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Grades 1 to 12 School TAAL HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level Grade 11

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher MATTHEW EVAN M. ESTEVES Learning Area Discipline and Ideas in SS
Teaching Dates and Time OCTOBER 16-20,2023 Quarter 1st Quarter



A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.

B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods. (HUMSS_DISS11-IIIb-d-3)
Write the LC code for each
D. describe Political Science, identify Answer at least 75% of the test Interpret Psychology, identify the Analyse and evaluate the importance Analyse and evaluate the
the fields, areas of inquiry and items correctly and 75% fields, areas of inquiry and methods of of intercultural communication importance of intercultural
methods of Political Science. participation of the class. Psychology. communication

II. CONTENT Political Science Unit Test 3 & Introduction to Psychology and its Ideas Presentation of the Integrated Presentation of the Integrated
Psychology Activity of DISS & OC Activity of DISS & OC


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Disciplines and ideas in the social Disciplines and ideas in the social Disciplines and ideas in the social sciences Disciplines and ideas in the social sciences Disciplines and ideas in the social
sciences by Porillo and Gazzigan sciences by Porillo and Gazzigan by Porillo and Gazzigan by Porillo and Gazzigan sciences by Porillo and Gazzigan
A. Reviewing previous The class will conduct a short The class will conduct a short The class will conduct a short The class will conduct a short The class will conduct a short
lesson or presenting review on the lesson discussed review on the lesson discussed review on the lesson discussed review on the lesson discussed review on the lesson discussed
the new lesson yesterday. yesterday. yesterday. yesterday. yesterday.
After the review, a short After the review, a short After the review, a short “Balitaan” After the review, a short “Balitaan” After the review, a short
“Balitaan” will present by the “Balitaan” will present by the will present by the assigned student will present by the assigned “Balitaan” will present by the
assigned student of the day. assigned student of the day. of the day. student of the day. assigned student of the day.
B. Establishing a purpose PINOY HENYO: Teacher Before to proceed with the The class will continue the discussion The class will have a short The class will have a short
for the lesson group learners into five (5); each activity of the class, there will be of the Psychology and its basic discussion of the “Intercultural discussion of the “Intercultural
will have two representatives to a Unit Test 1 first, then after concepts. Communication” They will be Communication” They will be
guess a word particularly taking the Unit Test the class asked about their understanding asked about their understanding
political icon. E.g. Voce Pres. will proceed to the class activity and ideas about it. and ideas about it.
Duterte, Governor Fernando, etc.

C. Presenting Guide Question: Who are those A short video about psychology The meeting is intended to the The meeting is intended to the
examples/instances of personalities? What is common will be shown to the students. presentation of the students in the presentation of the students in
the new lesson among them? integrated activity of the DISS and the integrated activity of the
Guide Questions : OC. DISS and OC.
1.What can you say about the
2.How does the video evident in
our daily living?
D. Discussing new Discussion of the concepts and The class will have a short The teacher will discuss the The activity of the students will be The activity of the students will
concepts and ideas of Political Science using introduction about psychology content of the video presented to presented then they will explain be presented then they will
practicing new skills PPT. through the use of Iceberg the class for further understanding the cultural differences of their explain the cultural differences
#1 picture. and learning. chosen country and our country. of their chosen country and our
They will also explain why there is country. They will also explain
a cultural difference between the why there is a cultural difference
two countries. between the two countries.

E. Discussing new https://www.youtube.com/ Scenarios : Scenarios :

concepts and watch? 1.School 1.School
practicing new skills v=YzIcWW3FWSQ&t=5s 2.Church 2.Church
#2 3.Households 3.Households
4.Government 4.Government
5.Economic Institutions 5.Economic Institutions

Freud’s Psychoanalitical theories

will be discussed and examples are
to be given.

F. Developing mastery Group Activity Directions: Each CRITERIA FOR ASSESSMENT CRITERIA FOR
(leads to Formative group doing a role playing ASSESSMENT
Assessment 3) showing the political scenario of CONTENT – 10
the Philippines. (See attached CLARITY – 10 CONTENT – 10
rubric for the evaluation). CLARITY – 10
Processing of the activity, Let
the learners give their ideas and
concepts about the activity
G. Finding practical The learners will choose any 1. How do you use language 1. How do you use language
applications of Government position the wish to appropriately in your daily appropriately in your daily
concepts and skills in hold someday. As a Government communication? communication?
daily living official, what would be your
priority project?
H. Making generalizations What is Political Science all Why is it the mind compared to Learners will give a brief but
and abstractions about about? How does it influence the iceberg? Explain your precise explanation on the
the lesson our society? answer. quotation: “We know what we are
but not what we may be.” –Ophelia
in Hamlet
I. Evaluating learning The teacher will ask the learners Using one liner word, the
to accomplish the 5-3-1 Chart student will state the core
(5-Methods, 3-Braches, 1- idea/learning they gathered to
Definition) today’s discussion.
J. Additional activities
for application or
describe Political Science, identify
the fields, areas of inquiry and
V. REMARKS methods of Political Science.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other



Teacher III MT II Principal IV

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