Block The Chain Software Weapons of Fighting Against COVID-19

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Block the Chain: Software

Weapons of Fighting
Against COVID-19
Attila Kertesz, University of Szeged

This article proposes an architecture for vaccination

information validation and tracking with a fog and cloud-
based blockchain system, providing a privacy-aware
and scalable approach for interoperable and effective
data management. It evaluates the scalability of the
underlying blockchain system by means of simulation.

esponding to the COVID-19 pandemic, smart scenarios include different health-care institutions,
applications1 have begun to be developed for various stakeholders within the supply chain, heteroge-
the prevention of virus spreading and the man- neous networks, and multicultural and highly distrib-
agement of related societal problems, such as uted and dynamic system entities.3
travel restrictions. The vast majority of these applica- There is a wide range of smart applications running in
tions are centralized and nonsmart, which makes them smart systems exploiting intelligent capabilities, relying
carry single-point-of-failure, privacy, high-latency, and on cloud, fog, and edge services.4 Those related to COVID
legal issues along with a lack of efficient handling of include contact tracing (for example, VirusRadar, Stopp
mobile devices.2 Additionally, challenges in real-life Corona, and StopCOVID) and social distancing applica-
tions5 to monitor and contribute to slowing the virus’s
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MC.2022.3147368
spread and the number of infections. After the successful
Date of current version: 18 July 2022 development and testing of COVID-19 vaccines, another
T hi s wo r k i s lice n s e d u n d e r a
C reat i ve Co m m o n s At t r ib u t io n 4.0 L ice n s e. Fo r m o re i n fo r mat io n ,
s e e h t t ps : //c reat i ve co m m o n s .o rg /lice n s es / by/4.0/d e e d . a s t. PUBLISHED BY THE IEEE COMPUTER SOCIET Y SEPTEMBER 2022 43

group of applications has arisen for privacy-aware, scalable, and interoper- a coupled geodata cypher to track loca-
managing immunity passports and able solution for effective vaccination tions. Its authors argued that publicly
vaccination certificates (for instance, information management. The arti- sharing user pseudonyms generated by
International Air Travel Associa- cle derives three scenarios from real- private keys are safe. They showed that
tion Travel Pass and CommonPass). world vaccination reports and uses BeepTrace overcomes earlier related
The adoption and mass acceptance their requirements to evaluate the scal- solutions by using multiple positioning
of COVID-19-related applications are ability of various BC systems with the technologies with high security require-
greatly hindered by a general lack of Fog-Blockchain simulation environ- ments. Dai et al.12 proposed an approach
trust in the nature of tracing apps and ment (FoBSim) tool.15 The results can for using a BC-enabled Internet of Medi-
the reluctance of people to share their serve as recommendations for possible cal Things (IoMT). They claimed that the
personal data. To overcome this issue, implementations of the proposal, which IoMT can contribute to origin tracing
we need to revise current solutions and could contribute to a better and more and more efficient social distancing and
design methods addressing privacy efficient fight against COVID-19. The quarantine management. In their work,
awareness and preservation, trust, following sections gather and compare they stated the requirements (smart
explainability, and interoperability.7 related works, then present a proposal hospitals, data provenance, and remote
Blockchain (BC)6 is a form of distrib- for a unified, BC-based solution to fight health care) for privacy-aware BC-based
uted ledger technology for applications COVID-19 and future pandemics. IoMT solutions. As open issues, they
such as digital cryptocurrencies and named BC scalability and trustworthy
digital smart contracts. Solutions inte- RELATED WORK artificial intelligence.
grated with BCs provide high levels of Applying BC technology to health care Biometric and identity manage-
security and trust and guarantee a fully has been studied by Kshetri.9 That ment companies, such as SCIPA, Mvine,
immutable transactional history with- work argues that such integration and iProov, announced trials of their
out the control of a central authority. can improve accountability and data COVID-19 immunity and vaccination
BC applications have been proposed in exchanges. Nevertheless, the manage- passports at the beginning of 2021.
various field, from e-health to the Inter- ment of detailed patient health records Meanwhile, European national efforts
net of Vehicles. The author believes that results in additional privacy issues. have been reported by the European
integrating BC technology with fog This article refrains from addressing Commission regarding mobile contact
computing (FC) to serve smart applica- management issues surrounding gen- tracing apps,1 and a European Union
tions to manage mobile device data can eral health-care records and focuses Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC) ini-
enhance the privacy and security of cur- on COVID-related information. tiative has been launched.13 A central-
rent systems.8 This article envisions a Concerning the state of the art for uti- ized EUDCC gateway will be used to
solution for gathering, storing, validat- lizing FC and BCs to address challenges verify certificate signatures, and both
ing, and analyzing COVID-19-related related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the issuer and the certificates will have
data, including infections and vaccina- there are some related approaches. A digital signatures, and their data will
tions among citizens of a region. To real- pri­v acy-preserving mobile and fog be stored in the corresponding coun-
ize such a system, emerging technolo- computing framework 10 is an e-gov- tries. The EUDCC seems to be a good
gies are needed. This proposal builds ernment application framework for approach, but it enables only COVID-19
on BC technology to provide trust and tracing COVID-19 community transmis- vaccination information verification. It
transparency and on FC to support sion by utilizing mobile computing and is also a good step toward standardiza-
local, private data management and FC. The authors of this solution aimed to tion, but interoperability with non-EU
low-latency access to the system. enhance privacy and trust by enabling countries has not been achieved.
The main contribution of this article user control with minimal data collec- The author believes that citizen trust
is the general architecture for vaccina- tion, data destruction at will, and trans- and privacy could be further enhanced
tion information validation and track- parency through open source codes. with fog and BC integration, although
ing with a fog- and cloud-based BC sys- BeepTrace11 is a solution for BC-enabled, additional features would be needed
tem (VACFOB). This approach merges privacy-preserving COVID-19 contact to enable patient health tracking,
FC and BC technologies to provide a tracing. It stores user pseudonyms with pandemic monitoring, and increasing


prevention through data analysis. In parties that have to verify vaccinations; In case we would like to restrict
summary, BeepTrace11 represented a and 4) anyone who wishes to make pub- access to the system, we may close ver-
good step forward in exploiting BCs for lic queries for analyzing the spread of a ification for the public and allow only
fighting COVID-19, but it is specialized virus. Means for the fourth type may specific bodies to perform queries, so
only for contact tracing. The current depend on the kind of BC infrastructure the ID hash would not be shared with
situation suggests that testing and vac- that is utilized. In the first three cases, citizens and others through them. To
cination information, as well as vacci- citizens should identify themselves, and this end, a trusted third party can be
nation reliability, will be crucial pieces the corresponding issuing and report- introduced and placed in a central
of information to handle. They could ing bodies need to retrieve the ID hash cloud to govern BC participation. In
be used to predict virus spreading and and append the status change for a BC this case, digitally signing a document
trigger regional safety precautions. This transaction or query. In these processes, is not necessary; any pseudonymized
article’s proposal follows the latest trends the required private data are stored in identifier in the form of a hash can be
in fog and BC utilization, but it shifts
the focus from individual tracing to
community-based verification.


Contact tracing seems to be less import- OF COVID-19-RELATED APPLICATIONS
ant since there are many vaccines ARE GREATLY HINDERED BY A GENERAL
available worldwide. To reestablish LACK OF TRUST IN THE NATURE OF
economic processes, going back to tra-
ditional work environments, ensuring
safe business trips, and boosting tour-
ism are the next steps. To this end, we
need unified, privacy-aware, and scal-
able vaccination information and cer- a secure, centralized government data- generated for all citizens (during their
tificate management. Besides, what base (that is, off chain). first registration) and stored within
we still do not know and will be crucial In case we consider vaccination ver- the local, private off-chain database
is the effectiveness of the vaccines. ification as the sole role of the system, a together with other related personal
This article’s approach could provide public-permissioned BC would be suit- and health data. From now on, the
means to support both of these direc- able to enable anyone to validate the article considers this case and sup-
tions by using BC and FC technologies. vaccination of a citizen. To guard pri- poses that only a certified body (per-
The architecture of the VACFOB solu- vacy and comply with Europe’s General missioned) can get a citizen ID hash
tion is provided in Figure 1. The utilized Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the from government and regional data-
BC infrastructure is installed in the fog issuing body should sign a vaccination bases, so not everybody can verify
and possibly backed up at the cloud layer. or testing document with its digital cer- vaccination. Nevertheless, by allow-
Fog nodes can host one or more miners tificate (stored off chain). In this way, ing public queries for pseudonymized
and serve several COVID-related infor- any validator (who wishes to confirm a information, the system can support
mation providers close to them. There citizen vaccination) can perform a ver- the gathering of statistics and mak-
are four different end user types (see the ification on the data queried from the ing of predictions, for example, about
end user layer in Figure 1): 1) issuing bod- BC. Border control agencies perform this virus spreading and immunity rates.
ies, which can provide vaccination cer- action in Figure 1. An extracted citizen To enable vaccination ­verification,
tificates for citizens of a country; 2) hos- ID will be the ID hash stored in a block every transaction should contain the
pitals and private testing centers that and considered personal data. Therefore, following properties (as shown in Fig-
are allowed (certified) to perform testing user consent and management need to ure 1): 1) a digitally signed document
and report the health status of citizens; be ensured by participating bodies (hav- extract or pseudonymized identi-
3) border control officers and other legal ing permission to save new blocks).14 fier of a citizen (ID hash), 2) an actual


status change (for example, getting solution does not restrict the sys- Respiratory Syndrome, and flu vari-
vaccinated or recovering/receiving tem’s use to COVID-19; VACFOB can be ants). In the border control use case (as
a negative test result), and 3) a time used to handle other types of viruses/ shown at the bottom right of Figure 1),
stamp and location information (the vaccinations (such as Severe Acute an officer checks the personal ID of a
exact date and city). Note that this Respiratory Syndrome, Middle East citizen. He or she enters the ID into the


Cloud Layer
Trusted Third Party
Block Information
ID Hash
Vaccination With
Status Change
Blockchain Miner Miner
Node 1 Node n City and Date

Fog Layer
Miner Miner
Node 2 Node 3

Fog Node

Issuing Body Hospital Border Control

Anonymized Data Mining

End User Layer

Extracted ID Hash
Extracted Patient ID Hash Citizen
Certificates ID Hash Database and Database
Database and Information Response

Citizen Citizen Spreading Vaccination

Vaccinated Infected Prediction Checking

FIGURE 1. The proposed VACFOB architecture for COVID-19 vaccination verification and immunity analysis.


local government database to retrieve VALIDATION definitions and implementation details).
the corresponding hash ID, which A concrete implementation of the pro- In a nationwide scenario, every BC miner
should be used to make a query (look posal could be analyzed and evaluated in the fog can serve one or more end user
up a transaction) in the BC. If a trans- according to different metrics, such as nodes that handle requests from certain
action block is found with the ID hash security and privacy, scalability, and bodies (concerning vaccination certif-
containing vaccination information operation cost. Concerning privacy icate issuing, updates, health changes,
with a time stamp within the accepted awareness, the proposal is GDPR com- and information requests). The experi-
range (for example, six months), the pliant, and by utilizing the fog layer, ments here rely on information shared
citizen can pass without having to its resources provide faster response by,16 which pro-
quarantine. times and better scalability compared vides statistics for the past year about
With these system properties, the follow- to a purely cloud setup. This section the COVID pandemic for more than
ing types of queries could be performed: demonstrates the scalability of the uti- 200 countries. To estimate the num-
lized BC infrastructure in the fog. Since ber of daily transactions for a region
›› vaccination validation VACFOB is a model in its current state, for the proposed system, it is possible
›› determining the number of suitable BC settings that can serve its to gather information about daily per-
active, infected people for a region needs are sought. The exact perfor- formed vaccinations, new confirmed
(with a virus or disease type) mance values of a future implemen- cases, and performed tests, as shown in
›› obtaining the infection, test- tation will depend on the actual BC Table 1 for two randomly selected dates.
ing, and vaccination history of implementation. Therefore, the article From these data, it is evident that for a
citizens; from these data, an end defines three scenarios based on real- small country, such as Hungary, there
user can predict or estimate virus world data with different scalability are around 10,000–200,000 daily trans-
spreading, vaccine efficiency, needs. An earlier work developed a BC actions (status updates for citizens). For
and immunity levels for a region. simulation tool, FoBSim.15 It can be a large country, such as Germany, there
used to investigate the behavior of a BC are 1–3 million daily transactions, while
The VACFOB architecture and its system by employing different param- for Europe and the United States, there
operational methods bring novelty to eters and consensus algorithms; hence, may be up to 5 million.
applying BC and fog integration for vac- it will be employed for this evaluation. Based on this information, we inves-
cination verification, immunity success FoBSim facilitates investigating BC tigate BC systems that could be used
rate, and virus spreading analysis by systems through three default consensus for VACFOB implementations to serve
enabling a high level of trust and privacy. algorithms: proof of authority (PoA), different regions, employing the fol-
The system is modular, extendable, and proof of stake (PoS), and proof of work lowing scenarios with detailed param-
scalable: the number of fog nodes and (PoW) (see Baniata and Kertesz15 for eter settings in FoBSim:
the type and size of the BC infrastruc-
ture can be changed. In the end user
layer, additional parties can be defined
TABLE 1. The 2021 daily COVID-19 information (from Ritchie et al.16).
to enable optimized query management
and specific mathematical models and Date Type Hungary Germany EU United States
algorithms for additional data analy-
sis. As future work, possible integration 1 February Vaccinated 12,524 120,632 893,846 1.1 million
options may be investigated (for exam- 1 February Cases 1,124 6,668 170,705 134,975
ple, with BeepTrace) to enable contact
tracing, as well. Of note, the proposal can 1 February Tests 10,862 N/A N/A 1.03 million
be used to handle future COVID variants, 1 April Vaccinated 166,720 324,913 3.21 million 3.36 million
and it is able to store and manage differ-
ent seasonal diseases, such as the ones 1 April Cases 9,288 22,679 251,149 79,115
caused by influenza. This contributes to
1 April Tests 40,444 N/A N/A 1.44 million
the sustainability of the approach.


›› Scenario 1: There are 100,000 a preset number of transactions per By determining the parameters to
daily transactions for COVID-19 block (TPB); and the applied consensus investigate certain BC infrastructures,
status updates for citizens. algorithm. By investigating different we made the following restrictions.
›› Scenario 2: There are 1 million parameter settings, we can analyze We varied the number of fog nodes and
daily transactions for COVID-19 how to meet the required TPS values. miners from 10 to 100 and the number
status updates for citizens. The FoBSim simulation experiments of miner neighbors from two to 10. Con-
›› Scenario 3: There are 10 million (see Table 2) using the PoA and PoS consen- cerning the block size in the BC system,
daily transactions for COVID-19 sus algorithms were locally performed Ethereum stores around 70 TPB, while
status updates for citizens. on an Intel i5-8265U CPU (eight cores, Bitcoin stores roughly 2,000 TPB, on aver-
3.8 GHz, and 12 GB of memory) running age; therefore, we decided to use 100- and
We assume that transactions are Windows 10. The PoW experiments were 1,000-TPB values for the experiments. To
performed during working hours (for conducted on an HP Synergy 480 Gen10 set the delay between neighbors in the
example, eight hours per day), so we server node with two Intel Xeon Gold fog layer, we used the WonderNetwork
can roughly estimate up to five trans- 5118 CPUs (2.3 GHz and 12 cores each) and ( ser-
actions per second (TPS) for scenario 384 GB of memory, running Ubuntu vice. We counted network latency between
1, up to 50 TPS for scenario 2, and up 20.10. The number of transactions to big cities corresponding to the scenar-
to 500 TPS for scenario 3. A concrete be processed in all simulation runs was ios defined before [Hungary: Vienna,
BC infrastructure can be character- fixed at 10,000. Each simulation was Austria–Budapest, Hungary (7.4 ms);
ized by the number of fog nodes and performed five times, taking the aver- Germany: Munich–Amsterdam, The
miners in the system; the maintained age TPS value, as the individual ones Netherlands (15.2 ms); and Europe: War-
block size, which is proportional to marginally fluctuated. saw, Poland–Porto, Portugal (63.4 ms)].

TABLE 2. The selected performance results with FoBSim.

Parameter settings Results

Number of Number of Neighbors Block size Delay between Consensus

Simulation fog nodes miners per miner (TPB) neighbors (ms) algorithm TPS Target

9 10 10 2 100 15.2 PoA 238 ✓

10 50 50 6 100 15.2 PoA 46 ✗

17 10 10 2 100 63.4 PoA 129 ✗

21 10 10 2 1,000 63.4 PoA 1,205 ✓

1 10 10 2 100 15.2 PoS 206 ✓

8 50 50 6 100 15.2 PoS 28 ✗

16 10 10 2 1,000 63.4 PoS 860 ✓

17 50 50 6 1,000 63.4 PoS 173 ✗

1 100 100 10 100 63.4 PoW-10 263 ✗

2 100 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoW-10 1,025 ✓

3 100 100 10 100 63.4 PoW-15 246 ✗

4 100 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoW-15 599 ✓


TABLE 3. The BC system analysis performance results with FoBSim using the PoA consensus algorithm.

Parameter settings Results

Number of fog Number of Neighbors per Block size Delay between Consensus
Simulation nodes miners miner (TPB) neighbors (ms) algorithm TPS Target

1 10 10 2 100 7.4 PoA 333 ✓

2 50 50 6 100 7.4 PoA 52 ✓

3 50 100 10 100 7.4 PoA 19 ✓

4 100 100 10 100 7.4 PoA 20 ✓

5 10 10 2 1,000 7.4 PoA 2,976 ✓

6 50 50 6 1,000 7.4 PoA 555 ✓

7 50 100 10 1,000 7.4 PoA 263 ✓

8 100 100 10 1,000 7.4 PoA 232 ✓

9 10 10 2 100 15.2 PoA 238 ✓

10 50 50 6 100 15.2 PoA 46 ✗

11 50 100 10 100 15.2 PoA 19 ✗

12 100 100 10 100 15.2 PoA 18 ✗

13 10 10 2 1,000 15.2 PoA 1,957 ✓

14 50 50 6 1,000 15.2 PoA 463 ✓

15 50 100 10 1,000 15.2 PoA 202 ✓

16 100 100 10 1,000 15.2 PoA 198 ✓

17 10 10 2 100 63.4 PoA 129 ✗

18 50 50 6 100 63.4 PoA 28 ✗

19 50 100 10 100 63.4 PoA 13 ✗

20 100 100 10 100 63.4 PoA 13 ✗

21 10 10 2 1,000 63.4 PoA 1,205 ✓

22 50 50 6 1,000 63.4 PoA 283 ✗

23 50 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoA 131 ✗

24 100 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoA 132 ✗


TABLE 4. The BC system analysis performance results with FoBSim using the PoS consensus algorithm.

Parameter settings Results

Number of fog Number of Neighbors per Block size Delay between Consensus
Simulation nodes miners miner (TPB) neighbors algorithm TPS Target

1 10 10 2 100 7.4 PoS 206 ✓

2 50 50 6 100 7.4 PoS 32 ✓

3 100 100 10 100 7.4 PoS 12 ✓

4 10 10 2 1,000 7.4 PoS 1,805 ✓

5 50 50 6 1,000 7.4 PoS 340 ✓

6 100 100 10 1,000 7.4 PoS 136 ✓

7 10 10 2 100 15.2 PoS 206 ✓

8 50 50 6 100 15.2 PoS 28 ✗

9 100 100 10 100 15.2 PoS 11 ✗

10 10 10 2 1,000 15.2 PoS 1,550 ✓

11 50 50 6 1,000 15.2 PoS 298 ✓

12 100 100 10 1,000 15.2 PoS 123 ✓

13 10 10 2 100 63.4 PoS 98 ✗

14 50 50 6 100 63.4 PoS 18 ✗

15 100 100 10 100 63.4 PoS 7 ✗

16 10 10 2 1,000 63.4 PoS 860 ✓

17 50 50 6 1,000 63.4 PoS 173 ✗

18 100 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoS 78 ✗

TABLE 5. The BC system analysis performance results with FoBSim using the PoW consensus algorithm.

Parameter settings Results

Number of fog Number of Neighbors per Block size Delay between Consensus
Simulation nodes miners minute (TPB) neighbors algorithm TPS Target

1 100 100 10 100 63.4 PoW-10 263 ✗

2 100 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoW-10 1,025 ✓

3 100 100 10 100 63.4 PoW-15 246 ✗

4 100 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoW-15 599 ✓

5 100 100 10 100 63.4 PoW-20 24 ✗

6 100 100 10 1,000 63.4 PoW-20 84 ✗


For simplicity, we kept these numbers is evident that a BC using the PoS can The results show that simulations 2
constant, even for a higher number of perform up to 50% fewer transactions and 4 produced successful outcomes
fog nodes. within the same time frame. for the target TPS. Finally, we compare
Concerning the settings of the con- Since simulations with the PoW are the performance of the utilized con-
sensus algorithms, we varied the dif- generally compute intensive, only the sensus algorithms. Figure 2 depicts
ficulty of the puzzle during the PoW- largest parameter settings of scenario the differences between the PoA and
based BC simulation runs by changing 3 were selected for evaluation in the PoS for the same parameter settings
the hardness level from 10 to 20. This third set of experiments. To perform in experiments for scenario 2. In these
value basically represents the num- these, we used an HP Synergy 480 cases, the PoS provided 37% better
ber of zeros at the beginning of the Gen10 server node with 24 CPU cores. results, on average. Figure 3 compares
hashes to be minted (see Baniata and
Ker tesz 15 for details). During r uns
when the PoA was used, we fixed the PoS
number of authorized miners to 3/5 PoA
(three authorized out of a total of five 1,000
miners). The measured TPS values are
shown in the eighth column of the
(In TPS)

tables, while the ninth column indi-

cates whether an experiment met the 100
required target threshold.
First, we performed simulations
with the PoA algorithm, then with the
PoS algorithm, and finally, with the
PoW algorithm. The detailed evalua-
TP s,

TP s,

TP s,

TP s,

TP s,

TP s,
tion results are available in in Tables 3,
0 de

0 de

0 de

0 de

0 de

0 de

00 o

00 o

10 No

00 o

10 No

10 No
1, g N

1, g N

1, g N

4, and 5, respectively. The scenarios







were covered by simulation runs com-






posed of three groups. For example, in

FIGURE 2. The comparison of different consensus algorithms for scenario 2.
Table 3, simulations 1–8 aimed to cover
the needs of scenario 1 (with a 5-TPS
target value), simulations 9–16 cov-
ered scenario 2 (with 50 TPS), and sim- 1,000 PoA
ulations 9–16 covered scenario 3 (with PoS
500 TPS). Selected evaluation results PoW-10
are summarized in Table 2. From it, we
can see that by using PoA, simulations
(In TPS)

10 and 17 failed to provide the required 600

TPS values, while simulations 9 and 21
succeeded. The experiments showed 400
that varying the number of miners per
fog node (one or two) did not make any
difference. Therefore, this distinction
was skipped in the remaining experi-
ments. By using the PoS, simulations 0
100 Fog Nodes, 100 Fog Nodes,
1 and 16 managed to meet the target TPS,
100 TPB 1,000 TPB
but simulations 8 and 17 resulted in fail-
FIGURE 3. The comparison of different consensus algorithms for scenario 3.
ure. Compared to the PoA algorithm, it


ABOUT THE AUTHOR -response/travel-during-coronavirus
ATTILA KERTESZ is an associate professor in the Department of Software g-apps-eu-member-states_en
Engineering, University of Szeged, Szeged, 6720, Hungary, where he leads (Accessed: May 22, 2021).
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and interoperability issues of distributed systems in general. Kertesz received icates: Scientific, equitable, and
a Ph.D. from the Doctoral School of Computer Science, University of Szeged. legal challenges,” Lancet, vol. 395,
Contact him at [email protected]. no. 10237, pp. 1595–1598, 2020, doi:
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Rejuvenating Binary Executables Visual Privacy Protection Communications Jamming

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Policing Privacy Dynamic Cloud Certification Security for High-Risk Users
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Smart TVs Code Obfuscation The Future of Trust
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