Business Studies Revision

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1. Karam Chand, in order to promote local craftsmen of Gujarat, formed an organisation wherein the
persons voluntarily associate themselves to promote common economic interest. The basic purpose of
this organisation was to help these craftsmen to find market for their products. It had a managing
committee that was elected on the basis of 'One member, One vote.

On the basis of the given information, answer the following questions

(a) Identify the form of business organisation setup by Karam Chand. -

(b) Explain merits of the identified form of business from part (a).

(c) State the types of the identified form of business from part (a).

2. Explain Import procedure in brief.

3. Why e- business referred to as the emerging modes of business? Discuss its scope.

4. Sanjana went to a retail shop to buy a perfume. She was surprised by the salesman's behaviour
towards her. The salesman was so kind to her and showed a concern for her product requirements.
Sanjana got so impressed with effective display of products and the personal selling efforts of this
salesman that she purchased a perfume and a fairness kit without any plan to buy it. She also referred
this salesman to her friends because of his courteous behaviour. Identify and state the services of
retailer towards consumer highlighted in aforesaid instance.

5. Staunch Ltd., is a well known company in telecom sector in India. The company is committed to treat
everyone fairly, with respect and dignity regardless of differences in positions, age, caste, creed, gender
or otherwise. It endeavors to foster a participatory work environment where trust and confidence
between team members is spontaneous. It not only abides by all the laws governing in India but is also
fully committed to achieving and participating in every conceivable way in the progress and integrity of
the nation. In constantly reviews and revises all its print and electronic promotional materials like,
advertisements, brochures, etc. to make sure that they are clear, precise and free from any kind of
misrepresentations. The company remains actively involved in social issues and activities. It maintains
financial records and follows strict accounting control to ensure effective and efficient utilisation of
funds, thereby maximising returns to their shareholders. In context of the above case-

By quoting lines from the paragraph identify the different interest groups towards which the company is
fulfilling its social responsibility.

6. Jupiter Ltd., is a well-known manufacturer of sanitary fittings. Recently, company was short of funds
for meeting its day-to-day expenses. So, the company approached one of its suppliers to grant 60 days
credit on purchase of raw material. On the basis of creditworthiness of Jupiter Ltd., the supplier granted
the credit. Identify the source of finance highlighted in the given case. Also, state its four merits.

7. Explain the various services which is provided by Retailers towards Manufacturers and Customers.

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