Lesson Plan in Review On Theories Related To The Learner's Development I. Objectives

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Lesson Plan in Review on Theories Related to the Learner’s


I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. differentiates and explain the learner’s development according to Freud by giving examples.

b. can define and describe the social stages of development on Ericson’s Theory through
presentation in the class.

c. identifies the different learner’s development from different author/ psychologist through class

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Review on Theories Related to the Learner’s Development

Values Integrated: Appreciate what has given and Understand

Reference: prezi.com , scribd.com

III. Instructional Materials or Educational Technology:

paper, ball pen, recorder, stop watch, flat screen, laptop

IV. Learning Activities/Procedures

Preparatory Activities

1. Opening Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Checking of attendance

4. Start the presentation in the class

Theories Related to the Learner’s Development according to Freud there are 3 Components of
Personality and 5 Pyschosexual Stages of Development
3 Components of Personality

1. ID



5 Psychosexual stages of development

1.oral stage (Birth-2)

2.anal stage (2-3)

3. Phallic stage (3-7)

4. Latency Stage (7-11)

5.Genital Stage (11 Adult)

Erikson 8 Psycho- Social Stages of Development

Piagnet’s Cognitive Development Theory

Stage 1: Sensori- Motor (0-2)

Stage 2: Preoperational (2-7)

Stage 3: Concrete Operational (7-11)

Stage 4: Formal Operational (11 years & Beyond)

Kholberg’s Theory of Moral Development

Bronfenbrenner’s Bio- Ecological Theory





Lev Vygotsky Socio- Cultural Theory

-More Knowledgeable Others

-Zone or Proximal Development


V . Evaluation/ Assessment
Activity : Cooperative Learning Strategy

The teacher will divide student into groups of three and assign three roles: interviewer,
interviewee and notetaker. The teacher will now give a topic of discussion and a time limit in each
interview.after the duration time the student will now rotate roles. So that, all of the student will
experience each roles. After all is done the teacher will now give a discussion and explain the
given topics.

Basis of activity:

In this activity it help student to learned and apply different questioning strategies. And
strengthening student connection with materials in a creative way. It also give a student a sense
of accountability by working together to complete a task that lead to learning development.

Activity: "Identification"

Have students identify an accident in their own life that demonstrates each of the earlier stages.
Then have them identify a person they know well in each of the stages they will be going
through later. For both activities have them describe what they or that person did or does that
validates their being in that stage. When the whole class completes the task, review the stages
and ask the students what they have learned and experience and explain briefly why it reflects in
that stage.

Basis of the activity:


- can understand and describe how learning happens in different stage of learners development.

VI. Evaluation
Objective Test Item Percentage of Distribution of
Total Quiz or assessmenf

a. differentiate and explain the differentiate and explain the

developmental changes of a developmental changes of a
learner. learner.

(20 points)

b. can understand and can understand and describe

describe how learning how learning happens in
happens in different stages of different stages of learners
learners development.b. development. (40%)

(30 points)
c. identify the different c. identify the different
learners development from learners development from
different author/ psychologist. different author/ psychologist.

(20 points)

VI. Assignment
Study and recite the different learner’s development from Freud theories next

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