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University of Anbar

College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Department

Thermal Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic /Thermal

Solar Water Systems

A Project Report Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering


“Ahmed Ziyad Abd Al-Fatah & Abdalrhman Munther mahdi”


“Assistant Prof. Dr. Wissam H. Khalil”

"January , 2022"

We, the undersigned students, hereby declare that the project work entitled “Thermal
Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic /Thermal Solar Water Systems” submitted to
university of Anbar, is entirely our own work and has not been copied from any other source.
Any material that has been used from other sources has been properly cited and
acknowledged in the report.

We are fully aware that any copying or improper citation of references/sources used in this
report will be considered plagiarism, which is a clear violation of the ethics code of university
of Anbar.

Signature: Signature:
Student Name: Ahmed Ziyad Abd Al-Fatah Student Name: Abdalrhman Munther mahdi
Student ID: Student ID:
Date: 22/1/2022 Date: 22/1/2022


Approved by:

Supervisor Name: Dr. Wissam H. Khalil
Department: Renewable Energy Research Center-University Of Anbar
Date: 22 / 1 /2022

Format Adherence Committee


An alternative and cost effective solution to developing integrated PV system is to use

hybrid photovoltaic thermal solar system .The temperature of PV modules increases due to
absorbed solar radiation that is not converted into electricity, due to these increases the heat
causing a decrease in their efficiency. In hybrid solar PV/T system the temperature of the of
PV module can be reduced by using circulating of water through the collectors at the back
side of the PV/T panel. In this project a try of using a new hybrid PV/T solar system. Hybrid
PV/T system can provide electrical and thermal energy, thus achieving a higher energy
conversion rate of the absorbed solar radiation. The main advantage of our combined PV/T
solar system is to removing of heat from the PV panel, thus the decrease in temperature and
increase in efficiency of system, also extend the lifetime of photovoltaic cells due to the
removing of heat from PV part which is used to heat the water in the thermal part of the panel.
In this part of the project, the nature of the photovoltaic thermal solar collectors, their types
and their most important features were presented. Several previous studies that dealt with the
subject were also taken into account to identify the most important factors affecting the
performance of these collectors. In the time available for the project and due to the difficulties
in providing the requirements of the practical part, as well as due to the restrictions imposed
by the Corona pandemic, laboratory tests were conducted for the performance of the solar
photovoltaic panel that will be used in conducting practical experiments as part of the
photovoltaic thermal solar collector.


We would like to express my extreme gratefulness to our supervisors, Dr. Wissam

H.Khalil. for his advice, supportive guidance, encouragement, and assistance throughout the
entire research and everyone help us to understand and perform this project. We would also
like to extend our thanks to the staff of the Renewable Energy Research Centre especially
Mr. Firas Fadhel Saleh for providing the measuring devices for testing the solar panel.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION................................................................................... 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Photovoltaic Thermal Collectors. ......................................................................... 1
1.3 PVT collector Technology ..................................................................................... 2
1.4 Types of PVT Collectors ........................................................................................ 3
1.4.1 PVT Liquid collector ……………………………………………………….4

1.4.2 PVT Air collector ……………………………………………………………4

1.5 PVT Applications …………………………………………………………..4

1.6 Objectives of the Project …………………………………………………….4

CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................... 9

2.1 preface ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Literature Survey of Previous Studies ................................................................. 9
2.3 Summery .............................................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER THREE EXPERIMENTAL PART ................................................................ 21
3.1 Preface ................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 Test of Solar Cell .................................................................................................. 21
REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 30

List of Figures

Figure Title Page

Figure(1.1): Utilization of Solar spectrum of a PVT collectors 7

Figure(1.2) : Schematic diagram of a typical type PVT collectors. 7

Figure(1.3) : Schematic diagram of a typical type PVT collectors. 8

Figure(1.4) : Map of PVT collector technologies and PVT 8

applications per operating temperature

Figure(2.1): Components of the solar hybrid PV/T water heating 18

system [11]

Figure(2.2): Schematic diagram of the PV/T system[12] 18

Figure(2.3) : Water cooling PV system diagram[13] 19

Figure(2.4) : The experimental setup[14] 19

Figure(2.5) : Uncovered PV/T collector configuration [16] 20

Figure(3.1) : The solar panel used in experimental part 22

Figure(3.2) : The Multimeter used in test of solar panel 23 23

Chapter One Introduction


1.1 Introduction

Solar energy is the richest renewable energy on Earth. It is pollutant-free, widely scattered,
and inexhaustible. However, solar energy is of low density, dispersed, unstable, and
discontinuous. Currently, methods for solar energy conversion mainly include solar hydrogen
production, solar thermal power generation, and photovoltaic (PV) power generation.
Compared with solar thermal power generation, PV power generation can realize direct
photoelectrical conversion, leaving out the intermediate energy conversion step. Thus, its
generating efficiency is not restrained by the Carnot cycle. Moreover, because of its less
demand for solar radiation intensity, PV power generation has more extensive applicability
and is the best choice for the distributed energy supply, such as in a small-scale households
[1, 2].
Two urgent problems need to be addressed in solar PV application, that is, the high cost of PV
power generation and the relatively low photoelectric conversion efficiency. Currently,
the industrial production of crystalline silicon solar cell conversion efficiency is
approximately 16% to 17%, the highest being only about 22%.

1.2 Photovoltaic Thermal Collectors.

Photovoltaic thermal collectors typically abbreviated as PVT collectors and also
known as hybrid solar collectors, photovoltaic thermal solar collectors, PV/T collectors or
solar cogeneration systems, are power generation technologies that convert solar
radiation into usable thermal and electrical energy. PVT collectors combine photovoltaic solar
cells, which convert sunlight into electricity, with a solar thermal collector, which transfers
the otherwise unused waste heat from the PV module to a heat transfer fluid. By combining
electricity and heat generation within the same component, these technologies can reach a
higher overall efficiency than solar photovoltaic (PV) or solar thermal (T) alone.[3]

Significant research has gone into developing a diverse range of PVT technologies since the
1970s. The different PVT collector technologies differ substantially in their collector design
and heat transfer fluid and address different applications ranging from low temperature heat
below ambient up to high temperature heat above 100 °C.[4]

Chapter One Introduction

PVT collectors generate solar heat and electricity basically free of direct CO2 emissions and
are therefore regarded as a promising green technology to supply renewable
electricity and heat to buildings and industrial processes.

Heat is the largest energy end-use. In 2015, the provision of heating for use in buildings,
industrial purposes and other applications accounted for around 52 % (205 EJ) of the total
energy consumed. Of this, over half was used in the industry and around 46 % in the building
sector. While 72 % of the heat was provided by the direct combustion of fossil fuels, only 7 %
was from modern renewables such as solar thermal, biofuel or geothermal
energy.[5] The low-grade heat market up to 150 °C is estimated to be 26.8 % of the
worldwide final energy demand, which is currently serviced by fossil fuels (gas, oil, and
coal), electricity and renewable heat. This is the sum of industry demand 7.1 % (25.5
EJ)[5] and building demand 19.7 % (49.0 EJ residential and 13.6 EJ commercial).

The electricity demand in buildings and industry is expected to grow further due to
ongoing electrification and sector coupling.[4] For a significant reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions, it is essential that the major share of electricity is sourced from renewable energy
sources, such as wind power, solar energy, biomass and water power.

The market for renewable heat and electricity is therefore vast, illustrating the market
potential of PVT collectors.

1.3 PVT collector Technology

PVT collectors combine the generation of solar electricity and heat in a single component, and
thus achieve a higher overall efficiency and better utilization of the solar spectrum than
conventional PV modules. Figure (1.1) refers to the solar spectrum of a PVT collectors.
Photovoltaic cells typically reach an electrical efficiency between 15 % and 20 %, while the
largest share of the solar spectrum (65 % - 70 %) is converted into heat, increasing the
temperature of PV modules. PVT collectors, on the contrary, are engineered to transfer heat
from the PV cells to a fluid, thereby cooling the cells and thus improving their
efficiency.[9] In this way, this excess heat is made useful and can be utilized to heat water or
as a low temperature source for heat pumps, for example. Thus, PVT collectors make better
use of the solar spectrum.[5]

Most photovoltaic cells (e.g. silicon based) suffer from a drop in efficiency with increased cell
temperatures. Each Kelvin of increased cell temperature reduces the efficiency by 0.2 –
0.5 %.[5] Therefore, heat removal from the PV cells can lower their temperature and thus
increase the cells' efficiency. Improved PV cell lifetimes are another benefit of lower
Chapter One Introduction

operation temperatures. Figure (1.2) shows a schematic diagram of a typical type PVT

This is an effective method to maximize total system efficiency and reliability, but causes the
thermal component to under-perform as compared to that achievable with a pure solar
thermal collector. That is to say, the maximum operating temperatures for most PVT system
are limited to less than the maximum cell temperature (typically below 100°C). Nevertheless,
two or more units of heat energy are still generated for each unit of electrical energy,
depending on cell efficiency and system design.

1.4 Types of PVT Collectors

There are a multitude of technical possibilities to combine PV cells and solar thermal
collectors. A number of PVT collectors are available as commercial products, which can be
divided into the following categories according to their basic design and heat transfer fluid:

 PVT liquid collector

 PVT air collector

In addition to the classification by heat transfer fluid, PVT collectors can also be categorized
according to the presence of a secondary glazing to reduce heat losses and the presence of a
device to concentrate solar irradiation:

 Uncovered PVT collector (WISC PVT)

 Covered PVT collector
 Concentrating PVT collector (CPVT)

Moreover, PVT collectors can be classified according to their design, such as cell technology,
type of fluid, heat exchanger material and geometry, type of contact between fluid and PV
module, fixation of heat exchanger, or level of building integration (building integrated PVT
(BIPVT) collectors). [6]

The design and type of PVT collectors always implies a certain adaption to operating
temperatures, applications, and giving priority to either heat or electricity generation. For
instance, operating the PVT collector at low temperatures leads to a cooling effect of PV
cells compared to PV modules and therefore results in an increase of electric power.
However, the heat also has to be utilized at low temperatures.

The maximum operating temperatures for most PV modules are limited to less than the
maximum certified operation temperatures (typically 85 °C). Nevertheless, two or more units

Chapter One Introduction

of thermal energy are generated for each unit of electrical energy, depending on cell
efficiency and system design.

1.4.1 PVT Liquid collector

The basic water-cooled design uses channels to direct fluid flow using piping attached directly
or indirectly to the back of a PV module. In a standard fluid-based system, a working fluid,
typically water, glycol or mineral oil circulates in the heat exchanger behind the PV cells. The
heat from the PV cells is conducted through the metal and absorbed by the working fluid
(presuming that the working fluid is cooler than the operating temperature of the cells).
Figure(1.3) shows a schematic diagram of a typical type PVT collectors.

1.4.2 PVT Air Collector

The basic air-cooled design uses either a hollow, conductive housing to mount the
photovoltaic panels or a controlled flow of air to the rear face of the PV panel. PVT air
collectors either draw in fresh outside air or use air as a circulating heat transfer medium in a
closed loop. Heat is radiated from the panels into the enclosed space, where the air is either
circulated into a building HVAC system to recapture heat energy, or rises and is vented from
the top of the structure. The heat transfer capability of air is lower than that of typically used
liquids and therefore requires a proportionally higher mass flow rate than an equivalent PVT
liquid collector. The advantage is that the infrastructure required has lower cost and

The heated air is circulated into a building HVAC system to deliver thermal energy. Excess
heat generated can be simply vented to the atmosphere. Some versions of the PVT air
collector can be operated in a way to cool the PV panels to generate more electricity and assist
with reducing thermal effects on lifetime performance degradation.

A number of different configurations of PVT air collectors exist, which vary

in engineering sophistication. PVT air collector configurations range from a basic enclosed
shallow metal box with an intake and exhaust up to optimized heat transfer surfaces that
achieve uniform panel heat transfer across a wide range of process and ambient conditions.

PVT air collectors can be carried out as uncovered or covered designs.[7]

1.5 PVT Applications

The range of applications of PVT collectors, and in general solar thermal collectors, can be
divided according to their temperature levels, Figure(1.4) shows the map of PVT collector
technologies and PVT applications per operating temperature:[7]

Chapter One Introduction

 low temperature applications up to 50 °C

 medium temperature applications up to 80 °C
 high temperature applications above 80 °C

Accordingly, PVT collector technologies can be clustered with respect to their temperature
levels: the suitability per temperature range depends on the PVT collector design and
technology. Therefore, each PVT collector technology features different optimal temperature
ranges. The operating temperature ultimately defines which type of PVT collector is suitable
for which application.

Low temperature applications include heat pump systems and heating swimming pools or
spas up to 50 °C. PVT collectors in heat pump systems act either as low
temperature source for the heat pump evaporator or on the load side to supply medium
temperature heat to a storage tank. Moreover, regeneration of boreholes and ground source
heat exchangers is possible.[1] Uncovered PVT collectors with enhanced air-to-water heat
exchange can even be the only source of a heat pump system. In combination with a system
architecture allowing to store cold produced with WISC or air collectors also air
conditioning is possible.

Low and medium temperature applications for space heating and water heating are found in
buildings, with temperatures from 20 °C to 80 °C. The temperatures of the specific system
depend on the requirements of the heat supply system for domestic hot water (e.g. freshwater
station, temperature requirements for legionella prevention) and for space heating
(e.g. underfloor heating, radiators). Moreover, the PVT collector array can be dimensioned to
cover only smaller fractions of the heat demand (e.g. hot water pre-heating), thus reducing
operating temperatures of the PVT collector.

Solar process heat includes a diverse range of industrial applications with low to high
temperature requirements (e.g. solar water desalination, solar cooling, or power
generation with concentrating PVT collectors).

Depending on the type of heat transfer fluid, PVT collector technologies are suited for several

 PVT air collector: space heating systems, agricultural processes (e.g. drying crops);
 PVT liquid collector: Space heating (domestic, industrial), water heating systems,
water desalination, space cooling, food processing systems.

Chapter One Introduction

PVT technologies can bring a valuable contribution to the world’s energy mix and can be
considered as an option for applications delivering renewable electricity, heat or cold.

1.6 Objectives of the Project

There are many objectives to be studied in this project:

1-To manufacture a hybrid PVT system.

2- To study the main different parameters that affect the performance of hybrid PVT system.

3- To determine the combined efficiency of the hybrid PVT system

Chapter One Introduction

Figure(1.1): Utilization of Solar spectrum of a PVT collectors

Figure(1.2) : Schematic diagram of a typical type PVT collectors.

Chapter One Introduction

Figure(1.3) : Schematic diagram of a typical type PVT collectors.

Figure(1.4) : Map of PVT collector technologies and PVT applications per operating

Chapter Two Literature Survey


2.1 Preface
A Photovoltaic cell converts only 10-15% of the incoming solar radiation into electricity
while a greater percentage of the radiation is converted into heat. The solar radiation
converted into heat increases the temperature of the PV modules, resulting in drop of their
electrical efficiency. This undesirable effect can be partially avoided by applying a suitable
heat extraction facility with a fluid circulation and maintain the electrical efficiency at a
satisfactory level. Furthermore, this extracted heat can be utilized for heating air and/or water.
For this purpose Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T or PVT) solar systems have been
Many theoretical and experimental works have been carried out for the improvement of
hybrid PVT Solar systems since its appearance in 1980’s. The main concept of these systems
with results, using of water or air as heat removal fluid

2.2 Literature Survey of Previous Studies

Due to the importance of the topic of PVT collectors , many previous researchers dealt
with the topic and studied it with practical and theoretical studies. Therefore, it is necessary to
review the most important research that dealt with this topic to find out the most important
factors that affect the efficiency of such systems.

Design and performance improvements of hybrid PVT systems with water as heat removal
fluid were carried out by Souliotis (2008)[8] at the University of Patras, Greece including
modifications that contribute to the decrease of PV module temperature and to improve the
total energy output (electrical and thermal) of the PVT systems. Two systems (PVT/UNGL
and PVT/GL) were tested outdoors, consisted of pc-Si PV modules and heat exchanger of
copper sheet with copper pipes.

R. K. Mishra and et al,[9] were Study of Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (HPVT) Solar
Water Heater. In this communication, two alternative situations have been investigated for the
study: case A (collectors partially covered by PV modules; 30% PV) and case B (collectors
totally covered by PV modules).The analysis was based on the analysis of thermal energy,

Chapter Two Literature Survey

exergy, and electrical energy. The study took into account four different meteorological
conditions (a, b, c, and d types) for five major cities in India (New Delhi, Jodhpur, Bangalore,
Mumbai, and Srinagar). For the meteorological circumstances in New Delhi, a comparison of
conventional flat plate collectors (FPC) with case A and case B was conducted. According to
numerical studies, the overall annual gain for the city of Jodhpur is the highest and the lowest
for the city of Srinagar. For cases A and B, the percentage variation between Jodhpur and
Srinagar city is 25% and 23.4 percent, respectively. New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore have
virtually identical annual gains. The percentage differences between these three places and
Srinagar are 12 percent, 15.2 percent, and 10.4 percent in example A, and 10.2 percent, 14
percent, and 9.3 percent in case B.

The total annual gain in Jodhpur is the highest, while it is the lowest in Srinagar. For cases A
and B, the percentage variation between Jodhpur and Srinagar is 25% and 23.4 percent,
respectively. New Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore have virtually identical annual gains. The
percentage differences between the three cities and Srinagar are 12 percent, 15.2 percent, and
10.4 percent in example A, and 10.2 percent, 14 percent, and 9.3 percent in case B.

Mohammed.H.R.Alktranee,[10] was study Performance Hybrid

Photovoltaic/Thermal System for General Applications, Solar radiation is very important for
photovoltaic panels, as the greater the solar radiation, the greater the amount of electricity
produced from the panel, but the intensity of the solar radiation will cause an increase in the
temperature of the panel, which will lead to a reduction and decrease in the electrical
efficiency of the panel, which will affect the electricity generation system significantly.
Because of the high temperature of the solar panels, there will be an urgent need to use
cooling systems that reduce the temperature of the panels, which will lead to an increase in
the electrical efficiency of the panel and thus increase the amount of electricity produced. The
objective of this study is to study the performance of hybrid solar panels in different places
and different working conditions, such as homes and hotels. This study point that it is very
necessary to use cooling systems for panels, such as using water or air cooling to increase the
efficiency of panels.

The researcher concluded that the performance of hybrid photovoltaic cells depends on
several factors such as the intensity of solar radiation and the design of the system, as well as
the choice of the type of photovoltaic panel itself. One of the important factors that the
researcher summarizes is the direct exposure to solar radiation and its very large impact on the
amount of energy produced, as it is very important for generating electricity, but at the same

Chapter Two Literature Survey

time it will cause a significant increase in the temperature of the panel and thus reduce the
energy produced. To address this problem, the use of a panel A hybrid cooled by water or air
will cause a significant reduction in the panel temperature and thus increase the energy

Erman Kadir Oztekin and[11] were study Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal

(HPV/T) Systems: From Theory to Applications, Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal systems are
potential renewable energy harvesting devices that may be employed as a stand-alone system
or in conjunction with other systems. Historical developments are examined in this research.
As a result, today's Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal (HPV/T) systems exist. Employed today and
global discoveries to improve the HPV/T system's performance through the presentation of
state-of-the-art analysis in a topical manner The historical account of discoveries from early
investigations on the HPV/T systems is given. The route and the rest of the parts are created
based on a set of criteria. The text of the paper Basic and sophisticated type collectors,
working fluids, and analysis procedures are all evaluate performance,
thermodynamic methods, and design optimization parameters and mass flow rates,
performance enhancement approaches, and comparative research Various parametric
investigations, in particular, to optimize performance of the HPV/T in relation to a number of
variables, including Absorber kinds, packing factor, cooling methods, and operating fluid
kinds, and changes in certain parts. Of the system are thoroughly examined investigated.
According to the findings, the electrical and thermal variations this research focuses mostly
on efficiency. It can be seen from the According to the research, solar HPV/T systems have a
lot of promise to be one of the next big things. As well as future clean energy technology

It is clear that a significant amount of study has been done on hybrid photovoltaic/thermal
systems to date. These initiatives are separated into several divisions, all of which are aimed
at improving the overall efficiency of these systems in a variety of ways. The HPV/T system
is a potential energy-generating device that can address the energy gap created by increased
home and industrial demand. HPV/T systems are simple to use in distant regions and may be
customized for a variety of purposes. Their output may be tailored to the structure's exact
requirements. Their building integration not only meets annual electrical energy requirement,
but it also helps to repair the structure. thermal comfort and life period with self-cleaning
technologies. Various positive findings from the studies form a stronger driving force for
future HPV/T studies. Some of these initiatives aimed towards the same goal have already
achieved positive results, but there are still more study chances accessible, if not necessary,

Chapter Two Literature Survey

for HPV/T systems. Even though an HPV/T system is small, it has a complicated and distinct
structure. That is why researchers are continuing to work on HPV/T systems in order to ready
this technology for global application in the near future. The following is a summary of the

 The HPV/T unit's total performance is always superior to that of a single PV or solar
thermal unit. Environmental factors such as ambient temperature, humidity, and
altitude, on the other hand, have a significant impact on the overall effectiveness of
these systems. Solar thermal units provide more thermal energy than HPV/T systems
in most circumstances. • The electrical efficiency of a solar PV or HPV/T system is
typically between 8 and 14 percent, and it is unaffected by ambient conditions.
However, with concentrating systems, the immediate electrical efficiency can be as
high as 30 percent or even more. Thermal efficiency, on the other hand, is a function
of environmental factors, and instantaneous levels can vary dramatically.
 The electrical performance of different kinds of PV cells can also vary. GaAs cells
have a greater performance. Efficiency, where their electrical efficiencies have been
shown to be up to 2% higher than comparable companies. Cells made of silicon PV
with a thin layer and a semi-transparent appearance. The advantages of modules have
piqued people's curiosity.
 The HPV/T system's payback period can be shortened by tailoring the system
depending on the application's characteristics. The HPV/T system might have a
payback time of up to 14 years. It can be decreased even further by making the
necessary changes. For HPV/T-driven systems, the usual payback period is shorter
than four years. Some characteristics, such as the working fluid's mass flow rate, have
a substantial impact on the HPV/T system's performance. Depending on the design
and environment, the system should be operating at maximum flow. Although water-
based systems perform better than air-based systems, air-based systems are still used
for the majority of applications. Water is usually maintained in a tank and circulated
continuously through cooling lines. It was discovered that the coolant withdrawal rate
is a crucial parameter for the system's functioning.
 CHPV/T systems have a unit cost of power ranging from $1.8 to $2.5 per watt,
whereas flat plate collectors have a unit cost of roughly $2.3 per watt.
 HPV/T-driven systems have recently gotten a lot of interest since they can boost the
overall efficiency of multifunctional systems and provide several outputs including
water desalination, crop drying, and cooling. HPV/T collectors supply heat and

Chapter Two Literature Survey

electricity in these systems, either partially or totally. They can also be employed in
the overall system as a pre-heater or evaporator. HPV/T systems are used to power
heat pumps, absorption refrigeration systems, and Rankine cycles in most research.

Semyan Khaled and[12], was study numerical and experimental investigation for
hybrid photovoltaic /thermal collector system in Duhok city , The study included a seven-
month experimental and numerical evaluation of a hybrid photovoltaic-thermal solar collector
system in Duhok, including temperature, water mass flow rate, wind velocity, and sun
intensity data. Simulating transient processes with constant thermo-physical characteristics
and heat transfer coefficients is done using a one-dimensional mathematical model. The
implicit finite difference approach is used to solve the energy conservation equations. With an
error of 2.36 percent between two thermal efficiencies, the computational and experimental
findings were in good agreement. The assessment of electrical and thermal energy, as well as
thermal, electrical, and total efficiency, are among the outcomes. The best overall efficiency
of PV/T collector is reached in May 2019 (72.01 percent), while the lowest value is obtained
in January 2019. (63.1 percent ). When compared to a PV solar collector system, the cooling
approach results in a 3 percent boost in electrical efficiency.

The numerical and experimental investigations for a hybrid PV/T solar collector system were
conducted in the Duhok climate from November 2018 to May 2019 to explore various
weather conditions.

Experimental analysis has confirmed the numerical model of the PV/T flat plate collector, and
the findings show good agreement with a maximum difference of (2.36 percent ). The greatest
electrical power output and thermal energy gains were recorded on May 16th, 2019
(98.553W), (523.923 W), while the minimum values were recorded on November 28th, 2018,
(34.95) W for electric power output and (151.55 W) for thermal energy gain, respectively.
The reduction in electrical energy is due to the increase in panel temperature. The electrical
efficiency of the PV panel is increased by 3% when it is cooled using a PV/T collector
system. The effect of rising intake water temperature on .Thermal efficiency was reduced.
The total efficiency ranges from 63% to 72%.

N. Marc-Alain Moomba and [13], was steady Performance analysis of

thermosiphon hybrid photovoltaic thermal collector. Solar irradiance is converted into
electricity by a photovoltaic module (PV) at a rate of 6–17 percent of the incoming energy
from the sun, depending on the technology and ambient factors. The solar module reflects or
absorbs more than 80% of the incoming energy from the sun. The fraction of energy absorbed

Chapter Two Literature Survey

increases with solar cell. The fraction of energy absorbed increases as the temperature of the
solar cell rises, and the efficiency of the cells drops as a result.

His efficiency of a PV module is improved by combining a PV module and a thermal

collector in one unit, resulting in a hybrid photovoltaic and thermal collector (PV/T).
The goal of this paper is to show how a thermosiphon hybrid PV/T reacts to changes in
environmental conditions, as well as to show the benefits of cooling photovoltaic modules
with water utilizing a rectangular channel profile for the thermal collector. A single glazed
flat-box absorber PV/T module was designed, its behavior was tested for different
environmental conditions, a numerical model was created, and simulations for certain days
for the Durban weather run were performed. He simulation result showed that the overall
efficiency of the PV/T module was 38.7% against 14.6% for a standard PV module while
the water temperature in the storage tank reached 37.1 °C. This is a huge boost to the PV/T
technology's marketing in South Africa, especially during the summer and in locations with
an average annual solar irradiation of more than 4.70 kWh/m2/day.
Two monocrystalline Q.PEAK 260 PV modules were simulated, one on top of a thermal
collector and linked to a 150 liter storage tank to form a PV/T module, and the other on top
of a thermal collector and connected to a 150 liter storage tank to form a PV/T module. It
was found that no matter which environmental parameter is varied, the maximum electrical
power output of PV/T module was always higher than of the PV module. The higher
efficiency was obtained from the PV/T module because of cooling of the solar cells
(decrease in cells temperature), or the typical summer day of 22/12/2010, the efficiency of
the PVT module was 24.1% higher than the conventional PV module for the same
dimensions and characteristics and the tank water temperature reached 37.1 ºC.
Elie Karam and [14], was study Design of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal
System in Lebanon Because of global warming and the toxic emissions of ordinary power
plants, renewable energy has become an important and effective source in many
applications. At present, this study is concerned and focused on studying the various types
of solar energy. Hybrid solar panels combine electrical and thermal applications, which will
lead to an increase in the efficiency of the system due to the utilization of the heat generated
by the solar panel. In this study, the system was designed to take advantage of the generated
heat to heat water and use it in other useful applications The project was tested twice in
Zouk Mosbeh - Lebanon; on May 18, 2016, and June 7, 2016. The average electrical
efficiency was around 11.5% with an average electrical power output of 174.22 W, while
with cooling, the average electrical efficiency reaches 11% with a power output of 200 W.

Chapter Two Literature Survey

The temperature increases by about 7 degrees Celsius from the inlet. The 1D conduction
model is also performed in order to design the hybrid PV/T system. The researcher
concluded that cooling the panels will contribute to increasing the overall efficiency of the
system, and the water will be heated to a large degree so that it becomes suitable for the
required uses. The project was tested twice; on May 18, 2016, and June 7, 2016 in Lebanon.
An average of 11.5% electrical efficiency was achieved and an 82% average thermal
efficiency on the first testing and 54% on the second one. The temperature difference
between the inlet and the outlet reaches around 5.4 C for May and 3.3 C in June. The
average electrical power calculated was around 200 W. As for the second test, its purpose
was to raise the electrical efficiency with or without cooling the plates The average electrical
efficiency without cooling was 11%, while an average of 11.5% with was achieved with
cooling. The researcher concluded that the electrical efficiency did not increase to a very
large degree because the temperature of the panel did not drop to 25 degrees Celsius, but the
water temperature rose significantly and significantly and became very useful for use.
Prof.V.K. Thombare and[15] , was study Hybrid PVT- A Novel Method For
Improvement Of Solar Panel Efficiency, one of the most important solutions to increase the
efficiency of solar cells is the development of hybrid solar cells. The temperature of solar
cells rises due to exposure to solar radiation, which will cause a significant and significant
decrease in their efficiency. In hybrid solar cell systems, water flow is used in the back of
the panels to cool the panels and thus absorb the high heat of the panel, which will lead to an
increase in their efficiency. In this study, solar cell systems will be developed using water
flow to reduce heat and thus increase efficiency. In addition, reducing the temperature of the
panels will cause an increase in the life of the panel because the temperature affects the life
of the supposed panel. The researcher concluded that the efficiency of the panels depends
largely on the temperature of the panels, and therefore, working to reduce the temperature of
these panels will lead to a significant increase in their efficiency.
The researcher also concluded that it is possible to take advantage of the heat
generated to heat the water that cools the plate, and thus the use of this hot water in useful
applications. One of the important results reached by the researcher is that it is possible to
reduce the cost of the system due to the use of panels with less space compared to the
regular non-cooled systems. The researcher also concluded that it is possible to reduce the
temperature of the panels by 10-15% by using water flow for cooling. The researcher
concluded that such solar energy systems are very corrupt for domestic, industrial and
service uses such as hospitals.

Chapter Two Literature Survey

Mayra Garcia Noxpanco and[16] , A Review of the Recent Development of

Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) Systems and Their Applications, Hybrid solar panels have
become an important energy production technology due to their capacity to produce
electrical energy and thermal energy. Ordinary, non-hybrid solar energy systems produce
heat that is not used and is considered wasted energy. The high heat produced by these
panels due to solar radiation causes a decrease in the efficiency of the solar panels.
Working to reduce the temperature of solar panels will cause an increase in their
efficiency. Air and water are often used to reduce this excess heat and therefore use hot
water, for example, to benefit from it in useful applications. At the present time, advanced
technology has begun to work on reducing the temperature of the panels, such as the use of
coolants, heat pumps and nano-liquid. This study provides a review and discussion about the
various and modern methods of cooling hybrid solar panels for the past five years.
The researchers concluded that the study of hybrid flat solar panels cooled with
water and air is considered the most popular due to its efficiency and ease of installation in
buildings.It also concludes that in recent years researchers have begun to use modern
methods to cool the plates, such as nanofluids and PCM. Hybrid air-cooled solar panels
perform better when they have more than one inlet for the passage of air, as well as when
used in cold weather.
One of the results that the researchers summarize also is that the hybrid coated panels
have better thermal efficiency, but their electrical efficiency is lower. It was also notic
that these systems can reach thermal efficiencies up to 76% and electrical efficiencies up
to 17%, which is the case of the experiments carried out by Jarimi et al. (2016)[17]. The
experiment carried out by Choi et al. (2020) showed that the use of a heat pump can
increase the

electrical performance of a PV/T system, however, the thermal performance is one of the
lowest. The same thing was notice in some PCM based systems. The researchers noted
that the highest thermal efficiency was obtained when using Nano fluids for cooling,
which indicates that the interest in Nano technology worth the effort and development.

2.3 Summary
In this project, a review of the available literature on PV/T systems is presented. The review is
performed in a good way in order to allow an easier comparison, discussion and evaluation of
the findings obtained by researchers, especially on parameters affecting the electrical and
thermal performance of PV/T systems. Some concluding remarks are as follows:

Chapter Two Literature Survey

 PV/T collectors produce more energy per unit surface area than side-by-side PV
modules and solar thermal collectors. Therefore, PV/T systems are especially
appropriate for the applications where the available surface area is limited.
 PV/T systems can completely meet the electricity and heat demand of the buildings as
significantly lowering CO2 emission.
 PV/T systems are reliable and work on the noiseless environment. Life span of these
systems is around 20–30 years and maintenance costs are negligible.
 The thermal efficiency of water PV/T collectors are higher than the air PV/T
collectors. Sheet-and-tube is the most promising design since it is the easiest
configuration to manufacture.

Chapter Two Literature Survey

Figure(2.1): Components of the solar hybrid PV/T water heating system [11]

Figure(2.2): Schematic diagram of the PV/T system[12]

Chapter Two Literature Survey

Figure(2.3) : Water cooling PV system diagram[13]

Figure(2.4) : The experimental setup[14]

Chapter Two Literature Survey

Figure(2.5) : Uncovered PV/T collector configuration [16].

Chapter Three Experimental Part


3.1 Preface

The examination of the performance of solar collectors is important to be carried out

in practice because the examination must take into account the environmental conditions in
the place of examination. As what is suitable for one country cannot be generalized to another
country because weather conditions change from one place to another. Therefore, a hybrid
photovoltaic thermal system will be manufactured. The solar system, providing all its parts,
and conducting the appropriate tests for each parts, to determine its performance and its
impact on the overall performance of the system.

3.2 Test PV Solar Cells

Testing photovoltaic cells to make sure they're working properly is very necessary, this test
will take the following procedures:

1- It will need to place the solar cell in direct sunlight and use a multi-meter that
measures both Voltage and Amperage.
2- Testing For Volts ,which may be achieved as follow:

a- To test solar cells for the volts reading, make sure the multi-meter is shut off. Plug the
black (-) lead into the black port and the red (+) lead into the V (voltage) port.
b- Turn on multi-meter. Set the dial of the multi-meter to the volt position.
c- Put the solar cell down on a clean work area (preferably a block of wood) with the
positive side facing up. (That's the side without the tabs attached - facing up).
d- Touch the multi-meter's black lead to the solar panel's negative contact (which is the
tab wire coming from the underside of the solar cell. See diagram below).
e- Touch the red lead to the solar cell's positive contact (which is any contact point on the
positive side of cell. See diagram below).

3- Testing For Amps : which may be achieved as follow:

Chapter Three Experimental Part

a- To test solar cells for the amp reading, make sure the multi-meter is shut off. Plug the
black (-) lead into the black port and the red (+) lead into the A (amps) port.
b- Turn on multi-meter. Set the dial of the multi-meter to the amps position.
c- Put the solar cell down on a clean work area (preferably a block of wood) with the
positive side facing up. (That's the side without the tabs attached - facing up).
d- Touch the multi-meter's black lead to the solar panel's negative contact (which is the
tab wire coming from the underside of the solar cell. See diagram below).
e- Touch the red lead to the solar cell's positive contact (which is any contact point on the
positive side of cell. See diagram below).

4- The recorded results of ampere ,volts , and watt are compared with the name plate of
the photovoltaic cell.

Figure(3.1) : The solar panel used in experimental part

Chapter Three Experimental Part

Figure(3.2) : The Multimeter used in test of solar panel


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