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ESIC Energy Storage Request For Proposal Guide

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ESIC Energy Storage Request for Proposal Guide


ESIC Energy Storage Request for Proposal Guide

Technical Update, December 2019

EPRI Project Manager

E. Minear

Electric Power Research Institute

3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 • USA
13125326800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • [email protected] • www.epri.com
Electric Power Research Institute

This is an EPRI Technical Update report. A Technical Update report is intended as an informal report of
continuing research, a meeting, or a topical study. It is not a final EPRI technical report.

For further information about EPRI, call the EPRI Customer Assistance Center at 800.313.3774 or
e-mail [email protected].

are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
Copyright © 2019 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), prepared this report.
Principal Investigators
E. Minear
S. Willard
P. Ip

The following organization(s), under contract to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),
supported editorial review of the initial publication of this report:
Hoffman Power Consulting
P.O. Box 580
Morgan Hill, CA 95038

P. Maloney
V. MacLaren-Wray

This report describes research sponsored by EPRI.

The authors would like to thank the participants of the Energy Storage Integration Council
(ESIC) Procurement Task Force and Grid Integration Working Group for providing valuable
verbal and written contributions to the initial guide and this revision:

Ben Ealey, EPRI

Mike Simpson, EPRI
Chuck Hookham, Consumers Energy
Claudio Lima, AGX, LLC
Ayesha Bari, Entergy
Eva Gardow, FirstEnergy
Michelle Lim, Xcel Energy
Jaclyn Whiteman, Duke Energy
Charlie Vartanian, MEPPI
Kevin Fok, LG Chem
Morgan Smith, EPRI
Eric Mannarino, EPRI

This publication is a corporate document that should be cited in the literature in the following
ESIC Energy Storage Request for Proposal Guide. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2019. 3002017242.

13125326 iii
Energy storage is becoming an important element of integrated grid planning, with an increasing
need for utilities to solicit proposals for new storage products and installations. Preparing a
comprehensive request for proposals calls for recognizing some of the particular characteristics
of storage. Additionally, new capabilities and value streams are being added as technology
vendors and the industry identify how storage can better support grid flexibility. This rapidly
evolving industry means that new storage systems can be procured at different levels of
specificity and communicating utility objectives and requirements clearly is important for
assessing proposals on consistent, level basis. Recognizing the need for a practical reference for
developing requests for proposals (RFPs), industry participants in the Energy Storage Integration
Council (ESIC) have collaboratively developed this guide. The goals are to highlight the range of
special needs appropriate to storage, outline the process of informing potential bidders of project
requirements, and support development of the scope of work in order to help establish an
efficient, effective, and fair bidding process. The guide provides an outline of request for
proposal sections, examples of information to include in order to communicate project
requirements clearly, and references to other ESIC tools and templates that can support the
procurement process.
Energy storage
Request for proposal

13125326 v

Deliverable Number: 3002017242

Product Type: Technical Update
Product Title: ESIC Energy Storage Request for Proposal Guide

PRIMARY AUDIENCE: Electric utility distribution and transmission system owners/operators considering
incorporating energy storage in new integrated grid development.
SECONDARY AUDIENCE: Energy storage suppliers, regulatory agencies.


As the costs of energy storage have fallen and the range of applications for energy storage has broadened,
a need has developed for a practical guide to preparing requests for proposals (RFPs) for new energy storage

This report is a practical reference guide for entities looking to procure storage through clearly communicating
project goals, requirements, and scope to potential bidders. It outlines common sections of a RFP and
highlights storage-specific information that may be included in those sections. It also provides links to related
Energy Storage Integration Council (ESIC) tools that can be used to facilitate the procurement process. To
develop this guide, RFPs for similar projects were reviewed for parallel characteristics, and the special
requirements of storage were recognized in designing an approach to conducting an RFP process for storage.
The development of this document was supported by participants in the ESIC Working Group 3, Grid
Integration, which includes utilities, suppliers, consultants, and researchers.

• Designing RFP documents is made easier by access to templates. Incorporating elements from the
ESIC Technical Specification Template and the ESIC Energy Storage Cost Template and Tool
facilitates effective communication with potential bidders and clarification of project requirements and
pricing. (Sections 2.3.4, 2.4.1, and 2.4.2.)
• Energy storage RFPs share many essential components of the general RFP process, but it is
important to recognize specific storage-related considerations such as communication and control
requirements, performance requirements, and warranties that will help in aligning all parties on project
requirements and expectations, and support the proposal evaluation process. This is especially true
as new capabilities and value streams are being added and technology vendors and the industry need
to identify how storage can better support grid flexibility. This rapidly evolving industry means that new
storage systems can be procured at different levels, each with an increasing level of specificity.
(Sections 2.3.5, 2.3.6, and 2.3.7.)

• A clear recognition of the responsibilities of parties engaged in a complex project that affects multiple
areas of grid operations is an important element to planning an energy storage project. (Appendix C
includes a Division of Responsibility Matrix Template.)
• RFP should define all key terms and acronyms, from those applicable to technical requirements terms
to those addressing financial elements or the proposal evaluation process. This ensures that all
participants will interpret the RFPs requirements in the same way and are aligned on the expectations
for site acceptance and performance throughout the life of the project. (Section 2.3.4 and 2.3.6,
Appendix A)


The energy storage market is still rapidly evolving, and preparing a comprehensive request for proposals calls
for recognizing some of the particular characteristics of storage. In addition, because many suppliers in the
energy storage industry are relatively new to working directly with electric utilities, clearly communicating utility
requirements is especially important.OW TO APPLY RESULTS
This report can be used as a foundation for preparing energy storage RFPs. The templates provided are
supported by explanatory information, and users are encouraged to access other resources available from
ESIC, and to adapt these materials to reflect more precisely the conditions of their own needs for energy


• The ESIC Technical Specification Template streamlines defining requirements for an energy storage
project, and supports establishing and clearly defining the work scope in an RFP.
• The ESIC Energy Storage Cost Template and Tool can be used to communicate proposal pricing and
what is included in an offer.
• These templates and other published resources, together with further information about ESIC, can be
found at epri.com/esic. ESIC is an open technical, forum. To enroll as an active participant, send full
contact information to [email protected].

EPRI CONTACTS: Erin Minear, Technical Leader, [email protected]

PROGRAM: Energy Storage and Distributed Generation

Together...Shaping the Future of Electricity®

Electric Power Research Institute

3420 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, California 94304-1338 • PO Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303-0813 USA
800.313.3774 • 650.855.2121 • [email protected] • www.epri.com
© 2017 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Inc. All rights reserved. Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI, and
TOGETHER...SHAPING THE FUTURE OF ELECTRICITY are registered service marks of the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... V
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... VII
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................1-1
1. 1 Overview ................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Background ............................................................................................................1-1
1.3 Important Terms and Acronyms ..............................................................................1-1
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Purpose and Background..................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Project Description ............................................................................................2-1
2.1.3 Definitions of Terms and Acronyms ..................................................................2-2
2.2 Proposal Process Overview ....................................................................................2-2
2.2.1 Confidentiality ...................................................................................................2-2
2.2.2 Pre-Bid Qualifications .......................................................................................2-2
2.2.3 Schedule ...........................................................................................................2-3
2.2.4 Notice of Intent to Bid........................................................................................2-3
2.2.5 Pre-Bid Information Session and Communication .............................................2-4
2.2.6 Proposal Preparation and Submission ..............................................................2-4
2.2.7 Participation Requirements ...............................................................................2-4
2.2.8 Evaluation Criteria, Proposal Evaluation Matrix .................................................2-4
2.2.9 Disclosure of Proponents ..................................................................................2-5
2.3 Scope of Work ........................................................................................................2-5
2.3.1 Scope of Supply ................................................................................................2-5
2.3.2 Division of Responsibility Matrix ........................................................................2-5
2.3.3 Deliverables/Submittals.....................................................................................2-6
2.3.4 Technical Specification – Buyer Requirements .................................................2-6
2.3.5 Communication and Control Integration Specification .......................................2-8
2.3.6 Performance Requirements ............................................................................2-10
2.3.7 Warranty .........................................................................................................2-11
2.3.8 Owner Standards ............................................................................................2-11
2.3.9 Safety/Codes, Regulations and Standards ......................................................2-11
2.4 Required Proposal Submittals: Project-Specific Elements ....................................2-12
2.4.1 Pricing.............................................................................................................2-12
2.4.2 Technical Specification – Bidder Offering ........................................................2-13
2.4.3 Drawings .........................................................................................................2-13
2.4.4 Project Schedule .............................................................................................2-13
2.4.5 List of Project Clarifications, Assumptions, Exclusions, and Exceptions ..........2-14
2.4.6 Subcontracting Plan ........................................................................................2-15

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2.4.7 Diverse Supplier Statement ............................................................................2-15
2.4.8 List of Major Equipment Suppliers ...................................................................2-15
2.5 Required Proposal Submittals: Qualifications and Contract ..................................2-15
2.5.1 Statement of Knowledge, Experience and References ...................................2-15
2.5.2 Safety Plan and Record ..................................................................................2-16
2.5.3 Financial Statement ........................................................................................2-16
2.5.4 Conflicts of Interest .........................................................................................2-16
2.5.5 Legal Claims ...................................................................................................2-16
2.5.6 Business Ethics Statement .............................................................................2-16
2.5.7 Non-Disclosure Agreement .............................................................................2-16
2.5.8 Contract Terms and Conditions.......................................................................2-16
2.5.9 Bidder’s Exclusions and Exceptions ................................................................2-16
3 NEXT STEPS IN THE RFP PROCESS .................................................................................3-1
4 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................4-1
B EXAMPLE BIDDER QUALIFICATION FORM ..................................................................... B-1
C DIVISION OF RESPONSIBILITY (DOR) MATRIX TEMPLATE ........................................... C-1

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Figure 2–1 Example of a technical specification table ..............................................................2-8
Figure 2–2 Example of pricing sheet from ESIC Energy Storage Cost Template and Tool.....2-12

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Table 2–1 Example of RFP schedule .......................................................................................2-3
Table 2–2 Basic example of bidder’s project schedule ...........................................................2-14
Table 3–1 Simplified weighting-factor list .................................................................................3-3

13125326 xiii
1. 1 Overview
This request for proposal (RFP) guide is designed to be used by electric utilities or other entities
that plan to seek competitive bids for engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC)
contracts for energy storage installations. By providing clear guidelines and RFP templates, the
guide should further the goal of standardizing the issuance of RFPs. For equipment suppliers and
other respondents to an energy storage RFP, the guide may also serve to improve clarity,
including streamlining the communication process for RFPs. It may also help bidders formulate
more effective proposals, whether they are companies offering comprehensive storage products
or coalitions of companies working together to respond to bids. The combined result is intended
to make the RFP evaluation process more transparent and efficient. In general, this guide
anticipates that the utility, acting as buyer in an RFP process, will own the system. An RFP for a
power purchase agreements (PPA) has some overlap with utility-owned systems, but presents
unique requirements that are not addressed in this guide.

1.2 Background
Energy storage is a rapidly-growing element in electric utility planning, with over 777 MWh of
energy storage deployed in the United States in 2018[1]. Utilities around the country are
increasingly turning to energy storage to meet a variety of needs, from capacity requirements and
frequency regulation to renewable energy integration and asset deferral. Several states have set
energy storage procurement targets and utilities such as Georgia Power, Southern California
Edison, Arizona Public Service, and Hawaiian Electric Company have included storage in their
integrated resource plans. With continued growth in energy storage and particularly growth led
by utilities, it becomes important to establish guidelines for developing RFPs, so that utilities
issuing the RFPs and potential bidders share a clear and comprehensive understanding of the
RFP process. Those issuing RFPs need to be well-prepared for the complexities of the typical
RFP process, taking account of project details, information sharing, and contracting issues. This
guide is one tool to help smooth the path towards creating an effective RFP, to save valuable
time and resources for evaluating bids and completing the project itself.

1.3 Terms and Acronyms in this Guide

It is important to have an understanding of key terminology used in this guide. As subsection 2.1
notes, the RFP itself should contain a section similar to this one so that all parties share a
common set of terms.
RFI: Request for information, typically an invitation to potential bidders to provide information
on their products, services, and qualifications in preparation for preparing a RFP (see below).
RFP: Request for proposal, a formal document specifying the requirements for a specific project
for which bids are being sought for evaluation.

13125326 1-1
Bidder: Any individual company or joint consortium of companies submitting a proposal in
response to an RFP.
Buyer or Owner: The company (in this case, the utility company) issuing the RFP.
Other acronyms used in this document:
AHJ Authority Having Jurisdiction
AIA American Institute of Architects
ANSI American National Standards Institute
BESS Battery Energy Storage System
CAEs Clarifications, Assumptions, and Exceptions
COD Commercial Operation Date
CSR Codes, Standards, & Regulations
DNP3 Distributed Network Protocol
DOR Division of Responsibility
EPC Engineering, Procurement, and Construction
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
ESIC Energy Storage Integration Council
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO Independent System Operator
kW Kilowatt
kWh Kilowatt-Hour
MESA Modular Energy Storage Architecture
MW Megawatt
MWh Megawatt-Hour
NERC North American Electric Reliability Corp.
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement
NETA New Electricity Trading Arrangements
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NOI Notice of Intent

13125326 1-2
NTP Notice to Proceed
O&M Operation and Management
PCS Power Conversion System
RACI Responsible, Accountable/Approval, Consult, and Inform
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
UL UL (formerly Underwriters Laboratories)

13125326 1-3
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Purpose and Background
A well-structured request for proposal (RFP) includes relevant background information on the
project that will enhance the Bidders’ understanding of the Buyer’s needs and result in improved
proposal quality. In general, this background should include a brief description of the company’s
business operations and its overall energy strategy. For an energy storage RFP, information such
as driving factors for adding new storage, minimum requirements for storage specifications, and
the Buyer’s experience with storage will inform the Bidders’ technical designs and project plan.
In particular, the introductory section should provide an overview of the intended use cases for
the energy storage facility and indicate the flexibility of those use cases. If any background
analysis has been performed, the results can be included in this section or incorporated in the
scope of work and specifications.
2.1.2 Project Description
The introduction should also include the critical descriptions of the project up for bid. Each
project will have unique characteristics, depending on the particular use case, so any special
features needed or special needs to be served should be called out here. A basic project
description will include:
• A high-level outline of the scope of work, referring the bidders to details in the full Scope of
Work section (See subsection 2.3.)
• The intended project location
• Any general installation details relevant to project design, such as indoor vs. outdoor
placement, interconnection details, metering, and other relevant details
• The desired system rating, specifying both rated discharge/charge power (kW) and available
energy capacity (kWh)
• The intended application or service to be provided by the system, or markets with which the
system must interact (some indication of duty cycle)
• Project life of the system
• The planned commercial operating date and any key milestone dates
• Photos or maps of the site noting any known special considerations, such as specific zoning
or wetlands designations
• Reference drawings of the existing infrastructure at the site
• Key project contacts (project manager, interconnection coordinator, AHJs, etc.)

13125326 2-1
2.1.3 Definitions of Terms and Acronyms
As modeled in the Introduction to this guide, the front matter of the RFP should define all key
terms and acronyms which appear in the RFP, from those applicable to technical requirements
terms to those addressing financial elements or the proposal evaluation process. This ensures that
all participants will interpret the RFPs requirements in the same way and thus streamline the
process of sharing information. It can also help ensure alignment of expectations for site
acceptance and performance throughout the life of the project.
Resources to support the development of key terms list include the ESIC Energy Storage
Technical Specification Template [2] which provides an exhaustive list terms and definitions of
performance parameters which may be included in warranty and performance guarantee
contracts. (See Section 2.3.4 for more detail). Additionally, the ESIC Energy Storage Test
Manual [3] is a resource for description of functional requirements. A glossary of select terms
and definitions from these resources is provided in Appendix A.

2.2 Proposal Process Overview

This portion of the RFP gives Bidders a clear picture of the stages under which the proposal
process will proceed. Ideally, this information will ensure that proposals are submitted in a
timely manner, that supplemental information can be sought and received without any delays,
and that all participants will compete fairly.
2.2.1 Confidentiality
For many projects, the Buyer may need to share otherwise-sensitive information with potential
bidders in order to obtain effective proposals with accurate costs. Here, the RFP should
incorporate the Buyer’s established definitive confidentiality statement or non-disclosure
agreement (NDA) that bidders must sign in order to participate in the RFP. The Buyer should
include the forms for that NDA in the RFP packet and ensure that all participants read, sign, and
date the agreement before any confidential information is shared.
2.2.2 Pre-Bid Qualifications
Depending on the anticipated response to a request for proposal, the Buyer may consider adding
a pre-bid qualification step. In this step, each potential bidder is required to submit in advance
certain information to verify that specific minimum criteria are met. This preliminary screening
helps ensure the Buyer’s supply chain or procurement group would allow a contract with a given
company. An example Bidder Qualification Form is in Appendix B and a sample list of pre-
qualification requirements is as follows:
• An established record of safe operations
• Project Experience
• Sound finances, supported by a financial statement
• Freedom from conflicts of interest
• Absence of legal claims against the bidder
• A business ethics statement aligned with that of the Buyer
• Acceptability of Bidder’s non-disclosure agreement (if any)

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2.2.3 Schedule
The RFP process is typically bound by scheduling milestones. Efforts and activities of all
participants in the RFP project are aligned in a logical progression with specific dates on which a
contract will be put into effect. A sample schedule of solicitation milestones is provided in Table
2-1 below. Target dates for each stage of the process should take into account constraints built
into the Buyer’s own schedule, allow sufficient time for bidders to prepare all the items
requested in the RFP, and drive participants to keep the process moving forward. RFP milestones
will vary depending on the scope and scale of the specific project, the number and diversity of
participating groups, and the Buyer’s normal commercial procurement strategy.
Table 2–1
Example of RFP schedule

RFP Schedule Date

RFP Issued

Informational Meeting/Webcast

Intent to Bid Due

Site Visit

Deadline for Written Questions

Responses to Written Questions

Proposals Due

Selection of Shortlist

Q&A Meeting/Webcast with Shortlisted Bidders

Interviews with Shortlisted Bidders

Notification of Successful/Unsuccessful Bid(s)

Target Contract Execution

2.2.4 Notice of Intent to Bid

The intent to bid formalizes the bidder’s plan to be a part of the RFP process. Depending of the
specific needs of the Buyer, the level of detail needed in a notice of intent (NOI) may vary from
requiring only basic contact information and identification of the RFP to which the notice
applies, along with a simple signature, to including more project-relevant information. Typically,
the RFP will include a form for the desired Notice of Intent, thus requesting a common set of
information from those potential bidders who have decided to proceed.
By first surveying all possible Bidders through a request for information (RFI) process and then
requesting that interested Bidders formally confirm their interest, the Buyer can gauge the level
of interest among suppliers and estimate the overall response rate to the RFP. Having an estimate

13125326 2-3
of how many incoming bids are likely allows the Buyer to prepare the proper level of resources
for bid evaluation.
2.2.5 Pre-Bid Information Session and Communication
Pre-bid information sessions may be scheduled as in-person meetings, webinars, site visits, or a
combination of those. A cycle of written questions and responses with predetermined dates
should be incorporated to provide an open communication channel for clarification of the RFP
process and sharing of questions and answers among all interested parties. Pre-bid sessions
provide the detailed information that serious potential bidders need to fully understand the scope
of work and schedule. These communications prior to the submitting of proposals help to align
all bidders on the desired scope and minimize differing assumptions among proposals. In the
course of these meetings and communications, the Buyer may decide to extend the bidding cycle
or adjust critical milestone dates, such as the proposal due date, in response to information
shared by bidders.
2.2.6 Proposal Preparation and Submission
This section is designed to work in concert with the RFP schedule, above. It includes the
logistics and timing of how the Bidder’s proposal submission will proceed and may include:
• The due date for proposals
• A definition of the shelf life of the proposal
• A description of the steps to take for Bidders to submit questions or Buyer’s issuance of
• An explanation of how updated documentation on the RFP (including answers to questions)
will be distributed
• A clear delineation of the steps required for a successful proposal submittal, which may
• Directions for participating in preparatory meetings
• A required or recommended format for the proposal
• Completion of forms (provided as templates in the RFP)
• The means by which RFPs will be accepted (mail or specified electronic delivery)
• Contact information for administrative and technical questions about the proposal process
2.2.7 Participation Requirements
Depending on the situation, the Buyer may desire to set some particular requirements for
participation in the project. These requirements may vary from local requirements that
contractors be licensed in a particular jurisdiction, that bidders must demonstrate sufficient
diversity to meet local regulations, that foreign ownership of companies must be below some
given threshold, to measurable recycling or sustainability goals, ethics compliance reviews, or
any other requirements the Buyer needs to have met in order to draft a contract.
2.2.8 Evaluation Criteria, Proposal Evaluation Matrix
Buyer’s priorities are critical for Bidders to know at the decision-making stage. Providing at the
outset specific information on how bids will be evaluated helps Bidders understand the priorities

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of the Buyer and encourages them to build a project execution plan and assign a team that can
best satisfy those needs. Criteria used for evaluation should be clearly linked to the specified
requirements, especially the components of the Required RFP Submittals in subsections 2.4 and
The criteria may be an unranked list of key topics with points awarded for each item, or involve
a matrix with percentage scores assigned. The Buyer should have a clear idea of the weighting
they will place on various priorities in the criteria set, as Bidders will have strengths and
weaknesses within that set of criteria.
2.2.9 Disclosure of Proponents
Typically, an RFP will require that Bidders provide certain disclosures, such as contractor
licensing status or appropriate financial information. The RFP should incorporate a form or
questionnaire that all Bidders must complete.

2.3 Scope of Work

The scope of work (SOW) provides substantial detail on all expected products and services that
are required for the complete integration of an energy storage project. The scope should identify
responsible parties for each task within the scope and for related tasks which are outside the
scope, such as those to be performed by the utility itself. Additionally, performance and
functional requirements, characteristics of other physical components or software, warranties,
and other specifications help to ensure the successful deployment and operation of a project.
2.3.1 Scope of Supply
This section includes a written description of the project scope. The scope should detail the
Buyer’s actions, Bidder’s responsibility in engineering, procurement, shipping and receiving,
construction, interconnection, testing and commissioning, performance guarantees, operations
and maintenance, decommissioning. Here, the scope needs to be as specific as possible, detailing
demarcation points of such as controls, power, and auxiliary power wiring. If applicable, this
section should note any items specifically excluded from the scope of work, such as tasks that
remain the Buyer’s responsibility under the project. Timing considerations need to be
documented so that the project installation proceeds without interference or conflict between
different parties working at the site. Other sections under scope of work may be referenced to
add supporting detail.
2.3.2 Division of Responsibility Matrix
A division of responsibility (DOR) matrix can supplement the scope of supply and provide
additional detail on the interactions among groups involved in the bidding process, including the
Buyer, Bidders and third parties providing equipment or services to Bidder. For example, the
scope of supply may indicate that the Bidders are responsible for stamped electrical drawings,
but a responsibility matrix will clarify that the Buyer’s engineering department is responsible for
reviewing and approving the design and drawings.
A DOR matrix becomes more important when there are multiple responsible parties involved.
For example, when the Buyer, property owner, energy storage system supplier, and installation
contractor are different entities, they may each have overlapping responsibilities. The DOR
matrix can support clear distinctions between roles of these parties. Appendix C provides a

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detailed template for a DOR matrix template, in the form of a standard Responsible,
Accountable/Approval, Consult, and Inform (RACI) table.
2.3.3 Deliverables/Submittals
This subsection should include a list of deliverables or submittals the Bidder (or contracted
energy storage system supplier) is responsible for throughout the project. It should provide
sufficient descriptions for each item on the list to ensure that all participants understand the
requirements, and this part of the RFP should also specify the required frequency of reporting.
Potential requested deliverables include:
• Progress reports
• Schedule updates
• Invoices
• Safety/EHS reports
• Equipment submittals
• Drawings: 30% Design, 60% Design, Issued for Permit, Issued for Construction, As-Built
• Design calculations
• Permits
• Equipment manuals covering installation, operation and maintenance
• Commissioning test reports and turn-over packages, including measurements, set points
QA/AC documentation, and final Buyer sign-off sheets
• Change orders
• Requests for Information (RFIs)
• Warrantees
2.3.4 Technical Specification – Buyer Requirements
A project technical specification prepared by the Buyer may be extremely detailed or broad and
high-level. The choice will depend on the scope of supply and the Buyer’s certainty about the
design parameters of the storage solution. The Buyer’s experience level with energy storage
integration will also affect this choice. The ESIC Technical Specification Template [2] was
developed to facilitate information sharing between Buyers and Bidders. This template can be
used as the starting point for preparing a list of requirements or targets or to request information
from Bidders. The Buyer can also use this tool to differentiate between those parameters that
must be adhered to and those that have flexibility. The template is organized into several
categories well-suited to an RFP. The following table, excerpted from the ESIC Energy Storage
Implementation Guide [4], describes key considerations for these categories.

Categories Key Parameters and Considerations

Setting minimum requirements and general target parameters for your project will ensure
more effective responses to the project solution needs. This is especially critical from a
Facility and ESS financial and reliability perspective. Conversely, over-specifying performance
Performance requirements can overly restrict respondents from proposing innovative solutions.
Striking a balance and clearly distinguishing “needs” from “wants” is helpful for the
supplier community to optimize system design and make viable offers.

13125326 2-6
Installation specifications should address project site size and other characteristics.
Physical protection schemes and devices that will be integrated with the installation must
Installation be considered, such as transportation, containment, physical security, and clearances. The
structural and civil engineering characteristics of the site may require thorough analysis
to understand the extent of site development needed to accommodate the storage system.
Interface requirements to connect either to a utility-specified transformer or to the voltage
level at the chosen site. The interconnection protection scheme and devices that will be
integrated with the installation must be considered. The capacity or power quality–related
constraints should be considered. If an interconnection study has not yet been performed,
a list of required specifications regarding generator response times and ride-through
capabilities or even delivery of a simulation model may be requested.
Auxiliary load requirements for the energy storage technology should be stated, including
pumps, heaters, chillers, fans, or controls. The power source, whether fed directly from
Balance of System
the ESS, from a dedicated power source, or a combination of the two, should be
considered. These loads can affect overall facility efficiency and power output.
Controls, Communication, control, and cybersecurity requirements are increasingly important in
Communication, the integrated grid. Each project may have different requirements, such as limitations on
and Cyber Security remote monitoring, simultaneous control functions, encryption, and so on.
Ambient conditions of the project site, weather-affected load conditions of the system,
Mechanical and
and sound emissions of the system should be communicated to that ensure the proposed
system meets the project requirements.
Safety measures required to meet project’s needs should be illustrated clearly, along with
identification or expected authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), which could include a list
Safety of applicable codes, standards and regulations (CSRs), safety documentation, fire
protection requirements, hazard protection requirements, and contractor safety
Operational characteristics, such as startup and shutdown time, site access, and security
Operations and provisions, should be defined to determine whether the ESS satisfies the criteria for
Maintenance intended use. Planned maintenance requirements should be taken into account, as well as
estimates of the potential impact of unplanned maintenance.

The Buyer’s Technical Specification in an RFP is used by the Buyer to communicate the
minimum requirements for all Bidders and to indicate additional desired elements or
recommended requirements. As described in subsection 2.4.2, the Bidder’s Technical
Specification will detail how their bid meets, exceeds, or is exempt from the Buyer’s required
specifications and will provide specific information about the particular system being offered.
The ESIC Technical Specification Template [2] is a publicly available document and can be
downloaded at epri.com/esic. A sample specification table developed in that template appears in
Figure 2-1.

13125326 2-7
Figure 2-1
Example of a technical specification table

2.3.5 Interoperability and Cyber Security Specification

Communication, control, and cybersecurity requirements are important considerations for the
specification of an energy storage system solution, because they define how the energy storage
solution is expected to operate to meet needs and achieve value. Energy storage controls have
specific integration and connectivity requirements which should be called out in the Bidder’s
proposal in detail. The Buyer can provide Bidders with the information they need (e.g., SCADA
points and protection gear) and the specifications that must be satisfied and the control functions
that must be provided. For example, the non-proprietary Modular Energy Storage Architecture
(MESA) incorporates an example of a list of distributed network protocol (DNP3) points [5].
Key topics such as physical and cyber security must also be addressed, with Buyer’s standard
protocols and procedures for commissioning to be outlined.
There is a tradeoff between value, specificity, and time to integrate. In general, functional
predictability is inversely proportional to the flexibility the vendor has in developing the
solution. As the functional specification becomes more specific, the more the utility knows about
the system and can be more confident it will seamlessly interoperate with their other systems
(Figure 2-2).

Figure 2-2
The relationship between ease of integration and vendor flexibility is inversely-proportional.

However, this is not always preferred or the best choice. It depends on preference. The more
flexibility a vendor has in their communication and control implementation the more the vendor
can innovate in how to reach a utility’s end goal. However, this may come at a cost of
interoperability with grid and control systems.

13125326 2-8
The next couple sections provide an overview of example designs and the tradeoffs that occur.
This includes value, application, or functional specificity.
Value or Application
A specification that focuses only on value or high-level application is likely more focused on a
specific end-result, targeted performance, or grid-service. This may include providing black-start
support, frequency regulation, or absorbing excess solar generation. The specification may define
a use case and ask the vendor to provide suggestions on what the control parameters and
interfaces look like. This allows the vendor to have maximum flexibility in the system design to
meet the requested value. The risk is that, if the specification is not highly developed, the system
may not meet the Buyer’s interoperability and functional expectations. In this case, the Buyer
may be responsible for any delays and/or change-orders incurred by the Bidder to adjust the
performance or communication interfaces to better meet previously mistaken or implied goals.
When specifying a value-based RFP, providing good definitions of the objectives for the use-
case along with specifications and documentation of existing communications systems is integral
to reducing the number of change orders required during the project. It is important to list
industry standards and best practices in the RFP to help provide this level of specification when
it may be otherwise unknown to the Buyer or ambiguously understood between the Buyer and
A specification that focuses at a functional level is clearly defined and identified. It may call out
specific smart inverter functions/modes, specify expected operational sequences, indicate
communication protocols and associated information models, and provide relevant performance
metrics or certification requirements. This provides the utilities with the highest chance that the
system will meet performance or interoperability requirements because the RFP is prescriptive.
The tradeoff is that it can be restrictive. If the RFP is too specific it may discourage vendors from
sending proposals if they do not meet all the requirements, increase the cost of the bids,
minimize competitive innovation, or result in system specifications that leave value on the table.
In general, if a RFP is focused at the functional-specificity level, the system is more likely to
meet performance or interoperability requirements but may not be as inclusive of other options.
Bridging the Gap
The risks outlined above may be mitigated when prioritizing specifications that reference
existing systems, standards, and codes to describe functional-level targets. Vendors,
manufacturers, and utilities are more likely to agree on the desired system characteristics when
widely-available examples and interpretations can be referenced. This makes integration and
interoperability simpler because new terms and requirements do not have to be explained each
time a new stakeholder is introduced. In solar/storage domain these are often in the form of grid
codes. Examples with communications requirements includes IEEE 1547-2018 and California
Rule 21 phase 1-3.
Communications Specificity
Because security in general is an ongoing concern and in particular cyber-security is essential
now that controls and communications incorporate data transfer, cloud storage, and Wi-Fi

13125326 2-9
connectivity, all RFPs should include parameters for final physical and cyber security of the
planned facility and how such will be audited for compliance during the commissioning process.
In most energy storage RFPs, this portion of the Bidder’s proposal should demonstrate that the
Buyer will have access to real time data for monitoring as well as the necessary control systems,
if controls are a part of the required system. The Buyer should clearly define (1) how
performance will be measured and monitored via SCADA or other monitoring/control means
including power metrics and measures; (2) safety requirements; (3) key controls parameters (e.g.,
thermal runaway protection), balance of plant interfaces (e.g., fire protection), data collection,
and alarm protocols.
Additionally, the Buyer may choose to request that the proposals include provision of the source
code to the buyer, should the Bidder be awarded. Though some vendors may have a lot of
valuable intellectual property in their controls, certain non-compete contract clauses can ensure
that the vendor maintains rights to their property while the Buyer can better support maintenance
and troubleshooting of their system.
If a Buyer cannot grant full remote access to the system, that should be stated in the RFP
documents. In such cases, the Buyer should consider granting Bidders remote access via a
closely monitored virtual private network. Describing remote access specifications in advance
helps to ensure a transparent solicitation process by enabling Bidders to prepare or procure the
appropriate equipment of resources.
Lastly, it is important the Buyer clearly define how its operations and maintenance staffs will
interface with the energy storage system and controls and its expectations for topics such as
redundancy, failure modes, resilience to loss of offsite power/power supply, and availability.
2.3.6 Performance Requirements
The RFP should set minimum requirements for acceptance of the performance and functional
attributes of the system. This can vary from initial site acceptance testing to annual performance
validation. ESIC’s Energy Storage Test Manual [3] provides test protocols for verifying
performance and functional requirements. Specific information in this section may include:
• List of metrics or functions being tested
• How the testing will be performed, including list of metering and monitoring points
• Penalties for non-compliance
• Frequency of testing/validation
A complete manual of test procedures does not necessarily need to be applied for every energy
storage system. The degree of testing necessary will depend on the perceived risk factors and the
level of investment for the cost of testing to be practical. In commercial production of energy
storage, it may be appropriate for a representative unit to undergo third-party verification testing
for characterization and compliance, whereas additional units may undergo less comprehensive
factory acceptance and site acceptance/commissioning testing to increase confidence that a
specific energy storage unit is within its specifications.

13125326 2-10
2.3.7 Warranty
Warranties for energy storage systems vary in coverage and duration. Including minimum
requirements for warranties on major components, such as the battery, power conversion system
(PCS), transformers, switchgear, and controls, helps ensure lifecycle costs are appropriately
accounted for in the proposal evaluation. Warranty scope considerations include workmanship
warranty requirements, responsibilities for diagnosis, replacement parts, on-site removal of
equipment, installation of new hardware, and recommissioning. However, warranties will likely
still vary in terms on maintenance, monitoring and other requirements, so additional detail
should be provided if Buyer has certain requirements. Setting a minimum duration for the
warranties can also help solicit some uniformity in response.
Special attention should be paid to the warranty terms. Many battery manufacturers not only
prorate their warranties but also taper-off the minimum acceptable performance over time. There
can also be operating conditions which, if exceeded, may void the warranty. These conditions
can be environmental or usage conditions. Further, it is important obtain some assurance that the
supplier will be able to meet those future obligations under the warranty. Often, extended
warranties are available for a cost adder.
If procuring a system through a turnkey provider, such as an EPC firm, the Buyer should
establish whether manufacturer warranties are to pass through to the Buyer or are to be
maintained through the turnkey provider or other party. In some cases, an EPC contractor may
provide a more comprehensive warranty above the warranty provided by the equipment vendor.
2.3.8 Owner Standards
In addition to the Technical Specifications, the Buyer should include all codes and standards
with which the Bidder must comply. These may include:
• Construction standards and specifications
• Utility substation and or distribution standards
• Equipment and material standards and specifications
• Communication protocols and requirements
• Cyber security standards are and requirements
• Drawing standards or specifications
• Environmental considerations (e.g., temperature, humidity, altitude, snow load, wind, etc.)
• Minimum O&M/safety guidelines (e.g., arc flash, fire, labeling, ergonomics, other)
2.3.9 Safety, Codes, Regulations, and Standards
This section may address several different aspects of system design and safety. This could
include a list of applicable codes, standards and regulations (CSR), fire protection requirements,
hazard protection requirements, contractor safety requirements.
Specifying safety requirements and evaluating proposals can be challenging as it is not just the
underlying technology, but integration of the system at all levels (e.g., module, rack, envelope,
controls), that impact the safety and risk level. To help facilitate an objective discussion on
product safety features, ESIC developed a reference hazard mitigation analysis that lays out
common threat and consequence paths and the barriers to prevent or reduce this hazard. [6]

13125326 2-11
Bidders can communicate how their system mitigates the threats and consequences or why a
particular hazard is not applicable.
Another way to mitigate risk is through the use of established codes and standards. The ESIC
Safety Guide [7] has a list of CSRs related to energy storage which can be used as a starting
point. Additionally, there are several codes and standards for storage that are newly released or
under development. NFPA 855, UL9540, and UL 9540A all detail specific guidance for
evaluation and/or design of ESS safety. The Department of Energy’s Energy Storage Safety
Collaborative Codes and Standards Update is a resource for recent codes and standards
developments [8]. Buyers should consider the timing of the project and how that may align with
code adoption by the authorities having jurisdiction. There may be additional CSRs, not specific
to storage, related to construction or electrical design standards that are also applicable. The
information in this section could also fall under the Technical Specification – Buyer
Requirements or the Owner standards section. The Buyer must address a number of topics
related to system interconnection as well, potentially including IEEE 1547/2030 alignment,
Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL) listings, reliability and operability/market North
American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) or independent system operator (ISO)
standards, state/local building codes including fire codes (e.g., National Fire Protection
Association), and requirements imposed by the Buyer’s property insurance carrier.

2.4 Required Proposal Submittals: Project-Specific Elements

The required submittal section contains a list or description of items a bidder must submit as part
of the proposal package. This section should specify how the submittals are to be provided and
the procedures by which submittals will be tracked and verified.
2.4.1 Pricing
The ESIC Energy Storage Cost Template and Tool [9] can be used as a fill-in pricing sheet by
the Buyer, within its RFP. The Buyer can thereby communicate what is to be included as base
supply or options as included in the scope or offer. The tool is available at www.epri.com/esic.
The Buyer should identify other related pricing data (e.g., unit rates, breakdown of labor and
equipment costs, others) that it desires from the bidders. Figure 2-2 presents an example of a
pricing sheet, with a hypothetical vendor’s information filled in.

Figure 2-3

13125326 2-12
Example of pricing sheet from ESIC Energy Storage Cost Template and Tool

The Buyer should not only encourage the Bidders to base their proposals on the RFP pricing
sheet, but to also offer any options that could add further value, including technology, cost
savings, schedule reductions, or other value-added insights from its experience that could assist
the Buyer. Many projects have been contracted as a result of value-added options offered by an
experienced and capable bidder.
2.4.2 Technical Specification – Bidder Offering
This submittal requirement is where the Bidder would provide details on the technical
parameters of the system. The ESIC Technical Specification Template [2] described in
subsection 2.3.4 can also be used as a submittal document. The Bidder would confirm they can
meet the specified requirements and include Buyer-requested information specific to the
Bidder’s design or technology.
2.4.3 Drawings
Preliminary drawings may be requested by the Buyer at the time of the bid, principally as a
means of confirming that the Bidders understand such and have included comprehensive pricing
for the work in their scope. This can help clarify and confirm that the offer details meet the
Buyer criteria. For example, if a site requires multiple revenue and performance meters, the relay
and meter diagram or single line would indicate how many meters are included and their
electrical location(s). Examples of drawings often requested for inclusion in a proposal include:
• Single line
• Relay and metering diagram
• Site plan
• Geotechnical design
• Grading (civil or topographical) design
• General arrangement.
Additional drawing requirements expected during the project design submittals may also be
listed in this section.
2.4.4 Project Schedule
The project schedule includes the Bidder’s distinct milestones for meeting contract obligations or
receiving payment. This is not the same as the RFP schedule, though the RFP’s process schedule
may include desired project milestones including commercial operation date (COD) that must be
reflected therein. In general, bidders will tend to follow the desired project schedule, but some
may provide a more detailed breakdown and others may propose to perform the work more
quickly. Schedules may also include project management details, such as float (or slack time)
along the critical path, as well as the measures that the Bidder will undertake to manage both
costs incurred and schedule performance. Any Buyer requirements for software use, metrics
(e.g., schedule and cost performance indices, earned value, milestone verification), and
alignment between the scheduled deliverables and Buyer payments to Bidder should be defined.

13125326 2-13
The RFP may define critical milestones which must be included in the project schedule, as
suggested by Table 2-2. Where target dates are known, the RFP should specify those dates, or
provide date ranges to help bidders formulate their schedules. Definitions of metrics defining
how each milestone is achieved can be included in this subsection as well as in 2.1.3 Definitions
of Terms in order ensure the consistent understanding.
The RFP should also specify any penalties for failing to meet the schedule as well as incentives,
if any, for superior performance.
Table 2–2
Basic example of bidder’s project schedule

Milestone Metric for Milestone Satisfaction Date

Contract Executed For example: All parties in receipt of signed
Drawing and Submittal Review For example: 30% and/or 60% drawing review
Design and Engineering Complete For example: Stamped final drawings approved
by owner
Permits Issued For example: All required permits received by
Site Mobilization For example: Owner issues Notice to Proceed
(NTP) with construction
Major Equipment Delivery For example: Battery, inverter, switchgear, and
transformer received in specified condition
Substantial Completion For example: Request for Trial Operations
Approval Submitted to ISO
Performance Acceptance Test For example: Performance and functional tests
complete, contract requirements satisfied
Commercial Operation Date For example: ISO issues Certificate of
Compliance and approves proposed COD

Note: In the contract, each milestone should be accompanied by a specific metric for satisfaction.
A few illustrative examples are provided.
2.4.5 List of Project Clarifications, Assumptions, Exclusions, and Exceptions
Requesting a list of clarifications, assumptions, exclusions, and exceptions made in preparing the
bid helps to ensure the proposal meets the intended project objectives. Ideally, most of
differences in clarifications or assumptions will be resolved during the pre-bid information
sessions so that, for example, Bidders participating in the information sessions will be sure to
adhere to that common set of assumptions, such as assumed project site conditions. Any
differences from the RFP’s requirements that could affect price, schedule, performance or other
contract terms should be called out and highlighted in this section. Such facts are critical for the
Buyer to know during bid evaluation, but may be technology- or solution-specific so may not
have been included in the general specifications or in other bidders’ packages. These are not
necessarily negatives in a bid, but may be essential to understanding a particular Bidder’s needs
and expertise. For example, one Bidder might need remote access to a particular set of data at a

13125326 2-14
certain frequency in order to maintain a warranty, and Buyer would need to verify that they can
uphold the warranty requirements.
2.4.6 Subcontracting Plan
A subcontracting plan gives the Buyer information about the extended team that is being formed
for a project. With energy storage projects, this section may be very important, as the Bidder
may include EPC firms, developers, or integrators with various subcontracting and procurement
structures. If any subcontractors are likely to be involved in the project, the deadlines or
milestone markers should be adjusted to allow sufficient time for the Bidder to complete
execution of subcontractor contract(s) after the primary contract is executed.
2.4.7 Diverse Supplier Statement
Some Buyers may have desired criteria relating to the use of local labor or the inclusion of
diversity elements such as businesses owned or run by women, members of a minority,
disadvantaged or disabled individuals, or military veterans. Such requirements may flow from
the Buyer’s internal corporate priorities or be external to the company – for example, a municipal
utility must follow contracting guidelines established by the city council. Requesting a diversity
statement makes Bidders aware of these local criteria and allows them time to respond to that set
of criteria early in their own team-building process.
2.4.8 List of Major Equipment Suppliers
Each bidder should provide a specific list of the equipment suppliers being used, their factory
and manufacturing process certifications, and any product specifications. Minimum standards,
such as “buy America” requirements or other foreign sourcing restrictions, should be set in the
RFP and bidders should note where they have met or exceeded those standards.

2.5 Required Proposal Submittals: Qualifications and Contract

If the Buyer elects to conduct a pre-qualification process, then all approved bidders will be
expected to satisfy company qualification requirements. However, the final proposal package
should include a complete set of detailed qualification documentation. Any updates to company
status or procedures, whether they would improve the company’s standing or not, should be
incorporated in this final submittal.
2.5.1 Statement of Knowledge, Experience and References
The section is fairly typical in an RFP, but given energy storage is still an emerging field with
many new participants entering the field, demonstrated experience with a list of references
should be stated as a critical component for proposal evaluation. Experience could be based on
design and installation of a particular storage technology, understanding of utility
interconnection or infrastructure design, familiarity with local codes and standards, and any other
specific criteria suited to the particular project. Experience on similar scale projects and with a
specific type of storage technology – particularly if a relatively new technology such as a flow
battery is being proposed – should be well documented. In this section of the RFP, the Buyer
may include specific requests for items such as resumes of key team members, project
management experience and capability, and related project experience. This may be redundant if
issued as part of a pre-qualification step described in subsection 2.2.2.

13125326 2-15
2.5.2 Safety Plan and Record
A company’s safety history may be used as part of the qualification process. Jobsite safety can
be a potential risk area for a project, and selecting a supplier with a good safety record and well-
established safety plan and practices can help to mitigate some of the risk.

2.5.3 Financial Statement

This section includes bidder information needed to satisfy the Buyer of the secure financial status
of the Bidders, including information which may reveal any conflicts of interest (see subsection
2.5.3). Requesting such financial information is not unique to energy storage projects, but rather
is something that should be included for any major capital project. In this section, Bidders may
also be asked to include their guarantees or warranties of financial ability to complete the project
as bid.

2.5.4 Conflicts of Interest

Bidders should note any potential conflicts of interest for the project and contract award or future
execution. If potential conflicts of interest were identified during pre-qualification, Bidders may
take the opportunity in the final proposal submittal to clarify and resolve those possible issues.

2.5.5 Legal Claims

This section requests from Bidders any pending legal claims, liens, or liabilities they may face.
Such information will affect the Buyer’s proposal review. Because new issues may have arisen
or old ones may have resolved, this section may differ somewhat from that submitted during pre-

2.5.6 Business Ethics Statement

Each Bidder should include their business ethics statement, so that the Buyer can be assured that
their standards align. Bidder may have updated their statement during discussions with the Buyer
at the pre-qualification stage.
2.5.7 Non-Disclosure Agreement
If a non-disclosure agreement was not required to receive proposal details, (see subsection 2.2.1)
it may be included as part of the proposal submittal package.

2.5.8 Contract Terms and Conditions

The RFP should include Buyer’s standard or project-specific contract terms. The bidder should
be requested to review and comment on those terms, in particular to specify changes it must
obtain in order to proceed if awarded the contract. To this end, the RFP may include a section
highlighting nonnegotiable contract terms or identifying unacceptable amendments to the terms.
If the RFP includes a complete copy of Buyer’s Terms and Conditions, bidders can incorporate
that text, possibly with some modifications, in their responses to the RFP. Bidder conformance
with Buyer’s contract terms, with no more than minimal changes, may be a defined evaluation

2.5.9 Bidder’s Exclusions and Exceptions

To the extent that Bidder requires amendments to the Buyer’s standard terms and conditions,
those adjustments should be called out in a document highlighting any such differences. Careful
bidders will also note specific exclusions to clarify areas that they recognize as beyond the scope

13125326 2-16
of work, such as items in the overall project plan that have been identified as the Buyer’s own

13125326 2-17
The focus of this guide is the preparation of the RFP; however, that preparation should be done
within the context of the overall procurement process, which will proceed towards comparing
responses to the RFP, conducting negotiations with the preferred bidder(s), and coming to a final
decision. If the RFP is developed with a broad understanding of the company’s planning
objectives and selection procedures, the RFP will serve that whole process, making the ultimate
decision-making step transparent and relatively painless.
Each company issuing an RFP likely has in place an internal process for evaluating purchases
and contracts, and the decision stage of an RFP process will need to adhere to such company
norms. As a general rule, the evaluation of proposals in response to an RFP is improved by
allocating the work of evaluation among committees or working groups having the appropriate
subject matter expertise. Overall, the goal is to ensure results that are fair, impartial and
transparent while also reaching conclusions efficiently. A typical division of labor could define
committees by responsibility area, such as:
• Engineering and Design
• Construction
• Commissioning
• Environmental, Health, and Safety
• Operations
• Financial Concerns
• Business Ethics, including NDAs and conflicts of interest
• Contracts
A common pitfall in the evaluation of RFP responses is a failure to assess bids on a consistent
basis. To guard against this possibility, a scoring metric should be devised and applied
consistently across committees. Certain requirements might be assigned higher weight, to reflect
company priorities, as illustrated by the simplified weighting factors in Table 3-1. Such
preferences should be communicated to Bidders as part of the RFP. For example, there may be a
corporate need to demonstrate community involvement in new projects or a city project approval
process which rewards job creation. Most crucially, low cost is rarely the only criterion for
awarding bids. In any case, a company issuing RFPs in other areas likely has internal protocols
for proposal evaluations, to which the energy storage project team will need to adhere.
In addition to grading proposals with quantitative responses, the Buyer may choose to
supplement scoring processes with qualitative decision-making methods in which subjective
metrics are assigned to each Bidder along with the objectives ones. For example, past
experiences or impressions of a Bidder during previous engagements with the Buyer could be
averaged and weighted into the scoring rubric by polling reviewers. Often, the value in
qualitative decision-making is in the discussion of assigned values, rather than the final
numerical result, though they can make an effective tie-breaker when needed.

13125326 3-1
Table 3–1
Simplified weighting-factor list

Category Evaluation Factor Weighting

Cost factors Installed Costs 20
Operating Cost 5
Projected Savings 5
Business factors Financial Strength 12
Business Structure and Team 8
Technical Factors Design Strategy 5
Meeting Project Specifications 10
O&M Plan and Approach 5
Experience factors Project Management Approach 5
Contractor Expertise 10
Project Experience 10
Other Goals Support for customers with solar 5
Total Proposal 100

In rare cases, the highest-scored Bidder(s) and the Buyer might not be able to come to a final
agreement on contract terms. The evaluation process, therefore, needs to have in place a
procedure for selecting a new leading Bidder. Whether this procedure is simply to move on to
the next-highest score or to reopen discussions with two or more top bidders, it should be clear to
all stakeholders what the process would be, including measures to respect bidders’ time and cost
Throughout the RFP process, communication is key. In addition to laying out basic requirements
such as the technical specifications of a project and the financial health of the Bidders, the Buyer
should make clear from the beginning how the RFP will be evaluated. In the evaluation process,
detailed records should be kept to document each step of the evaluation process. There should
also be a clear understanding from the start of the RFP process the extent to which discussion of
bids may take place prior to award decisions. In many RFPs, and particularly for storage RFPs, it
is helpful to make accommodations for clarifications by Bidders during the evaluation process. If
lines of communication are well-established at the outset and maintained throughout, the RFP
process should proceed smoothly and yield good outcomes for the Buyer while encouraging all
Bidders through a fair and transparent series of interactions.

13125326 3-2
1. Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables/ESA U.S. Energy Storage Monitor
2. ESIC Energy Storage Technical Specification Template v3.0. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2019.
3002013531. https://www.epri.com/#/pages/product/000000003002013531/.
3. ESIC Energy Storage Test Manual. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2019. 3002013530.
4. ESIC Energy Storage Implementation Guide. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2019. 3002013533.
5. MESA Standards Alliance. “MESA Standards.” MESA: Open Standards for Energy
Alliance. http://mesastandards.org/mesa-standards/.
6. ESIC Energy Storage Reference Hazard Mitigation Analysis. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2019.
3002017136. https://www.epri.com/#/pages/product/000000003002017136/.
7. Energy Storage Safety: 2016, Guidelines Developed by the Energy Storage Integration
Council for Distribution-Connected Systems. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2016. 3002008308.
8. U.S. Department of Energy, ES Safety Collaborative.
9. ESIC Energy Storage Cost Template and Tool v2.0. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2018.
3002013529. https://www.epri.com/#/pages/product/000000003002013529/.

13125326 4-1
Example terms and definitions were excerpted and adapted from the ESIC Energy Storage
Technical Specification Template [2] and ESIC Energy Storage Test Manual [3].
1. Active Frequency Regulation: Systems is are capable of receiving, responding to, and
dispatching the ESS in 4 seconds or less at the requested power within the specified
tolerance of the dispatch signal as measured at the PCC.
2. Active Power Smoothing: Systems is capable of receiving, responding to, and
dispatching the ESS in 1-second or less at the requested power within the specified
tolerance of the dispatch signal as measured at the PCC.
3. Autonomous Frequency Regulation: A process in which energy storage systems
automatically charge or discharge in response to variations in the measured grid
frequency (Hz) that are due to short-term imbalances between electricity generation and
4. Autonomous Power Smoothing: A process in which energy storage systems
automatically produces or absorbs power in order to smooth the changes in the power
level of the referenced electrical connection point.
5. Auxiliary Load: Source of electric power consumption by plant components associated
with the operation of an ESS, but not directly a result of charging and discharging losses.
This may include, but is not limited to, controls, cooling systems, fans, pumps, and
heaters necessary to operate and protect the system.
6. Auxiliary Energy: This represents the electric energy delivered to satisfy auxiliary loads
not accounted for at the PCC meter (i.e. separately metered) as an ESS is functioning. It
should be reported in kWh as an average integration of the auxiliary load over charge,
discharge, or idle periods.
7. Available Discharge/Charge Energy Capacity: The maximum amount of usable
energy in kWh, less any unaccounted auxiliary loads, that the ESS can supply (discharge
capacity) or store (charge capacity) during a single cycle between maximum state of
charge and minimum state of charge as stated in ESS supplier specifications.
8. Average State of Charge: The average percentage state of charge of the system over its
operational life (or a specified time period) 1,
9. Duty Cycle: A charge/discharge profile that represents the demands associated with a
specific application that is placed on an ESS.
10. End of Life: The condition of the ESS at the end of life in terms of remaining capacity,
impedance, efficiency, and other pertinent parameters. (To be specified by project)

It is important to specify the respective duration for any average state of charge rating.

13125326 A-1
11. Float Charge: For electrochemical batteries; recharging during which batteries are
connected to a constant-voltage supply that maintains the cell in fully charged condition.
(ESA Working Terminology)
12. Full Duty Cycle: The sequence of a full energy discharge followed immediately by a full
energy charge. (ESA Working Terminology)
13. Hibernation State: The energy storage system is disconnected from the PCS preventing
charge and discharge. Only essential loads associated with warm-up and initialization are
powered. ESS has warmed up and initialized all sub-systems.
14. Load or Generation Following: Variable dispatch of that matches either A) the charge
level to consumption by a designated circuit, or B) the discharge level to the power
generated by a DER
15. Minimum State of Charge (Min SOC): The point at which no more useful AC energy
can be delivered by the ESS, expressed in percent of nominal capacity, typically
expressed as 0%.
16. Maximum State of Charge (Max SOC): The point at which no more useful AC energy
can be stored by the ESS, expressed in percent of nominal capacity, typically expressed
as 100%.
17. Peak Power Limiting: The process in which an ESS delivers active power in response
to measured power flows through a metered point on a grid, with the aim of reducing
peak power flow through that point or connected assets and meters.
18. Point of Common Coupling (PCC): The point of interconnection between the ESS and
the utility used for determining the actual AC power supplied to or provided from the
utility grid.
19. Ramp Rate: The rate, expressed in megawatts per minute, at which the interchange
schedule is attained during the ramp period. Generator Ramp Rate: The rate, expressed in
megawatts per minute, that a generator changes it output [10].
20. Rated Continuous Power: The maximum specified active, reactive, or apparent power
(as noted), sustained continuously for a maximum specified time duration while transfer
of electric energy is performed at a specified measurement location.
21. Remote Signal Latency: The difference between the time when the master controller,
utility supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), or equivalent system sends a
control signal to the time when the control signal is received by the ESS controller.
22. Response Time: The time in seconds it takes an ESS to reach 100% of rated continuous
power during charge or to discharge 100% of rated continuous power during discharge
from an initial power measurement when the ESS is at rest [3].
23. Roundtrip Efficiency: Ratio of the delivered discharge energy to the delivered charge
energy in a Full Duty Cycle at (specified measurement location, e.g. PCC, PCS output),
including ESS parasitic loads.
24. Self-Discharge Rate: Rate at which an ESS loses energy when the storage medium is
disconnected from all loads, except those required to prohibit it from entering into a state
of permanent non-functionality.

13125326 A-2
25. Settling Time: The duration between the time at which a step change in control signal
input occurs and the time at which the ESS power output settles to within ±5% of the
required control output.
26. Startup Time: The period of time that an ESS takes to go from a shutdown state to a
state in which the ESS is ready to respond to a command. Startup Time shall include any
manufacturer required warm-up and initialization times.
27. State of Charge (SOC): The degree to which storage is charged relative to the maximum
possible amount of energy (Ah) that can be stored by the system, typically expressed as a
percentage. (ESA Working Terminology)
28. System Latency: The time between when the control signal is sent and the ESS
discharge or charge power value changes by more than 1% of the control signal.
29. Volt-VAR Regulation: The ESS, while synchronized to a grid can deliver reactive
power in response to a voltage measurement at a pre-determined point on a grid. ESS can
perform volt-VAR regulation based on system voltage as defined in the International
Electrotechnical Commission Technical Report IEC 61850-90-7.

13125326 A-3
Note – This is an example only, with tables and questions provided to highlight items related to
energy storage and safety.
E.1 Please list your top three customers (work experience references) that you have performed work
for in the Energy Storage field.



E.2 Please list your top three suppliers (work experience references) that have performed
work for you or provided Energy Storage equipment to your projects.


E.3 What type of Storage work does your company typically self-perform versus

E.4 Typically what percentage of your Energy Storage work/scope of supply would come
from (State) based companies?

13125326 B-1
F.1 Bidder’s Energy Storage Project Implementation Experience
List 3 Major Relevant Projects (Completed or Ongoing):

Name of Energy Storage Project
Project Description
Project Owner
Project Owner Contact Information

Bidder’s Role (Prime/Subcontractor/CM)

Name of Prime Contractor (if by others)
Project Location (Country/State/County/City)
Bidder Scope of Work

Value of Bidder’s Scope of Work

Project Duration
Project Completion Date
Name of Energy Storage Project
Project Description
Project Owner
Project Owner Contact Information

Bidder’s Role (Prime/Subcontractor/CM)

Name of Prime Contractor (if by others)
Project Location (Country/State/County/City)
Bidder Scope of Work
Value of Bidder’s Scope of Work
Project Duration
Project Completion Date
Name of Energy Storage Project
Project Description
Project Owner
Project Owner Contact Information

Bidder’s Role (Prime/Subcontractor/CM)

13125326 B-2
Name of Prime Contractor (if by others)
Project Location (Country/State/County/City)
Bidder Scope of Work

Value of Bidder’s Scope of Work

Project Duration
Project Completion Date

J.1 List ISO or other quality certifications held (i.e. JIT, Value Engineering, SOW, Six
Sigma, Supply Alliances, LEAN, or others):

J.2 Do you have a written Quality Assurance/Quality Control Program?

If yes, please attach Table of Contents.
J.3 Methodology for bringing innovation and cost savings opportunities to customers Please
explain and attach separate sheets if necessary.

K.1 Please briefly explain your typical safety program.

K.2 Do you have a written Safety Manual?


If yes, please attach Table of Contents.

13125326 B-3
K.3 Please list your company’s Experience Modification Rate (EMR); Incident Rate
calculated by the number of Reportables x 200,000 / total man-hours; and Frequency Rate
calculated by the number of lost time cases and restricted duty cases x 200,000 / total man-hours.


2017 (YTD)

K.4 Please list the three most frequent Reportable Incidents reported on construction sites for
your company.

2017 (YTD)

K.5 Has your firm been cited for any OSHA regulation infractions in the last three years?

If yes, please explain:

K.6 Indicate the number of fatalities your company has experienced during the past three (3)
years, plus the current year.


2017 (YTD)

K.7 Does the company have a written Corporate Statement concerning Safety and Quality
that is signed by your CEO/President?

If yes, please attach a copy.

13125326 B-4
K.8 Have you been inspected by OSHA and other industrial safety enforcement agencies in
the past three years, including the current year?

If yes, please explain:

K.9 Does the company have a written Hazard Communication Plan?


K.10 Does the company have disciplinary actions for Safety Violations?

K.11 Does the company have a written policy/program for Fitness for Duty that is signed by
your CEO/President?


13125326 B-5
In the pages that follow, a series of tables presents a template for an energy storage project’s
division of responsibility matrix. The design follows the RACI organizational work flow model,
in which each active agent plays a defined role at each stage in the project:
• R: This is the party Responsible for carrying out the task itself--usually there is either only
one “R” for a task, or multiple “R” parties are closely-coordinated to ensure a clear chain of
• A: This is the party held Accountable for ensuring that the task is completed and completed
according to specifications--usually, this will be the person or agency that signs off on task
• C: This is a Consultant with subject matter expertise that will be sought out for input and
will provide information and opinions--in the context of a RACI plan, a “C” party may be an
in-house expert, a supplier with special knowledge, or an outside consultant.
• I: This is an agent that other actors need to Inform about project activities, particularly upon
completion of a task or a deliverable--this category includes managers or parties working on
related projects or endeavors affected by the project.
The diagram provides a graphical view that clearly communicates interrelationships among roles
and the flow of responsibilities through the project cycle. The aim is to achieve efficient project
management with accurate time-and-cost control, task-focused of resources, and flexible
response to changes. For convenience, these same tables may be accessed and adapted to a
particular project using this Excel workbook:



13125326 C-1

The following DOR can be used as a template for assigning responsibility for different aspects of an energy storage project. As responsibilities
can vary widely depending on ownership engagement/expertise, capabilities of suppliers/contractors, type of project, and financial obligations,
it is critical that the overall contracting strategy and regulatory requirements be identified upfront. As an example, if the owner is a regulated
utility and the ahead-of-meter BESS will be included in its rate base, responsibilities will be quite different than a behind-the-meter microgrid
installation for a commercial customer. Each box in the following DOR table is typically filled in with the initials of the primary responsible party
(e.g., the “R” in a conventional responsible/approval/consult/inform (RACI) structure).

Responsible Parties: OR = Owner, SR = ESS Supplier, CR = ESS installation contractor

Approval Parties: OA= Owner, SA = ESS Supplier, CA = ESS installation contractor
Consulting Parties: OC = Owner, SC = ESS Supplier, CC = ESS installation contractor
Inform Parties: OI= Owner, SI = ESS Supplier, CI = ESS installation contractor

13125326 C-2
Criteria Detailed Purchase Procure or Testing/
Task Description Installation
(Prelim Design Specification Supply Commissioning
Development, Siting, and Origination
Locational Data (seismic, temp., humidity,
Design Life, Cycles of Operation,
Reliability, Availability, and Capacity Factor
Codes and Standards Requirements
Environmental Controls/Compliance
Noise and Air Emissions Limits
Operation and Maintenance Requirements
Emergency Response Needs (e.g., spills,
Owner’s Safety/Lock-out/Tag-out
Signage, Tagging, Labeling, Nomenclature
Interconnection Study
Electrical Design (Stamped drawings and
schedules for permit and construction)
Protection Design, including settings
Civil Design (Stamped drawings and
Structural Design (Stamped drawings and
SCADA Design
Lightning Study
SWPPP Design

13125326 C-3
Criteria Detailed Purchase Procure or Testing/
Task Description Installation
(Prelim Design Specification Supply Commissioning
Record/As-built drawings
Management Organization and Staffing
Project Management Plan (PMP)
Reporting, Mandatory Meetings, Conflict
Site Control/Accessibility
Project Schedule Controls/Metrics (e.g.,
earned value)
Cost Controls and Change Management
Document Control
Submittals to Owner
Regulatory submittals (if required)
Other submittals between parties
Quality Assurance
Legal (Subcontracts and Supplier
Existing Facilities Terminal Points
Project Equipment by Owner
OFE Document Control
OFE Shipping, Delivery, Unloading,
Materials Mgmt.

13125326 C-4
Criteria Detailed Purchase Procure or Testing/
Task Description Installation
(Prelim Design Specification Supply Commissioning
Battery (cells, trays, racks, containers,
Battery (or storage medium) management
system (BMS)
Power conversion system (PCS, including
inverter(s), controls, external
ESS control system (interfaces, controllers,
communications, others)
ESS mechanical and structural commodities
ESS raceway, wire, commodities
ESS shipping/transportation (note where
transfer of ownership occurs, i.e. Inco
ESS rigging and offloading
ESS temporary storage prior to installation
ESS spare parts
Balance of plant spare parts
Foundation or building (new or
Excavation and grading
Site access road
Finishing (gravel)
Site Restoration

13125326 C-5
Criteria Detailed Purchase Procure or Testing/
Task Description Installation
(Prelim Design Specification Supply Commissioning
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
Fire protection
Safety systems (e.g., spill protection, other)
Materials (Anchor bolts, steel structures,
other commodities)
Painting and coating (if required)
Step up Transformers
Switches (Disconnect, Recloser)
Circuit Breaker
Bus and instrument transformers
Materials (Cable, Conduit, Fittings, Boxes,
Other Commodities)
Metering and enclosures
Protective relaying, synchronization
Grounding, bonding, lightning/surge
Existing substation upgrades
Existing system interfaces (including other
generation, load centers, auxiliary power
circuit, other)
UPS hardware and interface
Transfer switch

13125326 C-6
Criteria Detailed Purchase Procure or Testing/
Task Description Installation
(Prelim Design Specification Supply Commissioning
Medium voltage AC power supply
Low voltage AC power supply
DC power supply
Service Station Transformer
NERC CIP requirements
Third party communications provider (if
Telecommunications protocol/architecture
Hardware supply (controls, facility)
Wiring (fiber, copper, grounding including
routing and terminations), wireless
Closed circuit and other monitoring
Alarm/historian protocol
SCADA Equipment and Enclosure
Interface with building energy
management or control rooms (if required)
Communication and fiber wiring and
Relays and panel
Control panel
Monitoring Equipment

13125326 C-7
Criteria Detailed Purchase Procure or Testing/
Task Description Installation
(Prelim Design Specification Supply Commissioning
Furnish and install all temporary facilities
(including sanitary facilities, parking
management, other)
Furnish construction equipment to
access/use utilities during const./SU&C
Housekeeping, facilities/materials
Site safety, signage, first aid, fire
Compliance with all
environmental/building permits
Site document control
Site quality assurance
Site Security
Site Inspection
Site Management
Construction Management

Factory Acceptance Testing

ESS Startup Procedures/Plans

BOP Startup Procedures/Plans

13125326 C-8
Criteria Detailed Purchase Procure or Testing/
Task Description Installation
(Prelim Design Specification Supply Commissioning
ESS Commissioning and Testing
BOP1 Commissioning and Testing
ESS Site Acceptance Testing
BOP1 Site Acceptance Testing
Turnover Package Preparation and
Submittal to Owner
ESS Performance Testing
Supplier and Contractor Warranty
ESS Training
ES Operation and Maintenance

13125326 C-9
The Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
(EPRI, www.epri.com) conducts research and
development relating to the generation, delivery and
use of electricity for the benefit of the public. An
independent, nonprofit organization, EPRI brings
together its scientists and engineers as well as
experts from academia and industry to help address
challenges in electricity, including reliability,
efficiency, affordability, health, safety and the
environment. EPRI members represent 90% of the
electric utility revenue in the United States with
international participation in 35 countries. EPRI’s
principal offices and laboratories are located in Palo
Alto, Calif.; Charlotte, N.C.; Knoxville, Tenn.; and
Lenox, Mass.

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