Seyden-Penne, J. - Reductions by The Alumino and Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis
Seyden-Penne, J. - Reductions by The Alumino and Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis
Seyden-Penne, J. - Reductions by The Alumino and Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis
Alumino- and
in Organic Synthesis
Second Edition
Jacqueline Seyden-Penne
Jacqueline Seyden-Penne
Le Vallat de Vermenoux
84220 Goult
English Language Editor
Dennis P. Curran
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
Parkman Avenue & University Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Preface ix
Foreword xi
Abbreviations xiii
5. Other Derivatives
Nitro and Nitroso Derivatives / 157
Azides / 160
Organometallics / 161
5.3.1 Organomercurials / 161
5.3.2 Palladium Complexes / 161
Sulfides, Thioethers, Sulfoxides, Sulfones, and Amine-
Oxides / 164
Phosphine Oxides and Phosphates / 166
Silyl Derivatives / 167
Boron Derivatives / 167
Synoptic Tables
Alumino- and borohydrides and, to a lesser extent, boranes form a part of the
chemist's classic arsenal of reducing agents employed in organic synthesis. A num-
ber of these compounds are commercially available, but the study of their proper-
ties, the introduction of improved reagents, and the development of new reaction
conditions continue to be important areas of research. Selectivity is imperative in
modem organic synthesis, especially when multifunctional molecules are involved.
The reagents chosen at each stage of a chemical transformation must not affect other
functional groups in the molecule. Moreover, functional groups can influence a
reaction process by altering regioselectivity or stereoselectivity.
In this book, we compare the synthetic potential of the most important commer-
cial hydrides and their readily available derivatives. All these hydrides are easy to
use, and the book is organized so that the reader can match the appropriate reagent
to a given transformation. The book emphasizes:
Compatibility between the reduction of the target group and the other function-
al groups present in the molecule;
The possibilities for partial reduction;
The regio- and stereoselectivity of reductions that are altered or controlled by
other neighboring groups;
Asymmetric reductions. These reactions have rapidly developed since the First
Edition. In addition to chiral hydrides, other strategies for asymmetric reduc-
tion include the use of reagents such as chiral chloroboranes or hydrogenation
in the presence of catalysts bearing chiral ligands [S3].
This second edition has been broadly updated, but it is no longer exhaustive. As
in the previous edition, the examples are selected in order to cover problems that are
frequently encountered in synthesis.
Chapter 1 introduces the most useful reagents and indicates their stability and
solubility characteristics and their main applications;
Chapters 2-5 present the reduction of the main functional groups by these
reagents, with reference to features of selectivity (chimio-, regio-, stereo-, and
enantioselectivity) and compatibility;
At the end of the book, synoptic tables indicate how to obtain the main func-
tional groups by hydride reduction.
Coult, France
Although it may be difficult to imagine now, it was not that long ago that the basic
reduction of one organic functional group to another was a demanding proposition.
Choices of reagents were very limited, and reaction conditions were harsh. Enter the
alumino- and borohydrides. Lithium aluminohydride and sodium borohydride were
introduced by Schlesinger and Brown in 1953. Lithium aluminohydride was useful
because it reduced so many things, while the milder sodium borohydride effected
certain kinds of selective reductions in organic molecules. Soon the complexity of
molecules grew, and along with this complexity came the need for more reducing
agents with different properties and selectivities. So a few new alumino- and bor-
ohydrides were introduced. But the spiral did not stop there. The complexity of
molecules grew rapidly, reductions became more and more demanding, and even
better and more selective reducing agents were introduced in response to this de-
mand. The response to the need for chiral reducing agents has recently sent this
spiral to new heights.
So it would appear that synthetic organic chemists should be happy, because for a
given kind a reduction-even a very demanding one-there is probably already an
alumino- or borohydride reducing agent and a set of reaction conditions that is up to
the task. But there is still unhappiness because finding the right combination from
the maze of catalogs, papers, and experimental procedures can itself be a daunting
From out of this maze springs this book. Professor Jacqueline Seyden-Penne is
an acknowledged expert in the area. The book is a major update of the First Edition,
which was published in 1991 by VCH Publishers (a translation from the popular
first French edition). It includes the important developments that have occurred in
the intervening half-dozen years (notably in the area of asymmetric reductions).
Professor Seyden-Penne first describes the features of more than two dozen of the
most powerful and commonly used alumino- and borohydrides, and then goes on to
detail in individual chapters their reactions with important classes of organic mole-
cules. There is a strong emphasis on selectivity at every level (chemo-, regio-,
diastereo-, and enantioselection), and experimental practicality is also directly ad-
dressed. Synoptic tables present much information at a glance, and extensive refer-
ences (about 1000) lead the reader back to the original papers and experimental
The book is in effect a road atlas that allows the organic chemist to maneuver
rapidly through the maze of information on reductions of organic compounds by
alumino- and borohydrides to locate the desired goal. For anyone trying to navigate
in this area, this road atlas is indispensable.
Pittsburgh, PA
Ac acetyl
AcOEt ethyl acetate
Ar aryl
BOC t-butyloxycarbonyl
Bz benzoyl
DMA dimethylacetamide
DME dimethoxyethane
DMF dimethylformamide
DMSO dimethylsulfoxide
Et ethyl
Et,O diethyl ether
HMPA hexamethylphosphorotriamide
i-Pr isopropyl
Me methyl
MeCN acetonitrile
MEM methoxymethyl
Ph pheny1
s-BU sec-butyl
Sia iso-amyl
TBDMS t-butyldimethylsilyl
t-Bu tert-butyl
THF tetrahydrofuran
THP tetrahydropyranyl
To1 p-methylphenyl
Reductions by the Alurnino- and
Borohydrides in Organic Synthesis
Chapter 1
Description and
Characteristics of the
Main Reagents
This chapter lists and describes the characteristics of the main reagents. Cross
references are made to the corresponding sections of the other chapters for more
complete details.
LAH shows very high reducing power and consequently does not appear to be
very selective, even when the conditions of medium and temperature are varied.
Alcohols and phenols react with LAH in controlled amounts to produce alkoxy-
aluminum hydrides, whose reducing power can be modulated (see the following).
Reaction with secondary amines forms aminoaluminohydrides. Some of these have
been characterized by X-ray crystallography [HS5]. With tertiary amines, com-
plexes can be formed. For example, N-methylpyrrolidine gives an air-stable com-
plex [FS 11 whose reducing properties are similar to those of LAH. The use of this
complex does not require special procedures for exclusion of moisture and air and
after reduction, workup is done by addition of water. Treatment of LAH with
pyridine produces a special reagent, lithium tetrakis N-dihydropyridinoalumino-
hydride [LLl]. There is a review devoted to the rearrangements of various carbon
skeletons observed during reduction by LAH [C2].
Sodium aluminohydride (NaAlH,, SAH) in THF is somewhat less reactive than
LAH toward carboxylic acids, anhydrides, epoxides, amides, and nitro compounds
[CB5], and it can be used for selective reductions. However, it is as sensitive to
moisture as LAH; so similar precautions must be taken.
The reaction of stoichiometric quantities of alcohols with LAH leads to the forma-
tion of alkoxyaluminohydrides. The problem most often encountered in this reaction
is disproportionation according to the following equilibria [HM3]:
LiAl H, + ROH + Li(RO)AlH, + H,
Li(RO)AlH, + ROH + Li(RO),AIH, + H,
Li(RO),AIH, + ROH + Li(RO)AIH, + H,
Li(RO)AIH, + ROH + ROLi + (RO),AI + H,
Li(MeO),AlH is a dimer in THF [BK5, MI, M3]: Its interest resides in the 1,2
attack of a-enones (Section 3.2.9).
Li(t-BuO),AlH (LTBA) is a monomer in THF, and its reductive properties have
been well studied [BK5, MI, M3, W3]. Its principal applications are the reduc-
tion of acid chlorides and imidazolides to aldehydes at low temperature. Be-
cause of its bulkiness, a high stereoselectivity during the reduction of carbonyl
compounds often makes the reaction more selective than with LAH. At low
temperature, aldehydes can be reduced in the presence of ketones, and only
slightly hindered ketones can even be reduced in the presence of more hindered
ones (Section 3.2.1). Likewise, LTBA attacks saturated ketones more rapidly
than a-enones (Section 3.2.9). LTBA leaves ethers, acetals, epoxides, chlorides
and bromides, and nitro derivatives intact. Aliphatic esters are reduced only
slowly; in contrast, phenyl esters are converted into aldehydes (Section 3.2.5).
Na(t-BuO),AlH can be prepared in a similar way. Sparingly soluble in THF, it
may be used in DME-THF mixtures and is recommended for reductions of
acid chlorides to aldehydes [CB6].
Li(t-BuEt,O),AlH is a bulky reagent that has been used in stereoselective
reductions of prochiral ketones [BD2], and it reduces aldehydes selectively in
the presence of ketones [K4].
Li(EtO),AlH (LTEA) and Li(EtO),AlH, can be produced in situ and have
some interesting properties, but because they rapidly undergo disproportiona-
tion, they must be used very soon after their formation to reduce sufficiently
reactive substrates. They reduce nitriles into imines, which can then be hydro-
lyzed to aldehydes (Section 4.3), and they also convert tertiary amides into
aldehydes (Section 3.2.8).
Reducing agents having special properties are obtained by the reaction of
alkoxyaluminohydrides with CuBr [CAI, SSI]. These reduce the double and
triple bonds of a,@unsaturated carbonyl compounds (Sections 3.2.9, 4.2, 4.4)
and allow one to obtain N-acyldihydro-1,Cpyridines(Section
triple bonds of unsaturated ketones, esters, or nitriles (Sections 3.2.9, 4.2, 4.4),
leaving the functional group unchanged.
This reagent [BK5, W1, W3, YGl] is both soluble and stable in toluene or hexane. It
is also soluble in ethers (diethylether, THF, DME, glymes), but these solutions are
stable only at low temperature. It is a particularly strong Lewis acid. At high
temperature, DIBAH hydroaluminates carbon-carbon double and triple bonds
[HHI]. The usual workup after reduction consists of addition of methanol then
water to the solution, followed by separation of the aluminum salts that have
precipitated. Alternatively, the mixture can be treated with dilute aqueous HCl
followed by extraction, or else addition of tartaric acid in ethanol followed by
addition of NaSO, and celite and then filtration [BL2].
This reagent presents .the following characteristics: It allows carbon-halogen
bonds to remain unperturbed (Section 2.1). It can cleave aromatic ethers (ArOMe)
to give phenols (Section 2.4) and acetals to give ethers (Section 2.4). Nitriles are
reduced to imines, hydrolysis of which gives aldehydes (Sections 4.3, 4.4). Esters
are generally reduced selectively to aldehydes at low temperature; however, if they
are a$-unsaturated, allylic alcohols are produced (Sections 3.2.5, 3.2.9). The reduc-
tion of acid esters to lactones can be easily performed [S02]. Lactones are reduced
to lactols (Section 3.2.5) and imides to a'-hydroxyamides (Section 3.2.8). DIBAH is
the reagent of choice for selectively reducing the carbonyl of a$-unsaturated al-
dehydes and ketones (Sections 3.2.9, 4.2) in toluene at low temperature. By way of
contrast, in the presence of HMPA, sometimes with addition of a catalytic amount of
MeCu, DIBAH reduces a$-ethylenic ketones and esters to saturated ketones and
esters (Section 3.2.9) and a$-acetylenic ketones and esters to a$-ethylenic deriva-
tives (Section 4.2).
Because of the Lewis acid properties of DIBAH, the reduction of functionalized
carbonyl compounds often shows an interesting stereoselectivity (Section 3.2.4).
DIBAH forms ate complexes by action of n-BuLi in hexane [KAI]. In THF-
hexane, these ate complexes selectively reduce esters to alcohols, tertiary amides to
aldehydes (at O°C), and a-enones to ally1 alcohols (at -7g0C). Primary and secondary
amides as well as nitriles are unaffected at low temperatures. Primary halides are only
reduced at room temperature; so these reagents perform selective reductions accord-
ing to the reaction conditions (Sections 2.1,3.2.5,3.2.9). The uses of DIBAH-i-Bu,Al
ate complexes have also been described [PP2].
The reagents AlH,, AIHCI,, and AlH,Cl are obtained by reaction of a limited
quantity of AlCl, with a solution of LAH in diethylether. AlH, can also be prepared
by the action of H2S04 on LAH in THF [BYI], but the so-formed reagent slowly
cleaves THF at room temperature [CB7]. This drawback has been overcome by
generation of AlH,.Et,N. A solution of this reagent in THF is stable for at least 1
month [CB7]. These reagents are just as sensitive as LAH toward water and must be
decomposed under the same conditions as LAH. The ready generation of a dimeth-
ylethylamine-AlH, or N-methylpyrrolidine-AlH, complex, which can be used in
toluene-THF and whose reducing properties are similar to those of AlH, in THE has
been described [MP2].
These reagents are strong Lewis acids that cleave THF and acetals (Section 2.4).
Nevertheless, they leave bromo- and chloroderivatives intact (Section 2.1). The
regioselectivity of the opening of epoxides is opposite to that observed for LAH in
THF (Section 2.3). Diarylcarbinols can be reduced to hydrocarbons (Section 2.4),
and a$-unsaturated carbonyl compounds to allylic alcohols (Section 3.2.9). The
reduction of amides to amines is easier than with LAH (Section 3.2.8), especially in
the case of a$-ethylenic amides or of 9-lactams. These reagents do not reduce NO,
Aluminum bis-(N-methylpiperazino)hydride, obtained by combining 2 equiva-
lents of N-methylpiperazine and a solution of AlH, in THF, is especially recom-
mended for the reduction of esters or acids to aldehydes (Sections 3.2.5, 3.2.6)
The sodium and potassium borohydrides [BK5, PSI, W3, W4] are soluble in water,
alcohols, glymes, and DMF. They are not very soluble in diethylether and are
slightly soluble in cold THF, but are more soluble under heating. Basic aqueous
solutions are relatively stable, but solutions in methanol or ethanol are rapidly
decomposed to borates, which in turn reduce only very reactive substrates. Solutions
in i-PrOH or glymes are more stable and are often used. If the substrates or products
of the reaction are fragile in an alkaline medium, the solutions can be buffered by
B(OH), [DSI]. These reagents are useful in phase transfer systems (liquid-liquid or
solid-liquid) [BK8, MLl], on solid supports in the presence of THF or diethylether
[BIl], on resins [NSl], in micelles [FR2, NS41, or in microemulsions [FR2, JWl].
An increase in the degree of reducing power of NaBH, in hot THF'by addition of
methanol after reflux has been noted [Sol].
The most frequent workup treatment after reduction is the addition of an acid.
When the alkoxyboranes or arninoboranes are formed, the decomposition of these
intermediates may require heating in a strong acid medium or even treatment by
H,O, in an alkaline medium [PSI, H3]-a problem that often arises with reducing
reagents derived from boron.
Sodium and potassium borohydrides are above all used for reducing aldehydes
and ketones (Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2); a$-ethylenic ketones are converted to mixtures
[W3]. In alcoholic media or THF, they leave epoxides, esters and lactones, acids,
amides, and most nitro compounds unreacted, but they reduce halides (Section 2. l),
anhydrides (Section 3.2.6), quarternary pyridinium salts (Section 3.3), double bonds
conjugated to two electron-withdrawing groups (Sections 3.2.9, 4.4), and CUPd
and C-Hg bonds (Section 5.3). However, in the presence of hot methanol in THF,
NaBH, reduces esters to alcohols [Sol], and in refluxing pyridine some tertiary
amides are reduced [KII].
Compounds able to undergo solvolysis to sufficiently stable cations are reduced
via these carbocations by NaBH, in alcoholic media sometimes in the presence of
acid. Diarylketones (Section 3.2) or the di- or triarylcarbinols are reduced to hydro-
carbons (Section 2.4), imines and the iminium salts are reduced to amines (Sections
3.3.1, 3.3.2), and imides to a'-hydroxyamides (Section 3.2.8).
In the presence of organic acids, sodium and potassium borohydrides form
acyloxyborohydrides that show some remarkable characteristics [GNl]. Their reac-
tion path depends on the quantity of acid present, which leads to either mono-
acyloxy- (NaRCOOBH,) or trisacyloxyborohydrides [Na(RCOO),BH]. The reduc-
tion can be performed in the presence of a cosolvent (dioxane, THF, ethanol) or in
pure organic acid (AcOH, CF,COOH most frequently). Acyloxyborohydrides are
easily decomposed by water. Aldehydes and ketones react more slowly with these
reagents than with the borohydrides in alcoholic media [GNI]. Given an acidic
medium, these reagents reduce di- and triarylketones and alcohols to hydrocarbons
(Sections 2.4, 3.2. l), acetals to ethers (Section 2.4), and nitriles to amines (Section
4.3). Their most interesting application consists of the reduction of C=N double
bonds to amines. Imines, oximes, enamines, iminium salts, and numerous nitrogen
heterocyclic compounds are reduced (Sections 3.3.1 -3.3.4). These are the reagents
of choice for effecting reductive aminations (Section 3.3.1) or the reductions of
tosylhydrazones to hydrocarbons (Section 3.3.4). Depending on the substrate,
NaBH, may be used, but it is preferable to substitute NaCNBH, while operating
under the same conditions [GNl].
Under the action of Lewis acids such as BF,, AlCl,, I,, and Me,SiCl, the
borohydrides are converted into boranes, which then become the reducing agents
(see the following).
LiBH, is soluble in alcohols and ethers [BKS, PSI, W3]. In an diethylether or THF
medium, the Lif cation is a stronger Lewis acid than Naf, which gives to this
reagent an increased reducing power. Epoxides, esters, and lactones may then be
reduced (Sections 2.3, 3.2.5), while amides and nitriles remain intact unless one
adds hot DME or methanol. Under these conditions, tertiary amides give alcohols
(Section 3.2.8) and nitriles give amines (Section 4.3).
LiBH, can also be activated by adding (MeO),B or Et,B in diethylether. With
this reagent, esters are rapidly reduced, tertiary amides and nitriles are also reduced,
but sulfone, sulfoxide, and NO, groups remain intact [BN3, YP21.
This reagent is soluble in alcohols, ethers, CH,C12, and toluene [PSl, RGl]. In hot
CH,C12, it decomposes slowly to borane. It is usable on solid supports [BIl].
Zinc borohydride [BK5, KHI, ON1, R3, W3], which exists in the dimeric form 1.1,
(on page 11) is obtained by adding ZnC1, in diethylether to a solution of LiBH, in
this solvent. It has also been prepared from NaBH, and ZnC1, in THF or DME, but
under these conditions the reagent is a mixture of several components [SB3]. It has
also been used on silica gel [R3]. Its complex with polypyrazine is stabilized and
can be used as a reagent [TLI]. This relatively strong Lewis acid reduces
a$-ethylenic ketones to allylic alcohols (Section 3.2.9). It also reduces esters and
azides in DME [R3, RS I] as well as acids into alcohols in THF [NM3] or in DME in
the presence of (CF,CO),O [R3]. As a good chelating agent, it can be used in some
very stereoselective reductions of ketones bearing heteroatoms at the a or P posi-
tion, especially a- and P-ketoesters, ketoamides, or even epoxyketones (Section
3.2.4). Ester, amide, nitrile, and nitro groups and halogens are not usually affected;
however, the reduction of tertiary halides can be carried out [KHI].
A complex Zn(BH,),-1.5 DMF has been described [HJl]. This shows a greater
selectivity than Zn(BH4), in diethylether and does not react with the a-enones. In
MeCN, this complex allows the reduction of aldehydes in the presence of ketones,
the reduction of some sterically unhindered ketones in the presence of other less
accessible ketones, or even the reduction of aliphatic ketones in the presence of
aromatic ones (Section 3.2.1).
The Na and tetrabutylammonium cyanoborohydrides [BK5, HNI , L1, PSI, W3] are
soluble in water, alcohols, organic acids, THF, and polar aprotic solvents. They are
insoluble in diethylether and hydrocarbons and may be used under phase transfer
conditions [HMI]. One feature of the cyanoborohydrides is their stability in acid
media at about pH 3. It is thus necessary to treat the crude reaction mixture with a
strong acid to decompose the intermediates formed. The use of resin-supported
cyanoborohydride has also been described [HN3].
These reagents are interesting because aldehydes and ketones are affected in
acidic media only, which permits the reduction of carbon-halogen bonds (Section
2.1) without affecting carbonyl groups, esters, or nitriles.
In organic acid media, NaCNBH, is converted to acyloxycyanoborohydrides
whose reactivity is comparable to that of NaBH, in CF,COOH, especially concern-
ing the reduction of imines to amines, tosylhydrazones to saturated hydrocarbons,
oximes to hydroxylamines, or reductive amination. Depending on the substrate,
NaBH, or NaCNBH, is recommended (Sections 3.3.1, 3.3.4) [GN I].
These cuprous borohydrides [DFI, FHI, FH2, HM2, SPI, W41 are isolated com-
plexes of the structure 1.2 (on page 1I), which transfer only a single hydride. They
can be supported on ion-exchange resins [SPI].
In neutral media, they leave carbonyl derivatives intact but reduce tosylhydra-
zones to the corresponding hydrocarbons under reflux of CHCI, (Section 3.3.4).
This reduction is compatible with a-enone, epoxide, or lactone groups present in the
molecule [GL3]. In cold acetone, these reagents reduce acid chlorides to aldehydes
[FHl] (Section 3.2.7). In the presence of Lewis acids or gaseous HCI in CH,CI,,
they reduce aldehydes and ketones. The selective reduction of aldehydes in the
presence of ketones can also be realized (Section 3.2.1). These reagents also reduce
aromatic azides to amines (Section 5.2).
LiEt3BH [BK5, BK6, BN4, KB3, KB5, W3] is soluble in ethers (diethylether, THF,
glymes) and hydrocarbons. Rapidly decomposed by water or alcohols, it must be
handled away from moisture. The workup of the crude reaction mixture consists of
hydrolysis, sometimes in the presence of acid, followed by the action of alkaline
H202 to oxidize Et,B (a byproduct of the reduction) to ethanol and boric acid, both
of which are soluble in water.
Although it is much more reactive than LiBH,, the triethylborohydride shows an
analogous reactivity spectrum. It reacts particularly well with primary and second-
ary alkyl halides and tosylates, even when hindered, with an inversion of configura-
tion (Section 2.1), and with epoxides at the least sterically hindered site (Section
2.3). It reduces ammonium salts to tertiary arnines. The reduction of cyclic or
functionalized ketones and imines by LiEt3BH in THF can be very stereoselective
(Sections 3.2.2, 3.3. l), but in general Li(s-Bu,)BH is preferable. Tertiary amides are
reduced first to aldehydes then to alcohols (Section 3.2.8), and nitriles are reduced to
imines, which are hydrolyzed to give aldehydes (Section 4.3). The use of KEt3BH
for chemoselective reduction of carboxylic acid esters has been suggested [YYl].
The Li and K Selectrides [BK5, W3] are soluble in ether media (diethylether, THE
glymes). The treatment after reduction is identical to that employed for LiEt3BH.
The principal interest of these reagents resides in their bulkiness. The reductions
of slightly hindered cyclic ketones and imines occurs on the equatorial face (Sec-
tions 3.2.2, 3.3.1), and aliphatic carbonyl compounds are reduced with a high
stereoselectivity (Section 3.2.2). The Li and K Selectrides selectively reduce the
carbon-carbon double bond of n-enones and n,a-ethylenic esters unless the
position is disubstituted (Section 3.2.9); in the latter case, the carbonyl of the
n-enones is reduced.
Li and K trisiarnyl borohydrides, which are even bulkier, are sometimes used [KB8].
Rarely used in its gaseous dimeric form (B2H6), borane is generally employed as a
solvate with THF or Me2S. BH,.THF is employed in ether media. BH3.Me2S is
soluble in ethers, hydrocarbons, and CH2C12.Borane can also be generated in situ by
reaction of NaBH, with iodine [BB7], HCI, MeS03H, or sulfuric acid [AM21 or
trimethylsilyl chloride [DA2]. Under such conditions, there is no need to use dry
Borane reduces carboxylic acids in the cold without attacking esters or nitriles,
and it reduces halogenated derivatives (Section 3.2.6). Enantioenriched amino acids
can be transformed into amino alcohols without epimerization [AM2, DA2, 5521.
Borane easily reduces amides in refluxing THF (Section 3.2.8). Esters can also be
reduced at higher temperatures (Section 3.2.5). An important limitation is compet-
ing hydroboration of carbon-carbon double and triple bonds [BK7, HH1, L2],
although this can be avoided when reducing acids at 0°C [BP5].
These complexes are more stable than the borane complexes with diethylether or
Me,S. They are soluble in water and alcohols and stable in the presence of acetic
acid. Their decomposition requires the action of a strong acid or decomplexation by
an amino alcohol.
With respect to reactivity, the amine-boranes lie somewhere between BH,.THF
and NaBH,. They reduce aldehydes and ketones without affecting ester, ether, SPh,
and NO, groups (Section 3.2.1). The reduction of ketones can be accelerated by the
addition of Lewis acids or when carried out in acetic acid [PSI]. On alumina or
silica supporrts, amine-boranes can selectively reduce aldehydes without affecting
keto groups (Section 3.2.1) [BSl]. Chiral amino acids can be reduced to amino
alcohols without epimerization [PS 11.
Ph,NH.BH, is a recommended reagent because its stability and reactivity are
superior to those of amine-boranes formed from aliphatic amines [Cull. Pyridine-
borane reacts slowly with carbonyl compounds and has been suggested for carrying
out reductive aminations (Section 3.3.1) [PR2]; however, in the presence of AcOH,
it reduces aldehydes, leaving ketones untouched [CWl].
Some amino alcohols react with borane to generate oxazaborolidines, which have
been mainly used in asymmetric reduction of ketones (Section 3.2.3) and imines
(Section 3.3.1) [NNl , S3]. In addition, they can also perform some chemoselective
reductions [IWI].
well known. However, it is thought that Ni,B is formed from NaBH, and NiCl, in
MeOH. Titanium salts and complexes are also proposed as addends [B4, B5, BH5,
BS6, DK3, LS4, RB3, RC2].
Each reagent shows some particular characteristics, but a certain number of
transformations merit emphasis. These include:
Figure 2.1
tion of 1-bromoalkynes by the latter reagent cleanly gives the debrominated alkyne,
unlike other aluminohydrides that give a mixture. Difluoroalkenes, meanwhile, are
converted to the monofluoro derivatives [MI] (Figure 2.2).
LAH or AIH,-amine complexes reduce alkyl bromides and iodides as well as
benzyl chloride and bromide [FSI]. They leave other chlorides unchanged, thus
allowing the selective reduction of 2.1 to the corresponding chloroalcohol [MP2].
On the other hand, the selective reduction of an a$-ethylenic-a-chloroester 2.2
to an a-chloroallylalcohoI 2.3 [DWI] comes from the inability of DIBAH to react
with halogenated derivatives in cold toluene [YGI] (Figure 2.2).
DIBAH-n-BuLi ate complex in hexane-THF reduces primary bromides and
chlorides at room temperature to hydrocarbons. Secondary halides react more slow-
ly, while tertiary and aryl halides remain unchanged [KAl].
The reduction of the fluorides requires the electrophilic assistance of a Lewis
acid in breaking the C-F bond: AIH, in Et20 and LAH-CeCI, in DME are
adequate reducing agents [G02, Pl]. AIH,, however, leaves the aliphatic C-Br and
C-Cl bonds intact [BK5, PC11 (Figure 2.2).
The alkaline borohydrides are less reactive toward halides. NaBH, in DME or
DMSO or in the presence of polyethylene glycols [SF21 reduces only primary or
secondary bromides upon heating; with chlorides the reaction is even slower [PSI].
NaBH,-Ni(OAc), in MeOH has shown some efficiency [FMI]. The dibromo-
2.1 AlH3.NEtMe2,
2.2 2.3
Figure 2.2
X = CI, Br, I
2.5 R = Me, Et
Figure 2.3
ification of the carbon skeleton [AGl] (Figure 2.3). When the same reduction is
performed with LAH in THF, it gives 81% cyclic product [BK5].
It is beneficial to use 2 equivalents of LiEt,BH per mole to reduce a given halide
because the byproduct of the reduction is BEt,. This forms a complex with LiEt,BH
[Et3BH,BEt3]Lit, which is much less reactive. Aromatic and tertiary halides remain
intact under these conditions [BKI].
The selective reduction of the primary halides can also be accomplished with
NaCNBH, in HMPA or DMSO or even by NaBH, in warm DMSO. Epoxides,
nitriles, amides, ketones, and esters are not affected under these conditions [HKl,
Ll], as illustrated in Figure 2.4. n-Bu,NCNBH, or resin-supported cya-
noborohydride is even more selective, since each reduces only the primary iodides
and bromides, leaving the chlorides unchanged [HN3].
Figure 2.4
X = Cl, Br, I
Q C&
Figure 2.5
Q C&
Borane leaves the halides intact in an ether medium, allowing the selective reduc-
tions shown in Figure 2.5 [PI],
In the presence of transition metal complexes such as (Ph,P),Ni, halogenated
aromatic derivatives are reduced by NaBH, in DMF [W4] or NaBH,-PdCI, in
MeOH [GOZ]. The DDT and 2,4 D classes of pesticides are also dechlorinated by
NaBH,-Ni,B in alcohol [GO21 or by NaBH,(OCH,CH,OMe),-NiC1, in THF
under reflux [TPl]. Titanium complexes also catalyze the dechlorination of poly-
chlorinated aryl halides by NaBH, in DMF via a nonradical process [LS5], leading
to dimethylamino-substituted byproducts along with hydrocarbons. In DMA or in
ethers, a radicaI-based reaction takes place, leading only to dechlorinated products
[LS4, LS51.
In protic media (alcohol or aqueous diglyme), tertiary halides undergo solvolysis
and lead to the corresponding carbocations, which are reduced by NaBH,. If the
carbocations are able to undergo rearrangement much faster than reduction, a rear-
ranged alkane product is obtained [BBI]. Borane in CF,COOH shows a similar
behavior [MMI] (Figure 2.6).
Borohydrides associated with a Lewis acid such as Zn(BH,),, NaCNBH,-ZnI,,
or NaCNBH,-SnCl, can also induce, in ether, the cleavage of the C-X bond of
halides, which lead to sufficiently stable carbocations. An analogous mechanism can
be proposed to explain the reaction of LAH with secondary allylic chlorides such as
2.6 in ether, a process that takes place with rearrangement [HN2]. In contrast,
primary derivatives such as 2.7 are reduced without rearrangement [HN2] (Figure
2.6). Similarly, propargylic chlorides are converted to allenes (Figure 2.6).
Zn(BH,), in Et,O reduces tertiary and benzylic halides at the corresponding
carbon sites, but the allylic derivatives give polymers [KHl]. However, NaCNBH,-
ZnI, in Et,O or NaCNBH, in the presence of SnCl, selectively reduces tertiary,
benzylic, and allylic halides without affecting primary or secondary halides, esters,
and amides [KKI, KK61. The ate complex formed by the reaction of n-BuLi with
9-BBN in hexane has an identical behavior: tertiary, allylic, and benzylic halides are
reduced, while primary and secondary halides remain intact [TYl].
Figure 2.6
LAH in Et,O reduces sulfonates, requiring the electrophilic assistance of the Lif
cation in the cleavage of the C - 0 bond. This is why it is possible to reduce at will
the C-Br bond or C-OTs of the bifunctional compound 2.8 by changing the
solvent [Kl] (Figure 2.7). In DME, where the Lif cation is well solvated, electro-
philic assistance does not take place.
LiBH,, LiEt,BH, or DIBAH in THF also reduce primary and secondary sulfo-
nates to hydrocarbons [BK5, BN3, KB 1, YGl] even if they bear benzyloxy substi-
tuents [YS2]. However, if the substrate is too sterically hindered such as 2.9 (Figure
2.8), the attack of the reducing reagent takes place on the sulfur, and the correspond-
ing alcohol is formed [GL5, SH4, WS21. This phenomenon is not observed with
LiEt,BH, as shown in Figure 2.8 [KBl]. In the case of 2.10 [HS3], which is a
hindered mesylate, the reaction with LiEt,BH did not produce the alkane but rather
the corresponding alcohol. The authors therefore recommend the use of iso-
propanesulfonate 2.11, which, when treated with LiEt,BH, is not attacked at the
sulfonate site (Figure 2.8).
NaBH, in hot DMSO can also reduce primary sulfonates [HH2, PSl], and this
Figure 2.7
method has been applied to various sugar derivatives lKS2, WWl 1. Primary allylic
tosylates such as 2.12 are reduced to the corresponding olefins by LAH [HN2], but
secondary tosylates do not react at all (Figure 2.9).
Acetates, whether primary or secondary, allylic, propargylic, or benzylic, are also
reduced by NaBH,-NiCl, in MeOH to hydrocarbons [HP2, 121, but the double
bond, in general, is not preserved (Figure 2.9).
Figure 2.8
Figure 2.9
The problems of solvolysis and possible rearrangements with sulfonates are similar
to those of halides. For example, the reduction of tricyclic tosylate 2.13,
whose structure is such that its double bond can participate in the reaction, leads to
the formation of a cyclopropane via an intermediate carbocation [KNl] (Figure
Na piperidino
Et2ALy O°C
Lit3BH-THF, >98 4
Red AI-C gH6
Figure 2.12
2.21 LAH 15
LiEt3BH 93
Figure 2.13
Figure 2.14
Figure 2.15
primary alcohol that is formed from the aldehyde 2.22 undergoes lactonization, but
the epoxide and the ester are not reduced.
The presence of a functional group in the vicinity of the epoxide can lead to
interesting results. Such is the case for the epoxy-2,3 alcohols 2.23, which can be
obtained in a nonracemic form by asymmetric epoxidation of the corresponding
allylic alcohols [KS3]. The action of LAH in THF or better yet of Red-A1 in the
same solvent [MM2, V l ] or preferably in DME [GS4] selectively leads to the 1,3-
diols 2.24, while DIBAH [FKl] or LiBH4-(i-PrO),Ti in C,H, [DLl] gives access to
the 1,2-diols 2.25 (Figure 2.15). The hydride attack is stereospecific, and in the
nonracemic chiral molecule 2.26, the reaction proceeds with inversion [FKl] (Fig-
ure 2.15). If the alcohol residue is transformed into a methyl ether, Red-A1 does not
promote any reduction [FKl].
A limitation of the Red-A1 method is steric hindrance. If the carbon atom bearing
the primary alcohol is disubstituted such as in 2.27, the other regioisomer is formed
[Vl] (Figure 2.15).
Vinylic epoxides such as 2.28 can be reduced by attack on the epoxide carbon
atoms according to the usual rules, or they can undergo conjugate reduction, as
shown in Figure 2.16 [LKl]. LAH attacks the epoxide at the least substituted
carbon, and DIBAH in THF mainly attacks the epoxide at the most substituted one,
whereas DIBAH in hexane gives only the conjugate reduction. Acetylenic epoxides
are reduced by LAH into homopropargylic alcohols [HDI].
Epoxytosylates 2.29 can be reduced by DIBAH (3 equiv.) at -40°C in CH,CI, to
RRkOTs 83 - 95%
-40°C OH
Figure 2.16
into cis-4-benzyloxycyclohexanol [CC5, CC8] (Figure 2.16). Similar but less selec-
tive reductions are observed with five-membered analogs [CC8].
2-Methylglycidic acid is regio- and stereoselectively reduced to 2-deutero-3-
hydroxybutanoic acid by NaBD,-DO- in D 2 0 [MV3], while in the presence of LiBr
the regioselectivity is lower. F-Alkyl-a,P-epoxyesters are also reduced to diols by
NaBH, in alcoholic media [LPl].
Oxetanes are also reduced by aluminohydrides [SP2]. When Zsubstituted by an
aryl group, the Lewis acidity of the reagent and the electronic character of the aryl
substituent determined the relative amounts of primary and secondary alcohols so
formed [BL5, SS8].
\ /
' 'OR
2.4.1 Alcohols
Alcohols are generally converted to alcoholates by the alumino- and borohydrides.
The cleavage of the C-0 bond can take place upon warming with Red-A1 [Ml], or
it can occur under solvolytic conditions starting with appropriate alcohols such as
benzylic or allylic alcohols that give stable carbocations. The carbocations thus
formed are then reduced to hydrocarbons. Therefore, the diaryl- and triarylcarbinols
are reduced by NaBH, in CF3COOH [GN 11 or (CF3COO),BH in THF-CF3COOH
[MMl] (Figure 2.17).
When using suitable experimental conditions, electron-donor-substituted primary
benzyl alcohols can also be reduced to substituted toluenes [NB2]. However,
NaBH,-CF3S03H in Et20 is superior to NaBH, in CF,COOH in reducing 2-ar-
yladamantanols to the corresponding hydrocarbons [Owl]. Under the same condi-
tions, adamantylmethanol leads to homoadarnantane. Similarly, other carbocyclic
substituted methanols give ring-expanded cycloalkanes [OW2].
Figure 2.17
Figure 2.18
Figure 2.19
2.4.2 Ethers
Aliphatic ethers are generally inert in the presence of alumino- and borohydrides,
although oxabicyclic [3.2.1] compounds are reduced by DIBAH [LCI]. Aromatic
ethers can be cleaved to give phenols using DIBAH [MH2, Wl], while benzylic
ethers are cleaved by Red-A1 in xylene under reflux [Ml]. An example is given in
Figure 2.20: The hindered ketone group of 2.36 is not reduced in these conditions.
LiEt,BH or Li (s-Bu),BH in excess also cleaves arylmethylethers [MZl]. The
reaction is run in glyme or THF at 67°C. Selective demethylation of 2.37 and 2.38
can be performed (Figure 2.20). C-CI or C-Br bonds are left intact.
90% Ir
LiEt3BHor Li s-Bu3BH-
THF, reflux
92 - 98%
as above
Figure 2,20
Ph AX LAH-THF, reflux PhAX
Ph KEW 2.40
L A H - ~reflux*
, Ph
Figure 2-27
72 84%
m 3 ' E t 2 0 , reflux $+-
or BH3, THF, r.t.
-7S°C,then 0°C
Figure 2-22
excess of reagent must be used. Similarly, orthoesters are cleaved by DIBAH at 0°C
[TNl]. The reducing agents AlH, [E2, EB1, MK31, BH,.THF [H3, L2, PSI],
BH,.Me,S-BF,.Et,O [SK6], A1Br2H, AIC1,H [MFl], and ClBH2.Me2S [BB3]
have sufficient Lewis acid character to convert acetals to ethers. The mechanism of
these reductions involves the formation of an oxonium ion, which is then reduced
(Figure 2.22). On the other hand, LAH and LiEt,BH leave acetals untouched, except
in the presence of TiC1, [MAl, NG2] or other Lewis acids that eventually induce the
formation of tricoordinated aluminohydrides.
An application of these reactions is the regeneration of alcohols from the tetra-
hydropyranyl (THP) ethers 2.41 used as protecting groups, Reaction of THP ethers
with AlH, (most frequently formed in situ starting from LAH in ether solution by
adding AlCl, or BF,.Et,O) provides the expected alcohols. If the product alcohols
are likely to form carbocations, these are in turn reduced to hydrocarbons (tertiary,
benzylic, allylic alcohols) (Figure 2.22). Improvements in this reaction involve the
use of BH,.THF [CB8] or NaCNBH,-BF3.Et20 [SS5]. Under the AlH, conditions,
dioxolanes 2.42 lead to glycol monoethers (Figure 2.22).
The cleavage of orthoesters 2.43 is regioselective when they are dissymmetrical:
Primary alcohols are formed rather than secondary ones [TNl] (Figure 2.22).
Other reducing reagents leave acetals intact [BKS, Ml] except in acid media,
where the oxonium ions are likely to be generated. Oxonium ions can be formed and
reduced with NaCNBH, in MeOH-HCI, NaCNBH3-BF3.Et20 [HJ3, NG2, SV2],
90% D
Me0 OMe
Et20, r.t.
r +
ArT* 2.44
76% e
Figure 2.23
Me,SiC1 in MeCN [GNI, JS 1, MK31. The last three reagents cleave only the
dioxolane derivatives of aromatic ketones, whereas the first ones are more reactive
and have a broader scope of application (Figure 2.23).
At ambient temperature, Zn(BH,), in Et,O, in the presence of trimethylsilyl
chloride, transforms acetals and ketals into ethers. Under these conditions, esters
remain intact, but the double bonds are reduced [KUI] (Figure 2.23). According to
the experimental conditions, the regioselectivity of the cleavage can vary [JSI], as
shown by the reduction of sugar derivative 2.44 (Figure 2.23).
NaCNBH,-TiCl, can also be used for acetal reduction. Esters are left unchanged
under these conditions. For instance, a benzylidene acetal formed from tartaric acid
2.45 can be transformed into a chiral monoether [AS I] (Figure 2.24). Other examples
are described in the literature [MAI]. The carbon-oxygen bond of hemithioketals
2.46 is hydrogenolyzed by AlH, in Et20, while the CUS bond remains unchanged
[E2] (Figure 2.24). Dithianes, in contrast, are not affected by aluminohydrides,
borohydrides, or boranes [NG2].
The treatment of the acetal derivatives of chiral diols 2.47 with DIBAH, or better
with AlHBr, or AlHCl, (obtained by combining 3 equivalents of AlX, with LAH in
Et,O), leads to an enantioselective cleavage to an ether-alcohol 2.48, which can
then be oxidized to a nonracemic alcohol with Swern reagent [MFI, MI11 (Figure
M ~ O ~ COOMe
7 1% overall e
(R) ee 84%
Figure 2.24
DIBAH-hexane 44
AIHBrz-Et20 97
Figure 2.25
2.4.4 Ozonides
Ozonides are reduced to alcohols by LiAlH, [MS3] and NaBH, in alcohols [CH4,
H3]. However, it appears that the best reagent is BH,.Me,S in CH2C12 at room
temperature, a method that is compatible with carboxylic esters [FGl] (Figure 2.26).
Ozonolysis of olefins followed by reduction can be performed sequentially in a one-
flask operation.
LAH in THF reduces ammonium salts to amines. However, the best reagent for this
reaction is LiEt,BH in THF at 25°C. Methylammonium salts are selectively de-
methylated [BK5, CP1, NM1, PSI] (Figure 2.27). This method has found numerous
applications in synthesizing natural products [NMI].
The reduction of ammonium salts, formed by reacting Me2S0, with benzylic
Mannich bases 2.54, by NaCNBH, in HMPA at 70°C, leads to methylated aromatic
Figure 2.26
>95% D
KOMe4Red AI-THF or Li s-Bu3BH-
Figure 2.27
derivatives [YIl] (Figure 2.27). This method preserves the R group in the following
cases: C1, COOEt, CH,CN, and NO,. Reduction of allylic derivatives such as 2.55
with LAH in an ether medium can lead to mixtures of regioisomers [HN2] (Figure
2.27). If milder reducing agents such as NaBH,, Red-Al, or Li(s-Bu,)BH are used,
the reaction can be regioselective [GL6] (Figure 2.27). NaCNBH, in i-PrOH under
reflux does not react at all with ammonium salts.
Single P-C bond cleavage has been described. For example, phosphonium salts
2.56 are reduced to phosphines by LAH in THF under reflux; the cleaved bond
corresponds to reduction of the most stable carbanion [H2] (Figure 2.28). The P-C
bonds of allylic phosphonates 2.57 or phosphonium salts can also be cleaved by
ph$F I-
Me CH2Ph LAH-THF, reflux
* PhCH3 + ~ mMe
* Rj C 0 O E t
boric acid
R'= COOEt or Ph
Figure 2.28
LAH in Et20. This reduction occurs with allylic transposition and leads to a trans-
olefin [HJ2, HN2, KN2] (Figure 2.28).
LTBA can also cleave selectively the P-C bond of acyl phosphonates 2.58,
while preserving other functional groups [DSl] (Figure 2.28). Nevertheless, the
reduction of similar compounds such as 2.59 by NaBH, in EtOH buffered by boric
acid does preserve the P-C bond and leads to diastereomeric a-phosphorylated
alcohols [BS5, DSl] (Figure 2.28). After enolization by NaH, the P-C bond
cleavage of acylphosphonates (EtO),P(O)CH,COR can be realized with LAH
Chapter 3
Reduction of
Double Bonds
Boranes add to carbon-carbon double bonds even if they are not activated by an
electron-withdrawing group. These hydroboration reactions lie outside the scope of
this book; nevertheless, it is important to recognize that most boranes cannot be used
when it is necessary to preserve the C=C bond in a molecule (unless it is partic-
ularly hindered). However, (CF,COO),BH.THF leaves the double bonds of styrene,
1-decene, and Ph,C=CH, intact [MMl].
The other hydrides and borohydrides do not affect the isolated C=C bonds
except in the presence of transition metals [CY2, G02, MI, W4]. As shown in
Figure 3.1, only the least hindered double bond of 3.1 is reduced (Figure 3.1).
Unsubstituted and substituted styrenes can be reduced by LiEt,BH in hot THF or by
NaBH,-BiCI, [RP2, RP41, but the Selectrides, Li(s-Bu),BH and K(s-Bu),BH leave
them intact. The double bonds of certain allene alcohols 3.2 and 3.3 can also be
reduced [Ml] (Figure 3.1). However, mixtures of alcohols and dienes are formed.
The reduction of the double bonds conjugated to electron-withdrawing groups is
examined later (Section 3.2.9).
THF, reflux
- -.
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
ArCOR or
NaE3H4 (aq. at acid pH)
R = Ph, Mc
Figure 3.3
is relatively slow when NaBH, is used in organic acid media [GNl]. These reduc-
tions are in general sensitive to steric hindrance around the carbonyl, so that the
experimental conditions must be appropriate.
In acid media or in the presence of Lewis acids, diary1 ketones and alkylaryl
ketones 3.4-3.6 are reduced by LAH or NaBH, to the corresponding hydrocarbons
[DN2, E2, GK1, GNl,OS2] (Figure 3.3). However, LAH-AlCl, gives poorer yields
[GN 1, KG 1, KLl]. NaBH,-ZrC1, in THF reduces PhCHO and PhCOCH, to the
corresponding alcohols [IS 11. Flavanones are reduced by NaCNBH, in CF,COOH
either to flavanes or 1,3-diarylpropanes, depending on their substituents [LBl].
Aromatic aldehydes and ketones substituted by electron-donating groups are also
reduced to hydrocarbons by BH,.THF [L2] and NaCNBH,-ZnI, in CH,Cl, [LDl].
NaBH, in MeOH in the presence of PdCI, gives analogous results [GO21 as does
ion-exchange resin borohydride-Ni(OAc), in MeOH [BK9]. Acylferrocenes are
reduced to the corresponding hydrocarbons by AIH,, NaCNBH,-TiCI, in THF, or
NaBH,-CF,COOH [B6, B7, RE21.
Arylalkyl ketones (ArCOR) do not react with Me,N.BH, alone, but benzyl
bromides (ArCHBrCH,) are formed when the reaction is run in the presence of Br,
[LGI]. Moreover, t-BuNH2.BH3-AlCl, in CH,C12 also reduces arylalkyl ketones to
the corresponding hydrocarbons (ArCH2R). This transformation is compatible with
ester groups, as well as chloro, bromo, nitro, and phenylthio substituents in the aryl
ring; however, carboxylic acids are reduced to primary alcohols [LTI].
It is possible to reduce aldehydes and ketones selectively in the presence of
isolated double bonds, halides, sulfonates, phosphonates, acetals, esters, amides,
nitriles, acids, and NO, groups by using NaBH, or n-Bu,NBH, in various media
[DA3, JB2, PSI, TY3, WG21. The examples given in Figure 3.4 illustrate this
~ C O O M ~ ~ C O O M ~
0a0 COOEt
Figure 3.4
compatibility. The in situ formation of lactones 3.8 and 3.10 results from the selec-
tive reduction of the ketone functionality of 3.7 and 3.9. Likewise, the amine- or
amino alcohol-boranes effect the reduction of ketones in the presence of esters [Al,
IWI] (Figure 3.4). On the other hand, LiBH, also reduces the ester group of 3.9
NaBH, on alumina appears to be a very mild reducing agent. Under these
conditions, it is possible to avoid the hydrolysis of esters, which sometimes occurs
due to the basicity of NaBW, in aqueous-alcoholic solutions. This is particularly
interesting for the case of en01 acetates such as 3.11, which are fragile in protic
media [W4] (Figure 3.5). The selective reduction of the chlorinated ketolactone 3.12
is another illustration of this useful selectivity [WVl] (Figure 3.5). Borane-eth-
Figure 3.5
anolamine also leaves C-Cl and C-Br bonds untouched so that 2-haloketones can
be transformed into halohydrins [IWl].
LAH on silica gel reduces ketoesters to hydroxyesters in Et20 [KH3]. The
reduction of epoxy ketones to epoxy alcohols is easily accomplished by action of
Zn(BH,), in Et20 or NaBH, in MeOH, sometimes in the presence of CeCl,. The
stereoselectivity of the reaction is usually high [BB6, BC2, CP3, NTl] (Section
The selective reduction of aldehydes in the presence of ketones has been ob-
served using the following systems:
C6H6,reflux I
Figure 3.6
This is due to a rapid and selective transformation of aldehydes under these condi-
tions to ketals or hemiketals, which are not reduced (Figure 3.7). The same type of
situation permits the relatively rapid formation of ketals of unhindered ketones in
the presence of HC(OEt),, whereby the selective reduction of the most hindered
ketone group of 3.13 is possible [GLl] (Figure 3.7).
Because of the sensitivity of the reduction of some ketones to steric hindrance, it
is possible with a judicious choice of reducing reagents to reduce selectively the
least hindered carbonyls in a di- or triketone. The most effective reducing reagents
in this regard are the complex Zn(BH,),.1.5 DMF in MeCN [HJI], amine-boranes
in Et20 [All, LTBA in THF [Ml] or K(s-Bu)~BH,as shown in Figure 3.8. The
examples 3.14-3.17 are chosen from steroid series, in which the ketone at the
3-position is selectively reduced in accord with the stereochemical rules to be
discussed later (Section 3.2.2) [GOl, TKl, WBl]. In the case of progesterone 3.17,
it is necessary to use the very bulky K Sia,BH to observe the selective reduction of
- - $ 76%
EtOH aq., -1S0C
1. EI€I~-HC(OE~)~-M&H
2. NaBH4 then H30+
Figure 3.7
Figure 3.8
the 3-keto group [WDl] (Figure 3.8). A case of selective reduction of the most
hindered carbonyl group of a dialdehyde by NaB(OAc),H has been recently pub-
lished [SW2].
The different reactivities of aromatic and aliphatic ketones can be exploited in the
same way by carrying out the selective reduction of the latter. Reduction with
Zn(BH,),-1.5 DMF in MeCN or Zn(CNBH,), in Et,O in the presence of trace
amounts of water is a good choice [HJl, KK51, as is NaBH, in i-PrOH or LiBH, in
diglyme [PSI] (Figure 3.9). Titanocene borohydride also reduces aliphatic ketones
faster than aromatic ones [BS6]. ,
Flgure 3.9
The competition between ketone and cx-enone will be examined later (Section
When the reductions are carried out with reagents whose central atom (A1 or B)
is tetracoordinated, the Felkin-Anh model is usually invoked [CP2, HWI, M5,
MWI, N2, NNI, WHI, WH2, WTl]. This aids in comparison of the interac-
tions involved in the nucleophilic attack of the hydride on the C = O bond;
When the reductions are carried out by means of reagents whose central atom is
tricoordinated, Houk's model is often used. This model takes into account the
predominant interactions during the coordination of the carbonyl oxygen with
the Lewis acid before any hydride transfer [HP3, HWl, M5, NNI].
When the reduction substrate can follow either of the two pathways, it is possible
to obtain selectively one isomer or the other by carrying out the reduction either
with an alumino- or borohydride, or with DIBAH or a borane. The first author to
exploit this dichotomy was M. Midland [MKI]. The principal types of interactions
to be taken into consideration are those of stereoelectronic origins, steric, torsional,
and orbital interactions, and also the position of the transition state (early or late)
along the reaction coordinate (see the following).
The Felkin-Anh Model [CPP, G5, M5, N2, N5, NN1, WH1, WH2, WP2,
WTI] The attack of a hydride H- on a prochiral carbonyl group can be accom-
plished either on the Re or Si face of the carbonyl, leading to a pair of diastereomers,
as shown in the models in Figure 3.10. In these models L represents the most bulky
group, P the most polar, and S the smallest group. Initially Cram [CA2] proposed
model 3.18 to interpret the formation of the major isomer, This is called "Cram" in
Figure 3.10, and the other isomer is labeled "anti-Cram."
The model to which most authors actually refer is a modification of the 1952
Cram scheme. This transition-state model, proposed by Felkin and Cherest and
Cram model
Felkin-Anh model
Figure 3.10
supported by calculations of Nguyen Trong Anh and Eisenstein, considers that the
transition state most resembles the ketone and hydride reagents. The attack of the
hydride takes place anti to the most bulky (L) or polar (P) group. In agreement with
the proposals of Dunitz and Burgi, this does not take place perpendicular to the
plane of the carbonyl group, but with an attack angle of about 109". To minimize
steric and torsional interactions, the attack preferentially involves the ketone con-
former 3.19 and not 3.20,as indicated in the Newman projections shown in Figure
3.10. The favored attack on 3.19 thus leads predominantly to the "Cram" stereo-
isomer 3.21 (Figure 3.10).
In the absence of other steric constraints, stereoisomer 3.21 is favored when the
reductions are performed on acyclic prochiral ketones. Several examples are given
in Figure 3.1 1 [SKI]. The stereoselectivity of the reduction is improved as the
reducing reagent becomes more bulky. In the reduction of 3.22 and 3.23,the phenyl
or unsaturated substituent plays the role of the bulky (L) or polar (P) groups; the
methyl group being M and hydrogen being S. Some other examples are given by
Cherest and Prudent [CP2]. However, if the carbon skeleton of the ketone to be
reduced is substituted in such a manner that conformer 3.19 is very sterically
hindered, the reduction takes place on conformer 3.20, and the stereoselectivity is
reversed. Examples of this are given in steroid series (Figure 3.1 1). When R is an
unsaturated group such as in 3.24, the interaction between this substituent and the
axial methyl at position 18 is not sufficient to disfavor the participation of conformer
3.19 during the reduction; by using Li(s-Bu),BH, which is bulky, one obtains
preferentially the (S)-22-alcohol [Toll. However, when R is a branched saturated
chain as in 3.25, a steric interaction between this chain and the 18-methyl group
Anti Cram
.' (R)
Lir-Bu3BH-THF 93
20 80
Figure 3.11
disfavors conformer 3.19, and 3.20 can participate, leading to the other 22-isomer.
The reduction of such carbonyl compounds by LAH gives a mixture of (S)- and
(R)-22-alcohols in a 4: 1 ratio [PR3] (Figure 3.1 1).
There has been some debate among the theoretical chemists as to whether the
hydride should attack anti to the best acceptor or to the best donor group (L or P on
Figure 3.12
conformers 3.19 and 3.20) [C6, CT3, FK4, LLS, MS, N2, WHI, WTl]. However,
this debate only takes into consideration orbital interactions. Taking into account all
the different factors including electrostatic, steric, and torsion interactions [WTl],
and the position of transition state along the reaction coordinate (early or late)
[AM3], it is possible to obtain more reliable trends. Moreover, solvent effects should
not be neglected [AM31 (see the following).
The reduction of cyclic ketones can be interpreted by a similar approach [N2, NS,
W2]. Stereoelectronic control favors axial attack on the rigid cyclohexanones. But
steric interactions, as a result of either the substituents of the molecule or the
structure of the reagents, can work against this pathway. The following results
illustrate these trends [H3] (Figure 3.12). LAH reduction of 4-t-Bu-cyclohexanone
3.26 in diethylether gives mainly the equatorial alcohol 3.27. Li(s-Bu),BH or Li
(t-BuEt,O),AlH [BD2] is very bulky, and it enters from the least hindered face of
the molecule to give rise selectively to the axial alcohol 3.28. LAH reduction of
3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexanone3.29, whose axial attack is hindered by the presence
of an axial methyl group, gives more equatorial attack than that of 3.26 (Figure
In the steroid series, LAH preferentially attacks 3.30 from the axial face of the
ketone at the 3-position, while Li(s-Bu),BH does so at the equatorial face. One can
thus selectively obtain the 3-cholestanol 3.31 with an equatorial OH or its stereo-
isomer 3.32 with an axial OH, depending on the reducing agent employed [DAl]
(Figure 3.13). Some other examples are described by Ohloff and co-workers [OM2].
In the coprostane series, where the cyclic AB ring junction is cis, the same reagents
selectively give rise to either 3.33 or 3.34 [OM21 (Figure 3.13). The reduction of
I-oxosteroids has been reviewed recently [WLl].
Similarly, K(s-Bu),BH provides stereoselection in favor of the diaxial 3,7-diol
from the starting corresponding dione 3.35; the ester functional group remains
unchanged [TFl] (Figure 3.13). The stereoselectivity of the reduction of polymer-
supported 6-ketosteroids by aqueous KBH, has been examined. This depends on the
polymer used and on whether a phase-transfer catalyst is added or not [BH4].
Ring substituents other than alkyl groups can also influence the stereoselectivity
of the reduction. The presence of a CN group at the P-position with respect to the
Figure 3.13
carbonyl on either face of a decalone orients the reduction by LTBA in THF to the
preferential generation of the axial 3.36 or equatorial 3.37 alcohols [AF2, CB I]
(Figure 3.14). Other related examples have been recorded by Caro and co-workers
[CBl]. These results have been ascribed to remote electrostatic effects [WTl].
In the cyclic series, a problem arises due to the relative rigidity of some mole-
cules. The antiperiplanarity requirement between the nucleophilic hydride and the
CUL(P) bond as indicated in the Felkin-Anh model is sometimes difficult to attain
at the transition state. The flatness and flexibility of the ketone to be reduced have to
be considered [HM4, N2, WH3, WH41. Cyclohexenones, which are flatter than
cyclohexanones, give more product of axial attack [CG7, KY3, WH3, YK6] (Sec-
tion 3.2.9). The reduction of 3-ketosteroids such as 3.30 by NaBH, results in 80%
axial attack (Figure 3.15). Reduction of the 7-keto analogues 3.38 under similar
conditions gives only 45% axial attack [WM I]. Kinetic studies indeed showed that
this stereoselectivity was due to a decrease in the rate of only axial attack, possibly
because the steroid B ring is less flexible than the A ring (Figure 3.15). The
reduction of I ,3-dioxane-5-one 3.39 and 1,3-dithian-5-one 3.40 by LAH in Et20
Figure 3.14
Figure 3.15
Figure 3.16
gives comparable results [JKI, KL31 (Figure 3.15). In the first case, 94% axial
attack is observed, while in the second one only 15% axial attack takes place. This
apparent discrepancy has been interpreted in terms of the ring structures of these
ketones: The six-membered ring of 3.39 is quite flat, while that of 3.40 is signifi-
cantly puckered [N2, WH41. Antiperiplanarity between the incoming bond and the
vicinal axial C-H bonds is difficult to attain during the axial attack of 3.40. Similar
results have been observed in reduction of 16-oxa- and 16-thiahomosteroids [T021.
In the norbornane series, the attack of LAH in Et,O takes place on the exo face,
leading to endo-norbornanols 3.41. These are the thermodynamically less stable
products. Therefore, the reductions performed by LAH do not follow "product
development control," but essentially depend on stereoelectronic factors [AB2]
(Figure 3.16). The same exo attack is observed in other strained bicyclic systems. In
general, Li(s-Bu),BH in THF at -78°C is more stereoselective than LAH in THF
The reduction of the chromiumtricarbonyl complexes of indanones and tetralones
3.42 and 3.43 [JMl] are interesting in terms of steric hindrance. The hindered
organometallic group blocks the attack of the hydride on the same face of the
molecule. Because it is possible to obtain the corresponding ketones in nonracemic
form, one has access to enantiomerically pure stereoisomers after decomplexation
(Figure 3.16).
The Houk Model [CL4, CL5, HP3, HW1, PRl] The intervention of a favored
conformation through which the reduction occurs can depend on the stereo-
electronic interactions in a Lewis acid-base complex that is formed between a
tricoordinated reducing agent (boranes, DIBAH) and a carbonyl compound. The
complex associates in a way that minimizes the different repulsive interactions, and
the transfer of the hydride takes place in second stage. Accordingly, the conforma-
Houk model
Figure 3.17
tion of the ketone in this complex 3.44 is more favored when the substituents on the
boron or aluminum atom are bulkier. As previously mentioned, the hydride transfer
takes place in the anti position with regard to the most bulky (L) or polar (P) group.
Under these conditions, the reduction leads to the "anti-Cram" diastereoisomer
(Figure 3.17). In cyclohexanones, the interaction with the axial vicinal C-H bonds
is the same as in the previous case [CL5].
In addition to the pioneering work by Midland [MKl], a certain number of
reports in the literature show a reversal of stereoselectivity as the reducing agent is
varied. For example, the reduction of steroidal prochiral ketones 3.45 and 3.46
either by alumino- and borohydrides or by boranes and DIBAH gives different
stereoisomers, enabling the process to be interpreted either by the Felkin-Anh or the
Houk model [MKI, SH7, SKI, TO11 (Figure 3.18). Similar results are obtained in
the reduction of cyclopropyl ketones either with Li (s-Bu),BH or with DIBAH
[OS4]. However, when starting from 3.47, the size of the L substituent is such that a
similar selectivity is observed whatever the reducing agent used. If the double bond
of 3.47 does not carry a trimethylsilyl (SiMe,) group, reduction by DIBAH gives a
greater proportion of the other isomer.
In most of the examples discussed above, stereoselectivity is high either because
the structure of the ketone shows two sufficiently different faces in terms of steric
hindrance or because the reducing reagent is bulky. In many other cases, the stereo-
selectivity is decreased because the different factors more or less compensate.
Indeed, it is necessary to consider the position of the transition state on the reaction
coordinate. Transition states are early with aluminohydrides and late with bor-
ohydrides in alcoholic media [CB 1,CL4,N2]. The possibility of electrophilic assis-
tance by the alkaline cation is another important factor [N2, S2]. The latter effect
especially facilitates the axial attack of cyclohexanones. In the presence of
[2.l. llcryptand, which prevents electrophilic assistance by the Li cation, the amount
of axial attack of 3.26 by LTBA decreases [AKl] (Figure 3.19). The size of the
reducing agent, the structure of the ketone, and the possibilities of conformational
equilibria must be taken into account [GZl, KW31. Indeed, the reactive conformer
may not be the most stable one [N2, S2, S3]. For example, Table 3.1 indicates the
stereoselectivity of the reduction of two rigid ketones, 3.26 and 3.48, and of a
conformationally flexible ketone 3.49, with different reagents [BD2, BS6, CBl,
DL2, FF2, GL2, HF1, M l , PSl, RC2] (Figure 3.19).
R' Me R' Me
LTBA-THF(100%) 90 10
LTBA-(2.I . 11-THF(70%) 70 30
&H3 - +
p OH
Figure 3.19
TABLE 3.1 Percent axial attack in the reduction of 3.26,3.48, and 3.49
Reagent 3.26 3.48 3.49
LAH-THF 90 76 ' 76
LTBA-THF 90 98.5 70
Li(t-BuEt,O),AIH 95 >99
LiBH,-THF 86-93 71 70
NaBH4-MeOH 81 81 70
NaBH4-CeC1,-MeOH 94 >95 70
NaBH4-H,O-glycosidic 98
Cp2TiBH4-THF 97
(i-PrO),TiBH4-CH2C12 97 97
Li n-Pr2NBH3-THF 99
LiMe2NBH3-THF 95 64
Li(s-Bu),BH-THF 7 1
K(s-Bu),BH-THF 1 8
LiSia,BH-THF 0.5
AIH3-Et,O 85
DIBAH-toluene 61
9-BEN-THF 92 60
ThexylBHCI.Me,S 44 5.5
R=ClorF 86 - 99 14- 1
R=H 43 57
Figure 3.20
pentane is poorly stereoselective. On the other hand, axial attack is highly predomi-
nant in THF. This has been explained by the relative bulkiness of the reagent, which
is trimeric in CH2C12 and pentane and monomeric in THF [HP4].
However, the stereoselective reductions of the 5-substituted adamantanones 3.50
[CT2, G5, KA4, LL51, and bicyclo-[2.2.2]-octan-2-one 3.51 [MK5] have been
interpreted in terms of Cieplak's model [C6, CT31. Unfortunately, the observed
stereoselectivities are low (de <40%), so that it is difficult to dissect the various
parameters involved in such reductions [CH5, N2]. The electronic contribution to
the stereoselectivity of the reduction of substituted 9-benzonorbornenones 3.52 is
very important [G5, OTl,OT2] (Figure 3.20). Halogen substituents on the aromatic
ring favor syn attack by all hydrides on those very rigid systems. Electrostatic
effects have been invoked to interpret these results [PW2, WTl].
Figure 3.21
as above
R = Me, Et, n-CSHI1,i-Pr, t-Bu
/~3~7n. as above t
R as above
LAH, 3.55-Et20
R=H, Me, TBMSOCH2, Me3Si, n-C7HI5
Ph 4 85 90%
LAH, 3.51 (I?= Me)
R = Me, ~ t i-Pr
~ h +
ee 90 - 95%
Figure 3.22
give a-stannyl alcohols with excellent enantioselectivity [S3] (Figure 3.23). Reduc-
tions of trifluoromethylarylketones occur with poor enantiomeric excesses with the
exception of 2,2,2-trifluoromethylanthrone [CMl]. To overcome the disappointing
results that are usually obtained in reductions of dialkylketones, crown-ether groups
have been introduced on Binal and preliminary results are promising [YUl].
Tartaric acid derivatives (TADDOLs) and a hexamethoxy substituted 1,l'-bi-
phenol give rise to reagents having similar potential [BD3, RMl].
Among the chiral borohydrides, ate complexes generated from a-pinene, such as
Alpine-hydride 3.64 and related reagents, reduce 2-octanone or acetylcyclohexane
R = n-Bu, I, Br, C-C5H9,r)(
R'= Me, n-C5H,I
R = Me, Et, n-C$I, i-PI
Figure 3.23
at - 100°C with a high enantiomeric excess [BJ2, BR4, WR51. A reagent generated
from N-benzoylcysteine 3.65, t-BuOH, and LiBH, reduces arylalkylketones to (R)-
alcohols with a 90% ee [NNI, SY21. Similar selectivities are observed with Li
glucoride 3.66 derived from diacetoneglucose [BPI, NNI]. NaBH,-tartaric acid
also gives interesting results, but only with ketones functionalized in the a- or
P-position with chelating residues such as OR, esters, or amides [Y03]. The reduc-
tion of some arylketones with alkali borohydrides in the presence of catalytic
amounts of chiral (P-oxoa1diminato)-cobalt complexes gives secondary alcohols
with a high ee [NY2]. NaBH,-(R)- or (S)-t-leucine in the presence of AcOH pro-
motes the enantio- and stereoselective reduction of a prochiral ketone, precursor of
diltiazem, a drug [YMl].
Borane derivatives have been widely developed for asymmetric reductions [BR4,
DS5, N5, NN1, S3, S4]. Although isopinocampheylborane 3.67 and diisopinocam-
pheylborane 3.68 are good asymmetric hydroborating agents, they proved unsat-
isfactory as chiral reducing agents of prochiral ketones [BJl, BR4]. While NaBH, in
the presence of P-cyclodextrins gave disappointing results, pyridine-borane under
such conditions reduces PhCOMe and PhCH2CH2COMe with 90% ee [SI2]. The
asymmetric reduction of aralkylketones by BH, in the presence of chiral ami-
noalcohols such as 3.69 was discovered by Itsuno in 1981 [DS5, IN1, IS1, IS2,
NN1, S4]. These reductions occur near room temperature, giving ee's greater than
95%. The selectivity is lower with dialkylketones (55-73%). Itsuno and co-workers
developed this methodology using, among other things, polymer-supported ami-
noalcohols [DS5]. In 1987, Corey and co-workers [CB2, CB31 demonstrated that
Itsuno's reagent was indeed an ate complex 3.70 of an oxazaborolidine and BH,.
These authors broadened the scope of application of these systems (CBS reagents)
designing new oxazaborolidines [DS5, S4, WM2] and showing that they could be
used in catalytic amounts with the achiral reducing co-reagents being BH,.THF
[CC3, CG6, CK6, CL2, CL10, CR2] or catecholborane [CB4, CH6, CL2, CL6, CL7,
CL91. Corey's oxazaborolines 3.71 are stable, and they bear the (R)- or (S)-proline
skeleton. Several synthetic pathways have been described [CLlO, MJ1, S41, as has
the preparation of crystalline borane complex of (S)-3.71 (Ar = Ph, R = Me)
[MT6]. This complex has been characterized by X-ray crystallography [CA3, MT61.
Chiral reductions are now quite common with these reagents when used either in
stoichiometric amounts [CT4, MT6, SCl] or in catalytic amounts in the presence of
BH,.THF, catecholborane [G6, GB6, QW1, SK.51, or BH3.Me2Sas achiral reducing
co-reagent [DS6, JM3, N5, S5, SC1, SM6, TA3, TB1, YL41. The asymmetric
reduction of aldehydes, various ketones, a-enones, and a-ynones usually take place
with an excellent enantiomeric excess [BB13, CL2, CL6, CR2, CT4, DS5, DK2,
GB6, MT6, NN1, PL2, S4, SM6, WM2] (Figure 3.24). The reduction of ketones is
carried out between -20°C and r.t., while that of aldehydes requires - 126°C for a
good asymmetric induction.
Both enantiomeric (R)- and (S)-oxazaborolidines are available; so it is possible to
obtain at will either enantiomeric alcohol. The selectivity depends upon the geome-
try of the complex formed by coordination of the carbonyl oxygen to the Lewis
acidic heterocyclic boron atom, complex 3.72 being favored. The catalytic cycle is
shown in Figure 3.25.
The Ar and R substituents in 3.71 that give the best results vary from case to case.
Moreover, catecholborane is less reactive than borane; therefore, it must be used
when the carbonyl compounds are sufficiently reactive (for example, aldehydes or
trihalomethylketones) and the reduction is only performed via the chiral reagent.
(Ar = 2-Np, R = Me or n-Bu)
R = H, Me, C1, Br, MeOCOCH2CH2
> 95%
as above
R = c-C,H, ,t-Bu
80 98% L
as above
(k= 2 - N p , . ~= n-Bu)
R = n-C,H,,, c-C6H,,, Ph, 4-BrC6H,
(S)-3.71, BH3*THF
(Ar = Ph, R = Me)
Figure 3.24
Catecholborane, as an achiral co- reagent, has also been recommended for the
reductions of ketophosphonates [ML2, ML41, a P-aminosubstituted or-enone [Loll,
cyclopropylisopropylketone3.73, some cobaltcarbonyl complexed ynones 3.74, and
unsymmetrically substituted benzophenones 3.75 [CH6, CH7] (Figure 3.26). The
reduction of 2,2-diphenylcyclopentanone3.76 by (S)-3.71 (Ar = Ph, R = Me) leads
Figure 3.25
as above, toluene
88 90%
as above, toluene A rAA r'
ee 81 95%
Figure 3.26
ished [WD2, WM21, or rigidified by fusion of an aromatic ring [WM2] have been
proposed. Diethanolamines gave disappointing results [DF2], as did (1R,2S)-nor-
ephedrine grafted on polymer [CC6, CE3, DL31. Reductions of arylalkylketones
with reagents generated from (S)-prolinol3.77 [BM5], cis-1-amino-2-indanols 3.78
[DL3, DS7, HG2] and indolinemethanols 3.79 [KP3] give selectivities similar to
those obtained in reductions with reagents generated from 3.71. From methionine or
cysteine, sulfur-substituted amino alcohols 3.80 and 3.81 have been prepared
[MM6, MM71. The corresponding oxazaborolidines, generated in situ with
BH,-THF, also reduce arylalkylketones with an excellent ee. Interesting reagents
were obtained from (1S,2R)- and (lR,2S)-2-amino- l,2-diphenylethanol 3.82. The
corresponding oxazaborolidines 3.83, (R = Me, n-Bu, or Ph) were prepared in the
usual fashion. Used in catalytic amounts in the presence of BH,.Me,S at room
temperature, these reagent effect the reduction of various ketones with useful ee's
[QW2] (Figure 3.27). Reagent 3.83 (R = H) is prepared in situ. One advantage of
such reagents is the good enantiomeric excess obtained in the reduction of
acetylpyridines, although higher amounts of BH,.THF must be used (Figure 3.27).
(R,S)-3.83 has also been used in stoichiometric amounts in the presence of
BH,.Me,S to reduce symmetrical diketones 3.84 to (S,S)-diols, which are formed
along with about 15% of one meso isomers [QKl] (Figure 3.27). (R)- and (S)-1-
R = H, Me, n-Bu, Ph R = Me, t-Bu, CH2CI
> 90% C
as above R q e
R = n-C4H9,t-Bu, Me2NCH2 ee 75 - 92%
> 90%
as above
as above
n = 2,3,4 ee 92 - 94%
Figure 3.27
3.87 3.88
R = Me, n-C5Hl,, n-C6H13
R'= PhCH2, t-BuCH2, i-Pr, i-Bu, c-C6Hl,, t-Bu
Figure 3.28
borane is generated in situ from NaBH, and Me3SiC1 [BS7]. Under various condi-
tions, the results are not better than those obtained with 3.71. N-Sulfonylox-
azaborolidines give lower enantiomeric excess [OIl],
Chiral titanates have also been used as additives in the reduction of acetophenone
by catecholborane. At best, the ee was 80% [GDl].
Another method of asymmetric reduction of unsymmetrical dialkylketones is to
use chiral borane 3.87 [IT2, NNl, S3, S4] (Figure 3.28). As shown by Masamune
and co-workers, asymmetric induction occurs by coordination of the carbonyl group
of the ketone to mesylate 3.88, which is present in catalytic amounts. This is
followed by hydride transfer in such a fashion that steric interactions are minimized
(Figure 3.28). However, the chiral reducing agent has to be used in stoichiometric
Borane in the presence of (R)-binaphthol-La(0-i-Pr), reduces various ketones
but with a low ee [ZYI]. Other chiral boranes can be used to carry out enantioselec-
tive reductions [ACl, BP2, BR4, DS5, M2, NNl, S3, S4], but the transferred
hydride comes from the carbon skeleton; therefore, these reagents are outside the
scope of this book,
anti SYn
Zn (BH4),-Et20, O°C 85 15
LAH-Et 20 70 30
Figure 3.29
the solvent. In this way, the stereoselectivity of the reduction can be modulated
[EGl, G5, N5, R4, S3] (see the following).
The stereoselectivity of the reduction of a-hydroxyketones [ONl, PR41, a-ketoe-
thers [B2, CN2, El, KT1, MK2, R o l l , and a-epoxy ketones [B2, BB6, El, ON1,
RC3, TF21 has been reexamined, and conditions have been described that allow the
highly stereoselective synthesis of each diastereomeric alcohol. Thus the reduction
of an a-ketoalcohol 3.89 by Zn(BH,), in Et,O leads to the anti diol with good
selectivity [ONl]. When one uses LAH in Et20, this selectivity is lower. On the
other hand, the reduction of the corresponding silyl ether 3.90 by Red-A1 in toluene
gives predominantly the silyl ether of the corresponding syn isomer [ONl], which,
in the presence of n-Bu,NF, generates the syn diol. (Figure 3.29).
In the first case, chelation between the carbonyl group and the zinc atom of the
alcoholate that is formed facilitates a cyclic transition state 3.91 (Cram cyclic
model), the hydride being subsequently transferred to the side bearing the least
bulky substituent H. In the second case, one can propose a Felkin-Anh transition
model 3.19, with the most polar group (P) being OSiR, and the smallest one (S)
being H (Figure 3.29). Again, according to steric hindrance and conformational
effects, the reductions can be more or less stereoselective [SK4].
CZH5+ LAH c 2 H 5 w +c2Hr*
Me OR' Me OR' Me OR'
Figure 3.30
The possibility of chelation at the transition state can also be envisioned during
the reduction of the a-alkoxyketones RCOCH(OR1)R". This depends above all on
the nature of the R ' group. If this group is PhCH,OCH, or MeOCH,, chelation may
take place. On the other hand, as seen in the reduction of 3.90 when R' = SiPh,-
r-Bu, chelation does not take place and the Felkin-Anh model applies. If R' = alkyl,
the reductions are slightly stereoselective. The stereoselectivity of the reduction of
3.92 according to R' is a striking example of this dichotomy [OM11 (Figure 3.30).
Similar results have been obtained starting from the alkynylketones [TMI]. In
certain cases, the stereoselectivity is low in the presence of Zn(BH,),, but this can
be enhanced by using an excess of DIBAH, which is a stronger Lewis acid and a
bulkier reagent (Figure 3.30). Comparable results have been obtained with the
nonracemic acyl-4-butanolides 3.93 [LL2] (Figure 3.30) and other chiral a-alkoxy-
ketones [GB4].
In contrast, 2-methoxy-l,2-diphenylethanoneis reduced to the anti a-methoxy
alcohol with good stereoselectivity whatever the reducing agent (LAH, DIBAH,
NaBH,, or K(s-Bu),BH [FH4]. Epoxy ketones such as 3.94 are also reduced highly
stereoselectively by NaBH,-CeC1, [BB6], NaBH,-CaCl,, or LaCl, [TF2] (Figure
3.30). NaBH,-SmCI, can also be used to reduce a-alkoxyketones or their precursors
[YNI]. A chelate is formed around the metal and reduction occurs from the least
hindered side.
The reduction of aminoketones by LAH, LTBA, and borohydrides has been well
studied [N5, T21. Highly stereoselective reductions have been observed in certain
cases [BLl, El, KL5, T2]. As early as 1972, it was shown that the reduction of
a-aminoketones by LAH in Et20 could be highly stereoselective. According to the
size of the nitrogen substituent of 3.95, the reduction takes place either with or
without chelation control [DD3] (Figure 3.31). Similar results were observed with
a-aminocyclanones [T2].
The reduction of 2-acyl-1,3-oxathianes such as 3.96 (X = S) or of 2-acyl-3-oxa-
N-benzylpiperidines 3.96 (X = NCH2Ph) can also take place with or without
chelation control [El, EF1, EH2, KE1, KF41. In cases of chelation control, the
oxygen atom of the heterocycle participates in the chelation process (Figure 3.32).
When the reaction is carried out with Li(s-Bu),BH in the presence of LiI as an
additive, the reduction occurs under chelation control. However, when using two
equivalents of DIBAH, each of them coordinates to a one basic site, and no chela-
tion takes place. The use of these chiral auxiliaries allows the synthesis of non-
racemic a-hydroxyaldehydes or a-hydroxyesters with a high enantiomeric excess
[NNl, 531.
This method can also be applied to a-phenylthioketones 3.97. Their reduction by
Li(s-Bu),BH leads very selectively to the syn isomer, whereas Zn(BH,), preferen-
tially gives the anti isomer with lower stereoselectivity [SMl] (Figure 3.32). The
problem of the reduction of 2-methylthiocyclohexanones has also been examined
Other additives can induce the formation of chelates. a-Phosphinyloxyketones
3.98 undergo a stereoselective reduction to anti alcohols with NaBH,-CeCl, in
Figure 3.31
Li s-Bu3BH
Lil, toluene, -78OC 91 -98
DIBAH 2 eq.
toluene, -78OC 9-11
RJ$Rl -
SMe or SPh
SMe or SPh
SMe or SPh
Figure 3.32
MeOH or LiBH4-TiC1, [BBI I] provided that Rr is bulky, while syn alcohols are
obtained without CeCl, [CW3, EWI, HJ51 (Figure 3.33). Hydroxy substituents on
R' can induce good stereoselectivity [CW3, GW2]. a'-Phosphinyloxy-a-enones
3.99 do not suffer a stereoselective reduction by NaBH4-CeCl, unless the R" group
is bulky enough (i-Pr, cyclohexyl). In these reactions the anti isomer is predominant,
in agreement with a chelated transition state [CW3, EHI] (Figure 3.33). The exten-
sion of this method to a-phosphinoxyketones bearing an oxazolidine substituent has
&.- COOMe
90 - 96%
Figure 3.34
K S-Bu3BH-THF,-78OC 21 79
Red-Al-THF, -78OC 16 84
Figure 3.35
LiBr leads selectively to one of the diastereomers [SIl], but with DIBAH, the
reduction appears to be less selective (Figure 3.35). The most interesting results are
obtained if the heterocycle carries two methoxymethyl [KF3] or CH,OMEM groups
[KF5] such as in 3.104 (Figure 3.35). The reaction of Zn(BH,), is not stereoselec-
tive, whereas the use of NaBH, or KBH, in i-PrOH is clearly less interesting than
that of LiEt,BH. If one employs a secondary cyclic amide such as 3.105, the
stereoselectivity is low [OSl] (Figure 3.35). When the reductions are carried out at
low temperature or at O°C, the amides are not affected (Section 3.2.8).
Stereocontrolled aldol reactions have been the subject of many recent studies
[H4, KW4, P21, and the reduction of P-hydroxyketones or their ethers to 1,3-diols
has been extensively studied. This reduction can be extremely stereoselective. Thus,
from P-hydroxyketones, one obtains syn diols very selectively either by the action
of DIBAH in THF or Et,O at low temperature [KK4, M6, PC4, SL2] or with
LiAlH,-LiI in Et,O at - 100°C [MK4]. Syn diols may also be obtained after the
initial formation of an alkyl borate 3.106 with n-Bu,B, Et,B, BJ6, KPI, NPl] or
better yet Et,BOMe [CG4, CH1, HH4, PC31, and subsequent reaction with NaBH,
in THF (Figure 3.36). The diol is obtained after H,O,-NaOH treatment. An im-
provement to this method is the use of n-Bu,BOMe in THF-MeOH, followed by
PhCHzO - 82%
as above
Figure 3.36
reduction with LiBH, at -78°C [PC4, PP51. In some cases, the reaction is poorly
stereoselective so that the aldol borate 3.106 (R" = c-C,H, ,) obtained by reaction of
an aldehyde with a boron enolate is directly reduced in situ by LiBH,, leading thus
to a higher selectivity [PC4, PP5] (Figure 3.36). The reduction of trifluoro P-ketoal-
cohols 3.107 by DIBAH also leads very stereoselectively to syn diols [LY 11 (Figure
3.36). Provided that the ketone is substituted by large groups, such as 3.108 or
AcOH-MeCN, -40°C
Figure 3.37
M e 4 ~ ( ~ ~ c ) 3 ~ g
Figure 3.38
bh0 gH
I: !,
3.116 3.117
Figure 3.39
?i!m2ph de > 98%
Figure 3.40
q z t - B u 90% QH 0SiMe2f-Bu
~e Me
86 - 94%
R TiC14-Et4NCNBH3-CH2C12,
R = Ph, t-Bu
Figure 3.4 1
LTBA-THF, -30°C 98
LTBA-TiC14-CH2C13 25°C 3
. > 95%
de 94%
Figure 3.43
isomer [IKl, ON11 (Figure 3.44) from racernic or nonracemic series. Similarly,
P-keto-N-acyloxazolidinones3.130 are stereoselectively reduced to syn alcohols by
Zn(BH,), in CH2Cl, [NFI] (Figure 3.44).
As before, when the cation associated with the reducing agent or when the
reagent itself is a strong Lewis acid, one can consider a chelated transition-state
model 3.131 (Figure 3.45). In the absence of chelation, a Felkin-Anh transition-
state model 3.19 is envisioned. The attack of the hydride takes place on the face
opposite to the most polar (P) group, in this case, the ester or amide group (Figure
3.45). When the reduction is carried out with LiEt3BH, the results (low stereoselec-
tivity) show that the two possible transition-state models can be considered. Chela-
tion control operates during the reduction of cyclic ketoamides such as 3.132 by Li
(s-Bu),BH in THF at low temperature. The observed stereoselectivity is opposite to
that using K(s-Bu),BH in Et20 at 20°C (Figure 3.45). Other reagents are less
selective. Chelation is favored by entropic effects due to the lowering of the tem-
perature [PAI]. Similar results have been obtained for related cases [SK2].
Other substituents in the vicinity of the ketone group can also influence the
stereochemical course of the reduction. An OMe group or a fluorine atom at the
Figure 3.44
Me& M e
~h H
&I H Ph
zn(BH4)z-THF 6
K3H4-MeOH 84
R = F, OMe
Figure 3.45
3.135 ZnC1Z-Zn(BH4)z
toluene, -78OC 92 8
OAl s-Buz
Figure 3.46
Other examples were described in similar systems [GP2, KK12, R5] and with
N-sulfamides, where chelation involves one of the SO residues [MP3].
P-Ketosulfoxides 3.140 can be reduced in a stereoselective fashion and, depend-
ing on the conditions chosen (i.e., DIBAH or DIBAH-ZnCl,), they can lead to
either of the two possible diastereoisomers [CDI, CG5, KK3, SDI, SGI, SS6]
(Figure 3.48). The transition-state models 3.141 and 3.142 for this reduction are
chelated, and the hydride attacks the carbonyl on the face opposite to the tolyl group
(Figure 3.48). ZnC1, can be used in catalytic amounts [SS6]. The interest in these
reductions lies in the access to chiral alcohols after the cleavage of the C-S bond
by aluminum amalgam. Starting from these types of compounds, one can also obtain
chiral epoxides and lactones. This methodology has often been used in the synthesis
of drugs or natural products [BL3, S6, SA2, SS71. It has also been applied to the
stereoselective reductions of different P-sulfoxides [CC7, LT21.
The reduction of ketosulfoxides by BH,.THF, Zn(BH,), in Et,O-THF, LTBA in
Et,O, or NaBH, in EtOH is poorly stereoselective [KK3, GPI], as is the reduction
of chiral ketosulfoximines [JS3]. The stereoselective reduction of chiral P-ketosul-
fones has been described [BB12].
Long-range chelation control has been observed in the reduction of y-ketobor-
onates 3.143 and 3.144 [CM2, MB3, MB4] (Figure 3.49). Among the various
h J y COOH
DIBAH-ZnCl2,b hJ+C0OH Me
toluene-THF, -78°C
3.137 de 98%
LTBA-THF, 0°C 85
Ks-Bu3BH-THF, -78°C 3
Figure 3.47
reagents tried, BH,.SMe, gave the best selectivities. These results have been inter-
preted in terms of intermolecular hydride delivery on a boron chelate [CM2], al-
though the hypothetical intermediate 3.145 could not be observed by IR or NMR
spectroscopy [MB3] (Figure 3.49). The formation of a bicyclic metal chelate species
has also been proposed to interpret the stereoselectivity of the reduction of 3.146 by
(R)-Alpine hydride or Zn(BH,), [ZCl, ZH2] (Figure 3.49).
When the ketones to be reduced are substituted by several groups capable of
chelating the reducing agent or the associated cation, the reactions are only slightly
stereoselective unless one of the groups bears a substituent that disfavors chelation.
The reduction of aminoketoesters 3.147 is poorly selective except if R' = CH,Ph
[R4] and if the reduction is performed in a slightly acidic medium [GB 1, GB3, RD 11
(Figure 3.50). Chelation with nitrogen is prevented in acid, and reduction takes
place preferentially on a rigid chelate system with hydrogen bonding involving the
ketone and the ester groups. An analogous example is compound 3.148, whose
reduction is not stereoselective in neutral media [OF11 (Figure 3.50). A similar
stereoselectivity towards the syn isomer has been observed in the reduction of
2-methyl-2-thiophenyl-p-ketoesters by Ca(BH4)2in MeOH-THF [SS4]. Similarly,
only Li(s-Bu),BH in THF selectively reduces the multifunctional compound 3.149,
wherein the transition state concerned is of the Felkin-Anh type [MTl]. Similar
results are obtained for other aminoketones 3.150 that lead predominantly to syn
isomers with Li or K(s-Bu),BH in THF and to anti isomers with LiBH, in i-PrOH
Figure 3.48
[RRl] (Figure 3.50). The use of unsymmetrical ketodiethers such as 3.151 also
allows the stereoselective reduction of the carbonyl group under chelation control.
Their reduction by DIBAH-MgBr, in diethylether leads selectively to one di-
astereoisomer 3.152 because chelation does not take place with the bulky OSiPh,-
t-Bu group. The best results are obtained when R' is 4-MeOC,H,CH20CH, [BG4,
GB7] (Figure 3.50).
Similar observations have been made concerning the reduction of P-pyrid-
ylketosulfoxides [GPI]. Some stereoselective reductions have been performed when
substituents able to induce chelation are located on each side of the carbonyl group
[HJ4, MS4, MT31.
71 92% OAc y e
R 1- BH3.THF, -78°C
2- H202,NaOH de 90 - 98%
3- AcZO
R = Me, Et, i-Pr, Ph
2- H202,NaOH
ee 92 - 98%
0 0
3,2.5 Esters, Ladones, and Thiolerters: ~q,R-(
Esters and lactones can be partially reduced with the participation of a single
hydride. Starting from esters, aldehydes are formed via the corresponding hemiace-
tals. Starting from lactones, the products are generally lactols (Figure 3.5 1).
These transformations are still difficult to realize in practice. LTBA in THF at
0°C sometimes allows phenyl esters to be transformed to aldehydes with good
yields, while the reaction of aliphatic esters is much slower [BIG, C5, M3] (Figure
3.52). Aluminum bis(N-methy1piperazino)hydnde in THF at 25OC allows this trans-
formation to take place starting from alkyl esters [C5, H3, M3]. The use of LAH in
the presence of diethylamine in pentane has been proposed for monoreduction of
esters [CKl, CK31. Na(Et,N),AlH seems more useful; alkyl esters are transformed
into the corresponding aldehydes in THF at -78°C [CK5] (Figure 3.52). Sodium
diethylpiperidinohydroaluminate reduces ethyl esters of aromatic acids to aldehydes
in good yields at 0°C in THF-toluene. However, esters of aliphatic acids give
mixtures of aldehydes and alcohols, while lactones are not transformed into lactols
under these conditions [YA2].
DIBAH in toluene at low temperature in stoichiometnc amounts is often recom-
mended for carrying out the reduction of saturated esters to corresponding al-
de 80 - 92%
R = n-Bu, CH2=CHCH2,i-Pr, Ph, CH2=CH,CH2=C(Me)
Figure 3.50
dehydes [C5, K2, W1, YGl] (Figure 3.52). In the presence of o-anisidine, yields are
improved [KK9]. The reduction is compatible with an a-SePh substituent, whose
absolute configuration in a chiral molecule is retained [DDl]. Use of i-Bu,AlD
leads to deuterated aldehydes [KWl] (Figure 3.52). The intermediate hemiacetal
may, in some cases, be reacted in situ with another reagent [DRl]. For example,
protected a-amino esters 3.152 react sequentially with DIBAH or i-Bu,Al-DIBAH
and then with PhMgBr. This process provides the corresponding a-amino akohols
in excellent chemical yield with good stereoselectivity [PP2] (Figure 3.52). A simi-
lar two-step process can also be realized by reduction of ethyl esters by limited
amounts of LiBH, in the presence of an organomagnesium reagent [CH2] (Figure
Figure 3.51
The reaction of DIBAH with ketones is, however, more rapid. The selective
reductions of ketoesters (Section 3.2.4) have already been described. Moreover,
a$-unsaturated esters give rise to allylic alcohols, even if a less than stoichiometric
amount of reagent is used (Section 3.2.9).
Reductions of lactones, under the same conditions, or in Et,O, lead to the come-
sponding lactols [BG5, DT2, M3, SY4, Wl], as shown in Figure 3.53. One of
Corey's early syntheses of prostaglandins involves the reduction by DIBAH of
lactone 3.152a [W 11, followed by a Wittig reaction, which can be carried out
directly on the lactol. The reduction of multifunctional lactone 3.153 respects the
integrity of the other groups [WVl] (Figure 3.53). Thiolesters are also reduced by
DIBAH in toluene at low temperature into aldehydes [GM2, GW4]. Under these
conditions, the 1,3-oxazoline functionality of 3.154 remains untouched (Figure
3.53). Sia,BH reduces lactones to lactol borates, which, after hydrolysis, give
y-hydroxyaldehydes [BK5] (Figure 3.53).
Esters and lactones are reduced to alcohols or diols by numerous reagents (Figure
3.54). LAH in ethers and on silica gel converts these groups to alcohols resulting
from a double reduction. At low temperature, a mixture of aldehydes and alcohols is
usually obtained [BK5, H3, KH2, M3]. Reduction of ethyl trans-3,4-epoxycyclo-
pentanecarboxylate to the corresponding alcohol, without epoxide ring opening can
be performed with 0.5 equiv. LAH in THF at -78°C [MN2]. The reduction of esters
by LAH may allow alcohols to be prepared from acetates. This is a useful method
for acetate cleavage when hydrolysis would induce side reactions, such as epimeriz-
ation (Section 2.2). An example is given in Figure 3.54 for the reduction of 3.154
NaAlH, [CB5] or LAH-N-methylpyrrolidine [FSI] is also an efficient reducing
agent, as is excess AlH,.Et,N [CB7]. All these reductions are run in THF at 0°C or
at r.t. Ate complexes formed from DIBAH and n-BuLi in THF-hexane at r.t. also
give alcohols from esters [KAI]. Red-A1 in petroleum ether allows the selective
reduction of long-chain bromoesters to bromoalcohols [W8].
Since LTBA reacts slowly with esters at low temperature, selective reductions of
ketones can be performed [KW5, M3]. AlH, also reduces esters to alcohols [BK5],
67-70% RCHO
RCOO alkyl
65 95%
-COOEt -as above OHC
p h 2 c = ~ A ~ ~ ~
\ 1
3.152 CH2Ci2,-78°C R
R = H, Me, PhCH2
global yield PhMgBr then
75 - 86% H,O+
61 - 74% THF, -20°C
R = PhCH2CH2,Ph R' = Me, Et, n-Bu, i-Pr, Ph
Figure 3-52
as does LiBH, in hot DME or LiBH, in refluxing Et,O or in THF at r.t. [BK5, BS1,
PWl]. The reduction requires electrophilic assistance since it is faster with LiBH,
when the solvent is not a good solvating agent of the cation: Et,O > THF DME-
> i-PrOH [BNl]. It is therefore possible to perform the selective reduction of the
keto group of a-ketoester 3.155 by LiBH, in THF at -78"C, while both functional
J-&IM~ 93% t
groups of 3.156 are reduced at r.t. [PWl] (Figure 3.54). Other examples have been
given in Section 3.2.4. As acids are inert to LiBH,, it is possible with this reagent to
reduce selectively the ester group of hemiesters of diacids [BG2, BK5, OKl].
LiBH, can be generated in situ from NaBH4-LiC1 in THF-EtOH [HIl, HS41. With
this system, chiral amino esters can be reduced to amino alcohols without epimeriz-
ation [JF2]. Ca(BH4),, formed from CaC1, and NaBH, in aqueous ethanol, can also
be used for this purpose [BR3, HC2, LRl]. This reagent does not reduce alkali
carboxylates; so it is possible to perform selective reduction of the ester group of
3.157, which is followed by lactonization in situ [LRl]. Similarly, N-(ethoxycar-
bony1)amino esters are reduced to N-(ethoxycarbonyl)amino alcohols [LM3]. The
selective reduction of an ester functionality in the presence of a secondary tosylate
can be performed with LiBH,-LiBEt,H in Et,O-THF at O°C [AS]].
The reduction of esters by LiBH, can be accelerated by the addition of other
Lewis acids such as Et,B [YP2], B(OMe), [BN3], or methanol [S03]. In the last
case the reduction is carried out under reflux in Et,O in the presence of 4 equiva-
lents of MeOH. Acid, C1, and NO, groups remain unchanged under these condi-
~ C H ~ P ~
PhCOO 78% *
Figure 3.54
LiBuBH, reduces esters in Et,O at O°C, but leaves them untouched in toluene-
hexane at -78°C [KM2]. Lithium trialkylborohydrides as well as lithium ami-
noborohydrides in THF transform esters to alcohols and lactones to diols [BK5,
FH51. Steric hindrance around ester groups can allow the regioselective reduction of
the least hindered functional group of an unsymmetrically substituted diester by
LiEt3BH in THF at 0°C [FRl]. An ester group can be reduced in the presence of an
amide or a carbamate [TY3]; the reduction of 3.158 illustrates this compatibility
(Figure 3.55). KEt,BH in THF at r.t. reduces esters quickly enough to leave epox-
ides, amides, and nitriles unchanged [YYI I. Moreover, K(s-Bu),BH in THF at 0°C
3.161 reflux
R = Me, Ph R'= Me, Et, n-BU
5°C H2N
-@ COOEt
Me Me
> 95%
))) - OCOPh
Figure 3.55
reduces lactones to diols faster than PhCOOEt or ethyl caproate [YH2]. However, at
-78"C, lactones are left unchanged, thereby allowing the selective reduction of the
keto group of 9-0x0-7-tetradecen-13-olide 3.159 by K(s-Bu),BH [KWS] (Figure
n-Bu,NBH, in CH2C12 does not react with esters [RGl], and reductions by
NaBH, in alcohols or on alumina are very slow (Section 3.2.1). However, 2,4-
dinitrophenyl esters 3.160 are easily reduced to alcohols [PSI] (Figure 3.55). This
reduction takes place in the presence of ethylene glycol oligomers at 80°C [SFl].
Reduction can also be accomplished in the presence of additives. The action of
NaBH, on esters in THF or refluxing t-BuOH in the presence of MeOH [Sol], or in
refluxing EtOH [OS3], or even in water [BP3] leads to the corresponding alcohols.
Under these conditions, primary amides, acids, and NO, groups remain inert. Thus,
starting from ketoesters 3.161, one can obtain diols [SO21 (Figure 3.55). NaBH, in
EtOH allows the selective reduction of the less sterically hindered ester group of
diester 3.162, while LiBH,, DIBAH, or Selectrides are unable to differentiate them
[BH6] (Figure 3.555).
Moreover, a-cyano-a-epoxy esters are easily reduced to a-cyano-a-epoxy alco-
hols by NaBH, in aqueous THF [MR4]. Ethanedithiol can also be an additive for the
reduction of esters by NaBH,, except t-butyl esters. Nitrile groups remain unper-
turbed under these conditions [GEI]. Methyl benzoate is reduced to benzylalcohol
by NaBH,-ZrC1, in THF [ISl].
Esters are much less sensitive than ketones to Zn(BH,), or cyanoborohydrides
[PSI], and the selective reduction of the ketone groups of a- and P-ketoesters can be
accomplished without problems (Section 3.2.4). Moreover, Zn(BH,), in DME under
sonication reduces acetates or cyclohexanecarboxylates while benzoates are left
untouched [R3]. The chemoselective reduction of the acetate residue of 3.163 can be
performed under these conditions (Figure 3.55).
BH,.THF or BH,.SMe, reacts very slowly with esters in THF at room tempera-
ture even in the presence of amino alcohols [BK5, IWI, L2, PSI]. Under reflux,
BH,.SMe, reduces esters to alcohols [BCl], as does the in situ generated borane
[BB7]. Nevertheless, a-hydroxyesters can be reduced at room temperature by
BH3.SMe2 in THF in the presence of a catalytic amount of NaBH,. The selective
reduction of 3.164 is an example of this reaction [SHl] (Figure 3.55). y-Carboxyes-
ters also undergo reduction of the ester group by BH3.SMe2 [FC2]. The reduction of
esters to alcohols by catecholborane also takes place in refluxing THF [KB7].
Most acyloxyboranes [MMI] and aminoboranes [All do not react either with
esters or with lactones. However, Ph2NH.BH3reduces aliphatic esters [CUI]. Sub-
stituted boranes are more efficient. 9-BBN reduces esters under reflux in THF
[PSI], while ThexBHCl gives rise to alcohols with heating [BN5]. Finally, the ate
complex Li 9-BBNH reduces esters to alcohols and lactones to diols. Acids, amides,
nitriles, and halogenated derivatives remain intact under these conditions [BMl].
It has clearly been emphasized that ketones are'reduced more rapidly than esters
(Section 3.2.4). It is nevertheless possible to reduce ketoesters such as 3.165 to
corresponding ketoalcohols [BH2, KF2] by forming the corresponding lithium enol-
ates in a first step (Figure 3.56). The limitation of the method is the stability of the
Figure 3.56
enolates formed and the need for the absence of labile hydrogen at the a position of
the ester group. Competitive enolization decreases the yield for reduction of malo-
nates to 1,3-diols. In this case, good reagents for avoiding this side reaction are
electrophilic hydrides such as AlH, or, better, DIBAH in THF [CE2]. The reduction
of bromoesters 3.166 to bromoalcohols by AlH, in Et,O leaves the carbon-halogen
bonds unchanged [BK5, E2] (Figure 3.56).
Thiolesters (RCOSEt) are reduced to alcohols by LiBH, in Et,O or by an excess
of n-Bu,NBH, in refluxing CHCl,, but are inert in the presence of borane [KH5,
LL41. Dithioesters and thioxoesters are reduced to thiols by BH,,Me,S [JS4].
Thex BHCbMe 2S-CH2C12,
20°C *Q CN
Thex BHCI-Me 2S-CH2C12,
Thex BHCbMe 2S-CH2C15
Figure 3.57
piperidinoaluminate does not reduce acids [YA2]. With a limited amount of LAH,
cyclic anhydrides can be reduced to lactones at low temperature [M3] (Figure 3.58).
Reductions with LiBH, in THF at 25OC [Nl], NaBH, in THF at 25°C in the
presence of methanol added dropwise, DIBAH in the presence of n-BuLi [KAI], or
lithium trialkylborohydrides in THF [BK6] also lead to lactones. The enantioselec-
tive reduction of meso anhydrides such as 3.167 can be performed with Binal [MI21
(Figure 3.58).
The reduction of unsymmetrical anhydrides is regioselective: Hydride attack
takes place on the carbonyl group that is vicinal to the most substituted carbon, as
X = 0, CH2, CHzCHz
Figure 3.58
Figure 3-59
shown in Figure 3.59 [KMl, M3, VNl]. Similar results are also obtained with
aspartic anhydride [MH4]. NaBH, in DMF may lead to the same regioisomer [BJ2].
However, bulky complex metal hydrides such as K or Li(s-Bu),BH lead to a
complete reversal of regioselectivity [M3] (Figure 3.59). For example, alkoxy-
substituted phthalic anhydride 3.168 lead regioselectively to the lactone resulting
from reduction of the carbonyl group that is away from the OMe group (Figure
3.59). Contrary to another report [MM4], NaBH, and LiBH, in THF are poorly
regioselective in this case.
An easy and clean method of reducing acids to alcohols consists of transforming
them into mixed carboxylic-carbonic anhydrides by reaction with ClCOOEt-Et,N.
These are easily reduced by NaBH, in THF, sometimes in the presence of MeOH or
by borohydride exchange resin-Ni(OAc),. This method does not affect double
bonds or NO,, CN, CONH,, and COOR groups, as shown in Figure 3.60 [BM9,
IK2, SYl]. It can be applied to N-protected anhydrides of amino acids, leading thus
to N-protected 1,2-amino alcohols [FC3, K5, RLl]. In the presence of MeOH, the
reduction takes place at 1O0C, and aromatic halides are not affected [SY I] (Figure
In certain cases, reduction of mixed anhydrides of unsaturated acid such as 3.169
by NaBH, can be delicate [JUl]. NaBH,-CeCl, in MeOH does not appear to be
efficient, as the formation of the methyl ester hinders the reduction. The use of
NaBH,-SmI, in THF leads to the expected allylic alcohol (Figure 3.60). Some
H NEt3, 0°C H
2- NaBH4-Sm13-THF,
3.169 5 - 15°C
Figure 3.60
authors have recommended the use of mixed carboxylic phosphoric anhydrides, but
the yields are not very high [KY 11.
A method involving the in situ transformation of carboxylic acids into
acylfluorides that are reduced by NaBH, in MeOH has been recently proposed
Carboxylic acids are not reduced by alkali borohydrides [BK5], ami-
noborohydrides [FH5], trialkylborohydrides [BIG], 9-BBN, or Sia,BH at room
temperature [BIG], or by the acyloxyboranes [HM 1, GNl]. The activation of LiBH,
by MeOH in refluxing THF induces the reduction of carboxylic acids to alcohols
[S03], but in the presence of B(OMe),, the reduction is incomplete [BN3]. NaBH4-
ZrC1, in THF also reduces benzoic acid to benzyl alcohol [ISl], while NaBH4-
TiCl, in DME [KT21 or (i-PrO),TiBH, in CH,Cl, [RC2] transforms all acids into
alcohols. The reduction of acids into alcohols can be performed by Zn(BH,),, either
in DME in the presence of (CF,CO),O [R3] or in refluxing THF [NM3], although
there are some limitations to these methods.
Methods for performing the reduction of acids to the corresponding alcohols use
an excess of BH,.THF or catecholborane [BK5, KB7, PSI]. These reagents react
more rapidly with aliphatic acids than with aromatic ones. The reaction process
70 - 84%
R ~ c O O H NaBH4-12-THF, reflw* R ~NCHH~ 2 0 H
R = i-Pr, t-Bu, Ph, PhCHz
73 - 83% P y ~ CH20H
R' = Me, Ph 3.172
Figure 3.61
BH3-THF,heat * wcH3
Figure 3.62
selective reductions shown in Figure 3.62. In some cases, the reduction may proceed
directly to the hydrocarbon, as shown in the case of 3.173 [PSI] (Figure 3.62). Such
is also the case for cyclane-substituted carboxylic acids, which lead to ring-ex-
panded cycloalkanes by action of NaBH,-HOTf in Et,O at - 78°C [OW2].
When starting from substituted malonic acids, the reduction by BH, in THF does
not give good yields because of competing formation of an enolborate. This can be
prevented if the reduction is run at -20°C [CEI]. However, reduction of a chiral
malonic acid monoester 3.174 by BH,.Me,S takes place on the ester group [FC2]
(Figure 3.63).
BH,.Me,S or amine-boranes induce the same reductions of acids to alcohols;
linear anhydrides are reduced by Ph,NH.BH, in THF to alcohols, while succinic
and phthalic anhydrides remain intact [Cull.
The special reactivity of carboxylic acids allows the following selective reduc-
tions shown in Figure 3.63:
T O 1 ~ COOH
* To1~cH20H
3.174 r.t. then H+
89% *
I 1- ClCOOEt
Figure 3.63
ArCOCl * ArCHO+LiCI+Al(O ~ - B u ) ~
LTBA-diglyme, -78°C or NaCl
or N~(~-BuO)~AJH
70 - 90%
R ~ c o C 1 LTBA-THF, -78°C
.*74 - 77%
el Q
RCOCl + NaBH4 + - RCHO + NaCl +
77% CI
90 10
Figure 3-64
Figure 3.65
96 - 99%
3.177 0.25SAH or 1.1 Na c N E t 2 A E I
R = n-C6H11, Ph, 4-NO2C&
67 81%
0.25 LAH-Et 20,
0.25 LAH-Et20
R = n-CSHll, t-Bu,
0 71 - 74%
h.0Me lo\
RCH @i-Buz -RCHO
Me 0 or -78OC N-d,
3.180 Me' Me
R = Me, Ph, i-Bu, PhCH2, s-Bu
Figure 3.67
75 - 82%
LTEA(1equiv.)-Et 20,0°C
R or R'= Me, PhCH2, n-Bu, Ph
Figure 3.68
71% * n-C7H15CHzOH
Li c N * H , -
THF, 25°C
Li ~ B H ~
THF, 25°C
R = Me, Et, i-Pr
3.183 THF,25°C
Figure 3.69
75 85% + RuCH20q
aq. LiBH4-THF ,. p
or Et20, r.t. or O°C
R = Et, n-Pr, i-Pr, R'= PhS
R = Ph3C,Ph2MeC, PMle2C, R'= N3
aq. NaBH4-THF,
R = Me, i-Pr, Ph
Figure 3.70
3.70). Related chiral auxiliaries [AM41 suffer the same transformations. If the
reductive cleavage of 3.184 is carried out with LAH in Et,O, LiBH, in THF [EG2,
EE1, EG3, ES21, or, better, LiBH, in the presence of water [CW2, DN 1, IA1, PDl],
alcohols are formed. When R' = PhS, N,, or CF,Br, no racemization is observed
[CW2, DN1, IAl] (Figure 3.70). From 3.185, NaBH, in aqueous THF gives the best
results [NKl] (Figure 3.70). Similar reductive cleavage of unsymmetrically substi-
tuted chiral amides by LAH or LiBH, in EtOH without racemization have been
described [AM4, DD41. Chiral sultams 3.186 can be cleaved in the same fashion
[OB2] (Figure 3.70).
Path b: Access to amines.
LAH in ethers (Et20, THF), as well as its complex with N-methylpyrrolidine,
Red-A1 in C6H6, AlH, in Et20, AlH3.Et3N, BH,.THF, or BH3.SMe2reduce most
types of amides to amines at room temperature. Primary amides, however, are
reduced by BH,-THF only under reflux in THF [BCl 1, BH 1, BK5, BN2, CB7, FS 1,
L2, M3, PSI]. Borane can be generated in situ from NaBH, and I, in THF [BB7], or
in the presence of Me3SiC1 [GS2]. Since BH,.THF does not reduce esters, nitro
derivatives, or nitriles under these conditions, selective reductions can be run [BK5]
(Figure 3.71). Selective reductions of tertiary amides to amines in the presence of
secondary amides can be carried out when the secondary amides are protected as
lactim ethers [WB2]. Sulfonamides are reduced by BH3.Me2S only in refluxing
THF [BF2]. Tertiary amides are reduced to amines by BH,.aminoethanol [IWl], but
no reduction takes place if the aminoalcohol is grafted onto a polymeric support
[IW 11.
DIBAH reduces tertiary amides well and appears to be more selective than LAH
with a$-unsaturated derivatives. LAH in Et,O induces the partial reduction of the
double bond of 3.187 [Wl] (Section 3.2.9) (Figure 3.71). The reduction of amides
by LAH in Et,O is compatible with the presence of an SePh group in the molecule,
as shown in the case of 3.188 [TTl] (Figure 3.71).
The alkali borohydrides in an ether medium do not reduce amides at room
temperature [BIG], but under reflux of THF secondary and tertiary amides are
reduced to amines [PSI]. Lithium diisopropylaminoborohydride in THF reduces
aliphatic and aromatic N,N-dialkylamides to the corresponding amines [FFl] (Fig-
ure 3.72). NaBH,-ZrCl, reduces PhCONMe, to the corresponding amine [ISl],
while NaBH,-TiCl, in DME reduces all amides and lactams to the corresponding
amines [KT2]. Tertiary mides are transformed into the corresponding amines by
n-Bu,NBH, in refluxing CH2C12 [WIl] or by NaBH, in refluxing pyridine [KIl]. In
the presence of an organic acid and under reflux, NaBH, reduces all amides to
amines [GN 1, UIl]. Under these conditions, a diarylketone can remain unaffected,
as shown in the reaction of 3.189 (Figure 3.72).
The activation of NaBH, by ethanedithiol allows access to primary amines with
nitriles remaining intact [GEl]. The same reduction can be accomplished either by
LiBH,-diglyme-hot MeOH starting from primary aliphatic and aromatic amides
[SO31 or by NaBH, in an alcohol medium in the presence of CuCl, (for aromatic
amides only) [W4]. (CF,COO),BH leaves the amides unchanged [MMl].
An alkylation method for primary and secondary amines consists of treating them
Ph 0
LAH-Et 20,
Ph Q I
Figure 3.71
coph NaBH4-CF3COOH-
toluene, 40°C
Figure 3.72
Figure 3.73
79% global
as above
Figure 3-74
yields in the expected pyrrolidine than the one-step reduction by BH,.Me,S [LR2,
PEl] (Figure 3.75). Esters are not affected under such conditions. 2-Pyrrolidinone
3.195 (X = H) as well as its N-carbamoyl derivative 3.195 (X = CONH,) remain
unchanged in the presence of NaBH, in MeOH [KM3]. However, an amino alcohol
3.196 (X = Ts) is obtained from 3.195 (X = Ts) under these conditions, probably
via the corresponding hemiaminal. Ring opening takes place from 3.195 (X =
CONH,) only in the presence of K2C0, [KM3] (Figure 3.75).
A problem that has received some attention in relation to the chemistry of
p-lactam antibiotics is the reduction of the azetidin-Zones 3.197 [Y02]. While AlH,
or LAH in Et,O and BH,.THF cleave the N-alkylazetidinones to 3-aminopropanols,
cis-3-benzyloxy-l,4-diphenylazetidinone 3.198 is cleaved only by LAH or lithium
trialkylborohydrides in THF (Figure 3.76). The reduction of 3.198 by DIBAH in a
hexane-THF mixture under reflux or better by AlH,Cl or AlHC1, in Et,O preserves
the heterocycle and selectively provides the substituted azetidine 3.199 (Figure
3.76). When the p-lactam carries a methyl ketone functional group at the 3-position,
such as 3.200, the selective reduction of the ketone group by NaBH, in THF,
Zn(BH,), in Et20, or Li and K(s-Bu),BH in THF leaves the p-lactam unchanged
[PAl] (Section 3.2.2) (Figure 3.76).
Cyclic imides undergo a reduction with a regioselectivity that is comparable to
that of cyclic anhydrides (Section 3.2.6). NaBH, in EtOH in the presence of HC1 or
in MeOH partially reduces the imides to a'-hydroxyamides, the carbonyl adjacent to
the most substituted carbon being preferentially reduced [PSI, SH2] (Figure 3.77).
The reduction of bicyclic imides bearing CN or COOEt groups must be performed
with NaBH,-CeCl, in order to prevent overreduction [DR2]. Chelation can direct
the reduction of one carbonyl, as in the case of 3.201 [GK2] (Figure 3.77). DIBAH
in toluene at low temperature also brings about this reduction [HT2, SH2, Wl], but
BH3*THF * d I
k ~ ~ ~ h CHzPh
. . , d ' ~
86 95%
MeOH, reflux
Figure 3.75
+ CH2-CH2
AH3-Et20 or LAH-Et20 I
or BH3-THF
Figure 3.76
Figure 3.77
Figure 3.78
assistance by a protic solvent, by the cation associated with the reagent, by the
reagent itself, or by an added Lewis acid, the easier the attack on the carbonyl [LL3,
LS1, S2]. In contrast, the reduction of the double bond is more prevalent if the
reducing agent is bulkier or if it is associated with a cation such as ammonium, not
able to induce electrophilic assistance [S2], or with a transition metal such as
copper. Aprotic media strongly solvate alkaline cations, and this also favors double-
bond reduction. Similar trends are found in the reduction of a$-ethylenic esters and
lactones either to allylic alcohols or to saturated esters and lactones.
Thus the attack on the carbonyl group of a-enones or a,P-ethylenic aldehydes is
preferred when one uses LAH in Et,O [LS 1, PR51, AlH, in Et20 [E2, MI], DIBAH in
hexane [CG3, PR5, Wl], DIBAH-n-BuLi ate complex [KAI], LiAl(OMe),H in
Et20 [MI, M31, Red-A1 in C,H, [MI], NaBH, in aqueous glycosidic media [DL2],
Figure 3.79
Figure 3.80
2- MeLi
3- e B r
Figure 3.81
enolates obtained with alkyl halides requires their transformation into an -ate com-
plex by reaction with MeLi [TS 11 or t-BuLi [DKI]. In the latter case, trapping of the
A1 enolate can be carried out with aldehydes or acyl chlorides; ketones, esters,
methyl vinyl ketone or methyl acrylate, MeI, tosylates, and methyl chloroformate do
not react. Polyalkylation reactions are thus avoided (Figure 3.81).
The reduction of a-enones by the alkaline borohydrides in alcohols or THF in the
presence of a protic solvent most often gives mixtures in proportions that depend on
the solvent and on the structure of the substrate [EHl, PSI, VKl]. Aldehydes
principally lead to allylic alcohols, as do some linear ketones (Figure 3.82). When
N&H4-EtOH aq.
X/ CH20H
Me*~H~ * M e * ~ ~ 2 0+~CH3CH2CH2CH20H
as above
85 15
Figure 3.82
starting from cyclic a-enones, one obtains saturated alcohols, the intermediate enol-
ate being protonated to give a saturated ketone, which is then reduced (Figure 3.82).
Vinyl ketones are reduced to saturated ketones by NaBH, on resin in dioxane, but
a,@-unsaturatedaldehydes give saturated alcohols under the same conditions [NS11.
Sodium borohydride reductions of enones in the presence of micelles, in microemul-
sions, or in the presence of polyethyleneglycol methyl ether also give mixtures
[BK8, FR2, LS7, NS41.
Cyanoborohydrides in the presence of acid in MeOH or HMPA most often lead
to allylic alcohols from linear a-enones or a$-unsaturated aldehydes and to mix-
tures from cyclic a-enones [HK2], even though some of the steroid ketones could
have been reduced to allylic alcohols [VMl].
The relative reactivity of the a-enones and ketones towards different reducing
agents has been examined [S2]. When electrophilic assistance is important, the more
basic saturated ketone is selectively reduced. This is the case with LTBA in THF
[Ml], Zn(BH,),.l.S DMF in MeCN [HJl], NaBH,, and BH,.NH, in MeOH [Al,
IL1, TK21. Provided that steric hindrance does not intervene, the reactivity order
with NaBH, in MeOH-CH2C12 at -78°C is as follows [WMI, WRl, WR41:
Figure 3.83
the reduction is higher if one begins by adding BF,-Et,O to prevent the complexa-
tion of the reagent to the nitrogen site of 3.218 [MH3) (Figure 3.85). A sto-
ichiometric amount of Red-A1 in C,H, can give access to allylic alcohols [H3].
Red-A1 or LiAl(OMe),H in the presence of CuBr in THF-2-butanol leads to
saturated esters or lactones [M3, SS I], as does LiEt,BH in THF-t-BuOH [Gl]. The
role of the alcohol here is to protonate the enolate formed, thus avoiding side
condensations. As shown in Figure 3.86, the nonconjugated double bond of 3.219
7 I @ >90%
____c &I7
\ \
0 OH
NaBH4-THF-MeOH de 88%
NaCNBH3-THF-HCl de > 99%
ZII(BH~)~-E~~O de > 99%
NaBH4-dioxane mixture of 1,2 and 1,4
Qo - 75 - 95%
(see text)
Figure 3.84
OMe ?Me
R F C O O E t 1- BF3*Et20-CH2C12
* R Hv C H 2 0 H
NHBO C 2- DIBAH-toluene NHBO C
Figure 3.85
3- m B r
- R\
Fu 0
Figure 3.86
95% Et SMe
3.227 LAH-THF,
98Xreflux E"tSMe G~
Figure 3.87
Imines and iminium salts are easily reduced to amines by LAH in THF or Et,O,
Red-A1 in C6H6 at room temperature [H3, M3, PSI], alkaline borohydrides in
alcoholic medium or in AcOH [GNl], or else in the presence of Co or NiCl, in
THF-MeOH [PD2], Zn(BH,), in Et,O [KY2], NaBH,-ZrCl, in THF [ISl], alkyl
borohydrides in THF [WGl], BH3.THF [L2], (CF,COO),BH.THF [NMl], or arn-
ine-boranes in acid media in CH,Cl, [PSI]. In the case of N-triphenylmethyl-
imines, NaBH, in AcOH must be used because LAH induces unwanted bond
cleavage [PR6]. Nevertheless, the common reductions are those run with the cya-
noborohydrides at pH 6-8 [Ll]. Indeed, under these conditions, ketones and al-
dehydes are reduced much more slowly. It is then possible to carry out "one-flask"
reductive amination of carbonyl compounds by reaction of a primary or secondary
amine in the presence of cyanoborohydrides in aqueous MeCN or in MeOH at
controlled pH [KOl, L1, PSI]. NaBH, in the presence of H,SO, [GC2, VGl],
NaBH,, and cyanoborohydrides in AcOH or CF3COOH [GNI], NaCNBH, in tri-
methylorthoformate [SB5], preformed Na(AcO),BH in THF, MeCN, or better
ClCH,CH,Cl [AC5, AMl, RJ2, YH3] are also valuable reagents. With the last
reagent, aromatic and a$-unsaturated ketones react slowly [AC5]. When using
NaBH, in AcOH, one can still observe the side reaction of alkylation (Section 3.2.8)
[GJ2, GNl]. In the presence of Ti(0-i-Pr),, reductive amination either with NaBH,
[AC5, B4, B5, BClO] or with NaCNBH, [MPl] takes place under mild conditions
in diglyme or in EtOH. Hindered amines can also be used provided that the imine is
pregenerated in CH,Cl, eventually in the presence of TiC1, and EtN-i-Pr,; reduction
is then performed with NaCNBH, in MeOH [BH5, RK31. This reaction can also be
carried out with a phase-transfer catalyst [HMl, HN3, YK51 or in the presence of
pyridine-borane eventually on solid phase [BC9, KA5, KS8, M7, PR21.
Na(AcO),BH is the most efficient reagent to perform reductive aminations with
weakly basic amines even from aldehydes [AC5]. Primary amines and NH, give
imines, which are then reduced [H3] (Figure 3.88). In acid media, secondary arnines
are converted to iminium salts, which also undergo reduction (Figure 3.88).
++ R"
- R
- R\
Figure 3.88
The following examples show the compatibility of the reaction with the presence
of various functional groups [B4, L l ] (Figure 3.89). Nitroimidazoles remain un-
changed [YH3]. No epimerization takes place when chiral amino esters are used
[SS9], but in the presence of water, some esters can be hydrolyzed [Ll]. The
methodology involving Ti(0-i-Pr), and NaCNBH, [MPI] leaves acid-sensitive
groups such as acetals, carbamates, ureas, esters, and amides unchanged. Similarly,
a-ketoesters suffer reductive amination with Na(AcO),BH in ClCH,CH,Cl, leading
to N-substituted a-amino esters [AC5]. It is possible to obtain amino acids from
ketoacids by using LiCNBH, in MeOH under a careful control of the reaction pH,
although only moderate yields result [BBl].
The application in the N-methylation of alkaloids has been published [SH3]. The
N-methylation of amines by paraformaldehyde-NaBH, in CF3COOH in the pres-
ence or absence of THF or by CH,O-NaCNBH, in AcOH has also been recom-
mended [GN3]. However, this method is limited because it is not possible to make
monomethylated amines from primary amines; the transformation of the intermedi-
ate secondary amine to tertiary amine is very rapid [AC5]. The best way to prepare
monomethylated amines is then via the carbamates (Section 3.2.8).
Reductive amination can also be accomplished in an intramolecular fashion
[BMB, VOl], as shown in Figure 3.90. One predominant stereoisomer 3.228 is
formed when generating six-membered rings [AOl]. The stereoselectivity of the
formation of pyrrolidines is lower [BM8]. Finally, one can couple the reductive
amination and alkylation with an acid (Section 3.2.8) by raising the temperature
[GNl] (Figure 3.90). a-Amino esters can easily be obtained from N-silyl-iminoes-
ters 3.229 with NaCNBH, in MeOH, NaBH, in MeOH, or Me,NH.BH, in MeOH
[MT5], while LAH converts them to amino alcohols [MT5] (Figure 3.90). Reduc-
tive amination can be carried out from acetals [M8].
The stereoselectivity of the reduction of the six-membered cyclic imines has been
CHzO aq.4
NaCNBH3-MeCNaq. pH 6-8
I y32NM"2
examined [HS I, M3, PD2, WGI, ZHl]. The results are comparable to those ob-
tained with the cyclic ketones, as shown in Figure 3.9 1. One nevertheless observes
less axial attack by slightly hindered reagents than with the corresponding ketones
[HSI]. A suggested variant involving N-diphenylphosphinylimines such as 3.230
allows the preparation of axial primary amines with an excellent stereoselectivity
[HA2, HR2, ZHl] by the action of Li(s-Bu),BH followed by treatment in an acid
medium (Figure 3.9 1). These observations were extended to other substituted cyclo-
hexyl, cyclopentyl, and bicyclic derivatives. On the other hand, reduction of 3.230
with t-BuNH,.BH, in MeOH gives predominantly the equatorial m i n e [HA21
(Figure 3.91). Other reducing agents are less stereoselective. The stereoselective
reductive amination of substituted cyclohexanones and of tropinone has been real-
ized using in situ generated acyloxyborohydrides [AC5, ML31. The stereoselective
reduction of bicyclic N-silyliminocyclopentenes with Red-A1 has been recently
published [HB I],
Asymmetric reductive amination can be carried out on chiral ketones able to
form an intermediate imine such as 3.231 or 3.232 [BW 1, MNl, PP4] (Figure 3.92).
According to the structure of the substrates, NaBH,, NaCNBH,, or Me,N(AcO),BH
are the reducing agents that give the best yields or selectivities.
Another way to obtain achiral or chiral P-aminoalcohol derivatives stereoselec-
tively is to use NaBH, or Zn(BH,), to reduce a-hydroxyimines 3.233 or cu-trimethyl-
N'~~e3 [ R$HCH@H
Figure 3.91
Zn(BH4),-Et20, -78OC
then H 3 0 +
Z I @ H ~ ) ~ - E ~ ~-78OC
then H 3 0 +
DIBAH-hexane-THF, -78OC
then H 3 0 +
Figure 3.92
selective in cyclic systems, as shown with 3.239 [BRl] (Figure 3.94). In noncyclic
molecules, the stereoselectivity is even lower [MR2].
Another way to produce iminium salts is to reduce aminals with LAH, AlH,,
DIBAH, NaCNBH, in AcOH [GRl, MR2, WR31, or NaBH, in EtOH (Figure 3.95).
Cyclic aminals 3.240 are converted to amino alcohols [GRI, MR2] (Figure 3.95).
However, six-membered tetrahydro-l,3-oxazines 3.241 are not reduced by NaBH,.
LAH in Et,O converts aminals such as 3.241 by C - 0 bond cleavage to y-amino
alcohols, and their corresponding methiodides are converted by C-N bond cleav-
age to alkyl N-methyl-3-aminopropylethers [AAl] (Figure 3.95). Stereoselective
reductions can be observed as with 3.242 [MQl] (Figure 3.95). The reduction of the
five-membered analogues in bicyclic derivatives 3.243 (n = 1 or 2) can be per-
formed either with AlH, (n = 1) at low temperature or with Red-A1 in refluxing
THF (n = 2). The lactam carbonyl is simultaneously reduced in both cases [BM7,
MM91 (Figure 3.95). This method provides the route to nonracemic Zalkylpyr-
rolidines or piperidines.
THF,r.t. 3.69
R = Et, n-Pr
NO 2 yo 2
R = Me, n-Bu, CH2=CHCH2
Figure 3.93
Figure 3.94
de 84 - 95%
3242 R = Me, Ph
> 95%
NaBH4-MeOH, -78OC
Figure 3.95
Figure 3.96
The reduction of enamines occurs after their protonation and the tautomerism of the
protonated enamine to an iminium salt. Substrates will be accordingly reduced only
in the presence of sufficiently strong acids or in protic media. LAH in THF does not
reduce enamines. Enamines are transformed into saturated amines by AlH, in Et20
[H3] and by NaBH, in alcoholic media [BBI], in THF-AcOH [GNl], in the
presence of CF,COOH [GNl] or, better yet, by Zn(CNBH,), in MeOH [KO11 and
NaCNBH, in THF-MeOH [BB 11 (Figure 3.97). Since cyanoborohydrides do not
reduce esters, p-enaminoesters can be transformed into p-aminoesters with
NaCNBH, in THF-MeOH [BBI]. The stereoselectivity of the reduction of cyclic
enamines such as 3.246 and 3.247 has been examined. Reaction with NaCNBH, in
AcOH or BH,.NH, in AcOH provides predominantly the axial saturated amines
[HSl] (Figure 3.97). In heterocyclic systems such as alkaloids, highly stereoselec-
tive reductions can be observed; however, stereoselectivities are highly dependent
on both substituents and conformation [WFI]. Substituted P-enaminoesters suffer
diastereoselective C=N reduction with Na(AcO),BH in AcOH-MeCN [CP5].
hot HOAc
COOMe benzene
I 1
3.246 de 80%
R = Me. t-Bu
Figure 3.97
borane in CF,COOH [K3], and NaCNBH, in CF,COOH [GNl, GN2, KL21. The
use of NaBH, in AcOH is unsuitable because there may be concurrent N-acylations
[GNl, GN2, GJl]. However, if the indole carries a COMe or COEt substituent, it is
reduced by NaCNBH, in CF,COOH to a CH2Me or CH2Et group [KL2]. It is
interesting to note that NaBH, in CF,COOH does not lead to indolines with
NS02Ph derivatives [KLl], while NaCNBH, in CF,COOH does [KL2]. These
reductions are compatible with ester and nitrile substituents. The reduction by
NaBH, in CF,COOH is compatible with halides and ester groups, and it can be
stereoselective, as shown in the reduction of 3.248 [GNl] (Figure 3.98). Zn(BH,),
reduces 2,3-dimethylindole into the trans-2,3-indoline [DG2].
The reduction of indoles by pyridine-borane in CF,COOH [K3] or BH,.THF in
CF,COOH [MMl] is compatible with amide, nitrile, or ester groups. It is interesting
to emphasize that LAH in ether media reduces these groups without affecting the
"w AH
3.248 R = F, C1, Br, COOEt
Figure 3.98
indole heterocyclic double bond. The formation of a compound with a trans ring
junction can be realized starting from an indole ring fused to a nitrogen heterocycle
3.249 by preforming the corresponding amine-borane. This leads to the trans-
indoline in an intramolecular fashion [EGl] (Figure 3.98). A similar stereoselec-
tivity is observed in the reduction of 2-phenyl-3-dimethylaminomethyl-N-methylin-
dole 3.250 by BH, in THF [DG2] (Figure 3.98).
Na(0Ac) 3BH
~ c o o c H 2 p h
Figure 3.99
3.99). Cyclic N-oxides (nitrones) are reduced with NaCNBH, in MeOH to the
corresponding oximes [OB3].
The reduction of the bicyclic iminium salts having the nitrogen at the ring
junction can be very stereoselective. The hydride enters preferentially on the axial
face antiperiplanar to the developing lone pair on nitrogen [D2, HL4, M3, NS3]
(Figure 3.99). LTBA or Na(AcO),BH can be more stereoselective than NaBH, or
NaCNBH, [HL4, M3], and the nature of the substituents in the 6-position of 3.255
has a strong influence on the stereoselectivity of the reaction [HH5, HL4] (Figure
3.99). When the nitrogen atom is not at the ring junction, the reduction is often less
stereoselective [BB4, SM51.
mixture of stereoisomers 78 22
72 - 87%
Eto QR
,* Eto
de 86 92%
Figure 3.100
centers can be carried out by LAH reduction of 1,3-oxazines 3.264 [BJ4] (Figure
3.101). However, NaBH, in THF-EtOH can only reduce the C=N bond of 3.265.
This leads to arninals, which are hydrolyzed under acidic conditions to aldehydes
[PHI] (Figure 3.101). The reduction of cyclic arninals is described in Section 3.3.1.
Figure 3.101
3 eq. LTBA
CO OCHzPh 4.4 eq. CuBr-THF COOCHzPh
X = Me, C1, COOMe
X = Me, Et, MeO, MeS, C1, Br >95%
Figure 3.102
Under these conditions, chlorides and esters remain intact [CAI] (Figure 3.102). It
is possible to reduce regioselectively some 3-alkylpyridines with NaBH, in MeOH
or LTBA in THF into N-carbamoyl-l,2-dihydropyridine 3.267a by performing the
addition of chloroformate esters at - 7 8 T to a mixture of the pyridine and the
reducing reagent. The regioselectivity is high provided that X is neither too bulky
nor an electron-withdrawing group [SH8] (Figure 3.102).
Quinolines and isoquinolines are more easily reduced than pyridines. Alumi-
nohydrides or BH,.THF in CF,COOH [MMl] leave them intact, but NaBH, or
NaCNBH, in AcOH [GNl], NaCNBH,-BF,.Et,O in refluxing MeOH [SR2], pyri-
dine-borane in AcOH [H3] and NaBH,-NiCl, in MeOH [GO21 reduce them to
tetrahydroquinolines or isoquinolines (Figure 3.103). With NaBH, in a hot organic
acid medium, one can carry out a subsequent N-alkylation as from 3.268 (Section
3.2.8) [GNl] (Figure 3.103). However, NaBH, in CF,COOH leads to mixtures. In
the presence of a ketone, it is possible to form an N-alkylated amine 3.269 by
reduction followed by reductive amination (Section 3.3.1) [GN I] (Figure 3.103).
The treatment of the nitroquinolines 3.270 by NaBH, in AcOH at 5OC leads to
the reduced compounds 3.271, the NO, functional group being retained [GNI]. On
heating, the corresponding N-ethylamine 3.272 (Section 3.2.8) [GNl] is obtained
(Figure 3.103). Quinoxalines and quinazolines 3.273 or acridine show the same kind
of reactivity: NaBH, in AcOH or CF,COOH in the cold leads to cyclic secondary
diamines, while in hot AcOH, the corresponding bis-N-ethylamines (Section 3.2.8)
[GNI] are obtained (Figure 3.103).
Oximes are reduced to amines by LAH or SAH in THF or in Et,O [CB5, H3].
LAH-N-methylpyrrolidine or AlH3-Et3N complexes also reduce oximes to amines
[CB7, FSl]. Oximes are inert in the presence of LTBA or NaBH, (unless NiCl, in
MeOH is added to the latter) [GO21 (Figure 3.104), ion-exchange borohydride in the
presence of Ni(OAc), [BKIO], TiCl, in DME [KT2, ZHl], or ZrC1, in THF [ISI].
They also are inert towards diisopropoxytitanium tetrahydroborate [RC2]. When
using NaBH,-NiCl, in MeOH, a$-ethylenic oximes 3.274 are reduced to saturated
amines. In the presence of MOO,, the double bond is preserved [GO21 (Figure
3.104). The reduction by DIBAH induces some rearrangements [SM4], while, in
some cases, reductions b) LAH in Et,O or Red-A1 in C,H, can give mixtures of
primary and secondary amines, or even aziridines [GW1, M3, PP 1, ZH 1] (Figure
3.104). The stereoselectivity of the reduction of substituted cyclohexyloximes is
poor [ZHl]. However, some chiral oximes have been reduced with good stereo-
selectivity using NaCNBH,-TiCl, [ZHl].
The reduction of a-alkoxyoximes 3.275 by LAH or AlH, is also poorly stereo-
selective [IY2] (Figure 3.105).
Oximes are reduced to the corresponding hydroxylamines by BH,.THF, BH, in
CF,COOH, amine-boranes [KKl I], NaBH,, or NaCNBH, in AcOH in the cold.
On warming, NaBH, in organic acids leads to N-alkylhydroxylamines [GN1, MM 11
wN * a
3.268 R = H, Me, Et
Me2C0, 50°C 3.269 I
R = H, Me, Et
Figure 3.103
* +
LAH or AlH 3-
k' Me
Figure 3.105
n-Buun-Bu 87% B.
LAH-THF n-Buun-Bu
3.276 de 90%
76 99% -
R ~ OH
' " ~ MeCN
~ ~ ( ~,BH-*COB
~ ~ )
3'278 R = Me, i-Bu R'= Ph, Me de ,95%
3.279 de 90 - 94%
R = Me, Et, n-Pr, n-Bu, 4-MeOC6H4CH2,PhCHz
Figure 3,106
of the carbon cr to the tosylhydrazone moiety is avoided [SH5]. The reaction can be
run in "one-flask fashion starting from the ketone. This is a modification of the
Wolff-Kishner reaction that is compatible with ester and nitrile functional groups,
as shown in Figure 3.107 [ITl, Ll]. Indeed, while reduction of tosylhydrazone
3.282 with NaBH, in refluxing THF or MeOH promotes the transformation of the
ester groups into the corresponding alcohols, the use of NaBH, in AcOH leaves
them unchanged. When starting from tosylhydrazones derived from arylketones, the
transformation to hydrocarbons requires warming in the presence of base. The
limitation of the method is the migration of the double bond during the reduction of
tosylhydrazones of a-enones [Ll] (Figure 3.107).
Figure 3.107
3.284 -
de 86 94%
R = Me, Ph R'= Me, i-Pr, CH20CH2Ph
Figure 3.108
1- Sia2BH
2- MeOH, R"C0OH cat.
1- SiazBH H H
2-AcOH or MeOH,
RTOOH cat.
Figure 4.1
R e d 4 or LAH-THF
Red-Al or LAH-THF
+ RxH
I- LAH-THF n ' c 4DH 9 ~CHzOH
4.3 2- D20
1- LW4-THF, 0"
then 20°C
Me3si\=;\ CHOHMe
Ri /
R4-C=C-C-R w
k I
94% + 40 60
+ MeCu
4.13 THF-HMPA, -50°C E-Z = 42-58
Figure 4.4
Z +E mixture
Red-Al-CuBr-THF- Z +E mixture
Figure 4.5
Figure 4.6
A few reducing agents lead to the imines and, after hydrolysis, to the aldehydes.
Such is the case of trialkoxyaluminohydrides. Among these, Li(EtO),AlH in THF
proves to be the best, while LTBA is unreactive [BKS, C5, H3, M3] (Figure 4.7).
The intermediate RCH=NAl(OEt), can be trapped by Me,SiCI, and this leads to
N-trimethylsilylimines [AC2]. However, the initial configuration of nitriles that are
substituted at the a-position is not always retained. For example, starting with a pure
Z-nitrile 4.16, a mixture of stereoisomeric aldehydes is produced IPS21 (Figure 4.7).
Catecholalane, generated from catechol and allows the reduction of aromatic,
a$-unsaturated and aliphatic nitriles into the corresponding aldehydes in THF at r.t.
6 76%
as above
70 30
Me as above
Figure 4.7
%.-CHzCH21 *
4.16 -78 to +25"C
2- LDA-Et 20-HMPA,
3- C5HlIBr, then H ~ O '
46% *
4.18 2- DIBAH or LAH-THF,
-78°C then AcOH
Figure 4.8
2- aq.NH4CIor MeOH
3- H2S04 IN
R(H p~t
RCHO -+ - CN
RqH ,OEt
Figure 4.9
shown with compounds 4.16 [OBI] (Figure 4.8). The deprotonation at the a-position
of the iminoaluminate by reaction with LDA, followed by alkylation, allows access
to the branched aldehyde 4.17 [GTl] (Figure 4.8). As in the case of ketoesters,
selective reduction of the ketonitriles 4.18 in which the CN is located on a tertiary
carbon can be carried out provided that the ketone enolate is preformed [KF2]
(Figure 4.8). a-Trimethylsilyloxynitriles 4.19 (R = Me), easily obtained from ke-
tones, are transformed into the a-hydroxyaldehydes by DIBAH at 0°C followed by
subsequent hydrolysis of the imine and the silylether [HY 11. When starting from
aldehydes, t-butyldimethylsilyloxynitriles 4.19 (R, = t-BuMe,, R' = H) suffer the
same transformation at low temperature without racemization when chiral [HYI]
(Figure 4.9).
Starting from aldehydes, which are converted into cyanohydrins whose hydroxyl
group is protected as an acetal, one can also obtain a-hydroxyaldehydes by reaction
with Red-A1 or a-hydroxyamines via reduction by LAH [SB 11 (Figure 4.9).
The use of NaEt,AlH, in the presence of a Lewis acid for converting aliphatic
nitriles to aldehydes has also been described [YK2]. Sodium triaminoaluminohy-
drides or diethylpiperidinoaluminohydride reacts with aromatic nitriles in THF at
r.t., allowing their transformation into the corresponding aldehydes [CJl, YA21.
The reduction of nitriles to arnines can be carried out by LAH or SAH in an ether
medium, LAH-N-methylpyrrolidine complex, AlH, in Et,O or AlH,-Et,N [BKS,
CB5, CB7, E2, FS1, H3, L2, M3, MC1, MP2, PSI]. Li(MeO),AlH or Red-A1 at
80°C reduces aromatic nitriles, while aliphatic nitriles remain untouched [M3]. This
transformation can also be accomplished with BH,.THF or aminoboranes under
83% w CH2=CHCH2CH2NH2
AM3, 25OC
THF, 20°C
THF, 20°C or
Figure 4.10
by NaBH, in aqueous THF [MR4] (Figure 4.11). The reductions of chiral nitriles
such as 4.21 or 4.22 by LAH or AlH, take place without epimerization [CLI 1, RK2]
(Figure 4.1 1).
A C-CN bond cleavage has been observed in the reduction of 5-cyano-5-
isopropylsulfonylnorbom-2-ene with LAH in THF, likely via a SET process in the
propagation chain [MS lo].
~ C N
Meh N
Figure 4.13
Nitro and nitroso compounds are among the most difficult to reduce using alumino-
and borohydrides.
LAH and SAH in an ether medium and Li(MeO),AlH reduce aromatic nitro and
nitroso derivatives to azo compounds, ArN=NAr, as does Red-A1 [CB5, CB7, FS1,
H3, M3]. When an excess of SAH is used, PhNHNHPh is obtained [CB5]. On the
other hand, nitro derivatives are untouched by AlH, in Et,O [BK5, E2] or by LAH
on SiO, [KH2]. Borohydrides and boranes leave nitro groups unchanged under the
usual conditions (ether or alcohol solvent) [L2, PSI, NM3, R3] or in acid media
[MM 11. However, 4-nitroimidazoles, nitropyrazoles, and nitropyridines are reduced
by NaBH4-NaOMe in MeOH [SW 11. The reduction of aliphatic nitro derivatives by
LAH or SAH gives amines [CB5, H3, M31, although some side reactions can be
observed when the reaction is performed with tertiary nitro compounds [WNI].
LiBH, in diglyme-MeOH under reflux allows the reduction of aliphatic and aro-
matic nitro derivatives to the corresponding amines [SO31 (Figure 5.1). In the
presence of transition metal derivatives (SnCl,, Cu(acac),, CuBrSMe,, CuSO,,
(Ph,P),Ni, NiCl,, Ni(OAc),, CoCl,, BiCl,), reduction of aromatic nitro derivatives
to amines by NaBH, takes place in ether, dioxane, or alcohols [DGl, G02, PVl,
RP3, W4, YC2, YL51. Under these conditions, halogen or acid groups remain
unchanged. In the presence of SnCl,, Cu(acac),, or Ni(OAc),, reduction can also be
compatible with ketone, ester, amide, and nitrile groups [C4, W4, YC2] (Figure 5.1).
Similarly, reduction of aromatic nitro compounds to amines by KBH4-Cu,Cl, in
MeOH is compatible with bromide and ester substituents, but iodides are reduced
[HZl]. The NaBH,-CuSO, system in alcoholic medium also reduces aliphatic nitro
compounds, but more slowly than aromatic ones [YL5]. Ketones are reduced faster
Figure 5.1
than nitro groups, but esters and nitriles can remain untouched [YL5]. The bor-
ohydride exchange resin (BER)-Ni(OAc), reagent in MeOH rapidly reduces alipha-
tic nitro compounds at r.t. [YC2] (Figure 5.1).
Primary and secondary aliphatic or aromatic nitro derivatives can also be reduced
to amines by NaBH, in THF in the presence of palladium on charcoal [PBl]. The
reduction is compatible with ester and nitrile groups and also with chlorides, but aryl
bromides are reduced under these conditions (Figure 5.1 ).
$ o q ~ e
+ +P;oM~
No2 O°C =
- NO2
N&H4 cat.
Figure 5.2
The RN, and ArN, derivatives are reduced to amines by LAH in ether media [Sl].
NaBH, in alcohol or in THF reduces azides with difficulty, except for certain
sugars [S I] and for ArOSO,N,, which gives sulfoxamides ArOS02NH2 [HGI].
(i-PrO),TiBH, leaves azides untouched [RC2]. Nevertheless, under phase-transfer
conditions, reduction of the aryl azides by NaBH, takes place at room temperature,
and alkyl azides are reduced at 80°C [Rl] (Figure 5.3). These reductions can be
carried out with borohydride supported on an ion-exchange resin or by Zn(BH,), in
DME under sonication [KW2, RSl]. In a similar fashion, arylsulfonylazides are
converted into arylsulfonamides [KW2, R S l j (Figure 5.3).
ArS02N3 * ArS02NH2
BER- or Zn(BH4)2-DME
Figure 5.3
NaBH, in THF under reflux in the presence of MeOH also reduces the primary
aliphatic or aromatic azides to amines. The reduction is compatible with C1 and NO,
substituents on the aromatic ring, which remain unchanged [SY3]. Aliphatic sec-
ondary azides are not reduced under these conditions. Aminoborohydrides [AFl,
FF2] and borohydride-exchange resin-Ni(OAc), [YC3] reduce primary and sec-
ondary azides and aromatic azides in high yields. The latter reagent is compatible
with chlorides and esters (Figure 5.3). Dichloroborane reduces all azides to amines,
leaving bromides, nitro groups, esters, and nitriles untouched [SB3] (Figure 5.3).
Aroylazides when substituted by an electron-donating group are transformed by
NaBH,-CF, COOH into trifluoroethylanilines [KS7].
,'R 'R'
Figure 5.5
'0 1
1- Pd(0)
2- NaBD4
2- L&~BH-THF
X = OPh 97
OMe 94
SPh 94
S02Ph 86
OSiMezt-Bu 98
as above
Figure 5.6
. .-
I THF-i-PrOH selectivity 92%
selectivity 80%
COOMe (Ph3P),Pd
5.11 NaCNBH3
Figure 5.7
mates 5.8 [BBIO, BN7], which are, respectively, transformed into propene and
phenols or amines (Figure 5.6). This methodology is compatible with NO, groups,
acids, nitriles, and arnides. When performing the reaction in the presence of BOC
anhydride, protected amines such as 5.9 are formed (Figure 5.6). Peptide coupling
can also be realized under these conditions [BN7].
Allylic nitro derivatives such as 5.10 can also suffer similar reductions via n-ally1
complexes (TM31 (Figure 5.7). Tertiary allylic atnines such as 5.11 can be trans-
formed into secondary amines via n-allylpalladium complexes that are reduced with
NaCNBH, [TM3] (Figure 5.7).
Terminal propargylic bromides 5.12, mesylates, and phosphates are also trans-
formed into palladium complexes that are hydrogenolyzed to allenes with a high
regioselectivity. LiEt,BH is the best reagent for this reaction [MT3] (Figure 5.7).
However, 1,2-disubstituted alkynes lead to mixtures [MT3].
Sulfoxides and sulfones are reduced to sulfides by LAH or AlH, in an ether medium
(H3, HL51, LAH-TiCl, in THF [ A M ] , NaBH,-Me3SiC1 in THF [GS2], and
DIBAH [HL5]. Sulfamides are reduced to amines by Red-A1 in refluxing toluene
[GB9, RG31. SAH, LAH, and AlH, reduce disulfides to thiols [BYl, CB5, CB7, H3,
87 96%
- RSR'
co2% ~ i ~ + s a l t s
R. ,SR"
R' 'SF NaBH4-Ni2+ salts
0 N-0
Figure 5.8
M41, as do DIBAH in hot toluene [H3, M3, M4, YGl], nickelocene-LAH, and
NiC1,-PPh,-LAH [CC2]. Diary1 or dialkyldisulfides are converted to thiols by
LTBA in THF at room temperature [KA3, M3]. This reduction is faster with diary1
compounds such as 5.13 and is compatible with MeO, C1, and CN substituents
(Figure 5.8). In the presence of copper salts, desulfurization takes place upon heat-
ing, and the corresponding hydrocarbons are obtained [GO21 (Figure 5.8). Total
reduction also takes place in the presence of NiC1,-PPh, [HL2] (Figure 5.8).
Sulfones and sulfoxides are not affected by borohydrides in alcohol media [RJI]
except in the presence of transition metal salts such as FeCI,, CoCI,, or TiCI, [CH3,
G02, KT2, LZ1, W4] (Figure 5.8). The sulfides obtained are not reduced under
these conditions but are desulfurized in the presence of the Ni2+ salts [G02].
Another possibility is to treat the sulfoxides with NaCNBH, in MeOH. This reduc-
tion takes place via the sulfoxonium salt [PSI] (Figure 5.8).
Reductive desulfurization of the dithioketals 5.14 and 5.15 is performed under
the same conditions as for thioethers [G02]: LAH in the presence of copper salts or
borohydrides in the presence of nickel salts (Figure 5.8). The deoxygenation of
tertiary amine-oxides such as 5.16 and 5.17 can be performed with borohydride
exchange resin-copper sulfate in methanol at room temperature or under reflux.
This reaction tolerates other functional groups such as carbon-carbon double bonds,
chlorides, epoxides, esters, amides, nitriles, sulfoxides, and sulfones [SA4] (Figure
/ LAH-AH3 or DIBAH * 3si-H
X = F, C1, Br, I, OR, SR
Figure 5.9
possible in some cases to generate the corresponding aluminum enolates 5.19 (Fig-
ure 5.9). These enolates can suffer in situ condensation with aldehydes [IK3] (Figure
DIBAH in hexane > DIBAH in Et20 > DIBAH in THF > AlH, in Et20 >
LAH in Et,O > LAH in THF > LAH in THF-(2.1.11
B-Cl and B-Br bonds are converted to B-H bonds by LAH in stoichiometric
amounts or by K(i-PrO),BH (BC3, DK41. LAH also converts boronates RB(OR1),
into ate complexes Li+RBH,-, which are cleaved to give the corresponding al-
kylboranes by Me,SiCl [BJ51. If the R alkyl group is chiral, its configuration is
retained, opening a route to asymmetric hydroboration reactions [S3].
Synoptic Tables
Alcohols -y2-OH
R' -++
LiBH,-Ti salt
R R" R' 0 CHOHR"'
NaBH,-alcohols; I A H
MCNBH,-acid; AIH,;
; eS
53.2.9 IAH-THF
53.2.6 NaBH,
33.2.3 IAH; LA
i I(OR),H,;
(asymmetric DIBAH; MCNBH,-acid;
reductions) IAH + ligand
RCHOHCO OR' 53.2.2 BH,-t-BuNH,; DIBAH;
53.2.4 tiAI(E$CO),H; M-S-Bu,BH;
NR; (stereo- Red-Al; LAH; Zn(BH,),;
selectivity) NaBH,-CaCI,; LiEt,BH;
, 93.2.8 LAH; Red-Al
h e
RCH=CH-CR' 93.3.4
IAH: Red-Al
93.3.4 IAH
RCHO HNR'R" 53.3.1 MCNBH,; NaBH4-
(reductive amination) acid; Na(AcO),BH;
NaBH, or NaCNBH, +
LAH; NaBH4-transition
metal salt; LAH + CeCI,
LAH, Red-A1
LAH; Red-A1
9.2 LAH
54.2 DIBAH-MeCu;
NaBH4-DMF (X = Br)
Red-Al; LAH
RCH, or RCH,R' RCH,Cl or RR'CHCI 52.1 DIBAH-n-BuLi; LAH;
Red-At; LiEt,BH;
NaBH,-alcohols; Zn(BH,),;
Znl, or SnCI,; 9-BBN.n-BuLi
R q R '
LAH; Red-Al;
NaBH,-acid; AIH,;
Ni(OAc),; NaBH,-Znl,;
acid; f-BuNH,+3H3-AICI,
(Ph,P), CuBH, in a few
cases; catecholborane
Red-Al-CuBr; DIBAH-MeCu;
Li and K s-Bu,BH; LTBA;
R,NBH,(resin); (Ph,PCuH),
Red-Al-CuBr: DIBAH-MeCu;
LiAI(OMe),H-CuBr; R,NBH,
(resin); NaBH,-Cu,CI,
NaBH,-Co,CI, semicorrin
NaBH,-alcohol; NaCNBH3-
alcohol; LiEt,BH
NaBH4-acid; DIBAH;
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