Y7 Learning Booklet

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Pensby High School

Y7 Drama

Distance Learning Tasks


Year 7,
We will miss you but we look forward to seeing you soon.

You’ve made an excellent start to drama at Pensby! Please

download and print this booklet and complete all the tasks
whilst we are off school.

When you have completed it, e-mail it to your drama teacher or

give it to us when we are back in school. We have also set work
on Doddle.

Look after yourselves and your families

Love from

Miss Milns: [email protected]

Miss Hazlehurst: [email protected]
Subject Terminology
Research the drama terminology below and write the definition of
each word in the box next to it. This will help you understand the
terminology used in our work.
Word Definition
Body language
Facial expressions
Still Image
Use of space
Spontaneous Improvisation is where you make up a scene on
the spot! Play this game with your family; use the lines below as
the start of a scene. Send any pictures to your teacher!

Continue the scene from this one Continue the scene from this one
line! line!

“Oh dear it’s all gone “I have never seen anything

wrong!” like this in my life!”

Continue the scene from this one Continue the scene from this one
line! line!

“Will you please come down “Is this supposed to happen

from up there!?” in quarantine?”

Continue the scene from this one Continue the scene from this one
line! line!

“What do you mean it’s “What do you think this is?!”

Stage Directions
Match up the following terminology with its correct place on
the picture of the stage
Romeo and Juliet
Before we finished school, we began work on Romeo and Juliet.
You study this in English as well as drama so these next
activities will help you with both subjects
Watch the full movie online for free!
'Romeo and Juliet' Plot Activity Sheet
Number these statements about ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in the order they
occur in the plot?
Romeo hides under Juliet’s balcony and hears her talk of her love for him. He
reveals his presence and they confess their love for each other. Romeo leaves,
promising to contact Juliet through her Nurse.
Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo sneak into a Capulet masked ball. Romeo sees
Juliet and, forgetting Rosaline, falls in love with her at first sight.

Juliet wakes and finds Romeo dead beside her. Taking his dagger, she stabs
The Montagues and Capulets have a fight in the street – one of many recent brawls.
Romeo confesses to his friend Benvolio that he is in love with Rosaline.

Romeo arranges for Friar Lawrence to marry him to Juliet. The Friar agrees, and
the two are married.
Juliet seeks help from Friar Lawrence, who gives her a drug which will make her
appear dead. His plan is that she will be placed in her family tomb, and Romeo will
come to rescue her.
Mercutio and Benvolio meet Tybalt, who challenges Romeo to fight. Romeo
enters and refuses, and Mercutio steps forward instead. Tybalt kills him.

Arriving at Juliet’s tomb, Romeo kills Paris, who he finds there, then takes poison
and dies beside Juliet.
Romeo, devastated by Mercutio’s death, slays Tybalt in revenge. Prince Escales
banishes him from Verona.
The Nurse brings Juliet the news of Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s banishment.

The Montagues, Capulets, Prince Escales and Friar Lawrence arrive in the tomb.
Seeing the devastation their feuding has caused, the Montagues and Capulets
resolve to put their differences aside.
Juliet questions her Nurse about Romeo and finds out he is a Montague, and
therefore her sworn enemy.
Capulet tells Juliet he has arranged for her to marry Paris. She refuses, and he
threatens to disown her if she does not comply.

Juliet takes the potion. Her family believe she is dead and, with much mourning,
place her in her tomb.
Romeo hears the news of Juliet’s death and plans his own suicide. Friar
Lawrence’s letter to Romeo, explaining his plan, has been delayed.

Romeo and Juliet spend their wedding night together, then he departs before
he is caught.
'Romeo and Juliet': Plot Summary
Use the words in the table to fill in the gaps.
balcony disown Mercutio Rosaline
ball enemy mourning suicide
banishment Escales night tomb
Benvolio feuding Nurse Tybalt
confess fight Paris wakes
dagger Friar Lawrence plan
dead Juliet poison
devastated married questions
Act I
The Montagues and Capulets have a in the street – one of many recent brawls. Romeo
confesses to his friend___ that he is in love with __ . Benvolio, Mercutio and Romeo sneak into
a Capulet masked . Romeo sees and, forgetting Rosaline, falls in love with her at first sight. Juliet
her Nurse about Romeo and finds out he is a Montague, and therefore her sworn .

Act II
Romeo hides under Juliet’s and hears her talk of her love for him. He reveals his presence and they
their love for each other. Romeo leaves, promising to contact Juliet through her
Nurse. Romeo arranges for to marry him to Juliet. The Friar agrees, and the two are .

Mercutio and Benvolio meet , who challenges Romeo to fight. Romeo enters and
refuses, and steps forward instead. Tybalt kills him. Romeo, by Mercutio’s death,
slays Tybalt in revenge. Prince banishes him from Verona. The brings Juliet the news
of Tybalt’s death and Romeo’s . Romeo and Juliet spend their wedding together, then he
departs before he is caught. Capulet tells Juliet he has arranged for her to marry
. She refuses, and he threatens to her if she does not comply.

Act IV
Juliet seeks help from Friar Lawrence, who gives her a drug which will make her appear . His plan
is that she will be placed in her family , and Romeo will come to rescue her. Juliet takes
the potion. Her family believe she is dead and, with much , place her in her tomb.

Act V
Romeo hears the news of Juliet’s death and plans his own . Friar Lawrence’s letter to Romeo,
explaining his__ , has been delayed. Arriving at Juliet’s tomb, Romeo kills Paris, who he finds
there, then takes and dies beside Juliet. Juliet and finds Romeo dead beside her.
Taking his , she stabs herself. The Montagues, Capulets, Prince Escales and Friar Lawrence
arrive in the tomb. Seeing the devastation their has caused, the Montagues and Capulets
resolve to put their differences aside.
We know that Juliet’s parents want her to marry Paris but Juliet
loves Romeo! The following text is when she tells her father she
doesn’t want to marry him! Read it then complete this sheet.
Romeo and Juliet - Prologue

Two households, both alike in dignity

(In fair Verona, where we lay our scene),
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Doth with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-marked love
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children’s end, naught could remove,
Costume Design
 Write a paragraph in the space below explaining the character from Romeo and Juliet you have
chosen to design for.
 Draw on the figure below what they would wear/look like in the play.
 Label WHY you have chosen that clothing, what does it tell the audience about the character?

Character I’ve chosen….

Newspaper report plan
TASK: Imagine you are a reporter, writing a newspaper article about the discovery of Romeo and Juliet’s

Plan your report for the local newspaper “The Verona

Times”. Answer the following questions to help you.


Think of an eye catching headline that will interest the reader and make sure they read your report. Eg
“Murder, suicide or both?!”

5 Senses
Describe the atmosphere when you entered the crypt and discovered Romeo and Juliet had died.

Think of a simile or metaphor for each.

What did it look like?


What sounds could you hear?


What did it smell like?


What did the air taste like?


Did you touch something, what did it feel like? E.g The walls felt as cold as ice as I brushed against them.

Give some background information
Give some information about the situation in Verona between the two families and pose a question to
interest the reader

Interview a witness
Friar Lawrence is the first on the scene to find Romeo and Juliet. What would he say to you if you asked
him to tell you what he found? Write a quote from him……

………………………………………….………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………… ”
Bring your article to an end

End your report with;

 What you think might have happened.


 How do you feel about the situation? Eg “This is a shocking tragedy, perhaps now these two
warring families will unite!”




Your last task is to write a script that we will perform in


Everyone must write a script based on their experience of

lock down. Let’s keep it funny as we will need lots of
comedy! There is a checklist on the next page. Use it as a
guide for writing your script. When you’ve finished, self
assess and check you have included all the criteria on the
list. We look forward to reading them!

Your script must be at least 2 pages of A4.

There will be prizes for the winners!

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