still be performing fairly well in
this respect.
Airborne water
Driving rain is the most seeking of airborne water and
the roof is usually the most vulnerable element of a
building. Roofing materials should therefore be
relatively impermeable, with joints either fully sealed
or of sufficient overlap to prcvent rain-water
113,errooI ng r.os,av 3 3 lcrr I!c sn4ve ul !we o. a np inr.e penetrating the joint" (Figure 7). As a general guide
ma, DB ao010na n-0 IorCer e*enea on ,,,a ns* roof m c r w
38 lranrfeneo lo tne 0. a l g oeou
for low-pitched roofs, end laps should he a minimum
of 150 mm for normal exposure or 300 mm with a
Figure 6 Changed building profile may change wind mastic seal for regions of high exposure. Methods of
forces on roof assessing exposure ratings and heights of upstands are
Overroofing can substantially alter the profile of the building given in DD 93:198418.
and there may be additional wind forces exerted on the new
roof which will need to be safely transferred to the building
Roofing is not normally prone to impact damage.
However, if the roof is accessible, such as on very low-
Minimum overlap x = 150 m m for pitches greater than 15'
pitched roofs, the subject of impact resistance should = 225 mrn for pitches less than 15'
he addressed. Walkways may be needed to allow
access for inspection and maintenance, and extra Figure 7 End laps in surface materials such as metal
protection might be needed over insulation placed on sheeting
top of the original flat roof. Where the newly formed
Ends aps sn roofing materials w II nee0 to be of s ~ lclent
roof space is available to occupants, eg as a drying overlap to prevent drfvingrafn from penerratfngthe lo nt
area, then the skin is vulnerable from the inside.
. . . . .A
.# .......a.
. :a,..
:. .
: a ,~.,:?j...5~.
. . . . . . . . . ,..
# ..
.:u . :
. . .. ". .?,
. ....,
.. . . .. . . . . . -. e . o , ~ . ' ; . , . , ..;;.:
. .
Old surface
\ material
Concrete deck
- Alr space
Air space
'. . ,.,.
, ,
. .. .. .. .....
. 0 . . . .
. . . . Y . ,. .,.. :9.:
. . .. . .. . . . ? . . . . . . . .
Original surface
. ,, Concrete deck
. .
a,. ;, ;.... : 6 ..:'. : . , : .
. . . .. . .. . . a.: . . . . .. . . .:-.=,Original
Figure 14 Addition of thermal insulation -canopy roof
. .. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . s o
. . . .: .. :.; .. ;.;,:. ' " material
Concrete deck
New surface
Figure 12 Addition of thermal insulation - sandwich roof Upgrading the thermal insulation on the roof is often a major
part of an overroofing scheme. There are several ways of
adding the new insulation, but to be efficient it should be
-Profiled Sheeflng laid directly on top of the old roof without any intervening air
\Foam sprayed directly space
,,"tn "rn',ld sh.-tinn
. * .. . . . :...a ... , . o r ,
$ : ,: 2\0riginai surface Figure 11 shows an 'inverted roof' where the insulation is
. . .. .
. .
'. :
. . ' '..
., . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. . ; i . .
..:. . ... , . . 4 .,:', to,. ":' ;;;. -concrete
laid on top of the weatherproof membrane
Figure 12 shows a 'sandwich roof' with the insulation within
the weatherproof membrane
A f i tProfiled sheeting
If the original roof is a continuous concrete deck
. . . .
. : :.;,
.. . .
. ...,i
. . .'.' . .'b. . . .
': . /;-: -Concrete
shared between two or more dwellings, this should
have sufficient sound resistance Lo meet the
... , ,
. . . . . . .. .. .. :..
requirements of the new roof. If the original deck i s of
a less sound-resistant material (some terraced housing
Figure 13 Addition of thermal insulation -composite roof has woodwool cement decking for example), the
separating walls should be continued u p to the new
into the roof. An extra safeguard is to ventilate the roof and sealed t o i t (Figure 16) to prevent airborne
roof above the uppermost layer of insulation. sound transmission within the enclosed air space.
Fife stopping accepted Roof covering of maintaining their weathertightness. Therefore
as sound resistant seal I jointing materials such as sealants must also be
capable of similar movements.
out onto the overroofing. If the original roof has a higher the building, the worse the sirnation becomes.
reinforced concrete deck, it may not be easy to cut a Work may have to stop. Fog can prevent the safe I
new trap-door;thraugh it; if the deck is pre-stressed operation of cranes, and high wind makes the handling
concrete then it would be undesirable to cut it. of large roofing sheets both difficult and dangerous,
especially when ladders and scaffold boards may be
Where access cannot be gained from the interior, it slippery with ice and snow. The curing time and ease
may be possible to extend any existing access upwards of installing sealing compounds and adhesives will be
from the facade; otherwise, either scaffolding, affected by hot or cald and wet conditions. Risks of
hydraulic platforms or climbing hoists will have to be hold-up should be considered at the planning stage.
used. The Meteorological Office offers a forecasting service
to the construction industry.
Replacement of damaged components
Some means of access to replace damaged If overroofing involves stripping back some of the
components will be necessary and specific measures original membrane, provision must be made (eg
may be requited to prevent access equipment, such as polyethylene sheet canopie) to cover up the exposed
unsecured cradles or crawling boards, causing further work. Some roofing materials are vulnerable to
damage. It should be possible to take out and replace wetting and must be protected.
individual panels or sheets without disturbing a whole
run. Special one-off replacement panels can be very The necessary skills
costly to supply, and uon-standard or unusual profiles Overroofing systems may need specialist skills not
may become discontinued and difficult to match. normally associated with construction. Their correct
installation is vital if they are to perform as intended.
Buildability Many are highly sophisticated designs: a missing
Simple and uncomplicated roof designs are not only gasket separating different metals, or the wrong type
more likely to be cheaper to build, they are also more of fixing, may easily negate months of w e f d
likely to be built as designed. Complicated investigation and design work. Every detail of the
workmauship, tight tolerances and omitted details work should be considered and clear instructions
from the working drawings, all contribute to on-site prepared.
improvisation, sometimes with unhappy
consequences. Some exampies of buildabiity Re-contract training, both for workmen and for
problems are descnid later, in the case studies. supervisors, may be necessary and 'trial runs' may
reveal problems and provide an early opportunity for
training. Appropriate trades should be briefed
Weather interference during beforehand of any special details, as many of these
construction roofs will, of necessity, be one-off designs.
It is virtually certain that werroofing work wiIl be
delayed or interfered with by bad weather; and the
Adjustability through the new roof or be capped over.
Buildings are never flat, plumb or square. Deviations
are often considerably greater than expected. It Liaison with occupants
should not be assumed that the dimensions shown on Overroofing can normally be carried out without
the original drawing have actually been achieved. The temporarily rehousing the occupants. Experience has
building should be measured, if at all possible, so that shown that tenants need to bc properly informed
fixing devices and components can have sufficient about the nature of the work, and its likely effects.
adjustability built-in to cope with the expected Liaison between the occupiers, the contractor and the
deviations. Re-entrant corners may complicate its owner is beneficial to all parties before and during the
plan; and plant rooms and the like must be contract.
accommodated - they may either be extended
Some plast~csinsulation boards are intolerant of heat. On medium- and high-rise blocks, the overroofing is
They need to be h e d to both the substrate and the usually supported on steel trusses, or a steel
covering with cold adhesives, or bonded to another framework and purlins, which is relatively easy and
material which is less affected by heat. For effective quick to erect. Lightweight, low-pitch metal structures
and proper consistency, in-situ sprayed foams need to supporting long-spanning lightweight metal coverings
be sprayed in temperatures in excess of 18'C. have a weight advantage over the traditional tiled
roof. On taller buildings, a shallower pitch is generally
Other overroofing systems are based on a self- more viable from the wind loading aspect.
supporting structure spanning the original flat roof.
Tunber trussed rafters with concrete or clay tiles are A major performance requirement of these structures
commonly used for overroofing low-rise housing is durability. Timbers, even though they are not
schemes, where access and materials handling is not exposed to rain, can become damp in the cold
normally a problem. Their traditional appearance too environment of a roof void and should therefore be
makes them popular. The main problem with these treated with preservative. Metal structures should be
types of structure is weight, but substitute lightweight protected against damp caused by condensation. In
metal tiling can be used. uninsulated canopy roofs, condensation can occur on
the underside of the surface material at times of clear concrete tiles and metal sheets. Because some water
night sky radiation. Hygroscopic coatings are available will penetrate these coverings in adverse weather, a
which absorb the excess moisture at these times, and sarking felt is usually fixed beneath them. Unsealed
then later release the moisture back into drier air. roofs are generally acceptable for roofs over 15
These have been used with some success in storage degrees of pitch. The tiles or sheets do not have to be
hangars. As a general rule, metal overroofig will manufactured to high tolerances, and can be easily
have a maximum life of about 20 years to first fitted to suit the building by adjusting the overlaps.
maintenance. Thermal movement of the covering is provided for by
allowing the components to slide at the overlaps.
Outer covering or weatherproof
membrane Fixings A
Sheet metals are usually of steel or aluminium. Steel is
Aggregate, paviqg tiles and interlocking boards are
protected by galvanlsing and powdercoated paint
used to hold down (and protect) membranes and
systems, or by stoved or vitreous enamels. Galvanised
insulation on flat and low-pitched roofs. The weight
steel is available with polyester coatihgs, silicone
should be calculated, as the ballast has to hold down
polyester coatings and vinyl coatings. Aluminium is
the covering and resist wind scouring29 (Figure 22).
protected by polyester coatings, PVF2 and modified
Some boards have interlocking edges to resist wind
alkyd coatings. These powder-coated paint systems are
uplift, and being light they are easy to install and to lift
re-paintable when maintenance becomes due, usually
for subsequent inspection and maintenance. The
after about 20 years.
ballast is often used to provide the roof with its
Long steel sheets up to 20 metres in length are surface-spread-of-flameprotection.
available, but are susceptible to curvature due to the
'roll memory'. Care will be needed to provide for their
thermal movement lengthways; movement across the
width will be automatically compensated for by the
inherent flexibility of the cormgations. Provided the
sheets are protected to a standard not less than that
given in the appropriate Agrtment Certificate, and
there are no abnormal pollutants, a basic life of
approximately 30 years ought to be expected, with a
maximum life to first maintenance of 20 years.
Shot firing
Shot firing of hardened steel pins into precast
reinforced concrete should be avoided. The fixing may
he insecure under heavy or cyclical loading, and the
firing destroys the protective plating on the pin,
making it non-durable.
Most proprietary sheet coverings will need to be fixed
through the sheet. Self-tapping screws into metal
should be avoided, but corrosion-resistant wood
screws into timber is an acceptable fixing.
Choose compatible metals for the rivet, sheeting and '
Conclusions 4 Building Research Estahlishment. The structural
adequacy and durability of large panel system
1 Overroofing is one of several options for remedying dwellings. Building Research Establishment
faults in flat roofs. However, few LPS dwellings Report. Garston, BRE, 1987.
have been overroofed, and BRE therefore has only
a limited knowledge of how well they havc 5 Edwards M J. Weatherproof joints in large panel
pcrformcd to date. systems: 3. Investigation and diagnosis of failures.
Building Research Establishment Information
2 Before the decision to overroof is made, all othcr Paper IP10186. Garston, BRE, 1986.
options concerning repairs or re-roofing should be
examined. The condition of the building and its 6 Building Research Establishment. The durability
suitability for overroofing should be established, of steel in concrete. Part 1: Mechanism of
and the likely effect that overroofing might have on protection and corrosion. Part 2: Diagnosis and
the building should be assessed. assessment of corrosion-cracked concrete. Part 3:
The repair of reinforced concrete. BRE Digests
3 Overroofing is not a panacea for defective flat 263,264 and 265. Garston, BRE, 1982.
roofs, but in selected circumstances it can improve
living conditions for tenants and reduce 7 Edwards M J. Weatherproof joints in large panel
maintenance costs. It can be used to alter thc systems: 4. Flat roofs, balconies and deck
appearance of a refurbished building. accessways. Building Research Establishment
Information Paper IP15186. Garston, BRE. 1986.
4 Considerable care needs to be taken when assessing
overroofing systems. For example, the chosen 8 Building Research Establishment. Flat roof
scheme should be capable of curing the identified design: the technical oplions. ERE Digest 312
defects in the flat roof, but it should not adversely Garston, BRE, 1986.
affect the performance of the rest of the building.
Prospective contractors and suppliers should be 9 Cornish J P, Henderson G , Uglow C E, Stephen R
asked for evidence supporting claims for their K, Southern J R and Sanders C H. Improving the
systems and materials; wherever possible they habitability of large panel system dwelling.^.
should be 'Quality Assured'. Building Research Establishment Report.
Garston, BRE, 1989.
3 Reeves B R. Large panel system dwellings: 16 British Standards Institution. Code of basic data
preliminary information on ownership and for the design of buildings. Chaptcr V Loading.
condition. Building Research Establishment Part 2:Wind loads. Code (of Pructice CP 3:Chapter
Report. Garston, BRE, 1986. VPart 2:1972. London, BSI, 1972.
17 British Standards Institution. Code of practice for
sheet roof and wall coverings. Part 1: Aluminium,
corrugated and troughed. Code of Practice Bickerdike Allen Partners. Flat roof manual: a guide
CP 143:Parl 1:1958. London, BS1, 1958. to the repair and replacement of built-up felt roofs.
London, Bickcrdikc Allen Partners. 198.5.
18 British Standards Institution. Methods for
assessing exposure to wind-drivcn rain. Draftfor Euroroof Ltd. Re-roofing: a guide to flat roof
Development DD 93:1984. London, BSI, 1984. maintcmuncc! and rqfurhi.shment. Cheshire, Euroroof
Ltd, 1985.
W British Standards Institution. Code of practice for
drainage of roofs and paved areas. British March F. Flat roofing: a guide lo good practice.
Standard BS 6367:1983. London, BSI, 1983. London, Tarmac Building Products Limited, 1982
W Building Research Establishment. Condensation. Property Services Agency. PSA technical guide ro'lat
BRE Dige.71 110. Garston, BRE, 1972. roofing: Volumes I and 2. Garston, BRE, 1987.
21 British Standards Institution. Commentary on Public Hcallh Act, 1936, Part 3, section 92.
corrosion at bimetallic contacts and its alleviation.
Published Docunient PD 6484:1979. London, BSI, The National Fcdcration of Roofing Contractors.
1979. I.ryuirl roof coatings: a guide to specifying procedures,
diagnosis and preparation. London, The National
22 Building Research Establishment. Zinc-coated Federation of Roofing Contractors, 1984.
steel. BRE Di,qe.sr 305. Garston, BRE, 1986.
25 British Standards Institution. Code of practice for Laidlaw R A and Pinion L C. Metal plate fasteners in
protective coating of iron and steel structures trussed rafters treated with preservatives or flame
against corrosion. Hriti.vh Standard BS 5493:1977. retardants - corrosion risks. Building Re.~mrch
London, BSI. 1977. Esrablishnient Information Sheer IS11177. Garston,
BKE, 1977.
26 British Standards Institution. Guide to life
expectancy and durability of buildings and Roberts M H. Carbonation of concrete made with
building clcmcnts, products and components. dense natural aggregates. Building Research
Draft Standard for Public Comment DC 87115323. Establishment Information Paper IP6181. Garston,
London, BSL BKE, 1981.
28 Building Research Establishment. Estimation of 119 Thc assessment o l wind loads (1 984)
thermal and moisture movements and stresses:
Part 2. RRE Digest228. Garston, BRE, 1979. 121 Stainless steel as a building material (1982)
29 Building Research Establishment. Wind scour of 141 Wind environment around tall buildings (1972)
gravel ballast on roofs. BRE Digest 311. Garston,
BRE, 1986. 44 Asphalt and built-up felt roofings: durability
228 Estimation of thermal and moisture movements 34 Flat roofs: built-up bitumen felt - remedying
and stresses: Part 2 (1979) rain penetration at abutments and upstands
229 Estimation of thermal and moisture movements
and stresses: Part 3 (1979) 55 Roofs: eaves gutters and downpipes -
specification (1984)
263 The durability of steel in concrete. Part 1:
Mechanism of protection and corrosion (1982) 56 Roofs: eaves gutters and downpipes
installation (1984)
264 The durability of steel in concrete. Part 2:
Diagnosis and assessment of corrosion-cracked 60 Single wall flue pipes for class 11 appliances -
concrete (1982) location, fixing and shielding (1984)
265 The durability of stecl in concrete. Part 3: The 63 Flat or low-pitch roofs: laying flexible membranes
repair of reinforced concrete (1982) when weather may be bad (1985)
284 Wind loads on canopy roofs (1986) 83 Dual-pitched roofs: trussed rafters; bracing and
binders - specification (1986)
295 Stability under wind load of loose-laid external
roof insulation boards (1985) 84 Dual-pitched roofs: trussed rafters; bracing and
binders- installation (1986)
305 Zinc-coated steel (I 9%)
93 Chimney stacks: taking out of service (1987)
311 Wind scour of gravel ballast on roofs (1986)
106 Cavity parapets - avoiding rain penetration
312 Flat roof design: the technical options (1986) (1987)
332 Loads on roofs from snow drifting against 107 Cavity parapets -installation of copings, dpcs,
vertical obstructions and in valleys (1988) trays and flashings (1987)
4 Pitched roofs: thermal insulation near the caves 112 Dual-pitched roofs: Lrubsed rafters -
(1982) specification of remedial gusscts (1987)
10 Pitched roofs: sarking felt underlay - Part 2: 1989 Code of practice for permissible
watertightncss (1982) stress design, materials and workmanship
27 Extcrnal and separating walls: lateral restraint at Part 3: 1985 Code of practice for trussed
pitched roof level - specification (1983) rafter roofs
BS 6XO:Part 2:1971 Specification for roofing slates BS 6367:1983 Code of practice for drainage of roofs
and paved areas
BS 747:1977 Specification for roofing felts
BS 6399:Part 1:1984Loading for buildings. Part 1:
BS 1161:1977 Specification for aluminium alloy Code of practice for dead and imposed loads
sections for structural purposes
CP 3:Chapter VPart 2:1972. Code of basic data for the
BS 2989:1982 Specification for continuously hot-dip design of buildings. Chapter V Loading. Part 2: Wind
zinc coatcd and iron-zinc alloy coated steel: wide strip, loads
sheetlplate and slit wide strip
CP 143:Part 1:1958 Code of practice for sheet roof and
BS 4978:1988 Specification for softwood grades for wall coverings. Part 1: Aluminium, corrugated and
structural use troughed
BS 5228 Noise control on construction and open sites CP 144:Parts 3 and 4:1970 Roof coverings. Part
3:Built-up bitumen felt. Part 4:Mastic asphalt
BS 5250:1975 Code of basic data for the design of
buildings: the control of condensation in dwellings DD 93:1984 Methods for absessing exposure to wind-
(under revision) driven rain
Original roof 41 m x 15.4 m reinforced concrete slab covered with asphalt, re-entrant at
centre of block by plant room, parapet, pipes, flues, television aerial, stair-well, tank room
(Figure 27)
Reasons for overroofing History of rain penetration, roofs patched and taped
Figure 28
Photo by murtesy of City Architscf Portsmouth
Thermal insulation
Outer covering
Profiled steel BSC Colorcoat sheeting coated on both sides to the same specification to
resist marine environment attack. Gutter connects to existing drain-pipes. Sheet ends
plugged with profiled foam infiffl strips.
Roof ventilation
Vents at ridge to which bathroom extract fans connected. Soil and waste vent pipes
extended through new roof.
Other details
Existing television and radio masts to be retained with minor re-siting, removable panels
for installation of cradle outriggers above parapets, gutter walkway incorporated and
headroom under roof for maintenance.
It is early days to give feedback on this scheme. However, during construction therc were
a few complaints from occupants of excessive noise during a heavy thunderstorm, thought
to be transmitted through either vent pipes or upper-storey windows. Overall, the scheme
has been well accepted by the occupants.
Dee Park Estate, Reading
Original roof 43 m x 9.5 m reinforced precast concrete slab covered with asphalt and
chipping cover on 25 mm fibre board insulation, central internal rain-water outlets, terrace
is staggered, small parapet
Reasons for overroofing Roof leakage, condensation and mould growth in all flats, flats
were cold to live in
Rehabilitation scheme Complete internal refit, replace wooden window subframes, install
double glazing units, replace timber infill panels, overroofing
Overroofing system
24 degree pitch trussed rafter roof, Marley interlocking tiles, hipped at ends, split level at
stagger (Figure 32).
Figure 32
Supporting structure (Figure 33)
Loadbcaring cross walls built up in 100 mm blockwork. Rolled steel joists (rsjs) span
between thcsc walls the length of the terrace. Trussed rafters assemblcd and bolted
together in sitti and erected on top of rsjs at 1900 mm centres. Common rafters 38 mm x
100 mm, purlins 50 mm x 175 mm, rafters 100 mm x 50 mm. Height of blockwork and rsjs
sufficient for verges to clear parapet.
Gable ends formcd from 12 mm external grade plywoodITAC board stud partition. At the
stagger, this partition continued across the roof (TAC replacing the plywood sheet) to give
half-hour fire resistance. Sole plates fixed to structural concrete by Hilti system resin-
bonded anchorages. Partitions fixed back to rafters and purlins for required rigidity and
Thermal insulation
100 mm thick glass fibre loose-laid on original roof surfacc
Outer covering
The pitched roof finished with Marlcy Modern roof tiles with Marley uPVC dry verge, on
25 mm x 38 mm softwood battens, on BS 747 type if sarking felt. A fanlight installed for
access in the rear elevation.
Plywood gable ends clad with 'Trespa' cladding boards on battens on BS 747 type If
sarking felt, fixed with brass screws complete with centre rings and cover caps. Cladding
closed by raking batten at stagger intersection. Lead flashing detail at stagger intersection
held by tile clips every fourth course, and by copper clout nails.
Roof ventilation
Provided by 10 mm (approximately) slots in the soffits.
Other details
Existing rain-water outlets redundant and therefore sealed and capped. Existing soil and
vent pipes cxtended and projected through new roof covcring via lead flashings. Ncw
central boiler flues also extended but flashed using flue manufacturer's preformed
flashings. Water tanks for the new central boilers accommodatcd in the roof space on
specifically dcsigned tank stands.
(a) The existing roof was constructed in what was assumed to be pre-stressed precast
concrete and, as such, has presented practical difficulties and cost implications in
forming access hatches. As a result, access hatches were formed in the pitched roof.
This in turn proved difficult especially during winter conditions. During demolition of
similar blocks, it was discovered that the roofs were indeed precast but not pre-
stressed. Loft access hatchways have now therefore been formed internally.
(b) Despite double insulation of pipework and storage tanks, and tubular heaters fitted
next to the tanks (operated thermostatically), freezing of pipework still occurred
during severe winter conditions due to eaves ventilation. Pipe tracing has now been
added to avoid recurrence.
Building Six-storey deck-access block of flats and maisonettes, Bison slab floors, column
and beam construction with brick infill
Original roof 47 m x 12.4 m reinforced concrete Bison slab with sandlcement screed,
asphalt covering
Reasons for overroofing Asphalt detailing had failed owing to thermal movement, and
water penetration had occurred through brickwork of parapets and plant rooms
Installed 1985
Cost fl5.601m2
Overroofing system
Profiled insulated steel sheet (Ruberseam) mansard roof covering parapet (Figure 34).
Figure 34
Outer covering
Ruberseam system with large box guttcr at foot of mansard roof. Roof area for
maintenance access only, translucent panels in area of the roof. All pipes taken through
the roof with flexiblc rubber bolt-on collars.
Roof ventilation
Permanent ventilation provided by vent panels.
Other details
Access for maintenance, etc, via doors to stair-wells, and then to outcr roof via a trap-door
in the Ruberseam system. Vertical facades maintained via mobile platforms. No drying
areas on the roof. Plant and tank rooms accommodated in the mansard roof shapc.
No roof repairs were carried out on the existing roof. The steel structure was erected over
the whole root', then sheeting proceeded. The existing roof structure continued to function
until the new roof was completed. Some temporary sealing was required at new column
Original roof 20.7 m x 7 m plywood decking covered with asphalt, staggered terrace with
nominal upstands, soil and vent pipes (Figure 36)
Figure 36
Photo by courtesy of the City of Sheffield Metropolitan District
Reasons for overroofing Existing structure was rotten
Cost &228/m2
Overroofing system
Decra steel tiles on 22.5 degree pitch gang nail roof trusses, hipped at ends of terrace
(Figure 37).
Figure 37
Photo by courtesy of the City 01 SheIfioid Matmpolitan District
Figure 38 (Based on architect's drawing, by permission of the City of Sheffield Metropolitan District)
Thermal insulation
150 mm Rockwool laid between trusses.
Roof ventilation
Proprietary ventilation strip installed in the soffit to maintain a 25 mm wide ventilation
Other details
Existing flues, soil and vent pipes extended and cranked as necessary, and fitted with new
cowls and flashings. New flues specified to be True Flue Twin-Wall or equal approved.
Sheffield CC checked on the suitability of existing foundations to take the extra load, the
trussed rafter design and bracing (to Trussed Plate Association recommendations), and
This lightweight system of overroofing is proving to be very popular for low-rise flat-
roofed buildings.
Corwen Close and Bala Close, Blackburn, Lancashire
Building Traditional two-storey terraced housing with garage under downhill side
Figure 40
Photo by wunesy of the Borough of Blackburn
Reasonsfor overroofing Additional accommodation required, felt roofing at the end of
its useful life
Installed 1987
Overroofing system
Trussed rafter, 50 degree pitch with dormers, gable end pikes clad in Celuform (Figure
Thermal insulation
100 mm Rockwool rollbats laid between rafters.
Outer covering
Redland Cambrian interlocking tiles nailed to softwood battens on BS 747 sarking felt.
New dormers (Figure 43) and Velux rooflights installed to illuminate the extra bedrooms.
Gutters at eaves for drainage -new drainage required at one side of block because
previous flat roof drained to one side only. Gable pikes and dormers clad in Celuform
uPVC cladding.
Roof ventilation
Eaves ventilation to both main roof and dormers, dry ridge vent system to main roof
Other details
Soil and vent pipes extended through roof. Tanks accommodated within the roof space.
Conversion of two- to three-storey accommodation required a protected staircase.
Maintenancc via ladders: all new materials chosen to minimise maintenance -fascias,
soffits, bargeboards, pike cladding in Celuform, uPVC window frames, uPVC gutters.
Order of work:
(c) Existing perimeter and interior walls repaired and built up to wall plate level.
(d) New steel beam inserted at new second-floor level, new lintels to new first-floor
window heads.
Ventilation rates above the insulation could be low, especially at junctions between the
main and dormer roofs where air passages are restricted. Inspections should be canied out
during the first winter season on schemes like this, to check for condensation which may
damage the fabric of the roof if left to accumulate.
Appleby, Ashfield Valley, Rochdale
Building Seven-storey Crudens Skarne LPS deck-access flats and maisonettes (Figure 44)
Original roof 38 m x 8.8 m (approximately) reinforced concrete slab covered with two
layers felt on 12 mm thick fibreboard. Roof has two re-entrants and a small parapet
Reasons for overroofing Rain-water penetration, excessive internal condensation.
Maintenance: patching following specific incidents of rain penetration
Designed by Stramit Industries (UK) Ltd; Barry George, DipArch, RIBA, Borough
Overroofing system
Stramit Speeddeck laid to llh degree pitch.
Thermal insulation
100 mm Fibreglass quilt laid over existing structure.
Outer covering
Mill-finished 0.7 mm aluminium roll-formed sheeting, fixed using galvanised patent secret
fixing. New aluminium box gutters and down pipes to existing drainage system. Pipes
extended and sealed using Dektite collars. Flues renewed in aluminium to detail.
Roof ventilation
Cross ventilation provided within corrugations of formed sheet and behind fascias.
Other details
Access available from deck two storeys below
Method of working:
(b) Scaffold.
(c) Strip defective areas of existing roof and seal with bitumen, maintaining waterproof
layer which also forms vapour barrier.
(d) Cut out for stools and wall plate and bitumen seal.
Following this pilot scheme, Rochdale Council have now decided that, owing to the high
cost of improvement, all but three of the blocks at Ashfield Valley will be demolished.
Jevington, Kilburn and Langley blocks will be improved. Unfortunately Appleby block,
the subject of the pilot scheme, is being demolished now (late 1990).
2-40 School Lane, Tolworth, Surrey
Reasons for overroofing Improved thermal insulation and drainage falls
Cost f6.201mz of roof area (533 mz) without cost of fibre insulation board
Rehabilitation scheme First block to be treated on a small estate, other overroofing may
Overroofing system
Tapered cut-to-falls boards of Jablite Thermodek, covered with high-performance
Thermal insulation
Tapered boards fabricated from expanded polystyrene to BS 3837.
Outer covering
High-performance built-up roofing felt. New drainage and edge details as shown in Figure
Roof ventilation
None -warm-deck design.
Building In-situ concrete-framed 19-storey slab block with precast window-wall panels
Original roof 13 m wide, long link block. Roof shape very complicated (see Figure 48).
Deck material: 75 mrn levelling screed on concrete slab. Surface material: three layers
bituminous felt on 25 mm fibrous insulation board
Reasons for overroofing Constant rain penetration to flats, rain-water ingress to l i i
shafts, and from there to switch rooms causing power failure. Maintenance history:
lengthy, extensive, constant and 'un-recordable' according to Glasgow DC
Figure 48
Overroofing system
Custom design. Dual 25 degree pitch, steel-framed trusses aligned over parapet cross
walls, and adjacent to fins (Figure 48). Hipped gable ends, and feature dormers at the
three stair towers. Patent glazing Apron screens in garden areas.
Supporting structure (Figures 49,50and 51)
Steel frame coated with red oxide primer, undercoat and two coats gloss finish. Trusses
aligned at parapet cross walls. Steel bolted to concrete by resin anchors or by long-
shanked bolts to protruding cross walls. Ward purlins span 6 m at 1.5 m spacing between
trusses, fastened by steel bolts of various sizes.
Thermal insulation
Figure 49 Figure 50
Roof ventilation
Continuous ridge vent. Eaves louvre vent grillcs, 450 mm high, demountable for
maintenance, full width of 'unit'.
Other details
Refuse chute extended through roof in metal casing. Soil and vent pipes extended through
roof, from rain-water outlets. Access hatches included. Roof over existing tank rooms, lift
motor room. 'Umbrella' nature of structure allows free movement through roofspace.
Maintenance access by roof hatch, no public access - existing wall ladders to be removed,
caretakcr's access by existing stairs for internal work. Outside maintenance by Hilti
mansafe Latchway system. Ridge-located cable run continuously, join system from
The opportunity to upgrade the roof thermally was not taken; but there is room within the
roof space for extra insulation to be installed later if requircd.
Evelyn Clarke House, Forest Row, Sussex
Although this is not an LPS structure, the case study demonstrates overroofing over a
complex plan form, and might well be used on LPS blocks.
Original roof Timber boarded deck covered with asphalt. Flats are built in a multi-
staggered complex (42 flats in the block)
Reasons for overroofing Long history of roof leakage, many unsuccessful attempts at
repair, expensive to heat
Consultants Wealden D C
Rehabilitation scheme Overroofing with additional thermal insulation in the roof space
Overroofing system
Decra lightweight roofing systcm; complex roof shape includes normal pitch, staggered
and mansard roofing; pitches vary from 12 degrees to vertical (Figure 52).
Thermal insulation
100 mm insulation loose-laid on original roof surfacc.
Outer covering
Pitched roof finished with Decra lightweight roofing system comprising profiled metal
tiles coated with acrylic and granular finish, soil and vent pipes extended and flashed with
lead collars, plant and tank rooms enclosed within the roof space.
Roof ventilation
Roof ventilation provided at the eaves.
Photo by owrtesy of Decra Roof Systems (UKJ Ltd
, .
GWarsed rmd afssl
w m m a n *
mud mms and
exisgne psts
Thcrc could bc occasional condensation on the underside of the tiles, caused by cold night
sky radiation.
Crathie Court, Laurel Street, Partick, Glasgow
Owner Glasgow District Council
Original roof Reinforced concrete slab roof covered by bitumen felt on 25 mm mineral
insulation. Roof had 1200 mm high parapet walls, profusion of water tanks, supply and
expansion pipes. Access via walk-through doors from adjacent stair-wells
Reasons for overroofing Rain penetration
Overroofing system
Profiled aluminium sheets laid to 15 degree pitch, gable ends (Figure 54).
Supporting structure
Portal frames made from steel universal sections protected by red lead. Portals bolted to
existing column heads. PVC breaker tape used between connection points of dissimilar
materials. 20 mm steel anchor bolts 450 mm long used to bolt portal base plates to column
heads -four bolts per column base.
Thermal insulation
100 mm Rockwool laid across top of roof slab after the slab had been coated with cold-
applied bitumen.
Outer covering
Profiled aluminium draining to pre-formed aluminium inboard gutters with welded joints.
Stainless steel clips to secure profiled sheeting to sleeve purlins at 150 mm (maximum)
centres (horizontally). Translucent profiled sheet used to light roof enclosure. Transparent
roof skylights also installed. Expansion pipes from hot water systems and soil and vent
pipes taken through the roof.
Roof ventilation
Enclosed roof area provided with continuous ventilation at gutter levels
Other details
Access for maintenance, etc, via doors to stair-wells, and then to outcr roof via skylights.
Safety anchors installed. Facade access from roof impracticable owing to existing
balconies. No drying areas on the roof. All existing water tanks encloscd within new roof.
Method of working:
No roof repairs carried out before overroofing other than the cold-applied bitumen. Main
area of skill in accurately locating and fixing steel support system. No further works done
to roof since contract completed.
Site details Hilltop estate approximately 6 miles from town centre, north perimeter wcll
Original roof Flat rectangular roof (area unknown). 125 mm thick in-situ concrete slab
covered with asphalt, with internal falls to eccentrically located Fulbora type rain-water
outlet points. Cavity construction parapet 400 mm high
Reasons for overroofing Severe condensation. Major social problems such as lack of
amenities, lack of privacy and security due to deck accessways, stark environment.
Overroofing chosen to help to break down visually thc mass of buildings, and create
Designed by City of Dundee District Council, Chief Architect and Quantity Surveyor
Overroofing system
Houses for sale: hipped roof of trussed rafters and Redland Regent concrete tiles, 30
degree pitch. Houses for rent: roofs subdivided with concealed lead-lined valleys abutted
by Dutch hips, gable ends also Dutch hipped.
Thermal insulation
100 mm glass wool quilt laid over existing roof.
Outer covering
Redland Regent concrete roof tiles of contrasting colours (Figure 56). finished with
mortared verges. Later conversions finished with Redland Cloaked Verge tiles for
additional security and freedom from maintenance. Rain-water disposal: Marley deep
flow gutter system to new rain-water down-pipe system.
Roof ventilation
Vent slots incorporatcd at both eavcs overhangs, and ridge vent tiles.
Half mund dge
file wm mntvluwr
sdge W n g
~ o o f ' mtimr
mm wall plata
New renderfinrulatno
. .- =:; *--- - ~.
Figure 56
Other details
On some blocks, the long ridge line broken with a valley detail. On others, a similar effect
achieved more economically by the use of different coloured tiles. Existing rain-water
pipes extended and vented through new roof. Existing soil and vent pipes extended and
vented through new roof. No special fire precautions required because of existing concrete
roof slab construction. Access for maintenance, etc, via a traditional skylight located in the
gable hip of each roof. No repairs required to existing roofs.
BRE comments and feedback
The scheme comprises both public- and private-sector dwellings. The tiling on the public-
sector dwellings is monochromatic and on the private-sector ones is variegated in colour.
The standard of application and detailing in both sectors is first class. If the normal
lifetime of the tiles is assumed, the alteration should result in an effective and long-lasting