RHS Newspaper 2.12.24

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Wildcat Legends News 02. 12.



RISD Uncovers New Tech in
TCEA Conference 2024

By Jonathan Lance

Last week, a group of faculty

and staff members from Rains ISD,
including Jonathan Lance, Anthony
and Saylor Barrios, Kortney
Clayton, Amanda Peeples, RISD Teachers posing for a picture at the TCEA Conference.
Stephanie Baldwin, Lynlee McNair,
Lindy Knight, and Elizabeth He specifically mentioned Lance also expressed interest in
Swindell, attended the Texas attending 3-hour training courses the advancements in artificial
Computer Education Association in Adobe Animation and Adobe intelligence (AI) showcased at the
(TCEA) conference in Austin, Texas. Illustrator, which will be beneficial conference, including the
During the five-day event, they for his Digital Design class. Lance unveiling of Chat GPT 5 by OpenAI
participated in various workshops, also expressed interest in the In addition to software
seminars, and exhibits focused on advancements in artificial exploration, Lance appreciated
technological innovation in intelligence (AI) showcased at the the user-friendly graphic design
education. conference, including the platform Canva, recognizing its
“This conference was one of the unveiling of Chat GPT 5 by OpenAI. potential to simplify the creation
most informative conventions I Lance highlighted the of visually appealing content for
have attended,” stated Lance. “I networking opportunities individuals from diverse
now have cutting-edge tools in my provided by the conference, backgrounds.
toolbelt to push my students
emphasizing the acquisition of Beyond software, the
further next year academically.
new technology tools for conference's exhibit hall featured
This is a very exciting time in
educational purposes. over 100 companies, including
education.”Lance highlighted the
Other educators at RISD had industry leaders like Samsung,
networking opportunities provided
the opportunity to listen to dozens Sonic View, Esports Vs, Vanta, and
by the conference, emphasizing
of lectures per day. Each session Skyward.
the acquisition of new technology
was first come, first serve.
tools for educational purposes

The attention to detail in these
Lance took advantage of the wax figures is so much fun for a
opportunity to engage with these film critique, offering visitors a
companies, gaining insights into chance to get up close and
the latest trends and technologies personal with these iconic
in the digital landscape. creatures of the night.
There were robots, drones, new AI
models, and technology Moving on to the movie props
presented at the event, and many section, The Museum of the Weird
of the programs were free to delights visitors with an
educators. impressive array of memorabilia
"I additionally learned a lot about from beloved films such as
new Esports Leagues and how to Gremlins, Alien, Critters, and Little
get plugged into teacher Shop of Horrors. Fans of these cult
organizations," stated Lance. "I classics will undoubtedly
can't wait to go back next year!" appreciate seeing props and
Lance was particularly artifacts up close, providing a
intrigued by the intersection of tangible connection to the
technology and education, as cinematic worlds they love.
demonstrated by companies like But the wonders of The Museum
Sonic View, which showcased of the Weird don't stop there!
innovative solutions aimed at Visitors can also marvel at a
enhancing the educational diverse assortment of oddities,
experience through digital including mummies, shrunken
transformation. Witnessing these heads, and even fairy corpses.
advancements firsthand, Lance Each exhibit is carefully curated to
envisioned a future where inspire a sense of wonder and
students are better equipped to curiosity, inviting guests to
succeed in an increasingly digital explore the fringes of the
world. unknown.

Beyond its collection of

The Museum of curiosities, The Museum of the
Weird offers a wealth of
the Weird information on strange historical
events, aliens, Bigfoot, and more.
Whether you're a skeptic or a true
By Jonathan Lance
believer, the museum's dedication
to exploring the unexplained is
Located on the mysterious
sure to leave a lasting impression.
6th street in Austin, Texas, The
Museum of the Weird offers a dark
Overall, The Museum of the Weird
journey into the realms of the
earns a solid 8 out of 10 stars.
strange and uncanny. Boasting an
While some exhibits may be more
eclectic collection of exhibits, this
captivating than others, the sheer
museum is a haven for enthusiasts
variety and depth of the
of the bizarre and the fantastical.
museum's offerings make it a
The museum's first section
must-visit destination for anyone
features a wax museum that
with a taste for the peculiar and
brings classic monsters to life,
the extraordinary. Whether you're
including the Creature for the
a seasoned enthusiast or simply
Black Lagoon, Mr. Hyde, King Kong,
curious, prepare to be enchanted
Dracula, the Wolfman, and
by the weird wonders that await
Frankenstein, among others.
you at this one-of-a-kind

Rains High School Girls Varsity
Basketball Triumphs on Senior Night
By Cameron Fouse

Date: February 2, 2024

The Rains High School girls' varsity

basketball team showcased an
impressive performance on February
2, 2024, securing a decisive victory
against Commerce with a final score
of 54-39. The atmosphere was electric
as the team celebrated Senior Night,
honoring graduating players and their
invaluable contributions to the team.

The Senior Night festivities kicked off

by acknowledging the dedicated Coach Smith, Coach Jenkins, and the RHS Lady Cats take a group shot
Senior Managers, Andrea Demar and
after the game in the Rains High School Gym.
Lilly Busby. Andrea Demar, escorted by
her parents Matt and Nancy Lewis,
Majoring in criminal justice and law
shared her aspirations to pursue a
enforcement as well as education,
career in the medical field as a trauma
Haley aims to become a game warden
surgeon. Expressing gratitude to
and coach. Expressing gratitude, she
friends, family, coaches, and Mrs.
thanked her parents, teammates,
Clayton, Andrea emphasized the
coaches, and the Phillips family for
unwavering support that has fueled
their unwavering support. Coach
her journey. Coach Jenkins, reflecting
Jenkins, in her second season with
on Andrea's first year as a manager,
Haley, praised her leadership,
commended her hard work and
relentless dedication, and genuine
expressed excitement for her future
love for the sport. She eagerly
anticipated watching Haley excel at
the collegiate level.
Lilly Busby, escorted by her parents
Mandy and Terry Busby, revealed plans
Jasey Campbell, escorted by her
to delve into cybersecurity, aiming to
parents Stacey and Jason Campbell,
become an operations cybersecurity
shared her post-high school plans to
analyst. She took a moment to extend
attend college and major in
special thanks to her mom, dad, and
kinesiology to become a physical
Coach Jenkins for their constant
therapist. In a heartfelt tribute to her and ability to push teammates to be
support. Coach Jenkins, recalling her
dad, Jasey credited him for igniting their best, Coach Jenkins expressed
efforts to convince Lilly to become a
her love for the game, recounting pride in coaching her throughout high
manager, praised Lilly's continued
lessons learned both on and off the school.
dedication, humor, and work ethic.
court. She expressed deep
appreciation for her father's In summary, Senior Night at Rains High
The spotlight then shifted to the
coaching influence, emphasizing that School was a memorable celebration
graduating players, starting with
she wouldn't be the player she is of talent, dedication, and future
Senior #1 Haley Robertson.
today without his guidance. Coach aspirations. As these seniors transition
Accompanied by her parents Kayla
Jenkins, reminiscing about Jasey's to new chapters in their lives, their
and Anthony Robertson, along with her
energetic presence since 8th grade, impact on the basketball court and the
brother Shawn, Haley announced her
praised her growth into a young bonds formed with teammates,
intention to continue playing
woman full of wisdom. coaches, and managers will
basketball at Southwestern
Acknowledging Jasey's leadership undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy.
Assemblies of God University (SAGU).
The Walking Batman
Dead(Season 1) Arkham
By Piper Besherse

The inaugural season of The

Walking Dead, unleashed in 2010,
heralded a groundbreaking and
gritty exploration of the zombie
By Nathan Hemphill
apocalypse. Anchored by Andrew
Lincoln's compelling portrayal of Classic Country In October 25th, 2013 Batman
Rick Grimes, the series delves into
the struggle for survival in a world Album Review: Arkham origins: Blackgate
released, developed by armature
overrun by the undead. The pilot
episode sets a haunting tone with Toby Keith: studio’s and published by warner
bros interactive, it takes place in
its realistic cinematography and
practical effects, immersing America the batman Arkham universe,
sometime after Arkham origins,
viewers in the post-apocalyptic but before Arkham Asylum. It sees
chaos. By Steven Gilbert a younger batman have to go
through Arkham Blackgate after a
The ensemble cast, including The late country artist Toby breakout of joker, shocker,
standout performances by Sarah Keith released his Memorial Day penguin, black mask, bane, and
Wayne Callies, Jon Bernthal, and EP appropriately named Solomon Grundy. The game is a
Steven Yeun, elevates the American on May 26, 2023, by mix of 2d and 3d, having gameplay
narrative. The writing masterfully UME - Global Clearing House. of a 2d game, with the graphics
weaves themes of loss, sacrifice, The American EP album and world being all 3d. The game
and the human condition, contains 6 of Toby Keith’s most itself was released on mostly older
transcending the typical zombie patriotic Country songs. 3 of the consoles, like the 3ds, Xbox 360,
horror genre. The season's well- fan favorite songs on the and ps3. The combat of the game
paced storytelling balances American EP album include tries its best to emulate the
intense action with character- Courtesy of the Red, White, and combat style of the other batman
driven moments, building tension Blue, American Soldier, and Arkham games, having gadgets
and anticipation. you can use mid combat, parry’s,
Should’ve Been A Cowboy
and a very nice implementation of
The American EP album had 6
The first season concludes with a the free flow system into a 2d
singles that have all made #1 on
gut-wrenching finale that leaves environment. Overall, Batman
multiple charts including US
viewers eager for more. The Arkham Blackgate is a very nice
Billboard Hot 100 and the US Hot
Walking Dead Season 1 is a game for Batman Arkham fans,
Country Songs. The songs have
landmark in television, redefining who might not have crazy devices
collectively gone 16x Platinum in
the genre through its atmospheric to be able to play on, its a nice
the US with collectively over
visuals, thought-provoking lesser game which builds the
themes, and unforgettable
16,000,000 copies of each song
world a little more, and appeases
character journeys, making it a sold in the US.
the fans.
must-watch for fans of post- The American EP is for anyone
apocalyptic fiction. that wants some patriotic
country in their playlists. The
American EP is available
anywhere you can listen to
music including Spotify and
Apple Music, Youtube Music,
and Prime Music just to name a

From Mars to
Sirius by
By Landon Illingworth
"Mars to Sirius" stands as a
defining moment in Gojira's
evolution, solidifying their status
as one of metal's most innovative
acts. Born from the French metal
scene in the early 2000s, Gojira
Dirt 3 Review
Additionally, the game boasts a
forged a path blending elements robust multiplayer mode, allowing
of death, progressive, and groove players to compete against
metal, earning acclaim for their By Carter Kephart
friends or strangers online for
technical prowess and ecological bragging rights.
lyrical themes. The recording of Dirt 3 delivers an exhilarating off-
Overall, Dirt 3 is a must-play for
"Mars to Sirius" marked a pivotal road racing experience that's sure
fans of off-road racing games.
period for the band, as they to rev up any gamer's adrenaline.
With its stunning visuals, engaging
delved deeper into their signature Set against stunning backdrops
gameplay, and wealth of content,
sound while exploring new sonic ranging from the dusty trails of
it's sure to provide hours of
territories. Recorded in 2004 and Kenya to the icy tundra of Finland,
entertainment for racing
released in 2005, the album's this game offers a visually
enthusiasts of all stripes.
production process was immersive journey through
meticulous, with the band pushing diverse terrains. The attention to
their creative boundaries to craft detail in the environments is
a cohesive and immersive sonic
commendable, with
weather conditions adding an
Feature : Auri
Upon its release, "Mars to Sirius" extra layer of challenge and
garnered widespread critical excitement to each race.
acclaim and solidified Gojira's The gameplay itself is incredibly
By Sharlita Kulp
place as a force to be reckoned satisfying, striking a fine balance
with in the metal world. Praised for between realism and accessibility.
its complex compositions, bone- Whether you're a seasoned rally
crushing riffs, and poignant veteran or a newcomer to the
environmental message, the genre, Dirt 3 offers a range of
album resonated with fans and difficulty settings and driving
critics alike. Metal Hammer hailed assists to accommodate players
it as "a masterpiece of modern of all skill levels. The handling of
metal," while Revolver Magazine the vehicles feels responsive and
declared it "a genre-defining intuitive, making it easy to slide
opus." Fans echoed these around corners and catch air off
sentiments, with one noting, "This jumps with precision.
album changed the way I look at One of the standout features of
metal. It's a journey from start to Dirt 3 is its extensive content
finish, blending brutality with offering. With a wide variety of
beauty seamlessly." "Mars to events, including traditional rally
Sirius" remains a cornerstone of races, Gymkhana freestyle events,
Gojira's discography, a testament and challenging head-to-head
to their artistic vision and showdowns, there's always
unwavering dedication to pushing something new and exciting to
the boundaries of metal music. sink your teeth into.

Review: This
Auri Katariina is known as the
world's best cleaner. Even though
she has this title, there is not a lot
of information on her. She is a 30
year old Youtuber born on March
Time It’s Real
By Ann Liang
9th, 1993. Over the years she has
got up to 10 million subscribers.
She first created her cleaning
account in September 2020. That
By Kaylee Oertwig
is only 4 years of posting and she So when she finally has a chance
has already gotten up to 10 million. to get to know Caz and others, I
This Time It’s Real is a young-adult
feel like she is afraid to let her
Now, how has she gained over 10 rom-com novel written by Ann
guard down because she feels like
million subscribers in only 4 years? Liang and published in February of
it won’t last. I’m glad that she
What she does is really kind and 2022. When seventeen-year-old
learned how to let people into her
caring, she cleans people's houses Eliza Lin’s essay of her finding true
life and to get out of her comfort
who have mental illnesses or are love and little goes viral, her life is
zone a little. There were several
struggling with grief and do not changed instantly with intern
little moments in the book that
have motivation to clean. But, she offers for writing, her dream job,
were a bit cliche but it was still
does everything for free. All the and gaining popularity at her new
very cute and they’re commonly
work she does for people is free, international school in Beijing.
used in romance for a reason. I
she normally does all this cleaning While she is thrilled to have these
found the setting to be very
by herself, which is really opportunities, there is one
intriguing, because I am not very
impressive seeing the state of problem, the essay is all fake and
familiar with Chinese culture and
these peoples houses, but once in she has never even been in a
it was interesting to see how it is
a while she will invite a follower or romantic relationship. Desperate
portrayed in the books. This book
her husband to help her clean. to keep this a secret, she makes a
is recommended for teens around
deal with a popular actor at her
the ages of 13 and up and is 337
Her free cleaning all started when school, Caz Song, to be in a fake
pages. I give this book 4.3/5 stars
Auri helped a single mom organize relationship with her. In return, she
and would definitely recommend
her home and since then she has will help him with his college
loved cleaning, decluttering, and applications. He agrees and the
organizing. Cleaning people's deal seems perfect. Though, as
homes is now her full time job. the two get to know each other,
Now you may think, “how is she
getting money if she does
their relationship begins to feel a
little too real, and Eliza begins to
City of Crows
cleaning for free?” She earns think that she might not be
money from these videos she pretending anymore.
makes and she also gets This book was a really nice slow-
sponsored from cleaning burn and I really enjoyed how the
By Jared Vail
products, they will pay her to show fake-dating trope was written. I
"City of Crows" sees Kray taking
you how good their products are really liked the dynamic between
charge within the current
by cleaning these peoples homes. Eliza and Caz and how it evolved
Trap,Rage,Plugg scene that he
throughout the book. Caz liked
played a pivotal role in shaping
Overall, what Auri does is not just joking around a lot and I liked how
almost a decade ago. The ethereal
cleaning homes, but saving being around him helps Eliza let
cloud rap synths that were spaced
peoples lives. She will tell the story herself be more relaxed. Because
out have now given way to robust
of the owners of these homes, put her family moves around so much
808s and intricate hi-hat patterns,
their story out there and spread for her mom’s job, she doesn’t
aiming to evoke a sense of shock
awareness how mental illness can really have a chance to make
and awe while Kray seamlessly
affect people's lives. friends, besides her best friend
transitions between verses and
”This album is the best album”said
one critic.

Unlike many of Kray's previous
projects, "City of Crows" offers a
different album experience. The
pacing is brisk, and each track
stands independently, not relying
on others for support. While the
project may not make a bold
artistic statement, it excels in
being highly replayable for its
target audience and extends an
invitation to listeners from various
subgenres of modern rap.
Moreover, the production quality
is top-notch—well-compiled,
exceptionally fresh, and richly Palworld patch v0.1.1.4 has some Originally The Mystic Knights of
textured. Kray, acting as a curator, major fixes that will hopefully the Oingo Boingo, the band began
successfully assembles the latest improve on some of the players' as a street theatre group in LA,
stylistic developments in trap. criticisms. This includes fixing an founded by Danny’s brother
Even if Kray's style isn't your issue where the game would Richard Elfman. In its early days,
preference, the outstanding always crash once a guild has The Mystic Knights were formed
production alone makes "City of captured more than 7,000 Pals, by as many as 15 performers at a
Crows" worth a listen for fans of corrupting save data. Previously, time, some of which played
this hard, hypermodern approach. this data would remain broken and instruments built by the members
impossible to load. themselves.
Another fix was an issue where In ‘74, Danny Elfman joined the

Palworld some weapons equipped by other

players would disappear when a
group and took on a leadership
role, and under his influence the
grenade was used. Then they band moved gradually away from
By Hayden Dekeyzer addressed an issue where the their street theatre roots and
capture probability would not became an official band under the
Palworld has shaken up the increase when using Lifmunk new, shortened name Oingo
gaming world with its entertaining Effigies. Boingo. The group saw many
gameplay as well as its seemingly Over on the base, developers fixed lineup changes throughout the
familiar Pals, which has led to a lot an issue where Pals would never years, the only constant being
of controversy and attention. Just wake up when they were assigned Elfman, lead vocalist and primary
today, Nintendo's President to a breeding farm when asleep. songwriter. After his last
Shuntaro Furukawa announced Another base-related issue that performance with the group at
that the company will be taking was also fixed was where no wood the Universal Ampitheatre in Los
"appropriate action" against would drop from a Pal. Angeles, 1995, Danny focused his
"those that infringe our career on writing film scores.
intellectual property rights" when Oingo Boingo’s discography is
asked his opinion on Palworld's Pal
designs. Oingo Boingo diverse in its exploration of genres
and tone; their 1985 album Dead
Despite the controversy, Palworld Man’s Party, for example, is more
has continued to grow in By Sammi Houchins playful and upbeat (however
popularity. To keep up with the macabre its subject matter)
massive playerbase, developers compared to the tongue-in-cheek
Oingo Boingo was a group formed
have been patching the game and irony of Only A Lad (1981) and the
in 1979 by songwriter Danny
promising some big changes in cynical, unhinged and almost
Elfman, known for their expressive
2024. The latest patch is v0.1.4.1. psychadelic feel of Nothing to
musical style and bizarre lyrics,
Here's what has been outlined so Fear (1982).
often bursting with wonderfully
far. sarcastic social commentary.

Oingo Boingo’s music certainly Since Coronavirus lost its title of a I think the mid-boss is the middle
isn’t for everyone, but with such “global emergency”, government of the dungeon but I’ve never
an extensive discography funding has been relocated to been able to get past the first
developed over the course of 17 more pressing matters, which boss which is sad on my part.
years, they’re sure to have put out means that we’ll have difficulty The map is never the same either,
something that strikes your fancy. understanding the full scope of there are different “prison camps”
COVID’s effect on our population. is what the starter dungeon is
In high-risk environments, experts called. They all have different
recommend wearing face masks, layouts as well and those layout
COVID-19 - A although
it is a personal correspond with different bosses.
Out of the whole I rate this game a

good 7/10.

By Wiley Steele Dungeon

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is
an infectious disease that causes
mild to moderate respiratory
issues in most people. Some By Dilan Kneifl
infected by the disease
Dungeon Slasher is a side scrolling
experience more serious illnesses
dungeon crawler that is fun and
and require medical attention.
challenging to play. The graphics
Individuals with underlying
are that of a pixel rpg. There are
medical conditions will typically
ten different classes to play, the
have a worse response to
first one you get is the knight
Coronavirus, but anyone that finds
class. To list some there is a
themself with the virus can
Fighter, Slayer, Mage, and a
become seriously ill.
There are missions you can do to
According to the World Health
get resources. Those resources
Organization, (WHO) the greatest
then can be used to level up your
way to keep yourself and others
safe from Coronavirus is to
maintain distance, wear a properly
character at the blacksmith, sadly
you can’t upgrade your weapons, RHS
but your character does increase
filtered mask, and wash your
hands often. Since the virus can
their attack power as they level
spread from an infected person’s
mouth or nose from coughing,
sneezing, or even breathing, it’s
There are different weapons that
you can buy and they all do head to UIL
something different. The different
important to cover your mouth
and nose when secreting particles
classes have their own specific
weapons they can use. For
OAP Clinic
from such orifices.
example the Slayer uses a scythe By Jonathan Lance
while the Knight uses a sword. On February 7 the Rains High
Overall, COVID-19 is not nice, and
There are also different types of School Theater Department
it’s here to stay. Experts predict
enemies so far I’ve encountered attended their OAP UIL Clinic at
that there will be outbreaks of this
fire and ice wizards/mages, there Chisum. This experience provided
virus up to four times a year, and
are enemies with halberds, and a valuable opportunity for theater
while our immune systems are
there are just up chomper enthusiasts to hone their skills and
improving and getting used to the
enemies. There are also different receive constructive feedback
virus, COVID also evolves. Not as
bosses. There are normal bosses from seasoned adjudicators Mike
many people are becoming
and there are mid-bosses. I don't and Penny Sullivan.
seriously ill or infected, but
really know what distinguishes
numbers are still rising.

Hosted as a one-day event, the
clinic showcased the talent and
dedication of participating
theater groups, including the
Rains High School Theater
Company, who presented Act 2 of
"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," adapted
from Robert Louis Stevenson's
classic work.
“I am proud of our Wildcat
Theaspians,” stated Lance, “I
believe our production will
advance far this year.”
The performance by Rains High
School Theater Company was met
with keen interest from the
adjudicators, who provided
insightful critiques on various
aspects of the production.
Specifically, feedback was offered
on elements such as blocking,
projection, pacing, and lighting,
offering valuable insights into
As the competition on March
areas for improvement and
22nd approaches, theater
commendations for strengths
community enthusiasts and
supporters are invited to witness
Held at Chisum High School,
the by-product of preparation and
near Paris, Texas, the clinic served
dedication. Whether you're a
as a preparatory event for the
seasoned theater fan or simply
upcoming UIL OAP performance
curious to experience the delight
scheduled for March 21st and
of live performance, the UIL OAP
March 22nd. With March 21st
competition promises an
designated as the Tech Day,
unforgettable experience filled
where technical aspects of the
with talent, passion, and the
production are fine-tuned, the
transformative power of
subsequent days promise to
storytelling. For more information,
showcase the culmination of
contact Mr. Lance at
weeks of hard work and
[email protected].
dedication by participating
theater groups.
The adaptation of Robert Louis
Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Hyde" for the stage presents a
compelling narrative exploring the
duality of human nature and the
consequences of unchecked
mental health issues. This
production includes the following
actors Piper Besherse, Ezra Dunn,
Colby Crawford, Landon
Illingworth, A.J. Soto, Wiley Steele,
Nataleigh Sheffield, Colton Mott,
Kaylee Oertwig, Sammy Houchins,
and Trinity Rodgers.

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Leo (July 23 - August 22): Sagittarius (November 22 -
This week, Aries, you may find For Leo, this week is all about December 21):
yourself feeling particularly setting boundaries and prioritizing Sagittarius, this week brings
ambitious and driven. Use this your needs. Don't be afraid to say opportunities for adventure and
energy to tackle any challenges or no to things that drain your energy exploration. Follow your curiosity
projects that have been lingering or don't align with your values. and seek out new experiences that
on your to-do list. Trust your Focus on activities and ignite your passion and
instincts and take bold actions to relationships that bring you joy and enthusiasm. Whether it's through
move closer to your goals. fulfillment, and let go of anything travel, learning, or trying out new
Remember to balance your work that no longer serves you. activities, allow yourself to
with self-care to avoid burnout. embrace the spirit of adventure
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): and embrace the unknown.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Virgo, this week brings
For Taurus, this week is all about opportunities for growth and self- Capricorn (December 22 -
communication and connection. improvement. Take stock of your January 19):
Reach out to loved ones you goals and aspirations, and make a This week, Capricorn, focus on
haven't spoken to in a while and plan for how to achieve them. Stay building a solid foundation for your
strengthen your bonds with those organized and disciplined in your goals and aspirations. Take
closest to you. Don't be afraid to approach, but also be open to practical steps towards achieving
express your thoughts and feelings unexpected opportunities that your dreams, and don't be afraid
openly, as honest communication may arise. Trust in your abilities to put in the hard work necessary
will lead to deeper understanding and believe in your potential to to succeed. Trust in your abilities
and connection. succeed. and stay committed to your path,
even in the face of challenges or
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Libra (September 23 - October 22): setbacks.
Gemini, you may feel a strong This week, Libra, focus on fostering
desire for adventure and new harmony and balance in your Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):
experiences this week. Embrace relationships. Seek out compromise Aquarius, this week is all about
opportunities to explore unfamiliar and cooperation in your interactions authenticity and self-expression.
territory and expand your horizons. with others, and strive to resolve Embrace your unique quirks and
Whether it's through travel, any conflicts or misunderstandings eccentricities, and don't be afraid to
learning something new, or trying peacefully. Remember to also let your true self shine. Share your
out a new hobby, allow yourself to ideas and opinions openly, and seek
prioritize your own needs and
out connections with others who
step out of your comfort zone and desires, and don't be afraid to
appreciate your individuality.
embrace the unknown. assert yourself when necessary.
Remember to stay true to yourself
and follow your own path, no matter
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Scorpio (October 23 - November what others may think.
This week, Cancer, focus on 21):
nurturing yourself and your For Scorpio, this week is about Pisces (February 19 - March 20):
emotional well-being. Take time to embracing transformation and For Pisces, this week brings
rest and recharge, especially if embracing change. Trust in the opportunities for introspection and
you've been feeling overwhelmed process of growth and evolution, reflection. Take time to connect with
or stressed lately. Pay attention to even if it feels uncomfortable at your inner thoughts and emotions,
your intuition and allow yourself to times. Allow yourself to let go of old and listen to the wisdom of your
process any emotions that arise. habits or patterns that no longer intuition. Trust in your instincts and
Remember that self-care is serve you, and welcome new allow yourself to be guided by your
essential for maintaining balance opportunities for growth and inner compass. Remember that self-
and inner peace. renewal with open arms. awareness is the key to personal
growth and fulfillment.
This Week in
assassinated in a bombing in
Beirut, Lebanon, leading to
widespread protests and political
History upheaval.
February 15th:

February 12th: 1564: Italian astronomer and

1809: Abraham Lincoln, the 16th mathematician Galileo Galilei was
President of the United States, was born in Pisa, Italy.
born in Hodgenville, Kentucky. 1898: The USS Maine, an American
1912: The last emperor of China, battleship, exploded in Havana
Puyi, abdicated his throne, Harbor, Cuba, leading to the
bringing an end to over 2,000 Spanish-American War.
years of imperial rule. 1954: The first mass inoculation of
2002: The trial of former Yugoslav children against polio with the Salk
president Slobodan Milošević vaccine began in Pittsburgh,
began at the International Criminal Pennsylvania.
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia February 16th:
in The Hague, Netherlands.
1923: Archaeologist Howard Carter
February 13th: unsealed the burial chamber of
1633: Italian astronomer Galileo Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt's
Galilei arrived in Rome for his trial Valley of the Kings, revealing a
before the Inquisition for treasure trove of artifacts.
advocating Copernican theory. 1948: The United States' first mass
1945: During World War II, the vaccination of children against
bombing of Dresden, Germany by diphtheria began in New York City.
Allied forces began, resulting in 1968: The first 911 emergency
significant destruction and loss of telephone system was inaugurated
life. in Haleyville, Alabama, becoming
2013: Pope Benedict XVI the national emergency number in
announced his resignation as the the United States.
head of the Catholic Church,
becoming the first pope to do so in
nearly 600 years.

February 14th:
1929: The St. Valentine's Day
Massacre occurred in Chicago,
Illinois, where seven members of
the North Side Gang were
murdered, allegedly by associates
of Al Capone.
1989: Iranian leader Ayatollah
Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa
calling for the death of British
author Salman Rushdie over his
controversial novel, "The Satanic
2005: Former Lebanese Prime
Minister Rafic Hariri was

Pictured above are Abraham Lincoln, King Tutankhamun and Galileo Galilei in his
Spotlight Feature: Stephen Sondheim
By A.J. Soto

Stephen Sondheim, known as the best his best being Ladies Who
lyricist and composer of the 20th Lunch, God That's Good,
century, was as the tag ling suggests Getting Married Today, Please
one of the most talented musical Hello and many more. The
geniuses of the stage. His works range musical giant also had an eye
from shows like Gypsy to Sweeney for unconventional stories to
Todd. Sondheim in his six decade tell such as the tale of a
career worked on 22 Broadway shows, murderous barber, or the
winning Tonys, Grammys, Oliviers, colonization of Japan. This is
Drama Desks, and even an Oscar and a one of the reasons he is
Pulitzer prize. Sondheim was nothing regarded as one of the most
short of a triumph in his time in the influential musical figures of all
American musical scene. time.

Stephen got his first job working on Sondheim won many awards,
the iconic musical reinterpretation of nominated 12 times winning 8
Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story. of them. In 1982 he was
Sondheim initially wanted to work on inducted into the American
composing and lyrics but the infamous Theater Hall of Fame, 1993 he
Leonard Bernstein was the composer. was honored by the Kennedy
Sondheim was the apprentice of Oscar Center and the president of
Hammerstein, learning how to channel the United States for his work
passion into music. Sondheim got the in the musical theater.
gig and went on to write the lyrics to Sondheim, a powerful force in
iconic songs from the show like the musical scene, worked up
America, I Feel Pretty, Tonight, etc. but until his death in 2021 at the
this was just the beginning to his long age of 91. His death had no
and astounding career. power on his work, he made
one last musical before he died
Sondheim made one more musical and it was staged and
without doing both lyrics and produced posthumously. The
composing before he got his break. show is regarded as another
His first musical score and lyrics to a triumph for the great
show in A Funny Thing Happened on Sondheim.
the Way to the Forum. The show was a
hit and once was the longest running Stephen Sondheim's career
show on Broadway. Sondheim then and legacy is one of the most
crossed paths with one of the best astonishing and breathtaking
stage directors and producers Hal you will find. His shows and
Prince, which sparked their decade legend inspire many striving
long partnership on the stage. Their artists in the theater world,
most notable collaborations being and still entertain on the stage.
Company, A Little Night Music, Pacific Sondheim will always be
Overtures, and Sweeney Todd. regarded and known as one of
the greatest lyricists and
One of the things that set Sondheim composers of all time.
apart from other composers and
lyricists was his fearlessness to “Oh if life were made of
venture where others feared. moments even now and then a
Sondheim sparked the concept bad one! But if life were only
musical movement and was known for moments , then you’d never
his beautiful patter songs and know you had one,” Said
gorgeous scores and lyrics. Some of Stephen Sondheim
Historic Comic: 1942
Endorsement Night

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