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Thesis Statement For The Death of Romeo and Juliet

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Struggling to craft a compelling thesis statement for your essay on the death of Romeo and Juliet?

Look no further. Writing a thesis statement for such a profound and iconic literary work can be a
daunting task. It requires deep analysis, critical thinking, and a thorough understanding of the
themes, characters, and motifs within Shakespeare's masterpiece.

Crafting a thesis that effectively encapsulates your argument while doing justice to the complexity
of the play is no easy feat. It demands precision in language, clarity in thought, and a keen awareness
of the nuances present in the text. Moreover, the pressure to deliver a thesis that stands out amidst the
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Unfortunately Romeo didn’t receive this notice and when Juliet was buried Romeo had heard the
news and had rushed to get a poison to kill him self with in the arms of Juliet. Check out Three
Sonnets in Romeo and Juliet, or watch the video below. He became abusive, aggressive and violent,
or in other words he turned against Juliet. Gregory and Sampson enter the scene bearing heavy
swords and shields. Romeo forgets about his love for Rosaline and now seems infatuated by Juliet.
We know that Juliet’s love is very great and that she is embarrassed because Romeo has heard that
she loves him, “Thou knowest the mark of night is on my face, else would a maiden blush bepaint my
cheek”. An Essay About Myself: Writing Tips and Tricks for this particular type of essay Let?s start
with the you regularly find yourself blocked. If Juliet hadn’t spoken with such enthusiasm, the
wedding could’ve stayed for the set date, and the plan may have worked out. Romeo and Juliet are
born to families who have been feuding with each other for many years. A soliloquy is a speech
given by a character that is addressed directly to the audience. As they are not permitted to share
their forbidden love they go about finding and implementing ways to see each other. Even her own
mother refused to help to her she was completely on her own. Every event, leading to its
circumstances plays a huge part in the play, which finally lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet.
Although, in the adaptation there are a lot of bits left out none of the tension is lost, it could even be
argued that the death scene in the adaptation is more emotional than the one in the play. She helps
arrange the secret marriage, and later doesn’t help Juliet when her father is angry with her. His want
for the divide between the Capulets and Montagues to stay also fuelled his want to fight Romeo and
also this could be blamed on his upbringing. Placing too much trust within the Nurse lead only to
betrayal, whilst the Nurse continued to be the only person Juliet could rely on. On the other hand, in
the next scene he shows a loving father figure by telling Paris to wait a few years, before he can
marry Juliet. When Romeo had attended the Capulet feast, he met up with Juliet and was found
kissing by the Nurse. Romeo realises that it is the first time that he has truly fallen in love, “Did my
heart love till now?” and the time that he really does fall in love, something happens to him. This is
because he was banished, but since Juliet was 'dead', I cannot really blame him too much here.
Romeo tempted fate at Friar Lawrence's cell with the words “love-devouring Death do what he
dare.”. Romeo no longer is melancholic, but is courageous, risking his life at the Capulet's house to
be near Juliet. He seemed to immediately forget everything about Rosaline, claiming that his love for
her wasn’t true but was unfaithful. The best way to understand the meaning of this line is to
rearrange the order of the words. Marijuana and psychedelics were popular in the 1960's and the
deaths and juliet was more widely accepted. Who was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?
Tybalt returned and fought with Romeo, Romeo then killed him. If he had been there, then Romeo
would have never taken the poison because he would have known that Juliet was not really dead.
Lord Montague and Lord Capulet clasp hands and promise to make peace.
Also, near the end of the play before Juliet's death, he tragically leaves Juliet instead of forcing her
to go with him, allowing her to kill herself, “ Friar Lawrence- come from that nest of death,
contagion and natural sleep.” “ Juliet- go get thee hence, for I will not away.”. Even though Romeo
did in fact take Juliet’s maiden-head; death did end up taking Juliet. The story is certainly sad
because there are so many points at which the tragedies could have been prevented. Romeo and
Juliet: Who do you think is to blame for the tragic deaths of Rom. Because Romeo had been
banished to Mantua, Juliet was despairing, the Friar had to come up with a plan to bring the lovers
back together somehow. This is because he was banished, but since Juliet was 'dead', I cannot really
blame him too much here. Who was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Having Juliet’s best
interests at heart at this part of the play she does not tell Lady Capulet of their wedding plans which
may have been a mistake as if she did their deaths would have been easily avoidable. Juliet’s father
despises disobedience and her mother seems to want to get rid of Juliet rapidly. This leaves the
audience questioning the free will of the doomed duo. When Tybalt died, Juliet’s dad changed his
earlier decision of not allowing Juliet to marry Paris. Shakespeare has again blamed young love but
also the running row which segregates the city. The Prince makes them see how wrong they were all
the time, that all because of their hate, because they couldn’t let their children love each other,
Romeo and Juliet died. The audience from the beginning wren made to think that there would be a
happy ending, but this was not to be. If Romeo had actually waited a few minutes, Friar Lawrence
would have come in and explained the situation. Tybalt does all of the above; it is his temper and
hatred that is the cause of Mercutios death and Romeos Banishment. As we see such a tragic ending,
the audience would feel a lot of sympathy for them. In this essay I will be looking at what parts
these characters have in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet’s death these characters are; The Nurse,
Tybalt, Romeo and Juliet themselves, The Parent, Friar Lawrence and Mercutio. O mischief thou art
swift to enter in the thoughts of desperate men. Romeo also enters the Capulet vault and encounters
Paris who he kills. If the two families mixed together then Juliet and Romeo would have probably
known each other and could have fallen in love in less delicate circumstances. Although there were
many other reasons, the most commonly mentioned and the one with greatest effects had to be Fate.
This is because he wanted to avoid ruining the party. This is due to the fact that Benvolio is full of
kindness and the remainder of the play lacks this. It is a speech intended to be addressed to the
characters themselves. Is anyone supposed to be held responsible for other people’s actions or
choices. There is also a question mark following the statement. For these reasons a lot of the blame
should be placed on Friar Lawrence’s shoulders. So the plan was for Juliet to be laid in the Capulet’s
tomb and be awoken by the Friar, and he was to accompany Juliet to Romeo, after he had received a
letter telling Romeo of such a plan. He might have not given a choice to Juliet about marrying Paris
because he might think that after tybalt's death who used to be like a brother to Juliet, there was
someone whom Lord Capulet trusts to take care of Juliet.
She just asked him “ Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite” and promised to come. They
could at last b together without anyone watching them and do what they liked and they would be
together for eternity. Only after the death of their children they realized how wrong they were. This
suggests in the same way that Romeo and Juliet’s deaths could be linked with their age. Another time
chance plays a part in the tragedy is during a plague outbreak. If the Friar had actually thought about
what he was doing, then he wouldn’t of send Friar John to send such an important letter. They
should have spent time together, getting to know each other instead of rushing things. We should not
be surprised by Romeos death because he clearly says his life was better ended by their hate. The fact
that Romeo does lay Paris beside Juliet shows he has great respect for Paris, which contradicts with
him calling him boy previously. But again if he didn’t go to the party there wouldn’t be a story so
this also might have been Romeo's destiny. She ironically predicts, “It is too rash, too unadvised, too
sudden”, she continues to say, “Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be”, whereby she is
foretelling her fate because lightning is quick, it burns and kills when it strikes. Ultimately, even
though it is addressed directly to the audience, it is best handled as a monologue. In the end, though,
there “never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”. That power beyond their
control has spoiled their plans, this power must be fate. Capulet is accepting Paris’ proposal but only
the audience know that Juliet is already married. This intensifying situation may have led to later
action s as if Capulet had to force Juliet to marry Paris. Romeo mentions Tybalt, this shows he is also
trying to make amends with him and never wanted to kill him either. When Romeo had attended the
Capulet feast, he met up with Juliet and was found kissing by the Nurse. Benvolio was teasing him
because she didn’t feel the same way about him that he did for her. If they had for of a solid and
stronger relationship built on love, Juliet may have wished to confide in her mother instead of the
Nurse, as she is a higher status and may have been able to do something of her daughter. What is
responsible for the feud and therefore the tragedy is individual characters’ actions. The two also
change sides at the end of the play and leave the two of them to face their problems. Both the friar
Lawrence and the Nurse acted ignorantly and imaturley. There is also a question mark following the
statement. Juliet has a nurse whose actions mean well but result in the main tragedy of the play. The
chorus appears on stage and explains that the play is set in Verona and that it is a city separated in
two due to a civil war between two households. Was the tragedy in romeo and juliet the fault of one
or more poeple, or was. Romeo and Juliet are both dead, and the sun itself is also sad for all the
events that have occurred. Although Friar Lawrence attempted to help Romeo and Juliet and Verona,
instead he has destroyed it. Another instance of his impetuous nature is revealed when as soon as he
heard a rumour from one person that Juliet was dead, he became a “man who did need a poison
now”. The fact that he persuaded Romeo to go to their enemy’s party is asking for trouble.
Keeping the princes warning in mind Benvolio suggests moving the fight to a private place, “We talk
here in the haunt of men; either withdraw into a private place”. The plan worked with the family and
indeed got her out of marring Paris but Romeo believed she was actually dead. These quotes show
their foolishness and hatred for each other. This reminds the reader that fate is active where Romeo
and Juliet’s futures are concerned. If Romeo and Juliet hadn’t have lived in a patriarchal city, where
the fathers hold virtually absolute sway over their daughters choice of husband then maybe Romeo
and Juliet would have survived. Who was to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? He isn’t a
good role model; wanting the feud to end he still proceeds with marrying Romeo and Juliet in secret.
If only had done something early then it could of helped prevent the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Juliet condemns her love for Romeo as she asks why she must love a loathed enemy as if it is not her
fault, which is partly true, as you cannot silent love. At the time it was written, fathers were very
much more in control of what happened his families lives. Romeo has doubts on whether or not he
should go to the party and therefore both Benvolio and Mercutio try to convince him to join them in
the masquerade. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. This then led to the sleeping
potion plan and then to Romeo not receiving news from Verona about the plan, and assuming Juliet
was dead, killed himself, which then caused Juliet to kill herself in despair. It is a speech intended to
be addressed to the characters themselves. He is shown to be a fiery character that feels fighting is
necessary. The complexity of the words and the imagery employed will also indicate role, class,
intelligence, education and status. Not many hours had passed since the two lovers had met, yet they
had already decided on Marriage. Because Capulet let Romeo stay at the feast where he met Juliet’s
the can be blamed for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, because he wasn’t as harsh about seeing a
Montague in his own house, as he should have been. The audience is also reminded of Romeo’s
premonition and can see that both presentiments see Romeo dying. But sees she is not wanting to
marry him and so allows herself to become a messenger between Romeo and Juliet and tells Juliet
that they will marry tomorrow she does this quite freely, but makes sure Romeo does not take her
into a fools paradise. Maybe it was because Capulet was drunk that he didn’t really care Romeo was
there but he still should of let Tybalt deal with him, or deal with him himself, “Content thee gentle
coz, let him alone, I would not for the wealth of all this town do him disparagement therefore be
patient, take no note of him” (Act 1 Scene 5). This caused a large confusion and it is inevitable what
was going to happen after this event. Lady Capulet disregarded her daughter’s wishes and in doing
so may have caused the future events to happen. If things were better planned and they had better
technology, like we have today then things could have been very different. Fate stops his chosen
method of a letter by a plague. The both of them are from two totally different families which have
unimaginable hatred and enmity far each other. At least in the end at least they died together and
could rest in peace. Unfortunately Romeo didn’t receive this notice and when Juliet was buried
Romeo had heard the news and had rushed to get a poison to kill him self with in the arms of Juliet.
It was because of this that Romeo agreed to go to the feast; if Benvolio didn’t tease him then Romeo
would of kept trying to force himself into Rosalines’s good book. The term “star-crossed lovers” (in
the prologue) indicates the idea of fate and destiny as no individual can change their fate, there
seemed to be a lot of coincidences.
Death and violence in the play made it exciting, intense, interesting and created suspense for the
audience. Furthermore, the mention of the issue of identity right at the start of their love, shows that
it is an important and major obstacle in the way of their love. Shakespeare tells the reader that
Romeo’s mind is giving him a warning and that this caution is connected to the party. In my opinion
if the lover's had told their families about their love story there might have been a chance of a
successful relationship. In the balcony scene she is the one who suggests marriage, she is rushing into
the idea of marriage and is too quick to disobey her parents. Shakespeare shows that Romeo is partly
to blame for Mercutio’s death as his cowardly behaviour forces Tybalt to join in the fray. These
totally different things are shown to tie in with each other as they are not that far apart in the rivalry
and prejudice of the play. I think that God works in mysterious ways and sometimes the bad things
in life are actually good. The friar also could be blamed because he is the one who thought of the
plan. In the end, though, there “never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”.
Tybalt not able to do anything not only felt betrayed but insulted as well by his own uncle, “Be quiet
for shame, I’ll make u quiet”. Readers of Shake spears Romeo and Juliet should not be surprised by
the deaths of the title characters because they both make prophetic statements throughout the play.
Who or what is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo would not have bought the
poison and commit suicide. It is made clear that he should be killed upon sight. After that, the Nurse
advises Juliet to Marry Count Paris and forget all about Romeo. Shakespeare makes it clear for the
reader to deduce that fate is a vital component in the cause of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Who
is responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? He goes on to say “I do but keep the peace”
which shows he is a person who dislikes the fighting and opposites the character of Tybalt in several
ways. During this period Juliet stands alone; her own mother refuses to b on her side, “Talk not to
me, for I will not speak a word”. It is enjoyable for the audience as they are able to see the order of
events and each circumstance growing closer and closer to the end of the tragic play. This is why it
should not be a big surprise when Romeo and Juliet both commit Suicide. The last words of Mecutio
add to the fate of Romeo and Juliet “A plague on both your houses!” Romeo’s killing of Tybalt leads
to Prince Escalus banishing Romeo from Verona. However had he told L.Montague of the situation
something could have been done. The wedding of Juliet and Paris is moved to one day earlier. Blue
whales grow up to about 80 feet (25m) long on need essay of romeo, average, weighing about 120
tons. They should have told their parents about their feelings even though they may have felt like
they were dishonouring their families. At this point of the play the Friars true self is revealed, he is
not helpful and has no concern for Romeo, but just for Himself. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry
them as he thinks it might bring the families together.

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