Healthy Living Handbook 1

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H ealthy L iving


Book One - Nutrition

“Encouraging Healthy & Happy Lives”

My Name

MY Friends


Health and wellness is an important part of being able to live a happy life.
COR believes that in order to realize our dreams and accomplish our goals,
we need to first be healthy and physically able to succeed!

These books are full of useful information and fun activities that will help
guide you on your path to becoming healthy for a happier life.

Through understanding the importance of eating right, exercising, sleeping

well, staying hydrated, keeping clean, and staying safe you will be able to
improve your life and help others as well!

Types of Books
You are Reading Book One
Nutrition Book One This book is great to read
with a friend
Physical Activity Book Two

Hydration Book Three

Sleep Book Four

Personal Hygiene Book Five

Personal Safety Book Six

Chapter One - Nutrition

You Are What You Eat!

The types and amounts of food that you eat,
play a huge role in your health and
help determine who you are!

According to Canada’s Food Guide,
which of the FOUR Food Groups should
YOU be eating EVERYDAY?

____ Meat ____ Milk & Alternatives

____ Sugars & Sweets ____ Peanut Butter
____ Grain Products ____ Vegetables & Fruits
____ Fats ____ Coffee

How many servings of EACH Food Group

should YOU be eating EVERYDAY?

____ Meat & Alternatives ____ Milk & Alternatives

____ Grain Products ____ Vegetables & Fruits

Word Search Activity
F r u i t s & V egeta b le s
Find the different fruits and veggies in the word search and think
of ways you can make them a regular part of your diet.

Fruits and Vegetables are important for the human body because they
provide essential vitamins to make sure your body is running properly.

Did You Know?

The Saskatchewan Roughriders make it a priority to eat lots of
fruits and vegetables throughout the whole day! This gives them the
strength and energy they need to perform at the highest levels.

Is Important
Many of us have heard low on blood sugar. the day. When you eat a
that breakfast is the most Since the brain requires healthy breakfast your
important meal of the blood sugar to function body uses the energy
day. But did you know at its best, people who from the food and speeds
that it actually is? skip breakfast may find up your metabolism so
The majority of dietitian it hard to focus or that you can burn more
agree that eating a memorize information. calories throughout the
healthy breakfast every It is important to eat a day!
morning will help your balanced breakfast with
body in many ways! food from all the food 3. When you eat
groups so that your brain breakfast on a regular
Here are some reasons has energy for the entire basis you are less
why breakfast is so morning. likely to have cravings
important. for junk food later
2. Eating breakfast on in the day. A good
1. Breakfast literally in the morning will healthy breakfast will
means breaking the kick start your body’s make sure that you don’t
fast after a night metabolism so that it fill up on fatty foods later
without eating. When is working at its best on in the morning. Eating
you don’t eat in the rate all day long. When breakfast every morning
morning your body you skip breakfast your also helps you eat lunch
lacks the energy to body reacts by slowing and supper on a regular
properly function. After down your metabolism basis.
a night without eating, so that you don’t burn as
the body is naturally many calories throughout

Healthy Food
Hunt Activity
With a friend, go to a Grocery Store and find 5 Healthy Alternatives
for the unhealthy foods you like to eat.
Write down 5 Healthy Alternatives below.
Be as specific as possible.






Finding healthy foods that you enjoy eating will make
it easy to change your diet and start eating better!

Finding healthly foods that taste great is extremely important if

you want to improve your diet.

There are lots of healthier foods that we can eat

instead of chips, chocolate bars,
and other unhealthy foods.

All About Vitamins
Vitamin A
• Prevents eye problems
• Promotes a healthy immune system
• Keeps skin healthy
• Found in: Milk, eggs, liver, oranges, dark green or
orange vegetables, cantaloupe, peaches, mangos.

Vitamin C
• Promotes healthy bones, teeth, gums, and blood
• Forms collagen
• Helps heal wounds
• Helps the brain function well
• Found in: Red berries, kiwi, peppers, tomatoes,
broccoli, spinach, grapefruit, oranges

Vitamin D
• Strengthens bones by helping the body absorb
• Found in: Sunlight, eggs, fish, milk

Vitamin E
• Prevents damage to cells
• Aids in making red blood cells
• Found in: Vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy
vegetables, avocados, wheat germ, whole grains

Vitamin B12
• Helps to make red blood cells
• Important for nerve cell function
• Found in: Fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, eggs

Vitamin B6
• Aids in brain function
• Helps body break down protein
• Found in: Potatoes, bananas, beans, seeds, nuts,
meat, fish, eggs, spinach

Thiamin (Vitamin B1)

• Helps the body produce energy from
• Aids in function of the heart, muscles, and nervous
• Found in: Breads, cereals, pasta, meat, fish, dried
beans, soy, peas, whole grains

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

• Converts food into energy for the body
• Maintain healthy skin
• Aid in nerve function
• Found in: Red meat, poultry, fish, peanuts

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

• Turns carbohydrates into energy
• Produces red blood cells
• Helps you see better
• Found in: Meat, eggs, peas, lentils, nuts, dairy

Folate (Vitamin B9)

• Helps make red blood cells
• Helps make DNA
• Found in: Liver, beans, legumes, green leafy
vegetables, asparagus, orange juice

Portion Control
Knowing what kinds of food listen! Eat small and healthy
to eat is only half the battle snacks in between meal times
when it comes to nutrition. to keep you feeling satisfied.
The other half of that battle
is knowing how much to eat. 3. Take your time when
Even healthy foods, if not eating meals or snacks.
eaten in the right amounts, can When we eat our food slowly,
be bad for your body! our bodies are better able to
tell us when we are starting to
Here are some ideas to help feel full. Eating too fast often
make sure you are eating the results in overeating because
right amount of food each day! our bodies haven’t got the
chance to tell us that we are
1.Eat your meals at a full.
regular time every day. This
will help your body ensure 4.Don’t eat too much food
that you aren’t getting hungry at one time. Stop eating
throughout the day and keep before you are full! Making
you from eating junk food. sure that you aren’t overeating
ensures that you don’t skip
2.Eat healthy foods meals later on in the day.
throughout the day. It isn’t
bad to be hungry outside of 5.When eating out
meal times. If your body is at a restaurant it is
telling you that you are hungry important to remember
then the best thing to do is that portion sizes are
almost double than what
is recommended. It is ok
FUN FACT to pack food up and bring it
Eating foods high in fibre, home so that you can eat it
helps you feel full for a
longer period of time. another time.
Together with your friend, come up with
ONE short term goal (within the next week)
ONE long term goal (within the next month)
to improve your nutrition.

Short Term Goal


Long Term Goal

Now take the next week to apply the knowledge that you’ve
learned and to do more research if you would like more information.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you are unsure about something.

Write down some things you have learned
from the chapter and any questions that
you would like answered



















What Does This Word Mean?


Hales, Dianna & Lauzon, Lara. An Invitation to Health. Toronto: Thomson Canada, 2007.

“Healthy Living”, “Food and Nutrition”. Health Canada.

“Health”. Canadian Living.

“Healthy Weight”. Healthy Ways.,,

Friendships, Feelings & Futures. New Brunswick: New Brunswick Association for Community Living, 2004.

Creative Options Regina
103-1170 Broad St
Regina, SK S4R 1X8


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