Publication 3 3326 1726
Publication 3 3326 1726
Publication 3 3326 1726
Permanent maxillary
Permanent premolars
The maxillary premolars are four in number: two in the
right and two in the left. They are posterior to the canines
and anterior to the molars.
The maxillary molars have shorter crowns and shorter
roots than those of the maxillary canines.
The maxillary 1st premolar is larger than the maxillary 2nd
Permanent premolars
Premolars are named so, because they are anterior to the
molars in permanent dentitions.
They succeed the deciduous molars (there are no
premolars in deciduous dentitions.
They are also called “bicuspid-having two cusps”. This term
is not widely used, because the mandibular 1st premolar
has one functional cusp.
Permanent premolars
The premolars are intermediate between molars and canines
according to the following:
Form: the labial aspect of the canine and the buccal aspect
of premolars are similar.
Function: the canine is used to tear food while the
premolars and molars are used to grind it.
Position: the premolars are in the centre of the dental
Some characteristic features to all
posterior teeth
1-Relatively, greater facio-lingual measurement in
comparison with the mesio-distal measurement.
2-broader contact area.
3-contact areas nearly at the same level.
4-less curvature of the cervical line mesially and distally.
5-shorter crown cervico-occlusally when compared with
anterior teeth.
maxillary 1st premolar
Maxillary right first premolar, mesial and occlusal aspects. LR, Lingual root; CL, cervical
line; MMDG, mesial marginal developmental groove; LC, lingual cusp; BC, buccal cusp;
MCA, mesial contact area; BCR, buccal cervical ridge; MDD, mesial developmental
depression; BR, buccal root; MBCR, mesiobuccal cusp ridge; MMR, mesial marginal ridge;
MTF, mesial triangular fossa (shaded area); CDG, central developmental groove; MLCR,
mesiolingual cusp ridge; DLCR, distolingual cusp ridge; DTF, distal triangular fossa; DMR,
distal marginal ridge; DBCR, distobuccal cusp ridge.
maxillary 1st premolar
Maxillary first premolar, occlusal aspect. TBC, Tip of buccal cusp; MBCR, mesiobuccal
cusp ridge; MBDG, mesiobuccal developmental groove; MTF, mesial triangular fossa;
MMDG, mesial marginal developmental groove; MMR, mesial marginal ridge; MLCR,
mesiolingual cusp ridge; LTR, lingual triangular ridge; TLC, tip of lingual cusp; CG,
central groove; DLCR, distolingual cusp ridge; DMR, distal marginal ridge; DTF, distal
triangular fossa; DBDG, distobuccal developmental groove; BTR, buccal triangular
ridge; DBCR, distobuccal cusp ridge.
Buccal aspect
The buccal cusp is long, coming to a pointed
tip and resembling the canine in this respect,
although contact areas of this tooth are
nearly at the same level.
There is a prominent buccal ridge descends
to the cervical line of the tooth.