كتاب بدون غلاف او ترقيم

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Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development

Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator

Mechanical Power Engineering Dep


We would all like to express our thanks and gratitude to our supervisor,
Dr. Faisal Al-Baz, for his efforts with us, his continuous inspiration and
his provision of all the cognitive and psychological support we needed
during our work on this project, without which this project would not
have been a success.

And we thank Dr. Ayman El Desoki for his inspiring addition to the
project and for sharing so many creative ideas with us.

We are also very grateful to the Academy of Scientific Research and

Technology for its support for our project.

We all owe it to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and all the

faculty and staff of the department for what they taught us during our
college years

Project team
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep


This project discusses green hydrogen generation by electrolysis using

renewable energy sources (solar/wind), providing an effective and
sustainable solution to the global energy and climate crisis.

Hydrogen is an almost absolute efficient store of renewable energy,

providing a radical solution to renewable energy sector problems such as
storage, efficiency and costs.

Keywords: (Green hydrogen/electrolysis/renewable energy

applications/sustainable fuel alternatives).

‫هذا المشروع يناقش عملية توليد الهيدروجين الخضر بالتحليل الكهربائي للماء مستخدما‬
‫الرياح) ومقدما حال فعاال ومستدام الزمة الطاقة والمناخ‬/‫مصادر الطاقة المتجددة (الشمسية‬

‫كما يعتبر الهيدروجين مخزنا ذو كفاءة شبه مطلقه لتخزين الطاقة المتجددة موفرا بذلك حال‬
.‫جذريا لمشكالت قطاع الطاقة المتجددة كالتخزين والفاعلية والتكاليف‬
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Table of Contents
1 Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Hydrogen and Energy: ............................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Future Energy Needs: ............................................................................................................... 11
1.2.1 Renewable Energy Sources: ............................................................................................. 11
1.2.2 The Need for a Diversified Energy Portfolio: ................................................................. 12
1.3 Hydrogen as an alternative fuel: .............................................................................................. 12
1.4 Types of Hydrogen: ................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 Green Hydrogen:....................................................................................................................... 16
2 Chapter 2: Literature review ........................................................................................................... 17
2.1 Introduction:.............................................................................................................................. 17
2.2 Water electrolysis: ..................................................................................................................... 18
2.3 : Types Of Water Electrolysis: ................................................................................................. 20
2.3.1 Alkaline water electrolysis: .............................................................................................. 24
2.3.2 AEM water electrolysis: ................................................................................................... 25
2.3.3 PEM water electrolysis: .................................................................................................... 26
2.3.4 Solid oxide water electrolysis: .......................................................................................... 27
2.4 Parameters Affecting Production of Hydrogen: ..................................................................... 28
2.4.1 Type of Power Source: ...................................................................................................... 28
2.4.2 Type of Current used: ....................................................................................................... 30
2.4.3 Electrode material:............................................................................................................ 30
2.4.4 . Size and alignment of the electrodes: ............................................................................ 31
2.4.5 Space between the electrodes: .......................................................................................... 31
2.4.6 Electrolyte quality: ............................................................................................................ 32
2.4.7 Electrical resistance of the electrolyte: ............................................................................ 33
2.4.8 Temperature: ..................................................................................................................... 34
2.4.9 Pressure effect: .................................................................................................................. 36
3 Chapter3: Methodology and Experimental Procedure ................................................................. 38
3.1 General View and Project Concept: ........................................................................................ 38
3.2 Project Components: ................................................................................................................ 41
3.3 Project Gallery: ......................................................................................................................... 44
4 Chapter4: Results.............................................................................................................................. 48
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

4.1 Introduction:.............................................................................................................................. 48
4.2 Result and Conclusion: ............................................................................................................. 48
5 References .......................................................................................................................................... 49
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Diagram showing the main sources of hydrogen (modified from [56]). (a) Serpentinization of
rocks generates hydrogen if water is reduced during the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron. (b) Radiolysis
produces hydrogen during splitting of water through r ................................................................................. 8
Figure 1-2Hydrogen Different Applications ................................................................................................. 9
Figure 1-3Energy Consumption worldwide with a forecast until 2050 ...................................................... 11
Figure 1-4Hydrogen Types ......................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5:Generations of water electrolysis development (IRENA, 2020b). ............................................... 20
Figure 6:Schematic illustration of alkaline water electrolysis working principle. ...................................... 25
Figure 7:Schematic view of AEM water electrolysis working principle. ................................................... 25
Figure 8:Schematic view of PEM water electrolysis working principle..................................................... 26
Figure 9: Schematic view of solid oxide water electrolysis working principle. ......................................... 27
Figure 10: Different RE Sources Efficiencies, ............................................................................................ 29
Figure 11:Renewable energy cost trends dollar cents/kWh (constant dollar 2005). ................................... 29
Figure 12:Temperature dependence of theoretical electrolysis voltage at 0.2 MPa, compared to the
experiment conducted by Theoretical conditions. ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 13:Temperature dependence of theoretical electrolysis voltage at 0.8 A/cm2 and 0.2 MPa. .......... 35
Figure 14:Effect of cathode pressure on cell voltage. ................................................................................. 37
Figure 15:Green Hydrogen Cycle ............................................................................................................... 41
Figure 16: Storage Cylinder with Pressure gauge ....................................................................................... 44
Figure 17:Two Stage Electroyzer ................................................................................................................ 45
Figure 18:Two Stages Electrolyzer ............................................................................................................. 45
Figure 19:Single Stage Electrolzer with Heater .......................................................................................... 45
Figure 20:Single Stage Electrolyzer with heater......................................................................................... 45
Figure 21: Solar Pannal ............................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 22:Solar Charger .............................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 23: AC/DC Converter ...................................................................................................................... 47
Figure 24:Battery ........................................................................................................................................ 47
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

1 Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Hydrogen and Energy:

Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe, but
it is relatively rare on Earth. It is found in water, organic matter, and
some fossil fuels. Hydrogen can be produced from renewable energy
sources, such as solar and wind power, or from fossil fuels.

Hydrogen is a clean fuel that does not produce greenhouse gases. When
hydrogen is burned, it produces only water vapor. This makes hydrogen
a promising alternative to fossil fuels for transportation, power
generation, and other applications.

However, hydrogen is also a challenging fuel. It is highly flammable and

can be difficult to store and transport. There is also a lack of
infrastructure for using hydrogen.

Despite these challenges, hydrogen is seen as a promising energy source

for the future. As the cost of renewable energy continues to fall and the
technology for producing and storing hydrogen improves, hydrogen
could become a more viable option for meeting the world's energy
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

In the early days of the Industrial Revolution, hydrogen was used as a

fuel for balloons and airships. However, these uses were discontinued
after a number of accidents, including the Hindenburg disaster in 1937.

In recent years, there has been renewed interest in hydrogen as a fuel.

This is due to a number of factors, including the increasing concerns
about climate change and the need for clean energy sources.

Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of sources, including water,

fossil fuels, and biomass. The most common method of producing
hydrogen is through a process called steam reforming. Steam reforming
uses heat and pressure to break down methane, a component of natural
gas, into hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

Figure 1-1: Diagram showing the main sources of hydrogen (modified

from [56]). (a) Serpentinization of rocks generates hydrogen if water is
reduced during the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron. (b) Radiolysis
produces hydrogen during splitting of water through r
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Another method of producing hydrogen is through electrolysis.

Electrolysis uses an electrical current to split water molecules into
hydrogen and oxygen. Electrolysis can be powered by renewable energy
sources, such as solar and wind power, making it a clean and sustainable
way to produce hydrogen.

Hydrogen can be stored in a variety of ways, including compressed gas,

liquid hydrogen, and metal hydrides. Compressed gas is the most
common way to store hydrogen. However, it requires high pressure
tanks, which can be bulky and expensive. Liquid hydrogen is more
energy-dense than compressed gas, but it requires cryogenic
temperatures, which makes it difficult to store and transport. Metal
hydrides are promising materials for storing hydrogen, as they can store
large amounts of hydrogen at relatively low pressures and temperatures.

Figure 1-2Hydrogen Different Applications

Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Hydrogen can be used in a variety of applications, including

transportation, power generation, and heating. In transportation,
hydrogen can be used to power fuel cell vehicles, such as cars, buses,
and trucks. Fuel cell vehicles produce no emissions and are quiet,
making them a good option for urban areas.

In power generation, hydrogen can be used to generate electricity in fuel

cells or through combustion. Hydrogen fuel cells are more efficient than
combustion engines, but they are also more expensive. Hydrogen can
also be used to generate electricity in traditional power plants, such as
gas turbines and steam boilers.

In heating, hydrogen can be used to heat homes and businesses.

Hydrogen boilers are more efficient than traditional boilers, but they are
also more expensive.

The use of hydrogen as an energy source is still in its early stages, but it
has the potential to play a major role in the transition to a clean energy
future. As the cost of hydrogen production and storage falls, and as the
infrastructure for using hydrogen is developed, hydrogen could become
a more mainstream energy source.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

1.2 Future Energy Needs:

The world's energy needs are growing rapidly. In 2021, global energy
demand was 147.5 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu). By 2050, it is
projected to reach 243 quadrillion Btu, an increase of 67%. This growth
is being driven by a number of factors, including population growth,
economic development, and urbanization.

Figure 1-3Energy Consumption worldwide with a forecast until 2050

1.2.1 Renewable Energy Sources:

Renewable energy sources are abundant, clean, and sustainable. They
include solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, and biomass. Renewable
energy sources are already playing an important role in meeting global
energy needs. In 2021, they accounted for 27% of global electricity
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

generation. This share is expected to continue to grow in the coming


1.2.2 The Need for a Diversified Energy Portfolio:

In order to meet future energy needs in a sustainable and reliable way,
we will need to rely on a diversified energy portfolio. This means using
a mix of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency measures, and
nuclear power. A diversified energy portfolio will help to reduce our
reliance on fossil fuels, improve energy security, and protect the

1.3 Hydrogen as an alternative fuel:

By thinking of hydrogen as an alternative to conventional fuel sources, it

has several advantages:
1- Renewable and clean source
2- Can be obtained in simple ways
3- No emissions
4- It can be used in a wide range of applications (vehicle and equipment
fuel/electric power source in fuel cells/ammonia compost source).

1.4 Types of Hydrogen:

From green to pink hydrogen, we reveal the colors of hydrogen and the
different types of technology used to produce each.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

A. Grey hydrogen:
Currently, this is the most common form of hydrogen production. Grey
hydrogen is created from natural gas, or methane, using steam methane
reformation but without capturing the greenhouse gases made in the

Figure 1-4Hydrogen Types

process. Grey hydrogen is essentially the same as blue hydrogen, but

without the use of carbon capture and storage.

B. Blue hydrogen:
Blue hydrogen is produced mainly from natural gas, using a process
called steam reforming, which brings together natural gas and heated
water in the form of steam. The output is hydrogen, but carbon dioxide
is also produced as a by-product. So, the definition of blue hydrogen
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

includes the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to trap and store
this carbon.
Blue hydrogen is sometimes described as ‘low-carbon hydrogen’, as the
steam reforming process doesn’t actually avoid the creation of
greenhouse gases.

C. Black and brown hydrogen:

Using black coal or lignite (brown coal) in the hydrogen-making
process, these black and brown hydrogen are the absolute opposite of
green hydrogen in the hydrogen spectrum and the most environmentally
Just to confuse things, any hydrogen made from fossil fuels through the
process of ‘gasification’ is sometimes called black or brown hydrogen

D. Pink hydrogen:

Pink hydrogen is generated through electrolysis powered by nuclear

energy. Nuclear-produced hydrogen can also be referred to as purple
hydrogen or red hydrogen.
In addition, the very high temperatures from nuclear reactors could be
used in other hydrogen productions by producing steam for more
efficient electrolysis or fossil gas-based steam methane reforming

E. Turquoise hydrogen:
This is a new entry in the hydrogen color charts and production has yet
to be proven at scale. Turquoise hydrogen is made using a process called
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

methane pyrolysis to produce hydrogen and solid carbon. In the future,

turquoise hydrogen may be valued as a low-emission hydrogen,
dependent on the thermal process being powered with renewable energy
and the carbon being permanently stored or used.

F. Yellow hydrogen:

Yellow hydrogen is a relatively new phrase for hydrogen made through

electrolysis using solar power.

G. Green hydrogen:
Hydrogen molecules against a blue background

Green hydrogen is made by using clean electricity from surplus

renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to electrolyze
water. Electrolyzer uses an electrochemical reaction to split water into its
components of hydrogen and oxygen, emitting zero-carbon dioxide in
the process.

Green hydrogen currently makes up a small percentage of the overall

hydrogen, because production is expensive. Just as energy from wind
power has reduced in price, green hydrogen will come down in price as
it becomes more common.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

1.5 Green Hydrogen:

Green Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, and it has
the potential to be a clean and efficient fuel for the future.
Green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy sources, such as
solar or wind power, making it a truly sustainable fuel.

The production of green hydrogen is a two-step process:

1-water is split into hydrogen and oxygen using an electrolyser. (The

electrolyser is powered by renewable energy, such as solar or wind
2- Compress the hydrogen gas so that it can be stored and transported.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

As we mentioned before, the advantages of using green hydrogen as an

alternative fuel are many.
It also has many difficulties, the most important of which is the high
costs of production and storage;
Therefore, the topic of our research focuses on finding solutions to
reduce production and storage costs, while maintaining the efficiency
and simplicity of the production process.

In the next chapter, we will review the latest developments in scientific

research in the field of green hydrogen production.

2 Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Introduction:
After periods of research and scientific experiments in the field of green
hydrogen production and storage, the presence of the hydrogen industry
on the industrial map of countries has become a reality.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Based on the results of this scientific research, the methods and

specifications for producing green hydrogen have varied,

In this chapter, we shall include them in detail in the following content:

1-Water electrolysis
2- Types of electrolytes
3- Parameters affecting production:
-Energy source type.
-The type of current used.
- Electrode material.
- Space between the electrodes.
- Size and alignment of the electrodes.
- Electrical resistance of the electrolyte.
- Electrolyte quality.
- Temperature.
-Pressure effect.

2.2 Water electrolysis:

Water electrolysis is one such electrochemical water splitting technique

for green hydrogen production with the help of electricity, which is
emission-free technology. The basic reaction of water electrolysis is as
follows in Eq. (1).

1𝐻2 𝑂 + 𝐸𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 (237.2𝑘𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙 − 1) + 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 (48.6𝑘𝐽 𝑚𝑜𝑙 − 1)

⟶ 𝐻2 + 12𝑂2
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

The above reaction (Eq. (1)) requires 1.23 V theoretical

thermodynamic cell voltage to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen
at room temperature.
However, experimentally the required cell voltage for efficient water
splitting is 1.48 V. The additional voltage is required to overcome the
kinetics and ohmic resistance of the electrolyte and cell components of
the electrolyzer.

Past two centuries, water electrolysis is a well-known technology for

green hydrogen production. However, globally only 4% of hydrogen (65
million tons) can be produced from water electrolysis due to economic
issues, with most of this hydrogen being produced as a by-product from
the Chlor-alkali.

The largest electrolysis plant (135 MW/30,000 N m3/h) has been

deployed for the fertilizer industry. Since the 18th century, water
electrolysis technologies are being continuously developed and used in
industrial applications, during this journey different trends have affected
its development, with this split into roughly five generations. Each
generation of water electrolysis and their challenges, technological
breakthroughs, and significance are shown in
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Figure 5:Generations of water electrolysis development (IRENA, 2020b).

2.3 : Types Of Water Electrolysis:

During these developments, four types of water electrolysis technologies

were introduced based on their electrolyte, operating conditions, and
their ionic agents (OH−, H+, O2−), such as
a) Alkaline water electrolysis
b) AEM water electrolysis
c) PEM water electrolysis and
d) Solid oxide water electrolysis.

However, the operating principles are the same for all the cases. The
four types of water electrolysis technologies and their characteristics
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

along with advantages, disadvantages were described in the following

subsections and Tables 1&2.

Table 1:Technical characteristics of typical water electrolysis technologies (IRENA,


Empty Cell Alkaline AEM PEM Solid Oxide

Anode 2OH− → H2O + 12 2OH− → H2O + 12 H2O → 2H+ + 12 O2− → 12 O2 +

reaction O2 + 2e− O2 + 2e− O2 + 2e− 2e−

Cathode 2 2 2H+ + 2e− → H2 H2O + 2e− → H

Reaction H2O + 2e− → H2 H2O + 2e− → H2+ 2 + O2−
+ 2OH− 2OH−

Overall cell H2O → H2 + 12 O2 H2O → H2 + 12 O2 2H2O → H2 + 12 H2O → H2 + 12

O2 O2

Electrolyte KOH/NaOH (5M) DVB polymer Solid polymer Yttria stabilized

support with 1 M electrolyte (PFSA) Zirconia (YSZ)

Separator Asbestos/Zirfon/Ni Fumatech, Nafion ® Solid electrolyte


Electrode/C Nickel coated Nickel Iridium oxide Ni/YSZ

atalyst perforated stainless
(Hydrogen steel

Electrode/C Nickel coated Nickel or NiFeCo Platinum carbon Perovskites

atalyst perforated stainless alloys (LSCF, LSM)
(Oxygen steel (La,Sr,Co,FE)
side) (La,Sr,Mn)

Gas Nickel mesh Nickel foam/carbon Titanium Nickel

Diffusion cloth mesh/carbon cloth mesh/foam
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Empty Cell Alkaline AEM PEM Solid Oxide

Bipolar Stainless Stainless Platinum/Gold- Cobalt coated

Plates steel/Nickel coated steel/Nickel coated coated Titanium stainless steel
stainless steel stainless steel or Titanium

Nominal 0.2–0.8 A/cm2 0.2–2 A/cm2 1–2 A/cm2 0.3–1 A/cm2


Voltage 1.4–3 V 1.4–2.0 V 1.4–2.5 V 1.0–1.5 V

Operating 70–90 °C 40–60 °C 50–80 °C 700–850 °C

Cell <30 bar <35 bar <70 bar 1 bar

H2 purity 99.5–99.9998% 99.9–99.9999% 99.9–99.9999% 99.9%

Efficiency 50%–78% 57%–59% 50%–83% 89%

Lifetime 60 000 h >30 000 h 50 000–80 000 h 20 000 h

Developmen Mature R&D Commercialized R&D

t status

Electrode 10 000–30 000 cm2 <300 cm2 1500 cm2 200 cm2

Capital USD 270/kW Unknown USD 400/kW >USD 2000/kW

costs (stack)
minimum 1

Capital USD 500–1000/kW Unknown USD 700– Unknown

costs (stack) 1400/kW
10 MW
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages of typical water electrolysis technologies.

Electrolysis Advantages Disadvantages


Alkaline water • Well established Technology • Limited current densities

electrolysis • Commercialized for industrial • Crossover of the gasses
applications • High concentrated (5M KOH)
• Noble metal-free electrocatalysts liquid electrolyte
• Relatively low cost
• Long-term stability

AEM water • Noble metal-free electrocatalysts • Limited stability

electrolysis • Low concentrated (1M KOH) • Under development
liquid electrolyte.

PEM water • Commercialized technology • Cost of the cell components

electrolysis • Operates higher current densities • Noble metal electrocatalysts
• High purity of the gases • Acidic electrolyte
• Compact system design
• Quick response

Solid oxide water • High working temperature • Limited stability

electrolysis • High efficiency • Under development
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

2.3.1 Alkaline water electrolysis:

Working Principal:
Alkaline water electrolysis is an electrochemical water splitting
techniques in the presence of electricity. The electrochemical water
splitting consists of two individual half-cell reactions such as hydrogen
evolution reaction (HER) at the cathode and oxygen evolution reaction
(OER) at the anode. During the alkaline electrolysis process, initially at
the cathode side two moles of alkaline solution are reduced to produce
one mole of hydrogen (H2) and two moles of hydroxyl ions (OH), the
produced H2 can be eliminated from the cathodic surface and the
remaining hydroxyl ions (OH) are transferred under the influence of
electric circuit between anode and cathode through the porous separator
to the anode side. At the anode, the hydroxyl ions (OH) are discharged to
produce the molecule of oxygen (O2) and one molecule of water (H2O),
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

as shown in Figure (6).

2.3.2 AEM water electrolysis:

Working Principal:
AEM water electrolysis is one of the electrochemical water splitting
techniques with the help of an anion exchange membrane and electricity.
The electrochemical reaction consists of two half-cell reactions they are
hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction
Figure 6:Schematic illustration of alkaline water electrolysis working

(OER). Initially, at the cathode side, the water molecule is reduced to

generate hydrogen (H2) and hydroxyl ions (OH−) by the addition of two
electrons. The hydrogen is released from the surface of cathode and the
hydroxyl ions (OH−) are diffused through the ion exchange membrane
to the anode side by the positive attraction of the anode, while the
electrons are transported through the external circuit to the anode. At the

Figure 7:Schematic view of AEM water electrolysis working

Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

anode side, the hydroxyl ions recombine as a water molecules and

oxygen by losing electrons. The produced oxygen is released from the
anode. The basic principle and half-cell reactions of AEM water
electrolysis as shown in Figure (7).

2.3.3 PEM water electrolysis:

Working Principal:
During the PEM water electrolysis process, water is
electrochemically split into hydrogen and oxygen. In this process,
initially at the anode side water molecule is decomposed to generate
oxygen (O2) and protons (H+), and electrons (e−). The generated oxygen
eliminated from the anodic surface and the remaining protons are
traveled through the proton-conducting membrane to the cathode side

and the electrons are traveled through the external circuit to the cathode
side. At the cathode side, the protons and electrons recombined to

Figure 8:Schematic view of PEM water electrolysis working

Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

produce H2 gas. The basic principle of PEM water electrolysis is shown

in Figure (8).

2.3.4 Solid oxide water electrolysis:

Working Principal:
Typically, solid oxide water electrolysis operates at higher
temperatures with the consumption of water in the form of steam and
generates green hydrogen and oxygen. During the solid oxide water
electrolysis process, initially at the cathode side, the water molecule is
reduced into hydrogen (H2) and oxide ion (O2−) by the addition of two
electrons. The hydrogen released from the cathodic surface and the
remaining oxide ion (O2−) are traveled through the ion exchange

Figure 9: Schematic view of solid oxide water electrolysis working

Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

membrane to the anode side. At the anode side, the oxide ions (O2−) are
further reduced to generate oxygen and electrons, then the produced
oxygen is released from the anodic surface and the electrons are traveled
through the external circuit to the cathode side by the positive attraction
of the cathode. The basic working principle of solid oxide water
electrolysis is shown in Figure (9).

2.4 Parameters Affecting Production of Hydrogen:

2.4.1 Type of Power Source:

Given the diversity of renewable energy sources, they can be classified
based on several factors, the most important of which are:
In Figure (10) it shows the order of the three most important sources:
wind power systems are the most efficient, followed by solar and
hydroelectric systems.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

b-Cost: The following Figure (11) include a graph showing the average
cost of producing kilowatt hours of electricity from different sources.

This figure shows the approximate cost of producing kilowatts from

wind and solar exporters.

Figure 10: Different RE Sources Efficiencies,

Figure 11:Renewable energy cost trends dollar cents/kWh (constant dollar 2005).
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

But the choice depends on other factors, such as geographic availability

and technological access.

2.4.2 Type of Current used:

Hydrogen production uses DC only and not AC for the following
a-Electrolysis occurs by deposition of cation on the cathode and anions
on the anode.
b-This is only possible when the polarity of electrodes remains
constant throughout the process.
c-In DC current direction of current always remains the same. So DC
is used for electrolysis.
d-On the other hand, if we use AC then the direction of the current
keeps changing and polarity of electrode also keeps changing and there
is no permanent positive and negative electrode, which will affect the
electrolysis and electrolysis cannot be possible.

2.4.3 Electrode material:

A wide range of materials are being used as electrodes. Each metal has
a different level of activity, electrical resistance and corrosion resistivity.
Platinum and gold are known to be two of the best choices for being
used as electrodes. However, high prices limit their usage in industrial
and commercial electrolyzers. Aluminum, Nickel, Raney nickel and
cobalt are the most common electrode materials for being used in
alkaline electrolytic baths. This popularity is the result of their
satisfactory price range, corrosion resistance and chemical stability.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

2.4.4 . Size and alignment of the electrodes:

Less resistive current path is known to be a result of using electrodes
with larger surface areas. Again, in this case, it would be useful to define
the term “larger surface area” in more details. This definition will help
us to know the practical dimension limits of an electrode plate. A series
of experiments have been conducted in order to test the effects of using
electrodes of different sizes on the process efficiency. As the results
show, at the same electrode width, larger electrode height will cause
additional power dissipation in a cell. The reason was expressed to be
the formation of a larger volume of void fraction. The models of gas
bubbles movement clearly depict larger amounts of bubble accumulation
in higher parts of the electrodes. These experiments also show that
higher efficiency levels can be obtained by placing the electrodes in a
vertical position. The latter is caused by reduced ohmic resistance due to
the “optimum bubble departure rate”.

2.4.5 Space between the electrodes:

A series of experiments have been conducted in order to test the effects
of Space between the electrodes.
The results clearly depict that placing the electrodes too close to each
other will increase the value of the void fracture and will lead to a less
efficient process. This phenomenon became more sensible at high
current density levels. By placing the electrodes at different distances
and comparing the result values of cell voltage and current, the authors
concluded that positioning the electrodes too close to each other will
decrease the process efficiency. Therefore, this accumulation will cause
the process to be less efficient.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

2.4.6 Electrolyte quality:

Bases and acids are known to change the nonconductive nature of pure
water. These
compounds have a great reducing effect on the overvoltage value of an
electrolyzer, due they
improve the ionic conductivity aqueous electrolyte compounds.
However, the concentration level of
acidic and alkali solutions are limited in practice due to the highly
corrosive behavior of such materials.
A 25% to 30% KOH aqueous solution is reported to have a wide use in
On the other hand, the electrocatalytic performance of water electrolysis
cell is known to be limited. This limitation is mainly causing the overall
electrical resistance of a cell to rise and will cause the efficiency to fall.
Therefore, substitute electrolytes such as ionic liquids have been
introduced to improve the conductivity and stability factors of
electrolytic baths.
The electrode plates of these cases were selected from a number of
easily found metals such as carbon steel (CS), Nickel (Ni), Nickel-
Molybdenum (Ni-Mo) alloy and Molybdenum (Mo). A maximum
efficiency value of 96% was reported for the case of low carbon steel
electrodes [20] in 10 vol.% aqueous solution of MBI.MF4. All tests took
place at the current density value of 44mA cm 2.
The reported efficiency levels of this research are much higher than the
average 73% efficiency of common commercial and industrial
electrolyzers. However, it should be considered that such electrolyzers
usually function at much higher current densities than the mentioned
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

experimental value.Moreover, any existence of impurities may cause

unwanted side reactions in an electrolysis cell. Magnesium, chloride and
calcium ions can be named as a few common examples of these
impurities. In addition, contaminations can block and passivate the
electrode plates and/or separator surfaces and sabotage the inter-
electrode mass and electron transfer.

2.4.7 Electrical resistance of the electrolyte:

Electrical resistance of an object is an evaluation of its opposition to the
passage of electric current. The level of this force is proportional to the
cross-section area and the length of the current path and the material
resistivity of the conducting material. The relationship between the
mentioned variables is shown in equation (1) as bellow.
𝑅= (1)

Where A is the cross-section area, ρ is the material resistivity, R is the

electrical resistance, and l is the length of the current path. Inside and
electrolysis cell, electrons start their travel from the surface of an
electrode, move through the electrolyte and end their journey at the
surface of the other electrode. We can assume the path as an object with
the same length as the distance between electrodes, the cross section of
the area of electrodes overlaps and an equivalent resistivity value. The
equivalent resistivity consists of different variables such as the
electrodes resistivity, electrical admittance of the electrolyte and the
reaction between electrodes surfaces and electrolyte.
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

2.4.8 Temperature:
Temperature is known to be one of the most effective variables on the
electric power demand of an electrolysis cell. Electrolysis process is
much more efficient at raised temperatures. The reasons of this behavior
can be discussed according to the thermodynamic characteristics of a
water molecule, as its splitting reaction potential is known to reduce as
the temperature increases. Moreover, ionic conductivity and surface
reaction of an electrolyte rise directly with temperature. High
temperature water electrolysis requires less energy to reach any given
current density in analogy with a low temperature process. However,
the increased temperature and pressure were mentioned to cause some
“stability problems” such as container cracks and gasket leaks.
Figure(12) shows a plot of the electrolysis voltage measured where the
operating pressure is 0.2 MPa at temperatures of 100°C and 120°C.
The electrolysis voltages at 100°C are 1.5, 1.56, and 1.61 V when the
current density is set to 0.5, 0.8, and 1.0 A/cm2.

Figure 12:Temperature dependence of theoretical electrolysis voltage at 0.2

MPa, compared to the experiment conducted by Theoretical conditions.
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

The electrolysis voltages at 120°C are 1.46, 1.52, and 1.56 V for each
current density condition.
A reduction of approximately 0.05 V in the water electrolysis voltage is
obtained by increasing the temperature from 100 to 120°C, resulting in a
value of −2.50 mV/K.

Figure 13:Temperature dependence of theoretical electrolysis voltage at 0.8 A/cm2

and 0.2 MPa.
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

2.4.9 Pressure effect:

the high-pressure electrolytes will consume less power in the process of
electrolytic decomposition.
The main reason was stated to be the shrinking effect of pressure on the
gas bubbles which cause the ohmic voltage drop and power dissipation
to reduce. Moreover, high pressure electrolysis has less power demand
for the phase of product compression. These experiments were
conducted in a typical three compartment electrolyzer with a varying
temperature between 25°C and 90°C.
Cell current density was kept at 1 mA cm-2 with an electrolyte of either
a 34%wt or 25%wt KOH solution in distilled water. The electrodes were
chosen from pure platinum (99.99%) and smooth nickel (Ni 200) plates
with a 1 cm2 surface area.
It was referred to an overall voltage drop of up to 100mV when the
conversion process was conducted at a pressure level of under 30 atm.
No significant further voltage drop was recorded at higher pressure
values (up to 40 atm). The cell voltage vs pressure graph has its highest
reduction slope when the pressure was raised from 1atm to 10atm
despite of the process temperature.
Referring to a similar work, Onda et al calculated the energy
consumption of compressing a liquid electrolyte to be much less than
those of gas state hydrogen compression. They estimated the ideal
temperature and pressure conditions for electrolytic hydrogen production
to be around 70 MPa and 250°C relatively.
High temperature and intense pressure will change both Gibbs energy
and enthalpy levels of an electrolysis process. Hence, lower voltage
level will be required as the temperature rises in high pressures and vice
versa. However, in pressure levels higher than 20MPa, they found the
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

voltage rise to be negligible. This behavior became more sensible at

lower temperatures.
Finally, an electrolysis efficiency enhancement of 5% was observed.
Another 50% of energy was saved at the compression phase of high-
pressure electrolytic hydrogen production.

Figure 14:Effect of cathode pressure on cell voltage.

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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

3 Chapter3: Methodology and Experimental


3.1 General View and Project Concept:

General View:
After reviewing all previous research and results, it was decided to
select the scientific basis of the project and to conduct performance tests
on the alkaline water analysis system; It is characterized by:
-Easy to design and manufacture.
-Ease of controlling process variables.
-Availability of materials used in their manufacture.

We also look forward to using a model developed from it as a hydrogen

production unit in service.

Project Concept:
The project has been implemented in five successive phases:
1-Research phase.
2- Design phase.
4-Operation and testing phase.
5-Phase of practical experience.
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

- Research phase:
This stage depended on the study of all the developments that science
reached in the field of hydrogen production, including different research
and references.

- Design phase:
The design stage relied on summarizing the results of the research
phase and making the necessary calculations for:
• Electrolyzer dimensions
• Voltage required for electrolyzing.
• Catalyst concentration.
• Temperature of electrolyzing.
• Solar panel power
• wind turbine Power
• Wind turbine tower height
• Dimensions of wind turbine blades
• Compressor compression required for storage.

The project was manufactured in several phases:
• Manufacturing and assembling of electrolyte parts.
• Manufacture and assemble wind turbine parts.
• Purchase and assembly of parts of the solar system
• Purchase and assemble storage system components.
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

- Operation and testing phase:

At this stage it:
• Combine the project parts and try to adjust the operating conditions
of each system to work with the rest.

• Conduct quality and safety tests.

- Phase of practical experience:

This phase was implemented to monitor the performance of the plant
under various operating conditions.
This is done by controlling one of the following variables with the
remaining constant variables:
• Pressure.
• Temperature.
• Power Intensity.
• Voltage Difference.
• Electrolyte concentration.
• The material used in the electrodes.
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

3.2 Project Components:

, As shown in figure 18, the project is consisting of 3 stages:
1-Power Source.
3-Storage Tank.

Figure 15:Green Hydrogen Cycle

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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

In the Next table includes each element for all stages:

No Element Amount

1 Solar Pannal 1

2 Battery 1

3 AC/DC Converter 1

4 Solar Charger Regulator 1

5 Wind Turbine rotor 1

6 Generator 1

7 Gearbox 1

8 Turbine Tower 1

9 Main rotor shaft 1

Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

10 Electrolyzer box 1

11 Electrodes layers 10

12 Catalyst (KOH/NaoH) 125 Gm

13 Heater 1

14 Fixable Pipelines 2M

15 Pressure gauges 2

16 Gas Cylinder 1
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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

3.3 Project Gallery:

-Storage Stage:

Figure 16: Storage Cylinder with Pressure gauge

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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

-Electrolyzer Stage:

Figure 19:Single Stage Electrolzer with Figure 17:Two Stage Electroyzer


Figure 20:Single Stage Electrolyzer with Figure 18:Two Stages Electrolyzer

Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

-Power Source Stage:

Figure 21: Solar Pannal

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Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

Figure 24:Battery

Figure 23: AC/DC Converter Figure 22:Solar Charger

Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

4 Chapter4: Results

4.1 Introduction:

In this chapter, we are about to show and discuss the results obtained
from the experimental tests indicated on the experimental procedure in
the previous chapter.

4.2 Result and Conclusion:

After the completion of the trial phase, it was found that the ideal
operating conditions are:
• Voltage=12 volts
• Current = 500 mA
• Compression= 1ATM

And that's for a sample I've got of water that's 250 grams.

Energy consumption = 6 W
The efficient outcome of this process was an analysis of 99%
Hydrogen: 166.7g
Oxygen: 83.3g
Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

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Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

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Kafrelsheikh University Manufacturing & Development
Faculty of Engineering of Hydrogen Generator
Mechanical Power Engineering Dep

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