AIOU 1423 - 1st Assignment

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Allama Iqbal Open


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Course: Compulsory English-

Code : 1423

Assignment # 1

Semester: Autumn, 2023

Q.1 Suppose you are planning a trip to Northern areas of Pakistan and consult a travel

and tourism company in this regard. What ten question you will ask to seek relevant

information to plan a wonderful trip which is both convenient as well as cost effective?


Here are ten questions you can ask a travel and tourism company to plan a wonderful trip to

the Northern Areas of Pakistan that is both convenient and cost-effective:

1. What are the best times to visit the Northern Areas of Pakistan?

2. What are the must-see attractions in the Northern Areas?

3. What are the different types of accommodation available in the Northern Areas?

4. What are the different transportation options for getting around the Northern Areas?.

5. What are the recommended trekking routes in the Northern Areas?

6. What are the necessary permits and precautions to take before embarking on a trek in the

Northern Areas?

7. What are the local customs and etiquette to be mindful of in the Northern Areas?

8. and delicacies to try in the Northern Areas?

9. What are the recommended souvenirs and handicrafts to purchase in the Northern Areas?

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10. What are the estimated costs for a trip to the Northern Areas, including accommodation,

transportation, food, activities, and permits?

Q.2 Write down a brief and concise paragraph based on the personality description of

your favourite teacher. You may include the details about his/ her appearance,

personality traits and habits, etc.


My favorite teacher, Mr. Aslam, is a man of remarkable stature and presence. His neatly

combed gray hair and gentle eyes exude an air of wisdom and kindness. His voice, deep and

resonant, carries the weight of years of experience and knowledge, yet it remains soft and

reassuring, never to intimidate or overwhelm his students.

Beyond his physical appearance, Mr. Aslam's personality is what truly sets him apart. He

possesses an infectious enthusiasm for learning, which he effortlessly translates into

captivating lessons that engage students of all backgrounds and abilities. His passion for his

subject matter is evident in his every word and gesture, igniting a spark of curiosity and wonder

in even the most reluctant learners.

Mr. Aslam's dedication to his students extends beyond the classroom. He is always willing to

go the extra mile, providing additional support and guidance to those who need it. He genuinely

cares about his students' well-being, offering words of encouragement and fostering a sense of

community within his classroom.

In a world often filled with distractions and superficiality, Mr. Aslam stands as a beacon of

knowledge, compassion, and dedication. He is an inspiration to his students, a role model who

embodies the true essence of teaching.

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Q.3 Write question tags for the following sentences. Notice carefully whether the

statement is positive or negative in each case.

I. She contacted me yesterday....... ?

II. They are shouldering their responsibilities honestly. ?

III. You will receive the parcel next week. ?

IV. She must adhere to the societal norms, ?

V. Actions speak louder than words. ?

VI. We shall follow the code of conduct, ?

VII. They were accused of negligence, ?

VIII. You are striving hard to be successful... ?

IX. He is a very skillful driver... ?

X. She is capable of handling any situation skillfully. ?


1. She contacted me yesterday, didn't she? (Positive statement, negative question tag)

2. They are shouldering their responsibilities honestly, aren't they? (Positive statement, negative

question tag)

3. You will receive the parcel next week, won’t you? (Positive statement, negative question tag)

4. She must adhere to the societal norms, mustn't she? (Positive statement, negative question tag)

5. Actions speak louder than words, don't they? (Positive statement, negative question tag)

6. We shall follow the code of conduct, shall we? (Positive statement, positive question tag)

7. They were accused of negligence, weren't they? (Negative statement, positive question tag)

8. You are striving hard to be successful, aren't you? (Positive statement, negative question tag)

9. He is a very skillful driver, isn't he? (Positive statement, negative question tag)

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10. She is capable of handling any situation skillfully, isn't she? (Positive statement, negative

question tag)

Q.4 Write an informal letter to one of your cousins and congratulate her/him on

achieving top position in the FPSC examination. Also advise to shoulder his/ her

responsibilities with an utmost sense of dedication and commitment.


Dearest [Cousin's name],

I was thrilled to hear the fantastic news of your outstanding achievement in the FPSC

examination. My heart swelled with pride and joy when I learned that you had secured the top

position, demonstrating your exceptional brilliance and hard work.

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on this remarkable accomplishment. Your

dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to your studies have paid off in the

most rewarding way possible. I have always admired your intelligence, determination, and

unwavering focus, and it is truly inspiring to see you achieve such remarkable success.

As you embark on this new chapter in your life, I want to remind you that with great

responsibility comes great opportunity. You have been entrusted with an important role in

serving the public, and I am confident that you will carry out your duties with integrity,

compassion, and a strong sense of justice.

Remember, the top position is not just a badge of honor; it is also a symbol of the trust and

expectations that the public has placed in you. Shoulder your responsibilities with utmost

dedication, commitment, and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on society.

I have no doubt that you will continue to excel in your chosen field and make a significant

contribution to society. You have always been an inspiration to me, and I am incredibly proud

to call you my cousin.

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Once again, congratulations on this remarkable achievement. I wish you all the best in your

future endeavors.

With warmest regards and admiration,

[Your name]

Q.5 The following instances contain some highlighted words, guess the meaning of

these words and use them into sentences of your own.

I. The teacher will not take away your candy, as long as you are considerate and

consume it in a discreet manner.

II. Since our team will not make the playoffs this year, the results of the remaining

games are pretty much inconsequential.

III. This political landscape is full of dangers so a good politician must exercise

prudence in their policymaking

IV. The teacher was afraid to take the boisterous students into the library She knew

that the gymnasium was a setting that would better match their moods

V. She hated the detention room because it was absolutely devoid of warmth and cheer.


here are sentences using the highlighted words:

1. Considerate: It's considerate to let others speak during a discussion without interrupting them.

2. Inconsequential: The minor disagreement they had was inconsequential in the grand scheme

of their friendship.

3. Prudence: The CEO showed great prudence in handling the company's finances during the

economic downturn.

4. Boisterous: The boisterous laughter of the children echoed through the playground during


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5. Devoid: The desert landscape was devoid of any signs of life, with only sand dunes

stretching as far as the eye could see.

Q.6 Express your agreement as well as disagreement with the following issues. Choose

a different expression each time.

I. Pakistan and India can mutually collaborate with each other to promote peace.

II. Inflation is the root cause of economic instability.

III. Physical education should be introduced at the grass root level

IV. Child abusers should be publically hanged.

V. Women should be provided ample opportunities to earn their livelihood


1. Pakistan and India collaboration for peace:

• Agreement: Absolutely, fostering collaboration between Pakistan and India is crucial

for regional stability.

• Disagreement: While collaboration is important, it might face challenges given the

historical tensions between the two nations.

2. Inflation as the root cause of economic instability:

• Agreement: Undoubtedly, inflation can significantly contribute to economic instability.

• Disagreement: While inflation is a concern, it may not be the sole root cause; various

factors contribute to economic instability.

3. Introduction of physical education at the grass-root level:

• Agreement: I completely support the idea of introducing physical education at the

grass-root level for a healthier society.

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• Disagreement: While physical education is beneficial, other subjects might take

precedence at the grass-root level to build a well-rounded education.

4. Public hanging for child abusers:

• Agreement: There's a need for stringent measures, such as public hanging, to deter child

abusers and protect the vulnerable.

• Disagreement: While severe punishment is necessary, public hanging may raise ethical

concerns, and legal due process should be followed.

5. Providing ample opportunities for women's livelihood:

• Agreement: Absolutely, women should have equal opportunities to pursue and excel in

their chosen careers.

• Disagreement: While opportunities are essential, focusing solely on gender might

overlook broader issues of inclusivity and merit-based selection.

Q.7 Look at the front cover given below and make ten predictions about the contents

of the book.

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Predictions about the contents of a book without specific information can be speculative, but

based on the title "The Pocket Book of Boners: An Omnibus of School Boy Howlers and

Unconscious Humor," here are some possible predictions:

1. The book is likely to contain humorous anecdotes or mistakes made by schoolchildren.

2. It may include unintentional and funny errors in spelling, grammar, or understanding.

3. The content might involve anecdotes related to school life and the amusing situations that arise.

4. Expect a collection of light-hearted stories that revolve around the innocence and creativity of

school-aged children.

5. The book could feature witty remarks, unintentional double entendres, or comical answers to

test questions.

6. There might be illustrations or cartoons complementing the humorous content.

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7. The anecdotes may cover a variety of subjects, including different school subjects and daily

life in school.

8. The book may provide a nostalgic trip for readers, recalling their own experiences in school.

9. The humor is likely to be family-friendly and suitable for a wide audience, given the mention

of "school boy howlers."

10. It might offer a lighthearted perspective on education, showcasing the lighter side of learning

and growing up.

Q.8 Suppose one of your cousins is employed in a foreign country. Write a letter of

advice so that he may strive hard to promote and strengthen positive image of


Dear [Cousin's Name],

I trust this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It's truly heartening to hear about

your employment in [Foreign Country]. Your achievements are a matter of pride for all of us

back home.

I am writing to you with a sense of responsibility that comes with being an ambassador of our

country on foreign soil. Your presence and actions not only reflect your individual character

but also contribute to the perception people may have about Pakistan. Therefore, I'd like to

offer a few pieces of advice to ensure you promote and strengthen a positive image of our

beloved nation.

1. Cultural Sensitivity: Embrace the local culture and customs of the country you are in. Show

respect for diversity, and be open to learning about others' traditions. This will not only enrich

your own experiences but also portray Pakistan in a positive light.

2. Professional Excellence: Strive for excellence in your professional endeavors. Demonstrate

your skills, work ethic, and dedication. By excelling in your field, you not only enhance your

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personal reputation but also contribute to changing perceptions about Pakistanis as

hardworking and skilled professionals.

3. Community Engagement: Get involved in local community activities. Whether it's

volunteering, participating in events, or collaborating with local initiatives, this will showcase

the positive side of Pakistan and its people.

4. Positive Communication: Be an advocate for Pakistan by sharing positive stories about our

country's achievements, culture, and contributions. Correct any misconceptions gently and

diplomatically, fostering a more accurate understanding of Pakistan.

5. Maintaining Integrity: Uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all your

dealings. Your conduct reflects not only on you but also on the values we hold dear in Pakistan.

6. Building Connections: Foster positive relationships with colleagues, neighbors, and the

local community. By building connections, you create opportunities for people to see Pakistan

through your eyes.

7. Showcasing Pakistan's Richness: Share the beauty of Pakistan's landscapes, cultural

heritage, and traditions. Whether through photographs, stories, or cultural exchanges, let others

see the richness of our country.

Remember, you are not just an individual in a foreign land; you are a representative of Pakistan.

Your actions can play a significant role in shaping perceptions and breaking stereotypes. Strive

to be a positive force for change and an ambassador of goodwill.

Wishing you continued success and looking forward to hearing more about your adventures


Warm regards,

[Your Name]

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