Orthodontics: Development of Occlusion Dr. Ayam A. Taha
Orthodontics: Development of Occlusion Dr. Ayam A. Taha
Orthodontics: Development of Occlusion Dr. Ayam A. Taha
Dental occlusion undergoes significant changes from birth until adulthood and beyond.
This continuation of changes in the dental relationship during various stages of the
dentition can be divided into four stages:
✓ Infantile open bite: Usually, the anterior segment of the upper and lower gum pads
do not approximate each other with a space created between them, while the
posterior segment occlude with each other at the molar region (Figure 2). The
tongue is positioned in this space between the upper and lower gum pads during
suckling. This infantile open bite is transient and gets self-corrected with the
eruption of deciduous incisors.
✓ Complete overjet: The maxillary gum pad is usually larger and overlaps the
mandibular gum pad both horizontally and vertically with a complete overjet all
around. In this way, the opposing surface of the pads provides an efficient way of
squeezing milk during breastfeeding.
✓ Class II pattern with the maxillary gum pad being more prominent.
✓ Precocious eruption of primary teeth (Natal and neonatal teeth): Usually jaws are
devoid of teeth at birth. However, occasionally infants are born with one/two
erupted teeth, usually, the mandibular incisors. Such teeth present at birth are
called as natal teeth (Figure 3). Teeth that erupt within 30 days of life are called as
neonatal teeth. Familial tendency is observed in this condition and such premature
eruption of teeth may cause problems during feeding. It is advised to retain them
unless they are too mobile.
Eruption of the primary teeth begins by 6 months of age when primary mandibular
incisors erupt into oral cavity. Eruption of all the primary teeth is usually complete by
two and half years by which age the deciduous dentition is in full function. Root
formation of primary teeth is usually completed by three years of age. Although
considerable variation is seen in the eruption timing of deciduous teeth, there appears
to be no significant gender differences. The sequence of eruption of primary teeth may
also show some variation. However, in most of the cases, the lower central incisors
are the first teeth to erupt, followed by the upper central incisors. Usually, the lateral
incisor, first molar and canine tend to erupt earlier in the maxilla than in the mandible.
Deciduous dentition generally shows the following order of eruption:
1.Central incisors
2.Lateral incisors
3. First molars
4. Canines
5. Second molars
In addition to the generalized spacing, localized spacing is often present mesial to the
upper canine and distal to the lower canine. Such spaces, originally described by
Lewis and Lehman (1929), are a normal feature of the permanent dentition in the
higher apes (primates) and are present in the human primary dentition. Thus these
are usually referred to as the anthropoid spaces. Anthropoid spaces appear to be a
more constant feature of deciduous dentition (Figure 5).
An increased overbite is usually seen in the initial stages of development with the
deciduous mandibular incisors contacting the cingulum area of the deciduous
maxillary incisors in centric occlusion (Figure 6). Deep bite may be due to the fact that
the primary incisors are more vertically placed than the permanent incisors. The ideal
position of the deciduous incisors has been described as being more vertical than the
permanent incisors, with a deeper incisal overbite. This deep bite later gets self-
corrected by:
o Attrition of incisors.
o Eruption of deciduous molars
o Differential growth of the alveolar processes of the jaws.
2. Mesial step
3. Distal step
Flush terminal plane: In straight/ flush terminal plane, the distal surfaces of the
maxillary and mandibular second deciduous molars are in the same vertical plane. It
is of significance to note that the mandibular second primary molar has a greater
mesiodistal diameter than the maxillary second molar. This difference in the
dimensions makes the distal surfaces of both maxillary and mandibular deciduous
second molars to fall in same vertical plane in centric occlusion. Such an arrangement
is called as "flush terminal plane." Flush terminal plane is considered to be the ideal
kind of molar relationship in the primary dentition.
Mesial step: In this terminal plane relationship, the distal surface of the mandibular
deciduous second molar is more mesial to the distal surface of the maxillary deciduous
second molar.
Distal step: Here, the distal surface of the mandibular deciduous second molar is more
distal to the distal surface of the maxillary deciduous second molar. In other words,
the maxillary second deciduous molar is ahead of the mandibular second deciduous
Significant changes in occlusion are seen in mixed dentition period due to the loss of
20 primary teeth and eruption of their successor permanent teeth. Most malocclusions
are developed at this stage. Mixed dentition stage can be divided into the following
o Early/1st.transitional period
o Inter-transitional period
o Late/2nd transitional period.
Early transitional period is concerned with the replacement of the primary incisors by
their successors and the addition of four first permanent molars to the dentition. This
usually occurs in the age range of 6 to 8 years.
The first permanent molars erupt at 6 years of age with mandibular molar preceding
the maxillary molars in most cases. The first molars are considered to play an
important role in the establishment of occlusion in the permanent dentition and class I
molar relationship is considered as the normal anteroposterior molar relationship. The
location and relationship of first permanent molars is influenced by the presence of
interdental spacing and the terminal plane relationship of the primary dentition. The
erupting first permanent molars are guided by the distal surfaces of the second primary
molars as they erupt into occlusion. Thus, the terminal plane relationship of primary
dentition largely determines the type of molar relationship in the permanent dentition,
among other factors. The effects of terminal plane relationships are described in
Figure 8.
Figure 8: The possible effects of terminal plane relationship on permanent
Flush terminal plane usually develops into class I molar relationship in the permanent
dentition. Some cases of flush terminal plane may also develop into class II molar
relationship if forward mandibular growth is not sufficient. In the presence of flush
terminal plane, the first permanent molars initially assume a cusp-to-cusp or end-on
molar relationship, as they erupt distal to the second primary molars. The lower first
permanent molar has to move 2-3 mm anteriorly in relation to the upper first permanent
molar in order to transform the end-on relation to class I molar relation. This
transformation from end-on to class I molar relation occurs in two ways:
a. Early mesial shift: Early mesial shift of lower permanent first molar occurs by
utilization of the physiologic spaces present between primary incisors and the primate
spaces. The eruptive force of permanent molars pushes the deciduous molars forward
into the spaces, there by establishing class I molar relationship. As this change occurs
in early mixed dentition, the shift is called the "early mesial shift" ( Figure 9).
Figure 9: Early mesial shift: Erupting lower permanent first molars shifts
mesially, utilizing the primate spaces in early mixed dentition period to establish
class I molar relationship
Figure 10: Late mesial shift: In case of primate space deficiency, class I molar
relationship can be achieved in late mixed dentition period following exfoliation
of primary second molars, utilizing the Leeway space
When deciduous second molars are in mesial step, the first permanent molars directly
erupt into class I molar relationship. Few cases may also progress to class III molar
relations, if forward growth of the mandible persists.
Distal step in primary dentition usually leads to Angle's class II molar relationships in
the permanent dentition. A few cases may go into class I molar relationship.
• Eruption of Permanent Incisors
Permanent incisors erupt lingual to the primary incisors and mandibular central are
often the first to erupt. How the larger permanent incisor teeth are accommodated is
described below:
A. Incisal liability
Incisal liability is partly compensated by the developmental spaces that exist in the
primary dentition (interdental physiologic spacing in the primary incisor region: 4 mm
in maxillary arch; 3 mm in mandibular arch). Anterior crowding of permanent dentition
may develop in the absence of interdental spacing.
Continuing growth of the jaws often results in an increase in the inter-canine arch width
during the mixed dentition period. This may significantly contribute to accommodation
of the bigger permanent incisors in the arches.
The deciduous incisors are more vertically positioned than the permanent incisors.
Permanent incisors exhibit a more labial inclination. This means decreasing the inter-
incisal angle from about 150° in the deciduous dentition to 123° in the permanent
dentition, which tends to increase the dental arch perimeter. The change in the
labiolingual inclination of incisors also contributes to overcome the incisal liability by
adding 2-3 mm to the arch.
Figure 11: Comparison of the angulation of the permanent and primary teeth
Around the age of 8 years, a midline diastema is commonly seen in the upper arch,
which is usually misinterpreted by the parents as a malocclusion. Crowns of canines
in young jaws impinge on developing lateral incisor roots, thus driving the roots
medially and causing the crowns to flare laterally. The roots of the central incisors are
also forced together, thus causing a maxillary midline diastema. The period from the
eruption of lateral incisor to canine is termed as the Ugly Duckling stage (Figure 12).
It is an unesthetic metamorphosis, which eventually leads to an aesthetic result. With
eruption of canines, the impingement from the roots shifts incisally, thus driving the
incisor crowns medially, resulting in closure of the diastema.
o Inter-transitional Period
After first permanent molars and incisors establish occlusion, there is an interim period
of 1-2 years before the commencement of second transitional period in which little
changes in the occlusion is seen. This phase of mixed dentition stage is relatively
stable with only minor changes taking place and is referred to as inter-transitional
o Late/ 2nd. Transitional Period (10-13 Years)
The second transitional period involves replacement of molars and canines by the
premolars and permanent canines respectively and the emergence of second
permanent molars. Exfoliation of mandibular primary canine at around 10 years of age
usually makes the beginning of second transitional period.
Mandibular canines erupt following the eruption of the incisors at around 10 years,
while the maxillary canines usually erupt after the eruption of one or both the
premolars, at around 12-13 years.
The important portion of the dental arch in the development of occlusion is the
premolar segment. This is because the erupting premolars are significantly smaller in
mesiodistal dimension than the primary molars which they replace. Thus, major
changes in occlusion are observed during the premolar emergence.
Eruption of permanent canines and premolars usually occurs after a pause of 1-2
years following incisor eruption. The first posterior teeth to erupt are the mandibular
canine and first premolar (9-10 years) followed by maxillary premolars and canine
around 11-12 years. Most common eruption sequence is 4-5-3 in the maxilla and 3-4-
5 in the mandible. Favourable occlusion in this region is largely dependent on:
• Attainment of normal molar relation with minimum diminution of space available for
In general, the combined mesiodistal crown dimension of the primary canine and
primary first and second molars is greater than the combined mesiodistal crown
dimension of their successors namely permanent canine and first and second
premolars. The amount of space gained by this difference in the posterior segments
is termed as the Leeway space of Nance and is present in both the arches (Figure 13).
Leeway space of Nance is the combined mesiodistal widths of deciduous canine, first
and second molars is more than that of the combined mesiodistal width of permanent
canine, first and second premolar. The difference between the two is called the
Leeway space.
Emergence of second permanent molars ideally should follow the eruption of the
premolars. If the second molars erupt before the premolars erupt fully, a significant
shortening of the arch perimeter occurs, and malocclusion may be more likely to occur.
• Change in the Anteroposterior Molar Relationship in Mixed Dentition
To begin with, the newly erupted permanent first molars occlude in a cusp-to-cusp
relation, especially when deciduous dentition exhibit flush terminal plane. Cusp to-
cusp/end-on molar relationship, which is considered normal in early mixed dentition
stage, changes into class I molar relationship, which is considered normal in
permanent dentition stage by the following factors:
During growing period, both the maxilla and the mandible grow downward and forward.
However, the mandible grows relatively more forward than the maxilla during this
developmental stage. Such differential mandibular growth is thought to contribute to
the transition from end-on to class I molar relationship.
✓Arch Curvatures
The anteroposterior curvature exhibited by the mandibular arch is called the curve
of Spee (Figure 15). It refers to the anteroposterior curvature of the occlusal
surfaces, beginning at the tip of the lower cuspid and following cusp tip of the
bicuspids and molars continuing as an arc through to the condyle. If the curve were
extended, it would form a circle of about 4 inches diameter. The corresponding
curve in the maxillary arch is called the compensating curve.
Figure 15: The curve of Spee: A line from the tip of the canine touching the
tips of the buccal cusps of the posterior teeth
✓Incisor Relationship
The vertical overlap between maxillary and mandibular incisors is called overbite
and is about 1-3 mm and the horizontal overlap called the overjet is generally
between 2-4 mm (Figure 16).
✓Molar Relationship
In permanent dentition stage, the class I molar relationship is the ideal relationship.
In class I molar relationship, the mesio-buccal grove of the mandibular first molar
is in the mesio-buccal cusp of the maxillary first molar. (Figure 17).
Figure 17: A and B: Normal molar relationship