Factors Influencing Utilisation of Family Planning Services at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, Kabarole District in Western Uganda

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org Nabunya, 2024

ISSN: 2579-0781

International Digital Organization for Scientific Research IDOSRJES101.3041.24

Factors Influencing Utilisation of Family Planning
Services at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital,
Kabarole District in Western Uganda
Nabunya Cynthia
Faculty of Clinical Medicine and Dentistry Kampala International University Western Campus Uganda.

Family Planning was defined by the World Health Organization as a voluntary and informed decision
by an individual or couple on the number of children to have and when to have them. According to the
2013 WHO facts sheet on Family Planning, “it was achieved mainly through the use of various
contraceptive methods and treatment of involuntary infertility. The intervention for family planning
reveals a contraceptive prevalence of 43. 1% which was way below the national target of 50% by 2020.
This leaves 4 in 10 sexually active Ugandan women not using any form of contraception, including 3 in
10 who express a desire to delay childbearing. This study intended to assess factors influencing the
utilization of family planning services at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, Western Uganda. A
cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical hospital-based study design was used to get 174 men and
women of the reproductive age group at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital based on the Fischer et
al., (1990) formula and the targeted 100% response rate was obtained however due to knowledge gaps,
not all questions were answered 100% but a valid percentage was considered for the questions answered.
Self-administered questionnaires were used, data was entered and reviewed for faults using Microsoft
Excel, and after transferred to STATA version 20 for analysis, presented in frequency and percentage
charts and tables with P-values and Odds ratios and their respective Confidence intervals where
necessary. According to the findings, the proportion of people who use contraceptives was 44.91% of
the participants at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital in Western Uganda. In multivariate analysis,
socio-demographic factors like the education level of respondents that was to say tertiary had a P-value
of 0.004[COR(CI; 95%);1.00 (65-3.09)], place of residence that was to say urban had a P-value of
0.003[COR(CI; 95%); 1.94 (1.35-4.92)], obstetric factors like history of abortion had a P-value of
0.001[COR(CI; 95%); 2.15 (1.04-4.51)], and medical factors like HIV had a P-value of 0.028[COR(CI;
95%); 1.94 (1.35-4.92)], and were significant and considered for the discussion because they had a P-value
of less than or equal to 0.05. The utilization of family planning services at Fort Portal Regional Referral
Hospital remains low at 44.91% in comparison to the national target which is 50% as per Uganda.
Similarly, socio-demographic factors like level of education and place of residency, obstetric factors like
history of abortion and medical factors like HIV significantly influence the utilization of family planning
services at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital in Western Uganda.
Keywords: Family Planning services, Contraceptive methods, Childbearing, Women, HIV.

The planned use of contraceptives by couples or (IUD), and female sterilization (Tubal ligation).
individuals is called Family planning, which On the other hand, traditional methods include;
involves deciding to have the required number the Safe Days Method, Lactational Amenorrhea
of children at the appropriate time through the Method (LAM), rhythm and withdrawal [3].
utilization of contraceptive methods to delay Globally, the choice of contraceptives has
space or limit childbirth [1, 2]. Contraceptives continually become mixed up with all methods
are birth control methods including medicines, being utilized for birth control, where the
devices and/or any method intended to prevent success of mixture in choices was realized,
pregnancy [1]. They are classified as modern unwanted pregnancies were reduced by 87.3%
or traditional methods. Modern methods mainly in Europe and north Asian countries
include; female condoms, oral contraceptive although challenges in the uniform choices
pills, emergency contraceptive pills, injectable remain in Africa, South America and South Asia
contraceptives, implants intrauterine devices [4, 5].

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In Africa, studies have shown that a larger Study site on especially the Community factors
percentage (86%) of women are in favour of affecting Family planning at FPRRH, Kabarole
family planning although the choice of District in Western Uganda. With these
contraceptive method remains a major dynamics in the utilization of Family planning
challenge [6]. However, methods that women services in Uganda, there is limited data on the
use differ marginally with some methods having factors influencing the choice of contraceptives
been embraced on a large scale while others still by women.
being utilized by a handful [7]. In Sub-Saharan Statement of Problem
Africa studies have shown variation in choices It is estimated that 90% of abortion-related and
women use regarding contraceptive uses [8, 9] 20% of pregnancy-related morbidity and
carried out a research study on planned mortality, along with 32% of maternal deaths,
pregnancies, factors that were attributed to could be prevented by the use of effective
missed opportunities due to limited choices in contraception [6]. In 2011, 30% of married
contraceptive methods used by communities women of reproductive age (15–49 years) were
while regarding other methods. In East Africa, using family planning methods, an increase
studies in Kenya and Tanzania have shown that from 15% in 1995 and 24% in 2006 [14]. The
contraceptive choices among women of use of modern FP methods increased
reproductive age remain in favour of natural, considerably, with the mCPR increasing from
means like abstinence and lactational 8% to 26% between 1995 and 2011 [15].
Amenorrhoea method 67%, short-term Despite this positive trend, the mCPR is still far
contraceptives like pills and injectable at 32.5% below the goal of 50% set by the Ministry of
of the women, while long term family coastal Health (Roadmap for accelerating the reduction
tribes in Kenya, the study found that tribes of of maternal and neonatal mortality and
mothers, cultural views and perceptions, age of morbidity in Uganda 2007-2015).
the mothers played a bigger role in Despite all the efforts, utilization of Family
determining the choice of contraceptive Planning Services is still low in Fort Portal
method which was used [10]. In Uganda, non- City, Kabarole District. The contraceptive
uniform distribution of contraceptives exists prevalence rate at Fort Portal Regional Referral
greatly, while condoms, one-month cycle pills Hospital is as low as 26% [16]. This leads to
emergency pills, and injectable contraceptives social-economic constraints and a burden to the
are highly preferred by women from both over-stretched health services. However, scanty
government and private facilities [11]. Some data exist on factors affecting the choice of
methods were reported to have hit a deadlock in contraceptives including socio-demographics
their acceptability and preference by most and contraceptive security. This study is
Ugandan women according to the [12]. therefore intended to assess factors influencing
Intrauterine devices, tubal ligation, female the utilization of Family Planning among
condoms, male sterilization, diaphragms with women of reproductive age at Fort Portal
spermicides among others are used by less than Regional Referral Hospital, Kabarole District
10% of Ugandan women. The factors that in Western Uganda, to guide stakeholders on
influenced women’s choice were accessibility, appropriate interventions to scale up
ease of administration, better hideout, and fewer contraceptive prevalence and reduce unmet
women empowerment to decide alone on long- need for family planning.
acting contraceptives [13]. However, there
exists no comprehensive documentation at the
Study design Study population
The study was a cross-sectional, descriptive The study included all men and women of
and analytical study and was used to reproductive age who access services at Fort
determine the level of utilization and factors Portal Regional Referral Hospital.
influencing the utilization of family planning Inclusion criteria;
services at Fort Portal Regional Referral All men and women of reproductive age
Hospital, Kabarole in Western Uganda [17]. attending family planning at Fort Portal
Area of Study Regional Referral Hospital, Kabarole district in
The study was conducted at Fort Portal Western Uganda who consented to the
Regional Referral Hospital in Fort Portal City, research.
Kabarole District in Western Uganda. The city Exclusion criteria;
has a large number of people who greatly All men and women of reproductive age
depend on business as their source of income attending family planning at Fort Portal
followed by Agriculture. Regional Referral Hospital, Kabarole district in
Western Uganda who did not consent to the

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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
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research study. would cover the aim of a researcher).
Sampling procedure Data collection
The participants were selected using a Qualitative data was collected from 20th of
consecutive sampling technique whereby every June, 2023 to November,2023 from men and
man and woman of childbearing age who came women of child bearing age (15-45) years
and met the inclusion criteria were recruited. attending to services at Fort Portal Regional
The only men and women of childbearing age Referral Hospital. The researcher requested for
attending family planning services at Fort assistance from other health workers after
Portal Regional Referral Hospital were training them to help in collecting data.
interviewed. Interviewer’s scheduled administered
Sample size determination questionnaires were used.
A study sample size was obtained using Editing
Fitcher’s et al (1990) formula i.e.n = Z2pq/ r2 This was done in the field immediately after
This formula is valid for a population ≥ 10000. administering the tools to ensure accuracy in
Where;n = desired sample size recording the responses of respondents. This
Z = standard normal deviation is taken as 1.96 was done by recording, reading through and
at a confidence interval of 95%. ensuring that answers given are correctly
p = proportion of the target population recorded against each question [18].
estimated to have similar characteristics; Coding
according to Fort Portal Regional Referral This was done manually; items were grouped
Hospital, the preference= 13%. Thus, p = 0.13. on a paper and tallied according to the items.
q = proportion of target population without a Data presentation analysis
desired characteristic (q = 1 – p = 0.87). r = Microsoft excel was used to enter data and
degree of accuracy (0.05). reviewed for faults. After that, it was
n = (1.962 x 0.13 x 0.87) / (0.052) = 174 transferred to STATA version 20 for analysis.
respondents To determine the relationship between the
Therefore, dependent and independent variables, bivariate
n = 174 respondents were sampled. and multivariate logistic regression analysis
Study variables was used. The Bivariate analysis; All factors
▪ Level of awareness of modern contraceptives. that have P 0.2 were considered in multivariate
▪ Social-cultural factors associated with the use of analysis. Multivariate analysis; Factors were
modern contraceptives. considered as statistically significant if P 0.05
▪ Obstetric factors influencing utilization of After coding, the collected data was
family planning services. represented in t h e form of tables, and pie
▪ Medical factors influencing utilization of family charts to aid easyanalysis.
planning services. Ethical consideration
Data collection tools Permission was sought from the school
Data was collected using interviewer’s schedule. administration KIU-WC which provided an
This was preferred because of dealing with all introductory letter on submission and approval
literate and illiterate respondents. This method of this research report. The introductory letter
was used because it facilitates respondent’s was presented to the medical superintendent of
encouragement and ensured maximum Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital who
confidentiality. introduced me to the staff working in family
Pretesting planning and postnatal units. The researcher
The questionnaires were pretested similar also sought consent from respondents after a
population (all men and women of child bearing brief introduction. Respondents were aware of
age (16- 40) attending to ANC services and their right to participate or withdraw from
postnatal care) at KIUTH to see whether the exercise at any time [19].
data collection tools were feasible (Whether it

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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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Socio-demographic Characteristics of the study participants as shown in the table below.

Table 1: Socio-demographic Characteristics of the study participants

Variables Frequency Percentage
(N) (%)
14-19 34 19.5
20-30 133 76.4
31-45 7 4

Mutoro 49 28.2
Muganda 36 20.7
Mukiga 17 9.8
Munyankore 19 10.9
Others 50 28.7
Religion of the respondent.
Advents 14 8.0
Saved 39 22.4
Catholic 54 31.0
Protestant 48 27.6
Others 19 10.9
Marital Status
Single 97 55.7
Married/ cohabiting/ in relationship 68 39.1
Separated/ divorced 6 3.4
Education level of the respondent
Primary 13 7.5
Secondary 12 6.9
Tertiary 146 83.9
House wife 7 4.0
Peasant farmer 9 5.2
Business 13 7.5
Student 108 62.1
Employed 14 8.0
Level of Income (per day) of the family
Less Than 4,000 ug. shs (1 USD) 58 33.3
Between 4,000 – 20,000 ug. shs (1 to 5 USD) 38 21.8
More Than 20,000 ug. shs (5 USD) 35 20.1
Place of Residence
Urban 84 48.3
Rural 76 43.7

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According to the results of this study; the dwellers; earning majorly 58(33. 3%) Less Than
majority 122(70.1%) were aged 20-30 years, 4,000 ug. shs (1 USD); 38(21.8%) Between
31(17.8%) were between 14-19 years, and 31-45 4,000 – 20,000 ug. shs (1 to 5 USD) and
years were 6(3.4%). these were mainly Batooro 35(20.1%) earn More Than 20,000 ug. shs (5
[49(28.9%)], Baganda [36(20.7%)], USD). The majority of the participants were
Banyankore and Bakiga 10.0% and 9.8% 97(55.7%) single, 68(39.1%) Married/
respectively among others. Tribe that cohabiting/ in a relationship and 6 (3. 4%)
contributed 50(28. 7%) of the study participants. Separated/ divorced at an education level of
By religion; majority 54 (31%) were Catholics majority 146(83. 9%). Tertiary, 12 (6.9%)
followed by 48(27. 6%) Protestants, 39(22.4%) secondary and 13 (7.5%) primary level and
saveds/born again Christians, 14(8%) occupied mainly with 108(62.1%) studies,
Adventists among others 10.9% religions. 14(8%) employed, 13(7.5%) business, 9(5.2%)
Socioeconomically, 84(48. 3%) reside in urban peasant farmers, and lastly 7(4%) housewives.
areas whereas the 76(43.7%) were rural


Yes No



Figure 1: Level of utilization of family Planning Services at Fort Portal Regional Referral
Hospital, Kabarole district in Western Uganda.

According to these study findings, the The obstetric factors influencing utilization
proportion of people who use contraceptives is of family planning services at Fort Portal
44.91% of the participants at Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital.
Regional Referral Hospital, Kabarole district in According to this study's findings, parity
Western Uganda. influences utilization of family planning by
45.4%, followed by previous history of other
obstetric complications (29.9%), history of
intrauterine fetal death (14.9%), and lastly,
history of abortion (9.8%) as shown in table 2

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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
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Table 2: Obstetric factors influencing utilization of family planning services at Fort Portal
Regional Referral Hospital.
Factor Frequency (N) Percentage (%)

Parity 79 45.4

History of abortion 52 29.9

History of intrauterine fetal death 26 14.9

Previous history of other obstetric Complications. 17 9.8

The medical factors influencing the utilization influences the utilization of family planning
of family planning services in Fort Portal services by 40% followed by obesity (30%),
Regional Referral Hospital. diabetes (20%), and lastly, hypertension (10%)
According to this study's findings, HIV as shown in Table 3 below.

Table 3 Medical factors influencing the utilization of family planning services in Fort Portal
Regional Referral Hospital.
Factor Frequency(N) Percentage (%)

Hypertension 17 10

Diabetes 35 20

HIV 70 40

Obesity 52 30

Utilization of family planning services occupation, level of income, and place of

bivariate relationship with socio- residence were significant at bivariate analysis
demographicfactors. and therefore considered for multivariate
Age, tribe, religion of respondent, marital analysis as shown in the last table below.
status, education level of respondent,

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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
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Table 4: Bivariate analysis of socio-demographic factors influencing utilization of family planning

Variables (N) Frequency (N) Percentage (%) P-value COR (CI;95%)
14-19 34 19.5 0.045 1.50 (1.02-5.52)
20-30 133 76.4 0.016 1.02 (0.87-3.41)
31-45 7 4 Reference Reference
Mutoro 49 28.2 0.029 1.075-4.372
Muganda 36 20.7 0.015 1.476-35.615
Mukiga 17 9.8 0.601 0.599-2.43
Munyankore 19 10.9 0.323 0.734-2.55
Others 50 28.7 Reference 1
Religion of the
Advents 14 8.0 0.219 1.16 (0.75-3.78)
Saved 39 22.4 0.364 0.57 (0.10-1.07)
Catholic 54 31.0 0.447 0.15 (0.07-0.55)
Protestant 48 27.6 0.024 2.08 (1.05-6.18)
Others 19 10.9 Reference Reference
Single 97 55.7 0.114 1.92 (1.30-4.81)
Married/ 68 39.1 0.415 0.72 (0.47-1.28)
in relationship
Separated/ 6 3.4 0.322 0.98(0.60-1.69)
Educationlevel of the
Primary 13 7.5 0.022 0.43 (0.05-0.88)
Secondary 12 6.9 0.071 1.32 (0.71-2.94)
Tertiary 146 83.9 0.186 3.18 (1.18-6.42)
House wife 7 4.0 0.294 1.00 (0.77-2.08)
Peasant farmer 9 5.2 0.408 0.91 (0.41-1.60) Peasant farmer
Business 13 7.5 0.227 0.56 (0.22-1.29)
Student 108 62.1 0.001 3.71 (1.70-7.23)
Employed 14 8.0 0.003 1.94 (1.35-4.92)
Level of Income
(per day)
of the family
Less Than 58 33.3 0.004 1.00 (0.65-3.09)
ug. shs (1 USD)
Between 4,000 – 38 21.8 0.081 1.34 (0.86-4.29)
ug. shs (1 to 5 USD)
More than 35 20.1 0.072 4.66 (2.16-
20,000 10.11)
ug. shs (5 USD)
Place of Residence
Urban 84 48.3 0.003 1.94 (1.35-4.92)
Rural 76 43.7 Reference Reference

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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
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Utilization of family planning services other obstetric complications were significant at
bivariate relationship with obstetricfactors. bivariate analysis and therefore considered for
Parity, history of abortion, history of multivariate analysis as shown in the last table
intrauterine fetal death, and previous history of below.

Table 5: Bivariate analysis of obstetric factors influencing the utilization of family planning
Factor Frequenc Percentage (%) P-value Odds ratio COR (CI;95%)
Parity 79 45.4 0.806 0.833 0.194-3.579

History of 52 29.9 0.024 10.724 1.360-84.558

History of 26 14.9 0.212 4.667 0.416-52.340
fetal death
Previous 17 9.8 Reference 1 1 17
history of other

Utilization of family planning services significant in bivariate analysis and therefore

bivariate relationship with medical factors. considered for multivariate analysis as shown in
Hypertension, diabetes, HIV, and obesity were the last table below.

Table 6: Bivariate analysis of medical factors influencing the utilization of family planning
Factor Frequenc Percentage (%) P-value Odds ratio COR (CI;95%)
Hypertension 17 10 0.082 5.117 0.811-32.28
Diabetes 35 20 0.723 1.401 0.217-9.06

HIV 70 40 0.181 5.036 0.470-53.92

Obesity 52 30 0.950 0.958 0.252-3.638

Table 7: Multivariate logistic regression analysis of socio-demographic, obstetric and medical

factors influencing utilization of family planning services. Only factors with P-value of less than
or equal to 0.05 were considered.
Factor N=174 Family planning P-value COR(CI;95%)
Utilization (%)


34 19.5 0.066 1.56 (0.75-4.34)

20-30 133 76.4 0.415 0.72(0.47-1.28)

Mutooro 49 28.2 0.322 0.98 (0.60-1.69)

Muganda 36 20.7 0.144 1.59 (0.94-3.30)

Religion of

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
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Advent 14 8.0 0.447 0.15 (0.07-0.55)
Protestant Marital 48 27.6 0.364 0.57 (0.10-1.07)
Single 97 55.7 0.219 1.16(0.75-3.78)
Education level of
Primary 13 7.5 0.081 1.34 (0.86-4.29)
Secondary 12 6.9 0.114 1.92 (1.30-4.81)
Tertiary 146 83.9 0.004 1.00 (65-3.09)
House wife 7 4.0 0.186 3.81 (1.18-6.42)
Business 13 7.5 0.071 1.32 (0.71-2.94)
Student 108 62.1 0.068 1.76 (0.89-3.25)
Employed 14 8.0 0.817 0.57 (0.19-1.05)
Level of income (per
day) of the family
<4,000 ug.
shs(1USD) 58 33.3 0.814 1.42 (1.01-4.18)

Shs (1-5 USD) 38 >20,000ug. 21.8 0.408 0.91(0.41-1.60)
Shs (5USD) 35 20.1 0.227 0.56 (0.22-1.29)
Place of residence
Urban 84 48.4 0.003 1.94(1.35-4.92)
Obstetric factors
Abortion 52 29.9 0.001 2.15 (1.04-4.51)
History of intra - uterine fetal death 26 14.9 0.142 1.23(0.72-1.80)
Medical factors
Hypertension 17 10 0.081 1.34(0.86-4.29)
HIV 70 40 0.028 2.81(1.42-8.07)

The Level of utilization of family Planning in 10 who express a desire to delay childbearing
Services at Fort Portal Regional Referral [16]. Unlike [21] a study in Gauteng-South
Hospital in Western Uganda. Africa in which the most preferred methods as
According to these study findings, the proportion oral contraceptives (38%), and male condoms
of people who use contraceptives is 75(44. 9%). (25%), in this study, choice of contraceptives
This is in congruence with the intervention for stands at; 40. 7%, 17. 3%, 16. 7%, and 12. 7%
family planning reveals a contraceptive for condoms, implanon, oral pills and injectables
prevalence of 43. 1% which was below the and safe days respectively. And this further agrees
national target of 50% by [14]; but disagrees with a study in Ethiopia by [22] in which the
with [20] who reported prevalence of most popular contraceptive method in use was
contraceptives use in Uganda to be 30% and a condoms (44. 4%), followed by emergency
general global increase in the recent past from contraceptive pill (27. 4%) and regular oral
54% in 1990 to 57% in 2012. Thus, it still possibly contraceptive pills (21%)
leaves 4 in 10 sexually active Ugandan women
not using any form of contraception, including 3

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
www.idosr.org Nabunya, 2024
The socio-demographic factors influencing The obstetric factors influencing utilization
utilization of family planning services at Fort of family planning services at Fort Portal
Portal Regional Referral hospital, Western- Regional Referral Hospital, Western Uganda.
Uganda. From the study conducted here, the history of
From the study conducted here, the education abortion significantly influenced the utilization of
level of the respondent influenced the utilization family planning services but disagrees with [23]
of family planning services which is in congruent who reported that the utilization of post-abortion
with the study of Coetzee, et al, 2011 who family planning was low in Wolaita Sodo health
reported that in a study conducted in Gauteng- institutions, also reported that marital status,
South Africa on female undergraduate students in knowledge of post-abortion family planning, use
a selected higher educational institution, about of services at non-government health facilities,
(79%) reported having used contraceptives, with counselling, and husbands’ support were
the most preferred methods as oral contraceptives determinants of post-abortion family planning
and male condoms (25%) [21]. This can be [23]. This can be explained by increased
explained by the higher possibility of awareness of the use of post-abortion family
increased awareness of family planning services planning services as compared to then.
at tertiary level of education of the respondent The medical factors influencing utilization of
compared to that at primary and secondary level family planning services at Fort Portal
of education of the respondent. From the study Regional Referral Hospital, Western Uganda.
findings here, place of residence that is to say From the study conducted here, HIV significantly
urban significantly influenced utilization of family influences the utilization of family planning
planning services which is in congruent with the services which is incongruent with the study of
study of [14] who reported that women in urban [24] who reported that the HIV status of an
areas have a higher contraceptive prevalence rate individual influences the uses and choice of
(CPR) compared to women in rural areas. There contraceptive methods. Normally due to fear of
are also clear regional differences. For example, contracting or transmitting the disease,
Kampala has the highest (CPR) at 40%, and individuals opt for dual barrier methods such as
Karamoja in the NorthEast region has the lowest condoms to prevent the HIV transmission cycle.
at 7% [14]. This can be explained by the For instance, a study in Kericho District, Western
increased accessibility to family planning services Kenya suggested that HIV disease progression
for respondents in urban areas compared to those plays an important role in contraceptive decisions
in rural areas. [24]. This can be explained by respondents' fear
of contracting or transmitting the disease.
The utilization of family planning services at Fort to the minimum of at least 50%, as set by the
Portal Regional Referral Hospital remains low in government of Uganda. Aspects of the obstetric
comparison to the national target which is 50% as factors like parity, history of abortion, history of
per Uganda. Similarly, socio-demographic factors intrauterine fetal death, and previous history of
like level of education and place of residency, other obstetric complications need to be
obstetric factors like history of abortion and considered in the design of family planning
medical factors like HIV significantly influence strategies to effectively increase utilization of
the utilization of family planning services at Fort family planning services at Fort Portal Regional
Portal Regional Referral Hospital in Western Referral Hospital in Western-Uganda. Also,
Uganda. strengthening counselling, education about family
Recommendation planning, and good follow-up care of medical
The stakeholders at different levels should conditions like hypertension, diabetes, HIV and
endeavour to sensitize people right from obesity would help increase the utilization of
communities, concerning the different family planning services at Fort Portal Regional
types/methods of contraception to raise the level Referral Hospital in Western Uganda.

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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
www.idosr.org Nabunya, 2024
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among rural women in Atiak health center Health. 2018. Essential Considerations for
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African medical journal, 92(8), 394-400. Family Planning Outcomes. Washington,
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CITE AS: Nabunya, Cynthi (2024). Factors Influencing Utilisation of Family Planning Services at
Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital, Kabarole District in Western Uganda. IDOSR JOURNAL OF
EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES, 10(1): 30-41. https://doi.org/10.59298/IDOSR/JES/101.3041.1424

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(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
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