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Date of Registration/Print: 16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No: 241971568

Application for Ph.D. Programme - July 2024 Session

1. Degree : Ph.D.

2. Name : Mr. M R
3. Date of Birth : 10.10.1985
4. Gender : Male
5. Marital Status : Married
6. Community : BC
7. E mail : [email protected]
8. Mobile : 1234567890
9. Aadhar No. : 369603192223
10. Nationality : Indian
11. Category : Full-Time

12. Faculty : Civil Engineering

13. UG Specialisation : B.E.-Civil Engineering
14. PG Specialisation : M.E-Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology
Degree Awarded : Yes
15. Exam Subject Code : PCE1002
16. Contact Details

Office Address Residential Address

Professor CCC
Department Of AAA C
CHENNAI 625301

17. Supervisor Details:

Supervisor Reference No. : 123456 - xxxxx x
Supervisor Recognised department : 1100100 / College of Engineering Campus, Chennai / All
Departments and Centres
18. Joint Supervisor Details : Not Applicable

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

19. Father Name : R

20. Mother Name : S
21. Spouse Name : R
22. Differently-abled : no
23. Academic Background (Starting from the latest degree obtained)
Sl. Qualificat Branch Mo College & University Univer Durati Year of % of M Certificate
No. ion de sity on(in Passing arks/C No.
Type Year) GPA
1. M.E Structural FT AU State U 2023 78.00 gt67
Engineering niversit
2 B.E. Civil Engineering FT AU State U 2020 68 123
3 HSC Physics, FT TN 2016 70 41v
Chemistry, Maths
4 10th Maths FT TN 2014 70 vb89525

24. Professional Experience (Starting from the Present Employment)

Sl. Designation College / Organisation From To Regular/ Type Total
No. Temporary/ Years
Total 0
25. Publication Details
Sl. Name of the Paper Title Author Year of Paper URL
No. Journal Publication

26. Details of Project : Not Applicable

27. Proposed Research Topic : ff

Major Domain : dd

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

Name / Reference No. Dr. xxxxx x / 123456
Designation Assistant Professor
Nature of Appointment Regular
Department Department of XX
College/Organization Address XXXX, , Madras , - 600 009
Mobile No. 1234567890
Date of Retirement 30.06.2034
Area of Specialization Cloud Computing
AU Recognised research 1100100 / College of Engineering Campus, Chennai / All Departments
department/centre/institute of Supervisor and Centres

Details of scholars doing research under his/her guidance as Supervisor/Joint Supervisor

Sl. No. Name of the Scholar Reg. No. Degree Faculty Year/Session Supervisor Research
/ Joint Sup. Status

(Research Status – Course work / Registration Confirmed / Synopsis Submitted / Thesis Submitted)
Certified that I have listed all the research scholars registered under my guidance as Supervisor / Joint Supervisor.

Signature of Supervisor Signature of HOD/Director of the Centre of the Supervisor

(Name with Seal) (Name with Seal)

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

b) Joint Supervisor : Not Applicable

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

1. Online Fee receipt

2. One page write up of Research topic signed by the Candidate, Supervisor and
Joint Supervisor ( if any )
3. Self attested photocopy of Community Certificate (except for Forward community)
4. Self attested photocopy of 10th or its equivalents
5. Self attested photocopy of HSC or its equivalents
6. Self attested photocopy of UG consolidated mark sheet
7. Self attested photocopy of UG Degree Certificate
8. Self attested photocopy of PG Consolidated Mark Sheet
9. Self attested photocopy of PG Degree Certificate
10 Self attested photocopy of the last Transfer Certificate
11. Self attested photocopy of the appointment order (if Part-time)
12. Project sanction order to the Principal Investigator (if applicable)
13. Relieving order from the employer (Employed candidates, who want to pursue full-time study)
14. No Objection Certificate (if applicable)
15. Experience Certificates (if applicable)
16. Industry Details (if applicable)
17. Residential Proof for industrial Candidate(if applicable)


I hereby certify that the particulars given above are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I am aware that any wrong information or suppression of information and facts may result in punitive action in
addition to cancellation of Ph.D. programme at any stage.

Place :
Date : (Signature of the Candidate)

Signature of Supervisor Signature of HOD/Director of the Centre of the Supervisor

(Name with Seal) (Name with Seal)

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

No objection certificate from Engineering College/Research Organization/Industry

Where the Candidate is Employed

Certified that Mr./Ms./Mrs. ______________________ is employed as (Designation)

__________________________ in the (Department / Division) __________________________ of (Engineering
College / Organization / Industry) ______________________________________________. The College /
Organization / Industry has no objection to forward his / her application for admission to Ph. D. Programme.

The employee will be sanctioned study leave for the minimum duration of the research programme and will be
relieved from duty from _______ to _______ in order to undertake Full-time research work in the University
Departments/recognized Departments of Engineering Colleges. The necessary relieving order will be given during


The employee will be permitted to undertake Part-time research in the University Departments/recognized
departments of Engineering Colleges and he/she will be permitted to be present for attending course works,
discussion with the supervisor, conduct experiments and participate in seminars and research related discussion.
Further, the required facilities at our Institute/ organization/ Industry will also be provided to the employee for doing

(Strike out whichever not applicable)

Place :
Date : Signature of the Principal with office seal / Signature of the
Head of the R&D organization with office seal

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

List of Proposed DC Members for Ph.D. Programme

Name of the Candidate : MR

Research Topic : ff
Supervisor : Dr. xxxxx x,Department of XX,XXXX,Madras
Joint Supervisor : Not Applicable

Members from Anna University and Affiliated Colleges

Sl. No. Name with Address Area of Specialization
1. Name : Dr. d d
Designation : Professor
Department : Department of xxx
Organization/Institution : College
& Addr.
Mobile : 1234567890
E-Mail : [email protected]

2. Name : Dr. nil d

Designation : Professor
Department : Department of YYY
Organization/Institution : College
& Addr.
Mobile : 1234567890
E-Mail : [email protected]

3. Name : Dr. d d
Designation : Professor
Department : Department of ZZZ
Organization/Institution : College
& Addr.
Mobile : 1213456980
E-Mail : [email protected]

Signature of Supervisor Signature of Joint Supervisor Signature of HOD/Director of the Centre of

(Name with Seal) (Name with Seal) the Supervisor
(Name with Seal)

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

Members from other University / Institutions (preferably within Tamil Nadu)

Sl. No. Name with Address Area of Specialization

1. Name : Dr. x d
Designation : Professor
Department : X
University/Institute & : V
Mobile : 1234567890
E-Mail : [email protected]

2. Name : Dr. x d
Designation : Professor
Department : X
University/Institute & : X
Mobile : 1234567890
E-Mail : [email protected]

3. Name : Dr. x d
Designation : Professor
Department : X
University/Institute & : X
Mobile : 1234567890
E-Mail : [email protected]

Signature of Supervisor Signature of Joint Supervisor Signature of HOD/Director of the

(Name with Seal) (Name with Seal) Centre of the Supervisor
(Name with Seal)

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Date of Registration/Print:16-02-2024/17-02-2024 Reference No. : 241971568

( Office Copy )

Application for Ph.D. Programme July 2024

Reference Number : 241971568

Name of the Candidate : MR

Degree : Ph.D.

Faculty : Civil Engineering


Application Fee : Payment Successful

GST(18%) :

Total : 5

Paid Date : 2024-02-17 14:21:04

Mode of Payment : UPI

Transaction Id : 19202247122

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This does not require any signature.

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