ENT3003 Principles of Entrepreneurship All Kraft, J. J.

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ENT 3003

Principles of Entrepreneurship

Course Syllabus
Spring 2024 Term



Jamie Kraft, MBA (Pronouns: He, Him, His)

Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center
Warrington College of Business
Office: Bryan Hall, Room 133
Office Hours: Arranged as needed
Phone: 352-273-0330
E-Mail: [email protected]

Jamie is the Director for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center at the University of
Florida. Jamie came to the Center from Deloitte Consulting where he spent several
years as a management consultant focusing on economic performance evaluation,
competitive assessment, and strategic development for clients in the manufacturing and
consumer products industries. He graduated from the University of Arizona with a
degree in Microbiology and from the University of Florida as a Matherly Scholar with a
MBA specializing in Finance, Operations Management, and Business Strategy. Before
starting with the Center, Jamie spent one year in Paris studying the French language.
He has been with the Center for the past 20 years and is currently the Center’s Director.
He has served as the instructor for courses covering the topics of the entrepreneurial
mindset, business planning, technology commercialization, small business consulting,
customer discovery, entrepreneurial leadership, and creativity, and has managed, led,
and participated in student programs in Silicon Valley, Hungary, Ireland, Chile, Cuba,
South Africa, and Haiti.

Kathryn Bakinowski
Teaching Assistant
Warrington College of Business
Office: Bryan Hall, Room 133
Office Hours: Arranged as needed
Phone: 352-273-0330
E-Mail: [email protected]

For this class, I only check the e-mail account above. I do not use/check the Canvas
message system, and I will not see e-mails sent to any other account. If you need
to contact me, you must use this class e-mail account.

Course Numbers: 10047, 27477, 12295, 10048, 10049, 10051, 10050. If you are unsure
of the differences among the sections, see your academic advisor.

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ENT 3003 will be taught asynchronously this Spring. All materials will be posted to the
course Canvas site.

There are no pre-requisites for this course.


The course website will open Monday, January 8, 2024. This course is presented via
the University of Florida’s Canvas e-Learning course management system:
http://elearning.ufl.edu. Log in to Canvas using your GatorLink username and password.
From the list of courses, choose “ENT 3003: Principles of Entrepreneurship, Spring
2024”. You must be registered for this course to be allowed access to the course
materials. It may take 24-48 hours for Canvas to be updated with the latest enrollment
data from the Registrar’s Office. Therefore, if you have just joined the course and are
denied access, try again in 24-48 hours.


The University of Florida, not the Warrington College of Business, supports the Canvas
course management system. If you need help using the Canvas Course Management
System, contact the UF Computing Help Desk at 352-392-HELP (392-4357), or go to
their Webpage at http://helpdesk.ufl.edu/.


1. Required Course Text (must be acquired from UF Bookstore)

 Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset (2nd ed.); Heidi M. Neck,
Christopher P. Neck, and Emma L. Murray; SAGE Publications, 2020
o Bundle includes Sage Vantage & Venture Blocks Access
 Digital Version (available through UF All Access) -
 Includes eBook for Entrepreneurship
 Access for Sage Vantage
 Access Code for Venture Blocks

2. PowerPoint Slides for ENT 3003. PowerPoint slides are available on the course
website within each Learning Module.

There are no optional materials for this course (all of the above are required).



This course is set up to be online and asynchronous (thus attendance is not required).

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The specific goals and objectives for ENT 3003 include the following:

Goal: Demonstrate competency in and across business disciplines.

Objective: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of elements of

In this course, you may re-evaluate your own views of entrepreneurship within the
framework of entrepreneurial thinking and putting this mindset into action (ET&A).
As a student in this course, you will practice ET&A by accomplishing the following:

 Assess your personal entrepreneurial capacity.

 Differentiate between entrepreneurial and managerial thinking.
 Play with idea generation techniques to help you better create and shape ideas
into bold opportunities.
 Evaluate opportunities using rigorous feasibility and experimentation processes.
 Develop, define, and communicate business concept to determine its feasibility.
 Gain confidence to use entrepreneurial thinking and action with future

Throughout this course, you will develop a mindset that will enable you to build a toolkit
to create and evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities, marshal resources, and form
teams driven by creativity, leadership, and smart action. In sum, this course is a journey
through the fuzzy front end of early-stage entrepreneurial activity. This course is not
intended to be a complete overview of entrepreneurship; it is an immersion experience
for finding and creating opportunities. I hope that by the end of this course you will have
a good grasp of basic entrepreneurship principles and that you will have gone beyond
just memorizing facts. This will enable you to better understand current events in the
startup and the business world and will provide a solid framework for any subsequent
courses you may take in entrepreneurship.



The material for this class, along with the corresponding material on the Canvas class
website, has been divided into learning modules. The inherent structure of an electronic
platform class makes your individual study and preparation outside of class extremely
important. The lecture material will focus on the major points introduced in the text.
Reading the assigned chapters before watching the lectures will greatly improve your
understanding of the material. After watching the lectures and reading the chapter
material, you should study your notes and complete the Knowledge Checks in the
course Sage Vantage site.

All class lectures are available through the college’s video server and may be accessed
through the course website under each learning module, or by going directly to:

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There are 3 types of lectures for which you are responsible:
 Pre-Recorded Chapter Material Lectures in the course Canvas site
 Case Discussion Lectures in the course Canvas site (also pre-recorded)
 Live lectures that are recorded day-of on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:05pm-
6:00pm in Heavener Hall 140. You can attend “live” or stream “live” if you like,
however these lectures will be recorded and posted to Canvas day-of (these will
include guest speakers and experiential activities).


Students are allowed to record video or audio of class lectures. However, the purposes
for which these recordings may be used are strictly controlled. The only allowable
purposes are (1) for personal educational use, (2) in connection with a complaint to the
university, or (3) as evidence in, or in preparation for, a criminal or civil proceeding. All
other purposes are prohibited. Specifically, students may not publish recorded lectures
without the written consent of the instructor. A “class lecture” is an educational
presentation intended to inform or teach enrolled students about a particular subject,
including any instructor-led discussions that form part of the presentation, and delivered
by any instructor hired or appointed by the University, or by a guest instructor, as part of
a University of Florida course. A class lecture does not include lab sessions, student
presentations, clinical presentations such as patient history, academic exercises involving
solely student participation, assessments (quizzes, tests, exams), field trips, private
conversations between students in the class or between a student and the faculty or
lecturer during a class session. Publication without the permission of the instructor is
prohibited. To “publish” means to share, transmit, circulate, distribute, or provide access
to a recording, regardless of format or medium, to another person (or persons), including
but not limited to another student within the same class section. Additionally, a recording,
or transcript of a recording, is considered published if it is posted on or uploaded to, in
whole or in part, any media platform, including but not limited to social media, book,
magazine, newspaper, leaflet, or third-party note/tutoring services. A student who
publishes a recording without written consent may be subject to a civil cause of action
instituted by a person injured by the publication and/or discipline under UF Regulation
4.040 Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code. Should all or part of this class be
offered via an online mechanism during this semester, our class sessions may be audio
visually recorded for students in the class to refer back and for enrolled students who are
unable to attend live. Students who participate with their camera engaged or utilize a
profile image agree to have their video or image recorded. If you are unwilling to consent
to have your profile or video image recorded, be sure to keep your camera off and do not
use a profile image. Likewise, students who unmute during class and participate orally
are agreeing to have their voices recorded. If you are not willing to consent to have your
voice recorded during class, you will need to keep your mute button activated and
communicate exclusively using the "chat" feature, which allows students to type questions
and comments live.

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Class announcements are made during “Class Announcements” - the first few minutes
at the start of each class. Some of these announcements are time sensitive. Even if you
do not watch the entire lecture, you are responsible for watching these announcements
within 24 hours of the actual recording time.

Beyond that, any e-mail contact will take place through the university e-mail system
using your GatorLink e-mail account. Please have an up-to-date GatorLink account and
regularly check your e-mail account. If you e-mail me from a non @ufl.edu address, I
will reply, but to your official @ufl.edu e-mail address. This is to protect your academic
privacy. Please have your @ufl.edu e-mail forwarded, if needed.

Occasionally, I send e-mails to the entire class through the class listserv. The class
listserv automatically uses your GatorLink e-mail address.


Please use professional e-mail etiquette, as follows:

1. Please use the [email protected] account. This isn’t to

be a pain. Rather, I need to have all correspondence recorded in one place.

2. Please keep correspondence professional. Start the e-mail with a salutation,

such as “Dear Instructor”. E-mails without this may not be answered. And “Hey”,
“Hey Jamie”, or just “Kraft” is unprofessional and not acceptable.

3. Keep the body of your message short. I don’t need a lengthy explanation of the
situation. Simply state what you need from me, and a short version of the facts.

5. Include a closing, such as “Thanks, your favorite student, Charles.” Be sure to

include your full name, UF ID, and e-mail address.


In most cases, you can expect:

 A response to your e-mail within 2 business days (if you asked for a response).
 Exam Grades posted within 1 working day of taking your exam.


Students will be able to access their course grades and their grades for all assignments
through the Canvas Grade Book as well as SAGE Vantage. For the Spring 2024 term,
course grades will be calculated based on four exam scores, a simulation activity and
SAGE Vantage Knowledge Check completion.

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Precourse Quiz:

A 3-question quiz must be completed between Monday, January 8th and Friday, January
19th. You will not be allowed to take Exam 1 if you do not complete this quiz by
the deadline. The Precourse Quiz does not count toward your course grade. However,
you must complete it with a score of 3 to be able to access Exam 1. The quiz is due
1/19/2024. You cannot take Exam 1 if you have not completed this quiz with a score of
3. The last date to take it is 1/19/24 by 11:59p.


Four exams, each weighted 20% in the Course Grade.

Format: 40 questions, with a mix of multiple choice. Each question is worth 5 points, for
a total of 200 points on each exam. If material is in an assigned chapter (including
Entrepreneurship in Action, Research at Work, Ethics Meets Entrepreneurship and
Case Studies), in assigned videos, in a Canvas announcement, in discussions with
guest speakers, or in lectures and experiential activities, it may appear on exams.

All students will have a 2-day window in which to complete the exams (via
Canvas using HonorLock), with a time limit of 2-hours once started (only 1
attempt per exam).

Exam Dates:

 Exam 1 (Tuesday, 2/6 @ 12:01am – Wednesday, 2/7 @ 11:59pm)

 Exam 2 (Tuesday, 3/5 @ 12:01am – Wednesday, 3/6 @ 11:59pm)
 Exam 3 (Tuesday, 4/2 @ 12:01am – Wednesday, 4/3 @ 11:59pm)
 Exam 4 (Tuesday, 4/30 @ 12:01am – Wednesday, 5/1 @ 11:59pm)

*** The Exam will close at 11:59pm on the second day, so to get the full 2-hour
slot, you must start no later than 9:59pm on the second day.

To protect academic integrity, students will have access only to their exam scores. The
exam will not be released following the exam. You will not be able to review your

SAGE Vantage Knowledge Checks

You will be required to complete the Chapter Knowledge Checks throughout the course
of the semester in the SAGE Vantage online site (deadlines have been set to help you
pace, but you ultimately have until 11:59 on Wednesday, May 1 st to complete them).
You will only get credit for questions answered correctly…you will have an unlimited
opportunity to answer the questions.

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Venture Blocks Simulation

Upon purchase of your textbook, you will be provided with an access code for the
Venture Blocks Simulation: https://ventureblocks.com/. During Week 3 of the
semester, the simulation will be opened for play, and you will be required to
successfully complete it with a minimum score of 700XP. You will learn about
rejection, customer interviews, insight building, and opportunity identification…in a
fun way! The simulation must be completed by the end of the week (Sunday,
January 28, 2024 @ 11:59pm).

Course Grade Calculation Summary:

 Course Grade Pts = (Exam 1 Score) x 200
+ (Exam 2 Score) x 200
+ (Exam 3 Score) x 200
+ (Exam 4 Score) x 200
+ (SAGE Vantage Knowledge Checks) x 100
+ (Venture Blocks Simulation Score) x 100

Course Grade Pts. / Letter Grade cutoffs:

Minimum Course Grade Points Course Letter Grade

900.0 A
880.0 A-
840.0 B+
800.0 B
780.0 B-
740.0 C+
700.0 C
680.0 C-
640.0 D+
600.0 D
580.0 D-

Final course scores are not rounded. Therefore, a 790.9999 will not be rounded upward
and will be assigned a grade of B-. The instructor reserves the right to adjust any/all
cutoffs lower, possibly resulting in a higher letter grade for a given Course Grade Pts.
Any such adjustments will not be announced but reflected in grades reported.

All Course Letter Grades will be increased by ~1/3 of a letter grade (40 points) if the
class response-rate for the official UF end-of-course course evaluations is over 50%.
That is, if you earned a D-, it will be increased to a D; if you earned a D, it will be
increased to a D+; if you earned a D+, it will be increased to a C-, etc. Please complete
the course evaluations!

Information on current UF grading policies for assigning grade points may be found at:

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For all students, the Exams will be computer-based exams in Canvas with HonorLock.

No materials may be used during the exam and no watches of any kind are allowed.
Violating these rules WILL result in offenders being assigned an “E” in the
course. Note that the correct operation of your computer is your responsibility. If it fails
during the exam, you need to have a backup plan. You will not be granted an additional
exam attempt for computer issues.

None of the exams are semester cumulative. Core concepts naturally carry between
exams, but the focus on questions will be on the current topics.


The University of Florida requires that any assessment equivalent to 15% or more of a
student's final course grade must be proctored. This policy protects both the value of
your academic degree and your own time and effort in becoming a successful
Warrington student. Please expect all assessments to be proctored and all assignments
to utilize plagiarism software; prepare accordingly.

For online proctored exams, you are expected to have:

 a working webcam and computer (restart your computer before your exam for the
most effective testing environment)
 Google Chrome…and downloaded extension to your browser (Honorlock)
 a private workspace (if this is unachievable contact your faculty)
 incredible attention to exam instructions (it's your responsibility not to get flagged)
 diligence to notify your faculty of accommodations or extenuating circumstances
that affect your exam time or exam environment at the beginning of the term (at
the very least, one week before your exam)
 integrity to abide by all exam instructions and report any irresponsible peers

The Warrington College of Business is strongly committed to academic integrity and will
rigorously enforce violations of the UF Honor Code and/or additional Warrington
academic integrity policies. To be a successful student please read all instructions for
any assignment carefully, do not collaborate on individual exams, assignments, or
homework, and review the following best practices to be prepared:

Warrington HonorLock Student Guide-


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At the completion of the exam, HonorLock will flag irregularities for review. One
irregularity is becoming too common and will result in automatic point deductions from
raw exam scores:

 Unauthorized break, automatic penalty of at least 10-points

“Before the test taker began their exam, they were informed that no breaks were
permitted. During the exam, the test taker left the testing area and returned after
approximately XX minutes. The test taker was permitted to proceed under the
condition that the institution be informed of the situation.”

Here, the penalty will be determined by the length of time. Points are entirely at the
instructor’s discretion and may be as high as 100 points. Leaving the exam area for any
reason is not permitted, unless previously discussed. If you have an issue during the
exam, ask the proctor to contact me.


Make-up exams for Exam 1, Exam 2, Exam 3, and Exam 4 will be offered only in the
week following the exam window. If these dates do not work the instructor will determine
the best timing and format for a make-up exam.

Make-up exams will be offered for two situations: (1) unexpected situations that prevent
you from taking the exam, and (2) university-approved absences, such as military leave,
religious observances, etc.

For unexpected situations that prevent you from taking the exam, documentation must
be provided from an independent 3rd party with the relevant credentials. Valid excuses
include, for example, medically unable to take the exam with valid documentation from a
doctor, where the doctor was seen immediately prior to/after the exam date/time.
Documentation must include the following:

(1) Documentation needs to be on official letterhead. It must include the usual

contact information, such as name, address, phone, and e-mail. Dated, of
course. It must include a person to contact for questions – the name of a person.
(2) Documentation must state a reason, specific illness, or symptoms. All doctor
notes must state a specific diagnosis or symptoms.
(3) Documentation must lead a reasonable person to conclude that you are unable
to take the exam.

Documentation is absolutely required to justify your absence from any exam. A note
indicating that you were seen at the health center the day of the exam is not sufficient
documentation. The note must say what is/was medically wrong with you.

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Also, according to UF guidelines, certain situations, such as military leave and religious
observances, are also valid excuses for missing an exam. Since these absences are
usually known at the start of the term, students must report these via e-mail to
the class e-mail account by Friday, January 19 th at 5:00pm to receive a make-up
exam. This includes religious events where the date is not known with certainty. For
example, the Eid festival starts based on a sighting of a particular new moon. Although
the date is unknown for sure, students must still inform me at the start term if this may
potentially impact an exam. If the event was not known at the start of the term (e.g.,
unexpected military assignment), students must report these situations within 24 hours
of being notified. In any event, I must be notified prior to an exam to grant a make-up.

Excuses will not be granted for social activities, such as ski trips, weddings, cruises,
birthday parties, trips to sporting events, or family vacations. Since the exams are
administered via Canvas, exams can be taken almost worldwide. Plan accordingly.

Please note that make-up exams are not offered once you start an exam. If you start an
exam, and your computer breaks, it is up to you to have a back-up plan that can be
quickly implemented. Do not start an exam if, for example, you are ill. See a doctor and
get documentation. The HonorLock proctors cannot override this, even if they observe
you, for example, getting sick. Generally, once you start an exam, it will count.

Requirements for class make-up exams are consistent with university policies that can
be found at: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/attendance.aspx.


We will use weekly YellowDig discussions to manage the extra credit process so that
each of you may gain up to 16 additional points (1.6% of total overall grade), which will
be added to your class total. You will need to keep up with this throughout the semester
to gain full credit.


Throughout the term, we will host guest speakers for discussions regarding their
entrepreneurial experiences and application of topical material. In addition, videos may
be assigned for viewing. Material from both the guest speaker discussions and assigned
videos may appear on exams.


If the University is closed or university officials declare that an exam cannot be given on
a scheduled exam date (example, hurricane closure / postponement), the exam will not
likely be rescheduled. Rather, the remaining three exams will each be weighted 20%,
and the exam content will be adjusted, as needed. If a makeup is offered, a single date
will likely be offered, as determined, and coordinated with the college. All students will
take the exam on that date.

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Despite your best intention to take the exam, or my best intention to deliver the exam,
things happen beyond your control and my control. If such “acts of the gods” prevent a
student from starting or completing the exam in a timely fashion, and the issue can be
confirmed from an independent outside source (police report, etc.), such a situation may
be grounds for a make-up, as outlined in the previous section.

However, please visit the HonorLock support sites outlined above. These sites highlight
typical exam issues that can arise and how to prevent or handle them. Such situations
are not considered “acts” – you (and I) need to plan accordingly.


State guidelines require that you have completed substantially all the assignments and
be passing the course to qualify for an incomplete. A grade of Incomplete will be offered
only at the request of the University Ombuds, the Office of the Dean of Students, your
academic dean, or your academic advisor.


The Venture Blocks deadline will be clearly stated at the start of class each term. There
is sufficient lead-time to accomplish the assignment. Please note that if you are unable
to complete/submit the assignment because of personal or technical difficulties, you
cannot appeal the score. The SAGE Vantage Knowledge Checks must be completed
per the deadline as well.


For the exams, if you believe that an actual exam question has an error, then contact
the instructor by sending an e-mail to: [email protected].

Include the following information: (a) your name, (b) your UFID and e-mail address, (c)
which question you are referring to, (d) why you believe that the question/answer is in
error, and (e) the correct answer. The e-mail subject needs to be “Exam Question
Appeal.” Please follow this format. It will ensure that your question/concern is handled
correctly and in a timely manner.

For exams taken during the scheduled exam date/time, appeals must be made by 11:59
pm ET on the last day of the scheduled exam window. For exams taken as a make-up,
appeals need to be made within one hour following the completion of the exam. Once
the Exam Score is posted to Canvas, no further appeals are considered. If a question
has an error, credit for the question will be given. No additional consideration will be

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Students with disabilities who experience learning barriers and would like to request
academic accommodations should connect with the disability Resource Center. Click
here to get started with the Disability Resource Center. It is important for students to share
their accommodation letter with their instructor and discuss their access needs, as early
as possible in the semester. Since you will be taking your exams through HonorLock, you
should obtain a digital Accommodation Letter from the DRC that can be e-mailed to me,
and which details the conditions for your testing accommodations, such as the total
amount of time you will require for each exam. I will then inform HonorLock of these
accommodations and update the exam parameters in Canvas. I do this for all remaining
exams when I receive the letter.

I must receive a current Spring 2024 Accommodation Letter by 5:00p ET on the Friday
prior to the exam week. For example, Exam 1 is Tuesday, 2/6 @ 12:01am –
Wednesday, 2/7 @ 11:59pm…thus, I must receive all requests by Friday, February 2nd
@ 5:00pm ET. Otherwise, I do not have the time needed to set up the exam. If this is
an issue, let me know before the deadline.

If your accommodation calls for anything other than extended time, you need to discuss
this with me. HonorLock typically only handles extended time, so other accommodations
require additional coordination with HonorLock. Note – if your accommodation calls for a
break that requires leaving the exam room, the exam must be taken at the DRC. You
should confirm all accommodations with the proctor prior to starting each exam. Exams
taken at the DRC may be proctored differently. Check with DRC staff for details.


The following is excerpted from a memo sent out to the faculty by the Dean of Students:
… During stressful periods of time, there is an increased tendency for students to
isolate and alienate themselves from others, and many students will need help and
encouragement in seeking assistance …

The University of Florida provides a variety of counseling and support services to assist
students. A list of counseling & support services can be found on the Counseling and
Wellness Center website at: http://www.counseling.ufl.edu/cwc/Default.aspx


Students are expected to provide professional and respectful feedback on the quality of
instruction in this course by completing course evaluations online via GatorEvals.
Guidance on how to give feedback in a professional and respectful manner is available
at https://gatorevals.aa.ufl.edu/students/. Students will be notified when the evaluation
period opens and can complete evaluations through the email they receive from
GatorEvals, in their Canvas course menu under GatorEvals, or via
https://ufl.bluera.com/ufl/. Summaries of course evaluation results are available to
students at https://gatorevals.aa.ufl.edu/public-results/.

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The University of Florida Policy on Course Syllabi requires a section on academic

honesty to be included in all syllabi:

The Academic Honesty Guidelines at the University of Florida are designed to develop
and engender a community of honor, trust and respect. The academic community of
students and faculty at the University of Florida strives to develop, sustain and protect
an environment of honesty, trust and respect. Students within the system receive the
benefits of the academic pursuit of knowledge, free from the obstacles of lying, cheating
and stealing. In return, the Academic Honesty Guidelines demand that students act with
integrity in all their endeavors. Exhibiting honesty in academic pursuits and reporting
violations of the Academic Honesty Guidelines will encourage others to also act with
integrity. Every student who approaches their studies with honesty and forthrightness
suffers when another student attains an unfair advantage by cheating.

An academic honesty offense is defined as the act of lying, cheating, or stealing

academic information so that one gains academic advantage. As a University of Florida
student, one is expected to neither commit nor assist another in committing an
academic honesty violation. Additionally, it is the student's duty to report observed
academic honesty violations: http://www.dso.ufl.edu/sccr/process/student-conduct-
honor- code/. The following actions are some (not all) examples of violations of the
Academic Honesty Guidelines:
Cheating: The improper taking or tendering of any information or material which shall be
used to determine academic credit. Taking of information includes, but is not limited to,
copying graded homework assignments from another student; working together with
other individual(s) on a homework when not specifically permitted by the teacher;
looking or attempting to look at another student's paper during an examination; looking
or attempting to look at text or notes during an examination when not permitted.
Tendering of information includes, but is not limited to, giving your work to another
student to be used or copied; giving someone answers to exam questions either when
the exam is being given or after taking an exam; giving or selling a term paper or other
written materials to another student; sharing information on a graded assignment.

The Venture Block Simulation Activity assignment is designed to reinforce the course
material. Students may not collaborate on this assignment…they must complete this
assignment individually. Students may not receive any assistance or aid in completing
this assignment. Students may not receive help from any tutor for this assignment.

Finally, note that Canvas maintains transaction logs, including the dates you log in and
what you do while you are logged in. All the same, researching the transaction logs and
other data available to us does take a significant amount of time and effort. Given this,
be careful about your version of events. If the Canvas logs do not support your
statements, this will be considered an act of misrepresentation and the case will be
turned over to the Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution.

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The following schedule is subject to change. Variations will be announced in class.

Week Required Chapter Readings Exam Dates Simulation Date

1 1 Practicing Entrepreneurship &
(1/8) Gyan-I Case Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
2 2. Activating an Entrepreneurial
(1/15) Mindset & Doctory Case Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
3 3. Creating and Recognizing New ^^Venture Blocks
(1/22) Opportunities & Yoee Baby Case Activity
Discussion (End-of-Week)
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity Sunday, Jan. 28 by
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity 11:59pm
4 4. Using Design Thinking & Venture
(1/29) Blocks Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
5 5. Building Business Models & Exam #1
(2/5) Nature Box Case Discussion (Chapters 1-4)
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity -Feb. 6-7
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
6 6. Developing Your Customers &
(2/12) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Case
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
7 7. Testing and Experimenting With
(2/19) New Ideas & Stitch Fix Case
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
8 8. Developing Networks and Building
(2/26) Teams & AmeriCan Packaging Case
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
9 9. Creating Revenue Models & Exam #2
(3/4) Invento Robotics Case Discussion (Chapters 5-8)
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity -Mar. 5-6
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
10 10. Planning for Entrepreneurs &
(3/11) IoMob Case Discussion
 Tuesday – NO CLASS
 Thursday – NO CLASS
11 11. Learning From Failure & PetWell
(3/18) Supply Co. Case Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
12 12. Bootstrapping for Resources &
(3/25) FUBU Case Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
13 13. Financing for Startups & Gravyty Exam #3
(4/1) Case Discussion (Chapters 9-12)
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity -Apr. 2-3
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity

ENT 3003 - Syllabus for Spring 2024 Page 14 of 15 Pages

14 14. Navigating Legal and IP Issues &
(4/8) Lula Case Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
15 15. Marketing and Pitching Your Idea
(4/15) & RealPlay Case Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – Speaker/ Activity
16 16. Supporting Social
(4/22) Entrepreneurship & 1854 Cycling
Case Discussion
 Tuesday – Speaker/ Activity
 Thursday – NO CLASS/
17  UF Final Exam Week Exam #4
(4/29) (Chapters 13-16)
-April 30-May 1

^^Everyone must complete the Venture Blocks Simulation by midnight Sunday at the end of Week 3.

ENT 3003 - Syllabus for Spring 2024 Page 15 of 15 Pages

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